Cyngh./Cllr. Dr. Endaf Edwards (Maer/Mayor)
Cyngh./Cllr. Brendan Somers (Dirprwy Faer/Deputy Mayor)
Cyngh./Cllr. Mererid Jones
Cyngh./Cllr. Wendy Morris
Cyngh./Cllr. Ceredig Davies
Cyngh./Cllr. Brian Davies
Cyngh./Cllr. Jeff Smith
Cyngh./Cllr. Talat Chaudhri
Cyngh./Cllr. Kevin Roy Price
Cyngh./Cllr. Lucy Huws
Cyngh./Cllr. Sue Jones-Davies
Cyngh./Cllr. Alun Williams
Cyngh./Cllr. Sarah Bowen
Cyngh./Cllr. Brenda Haines
Cyngh./Cllr. Mark A. Strong
Cyngh./Cllr. Steve Davies
Cyngh./Cllr. Mair Benjamin
Croesawyd pawb gan y Maer i’r cyfarfod gan gynnwys y gohebydd o’r Cambrian News a’r ddirprwyaeth o Goleg Ceredigion.
The Mayor welcomed everyone to the meeting including the reporter from the Cambrian News and the deputation from Coleg Ceredigion.
Cofnod 94/Minute 94
Datgan Diddordeb ar faterion yn codi o’r Agenda/Declaration of Interest on matters arising from the Agenda
Nodwyd os oedd rhywbeth yn ystod yr Agenda y dylid datgan diddordeb, i’r Aelodau wneud hynny wrth i’r mater godi.
It was noted that if there was anything on the Agenda that members should declare an interest on, they should do so when the matter arises.
Cofnod 95/Minute 95
Cyfeiriadau Personol/Personal References
Cofnod 96/Minute 96
Cyflwyniad gan Jacqui Weatherburn, Pennaeth Coleg Ceredigion a tri o’i
chydweithwyr/A presentation by Jacqui Weatherburn, Head of Coleg Ceredigion and three of her colleagues
Cafwyd cyflwyniad diddorol gan y Pennaeth, Jacqui Weatherburn, Teresa Jones (Uwch Gyfarwyddwr Cwricwlwm, Ansawdd a Dysgwyr), Keith Henson (Pennaeth Gwasanaethau Masnachol a Menter), Helen Griffith (Cyfarwyddwr Cwricwlwm a Dysgwyr).
Dyma’r unig goleg o’i fath sydd yn sir Ceredigion. Blwyddyn a hanner yn ôl fe gyfunodd Coleg Ceredigion gyda Phrifysgol Drindod Dewi Sant. Prif fwriad y Pennaeth yn y cyfarfod oedd codi fwy o ymwybyddiaeth am y Coleg drwy, efallai rywbryd gynnal rhai o gyfarfodydd y Cyngor ar y campws. Dywedodd bod y Cwricwlwm y maent yn ei gynnig yn ceisio ymateb i angen lleol. Maent yn ceisio hyfforddi eu myfyrwyr ar gyfer yr economi sy’n bodoli fel y mae ar hyn o bryd. Er mor fychan yw’r Coleg o ran niferoedd cawsant wobr fel y pedwerydd coleg gorau yng Nghymru - nododd, y lleia’n y byd yw’r coleg y caleta’n y byd ydyw i fod yn dda; ond er hynny y mae Coleg Ceredigion yn llwyddo.
Rhestrwyd amrediad y gwahanol gyrsiau ar y ddau gampws yn Aberystwyth ac Aberteifi. Nodwyd bod prentisiaethau yn digwydd tra bod y myfyrwyr yn gweithio yn y gweithle. Mae’r cyrsiau dysgu yn y gweithle yn cael eu cyllido gan Lywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru. Maent yn cynnig cyrsiau byr fel Cymorth Cyntaf a Trwyddedu Hylendid Bwyd. Maent yn ceisio datblygu entrepreneuriaeth drwy ddod â pherson i mewn fel mentor sy’n gallu bod yn esiampl o rywun sydd wedi llwyddo i ddatblygu eu busnes eu hunain. Cenhadaeth y Coleg yw cyflawni potensial bywydau pobl.
Ar ôl y cyflwyniadau cafwyd cyfle i ofyn cwestiynau ac ymateb.
- i) Gofynnwyd gan Aelod sut gall y Cyngor ymwneud â’r Coleg?
Atebodd y Pennaeth bod gan bob cwrs, fyfyriwr sy’n eu cynrychioli a gall rhywrai ddod i’w cyfarfod.
- ii) Gofynwyd gan Aelod a fyddai modd agor deialog drwy gael gwirfoddolwyr i helpu o’r Coleg i helpu a chefnogi gwahanol brosiectau sydd gan y Cyngor?
Atebodd y Pennaeth fod yna lawer iawn o gyfle o fewn y Fagloriaeth Gymreig i fyfyrwyr gynnig gwirfoddoli mewn sawl maes i ddangos tystiolaeth o’u cyfraniad i’r gymdeithas. Yn dilyn hyn dywedodd y gellid ei gynnwys yng nghwricwlwm pob adran neu o leiaf wneud y myfyrwyr yn ymwybodol o’r cyfle sydd i gael i wirfoddoli.
iii) Gofynwyd a fyddai Coleg Ceredigion yn gallu bod yn weithgar gyda Masnach-Deg?
Atebwyd, doedd dim dwywaith na fyddai’r Coleg yn falch iawn o gefnogi’r Cyngor ym mhob agwedd o’u gweithgareddau gyda Masnach Deg.
Ynghanol y drafodaeth eang gafwyd, nodwyd gan y Pennaeth ei bod yn rhwydd weithiau i anghofio Coleg Ceredigion ond does dim cyfyngiad oedran mae’n agored i bawb.
An interesting presentation was given by the Head, Jacqui Weatherburn, Teresa Jones (Senior Curriculum, Quality and Learners Director), Keith Henson (Head of Commercial and Enterprise Services), Helen Griffith (Director of Curriculum and Learners).
This was the only college of its type in Ceredigion. Eighteen months ago, Coleg Ceredigion and University of Wales Trinity Saint David merged. The main purpose of the Head in the meeting was to raise more awareness of the College by possibly holding some Council meetings on the campus. She said that the Curriculum that they offered sought to respond to local need. They try to train their students for the economy which existed, as it currently was. Though the College is small in terms of numbers, they were awarded the fourth best college in Wales - she noted that, the smaller the college, the harder it was for it to be good; but despite that, Coleg Ceredigion is still successful.
The range of different courses on both campuses in Aberystwyth and Cardigan was listed. It was noted that apprenticeships happened whilst the students were working in the workplace. The workplace learning courses were funded by Welsh Government. They offer short courses such as First Aid and Food Hygiene Licensing. They are trying to develop entrepreneurship by bringing in a person as a mentor who could be an example of someone who had succeeded to develop their own business. The College’s mission was to achieve potential in people’s lives.
After the presentations, there was an opportunity for questions and answers.
- i) A Member enquired how the Council could be involved with the College?
The Head replied by saying that every course had a student who represented it and that anyone may come to meet them.
- ii) A Member enquired whether it would be possible to open a dialogue by having volunteers from the College to help and support various projects that the Council had?
The Head replied by saying that there were many opportunities within the Welsh Baccalaureate for students to offer to volunteer in many fields to show evidence of their contribution to society. Following this, she said that it could be included in the curriculum of every department or at least make the students aware of the opportunities available to volunteer.
iii) It was enquired whether Coleg Ceredigion could be active with Fair Trade?
It was replied that there was no doubt that the College would be very pleased to support the Council in all aspects of its activities with Fair Trade.
As part of the broad discussion held, the Head noted that it was easy sometimes to forget about Coleg Ceredigion but there was no age restriction, it was open to everyone.
Cofnod 97/Minute 97
Adroddiad ar Weithgareddau’r Maer/Mayoral Activity Report
Cylchredwyd adroddiad o weithgareddau’r Maer ers cyfarfod diwetha’r Cyngor Llawn i’r Aelodau. Derbyniwyd yr adroddiad.
The Mayoral activities report since the last meeting of the Full Council was circulated to Members. The report was accepted.
Cofnod 98/Minute 98
Cofnodion o’r Cyngor Llawn a gynhaliwyd ar ddydd Llun, 26 Hydref 2015/Minutes of Full Council held on Monday, 26 October 2015
Aethpwyd drwy’r Cofnodion fesul Cofnod gan y Maer.
The Mayor went through the Minutes one by one.
Cofnod 99/Minute 99
Materion yn codi o’r Cofnodion/Matters arising from the Minutes
- i) Cofnod 86(5)/Minute 86(5) Trefniadau troi’r Goleuadau Nadolig ymlaen/Organising the switching on of the Christmas Lights
Nodwyd bod: sesiwn briffio’r stiwardiaid yn digwydd am 5p.m. yn Eglwys St. Mihangel a bod y parêd ei hun yn dechrau am 6 p.m.; mae goleuadau Nadolig Penparcau i’w troi ymlaen ar ddydd Sadwrn, 5 Rhagfyr am 5p.m. a rhai Trefechan i’w troi ymlaen ar ddydd Mawrth, 7 Rhagfyr am 6p.m.; bod coeden Nadolig Aberystwyth wedi cyrraedd Sgwâr Owain Glyndŵr a bod trefniadau gan Menter mewn lle ar gyfer stondinau yn Stryd y Popty.
It was noted that: the stewards’ briefing session would take place at 5p.m. at St Michael’s and that the parade itself would start at 6p.m.; the Penparcau Christmas lights would be switched on, Saturday 5 December at 5pm and Trefechan’s would be switched on, Tuesday 7 December at 6p.m.; that the Aberystwyth Christmas tree had arrived at Sgwâr Owain Glyndŵr and that Menter had arrangements in place for stalls at Baker Street.
- ii) Cofnod 86(6) Minute 86(6) Rhandiroedd/Allotments
Nodwyd gan y Cyngh. Mererid Jones ei bod wedi bod mewn cysylltiad gyda Cynnal y Cardi. Y mae yna wahanol brosiectau cyffrous, megis datblygu fwy o ardaloedd i randiroedd y gallai’r Cyngor Tref fanteisio o gael mynediad i gyllid posib, sydd wedi ei lansio gan Cynnal y Cardi tuag at y fath brosiectau, gan gynnwys datblygu gerddi ac ardaloedd gwyrdd ar gyfer anghenion lleol. Mae’r Cyngor Tref yn aros am adroddiad oddi wrth Brifysgol Aberystwyth ynglŷn â llogi’r darn tir ar yr hen faes bowlio ym Mhlas-crug.
Yn y fan hon nodwyd y dylid dewis pa Aelodau y dylid cynrychioli Cyngor y Dref ar y pwyllgorau a fydd yn cael ei gynnal gyda’r cynghorau eraill er mwyn cyd-weithio ar greu “Place-Plan” gyda’n gilydd. PENDERFYNWYD ethol Cadeirydd ac Is-gadeirydd Cynllunio, Cyngh. Jeff Smith a’r Cyngh. Lucy Huws, Cadeirydd ac Is-gadeirydd Cyllid, y Cyngh. Mererid Jones a’r Cyngh. Alun Williams a’r Cyngh. Talat Chaudhri.
Councillor Mererid Jones noted that she had been in contact with Cynnal y Cardi. There were various exciting projects, such as developing more areas as allotments and that the Town Council could take advantage of accessing potential funding which had been launched by Cynnal y Cardi towards such projects, including developing gardens and green areas for local needs. The Town Council was awaiting a report from Aberystwyth University regarding leasing the piece of land on the old bowling green at Plas-crug.
At this point, it was noted that there was a need to choose Members to represent the Town Council on the committees which would be held with the other councils in order to collaborate on creating the “Place-Plan” together. It was RESOLVED to elect the Chair and Vice-chair of Planning, Cllr. Jeff Smith and Cllr. Lucy Huws, Chair and Vice-chair of Finance, Cllr. Mererid Jones and Cllr. Alun Williams and Cllr. Talat Chaudhri.
PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y Cofnodion gyda’r cywiriadau blaenorol.
It was RESOLVED to accept the Minutes with the foregoing amendments.
Cofnod 100/Minute 100
Cofnodion o Gyfarfod Pwyllgor Cynllunio a gynhaliwyd yn Siambr y Cyngor, 11 Stryd y Popty, Aberystwyth ar ddydd Llun, 2 Tachwedd 2015 am 6.30p.m.
Minutes of a Meeting of a Planning Committee held in Siambr y Cyngor, 11 Baker Street, Aberystwyth on Monday, 2 November 2015 at 6.30p.m.
Cyngh./Cllr. Jeff Smith (Cadeirydd/Chair)
Cyngh./Cllr. Lucy Huws (Is—Gadeirydd/Vice-Chair)
Cyngh./Cllr. Martin Shewring
Cyngh./Cllr. Alun Williams
Cyngh/Cllr. Endaf Edwards
Cyngh./Cllr. Mair Benjamin
Cyngh./Cllr. Sue Jones-Davies
Cyngh./Cllr. Talat Chaudhri
Cyngh./Cllr. Brian Davies
Cyngh./Cllr. Brendan Somers
Cyngh./Cllr. Mererid Jones
Cyngh./Cllr. Wendy Morris
Cyngh./Cllr. Mark Strong
Cyngh./Cllr. Steve Davies
Cyngh./Cllr. Kevin Price
Cyngh./Cllr. Ceredig Davies
- Datgan Diddordeb/Declaration of Interest
Y Cyngh. C. Davies ar eitem (6) Masnachu ar y Sul/Cllr. C. Davies on eitem (6) Sunday Trading.
- Gohebiaeth/Correspondence
- i) Papurau llawn oddi wrth Gyngor Sir Ceredigion yn rhoi gwybodaeth am y Pwyllgor Rheoli Datblygu a gynhaliwyd dydd Mercher, 15 Hydref 2015.
- i) Full papers from Ceredigion County Council on the Development Control Commitee held on Wednesday, 15 October 2015.
- ii) Cais Cynllunio: A150433 - llythyr yn datgan bod y cais wedi ei ganiatáu.
- ii) Planning Application No: A150433 – a letter notifying that the application has been granted.
- 5. Ystyried Ceisiadau Cynllunio/To consider Planning Applications
A150789 & A150790: Rummers, Heol-y-Bont, Aberystwyth
Newid defnydd o dŷ aml-ddefnydd pedair ystafell wely i fwyty/bar gwin gyda llety cysylltiol
Proposed conversion of multiple occupation, four bedroomed house into a wine bar/restaurant with ancillary accommodation
Nodwyd mai warws wedi ei drawsnewid yw’r adeilad diddorol hwn. Y mae iddo 3 llawr – un yn cynnwys bar-gwin a’r ddau lawr arall yn HMO. Y cytundeb cyffredinol oedd bod y cais hwn yn peri gwell defnydd o ofod a PHENDERFYNWYD croesawu’r cais.
It was noted that this interesting building is a converted warehouse. There are 3 floors to it – one containing a wine-bar and the other 2 floors are HMO. There was a general agreement that the application allows much better use of space and it was RESOLVED to welcome the application.
- Masnachu ar y Sul - diweddariad/Sunday Trading – update
Adroddwyd nad oedd ymateb wedi dod oddi wrth y Siambr Fasnach i lythyr anfonwyd atynt 9 Hydref 2015 yn gofyn am eu barn, mewnbwn a syniadau ynglŷn â datganoli pwerau i’r Awdurdod Lleol i osod oriau masnachu ar gyfer siopau mawr; ac a fyddent hwy am i’r Cyngor Tref ysgrifennu i’r gwahanol gyrff perthnasol i wrthwynebu’r Mesur.
PENDERFYNWYD ysgrifennu at Gyngor Sir Ceredigion yn nodi gwrthwynebiad Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth i’r Mesur.
PENDERFYNWYD anfon datganiad i’r wasg i’r Cambrian News yn hysbysu’r cyhoedd am yr ymgynghoriad sy’n mynd ymlaen a bod croeso i unrhyw un ysgrifennu at y Cyngor Tref gyda’u hymateb er mwyn i’r Cyngor Tref eu hanfon at yr undeb Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers (Usdaw).
It was reported that no response had been received from the Chamber of Trade to a letter sent on 9 October 2015 requesting their opinion, input and ideas regarding the proposed devolution of power to the Local Authority to set trading hours for large stores; and would they want the Town Council to write to the different relevant bodies to oppose this Measure.
It was RESOLVED to write to the County Council to note Aberystwyth Town Council opposition to the Measure.
It was RESOLVED to send a Press release to the Cambrian News notifying the public about the consultaion that is ongoing and that anyone is welcome to write to the Town Council with their response, so that the Town Council may send them on to the Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers (Usdaw).
- Cynllun Datblygu Lleol – diweddariad/Local Development Plan – update
Darllenwyd llythyr oddi wrth Mrs Anjuli Davies, Adran Polisi Cynllunio a Gwasanaethau Ymchwil, Adran Gynllunio Cyngor Sir Ceredigion mewn ymateb i lythyr anfonwyd atynt 2 Hydref 2015 parthed ail-ysytried nifer y tai sydd wedi eu clustnodi ar gyfer Aberystwyth yng Nghynllun Datblygu Lleol 2007-2022 (1,877 o unedau llety). Cafwyd trafodaeth fanwl ar y pwnc a‘r consensws oedd bod yn rhaid i Gyngor Sir Ceredigion gymryd camau i sicrhau bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn darparu cynnydd digonol yn y cyllid cyn ymgynghoriad 2017 i ddelio â gofynion twf yn y boblogaeth drefol. Fe fydd twf yn y boblogaeth yn effeithio ysgolion sydd yn torri ar nifer y staff, ac yn arwain at ddiffygion yn y ddarpariaeth addysg a chau ysgolion oherwydd cwymp yn y cyllid gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Mae Ysbyty Bronglais hefyd yn dioddef, oherwydd anawsterau ariannol Bwrdd Hywel Dda i ddarparu’r gwasanaethau angenrheidiol, gyda rhestrau aros a diffyg gwlâu. Codwyd pryderon hefyd am y ffaith byddai unrhyw ddatblygiad ychwanegol ym Mhenparcau, e.e. datblygiad Piercefield Lane, yn ychwanegu at dagfeydd hir oherwydd diffygion yn isadeiledd ffyrdd.
Deellir mai Llywodraeth Cymru sy’n danfon targedau ar gyfer nifer tai ychwanegol at Gynghorau Sir, felly mae’n bwysig i’r Cyngor Sir gael ymrwymiad clir gan Lywodraeth Cymru o gyllid ychwanegol i ddarparu isadeiladaeth ddigonol.
PENDERFYNWYD ysgrifennu llythyr yn ôl at Mrs Anjuli Davies yn gofyn beth yw eu targedau o ran canran anheddau newydd sydd ar gyfer tai fforddiadwy, ac i ba raddau maent yn cyrraedd y targed; hefyd i ofyn faint o adnoddau ychwanegol ar gyfer yr isadeiledd megis addysg a gofal iechyd mae’r Cyngor Sir yn ymrwymo i ddarparu yn ardal Aberystwyth i wasanaethu’r tai ychwanegol a thwf naturiol yn y boblogaeth, gan ychwanegu’r pwyntiau uchod a fu yn y drafodaeth.
A letter was read from Mrs Anjuli Davies, from the Policy and Research Services Section of the Planning Department of Ceredigion County Council’s response to a letter sent 2 October 2015 regarding the proposed number of new houses in Aberystwyth designated in the Local Development Plan 2007-2022 (1,877 units of housing). A detailed discussion was had on the subject and the consensus was that Ceredigion County Council should take steps to ensure that the Welsh Government would provide the adequate budget increase to deal with the town’s population growth before going ahead with the 2017 Consultation. The growth in the population will affect schools which are at present having to cut staff and close schools, leading in turn to a drop in standards, this is due to the drop in funding by the Welsh Government. Bronglais Hospital is also struggling because of the difficulties Bwrdd Hywel Dda have in budgeting for the necessary services and beds. Concerns were raised about further developments in Penparcau, for example the Piercefield Lane development would overload the road leading to extreme traffic congestion. It is understood that the Welsh Government sets out the number of additional houses for Councils to earmark for the LDP plans, and therefore Ceredigon Council should insist on financial guarantees to ensure that the infrastructure is adequate to deal with the challenges.
It was RESOLVED to write a letter back to Mrs Anjuli Davies to ask what are their percentage target is for new affordable houses, and to what extent are they reaching the target; and also to ask how much extra resources have the County Council allocated for infrastructure, such as education and health care in the Aberystwyth area to service the extra housing and the natural growth in the population; including the points above that were raised in the discussion.
- 8. Caniatawyd i Aelod ofyn sut gellid cael arwydd yn rhybuddio traffic am gerddwyr a seiclwyr yn Felin y Môr. PENDERFYNWYD cyfeirio’r mater i’r Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol.
A Member was allowed to ask how to obtain a sign at Felin y Môr warning traffic about pedestrians and cyclists. It was RESOLVED to refer the mater to the General Management Committee.
PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y Cofnodion gyda’r cywiriadau blaenorol.
It was RESOLVED to accept the Minutes with the foregoing amendments.
Cofnod 101/Minute 101
Cofnodion o Gyfarfod o’r Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol a gynhaliwyd yn Siambr y Cyngor, 11 Stryd y Popty, Aberystwyth ar nos Lun, 9 Tachwedd 2015 am 6.30p.m.
Minutes of the General Management Committee held in Siambr y Cyngor, 11 Baker Street, Aberystwyth on Monday, 9 November 2015 at 6.30p.m.
Cyngh./Cllr. Ceredig Davies (Cadeirydd/Chair)
Cyngh./Cllr. Kevin Roy Price (Is-Gadeirydd/Vice-Chair)
Cyngh./Cllr. Alun Williams
Cyngh./Cllr. Brian Davies
Cyngh./Cllr. Brendan Somers
Cyngh./Cllr. Wendy Morris
Cyngh./Cllr. Mair Benjamin
Cyngh./Cllr. Jeff Smith
Cyngh./Martin Shewring
Cyngh./Cllr. Endaf Edwards
Cyngh./Cllr. Talat Chaudhri
Cyngh./Cllr. Sue Jones-Davies
Cyngh./Steve Davies
Cyngh./Cllr. Brenda Haines
Cyngh./Cllr. Mark Strong
Cyngh./Cllr. Mererid Jones
Mr. Chris Ashman (‘The Means’)
Cyn i’r cyfarfod ddechrau fe wnaeth y Cadeirydd longyfarch y Cyngh. Mererid Jones ar ei dyweddiad dros y Sul.
Before the meeting started the Chair congratulated Cllr. Mererid Jones on her engagement over the weekend.
- Datgan Diddordeb/Declaration of Interest
- 4. Cyflwyniad gan Mr. Chris Ashman ar ‘Well Being of Future Generations Act 2015 – Duty on Town and Community Councils’/Presentation by Mr. Chris Ashman on ‘Well Being of Future Generations Act 2015 – Duty on Town and Community Councils’
Cafwyd cyflwyniad pwynt-pŵer gan Mr Ashman o gwmni The Means – cwmni sy’n cefnogi a chynghori cynghorau ar sut i ddatblygu syniadau sy’n berthnasol ac yn bwysig i’r cymunedau y maent yn eu cynrychioli, gan gynnig ffyrdd o wireddu a gweithredu ar y syniadau a flaenoriaethwyd i’w cyflawni. Nodwyd gan Mr Ashman ei bod yn ddyletswydd ar gynghorau mawr ddangos tystiolaeth o’u cynlluniau - y rhai sydd ganddynt yn barod, y rhai sydd ar y gweill a’r rhai yn y dyfodol - mewn datganiad cryno, yn dilyn bodolaeth y ‘Well Being of Future Generations Act 2015.
Roedd ganddo fodel i’w ddilyn o’r enw ”Whole Place” a fyddai’n cynnwys (1) Proffil Data (2) Ymarferiad cysylltu/ennyn diddordeb – byddai hwn yn cynnwys gweithdai cymunedol, arolwg ar-lein, arolwg stryd, cyfweliadau gyda busnesau lleol (3) “Whole Place Plan” – Gan ddefnyddio’r holl wybodaeth a gesglir fe fydd yr holl asiantaethau yn gweithio gyda’i gilydd i greu cynllun strategol a datganiad ar sut y mae’n cyd-fynd gyda bwriadau’r ‘Ddeddf Well Being’.
Yr Opisiynau i Aberystwyth yw:
- i) Derbyn yr “Whole Place” yn ei gyfanrwydd – c. £15,000
- ii) Datganiad Well-being – c. £5,000
iii) Place-Plan – bwydo i mewn i Gynllun Datblygu Lleol Cyngor Sir Ceredigion yn unig. Y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cyllido hyn drwy’r Cyngor Sir er mwyn cael cyfraniadau lleol i sicrhau mewnbwn.
- iv) Gwneud dim – sydd, yn ôl cwmni Mr Ashman ddim yn opsiwn.
Ar ôl i Mr Ashman ymadael cafwyd trafodaeth. Y farn gyffredinol oedd ar hyn o bryd y dylai’r Cyngor Tref ail-ymweld fel petai â’r Cynllun Busnes y mae’r Cyngor Tref wedi ei wneud yn barod. Ac ar sail hynny PENDERFYNWYD gwahodd y Swyddog perthnasol sy’n delio gyda’r ‘Well-Being of Future Generations Act’ yng Nghyngor Ceredigion i weld sut y gellir cyfrannu a bod yn weithredol gyda hwy; gwahodd Cadeiryddion y Cynghorau Cymuned y mae’r Cyngor Tref eisioes wedi cysylltu â hwy gyda’r ‘Place Plan’ arfaethedig ar gyfer Aberystwyth a’r cylch, i ddod i’r cyfarfod hwnnw.
A PowerPoint presentation was given by Mr Ashman from The Means company - a company which supports and advises councils on how to develop ideas relevant and important to the communities they represent, offering ways of realising and implementing the ideas prioritised to be achieved. Mr Ashman noted that the large councils had a duty to show evidence of their plans - those they have currently, those which are in the pipeline and future ones - in a concise statement, following the existence of the Well-being of Future Generations Act 2015. He had a model to follow called “Whole Place” which would include (1) Data Profile (2) Engagement exercise - to elicit interest - this would include community workshops, online survey, street survey, interviews with local businesses (3) “Whole Place Plan” - Using all the information collected all the agencies will work together to create a strategic plan and statement on how it complies with the purposes of the ‘Well-being Act’.
The Options for Aberystwyth are:
- i) To accept the “Whole Place” in its entirety - c. £15,000
- ii) Well-being Statement – c. £5,000
iii) Place-Plan – feed into the Ceredigion County Council Local Development Plan only. Welsh Government funds this through the County Council in order to get local contributions to ensure input.
- iv) Do nothing - which, according to Mr Ashman’s company, is not an option.
After Mr Ashman left, a discussion ensued. The general opinion was that, at present, the Town Council should revisit the Business Plan that the Town Council has already undertaken. On this basis, it was RESOLVED to invite the relevant Officer who deals with the Well-being of Future Generations Act at Ceredigion Council to see how would it be possible to participate and be active with them; invite the Chairs of the community councils that Aberystwyth Town Council have already contacted regarding the proposed ‘Place Plan’ for Aberystwyth and the area and invite them also to that meeting.
- Gohebiaeth/Correspondence
- i) Derbyniwyd e-bost gan Chris Mackenzie-Grieve, Cadeirydd Gwella Ardal Busnes Aberystwyth yn gofyn: a fyddai’r Cyngor yn ystyried mynychu grwpiau llywio’r grŵp wrth iddynt wynebu pleidleisio; a hefyd i ystyried trafod yn ffurfiol ‘cytundeb sylfaenol’ yn debyg i’r hyn y byddant yn cytuno arno gyda Chyngor Sir Ceredigion (hyn sy’n penderfynu ar y gwasanaethau y bydd y Cyngor Tref yn parhau i’w ddarparu pe baent yn ennill statws BID).
Roedd Mr Mackenzie-Grieve yn cynnig dod i’r Cyngor Tref i roi cyflwyniad i roi gwybodaeth ar ba gam y maent ar hyn o bryd yn y broses o ennill statws BID a pha syniadau sydd ganddynt neu a fydd ganddynt o wella’r rhagolygon busnes yn y dref.
PENDERFYNWYD gwahodd Mr Chris Mackenzie-Grieve i roi cyflwyniad i gyfarfod nesaf y Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol.
- i) An e-mail was received from Chris Mackenzie-Grieve, the Chairman of the Aberystwyth Business Improvement District asking: would the Council consider attending the group’s steering groups as they face voting; and also to consider formally discussing a ‘basic agreement’ similar to what they would agree to with Ceredigion County Council (this is what decides the services the Town Council will continue to provide should they gain the BID status). Mr Mackenzie-Grieve offered to come to the Town Council to give a presentation to provide information on what stage they currently are in the process of gaining the BID status and what ideas they have, or will have, to improve the town’s business prospects.
It was RESOLVED to invite Mr Chris Mackenzie-Grieve to give a presentation to the the next General Management meeting.
- ii) Derbyniwyd e-bost gan Siôn Jobbins, Cadeirydd Parêd Gŵyl Dewi Aberystwyth yn holi a fyddai’r Cyngor yn ystyried buddsoddi mewn baneri Cymru a Dewi Sant i’w codi ar hyd y dref; ac a fyddai gan y Cyngor ddiddordeb cynnal cystadleuaeth ffenest siop orau gyda’r Maer yn beirniadu. Roedd yn nodi yn ei e-bost bod Aber yn arwain yn y fenter hon trwy Gymru gyda Phwllheli a Chaernarfon wedi dechrau cynnal digwyddiad tebyg llynedd ac yn 2016 bydd Caerfyrddin yn cynnal eu Parêd Gŵyl Dewi cyntaf hwy. Nododd bod Aber yn arwain eto!
PENDERFYNWYD anfon ateb yn diolch a derbyn y gwahoddiad i’r Maer fod yn rhan o’r orymdaith ac i ddweud gair yn y Seremoni wrth gyflwyno’r person a fydd yn Dywysydd y Parêd; bod yr Aelodau o’r farn bod y syniadau a awgrymir, fel baneri Cymru a Dewi Sant a chystadleuaeth ffenestr siop orau yn ddatblygiad gwych i’r Parêd (fe fyddai’r Maer yn falch o feirniadu); eu llongyfarch bod Aberystwyth mor flaenllaw yn y fath fenter Gymreig; ond na all y Cyngor fynd i’r afael â threfnu dim ac iddynt hwy fel Trefnwyr y Parêd wneud cais ariannol yn y ffordd arferol fel yn y gorffennol.”
- ii) An e-mail was received from Siôn Jobbins, Chair of the Aberystwyth St David’s Day Parade asking whether the Council would consider investing in Wales and St David’s flags to erect throughout the town; and whether the Council would be interested in holding a ‘best shop window’ competition with the Mayor adjudicating. He noted in his e-mail that Aber was leading in this venture throughout Wales with Pwllheli and Caernarfon having started to hold similar events last year and in 2016 Carmarthen would hold its first St David’s Parade. He noted that Aber was once again leading!
It was RESOLVED to send a reply thanking and accepting the invitation received for the Mayor to participate in the parade and to say a word in the Ceremony presenting the person who will be the Leader of the Parade; that Members are of the opinion that the ideas suggested, such as erecting Wales and St David’s flags throughout the town and the ‘best shop window’ competition were commendable developments (the Mayor would be pleased to adjudicate); that they were to be congratulated that Aberystwyth was so prominent in such a Welsh enterprise; but the Council could not be involved with organising anything and for them as Organisers of the Parade to submit a financial bid in the usual way as in the past.
iii) Derbyniwyd e-bost gan Jenny Mckenzie yn diolch am gyfraniad Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth tuag at brynu coeden Nadolig yn Nhrefechan.
iii) An e-mail was received from Jenny Mckenzie thanking Aberystwyth Town Council for its contribution towards purchasing a Christmas tree in Trefechan.
- iv) E-bost gan y Cyngh. Mererid Jones yn adrodd yn ôl ar fater a godwyd yn Fforwm Penparcau yn dilyn llythyr o gefnogaeth ariannol o £150 gan y Cyngor Tref tuag at eu coeden Nadolig. Awgrymwyd gan y Fforwm efallai y gallai’r Cyngor Tref osod coeden Penparcau, Trefechan a’r dref gyda’i gilydd a thrwy hynny yn cael llawer gwell gwerth am arian gan ddefnyddio’r un gwasanaeth. PENDERFYNWYD nodi’r cynnwys a’i bod yn rhy hwyr eleni i ystyried y mater.
- iv) An e-mail from Cllr. Mererid Jones reporting back on a matter which was raised at the Penparcau Forum following a letter of financial support of £150 from the Town Council towards their Christmas tree. The Forum suggested maybe the Town Council could erect the Penparcau, Trefechan and the town’s trees together which would provide much better value for money by using the same service. It was RESOLVED to note the content and that it was too late to consider the matter this year.
- v) E-bost gan Jekee Weng, ysgolhaig ar ymweliad ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth yn gofyn a fyddai modd cael baner gwlad Tseina ar y prom.
PENDERFYNWYD anfon yn ôl gan ddweud mai Cyngor Sir Ceredigion sy’n gyfrifol am y baneri ar y prom.
- v) An e-mail from Jekee Weng, an academic on a visit to Aberystwyth University asking whether it would be possible to have a Chinese flag on the prom. It was RESOLVED to reply by saying that it was Ceredigion County Council that was responsible for the flags on the prom.
- vi) Llythyr oddi wrth Mr. Matthew Willis, Rheolwr Cyffredinol Ysbyty Bronglais yn cydnabod y llythyr anfonwyd ato yn holi am ganiatâd i godi plac er cof am Dr Peter Edwards ar diriogaeth yr ysbyty ac yn cynnig enwi gardd gyda phlac pwrpasol ger yr ysbyty. Roedd y Rheolwr Cyffredinol yn cynnig y dylid ymweld â’r safle fel y gellid cytuno ar drefniadau ac opsiynau posib. PENDERFYNWYD y byddai'r Cyngh. Alun Williams yn trefnu ymweliad â’r safle ac y byddai’r Clerc yn cysylltu gyda James Memorials ar ôl cael y mesuriadau.
- vi) A letter from Mr Matthew Willis, General Manager of Ysbyty Bronglais acknowledging the letter sent to him enquiring about permission to erect a plaque in memory of Dr Peter Edwards on hospital land and proposing naming a garden with a purposeful plaque near the hospital. The General Manager `agree on arrangements and possible options. It was RESOLVED that Cllr. Alun Williams would arrange a visit to the site and that the Clerk would contact James Memorials after obtaining the measurements.
vii) Derbyniwyd e-bost gan Megan Hall yn nodi bod pobl wedi bod yn aros yn hir am randiroedd a’r diffyg rhandiroedd sydd ar gael i bobl. Cytunwyd i’w drafod o dan eitem 6 ar yr Agenda.
vii) An e-mail was received from Megan Hall noting that people had been waiting for a long time for allotments and the shortage of allotments available for people. It was agreed to discuss it under item 6 on the Agenda.
viii) Derbyniwyd e-bost gan Geraint Morgan (Trenau Arriva Cymru) yn cydnabod yr e-bost a dderbyniodd ynglŷn â photiau blodau yng ngorsaf drên Aberystwyth. Cytunwyd i’w drafod dan eitem 10 ar yr Agenda.
Viiii) An e-mail was received from Geraint Morgan (Arriva Trains Wales) acknowledging the e-mail he received regarding flower pots at Aberystwyth train station. It was agreed to discuss it under item 10 on the Agenda.
- Rhandiroedd/Allotments
- i) Nodwyd bod pob aelod o’r Gymdeithas Rhandiroedd yn gorfod arwyddo prydles gyda amod: os nad yw’r prydlesydd yn garddio’r rhandir yna y mae’n torri amod y drwydded. Pan ddigwydd hyn fe fydd yn rhaid i’r Cyngor Tref anfon llythyr yn datgan na fydd modd ad-newyddu’r drwydded.
- i) It was noted that every member of the Allotments Society had to sign a lease with the condition: if the lessor does not cultivate the allotment then he/she is in breach of the condition on the licence. When this would happen, the Town Council would have to send a letter stating that it would not be possible to renew the licence.
- ii) Nodwyd y gellir lleihau maint rhandir cyn ei osod i rywun newydd gan ryddhau lle ar gyfer dau randir yn lle un.
- ii) It was noted that the size of an allotment could be reduced before leasing it to someone new which would free-up space for two allotments rather than one.
iii) Ffens gadwyn sydd wedi torri – Mae’r Cadeirydd wedi gofyn am ddyfynbris gan Mr. Dilwyn Morgan i atgyweirio’r ffens.
iii) A broken chain-link fence - The Chairman has asked for a quotation from Mr. Dilwyn Morgan to repair the fence.
- iv) Adroddwyd bod cyfarfod rhwng Prifysgol Aberystwyth, Cymdeithas Bowlio a chynrychiolwyr o’r Cyngor Tre wedi ei gynnal ar safle'r hen faes bowlio Plas-crug. Nodwyd ei fod yn safle perffaith ar gyfer rhandiroedd. Rhaid aros am adroddiad gan Mr Tim Macey o’r Brifysgol. Yn y fan hon cyfeiriwyd at yr e-bost dderbyniwyd gan Meg Hall yn gofidio bod pobl wedi bod yn aros yn hir am randiroedd a’r diffyg rhandiroedd sydd ar gael i bobl. PENDERFYNWYD anfon yn ôl ati yn nodi bod posibilrwydd bod ardal newydd yn mynd i’w ddatblygu a hefyd nodi bod y Cyngor Tref a Chymdeithas y Rhandiroedd yn croesawu’r syniad o leihau/rhannu Rhandiroedd sy’n bodoli gan ryddhau lle ar gyfer dau randir yn lle un.
Adroddwyd bod y Cyngh. Mererid Jones mewn trafodaethau gyda Fforwm Penparcau eu bod am gymryd drosodd y darn tir siâp triongl wrth ymyl Rhandiroedd Coedlan 5.
Iv) It was reported that a meeting had been held between Aberystwyth University, the Bowling Society and representatives from the Town Council on the site of the old Plas-Crug Bowling green. It was noted that it was a perfect site for allotments. We must wait for a report from Mr Tim Macey from the University. At this point, reference was made to the e-mail received from Meg Hall noting concerns that people had been waiting a long time for allotments and the shortage of allotments available for people. It was RESOLVED to reply to her noting that there was a possibility that a new area would be developed and also noting that the Town Council and the Allotments Society welcomed the idea of freeing-up/sharing existing Allotments which would free-up space for two allotments rather than one.
It was reported that Cllr. Mererid Jones is in discussion with Penparcau Forum for them to take over the triangular piece of land that is by 5th Avenue Allotments.
- Trefniadau troi goleuadau Nadolig ymlaen - diweddariad /Organising the switching on of the Christmas Lights - update
- i) Cyflwynwyd adroddiad cynhwysfawr o’r cyfarfod a gynhaliwyd gyda’r is-bwyllgor goleuadau nos Wener, 6 Tachwedd 2015. Roedd y Pwyllgor wedi penderfynu byddai garlandau di-drydan yn mynd ar 5 polyn rhwng Coffi #1 a Barclays, ac wedyn bob polyn-lamp yn Sgwâr Owain Glyndŵr, ac wedyn gweithio fyny’r Stryd Fawr. Bydd garlandau yn mynd ar 15 polyn-lamp i gyd. Nodwyd fod hyn yn arbrawf da gan bydd 3 math o addurniadau: dim ond rhai di-drydan ar Ffordd y Môr, dim ond goleuadau ar dop y Stryd Fawr, a chymysgedd ar Sgwâr Owain Glyndŵr. PENDERFYNWYD y byddai’r Clerc yn cysylltu gyda Cambrian Trees i ofyn iddo ddarparu’r garlandau fel a ddisgrifir uchod.
PENDERFYNWYD gofyn i Tom Edwards osod y garlandau wrth iddo osod yr addurniadau eraill, ac y bydd Ceredig, o bosib Mark ac o bosib Jeff yn cerdded o gwmpas gyda Tom Edwards i esbonio’r cynllun iddo.
- i) A comprehensive report was presented from the meeting held with the lights sub-committee on Friday evening, 6 November 2015. The committee decided that garlands will be put on 5 poles between Coffee #1 and Barclays, and then on every lamp-post on Sgwâr Owain Glyndŵr, and then work up Great Darkgate Street. Garlands will be put on 15 lamp-posts in all. It was noted that this is a good experiment since there will be 3 types of decorations: non-electrical only in Terrace Road, only lights at the top of Great DarkGate Street, and a mixture on Sgwâr Owain Glyndŵr. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would contact Cambrian Trees to ask them to provide the garlands as described above.
It was RESOLVED to ask Mr. Tom Edwards to install the garlands as he erects the other decorations and that Ceredig, possibly Mark and possibly Jeff, would walk around with Mr. Tom Edwards to explain the plan to him.
- ii) Adroddwyd gan y Cadeirydd y bydd y goeden Nadolig yn cyrraedd nos Lun, 23 Tachwedd. Nodwyd nad oedd gan Menter Aberystwyth ddim cerbyd i gludo Santa i mewn i Sgwâr Owain Glyndŵr. PENDERFYNWYD y byddai’r Cynghorwyr Mair Benjamin a Ceredig Davies yn cyd-gysylltu ar y mater.
- ii) The Chairman reported that the Christmas tree would arrive on Monday evening, 23 November. It was noted that Menter Aberystwyth did not have a vehicle to transport Santa into Sgwâr Owain Glyndŵr. It was RESOLVED that Councillors Mair Benjamin and Ceredig Davies would co-ordinate this matter.
iii) Darllenodd y Cyngh. Alun Williams boster gan Menter gyda’r holl weithgareddau sy’n digwydd ar y noson. Gofynnwyd a fyddai ceir yn gallu dod i fyny Heol y Wîg? Cytunodd y Cyngh. Williams i wneud ymholiadau. Adroddodd y byddai’r Brifysgol a’r Clwb Beicio yn helpu gyda stiwardio. Anogwyd yr holl Gynghorwyr Tref i ddod i Eglwys Sant Mihangel am 5.30-6.00p.m. ar gyfer y trefniadau stiwardio.
iii) Cllr. Alun Williams read a poster from Menter with all the activities happening on the evening. It was enquired whether cars would be able to travel up Pier Street? Cllr. Williams agreed to make enquiries. He reported that the University and the Cycling Club would help with stewarding. All Town Councillors were encouraged to come to St Michael’s Church at 5.30-6.00pm for the stewarding arrangements.
- Ffyrdd eraill o fynd i’r afael â materion yn ymwneud â baw-cŵn e.e.arwyddion/taflenni i ysgolion/hyfforddiant i osod dirwyon – ar gais y Cyngh. Mair Benjamin Benjamin/Alternative methods to help combat issues relating to dog-fouling e.g. signs/leafleting schools/training for issuing fines – at the request of Cllr. Mair Benjamin
Cafwyd cyflwyniad llawn gan yr Aelod yn gosod allan pa ffyrdd y mae siroedd fel Caerfyrddin a Chaerdydd yn delio gyda’r broblem. Cafwyd syniadau megis
- i) Cael hyfforddiant i Gynghorwyr ar sut i osod dirwyon;
- ii) Street Scheme Forum;
iii) Hurio Warden Cŵn am ddwy awr yr wythnos;
- iv) cysylltu gyda phenaethiaid ysgol i weld a fyddent yn hoffi trefnu cystadleuaeth poster am bwysigrwydd clirio’r baw ci o’r llawr;
- v) awgrymwyd y gallai’r Cyngh. Benjamin fynd i siopau sy’n cyflenwi rhawiau “rhaw dan y baw” (poop-scoop) a gofyn a fyddent yn fodlon rhoi y rhain i’r Cyngor ar gyfer eu rhoi allan i bobl.
- vi) Gellir gosod ar we-fan y Cyngor bod rhain ar gael o Gyngor y Dref.
PENDERFYNWYD gweithredu ar bwyntiau iv. v. vi.
A full presentation was given by the Member setting out how counties such as Carmarthen and Cardiff were dealing with the problem. Ideas such as the following were made:
- i) Training for Councillors on how to set penalties;
- ii) Street Scheme Forum;
iii) Hiring Dog Wardens for two hours a week;
- iv) contacting school head teachers to see whether they would like to organise a poster competition about the importance of clearing dog mess from the ground; v) a suggestion that Cllr. Benjamin could go to the shops which supply poop-scoops and ask whether they would be willing to give these to the Council in order to distribute them to people;
- vi) it could be noted on the Council website that these are available from the Town Council.
It was RESOLVED to implement points iv. v. vi.
- Arwydd yn rhybuddio traffic am gerddwyr a seiclwyr yn Felin y Môr/Sign at Felin y Môr warning traffic about pedestrians and cyclists – at the request of Cllr. Mair Benjamin
Awgrymwyd gan y Cadeirydd i’r Aelod gyfeirio’r mater at Bwyllgor Trafnidiaeth y Cyngor Sir. Cytunwyd ar hyn.
The Chairman suggested that the Member should refer the matter to the County Council’s Transportation Committee. This was agreed.
- Cynllun Mabwysiadu Rheilffordd/Adopt a Railway Scheme – ar gais y Cyngh. Mair Benjamin
Cafwyd adroddiad llawn gan yr Aelod yn dweud bod Coleg Ceredigion a’r Lions Club â diddordeb i wneud hyn hefyd. Darllenwyd yr e-bost gan Mr Morgan (Arriva Cymru) yn gofyn faint o wirfoddolwyr tebygol oedd gennym mewn llaw i gefnogi’r fenter o osod blodau a gofalu amdanynt gan nad oedd ganddynt hwy gyllideb ar ei gyfer. Cynigiwyd gan y Cyngh. Shewring mai da o beth fyddai cael rhestr o wirfoddolwyr, hysbysu’r cyhoedd o’r meysydd posib y gallent helpu er mwyn ennyn diddordeb ac i gyfeirio’r mater i’r Pwyllgor Cyllid. PENDERFYNWYD gwneud hyn.
A full report was given by the Member noting that Coleg Ceredigion and the Lions Club were interested in doing this also. Mr Morgan's (Arriva Trains Wales) e-mail was read asking how many likely volunteers we had in hand to support the scheme of installing flower pots and taking care of them as they did not have a budget for this. Cllr Shewring proposed that it would be a good thing to have a list of volunteers, notifying the public of the possible fields in which they could help in order to elicit interest and to refer the matter to the Finance Committee. It was RESOLVED to do this.
- Materion yn ymwneud â chyfrifiadur y swyddfa/Matters pertaining to the office Computer
Adroddwyd bod manion bethau technegol yn peri anhawster gyda’r e-bost.
PENDERFYNWYD cyfeirio’r mater i’r Pwyllgor Cyllid.
It was reported that minor technical issues were causing difficulties with the e-mail.
It was RESOLVED to refer the matter to the Finance Committee.
- Unrhyw Fater Arall/Any Other Business
- Nodwyd gan y Cadeirydd bod y goleuadau ffestwn wedi dod i lawr o’r prom. Roedd hyn yn rhan o reolaeth carbon y Cyngor Sir.
- The Chairman noted that the festoon lights had come down on the prom. This was part of the County Council’s carbon management.
- Gofynnwyd gan y Cyngh. Shewring am restr o benderfyniadau’r Cyngor Tref er mwyn cael gwybod amseriad pryd y gellid codi rhywbeth eto ar yr Agenda.
- Cllr. Shewring asked for a list of the Town Council’s decisions in order to know when something could be raised again on the Agenda.
- Nodwyd gan y Cyngh. Sue Jones-Davies yn dilyn gorymdaith Sul y Cofio pa mor hardd oedd yr eisteddle uwchben lle roedd Côr y Castell yn arfer canu.
- Cllr. Sue Jones-Davies noted, following the Remembrance Sunday procession to the Cenotaph, how beautiful the seating area above where Côr y Castell used to sing.
- Nodwyd bod trefniadau Cino Nadolig y Maer yn mynd rhagddynt a mai’r unig beth heb ei wneud oedd trefnu’r adloniant. Cytunodd y Cadeirydd y byddai’n cysylltu gyda Telynores Paith.
- It was noted that the arrangements for the Mayor’s Christmas Lunch were going ahead and that the only thing which had not been done was arranging entertainment. The Chairman agreed that he would contact the Harpist.
Materion yn codi o’r Cofnodion/Matters arising from the Minutes
Cofnod 5 (i)/Minute 5 (i) Gohebiaeth/Correspondence
O dan y cofnod yma fe wnaeth y Cyngh. Ceredig Davies ddatgan diddordeb.
Nodwyd gan y Cyngh. Alun Williams ei fod ef a’r Cyngh. Mererid Jones newydd fynychu rhan o gyfarfod BID y noson honno ac adroddodd yr hoffai’r grŵp BID gael dau gynrychiolydd o Gyngor y Dref i eistedd ar y grŵp llywio a fyddai’n gallu bod â rôl bositif yn y fenter hon. Os gallai’r Cyngor annog holl fusnesau i sefydlu ‘business Improvement district’ (BID), fe fyddai hyn yn galluogi busnesau lleol i hyrwyddo gwelliannau i’w hamgylchedd busnes Gall BID ond ei sefydlu ar ôl cael pleidlais ddemocrataidd yn yr ardaloedd BID arfaethedig. Fe fydd busnesau yn pleidleisio ar gynnig sy’n gosod allan rhaglen o wasanaethau a gwelliannau mae BID yn ei gynnig. Pwrpas rhaglen y BID yw datblygu ac ymateb i’r materion sy’n cael eu nodi gan y busnesau o fewn yr ardal. Os yw’r mwyafrif (51%) yn pleidleisio ‘ie’ i’r BID, ffurfir cwmni ‘heb-elw’ - yn cael ei reoli gan bobl fusnes leol - a fydd yn casglu treth gan yr holl fusnesau cymwys. Bydd y cyfraniadau hynny’n mynd at ariannu gwasanaethau a gwelliannau’r Ardal Gwella Busnes.
PENDERFYNWYD dewis y Cyngh. Alun Williams (y Cyngh. Mererid Jones yn ddirprwy iddo) a’r Cyngh. Brendan Somers yn gynrychiolwyr o’r Cyngor Tref is eistedd ar y grŵp llywio.
Cllr. Ceredig Davies declared an interest under this minute.
Cllr. Alun Williams noted that he and Cllr. Mererid Jones had just attended part of a BID meeting that evening and he reported that the BID group would like to have two representatives from the Town Council to sit on the steering group which could have a positive role in this venture. If the Council could encourage all businesses to establish a ‘business improvement district’ (BID), this would allow local businesses to promote improvements to their business environment. BID could only be established after a democratic ballot in the proposed BID areas. Businesses would be voting on a proposal which set out a programme of services and improvements that BID would be proposing. The purpose of the BID programme was to develop and respond to the issues noted by the businesses within the area. If a majority (51%) votes ‘Yes’ to the BID, a ‘not-for-profit’ company would formed - managed by local business people - which would be collecting tax from all the eligible businesses. Those contributions would go towards funding services and improvements to the Business Improvement District.
It was RESOLVED to choose Cllr. Alun Williams (with Cllr. Mererid Jones acting as his deputy) and Cllr. Brendan Somers as Town Council representatives to sit on the steering group.
Cofnod 5(vi)/Minute 5(vi) Gohebiaeth/Correspondence
Adroddodd y Cyngh. Alun Williams ei fod ef a’r Cyngh. Endaf Edwards yn cael cyfarfod gyda Mr. Mathew Willis, Rheolwr Cyffredinol Ysbyty Bronglais dydd Llun 30 Tachwedd am 4.30p.m. i drafod ymhellach y plac er cof am Dr. Peter Edwards ar diriogaeth yr ysbyty.
Cllr. Alun Williams reported that he and Cllr. Endaf Edwards would be meeting with Mr. Mathew Willis, General Manager of Ysbyty Bronglais on Monday 30 November at 4.30pm to further discuss the plaque in memory of Dr. Peter Edwards on hospital grounds.
Cofnod 5(vii)/Minute (vii) Gohebiaeth/Correspondence
Derbyniwyd e-bost arall gan Megan Hall ynglŷn â Materion yn ymwneud â Rhandiroedd a nododd y Cyngh. Ceredig Davies ei fod ef am ateb yr e-bost.
Another e-mail was received from Megan Hall regarding matters involving Allotments and Cllr. Ceredig Davies noted that he would reply to the e-mail.
Cofnod 7/Minute 7 Trefniadau troi goleuadau Nadolig ymlaen - diweddariad /Organising the switching on of the Christmas Lights - update
Ychwanegwyd y manylion canlynol i’r trefniadau: Marchnad yn Stryd-y-Popty gyda Santa yn cyrraedd am 4.00p.m.; grotto yng nghapel Bethel; Banc Barclays ar agor gyda mins peis; perchennog newydd Siop y Pethe yn agor ei siop ar y noson.
The following details were added to the arrangements: Market on Baker Street with Santa arriving at 4.00pm; grotto at Bethel chapel; Barlcays Bank open with mince pies; new owner of Siop y Pethe to open his shop on the evening.
Cofnod 12(iii)/Minute 12(iii)
Ategwyd gan y Cyngh. Sue Jones-Davies a Wendy Morris yr hyn a ddywedwyd ganddynt yn y Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol (9-11-15) y gellir defnyddio’r ardal hon yn fwy ac yn well ar gyfer gwahanol ddigwyddiadau. PENDERFYNWYD anfon llythyr at Gyngor Sir Ceredigion yn gofyn a fyddent yn gallu trwsio’r veranda (gwaith haearn a’r cafnau), er mwyn gwella golwg y safle, sy’n brydferth iawn.
Cllr. Sue Jones-Davies and Wendy Morris reiterated what they said at the General Management Committee (9-11-15) that this area could be used more and in a better way for various events. It was RESOLVED to send a letter to Ceredigion County Council asking whether they could repair the veranda (iron-works and gutters), in order to improve the appearance of the site, which is very beautiful.
PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y Cofnodion gyda’r cywiriadau blaenorol.
It was RESOLVED to accept the Minutes with the foregoing amendments.
Cofnod 102/Minute 102
Cofnodion o Gyfarfod o’r Pwyllgor Cyllid a Sefydliadau a gynhaliwyd yn Siambr y Cyngor, 11 Stryd y Popty, ar nos Lun, 16 Tachwedd 2015 am 6.30p.m.
Minutes of the Finance and Establishment Committee held in Siambr y Cyngor, 11 Baker Street, on Monday, 16 November 2015 at 6.30p.m.
Cyngh./Cllr.Mererid Jones (Cadeirydd/Chair)
Cyngh./Cllr. Alun Williams (Is-Gadeirydd/Vice-Chair)
Cyngh./Cllr. Endaf Edwards
Cyngh./Cllr. Brenda Haines
Cyngh./Cllr. Ceredig Davies
Cyngh./Cllr. Brendan Somers
Cyngh./Cllr. Brian Davies
Cyngh./Cllr. Wendy Morris
*Cyngh./Cllr. Mark A. Strong
Cyngh./Kevin Price
Cyngh./Cllr. Mair Benjamin
*Roedd y Cyngh. Strong yn mynychu digwyddiad o’r enw ‘Explore your Archive’ drwy wahoddiad gan Archifwyr Ceredigion ar ran y Cyngor Tref.
*Cllr. Strong was attending an event known as ‘Explore your Archive’ by invitation of Ceredigion Archivists on behalf of the Town Council.
Cyngh./Cllr. Jeff Smith
- Datgan Diddordeb/Declaration of Interest
- Materion a gyfeiriwyd o’r Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol/Matters referred from the General Management Committee
- i) Cynllun Mabwysiadu’r Rheilffordd a sut i greu rhestr o wirfoddolwyr posib mewn gwahanol feysydd eraill o ddiddordeb hefyd, er mwyn cael cymaint o bobl â phosib i ymuno i mewn /Adopt a Railway Scheme and how to create a list of possible volunteers in other different fields of interest in order to get as many people on board
Darllenwyd allan hysbyseb gan CAVO am gwrs ‘Recriwtio, dethol a cadw Gwirfoddolwyr’ a gynhelir dydd Gwener, 27 Tachwedd 2015 yn swyddfa CAVO. Anelir y cwrs at y rhai sy’n gyfrifol am reoli gwirfoddolwyr a rhaglenni gwirfoddoli. Ac yn absenoldeb y Cyngh. Mair Benjamin PENDERFYNWYD cynnig iddi fynd arno ac i unrhyw un arall sydd am fynychu roi ei enw i’r Clerc.
An advertisement from CAVO was read out about the ‘Recruitment, selection and retention of Volunteers’ course held on Friday, 27 November 2015 at the CAVO office. The course was aimed at those responsible for managing volunteers and volunteering programmes. In the absence of Cllr. Mair Benjamin it was RESOLVED to offer for her to go on the course and for anyone else who would like to attend the course to give their names to the Clerk.
- ii) Materion yn ymwneud â chyfrifiadur y swyddfa/Matters pertaining to the office computer
PENDERFYNWYD y dylid cael anfoneb wedi ei chyfeirio gan gwmni ar gyfer cyfrifiadur y swyddfa erbyn y Cyngor Llawn nesaf os yn bosibl.
It was RESOLVED that an invoice should be obtained referred by company for the office computer by the next Full Council if possible.
- Derbyn Cyfrifon mis Hydref /To Receive October Accounts
- i) Nodwyd bod rhai o’r sieciau a dalwyd heb eu cyflwyno ac y gellir eu clirio ar unrhyw adeg yn y dyfodol, cyhyd a bod y derbynydd yn fodlon cyflwyno’r siec i’r banc. Nodwyd bod y Cyngor wedi bancio arian oddi wrth ddau Gynghorydd na fynychodd gwrs, a gynhaliwyd gan Un Llais Cymru.
It was noted that some of the cheques paid had not been presented and that they could be cleared at any time in the future, provided that the recipient was willing to present the cheque to the bank. It was noted that the Council had banked money from two Councillors who had not attended a course, held by OneVoice Wales.
- ii) Nodwyd a fyddai’n bosib newid geiriad rhai penawdau yn y fantolen. Eglurodd y Cadeirydd nad oedd yn bosib gwneud hynny ar y foment gyda’r rhaglen gyfrifiadurol Gyllid oedd gyda’r Cyngor.
It was noted whether it would be possible to change the wording of some headings in the balance sheet. The Chair explained that it was not possible to do so at the moment with the Finance computer programme that the Council had.
iii) Gofynnwyd a oeddem yn gallu gwneud taliadau ar-lein. Cytunwyd y byddai’r Cyngor yn chwilio am eglurder ar hyn erbyn y cyfarfod nesaf.
It was asked whether we were able to make online payments. It was agreed that the Council would seek clarity on this by the next meeting.
- iv) Gofynnwyd o dan ba bennawd y byddai delio gyda choed? Fe fyddai hynny yn dod o dan ‘Contingency & Miscellaneous’.
It was enquired which heading covered dealing with trees? This would come under ‘Contingency & Miscellaneous’.
PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y Cyfrifon It was RESOLVED to accept the Accounts.
- Ariannu soced trydan ar gyfer Sgwâr Owain Glyndŵr: ar gais y Cyngh. Alun Williams/Funding an electrical socket for Owain Glyndŵr Square: at the request of Cllr. Alun Wiliams
Adroddodd yr Aelod y byddai cael soced drydan yn y fan hon ar gyfer pob math o ddigwyddiadau fel sydd yn Llys y Brenin yn hynod dderbyniol. Dywedwyd mai’r pris cyfalaf yw £1,500 ac a fyddai'r Cyngor Tref yn fodlon cyfrannu at hyn a bod yn gyfrifol am £10 o dâl sefydlog yn fisol. Cafwyd trafodaeth a sawl cwestiwn ac ateb: (i) a oedd yn bosib i unrhyw un fynd a defnyddio’r trydan? - nodwyd bod allwedd i’r bocs ac na fyddai’n bosib dwyn trydan; (ii) nodwyd ei bod yn werth ymchwilio i le y mae’n mynd i gael ei osod;(iii) ydy hi’n werth talu fwy amdano i osgoi gorfod talu tâl sefydlog yn fisol? PENDERFYNWYD cytuno y byddai’r Cyngh. Alun Williams yn gwneud ymchwil pellach.
The Member reported that having an electrical socket in this area for all sorts of events, similar to the one in Llys y Brenin, would be very acceptable. It was noted that the capital fee would be £1,500 and whether the Town Council would be willing to contribute to this and be responsible for a £10 fixed monthly payment. A discussion ensued and several questions were answered: (i) would it be possible for anyone to go and use the electricity? - it was noted that there was a key for the box and that it would not be possible to steal electricity; (ii) it was noted that it would be worth investigating where it would be installed; (iii) was it worth paying more for it to avoid having to pay a fixed monthly payment? It was RESOLVED to agree that Cllr. Alun Williams would investigate further.
- 7. BID – diweddariad: ar gais y Cyngh. Alun Williams/BID – update: at the request of Cllr. Alun Wiliams
Adroddodd yr Aelod bod cyfarfod nos Lun nesaf gyda’r grŵp Gwella Ardal Busnes, Aberystwyth ynghyd â Peter Austin a Sohpie Fuller o Gyngor Sir Ceredigion yn Ystafell Seddon yr Hen Goleg, nos Lun, 23 Tachwedd am 5.30p.m. Cytunwyd y byddai’r Cyngh. Mererid Jones a’r Cyngh. Alun Williams yn mynychu.
The Member reported that there was a meeting next Monday with the Business Improvement District group, Aberystwyth, together with Peter Austin and Sophie Fuller from Ceredigion County Council at Seddon Room, Old College, on Monday, 23 November at 5.30pm. It was agreed that Cllr. Mererid Jones and Cllr. Alun Williams would attend.
- Gohebiaeth/Correspondence
- i) Cynnal y Cardi
Hysbysiad yn datgan bod nawdd ar gael ar gyfer gwahanol brosiectau
Cytunwyd i baratoi cais ar gyfer gwahanol brosiectau
- i) Notification stating that funding was available for various projects.
It was agreed to prepare an application for various projects.
- ii) E-bost oddi wrth Delyth Davies yn nodi ei bod yn codi ei ffi am gyfieithu ar y pryd yng nghyfarfodydd y Cyngor Llawn o £25 i £30. PENDERFYNWYD derbyn cynnig Delyth Davies o £30 yr awr.
- ii) An e-mail from Delyth Davies noting that she would be increasing her fees for simultaneous translation at Full Council meetings from £25 to £30. It was RESOLVED to accept Delyth Davies’ offer of £30 per hour.
iii) E-bost oddi wrth Holwyd a oedd angen peiriant ffrancio o gwbl bellach yn y swyddfa gan fod cyn lleied o ohebiaeth drwy’r post yn digwydd – a oedd galw digonol i’w ddefnyddio. Cafwyd cynnig i wneud cyfrif o faint o lythyron oedd yn mynd drwy’r peiriant y mis a gweld a oedd yn werth cadw’r peiriant ffrancio. PENDERFYNWYD gwneud hyn.
iii) An e-mail from An enquiry was made regarding whether a franking machine was needed any more in the office as there was so little postal correspondence - was there enough demand to use it? A proposal was made to count how many letters went through the machine every month and to see whether it was worth keeping the franking machine. It was RESOLVED to do this.
- iv) Llythyr (12-11-15) gan Samantha Coward o Adran y Prif Weithredwr, Cyngor Sir Ceredigion yn amgau les yr Ardal Chwarae yn Penparcau
Nodwyd bod camgymeriadau niferus ynddo ac o bosib mai Fforwm Penparcau y dylai fod wedi ei dderbyn gan eu bod hwy wedi cytuno i’w fabwysiadu. Dirprwywyd y mater at Gadeirydd y Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol, y Cyngh. Ceredig Davies.
- iv) Letter (12-11-15) from Samantha Coward from the Chief Executive’s Department of Ceredigion County Council enclosing lease for the Play Area at Penparcau.
It was noted that there were several mistakes in it and that possibly it should have been sent to Penparcau Forum as they had agreed to adopt it. The matter was delegated to the Chair of the General Management Committee, Cllr. Ceredig Davies.
- Unrhyw fater arall/Any other business
- i) PENDERFYNWYD cytuno ar bris o £1,600 i brynu cysgodfan bws un-ochrog, gwrth-fandaliaaeth yn Plas Helyg, Penparcau ac i gadarnhau y gall y Cyngh. Steve Davies fynd rhagddo gyda’r pryniant oddi wrth Mr Steve Williams, Cyngor Sir Ceredigion.
It was RESOLVED to agree on a price of £1,600 to buy a one-sided anti-vandalism bus-shelter at Heol Plas Helyg, Penparcau and to agree that Cllr. Steve Davies could proceed with the purchase from Mr Steve Williams, Ceredigion County Council.
- ii) Coed yn Rhes Caergrawnt – Cafwyd adroddiad oddi wrth y Cyngh. Jeff Smith am Gyfarfod Safle, bore dydd Mawrth, 10 Tachwedd 2015.
Yn ogystal nodwyd gan Aelod bod Mr John Hadlow, Swyddog o’r Cyngor Sir sy’n arwain ar hyn yn mynd i greu cynllun i gael coed eraill ymhell o’r tai. Nodwyd bod ymgynghoriad wedi bod am fis gyda’r Cyngor Sir a ddaeth i ben ar 6 Tachwedd 2015.
PENDERFYNWYD dilyn cyfarwyddyd a chyngor Mr John Hadlow ac i aros nes bod canlyniadau’r ymgynghoriad yn dod i law. Os yw’r canlyniadau yn bositif yna fe fydd y cyngor Tref yn mynd rhagddynt i drefnu torri dwy goeden poplar a gweld os oes angen torri mwy cyn mynd ymlaen i ail-blannu coed eraill.
Trees at Cambridge Terrace - a report was presented by Cllr. Jeff Smith about a Site Meeting, Tuesday morning, 10 November 2015.In addition, it was noted that Mr John Hadlow, an Officer from the County Council leading on this would create a scheme to have other trees far away from the houses. It was noted that a consultation had been held for a month with the County Council which ended on 6 November 2015. It was RESOLVED to follow the guidance and advice of Mr John Hadlow and to wait until the results of the consultation had been received. If the results were positive then the Town Council would proceed to arrange to fell two poplar trees and see whether more would need to be felled before proceeding to re-plant other trees.
Materion yn codi o’r Cofnodion/Matters arising from the Minutes
Cofnod 6/Minute 6 Ariannu soced trydan ar gyfer Sgwâr Owain Glyndŵr: ar gais y Cyngh. Alun Williams/Funding an electrical socket for Owain Glyndŵr Square: at the request of Cllr. Alun Wiliams
Adroddwyd yn ôl gan y Cyngh. Alun Williams bod y Cyngor Sir yn fodlon gosod tâl cyfalaf Sefydlog a byddant yn dod yn ôl gyda dyfynbris.
Cllr. Alun Williams reported back that the County Council was willing to set a fixed capital sum and that they would come back with a quote.
Cofnod 8/Minute 8 Gohebiaeth/Correspondence
- i) Cynnal y Cardi – Nodwyd yn fan hon gan y Cyngh. Mererid Jones bod yna nifer o brosiectau cyffrous y gellir ei ariannu gyda nawdd gan Cynnal y Cardi. Prosiectau sy’n ymwneud â mannau gwyrdd ac o bosib Rhandiroedd.
Cynnal y Cardi - Cllr. Mererid Jones noted at this point that there were several exciting projects that could be funded with Cynnal y Cardi funding. Projects involving green areas and possibly Allotments.
Cofnod 9(ii)/Minute 9(ii) Coed yn Rhes Caergrawnt/Trees at Cambridge Terrace
Nodwyd yn y fan hon gan y Cyngh. Sue Jones-Davies ei bod yn anodd iawn i daro’r cyd-bwysedd iawn; does dim dwywaith nad oes rhaid i Gynghorwyr wneud penderfyniadau ar sail y dystiolaeth gywir sydd o’u blaen.
Cllr. Sue Jones-Davies noted at this point that it was very difficult to strike the right balance; there was no doubt that Councillors needed to make decisions based on the right evidence before them.
PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y Cofnodion gyda’r cywiriadau blaenorol.
It was RESOLVED to accept the Minutes with the foregoing amendments.
Cofnod 103/Minute 103
Ceisiadau Cynllunio/Planning Applications
Cofnod 104/Minute 104
Cwestiynau sy’n ymwneud â materion tu fewn cylch gorchwyl y Cyngor hwn
YN UNIG/Questions relating ONLY to matters in this Council’s remit
- i) Beth yw’r sefyllfa gyda’r Rheolau Sefydlog?
Adroddwyd gan y Maer eu bod yn barod i’w hanfon i Un Llais Cymru iddynt ffwrw golwg drostynt; bod cylch gorchwyl y Pwyllgor Cynllunio wedi ei gyflwyno; bod cylch gorchwyl y pwyllgorau Rheolaeth Cyffredinol a Chyllid ar fin cael eu cwblhau.
What is the situation with the Standing Orders?
The Mayor reported that they were ready to be sent to One Voice Wales for them to take a look at them; that the remit of the Planning Committee had been submitted; that the remit of the General Management and Finance committees were nearly completed.
- ii) Nodwyd bod tan y 5ed o Ragfyr gan y Cyngor i dderbyn llythyrau o gefnogaeth i Parc Kronberg. Cytunwyd danfon templed o lythyr cefnogi at bob Cynghorydd i’w anfon at unrhyw un neu gymdeithas allai gefnogi. PENDERFYNWYD y byddai’r Cyngor yn fodlon anfon geirda dros Freesyle pan fyddant angen.
It was noted that the Council had until the 5th of December to receive letters of support to Parc Kronberg. It was agreed to send a template of a letter of support to every Councillor to be sent to any person or society who could support. It was RESOLVED that the Council would be willing to send a reference for Freesyle when required.
Cofnod 105/Minute 105
Cyllid – ystyried gwariant/Finance – to consider expenditure
Taliadau gan Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth – 23-11-15
Payments by Aberystwyth Town Council – 23-11-15
Menter Aberystwyth |
Nawdd 2015/Sponsorship 2015 |
6,000 |
Delyth Davies |
Cyfieithu ar y pryd – cyfarfod y Cyngor Medi a Hydref Mis Medi a Mis Hydref/ Translation service – Council meeting September and November |
142.50 |
The Royal British Legion |
Torch Popis Coch/One Red Poppy Wreath |
50.00 |
Cyngor Sir Gâr |
Cyflog mis Hydref/Salary for October |
3,005.02 |
Cyngor Sir Ceredigion |
Dyfrio’r arddangosfa flodau, Haf 2014 /Watering of the 2014 Summer floral display |
12,442.32 |
Cyngor Sir Ceredigion |
Glanhau Traethau gyda’r nos - Aberystwyth / Evening Beach Cleaning – Aberystwyth |
4,200 |
Pitney Bowes |
Rent am y Peiriant Ffrancio/Rental for Franking Machine |
21.54 |
Cyngor Sir Ceredigion |
Ffi flynyddol – Deddf Trwyddedu Eiddo &ndash Ardaloedd Cyhoeddus Tref Aberystwyth/Annual fee – the LicensingAct – Aberystywth Town Public Areas |
70.00 |
Llinos Roberts-Young |
Key-rings (£1.00) – Shoe repair shop; suspension-file inserts (£1.99)- Inkwells; bluetack & batteries (£2.00) Poundland |
4.99 |
Cambrian News |
Hysbyseb - Cinio Nadolig Henoed/Senior Citizens Dinner - Advert |
240.00 |
Menter Aberystwyth |
Adloniant yr Haf/Summer Entertainment |
6,000 |
Nodwyd gan Gadeirydd y Pwyllgor Cyllid bod dwy anfoneb i’w dalu i Menter - un ar gyfer nawdd a’r llall ar gyfer Adloniant yr Haf.
It was noted by the Chair of Finance that there were two invoices to be payed to Menter – one for Sponsorship and the other for Summer Entertainment
PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r Cyfrifon.
It was RESOLVED to approve the Accounts.
Cofnod 106/Minute 106
Adroddiadau AR LAFAR gan Gynghorwyr Cyngor Sir Ceredigion ar faterion sy’n ymwneud â’r Cyngor hwn YN UNIG/VERBAL reports from Ceredigion County Councillors on matters ONLY pertaining to this Council
- i) Adroddwyd gan y Cyngh. Alun Williams ei fod wedi anfon llythyr o gefnogaeth ar ran y Cyngor Tref at Dr Rhodri Llwyd Morgan i gefnogi eu cais Loteri, sef Prosiect Adfywio’r Hen Goleg.
Cllr. Alun Williams reported that he had sent a letter of support on behalf of the Town Council to Dr Rhodri Llwyd Morgan to support their Lottery bid, which was the Old College Regeneration Project.
- ii) Adroddwyd gan y Cyngh. Ceredig Davies bod yna weithdy yn ymwneud â chodi tâl parcio ar hyd glan môr Aberystwyth ar 30 Tachwedd 2015 yng Nghanolfan Rheidol. Fe wnaeth y Cynghorwyr Brian Davies a Wendy Morris ddatgan diddordeb ar y mater hwn. PENDERFYNWYD dewis y Cyngh. Brendan Somers i gynrychioli’r Cyngor.
Cllr. Ceredig Davies reported that there was a workshop regarding Aberystwyth seafront parking charges on 30 November 2015 at Canolfan Rheidol. Councillors Brian Davies and Wendy Morris declared an interest on this matter. It was RESOLVED to choose Cllr. Brendan Somers to represent the Council.
Cofnod 107/Minute 107
Adroddiadau YSGRIFENEDIG gan gynrychiolwyr ar gyrff allanol/WRITTEN Reports from representatives on outside bodies
- Y Cyngh. Jeff Smith, – Cyfarfod o SARPA a gynhaliwyd yn Y Drenewydd ar 3 Tachwedd 2015.
Cllr. Jeff Smith - SARPA meeting held at Newtown on 3 November 2015.
- Y Cyngh. Jeff Smith - Cyfarfod Safle a gynhaliwyd 20 Tachwedd 2015 i drafod problemau gyda choed poplys, tu ôl i Res Caergrawnt.
Cllr. Jeff Smith - Site meeting held on 20 November 2015 to discuss problems with poplar trees, behind Cambridge Terrace.
- Y Cyngh. Mererid Jones - Cofnodion Cyfarfod olaf Manach Deg Aberystwyth a gynhaliwyd 9 Tachwedd 2015. Nodwyd gan y Cyngh. M. Jones fod y pwyllgor presennol eisiau terfynu’r pwyllgor a throsglwyddo popeth i’r Cyngor – gan gynnwys trefnu gweithgareddau hyrwyddo Masnach Deg.
Cllr. Mererid Jones - Minutes of the last meeting of Aberystwyth Fair Trade held on 9 November 2015. Cllr. M. Jones noted that the current committee wanted to dissolve the committee and transfer everything to the Council - including arranging activities to promote Fair Trade.
Cofnod 108/Minute 108
Gohebiaeth/ Correspondence
- i) Hyd yn hyn derbyniwyd 8 llythyr o gefnogaeth i Parc Kronberg: yr AS Mark Williams, 2il Grŵp Sgowtiaid Penparcau, Ysgol Penglais, Cadets Môr, Aberystywth, Mudiad Meithrin, Papur Bro yr Angor, Ffoto Aber, yr AC Elin Jones.
To date, 8 letters of support of Parc Kronberg had been received: Mark Williams MP, Penparcau 2nd Scouts Group, Ysgol Penglais, Sea Cadets, Aberystwyth, Mudiad Meithrin, Yr Angor local paper, Ffoto Aber, Elin Jones AM.
- ii) Cymdeithas Rhandiroedd Aberystwyth yn ymwneud a’r maes parcio ger y Rhandiroedd.
Aberystwyth Allotments Society regarding the car park near the Allotments.
iii) Copi o e-bost anfonwyd at Mr. Paul Evans, Cyngor Sir Ceredigion yn datgan ei wrthwynebiad i dorri’r coed tu ôl i Res Caergrawnt.
A copy of an e-mail sent to Mr. Paul Evans, Ceredigion County Council stating its objection to felling the trees behind Cambridge Terrace.
- iv) E-bost gan Ann Eleri Jones o Gyngor Sir Ceredigion ynglŷn â’r Cyclefest yn 2016. Mae trefnwyr y Tour Seriers, Sweetspot yn awyddus i weld y y digwyddiad yn dychwelyd i Aberystywth ac a fyddai’r Cyngor Tref yn fodlon cyfranu at y gost unwaith eto. PENDERFYNWYD ei gyfeirio at y Pwyllgor Cyllid.
E-mail from Ann Eleri Jones from Ceredigion County Council regarding the Cyclefest in 2016. The organisers of Tour Seriers, Sweetspot, were keen to see the event returning to Aberystwyth and whether the Town Council would be willing to contribute to the cost once again. It was RESOLVED to refer it to the Finance Committee.
- v) Dau ddatganiad i’r Wasg gan Prifysgol Aberystwyth: ‘Arbenigwyr Ewropeaidd ar effaith economaidd y gwyddorau amaethyddol yn cyfarfod yn Aberystywth’ a ‘Alex y saethwr yn mynd am yr aur’.
Two press releases from Aberystwyth University: ‘European experts on economic impact of agricultural science meet at Aberystwyth’ and ‘Alex the archer is going for gold’.
- vi) Llythyr gan y Santes Fair yn gofyn am gefnogaeth ysgrifenedig gan y Gyngor y Dref i’w cais am grant o nawdd cymunedol Cyngor Sir Ceredigion. PENDERFYNWYD anfon llythyr o gefnogaeth.
Letter from St Mary’s asking for written support from the Town Council to their bid for a grant of community funding from Ceredigion County Council.
It was RESOLVED to send a letter of support.
vii) E-bost gan Chris Salmon, Comisiynydd yr Heddlu yn gofyn am help i lanw holiadur sy’n ceisio deall faint mae’r cyhoedd eisiau talu am eu gwasanaeth plismona. PENDERFYNWYD ei gylchredeg i’r Aelodau
E-mail from Chris Salmon, Police Commissioner asking for help to fill in a questionnaire which sought to understand how much the public wanted to pay for their policing service. It was RESOLVED to circulate it to Members.
viii) E-bost gan Cadets Awyr Aberystwyth yn nodi (1) eu bod yn dathlu eu penblwydd yn 75 oed y flwyddyn nesaf ac y byddent yn gwerthfawrogi unrhyw help gan y Cyngor Tref gyda gweithgareddau y gallant eu drefnu i nodi’r digwyddiad eithriadol bwysig yma; (2) bod clive Parker wedi bod yn aelod gyda’r Cadets dros 30 mlynedd ac wedi gwasanaethu cymuned Aberystwyth mewn amryw o ffyrdd eraill e.e. gyda’r Groes Goch, Ambiwlans St. Ioan ac yn hyfforddwr Cymorth Cyntaf. PENDERFYNWYD anfon ffurflen gais am grant iddynt a chyfeirio’r e-bost i’r Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol a’r Pwyllgor Cyllid. PENDERFYNWYD anfon llythyr gan y Maer i longyfarch a chydnabod gorchestion Flt.Lt. Clive Parker.
E-mail from the Aberytswyth Air Cadets noting (1) that they would be celebrating their 75th anniversary next year and that they would appreciate any help from the Town Council with activities they could arrange to commemorate this extremely important event; (2) that Flt.Lt Clive Parker had been a member of the Cadets for over 30 years and had served the community of Aberytswyth in many other ways e.g. with the Red Cross, St John’s Ambulance and as a First Aid trainer. It was RESOLVED to send an application form for a grant to them and refer the e-mail to the General Management Committee and Finance Committee.
It was RESOLVED to send a letter from the Mayor to congratulate and acknowledge the achievements of Flt.Lt. Clive Parker.
- ix) E-bost gan Fforwm Penparcau yn holi am ganiatâd i osod diffibriliydd ar wal arosfan bws sy’n eiddo i’r Cyngor Tref sydd tu allan mynedfa caeau Minyddol.
PENDERFYNWYD caniatau iddynt osod y defibriladydd ar yr arosfan bws ond mai nhw sy’n gyfrifol am unrhyw beth wedyn.
E-mail from Penparcau Forum enquiring about permission to install a defibrillator on the wall of a bus stop owned by the Town Council which was outside the entrance to Caeau Minyddol. It was RESOLVED to allow them to install the defibrillator on the bus stop but that they would be responsible for everything thereafter.
- x) E-bost gan Gwerfyl Pierce Jones y rhoi gwybodaeth bod Bwrdd Prosiect Pantycelyn wedi ei sefydlu yn dilyn penderfyniad Cyngor y Brifysgol ar 22 Mehefin 2015 i gymeradwyo cynnig yn tanlinellu eu hymrwymiad i’r iaith Gymraeg a’r diwylliant Cymraeg ac i ddarparu llety Cymraeg penodedig o fewn y Brifysgol. Bwriad y Brifysgol yw ailagor Neuadd Pantycelyn o fewn pedair blynedd. Mae’r Brifysgol wedi comisiynu cwmni o’r enw Old Bell 3 i wneud gwaith ymchwil annibynnol ar natur y ddarpariaeth o ran llety a gofod cymdeithasol a fydd yn debygol o gwrdd â disgwyliadau siaradwyr Cymraeg am y deugain mlynedd nesaf. Mae holiadur ar gael tan 30 Tachwedd a bydd y canlyniadau ar ffurf adroddiad yn cael ei chyflwyno i’r Bwrdd Prosiect cyn y Nadolig. PENDERFYNWYD anfon at bob Cynghorydd gyda’r linc.
Nododd y Cyngh. Lucy Huws ei bod yn holl bwysig bod y Brifysgol yn cadw at eu haddewid i gadw Pantycelyn.
E-mail from Gwerfyl Pierce Jones informing that the Pantycelyn Project Board had been established following the decision of the University Council on 22 June 2015 to approve a proposal underlining its commitment to the Welsh language and culture and to provide specified Welsh language accommodation within the University. The University’s intention was to re-open Neuadd Pantycelyn within four years. The University had commissioned a company called Old Bell 3 to undertake independent research on the nature of provision in terms of accommodation and communal space which would likely meet the expectations of Welsh-speakers for the next forty years. A questionnaire was available until 30 November and the results in report-form would be submitted to the Project Board before Christmas. It was RESOLVED to write to every Councillor with the link.
Cllr. Lucy Huws noted that it was extremely important that the University kept its promise to keep Pantycelyn.
- xi) E-bost gan Einir Burrowes yn gofyn am gyfarfod gyda chynrychiolydd o’r Cyngor i ymateb i’r ymgynghoriad ar Pantycelyn. PENDERFYNWYD dewis y Cyngh. Jeff Smith i leisio barn cyngor y Dref ac i drefnu ei chyfarfod mor fuan a phosib.
E-mail from Einir Burrowes asking for a meeting with a Council representative to respond to the consultation on Pantycelyn. It was RESOLVED to choose Cllr. Jeff Smith to voice the opinion of the Town Council and to organise a meeting as soon as possible.
xii) Llythyr o ddiolch gan Is-Ganghellor Prifysgol Aberystywth, Yr Athro April McMahon i’r Cyngor Tref am longyfarch y Brifysgol ar fod yn un o ddringwyr mwyaf yn nhabl y Times/Sunday Times Good University Guide. Pe bai’r Cyngor Tref eisiau gwybod a deall mwy am y tablau cynghrair y Brifysgol fe fyddai Dr Rhodri Llwyd Morgan, y Dirprwy Is-ganghellor yn hapus i fynychu un o gyfarfodydd y Cyngor Tref i roi cyflwyniad byr ac ateb cwestiynau.
A letter of thanks from the Vice-Chancellor of Aberystwyth University, Professor April McMahon to the Town Council for congratulating the University on being one of the highest climbers in The Times/Sunday Times Good University Guide table. Should the Town Council want to know and understand more about the University’s league tables, Dr Rhodri Llwyd Morgan, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor would be happy to attend one of the Town Council’s meetings to give a short presentation and answer questions.
xiii) E-bost gan Drysorydd Cymdeithas Gefeillio Aberystywth a St Brieuc yn gofyn a fyddai Cyngor y Dref yn fodlon iddynt ddefnyddio logo/arfbais y Cyngor Tref ar eu hanfonebau? PENDERFYNWYD rhoi hawl dirprwyedig i’r Maer i benderfynu ar ôl gweld y logo.
E-mail from the Treasurer of the Aberystwyth and St Brieuc Twinning Society asking whether the Town Council would be willing for them to use the Town Council’s logo/coat of arms on their invoices? It was RESOLVED to give delegated right to the Mayor to decide after seeing the logo.
xiv) Llythyr gan FfotoAber at y Maer yn diolch yn fawr iawn i Gyngor Tref Aberystwyth am y gefnogaeth hael i ŵyl FfotoAber 2015. Nodwyd gwerthfawrogiad am bresenoldeb y Cyngh. Mererid Jones a’r cyngh. Wendy Morris am eu presenoldeb yn noson wobrwyo’r ffotomarathon.. Bydd adroddiad byr ar FfotoAber yn cael ei baratoi a nodwyd gan Mr Deian Creunant y byddai ef a Catrin yn gwerthfawrogi’r cyfle i gyflwyno’r adroddiad i’r Cyngor Tref os y dymunir wrth iddynt edrych ymlaen at 2016.
A letter from FfotoAber to the Mayor thanking the Aberystwyth Town Council for the generous support to the FfotoAber 2015 festival. The letter noted the appreciation regarding the attendance of Cllr. Mererid Jones and Cllr. Wendy Morris at the ffotomarathon awards evening. A brief report on FfotoAber would be prepared and Mr Deian Creunant noted that he and Catrin would appreciate the opportunity to present the report to the Town Council if it was so wished as they looked forward to 2016.
- xv) Llythyr oddi wrth Mr Hugh Williams, Morven, St David’s Rd, Aberystwyth yn gofyn a fyddai’r Cyngor Tref yn fodlon rhoi cefnogaeth gyhoeddus i’r ymgyrch yn erbyn preifateiddio Cartref Preswyl yr Henoed, Bodlondeb, Penparcau. Adroddwyd gan Aelod o’r Cyngor Sir bod y penderfyniad wedi ei wneud yn barod yn dilyn toriadau o’r Llywodraeth Ganolog. PENDERFYNWYD ysgrifennu at Cyngor Sir Ceredigion yn gofyn a allai cynrychiolydd perthnasol o’r Adran Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol ddod a rhoi cyflwyniad i’r Cyngor Tref i ddweud beth maent yn mynd i wneud ynglŷn â Bodlondeb.
A letter from Mr Hugh Williams, Morven, St David’s Rd, Aberystwyth asking whether the Town Council would be willing to give public support to the campaign against the privatisation of the Residential Care Home, Bodlondeb, Penparcau.
A member of the County Council reported that the decision had already been made following cuts from Central Government. It was RESOLVED to write to Ceredigion County Council asking whether a relevant representative of the Social Services Department could come to give a presentation to the Town Council to say what they were going to do regarding Bodlondeb.
xvi) Llythyr gan Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda yn amgáu llyfryn ‘Gweddnewid Gwasanaethau Iechyd Meddwl’.
A letter from Hywel Dda University Health Board enclosing a booklet ‘Transforming Mental Health Services’.
xvii) E-bost gan y Cyngh. Sarah Bowen yn hysbysu’r Cynghorwyr am ‘Christmas Coffee & Cake Bonanza’ yn Neuadd Byddin yr Iachawdwriaeth, dydd Gwener 4 Rhagyfer 2015 am 10a.m.-2p.m. Hoffai’ar Cyngh. Bowen petai rhai o’r Cynghorwyr yn gallu mynychu.
E-mail from Cllr. Sarah Bowen notifying the Councillors about ‘Christmas Coffee & Cake Bonanza’ at the Salvation Army Hall, on Friday 4 December 2015 at 10am-2pm. Cllr. Bowen would be delighted if some of the Councillors could attend.
xviii) Newyddlen rhif 68 gan SARPA.
Newsletter no. 68 from SARPA.
xix) Le Griffon.
Le Griffon.
- xx) Gwlad
xxi) Newyddion Aber (Hydref 2015 – cylchgrawn Prifysgol A
Newyddion Aber (October 2015 - Aberystwyth University magazine).
xxii) E-bost wedi ei anfon gan Mr. Patrick O’Brien at y Cyngh. Mark Strong o dan y pwnc: ‘tree decision’. PENDERFYNWYD ei gyfeirio i’r Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol.
E-mail sent from Mr. Patrick O’Brien to Cllr. Mark Strong under the subject: ‘tree decision’. It was RESOLVED to forward it to the General Management Committee.
Cofnod 109/Minute 109
Unrhyw Fater Arall/Any Other Business
- Cadarnhawyd o’r drafodaeth flaenorol mai Cllr. Brendan Somers oedd i fynychu’r gweithdy yn ymwneud â codi tâl parcio ar hyd glan môr Aberystwyth ar 30 Tachwedd 2015 yng Nghanolfan Rheidol.
It was confirmed from the previous discussions that Cllr. Brendan Somers would be attending the workshop regarding parking charges along Aberystwyth seafront on 30 November 2015 at Rheidol Centre.
- PENDERFYNWYD anfon llythyr o werthfawrogiad i’r British Legion am eu gwaith yn trefnu’r Parêd Sul y Cofio eleni a’i bod hi’n amlwg wrth nifer y bobl oedd yno bod cynrychiolaeth o’r gymuned ehangach yn cymryd rhan.
It was RESOLVED to send a letter of appreciation to the British Legion for their work arranging the Rememberance Sunday Parade this year and that it was obvious from the number of people there that there was representation from the wider community.
- Nodwyd amseroedd rhoi goleuadau Nadolig Penparcau a Trefechan ymlaen –
Penparcau, dydd Sadwrn, 5 Rhagfyr am 5p.m.; Trefechan, dydd Mawrth, 7 Rhagfyr am 6p.m.
The times for switching on the Penparcau and Trefechan Christmas lights -
Penparcau, Saturday, 5 December at 5p.m.; Trefechan, Tuesday, 7 December at 6.p.m.