Aberystwyth Council

Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth Town Council

Cyngor Llawn   /  Full Council





Yn bresennol:


Cyng. Brendan Somers (Cadeirydd)

Cyng. Jeff Smith

Cyng. Mererid Boswell

Cyng. Endaf Edwards

Cyng. Ceredig Davies

Cyng. Wendy Morris

Cyng. Lucy Huws

Cyng. Steve Davies

Cyng. Sue Jones Davies

Cyng. Sarah Bowen

Cyng. Talat Chaudhri

Cyng. Brenda Haines

Cyng. Brian Davies

Cyng. Aled Davies


Yn mynychu:

Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerc)

Delyth Davies (cyfieithydd)

Caleb Spencer (Cambrian News)




Cllr. Brendan Somers (Chair)

Cllr. Jeff Smith

Cllr. Mererid Boswell

Cllr. Endaf Edwards

Cllr. Ceredig Davies

Cllr. Wendy Morris

Cllr. Lucy Huws

Cllr. Steve Davies

Cllr. Sue Jones Davies

Cllr. Sarah Bowen

Cllr. Talat Chaudhri

Cllr. Brenda Haines

Cllr Brian Davies

Cllr. Aled Davies


In attendance:

Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerk)

Delyth Davies (translator)

Caleb Spencer (Cambrian News)






Cyng. Mair Benjamin

Cyng. Martin Shewring

Cyng. Mark Strong

Cyng. Alun Williams




Cllr. Mair Benjamin

Cllr. Martin Shewring

Cllr. Mark Strong

Cllr. Alun Williams




Datgan Diddordeb:



Declaration of interest:





Cyfeiriadau Personol:


Dymunwyd yn dda i Wendy Morris ar ei thaith i Awstralia a manteisiodd cynghorwyr ar y cyfle i ddiolch iddi am ei chyfraniad aruthrol i'r Cyngor.

Personal References:


Best wishes were extended to Wendy Morris on her trip to Australia and councillors took the opportunity to thank her for her immense contribution to the Council.





Adroddiad ar Weithgareddau’r Maer:  Dim adroddiad.


Mayoral Activity Report:   No report.







Cofnodion o’r Cyngor Llawn a gynhaliwyd nos Lun, 19 Rhagfyr 2016 i gadarnhau cywirdeb:


PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y cofnodion.

Minutes of Full Council held on Monday, 19 December 2016 to confirm accuracy:


It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes.




Materion yn codi o’r Cofnodion: Dim


Matters arising from the Minutes: None








Cofnodion o’r Pwyllgor Cynllunio -  9 Ionawr 2017:  Ni gynhaliwyd y cyfarfod gan nad oedd ceisiadau cynllunio i’w hystyried


Minutes of the Planning Committee - 9 January 2017: The meeting had been cancelled as there were no planning applications for consideration










Cofnodion Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Gyffredinol a gynhaliwyd ar nos Lun, 16 January 2017:


PENDERFYNWYD dderbyn y cofnodion


Minutes of the General Management Committee held on Monday, 16 January 2017:


It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes







Materion yn Codi:


  1. 1 Croeso i Gerddwyr:


PENDERFYNWYD sefydlu grŵp i fynd â'r gwaith yn ei flaen a fyddai’n cael ei arwain gan Gynghorydd.

Matters Arising:


  1. 1 Walkers are Welcome:


Council RESOLVED to establish a group to take the work forward which would be led by a Councillor.








Cofnodion o’r Pwyllgor Cyllid a Sefydliadau a gynhaliwyd nos Lun, 23 Ionawr 2017:


Eitem 6: nid oedd perduh yn berthnasol i Gynghorau Tref


PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y cofnodion


Minutes of the Finance and Establishments Committee held on Monday, 23 January 2017:


Item 6: perduh did not apply to Town Councils


It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes




Materion yn Codi ac

argymhellion y Pwyllgor Cyllid:


Matters Arising and

Finance Committee recommendations:




Eitem 7: Portreadau John Matthews, Maer 1868-1870


PENDERFYNWYD talu'r costau cludo o £50

Item 7: Portraits of John Matthews, Mayor 1868-1870


It was RESOLVED to pay the carriage costs of £50




Bid Teithio Byw:


PENDERFYNWYD cynnig y £12,000 a argymhellwyd o blaid y cais.

Item Active Travel Bid: 


It was RESOLVED to offer the recommended £12,000 in support of the bid.


Hysbysu’r Cyngor Sir

Notify CCC


Eitem 10: 2017-18 Gyllideb.


Cyflwynwyd y gyllideb ddrafft i'r Cyngor.


PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y gyllideb.

Item 10: 2017-18 Budget.


The draft budget was presented to Council.


It was RESOLVED to approve the budget.




Eitem 11: Praesept 2017-18


Cyfiawnhawyd y cynnydd arfaethedig o 1% yn y praesept oherwydd y pwysau ariannol cynyddol o ganlyniad i’r Cyngor Sir yn rhoi terfyn ar wasanaethau


PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y cynnydd o 1% yn y praesept.

Item 11: 2017-18 Precept


A proposed 1% increase in the precept was justified because of increased financial pressures caused by terminated CCC services.


It was RESOLVED to accept the 1% increase in the precept.  

Hysbysu’r Cyngor Sir

Notify CCC


Ceisiadau Cynllunio: Dim


Planning Applications: None




Cwestiynau sy’n ymwneud â materion o fewn cylch gorchwyl Cyngor Aberystwyth YN UNIG:  Dim


  • Blodau 2017: Roedd Jon Hadlow yn gweithio i gyllideb

 £30,000 y Cyngor Tref ac yn archwilio ffyrdd o wneud arbedion, ond gan gadw cymaint o'r ddarpariaeth a phosibl. Roedd y Cyngor wedi penderfynu blaenoriaethu darpariaeth graidd hy y pamau, ond roedd y Clerc wedi cysylltu gydag Aberystwyth ar y Blaen i weld a fyddent yn ystyried talu’r diffyg o £8000 er mwyn medru darparu’r tybiau i gyd.


Questions relating ONLY to matters in Aberystwyth Council’s remit: 


  • Flowers 2017: Jon Hadlow was working to the Town Council’s £30,000 budget and exploring ways of making savings, but still retaining as much of the provision as possible. Council had decided to prioritise core provision ie the flower beds, but the Clerk had contacted Advancing Aberystwyth to see whether they would consider covering the shortfall of £8000 to be able to provide all the tubs.




Cyllid – ystyried gwariant: 


  • Siec 7541: Pwynt trydan yn Sgwâr Glyndwr - gan fod y swm yn llawer uwch na'r amcangyfrif gwreiddiol, ni fyddai’r Cyngor yn danfon y siec, a dylai'r Clerc gysylltu â’r Cyngor Sir i gwyno am y diffyg cyfathrebu a chael esboniad llawn.


  • Siec 7544: roedd hon yn ddyblyg ac ni ddylid ei thalu.


PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y gwariant gyda’r newidiadau a nodwyd.

Finance – to consider expenditure:


  • Cheque 7541: Electricity point for Glyndwr Square - as the amount was much higher than the original estimate, the cheque would not be sent and the Clerk should contact CCC to complain about the lack of communication and get a full explanation.


  • Cheque 7544: was a duplicate and should not be paid.


It was RESOLVED to accept the expenditure with the noted amendments


Cysylltu gyda’r Cyngor Sir

Contact Ceredigion County Council



Adroddiadau AR LAFAR gan Gynghorwyr Sir Ceredigion ar faterion sydd yn ymwneud â Chyngor Aberystwyth YN UNIG:


  1. Steve Davies: Yr oedd wedi mynd i'r afael â meinciau Neuadd Goffa mewn cysylltiad â’r Clerc


  1. Ceredig Davies: Roedd y Comisiynydd Heddlu yn edrych i ail-gyflwyno teledu cylch cyfyng yn ddibynnol ar gynnydd yn praesept yr Heddlu.


VERBAL reports from Ceredigion County Councillors on matters ONLY pertaining to Aberystwyth Council:



  1. Steve Davies: He was addressing the Neuadd Goffa benches issue in liaison with the Clerk


  1. Ceredig Davies: The Police Commissioner was looking to re-introduce CCTV dependant on an increase in the Police precept.



Adroddiadau YSGRIFENEDIG gan gynrychiolwyr ar gyrff allanol: 


  • Esquel (AEPPA): Cyfarfod 14.12.2016 (Cyng. Endaf Edwards)


WRITTEN Reports from representatives on outside bodies:


  • Esquel AEPPA: Meeting 14.12.2016 (Cllr. Endaf Edwards)





Cynnig i’r Cenhedloedd Datganoledig gael dweud eu dweud am Brexit: Cyng. Jeff Smith


PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y cynnig ac i ysgrifennu at Theresa May PW, David Davis a Boris Johnson. Y Cynghorydd J Smith i gyfansoddi drafft a'r Clerc i’w anfon.

Motion for Devolved Nations to have their say on Brexit: Cllr Jeff Smith


It was RESOLVED to accept the motion and to write to Theresa May PM, David Davis and Boris Johnson. Cllr J Smith to compose a draft and the Clerk to send.


Anfon llythyr

Send letter











Clwb Pêl Droed:  Roedd y clwb wedi cyflwyno cais am gyllid cyn y broses o wneud penderfyniadau grant er mwyn mynd i'r afael â'r llygredd golau yng nghynt.


PENDERFYNWYD y dylen nhw wneud cais am grant yn ôl y drefn ymgeisio arferol.

Football Club: the club had submitted a request for funding prior to the grant decision making process in order to address the light pollution sooner.


It was RESOLVED to respond that they should apply for a grant as per the usual application process.


Ymateb i’r Clwb

Respond to the Club


Carnifal Aberystwyth 29.7.2017: yn diolch i'r Cyngor am ei gefnogaeth ac yn gofyn am wirfoddolwyr.


Aberystwyth Carnival 29.7.2017: thanking the Council for its support and asking for volunteers



Arolwg Cynghorau Tref a Chymuned LlC: Dyddiad cau 30 Mawrth 2017: y Clerc i gwblhau a chylchredeg ymateb drafft cyn cyfarfod Cyngor Llawn mis Chwefror

Town and Community Council Survey WG: Deadline 30 March 2017: The Clerk to complete and circulate draft response prior to February Full Council meeting


Cwblhau a dosbarthu drafft

Complete and distribute draft


Comisiwn Ffiniau a Democratiaeth Leol Cymru: arolwg o’r trefniadau etholiadol ar gyfer Ceredigion. Dyddiad cau 19 Ebrill 2017


Local Democracy and Boundary Commission: review of the electoral arrangements for Ceredigion: Deadline 19 April 2017.

Pawb i ymateb

All to respond


Parc Kronberg: Rhoes Andrew Ginn, Asiant y Cyngor, gyfarwyddid i'r Cyngor i ystyried y cynllun diwygiedig a ddarparwyd gan Freestyle ar gyfer ei gyflwyno i gynllunio.


PENDERFYNWYD peidio cymeradwyo y cynlluniau diwygiedig ac y dylai rhagor o wybodaeth am y newidiadau, a phrisiadau manwl, cael eu darparu cyn anfon at gynllunio..

Parc Kronberg: Andrew Ginn, the Council’s Agent, instructed the Council to consider the amended plan provided by Freestyle for submission to planning.


It was RESOLVED that the amended plans were not approved and that more information on the changes, and detailed costings, should be provided before sending to planning.


Ymateb i AG

Respond to AG


Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth Town Council

Pwyllgor Cynllunio   /   Planning Committee







Yn bresennol:


Cyng. Jeff Smith (Cadeirydd)
Cyng. Lucy Huws  

Cyng. Brendan Somers

Cyng. Endaf Edwards

Cyng. Steve Davies


Yn mynychu:


Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerc)





Cllr. Jeff Smith (Chair)

Cllr. Lucy Huws

Cllr. Brendan Somers

Cllr. Endaf Edwards

Cllr. Steve Davies


In attendance:


Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerk)






Cyng. Mair Benjamin




Cllr. Mair Benjamin





Datgan Diddordeb: Dim


Declaration of interest: None




Cyfeiriadau Personol: Dim

Personal references: None




Ceisiadau Cynllunio:

Planning Applications:




A170031: Unit 5 Parc Masnach Rheidol


Arddangos hysbysebion



A A170031: Unit 5 Rheidol Retail Park


Display of advertisements




Danfon ymateb at y Cyngor Sir

Send response to CCC



A170074: Llety Tirion, Coedlan y Parc


Newid defnydd yr annedd bresennol yn Ganolfan Iechyd Ceiropracteg D1


DIM GWRTHWYNEBIAD. Croesawir y datblygiad ond fe ddylai’r arwyddion fod yn ddwyieithog

A170074: Llety Tirion, Park Avenue


Change of use of existing dwelling into Chiropractic Health Centre D1


NO OBJECTION. The development is welcome but signage should be bilingual.


Danfon ymateb at y Cyngor Sir

Send response to CCC



A170079: Adeilad Cledwyn, Prifysgol Aberystwyth


Gosod ysgol fynediad sefydlog newydd, system llinell bywyd llorweddol, uwchraddio y to fflat a ffenestri to newydd a cwt mynediad




A170079: Cledwyn Building, Aberystwyth University


Installation of new fixed access ladder, horizontal lifeline system, upgrading covering to flat roof and new roof lights and access hutch.




Danfon ymateb at y Cyngor Sir

Send response to CCC



A170087: 10 Dan Dre


Arddangos hysbysebion


Fel y nodwyd eisoes, mae’r Cyngor yn GWRTHWYNEBU’r defnydd o arwyddion sydd wedi eu goleuo o’r tu fewn mewn ardal gadwraethol a disgwylir i’r Gymraeg fod o leiaf yr un mor amlwg a’r Saesneg.


A170087: 10 Mill Street


Display of advertisements


As previously stated, the Council OBJECTS to the use of internally illuminated signage in a conservation area and expects the Welsh to be at least as prominent as the English.


Danfon ymateb at y Cyngor Sir

Send response to CCC



A170091: 1 Pen y Cei, Ffordd Felin y môr




A170091: 1 Pen y Cei, Felinymor Rd





Danfon ymateb at y Cyngor Sir

Send response to CCC



A170050: Store 21, Parc Masnach Rheidol

Gosod llawr mesanin yn yr uned adwerthu


GWRTHWYNEBIAD cryf am nad oes trefniadau cadw gwastraff (yn enwedig gwastraff bwyd)


A170050: Store 21,  Rheidol Retail Park

Installation of mezzanine floor in the existing retail unit


Strong OBJECTION on the basis that there is no provision for waste storage (especially food waste)


Danfon ymateb at y Cyngor Sir

Send response to CCC



Pwyllgor Rheoli Datblygu


A160934 a A161043: arwyddion M&S a Tesco. Roedd yr Adran Gynllunio wedi argymell cymeradwyo'r cais er gwaethaf gwrthwynebiad y Cyngor Tref ar sail diffyg dwyieithrwydd ac arwyddion wedi eu goleuo'n fewnol mewn ardal gadwraeth.


ARGYMHELLWYD y dylai'r Cyngor ysgrifennu at Gomisiynydd yr Iaith Gymraeg.

Development Control Committee:


A160934 and A161043: M&S and Tesco signage. The Planning Department had recommended approval of the application despite Town Council’s objections on the basis of lack of bilingualism and internally illuminated signage in a conservation area.


It was AGREED that the Council should write to the Welsh Language Commissioner.









Eglwys Sant Mihangel: hysbysiad newid defnydd y lloriau eraill yn y swyddfa o B1 i D1

St Michael’s Church: notice of change of use of the other floors in the office from B1 to D1




Janet Barber, Aberteifi: gwrthwynebu safiad Cyngor y Dref ar ddwyieithrwydd yng nghyd-destun M&S.

Janet Barber, Aberteifi: opposing theTown Council’s stance on bilingualism in the context of M&S.




Eglwys Gwenfrewi: Roedd gan y Cyng Lucy Huws bryderon difrifol ynghylch cyflwr yr arteffactau sydd wedi eu gadael yn yr eglwys gan nad oes gan y plwyfolion hawl i gael mynediad i'w cynnal.


Gofynnodd i’r Cyngor Tref ysgrifennu at Swyddog Adeiladau y Cyngor Sir i ofyn iddo orfodi mynediad i’r eglwys gan fod yr Ymddiriedolwyr yn cael eu gweld fel landlord anghyfrifol ac heb gymryd camau i gynnal adeilad yn yr ardal gadwraeth.


CYTUNWYD y dylai'r Cyngor ysgrifennu at Swyddog yr Adeilad.

St Winefride’s:  Cllr Lucy Huws had serious concerns regarding the condition of the artefacts left in the church as parishioners were not allowed entry to maintain them.


She requested that the Council write to CCC Building’s Officer to ask for enforced entry as the Trustees are seen as an irresponsible landlord and are not taking steps to maintain a building in the conservation area.


It was AGREED that the Council should write to the Building’s Officer.


Ysgrifennu at y Cyngor Sir

Write to CCC


Fframwaith Datblygu Cyffredinol – ymgynghoriad yn gorffen 7 Mawrth 2017.


Awgrymodd y Cyng Jeff Smith y dylent edrych ar brosiectau fel:

  • Rheilffordd i Gaerfyrddin
  • Ffordd osgoi Llanbadarn er mwyn cymryd y cefnffordd o ganol y dref
  • Dyrannu gormod o dai i Aberystwyth - dylai'r CDLl gael ei newid i ganiatáu adeiladu yng nghefn gwlad lle mae ei angen.


CYTUNWYD y byddai'r Clerc yn cylchredeg y manylion a'r syniadau uchod trwy e-bost i gasglu ynghyd yr holl sylwadau i'w trafod yn y Cyngor Llawn nesaf

National Development Framework consultation ends 7 March 2017.


Cllr Jeff Smith suggested they should look at projects such as:

  • Railway to Caerfyrddin
  • Llanbadarn bi-pass in order to de-trunk the town centre
  • Over allocation of housing for Aberystwyth – the LDP should be changed to allow building in the countryside where it is needed.


It was AGREED that the Clerk would circulate the details and the ideas above by email to gather all comments for discussion at next Full Council




Eitem Agenda Cyngor Llawn

Full council agenda item


Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth Town Council

Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol   /  General Management Committee (GM)


  1. 2.2017





Yn bresennol:


Cyng. Talat Chaudhri (Cadeirydd)

Cyng. Mair Benjamin

Cyng. Brian Davies

Cyng. Alun Williams

Cyng. Mark Strong

Cyng. Sue Jones-Davies

Cyng. Brendan Somers

Cyng. Martin Shewring

Cyng. Steve Davies

Cyng. Kevin Price


Yn mynychu:


Cyng. Endaf Edwards

Cyng. Jeff Smith

Cyng. Mererid Boswell

Cyng. Ceredig Davies

Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerc)




Cllr. Talat Chaudhri (Chair)

Cllr. Mair Benjamin

Cllr. Brian Davies

Cllr. Alun Williams

Cllr. Mark Strong

Cllr. Sue Jones-Davies

Cllr. Brendan Somers

Cllr. Martin Shewring

Cllr. Steve Davies

Cllr. Kevin Price


In attendance:


Cllr. Endaf Edwards

Cllr. Jeff Smith

Cllr. Mererid Boswell

Cllr. Ceredig Davies

Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerk)





Cyng. Brenda Haines

Cyng. Wendy Morris




Cllr. Brenda Haines

Cllr Wendy Morris





Datgan Diddordeb:

  • Eitem 7.1: Alun Williams yw’r Aelod Cabinet
  • Eitem 7.2: Mae’r Cyng. Mark Strong yn aelod o Gymdeithas Gofal Ceredigion


Declaration of interest:

  • Item 7.1: Cllr Alun Williams is the Cabinet Member
  • Item 7.2: Cllr Mark Strong is a member of the Ceredigion Care Society



Cyfeiriadau personol:


Roedd y Cyng. Mark Strong wedi mynychu perfformiad o Gerddorfa Symffoni Ieuenctid Ceredigion. Anogodd cynghorwyr eraill i fynychu perfformiadau yn y dyfodol.


Personal references:


Cllr Mark Strong had attended a performance of the Ceredigion Youth Symphony Orchestra. He encouraged other councillors to attend future performances.





Mynediad i’r swyddfa


ARGYMHELLWYD y dylai’r Clerc gysylltu gyda’r landlord i edrych ar bosibiliadau ar gyfer mynediad gwell i’r anabl.


Office access:


It was RECOMMENDED that the Clerk contact the landlord to explore options to provide improved access for the disabled.

Cysylltu gydag Alexanders

Contact Alexanders


Blodau 2017:


Roedd amcangyfrif Jon Hadlow yn awr yn dod o fewn y £30,000 a glustnodwyd. Roedd y Clerc wedi ysgrifennu at y BID i weld a fyddai diddordeb ganddynt mewn ariannu tybiau canol tref.



Flowers 2017:


Jon Hadlow’s estimate now came within the £30,000 budget allocation. The Clerk had written to the BID to investigate their interest in funding town centre tubs.






Cynllun Gwaith:


Schedule of Works:







ARGYMHELLWYD y dylid llunio rhestr o'r meinciau y mae’r Cyngor Tref yn gyfrifol amdanynt ac y dylent gael eu cynnwys yn y Cynllun Gwaith.


ARGYMHELLWYD y dylai'r Cynllun Gwaith cael ei gwblhau er mwyn mynd allan i dendr fel mater o frys. Dylid ei ychwanegu fel eitem agenda’r Pwyllgor Cyllid.




It was RECOMMENDED that a list of benches that the Town Council is responsible for should be drawn up and that they should be included in the Schedule of Works. 


It was RECOMMENDED that the Schedule of Works should be finalised in order to go out to tender as a matter of urgency.  It should be added as a Finance Committee agenda item.





Cysylltu gyda Jon Hadlow

Contact Jon Hadlow



Eitem agenda Pwyllgor Cyllid

Finance Committee agenda Item





Roedd y Gymdeithas Gofal wedi anfon dyfynbris ar gyfer y gwaith yn y Labyrinth.


ARGYMHELLWYD y dylai'r Gymdeithas Gofal wneud y gwaith am y flwyddyn sydd i ddod gan eu bod hefyd yn cefnogi pobl ifanc ddifreintiedig.

Yr argymhelliad i gael ei gymeradwyo gan y Pwyllgor Cyllid.



The Care Society had sent a quote for the work in the Labyrinth. 


It was RECOMMENDED that the Care Society should undertake the work for the forthcoming year as they also support disadvantaged young people.  Recommendation to be approved by the Finance Committee.







Eitem agenda Pwyllgor Cyllid

Finance Committee agenda Item


Arolwg radar:


Roedd angen mynd ar drywydd yr adroddiad eto er mwyn medru nodi unrhyw waith angenrheidiol

Radar Survey: 


It was necessary to chase up the report again in order to be able to identify any necessary works

Cysyllltu gyda John Heuch eto

Contact John Heuch again





  • Y Bumed Goedlan: Roedd y plot â phroblemau gyda thenant newydd a’r un hanner plot oedd ar ôl yn cael ei weld ar 14.2.2017. Roedd cloeon cyfuniad newydd wedi eu gosod i gynyddu diogelwch a gwneud arbedion yn y tymor hir. Roedd deiliaid rhandiroedd yn hapus iawn gyda'r gwelliannau a wnaed.


Diolchwyd i’r Clerc am ei gwaith.


  • Mannau tyfu Plascrug: roedd cyfarfod safle yn cael ei gynnal ar 16.2.2017



  • Fifth Avenue: The plot with problems had a new tenant and the only remaining half plot was due to be viewed on 14.2.2017. New combination locks had been fitted to increase security and make savings in the long term.  Allotment holders were very happy with the improvements made.


The Clerk was thanked for her work.



  • Plascrug growing spaces: a site meeting was to be held on 16.2.2017





Eitem agenda Pwyllgor Cyllid

Finance Committee agenda Item






Rhestr Meiri ar gyfer fframio:


ARGYMHELLWYD y dyliai’r placiau brass fod yn y Gymaeg sef Cyng.


Diolchwyd i’r Cyng. Aled Davies am roi y lluniau i fyny.

List of Mayors for framing:


It was RECOMMENDED that the brass plaque should be in Welsh ie Cyng.


Cllr Aled Davies was thanked for putting up the pictures




Adnewyddu Masnach Deg:


ARGYMHELLWYD y dylai Is-bwyllgor gael ei sefydlu i oruchwylio'r adnewyddu gan ei fod yn llawer o waith. Cynghorwyr a fynegodd ddiddordeb: Jeff Smith, Alun Williams, Mererid Boswell, Sue Jones-Davies a Talat Chaudhri


Fair Trade renewal:


It was RECOMMENDED that a Sub Committee should be established to oversee the renewal as it was a lot of work.  Councillors who expressed an interest: Jeff Smith, Alun Williams, Mererid Boswell, Sue Jones-Davies and Talat Chaudhri.

Trefnu cyfarfod

Organise meeting


Cathryn Morgan:  £33,000 ar gael i’w wario erbyn 31.3.2017


ARGYMHELLWYD gwneud cais am yr arian i brynu offer chwarae i Benparcau yn cynnwys swing anabledd. Ond hefyd i nodi safleoedd ar gyfer man chwarae newydd yn Ward y Gogledd.

Cathryn Morgan:  £33,000 available for spending before 31.3.2017.


It was RECOMMENDED to apply for the money to purchase play equipment for Penparcau including a disability swing.  But also to identify sites for a new play area in North Ward.




Baw Cŵn yn y Labyrinth ac arwyddion


ARGYMHELLWYD y dylai'r penderfyniad blaenorol ar y mater hwn gael ei weithredu a dylai’r Cynghorwyr Jeff Smith a Talat Chaudhri a’r Clerc fwrw iddi gyda’r gwaith. 

Dog Fouling in the Labyrinth and signage


It was RECOMMENDED that the previous resolution on this matter should be actioned and Cllrs. Jeff Smith and Talat Chaudhri and the Clerk would take the work forward. 


Cynghorwyr Jeff Smith a Talat Chaudhri a’r Clerc i drafod.

Cllrs. Jeff Smith and Talat Chaudhri and the Clerk to discuss.



Grant Croeso Cymru


Roedd y Clerc wedi llunio cynllun cryno o gyfres o ddigwyddiadau Cymreig i'w gyflwyno i'r Cyngor Sir fel rhan o gais rhanbarthol. ARGYMHELLWYD y dylai’r Cynghorwyr Jeff Smith a Talat Chaudhri a'r Clerc yn datblygu'r syniadau yn fanylach.

Visit Wales grant


The Clerk had put together a brief plan of a series of Welsh events for submission to the County Council as part of a regional bid.  It was RECOMMENDED that Cllrs. Jeff Smith and Talat Chaudhri and the Clerk should develop the ideas in greater detail.


Cynghorwyr Jeff Smith a Talat Chaudhri a’r Clerc i drafod.

Cllrs. Jeff Smith and Talat Chaudhri and the Clerk to discuss.



Tarian y Cyngor


ARGYMHELLWYD y dylai’r Maer roi tarian y Cyngor Tref i ysgolhaig o Tsieina a oedd yn ymweld ag Aberystwyth.


Council Shield


It was RECOMMENDED that the Mayor would give a visiting academic from China a Town Council shield.




Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth Town Council

Pwyllgor Cyllid a Sefydliadau   /  Finance and Establishments Committee






Gweithred / Action



Yn bresennol


Cyng Jeff Smith (Cadeirydd)

Cyng Endaf Edwards

Cyng Mererid Boswell

Cyng Ceredig Davies (tan 7 o’r gloch)

Cyng Brendan Somers

Cyng Brenda Haines


Yn mynychu

Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerc)





Cllr Jeff Smith (Chair)

Cllr Endaf Edwards

Cllr Mererid Boswell

Cllr Ceredig Davies (until 7pm)

Cllr Brendan Somers

Cllr Brenda Haines


In attendance

Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerk)






Cyng Alun Williams

Cyng Mark Strong

Cyng Steve Davies

Cyng Wendy Morris




Cllr Alun Williams

Cllr Mark Strong

Cllr Steve Davies

Cllr Wendy Morris




Datgan Buddiannau:  Dim


Declarations of Interest:  None



Cyfeiriadau Personnol: Dim


Personal References: None




Ystyried Cyfrifon (Ionawr):


Edrych ar y côdau cost er sicrhau cywirdeb (roedd costau Cinio Nadolig yr Henoed wedi cael eu rhoi yn y lle anghywir).



Consider Accounts (January):


Cost codes to be reviewed to ensure accuracy (the costs for the Senior’s Christmas Lunch had been incorrectly allocated)


Adolygu’r Côdau Cost

Review Cost Codes






Pwyllgor Staffio:


Cyflwynwyd bapur gan y Pwyllgor Staffio yn egluro’r angen am gefnogaeth gweinyddol i’r swyddfa a’r dyletswyddau.


ARGYMHELLWYD fod y Cyngor yn darparu cymorth gweinyddol ar gyfer 8 awr yr wythnos (10-12pm Llun-Iau).


ARGYMHELLWYD hefyd y dylai'r Clerc gael cyngor cyfrifyddu proffesiynol yn ôl yr angen.

Staffing Committee:


A paper was presented by the Staffing Committee explaining the need for and duties of admin support.


It was RECOMMENDED that the Council provides admin support for 8 hours per week (10-12pm Mon-Thurs.)


It was also RECOMMENDED that the Clerk should source professional accountancy advice as needed.




Cynllun Gwaith


ARGYMHELLWYD y dylai'r cynllun gael ei gwblhau a'i gyflwyno i'r Cyngor Llawn er mwyn bwrw iddi gyda’r broses dendro.

Schedule of Works


It was RECOMMENDED that the schedule should be finalised and presented to Full Council in order to progress the tendering process.



Cwblhau y cynllun

Finalise the schedule





ARGYMHELLWYD y dylid derbyn dyfynbris £3174.00 y Gymdeithas Gofal ar gyfer lladd gwair a’r gwaith cynnal a chadw


Byddai’r Cyng Brendan Somers yn ymchwilio arwyddion i wahardd cŵn o'r Labyrinth



It was RECOMMENDED that the Care Society quote of £3174.00 for maintenance and grass cutting should be accepted


Cllr Brendan Somers would investigate signage to ban dogs from the Labyrinth



Cysylltu gyda’r Gymdeithas Gofal

Contact the Care Society







Croeso Cymru

Roedd cais ar gyfer pedwar digwyddiad hanesyddol wedi cael ei gyflwyno i’r Cyngor Sir

Visit Wales

An application for four historic events had been submitted to the County Council




Cronfa Cynllun Chwarae - Llywodraeth Cymru


ARGYMHELLWYD y dylai’r Cyngor ddarparu arian cyfatebol ar gyfer dau gais ac i brynu:


  • 2 siglen anghenion arbennig: £175 yr un heb TAW (Penparcau a Phlascrug)
  • Newcastle (Playdale) £8134 + £2440 heb TAW (Penparcau)
  • Surf spinner (Russell Play) £4225+£375 heb TAW


Play Action Plan funding - Welsh Government


It was RECOMMENDED that the Council provides match funding for two applications and the purchase of:


  • 2 special needs swings: £175 each ex VAT (Penparcau and Plascrug)
  • Newcastle (Playdale): £8134 + £2440 ex VAT (Penparcau)
  • Surf spinner ((Russell Play): £4225+£375 ex VAT (Plascrug)




Aelodaeth Un Llais Cymru


ARGYMHELLWYD y dylai’r Cyngor adnewyddu’r aelodaeth

One Voice Wales membership


It was RECOMMENDED that the Council renews the membership









Maes chwarae Plas Crug: roedd anaf (torri bys troed) wedi digwydd yn y maes chwarae, mae’n debyg oherwydd twll yn y ddaear.


ARGYMHELLWYD y dylai’r Clerc ymchwilio i’r mater.


Plas Crug play area: an injury (broken toe) in the play area had allegedly been caused by a hole in the ground.


It was RECOMMENDED that the Clerk investigate the issue


Cysylltu gyda Danielle a Jon Hadlow

Contact Danielle and Jon Hadlow


Blodau: roedd Jon Hadlow wedi darparu bris o £29,628.71. Byddai'r planhigion ar gyfer y pamau yn costio £5100 a'r tybiau £3000. Y rhain oedd y prisiau gorau o fewn yr amserlen dynn. Roedd y tyfwr wedi cael ei ddefnyddio gan CSC am y tair blynedd diwethaf (yn dilyn proses dendro). Byddai'n rhaid i'r Cyngor Tref i archebu'r planhigion.


ARGYMHELLWYD y dylid rhoi pwerau dirprwyedig i'r Clerc i archebu’r planhigion.

Flowers: Jon Hadlow had provided a price of £29,628.71.  The plants for the borders would cost £5100 and the tubs £3000.  These were the best prices found within the tight timescale. The grower had been used by CCC for the past three years (following a tender process). The Town Council would have to order the plants.


It was RECOMMENDED that the Clerk be given delegated powers to order the plants.


Archebu planhigion

Order plants


Anfoneb Neuadd Goffa: Ariannu Swyddfa’r heddlu i’w drafod yng nghyfarfod cyllid mis Mehefin

Neuadd Goffa invoice: Police office funding to be discussed in the June finance meeting


Agenda Pwyllgor Cyllid Mehefin

June Finance Committee agenda



Rhannu swyddfa:


Dylid ymchwilio i ddewisiadau annibynnol ond ARGYMHELLWYD tâl gwasanaeth o £300 y mis i gynnwys yr holl gostau

Shared office space:


Independent options to be investigated (eg separate phone line, codes for printing etc) but a service charge of £300 a month was RECOMMENDED to cover all costs





Parc Kronberg:  llythyr gan Gyllid a Thollau EM yn caniatáu TAW i'w hawlio bob mis.

Kronberg Park: a letter from HMRC allowing VAT to be claimed monthly.




Arad Goch: Cais am arian tuag at ddigwyddiad Hen Linell Bell.


ARGYMHELLWYD y dylai’r Cyngor gefnogi’r digwyddiad mewn egwyddor ond byddai’r cais am arian yn cael ei drafod gyda’r ceisiadau grant eraill.


Arad Goch: funding request towards the Hen Linell Bell event.


It was RECOMMENDED that the Council supports the event in principle but that the funding application would be considered with the other grant applications




Pwynt trydan Sgwâr Glyndŵr: e-bost gan Mel Hopkins yn esbonio’r broses datblygu a'r costau uwch na'r disgwyl.


ARGYMHELLWYD y dylid talu’r swm, ond dylai'r Clerc ymchwilio i'r cofnodion i gadarnhau cyfraniadau partneriaid

Glyndŵr Square electrical point: an email from Mel Hopkins explaining the development process and the higher than expected costs.


It was RECOMMENDED that the amount be paid but that the Clerk should investigate the minutes to clarify partner contributions




Edrych yn ôl ar y cofnodion

Check past minutes