Aberystwyth Council

Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth Town Council

Cyfarfod Cyngor Llawn

Meeting of Full Council








Yn bresennol:


Cyng. Mari Turner (Cadeirydd)

Cyng. Talat Chaudhri

Cyng. Brendan Somers

Cyng. Endaf Edwards

Cyng. Brenda Haines

Cyng. Dylan Wilson-Lewis

Cyng. Nia Edwards-Behi

Cyng. Claudine Young

Cyng. Mair Benjamin

Cyng. Sue Jones Davies

Cyng. David Lees

Cyng. Steve Davies


Yn mynychu:

George Jones (cyfieithydd)

Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerc)





Cllr. Mari Turner (Chair)

Cllr. Talat Chaudhri

Cllr. Brendan Somers

Cllr. Endaf Edwards

Cllr. Brenda Haines

Cllr. Dylan Wilson-Lewis

Cllr. Nia Edwards-Behi

Cllr. Claudine Young

Cllr. Mair Benjamin

Cllr. Sue Jones Davies

Cllr. David Lees

Cllr. Steve Davies


In attendance:

George Jones (translator)

Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerk)






Cyng. Lucy Huws

Cyng. Charlie Kingsbury

Cyng. Michael Chappell

Cyng. Rhodri Francis

Cyng. Alex Mangold

Cyng. Mark Strong

Cyng. Alun Williams



Cllr. Lucy Huws

Cllr. Charlie Kingsbury

Cllr. Michael Chappell

Cllr. Rhodri Francis

Cllr. Alex Mangold

Cllr. Mark Strong

Cllr. Alun Williams




Datgan Diddordeb:  Dim


Declaration of interest:  None




Cyfeiriadau Personol:


Roedd y Clerc wedi cyfarfod â Francesco Rutelli, ŵyr Mario Rutelli y cerflunydd. Roedd wedi darparu ffotograffau o weithdy’r cerflunydd ac yn gefnogol iawn tuag at adleoli ac adfer cofeb Tabernacl. Roedd y Cyngor nawr yn aros i beirianwyr Cyngor Sir Ceredigion gadarnhau ymarferoldeb safle Neuadd y Dref

Personal References:


The Clerk had met with Francesco Rutelli, the grandson of Mario Rutelli the sculptor. He had provided photographs from the sculptor’s workshop and was very supportive of the relocation and restoration of the Tabernacl memorial. The Council was now waiting for Ceredigion County Council engineers to confirm the feasibility of the Town Hall site






Aberystwyth ar y Blaen: Matthew Newbold, Rheolwr a Mark Joseph, Cadeirydd


Darparwyd trosolwg o brosiectau gan gynnwys: dangosiadau sinema, pwll tywod, Taith Bws Aber, ap Aber, goleuadau Nadolig, wifi tref am ddim a chasglu data, edrych ar brosiectau'r dref fel baneri a fflagiau a glanhau gwteri, hyfforddiant mewn partneriaeth â Choleg Ceredigion, digwyddiadau rhwydweithio i fusnesau a chynllun arbed costau.


Cododd cynghorwyr faterion fel gwylanod a defnydd posibl o farcutiaid, materion diogelu data ynghylch yr ap, yr arwyddion digidol, blaenoriaethu busnesau lleol, a pholisi dwyieithog Aberystwyth ar y Blaen.


PENDERFYNWYD ymchwilio i ddyletswyddau Aberystwyth ar y Blaen o ran eu polisi dwyieithog ac ysgrifennu atynt yn unol â hynny.

Advancing Aberystwyth: Matthew Newbold, Manager and Mark Joseph, Chairman.


An overview of projects was provided including: cinema screenings, sand pit, Aber Bus Tour, Aber app, Christmas lights, free town wifi and data collection, look of the town projects such as bunting and flags and gutter cleaning, training in partnership with Coleg Ceredigion, networking events for businesses and a cost saving scheme.


Councillors raised issues such as seagulls and possible use of kites, data protection issues regarding the app, the digital signage, prioritising local businesses, and Advancing Aberystwyth’s bilingual policy.


The Council RESOLVED to investigate Advancing Aberystwyth’s duties regarding their bilingual policy and to write to them accordingly.





Ymchwilio ac anfon llythyr

Investigate and send letter


Adroddiad ar Weithgareddau’r Maer:


Cyflwynwyd adroddiad ar lafar.


Mayoral Activity Report:   


A verbal report was presented.








Cofnodion o Gyfarfod y Cyngor Llawn a gynhaliwyd nos Fawrth, 24 Mehefin 2019 i gadarnhau cywirdeb


PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r cofnodion.


Minutes of the Meeting of Full Council held on Tuesday 24 June 2019 to confirm accuracy


It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes



Materion yn codi o’r Cofnodion:


41: Gofynnodd y Cynghorydd Mair Benjamin iddi ddod yn gynrychiolydd Cyngor Tref ar Bwyllgor Cyswllt Rheilffordd Amwythig i Aberystwyth. PENDERFYNWYD gefnogi ei chais.



  1. 1 c): Atgoffodd y Cynghorydd Sue Jones-Davies gynghorwyr o'r coed a oedd yn ei gofal. Byddai'r Pwyllgor Rheoli Cyffredinol yn trafod plannu coed ym mis Medi


Matters arising from the Minutes:


41: Cllr Mair Benjamin requested that she become a Town Council representative on the Shrewsbury to Aberystwyth Rail Liaison Committee. Council RESOLVED to support her request.


  1. 1 c): Cllr Sue Jones-Davies reminded councillors of the donated trees in her care. General Management Committee would discuss tree planting in September









Agenda RhC

GM agenda



Cofnodion y Pwyllgor Cynllunio a gynhaliwyd nos Lun, 8 Gorffenaf 2019


Nid oedd gan y Pwyllgor Cynllunio bwerau dirprwyedig i benderfynu ar bolisi. Byddai angen newid Cofnod 5 i nodi bod y pwyllgor yn ‘ARGYMELL’ y polisi newydd a fyddai’n dod yn bolisi Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth yn amodol ar gymeradwyaeth y Cyngor Llawn.


PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r cofnodion gyda’r newidiad uchod i gofnod 5:


PENDERFYNWYD hefyd mabwysiadu’r polisi newydd ‘Pwyntiau Trydanu’


Tynnodd y Clerc sylw’r cynghorwyr at y cyfarfod arbennig a gynhelir am 6.30pm ar 12.8.2019 i edrych ar ymgynghoriad y Cynllun Datblygu Lleol


Minutes of the Planning Committee held on Monday, 8 July 2019


The Planning Committee did not have delegated powers to decide policy.  Minute 5 would need to be changed to note that the committee ‘RECOMMENDED’ the new policy which would become an Aberystwyth Town Council policy subject to Full Council approval.


It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes with the above amendment to minute 5.


It was also RESOLVED to adopt the new ‘Electric Charging Points’ policy


The Clerk drew the councillors’ attention to the special meeting to be held at 6.30pm on 12.8.2019 to look at the Local Development Plan consultation











Ychwanegu at y rhestr polisiau

Add to policy list



Cofnodion y Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol a gynhaliwyd nos Lun, 15 Gorffennaf 2019


Nid oedd unrhyw funudau gan nad oedd ddigon o aelodau yn bresennol


Atgoffodd y Cadeirydd gynghorwyr o bwysigrwydd mynychu cyfarfodydd.


Minutes of the General Management Committee held on Monday, 15 July 2019


There were no minutes as the meeting had not been quorate


The Chair reminded councillors of the importance of attending meetings.







Cofnodion y Pwyllgor Cyllid a Sefydliadau a gynhaliwyd ar nos Lun, 22 Gorffennaf 2019


PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r cofnodion a phob argymhelliad.


Minutes of the Finance & Establishments Committee held on Monday, 22 July 2019


It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes and all recommendations.


Gweithredu’r argymhellion

Action resolutions





Ceisiadau Cynllunio:




Planning Applications:  






Cwestiynau sy’n ymwneud â materion tu fewn cylch gorchwyl y Cyngor Hwn YN UNIG.




Questions relating ONLY to matters in this Council’s remit.






Cyllid – ystyried gwariant Gorffenaf


PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo'r gwariant


Cafodd y Clerc ganiatâd i arwyddo'r sieciau yn absenoldeb y llofnodwyr eraill.

Finance – to consider the July expenditure


It was RESOLVED to approve the expenditure.


The Clerk was given permission to sign the cheques in the absence of the other signatories.




Adroddiadau AR LAFAR gan Cynghorwyr Cyngor Sir Ceredigion ar faterion sydd yn ymwneud â’r Cyngor hwn YN UNIG


Y Cynghorydd Endaf Edwards

  • Roedd Cyngor Sir Ceredigion bellach yn grwpio paentio meinciau er mwyn bod yn gost-effeithiol. Roedd 120 wedi'u paentio.
  • Roedd meinciau hefyd wedi cael eu cludo i ffwrdd o alcofau'r Castell oherwydd materion diogelwch cerddwyr

VERBAL reports from Ceredigion County Councillors on matters ONLY PERTAINING to this Council



Cllr Endaf Edwards

  • Ceredigion County Council were now grouping the painting of benches in order to be cost effective. 120 had been painted.
  • Benches had also been taken away from the Castle alcoves due to pedestrian safety issues




Adroddiadau YSGRIFENEDIG gan gynrychiolwyr ar gyrff allanol: 




WRITTEN Reports from representatives on outside bodies






Ad-drefnu y pwyllgorau ac aelodaeth


  1. PENDERFYNWYD trefnu cyfarfod ar y cyd o'r Pwyllgor Rheolau Sefydlog a'r Panel Staffio i edrych ar ail-gydbwyso dyletswyddau'r pwyllgorau Rheoli Cyffredinol a Chyllid a Sefydliadau er mwyn adlewyrchu dyletswyddau'r Clerc a'r Dirprwy Glerc.


  1. PENDERFYNWYD symud cyfarfodydd mis Medi yn ôl wythnos i alluogi staff i gymeryd gwyliau:


  • 9: Pwyllgor Rheoli Cyffredinol (cyfnod prawf)
  • 16: Pwyllgor Cynllunio (cyfnod prawf)
  • 23: Pwyllgor Cyllid a Sefydliadau
  • 30: Cyngor Llawn

Committee reorganisation and membership


  1. It was RESOLVED to organise a joint meeting of the Standing Orders Committee and the Staffing Panel to look at rebalancing the duties of the General Management and Finance and Establishments committees in order to reflect Clerk and Deputy Clerk duties.


  1. It was RESOLVED to move the September meetings back a week to enable staff leave:


  • 9: General Management Committee (trial period)
  • 16: Planning Committee (trial period)
  • 23: Finance and Establishments Committee
  • 30: Full Council









Roedd y Cadeirydd eisoes wedi pwysleisio'r angen am bresenoldeb mewn cyfarfodydd a gofynnodd i bobl osgoi dod yn aelodau o bwyllgorau os oeddent yn ymwybodol y byddent yn colli gormod o gyfarfodydd.


Byddai ffigurau presenoldeb yn cael eu cofnodi a chynghorwyr yn cael eu hysbysu o bresenoldeb isel.



The Chair had already stressed the need for attendance at meetings and requested that people avoid becoming members of committees if they were aware that they would miss too many meetings.


Attendance figures would be recorded and councillors notified of low attendance.




Cymeradwyo’r Cynllun Lles 2018-19


PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r cynllun gydag un newid i dudalen 14 - dileu ‘Cyngor’ cyn Bwrdeistref Aberystwyth


Gofynnodd y Cynghorydd Mair Benjamin am gopi ar gyfer fflatiau Rheidol


Approve Wellbeing Plan 2018-19


It was RESOLVED to approve the plan with one change to page 14 – remove ‘Council’ after Aberystwyth Borough.


Cllr Mair Benjamin requested a copy for Rheidol flats



Cyfieithu a dosbarthu

Translate and Distribute




Panel Dehongli Kronberg


Roedd ymweliad safle swyddogion a Chadeiryddion Cyllid a Rheolaeth Gyffredinol wedi cytuno ar leoliad addas.


PENDERFYNWYD cefnogi'r lleoliad a byddai'r Clerc yn cwrdd â chynrychiolydd Gefeillio Kronberg ar y safle.

Kronberg Interpretation Panel


A site visit of officers and Chairs of Finance and General Management had agreed a suitable location.


 It was RESOLVED to support the location and the Clerk would meet with the Kronberg Twinning representative at the site.


Cyfarfod yn y parc

Meet at the park


Arwyddion Plu


PENDERFYNWYD cefnogi prynu deg baner plu a gweithio gyda Ceredigion i'w rhoi allan a'u cludo yn ôl i mewn yn ddyddiol.


Cam defnyddiol ychwanegol fyddai datblygu a rhannu taflen gwybodaeth ynghylch pam na ddylai pobl fwydo gwylanod.

Feather banners


It was RESOLVED to support the purchase of ten feather banners and to work with Ceredigion to put them out and take them back in on a daily basis.


An additional useful step would be to compile and share an information leaflet on why people should not feed seagulls.




Argyfwng hinsawdd


  • Gwahoddwyd Gwrthryfel Difodiant i'r Cyngor Llawn nesaf.


  • Mae People’s Practice yn cynnal eu cyfarfod nesaf ar 13 Awst


  • Mae Aberystwyth Di-Blastig yn cynnal dadlapio torfol yn Morrisons ar 12 Awst


  • Roedd y Cyngor wedi cytuno i wahodd Cyfarwyddwr Green Valley i ddod i Aberystwyth

Climate emergency


  • Extinction Rebellion have been invited to the next Full Council.
  • People’s Practice are holding their next meeting on 13 August
  • Plastic Free Aberystwyth are holding a mass unwrap in Morrisons on 12 August


  • The Council had agreed to inviting the Director of Green Valley to come to Aberystwyth













Cefnogaeth i Annibyniaeth Cymru: byddai hyn yn cael ei roi ar agenda'r Cyngor Llawn nesaf

Support for Welsh Independence:  this would be put on the agenda of the next Full Council


Agenda Cyngor Llawn

Full Council agenda



Cwyn ynglŷn â pholisi’r Cyngor i ganiatáu ardaloedd ‘gwyllt’ ar draws y ffordd o’r llwybr beicio a’r rhandir. Byddai hyn yn cael ei gynnwys fel eitem ar yr agenda yn y Pwyllgor Rheoli Cyffredinol nesaf.

Roedd cyfarwyddiadau eisoes wedi'u rhoi i ddatrys y broblem o dwf yn tresmasu ar ffens newydd yr achwynydd

Complaint regarding the Council’s policy to allow ‘wild’ areas across the cycleway from the allotment.  This would be included as an agenda item in the next General Management Committee. 

Instructions had already been given to resolve the problem of growth encroaching on the complainant’s new fence


Ymateb ac eitem Agenda RhC

Respond and GM agenda item



Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth Town Council

Pwyllgor Cynllunio   /   Planning Committee








Yn bresennol:


Cyng. Michael Chappell (Cadeirydd)

Cyng. Charlie Kingsbury

Cyng. Talat Chaudhri

Cyng. Steve Davies

Cyng. Mari Turner

Cyng. Nia Edwards-Behi

Cyng. Lucy Huws


Yn mynychu:

Cyng. Mark Strong


Meinir Jenkins (Dirprwy Glerc)




Cllr. Michael Chappell (Chair)

Cllr. Charlie Kingsbury

Cllr. Talat Chaudhri

Cllr. Steve Davies

Cllr. Mari Turner

Cllr Nia Edwards-Behi

Cllr. Lucy Huws


In attendance:

Cllr. Mark Strong


Meinir Jenkins (Deputy Clerk)




Cyng. Mair Benjamin



Cllr. Mair Benjamin



Datgan Diddordeb: Dim


Declaration of interest: None




Cyfeiriadau Personol:

Mynegwyd tristwch ynglyn â marwolaeth Anna Evans yn ddiweddar. Byddai ei cholled i’w deimlo yng nghymuned Aberystwyth

Personal references:

Sadness was expressed at the recent death of Anna Evans.  Her loss would be felt in the Aberystwyth Community




Ceisiadau Cynllunio


Planning Applications




A190351 – Adeilad Edward Davies Coed y Buarth.


Roedd y Pwyllgor ar ddeall fod y cais hwn wedi’i dynnu nôl


A190351 – Edward Davies building Coed y Buarth

The Committee believed this application to have been withdrawn

Cysylltu â’r adran Gynllunio.

Contact Planning dept.


A190493 – TSB 12 ffordd Y Mor

Yn unol â Pholisi cynllunio Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth, GWRTHWYNEBIR caniatau arwyddion gyda golau cefndirol.  Dylai pob arwydd roi blaenoriaeth i’r Gymraeg neu fod yn ddwyieithog.


A190493 – TSB 12 Terrace Road

In accordance with its Planning Policy, Aberystwyth Town Council OBJECTS to backlight signage. All signage should give priority to Welsh or be bilingual.



A190551 – Rhydyrafon, Rhes Glan yr Afon.

DIM GWRTHWYNEBIAD – Dylid sicrhau bod cyfleusterau ailgylchu yn ddigonol ar gyfer anghenion y trigolion.


A190551 – Rhydyrafon Riverside Terrace

NO OBJECTION – ensure that recycling facilities are adequate for residents needs



 A190554 – 9 Ffordd y Môr

Yn unol â Pholisi Cynllunio Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth, GWRTHWYNEBIR caniatau  arwyddion gyda golau cefndirol. Dylai pob arwydd roi blaenoriaeth i'r Gymraeg neu fod yn ddwyieithog. Nid oes unrhyw ddarpariaeth ar gyfer storio gwastraff tu allan. A oes bwriad i ddarparu echdynnu ffan allanol / aerdymheru? Dylai’r gril diogelwch fod yn unol â'r rhai yn y cyffiniau. Mae Aberystwyth yn dref di-blastig. Awgrymir na ddylid defnyddio plastig neu bolystyren.

A190554 – 9 Terrace Road

In accordance with its Planning Policy, Aberystwyth Town Council OBJECTS to backlight signage. All signage should give priority to Welsh or be bilingual.  No provision for external refuse storage. Is there an intention for external extractor fan/air conditioning?  Security grill should be in-keeping with those in the immediate vicinity. Aberystwyth is a plastic free town. Suggest no use of plastic or polystyrene




A190572 - Baravin Ffordd Y Môr



A190572 – Baravin Marine Terrace






 A190573 – Y Pier Glan y Môr

Mae hwn yn adeilad rhestredig mewn ardal gadwraeth. GWRTHWYNEBIR y sleid chwyddadwy dros dro ar sail iechyd a diogelwch, a hefyd byddai generaduron ac ati yn tarfu ar y drudwy ac adar gwarchodedig eraill.  Mae’n ymddangos bod peth gwaith adeiladu eisioes wedi cychwyn.  Hoffai'r Cyngor Tref gael eglurhad gan Adran Gynllunio Ceredigion ynghylch y mater hwn.

A190573 – Royal Pier Marine Terrace

This is a listed building in a conservation area. Aberystwyth Town Council STRONGLY OBJECTS to the temporary inflatable slide on health and safety grounds and also that Generators etc would disturb the starlings and other protected birds. It appears that some building work has already commenced.  The Town Council would like clarification from Ceredigion Planning regarding this matter.




A190575 – Tir wrth ymyl 13 Coed y Buarth, Buarth Mawr

DIM GWRTHWYNEBIAD. Awgrymu ffenestri pren neu aliminiwm ynghyd â pholisi’r llywodraeth.


A190575 – Land adjoining 13 Coed y Buarth


NO OBJECTION. Wood or aluminium windows are preferred in accordance with government policy. 



A190557 – Ysbyty Bronglais

DIM GWRTHWYNEBIAD ond mae’r Cyngor Tref yn siomedig fod y cais yma’n ymddangos yn ôl-weithredol.

A190577 – Bronglais Hospital

NO OBJECTION but the Town Council is disappointed that this appears to be a retrospective application.



A190606 – Cliff View, Lôn Tanyfron, Southgate

DIM GWRTHWYNEBIAD. Awgrymir ffenestri pren neu aliminiwm ynghyd â pholisi’r llywodraeth.

A190606 – Cliff View, Lon Tanyfron Southgate

NO OBJECTION. Wood or aluminium windows are preferred in accordance with government policy.



A190608 – Gwesty Belle Vue, Ffordd y Môr

Mae Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth yn croesawi y cais ynghyd a bod y gwaith pren, mowldinau plastr, drysau, drysau tân ynghyd a phob deunydd arall yn union fel y gwreiddiol


A190608 – Belle Vue Hotel, Marine Terrace

Aberystwyth Town Council welcome this application provided that all woodwork, plaster mouldings, doors, fire doors, and all other materials replicate the originals



A190654 – 11 Y Stryd Fawr

Yn unol â Pholisi cynllunio Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth, GWRTHWYNEBIR caniatau arwyddion gyda golau cefndirol.  Dylai pob arwydd roi blaenoriaeth i’r Gymraeg neu fod yn ddwyieithog.

A190654 – 11 Great Darkgate Street

In accordance with its Planning Policy, Aberystwyth Town Council OBJECTS to backlight signage. All signage should give priority to Welsh or be bilingual.




Adroddiad Pwyllgor Rheoli Datblygu:



Development Control Committee report:









Cymorth Cynllunio Cymru – Draft o’r Fframwaith Datblygu Cenedlaethol

Planning Aid Wales - Draft National Development Framework consultation


Eitem agenda nesaf

Next agenda item


Eglwys Gwenfrewi

Derbyniwyd llythyr gan y Cynghorydd Lucy Huws yn gofyn am gefnogaeth CTA i blwyfolion sy'n ymgyrchu i ailagor yr Eglwys. Nodwyd bod slab marmor ar yr allor, a roddwyd gan deulu lleol yn y 1970au, wedi’i dynnu o’r safle. Mae’n bwysig fod yr adeilad hwn ddim yn cael ei adael i ddirywio.


St Winefride’s Church

Letter received from Councillor Lucy Huws asking for ATC support to parishioners who are campaigning to re-open the Church. It was noted that a marble slab on the altar, which had been donated by a local family in the 1970’s, has been removed. It is important that this building is not allowed to deteriorate


Dirprwy Glerc i anfon llythyr i’r Esgobaeth

Deputy Clerk to send letter to the Diocese


Trafnidiaeth Cymru

Cyhoeddwyd gan Trafnidiaeth Cymru eu bod nhw’n buddsoddi £195m i wella’r 247 gorsaf yng Nghymru


Transport Wales

Transport Wales has announced they are to invest £195m to improve all 247 railway stations across Wales.





Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth Town Council


Pwyllgor Cyllid a Sefydliadau

Finance and Establishments committee


  1. 9.2019








Cyng C Kingsbury (Cadeirydd)

Cyng. Talat Chaudhri

Cyng. Endaf Edwards

Cyng. Brendan Somers

Cyng. Alun Williams

Cyng. Mark Strong

Cyng. Mari Turner

Cyng. Alex Mangold



Yn mynychu:


Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerc)




Cllr Charlie Kingsbury (Chair)

Cllr. Talat Chaudhri

Cllr. Endaf Edwards

Cllr. Brendan Somers

Cllr. Alun Williams

Cllr. Mark Strong

Cllr.Mari Turner

Cllr. Alex Mangold



In attendance:


Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerk)






Cyng. Brenda Haines

Cyng. Nia Edwards-Behi

Cyng. Dylan Wilson-Lewis

Cyng. David Lees

Cyng.Steve Davies




Cllr. Brenda Haines

Cllr. Nia Edwards-Behi

Cllr. Dylan Wilson-Lewis

Cllr David Lees

Cllr.Steve Davies




Datgan buddiannau: Dim

Declarations of interest:  None




Cyfeiriadau Personol:


Bu’r orymdaith Argyfwng Hinsawdd 20 Medi yn llwyddiant mawr a roedd nifer dda yno.


ARGYMHELLWYD bod llythyr o werthfawrogiad yn cael ei anfon at Heddlu Dyfed Powys a'r Trefnyddion - y Grŵp Gwrthryfel Difodiant yn eu llongyfarch ar eu gwaith da.

Personal references:


The Climate Emergency march on 20 September was a great success and well attended.


It was RECOMMENDED that a letter of appreciation be sent to Dyfed Powys Police and the organisers – the Extinction Rebellion group – on their good work.





Ystyried cyfrifon mis Gorffennaf ac Awst


ARGYMHELLWYD eu cymeradwyo.


Y Pwyllgor Blodau i adolygu blodau'r haf.

Consider Monthly Accounts for July and August


It was RECOMMENDED that they be approved.


The Flower Committee to review the summer flowers.




Archwiliad 2018-19


Derbyniwyd y Ffurflen Flynyddol ardystiedig gan yr archwilwyr a rhoddwyd y Rhybudd Cau’r Archwiliad yn yr hysbysfwrdd.

Audit 2018-19


The certified Annual Return had been received from the auditors and the Notice of Conclusion of Audit placed in the notice board.




Parc Kronberg


Cynnwys fel eitem agenda'r Cyngor Llawn.

Parc Kronberg


Include as a Full Council agenda item.


Agenda Cyngor Llawn

Full Council agenda



Mainc – Stryd y Popty


Er mwyn bod yn unol â'r bensaernïaeth gyfagos a meinciau eraill canol y dref, roedd y Pwyllgor yn ARGYMHELL y dylid gosod mainc draddodiadol yn Baker Street ar gost amcangyfrifedig o £600-£650.

Bench Baker Street


In order to be in keeping with the surrounding architecture and other town centre benches, the Committee RECOMMENDED that a traditional style bench be installed at Baker Street at an estimated cost of £600-£650.





Medal Cyn Faer


ARGYMHELLWYD y dylai’r Cyngor chwilio am wneuthurwyr gemwaith lleol er mwyn dod o hyd i fedal rhatach.


Past Mayor Medal


It was RECOMMENDED that the Council investigate local jewellery makers in order to source a cheaper medal.







Tap rhandiroedd Caeffynnon


Yn dilyn archwiliad Dŵr Cymru, roedd angen talu costau ychwanegol o £710 i fodloni'r gofynion.



ARGYMHELLWYD y dylai’r Cyngor fwrw ymlaen â'r gwaith.

Caeffynnon allotments’ tap


Following a Welsh Water inspection, additional costs of £710 would be incurred to meet requirements.


It was RECOMMENDED that the Council proceed with the work.







Yn dilyn cyngor cyfreithiol ynghylch y gwahanol ddyddiadau a nodwyd ar y brydles, byddai angen trafod telerau yn awr er mwyn torri allan o'r brydles. Dylid casglu ynghyd pob gohebiaeth â'r landlord er mwyn trafod mynediad, atgyweiriadau a diogelwch.




Following legal advice regarding the different dates noted on the lease document, a break out of the lease would now need to be negotiated.

All correspondence with the landlord to be collated in order to negotiate improvements to access, repairs and security.










Dathlu 30ain Pen-blwydd rhandiroedd 5th Avenue 31.1.2020:


Yn ogystal â chefnogi unrhyw ddathliadau gan Gymdeithas y Rhandiroedd, fel y bo'n briodol, ARGYMHELLWYD y dylid plannu coed eirin hir, ac y dylid dewis Cymdeithas Rhandiroedd Aberystwyth fel yr enw mwyaf priodol.

Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the 5th Avenue allotments 31.1.2020:


In addition to supporting any Allotment Association celebrations, as appropriate, it was RECOMMENDED that damson trees be planted, and that Aberystwyth Allotment Association would be the most appropriate name.





Pitney Bowes / Purchase Power (Peiriant Postio):


Nid oedd sieciau yn cael eu derbyn mwyach ac roedd debyd uniongyrchol wedi'i sefydlu.


Pitney Bowes/ Purchase Power (Franking Machine):


cheques were no longer received and a direct debit had been set up.




Rheoliadau Ariannol Enghreifftiol Diwygiedig


I'w gylchredeg i'w graffu'n agosach

Revised Model Financial Regulations


To be circulated for closer scrutiny







Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth Town Council


Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol

General Management Committee


  1. 9.2019








Cyng. Talat Chaudhri (Cadeirydd)

Cyng. Brenda Haines

Cyng. Mari Turner

Cyng. Charlie Kingsbury

Cyng. Steve Davies

Cyng. Nia Edwards-Behi

Cyng. Lucy Huws

Cyng. David Lees

Cyng. Mark Strong

Cyng. Claudine Young


Yn mynychu:

Cyng. Alun Williams

Bethan Jenkins (Iechyd a Gofal Gwledig Cymru)



Cllr. Talat Chaudhri (Chair)

Cllr. Brenda Haines

Cllr. Mari Turner

Cllr. Charlie Kingsbury

Cllr. Steve Davies

Cllr. Nia Edwards-Behi

Cllr. Lucy Huws

Cllr. David Lees

Cllr. Mark Strong

Cllr. Claudine Young


In attendance:

Cllr. Alun Williams

Bethan Jenkins (Rural Health and Care Wales)





Cyng. Dylan Wilson-Lewis



Cllr. Dylan Wilson-Lewis




Datgan Diddordeb: Dim


Declaration of Interest: None




Cyfeiriadau personol:


Croesawyd yr aelodau yn dilyn y gwyliau haf

Personal references:


Members were welcomed after the summer recess




Prosiect Iechyd a Gofal Gwledig


Cafwyd cyflwyniad mewn perthynas i gynllun ‘Ar eich beic’ gan Bethan Jenkins. Yn dilyn ymgynghoriad, dyrannwyd 3 beic i Aberystwyth ond gellir prynu beiciau ychwanegol.


ARGYMHELLIR y dylid cyflwyno safleoedd i’w cymeradwyo

Rural Health and Care Wales Project


A presentation in relation to the ‘On your Bike’ scheme was given by Bethan Jenkins.  Following a consultation Aberystwyth has been allocated 3 bikes but additional bikes could be purchased.


It was RECOMMENDED that potential sites be submitted for approval.


Aelodau i ddarparu safleoedd addas i’r Dirprwy Glerc

Members to submit appropriate sites to the Deputy Clerk



Cynllun Bioamrwyiaeth drafft


Nodwyd bod Cyngor Sir Ceredigion wedi lleihau eu hallyriadau carbon 45% ac yn disgwyl bod yn niwtral o ran carbon erbyn 2030.


Y Cyngor Tref i flaenoriaethu plannu coed ac i baratoi amserlen mewn partneriaeth â Chyngor Ceredigion ac i ddatblygu agenda ecolegol.


ARGYMHELLIR fod y Clerc i ysgrifennu erthygyl yn EGO gyda datganiad traws bleidiol ynghyd a datganiad i’r wâsg.





Draft Biodiversity Plan


It was noted that Ceredigion County Council have reduced their carbon emmissions by 45% and expect to be carbon neutral by 2030.


The Town Council to prioritise tree planting and to prepare a schedule in partnership with Ceredigion Council  and to develop an ecological agenda.


It was RECOMMENDED that the Clerk should  write an article in EGO, to include a cross party statement, together with a press release.






Strategaeth torri perllan y rhandiroedd


Roedd y Cynghorydd Steve Davies wedi torri'r gordyfiant.  


Y Cyngor Tref i ystyried plannu blodau gwyllt yn yr ardal y tymor nesaf, gyda llwybrau'n cael eu clirio i gael mynediad at feinciau.


Allotment orchard – cutting strategy


Cllr Steve Davies had cut the overgrowth.


ATC to consider planting wild flowers in the area next season, with paths being cleared for access to benches.




Plannu Coed


Mae angen nodi lleoliadau ar gyfer coed fel y gall ardran Parciau a Gerddi Ceredigion archebu'r coed. Mae rhai coed hefyd wedi cael eu rhoi gan Ymddiriedolaeth y Coetir.


Mae cyllid ar gael i brynu coed ar gyfer grwpiau cymunedol. Mae trigolion lleol yn awyddus i roi coed amrywiol o’u gerddi ond byddai angen trafod hyn gyda Pennaeth Parciau a Gerddi Ceredigion.



ARGYMHELLIR gofyn i’r Cyngor Sir am fap cyfleustodau a gwahodd cynrychiolwyr o GAG, Parc Natur Penglais a Llais y Goedwig i gyfarfod yn y dyfodol


Tree Planting


Locations for trees need to be identified so that Ceredigion Parks and Gardens can order the trees. Some trees have also been donated by the Woodland Trust.


Funding to purchase trees for community groups is available. Local residents are eager to donate various trees from their gardens but this would need to be discussed with Head of Ceredigion Parks and Gardens


It was RECOMMENDED that an utlities map should be requested from Ceredigion Council and that representatives from the Greener Aberystwyth Group, Parc Natur Penglais and Llais y Goedwig be invited to a future meeting.


Cysylltu gyda’r grwpiau

Contact groups




Adroddwyd bod peth fandaliaeth.  Nid oes modd defnyddio llawer o’r offer bellach. Awgrymwyd ymgynghori â’r cyhoedd




Some vandalism has been reported. Much of the equipment is redundant. Consultation with the public was suggested.


Eitem Agenda RhC

Agenda item GM



Meysydd chwarae – adroddiadau ROSPA


Mae'r Dirprwy Glerc wedi cyfarfod â thri chwmni ac yn aros am ddyfynbrisiau.


Playgrounds – ROSPA reports


The Deputy Clerk has met with three companies and is awaiting quotations.


Eitem Agenda Cyllid Finance Agenda Item







Paneli Gwybodaeth Rhywogaethau Planhigion


Yr awgrym i ddarparu paneli gwybodaeth am rywogaethau mewn pamau i’w drafod ymhellach yn y Pwyllgor Blodau


Plant Species Information Panels


The suggestion to provide species information panels in borders to be considered further by the Flower Committee


Eitem Agenda Pwyllgor Blodau

Flower Committee Agenda item


Prosiect Coedwig Hir


Derbynniwyd gwybodaeth ynghylch y rhaglen adfywio gwrychoedd lle gall cymunedau arolygu eu gwrychoedd trwy ap, cyflwyno eu data drwy’r ap a derbyn dogfen arolwg safle-benodol.

Long Forest Project


Information received regarding the hedgerow regeneration programme where communities can survey their hedgerows via an app, submit their data and receive a site specific survey document.




Mainc Sgwâr y Frenhines


Derbyniwyd cais gan Archifau Ceredigion i ailosod y fainc.

Queens Square Bench


A request was received from Ceredigion Archives to re-instate the bench.


Eitem Agenda RhC

GM Agenda item


Prydain Ddi-garbon – Canolfan Technoleg Amgen


Cytunwyd y dylid wahodd Paul Allen awdur cynllun Prydain Ddi-garbon – Canolfan Technoleg Amgen

i annerch y Cyngor Tref.


Centre for Alternative Technology - Zero Carbon Britain


It was agreed that Paul Allen, author of CAT’s Zero Carbon Britain plan be invited to address the Town Council.


Cysylltu a Paul Allen

Contact Paul Allen


Codau QR

Roedd Historypoints yn gofyn am awgrymiadau ar gyfer safleoedd Cod QR newydd yn Aberystwyth.


Ymhlith yr awgrymiadau roedd:

  • Cerflun Edward VIII / Tywysog Cymru
  • Pont Trefechan
  • Llyfrgell Carnegie
  • Pen Dinas

QR Codes

Historypoints were asking for suggestions for new QR Code sites in Aberystwyth.


Suggestions included:

  • Edward VIII/Prince of Wales statue
  • Trefechan Bridge
  • Carnegie Library
  • Pen Dinas


Awgrymiadau i’r Clerc

Suggestions to the Clerk


Ailgylchu offer garddio


Siom nodi nad oes modd ailgylchu rhai potiau planhigion gardd domestig

Recycling of gardening equipment


Disappointing to note that some domestic garden plant pots are not recyclable


Eitem Agenda yn y dyfodol

Future GM Agenda item


Cwyn Etholiadau'r UE i'r Comisiwn Etholiadol


Dylid ymateb i ebost Ben Lake AS

EU Elections Complaint to the Electoral Commission


Respond to Ben Lake MP



Ysgrifennu at yr AS

Write to MP