Aberystwyth Council


Cyngor Tref     ABERYSTWYTH   Town Council



Cyfarfod o’r Cyngor Llawn (o bell oherwydd Covid19)

Meeting of Full Council (remote due to Covid19)








Yn bresennol:


Cyng. Charlie Kingsbury (Cadeirydd)

Cyng. Alun Williams  

Cyng. Endaf Edwards

Cyng. Lucy Huws

Cyng. Mark Strong

Cyng. Alex Mangold

Cyng. Dylan Wilson-Lewis

Cyng. Sue Jones-Davies

Cyng. Talat Chaudhri

Cyng. Steve Davies

Cyng. Brendan Somers

Cyng. Nia Edwards-Behi

Cyng. Mair Benjamin

Yn mynychu:


Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerc)


Ymgeiswyr cyfethol:


Danny Ardeshir

Kerry Ferguson

Bryony Daly

Dr Jeff Smith

Heather Phillips




Cllr. Charlie Kingsbury (Chair)

Cllr. Alun Williams

Cllr. Endaf Edwards

Cllr. Lucy Huws

Cllr. Mark Strong

Cllr. Alex Mangold

Cllr. Dylan Wilson-Lewis

Cllr. Sue Jones-Davies

Cllr. Talat Chaudhri

Cllr. Steve Davies

Cllr. Brendan Somers

Cllr. Nia Edwards-Behi

Cllr. Mair Benjamin

In attendance:


Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerk)


Co-option candidates:


Danny Ardeshir

Kerry Ferguson

Bryony Daly

Dr Jeff Smith

Heather Phillips






Cyng. Mari Turner

Cyng. Claudine Young

Cyng. David Lees




Cllr. Mari Turner

Cllr. Claudine Young

Cllr. David Lees





Datgan diddordeb:



Declaration of interest:







Cyfetholiad Ward Penparcau:

Rhoes yr ymgeiswyr Dr Jeff Smith (Plaid Cymru) a Heather Phillips (Democrat Rhyddfrydol) gyflwyniadau byr, a ddilynwyd gan bleidlais gudd.


Etholwyd Dr Jeff Smith yn briodol fel cynghorydd tref ward Penparcau.


Diolchwyd i'r holl ymgeiswyr.

Penparcau Ward Co-option:

Candidates Dr Jeff Smith (Plaid Cymru) and Heather Phillips (Liberal Democrat) delivered short presentations, which were followed by a secret ballot.


Dr Jeff Smith was duly elected as the town councillor for Penparcau ward.


All candidates were thanked.




Cyfetholiad Ward Rheidol:

Rhoes yr ymgeisydd Kerry Ferguson (Plaid Cymru) gyflwyniad byr, a ddilynwyd gan bleidlais gudd.


Etholwyd Kerry Ferguson yn briodol fel cynghorydd tref ward Rheidol.

Rheidol Ward Co-option:

Candidate Kerry Ferguson (Plaid Cymru) delivered a short presentation, which was followed by a secret ballot.


Kerry Ferguson was duly elected as the town councillor for Rheidol ward.




Cyfetholiad Ward Ganol:

Rhoes yr ymgeiswyr Dan Ardeshir (Plaid Cymru) a Bryony Daly (Democrat Rhyddfrydol) gyflwyniadau byr, a ddilynwyd gan bleidlais gudd.



Etholwyd Dan Ardeshir yn briodol fel cynghorydd tref y ward Ganol.


Diolchwyd i'r holl ymgeiswyr.

Central Ward Co-option:

Candidates Dan Ardeshir (Plaid Cymru) and Bryony Daly (Liberal Democrat) delivered short presentations, which were followed by a secret ballot.


Dan Ardeshir was duly elected as the town councillor for Central ward.


All candidates were thanked.




Datganiadau Derbyn Swydd


Darllenodd pob ymgeisydd llwyddiannus ei Ddatganiad Derbyn Swyddfa cyn ymuno â'r cyfarfod i gymryd rhan fel cynghorwyr llawn.

Declarations of Acceptance of Office

Each successful candidate read out their Declaration of Acceptance of Office before joining the meeting as fully participating councillors.




Cyfeiriadau personol: Dim


Personal references: None



Cofnodion o Gyfarfod  y Cyngor Llawn a gynhaliwyd nos Lun, 25 Ionawr 2021 i gadarnhau cywirdeb

PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r cofnodion gydag un ychwanegiad:

213: Ni chymerodd y Cynghorwyr Endaf Edwards a Mark Strong ran yn y drafodaeth.



Minutes of the Meeting of Full Council held Monday 25 January 2021 to confirm accuracy


It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes with one addition:

213: Cllrs Endaf Edwards and Mark Strong did not participate in the discussion.




Materion yn codi o’r cofnodion:


211: Roedd 15 hamper wedi cael eu danfon i Bronglais gyda phob un yn cynnwys cerdyn y Cyngor


213: roedd ailstrwythuro yn y Llyfrgell yn mynd rhagddo gyda cholli swyddi yn cael ei ohirio am flwyddyn.


Matters arising from the minutes:


211: 15 hampers had been delivered to Bronglais with each  containing a Council card


213: restructuring at the Library was going ahead with job losses postponed for a year.




Cofnodion o Gyfarfod  y Cyngor Llawn a gynhaliwyd nos Lun, 1 Chwefror 2021 i gadarnhau cywirdeb

PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r cofnodion gydag un newid


  1. 4: dylid nodi Clwb Bowlio Morfa Mawr


Minutes of the Meeting of Full Council held Monday 1 February 2021 to confirm accuracy

It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes with one amendment:


  1. 4: should specifyQueen’s Road Bowling Club’




Materion yn codi o’r cofnodion:


  1. 4: roedd y Clerc wedi anfon e-bost ac wedi gofyn am ymweliad safle i sefydlu goblygiadau iechyd a diogelwch symud y chwistrellwyr o ran achosi cwympfeydd o bosib.

Matters arising from the minutes


  1. 4: the Clerk had sent an email and requested a site visit to establish the health and safety implications of removal of the sprinklers in terms of potential trip hazards.




Cofnodion o Gyfarfod Arbennig y Cyngor Llawn a gynhaliwyd nos Lun, 15 Chwefror 2021 i gadarnhau cywirdeb

PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r cofnodion.

Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of Full Council held Monday 15 February 2021 to confirm accuracy

It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes.




Materion yn codi o’r cofnodion:



Matters arising from the minutes






Ystyried gwariant Mis Chwefror


PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r gwariant gydag ychwanegu'r anfoneb ar gyfer medalau y Cyn-Faer (£850)


Consider February expenditure


It was RESOLVED to approve the expenditure with the addition of the invoice for the Past Mayor medals (£850)






Ystyried cyfrifon Mis Ionawr


PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r cyfrifon


Consider January accounts


It was RESOLVED to approve the accounts



Asesiad gwerth Eglwys Santes Gwenfrewi


Roedd y prisiwr wedi derbyn arolwg yr adeiladwaith ac wedi ymweld â'r safle. Er bod mynediad wedi'i atal oherwydd cloeon rhydlyd, roedd yn hyderus bod y safle, yng nghyswllt y pris prynu, yn cynrychioli gwerth da. Byddai adroddiad llawn yn cael ei ddarparu.


Cytunodd cynghorwyr fod hwn yn gyfle unigryw a PENDERFYNWYD yn unfrydol i gadarnhau y pryniant ac y dylai fynd yn ei flaen cyn gynted â phosib.

St Winefride’s valuation:


The valuer had received the structural survey and had visited the site. Even though access had been prevented due to rusty locks he was confident that the site, in relation to the purchase price, represented good value. A full report would be provided.


Councillors agreed that this was an unique opportunity and it was unanimously RESOLVED to confirm the purchase and that it should proceed as quickly as possible.




Meysydd Chwarae

Yn amodol ar ymateb prifathrawon Ysgol Gymraeg a Plascrug, PENDERFYNWYD:

  • agor Plas Crug yn ystod yr wythnos rhwng 10am a 2pm ac i agor ar benwythnosau
  • agor y Castell yn ystod yr wythnos rhwng 10am a 2pm ond cau'r parc ar benwythnosau
  • cadw Penparcau ar agor.


Subject to the response of Ysgol Gymraeg and Plascrug headmasters, it was RESOLVED to:

  • open Plas Crug on week days between 10am and 2pm and to open on weekends
  • open the Castle on week days between 10am and 2pm but close the park on weekends
  • keep Penparcau open.

Cysylltu gyda’r prifathrawon

Contact the headmasters


Torri coed – heol Llanbadarn

PENDERFYNWYD atal Rheolau Sefydlog tan 9.20pm er mwyn caniatáu trafodaeth bellach ar eitemau 251 a 252.


Cytunwyd y dylid tocio’r coed yn hytrach na chwympo.

Tree felling – Llanbadarn Road

It was RESOLVED to suspend Standing Orders until 9.20pm to allow for further discussion on items 251 and 252.

It was agreed that the trees should be lopped as opposed to felled.



Terfyn cyflymder 20mya Penparcau

Adroddodd y Cyng. Dylan Wilson-Lewis, yn ôl llythyr gan y Dirprwy Weinidog, Lee Waters AS,  fod y terfyn cyflymder 20mya safonol yn cael ei gyflwyno ym mis Ebrill 2023. Ym Mhenparcau byddai'n cael ei adolygu yn erbyn y meini prawf eithriad ac yn destun ymgynghoriad cymunedol.

Penparcau 20mph speed limit

Cllr Dylan Wilson-Lewis reported that according to a letter from the Deputy Minister, Lee Waters AS the default 20mph speed limit was being introduced in April 2023. In Penparcau it would be reviewed against the exception criteria and subject to community consultation.





Byddai eitemau'n cael eu cynnwys fel eitemau ar yr agenda yn y cyfarfod nesaf fel sy'n briodol.


Items would be included as agenda items in the next meeting as appropriate.

Agenda nesaf

Next agenda