Aberystwyth Council

Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth Town Council


Cofnodion Pwyllgor Cynllunio (O bell)

Minutes of the Planning Committee (Remote)


  1. 3.2022






Yn bresennol:


Cyng. Jeff Smith (Cadeirydd)

Cyng. Lucy Huws

Cyng. Alun Williams

Cyng. Sue Jones-Davies

Cyng. Talat Chaudhri

Cyng. Endaf Edwards


Yn mynychu:





Cllr. Jeff Smith (Chair)

Cllr Lucy Huws

Cllr. Alun Williams

Cllr Sue Jones-Davies

Cllr. Talat Chaudhri

Cllr. Endaf Edwards


In attendance:







Cyng. Mari Turner

Cyng. Danny Ardeshir

Cyng. Steve Davies

Cyng. Nia Edwards-Behi




Cllr. Mari Turner

Cllr. Danny Ardeshir

Cllr. Steve Davies

Cllr. Nia Edwards-Behi




Datgan Diddordeb:


5: Roedd y Cyng Endaf Edwards yn cynrychioli’r Cyngor Tref ar Fwrdd yr Hen Goleg.


6.3: Roedd y Cyng Lucy Huws yn byw drws nesaf i’r eiddo ac roedd yn ward Cyng Alun William

Declaration of interest:


5: Cllr Endaf Edwards represented the Town Council on the Old College Board.


  1. 3: Cllr Lucy Huws lived next door to the property and it was in Cllr Alun William’s ward





Cyfeiriadau Personol:


Roedd y Cyng Ceredig Davies yn ymddeol ar ôl 18 mlynedd fel Cynghorydd Sir. Diolchwyd iddo am ei gyfraniad gwerthfawr i'r Cynghorau Sir a Thref

Personal references:


Cllr Ceredig Davies was retiring after 18 years as a County Councillor. He was thanked for his valuable contribution to both the County and Town Councils.






Dathlu penblwydd 150 Prifysgol Aberystwyth


Darparodd Dr Rhodri Llwyd Morgan drosolwg o'r digwyddiadau arfaethedig a oedd yn cynnwys lansiad yn Eisteddfod Tregaron. Byddai manylion y rhaglen yn cael eu cyhoeddi ar 7 Ebrill ond yn y cyfamser byddai'r rhaglen ddrafft yn cael ei dosbarthu a byddai syniadau ychwanegol yn cael eu croesawu.


Roedd pwyntiau trafod eraill yn cynnwys:


  • Yr Hen Goleg: mynegwyd pryderon ynglŷn â pharcio'r gwesty.


  • Plascrug – mannau tyfu ar hen lawnt fowlio Plascrug: byddai Dr Morgan yn ymchwilio i'r sefyllfa.


  • Llwybr beicio/troed: a ellid defnyddio tir y Brifysgol i lenwi'r ychydig fylchau er mwyn creu llwybr troed a llwybr beicio di-dor i gampws Gogerddan. Roedd y Brifysgol mewn trafodaethau gyda Chyngor Ceredigion ond doedd gan Dr Morgan ddim gwybodaeth



Aberystwyth University 150th anniversary


Dr Rhodri Llwyd Morgan provided an overview of planned events which included a launch at the Tregaron Eisteddfod.  Programme details would be announced on 7 April but in the meantime the draft programme would be circulated and additional ideas would be welcomed.


Other discussion points included:


  • The Old College: concerns were raised about the hotel parking.


  • Plascrug – growing spaces on the old bowling green: Dr Morgan would investigate the situation.



  • Cycleway/footpath: could University land be used to fill the few gaps in order to create a continuous footpath and cycleway to Gogerddan campus. The University was in talks with Ceredigion Council but Dr Morgan had no information





Ceisiadau Cynllunio


Planning Applications




Brynderw ymgynghoriad cyn cynllunio


Nododd y Cyngor Tref y pryderon a ganlyn:


  • Mae'r cynllun yn cynrychioli gorddatblygiad o'r safle
  • Mae'r bloc cefn a'r bloc ar y dde yn rhy uchel ac yn edrych dros y tai yng Nghoed y Buarth. Mae angen eu lleihau o un llawr.
  • Ni fyddai gan rai fflatiau ddigon o olau
  • Darpariaeth parcio – dim ond ar gyfer bloc presennol Brynderw y mae'r ddarpariaeth barcio bresennol yn ddigonol.
  • Mae angen arolwg ecolegol annibynnol gan fod llawer o fywyd gwyllt fel adar yno ar hyn o bryd. Mae mannau gwyrdd yn bwysig ar gyfer iechyd meddwl ac yn lleihau’r perygl o lifogydd
  • Mae datblygwyr yn tipio plastig a rwbel i lawr y clawdd ar hyn o bryd sy'n anystyrlon.
  • Colli coed tuag at dir y Brifysgol
  • Mae angen cynllun rheoli traffig


Mae'r Cyngor Tref yn cefnogi datblygu ac adnewyddu'r bloc presennol ond mae'n GWRTHWYNEBU'N GRYF datblygu'r 3 bloc pellach ar sail gorddatblygu a cholli man gwyrdd. Byddai effaith aruthrol ar draffig yn ardal gyfan y Buarth

Brynderw pre planning consultation


The Town Council noted the following concerns:


  • The scheme represents overdevelopment of the site
  • The rear block and the block on the right are too high and would overlook the houses in Coed y Buarth. They need to be reduced by one floor.
  • Some flats would not have sufficient light
  • Parking provision – the current parking provision is only sufficient for the existing block of Brynderw.
  • An independent ecological survey is needed as there is a lot of wildlife such as birds there currently. Green space is important for mental health and reduces the risk of flooding
  • Developers are tipping plastic and rubble down the bank currently which shows a lack of consideration.
  • Loss of trees towards the University land
  • A traffic management plan is needed


The Town Council supports the development and refurbishment of the existing block but STRONGLY OPPOSES the development of the further 3 blocks on the grounds of overdevelopment and the loss of green space. There would be a massive impact on traffic in the entire area of the Buarth







A21167: Gwesty'r Cambrian


Er bod y Cyngor yn croesawu adfer adeilad mor eiconig ac amlwg mewn cyflwr gwael iawn, mae'r Cyngor YN GWRTHWYNEBU colli'r simneiau a’r drysau modern mewn ardal gadwraeth.


Mae pryderon hefyd am sbwriel a storio beiciau.


Hoffai'r Cyngor weld y faner allanol yn cael ei thynnu a mwy o wybodaeth am sut y byddant yn adfer y gwaith coed allanol unigryw. Yr adeilad hwn yw'r cyntaf a welir gan deithwyr trên yn cyrraedd Aberystwyth

A21167: Cambrian Hotel


Although Council welcomes the restoration of such an iconic and prominent building in a very poor state of repair, Council OBJECTS to losing the chimneys and to the modern doors in a conservation area.


There are also concerns about refuse and bike storage.


Council would like to see the exterior banner removed and more information on how the unique external woodwork is to be restored.  This building is the first seen by train passengers arriving in Aberystwyth




A220049 1 Ffordd y Drindod


DIM GWRTHWYNEBIAD ond mae'r Cyngor yn argymell ffenestri pren neu fetel

A220049 1 Trinity Place


NO OBJECTION but Council recommends wood or metal windows









Llywodraeth Cymru: Ail gartrefi: amrywiadau lleol i gyfraddau’r dreth trafodiadau tir

(dyddiad cau: 28 Mawrth 2022).


Roedd y Cynghorydd Jeff Smith wedi paratoi ymateb drafft i'w ystyried.


Trafodwyd cwestiynau 6 a 9:


6. mae angen cyfraddau newydd yn hytrach nag amrywio'r cyfraddau presennol


9. Anghytuno. Mae llawer o bobl yn byw mewn carafanau gan na allant fforddio prynu eiddo. Maent yn rhan o’r stoc tai er bod pobl yn byw gyda pherthnasau neu ffrindiau am rai wythnosau.



Welsh Government: Second homes: local variation to land transaction tax rates (closing date: 28 March 2022).


Cllr Jeff Smith had prepared a draft response for consideration.


Questions 6 and 9 were discussed:


6. new rates are needed as opposed to variation of existing rates


9. Disagree. Many people live in caravans as they can’t afford to buy a property.They form part of the housing stock even though people live with relatives or friends for a few weeks



Anfon ymateb

Send response

















