Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth Town Council
Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol (hybrid)
General Management Committee (hybrid)
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Cyng. Kerry Ferguson (Cadeirydd)
Cyng. Emlyn Jones Cyng. Maldwyn Pryse Cyng. Lucy Huws Cyng. Mathew Norman Cyng. Brian Davies Cyng. Owain Hughes
Yn mynychu:
Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerc) Steve Williams (Rheolwr Cyfleusterau ac Asedau) |
Cllr. Kerry Ferguson (Chair) Cllr. Talat Chaudhri
Cllr. Emlyn Jones Cllr. Maldwyn Pryse Cllr. Lucy Huws Cllr. Mathew Norman Cllr. Brian Davies Cllr. Owain Hughes
In attendance:
Cllr. Steve Davies Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerk) Steve Williams (Facilities and Assets Manager)
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Cyng. Sienna Lewis Cyng. Mair Benjamin
Cllr. Sienna Lewis Cllr. Mair Benjamin
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Datgan Diddordeb:
Declaration of Interest:
None |
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Cyfeiriadau personol:
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Personal references:
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Maes Gwenfrewi - agoriad
ARGYMHELLWYD cynnal yr agoriad swyddogol am 11am ddydd Sadwrn 23 Gorffennaf.
Gobeithir y byddai cerddoriaeth yn cael ei ddarparu gan Seindorf Arian Aberystwyth
Areithiau i drafod pob agwedd ar ddatblygiad a defnydd y parc. System PA a gasebo i'w darparu.
Dylid gwahodd yr holl bartneriaid a chontractwyr.
Mynychwyr i’w annog i ddod â phicnic.
Byddai'r digwyddiad hefyd yn gyfle i ymgysylltu/ymgynghori ynghylch Neuadd Gwenfrewi. Bwrdd i'w osod gyda'r holiadur a lluniau.
Maes Gwenfrewi – opening
It was RECOMMENDED that the official opening should be held at 11am on Saturday 23 July.
Music would hopefully be provided by the Aberystwyth Silver Band
Speeches to cover all aspects of the park’s development and use. A PA system and gazebo to be provided.
All partners and contractors to be invited.
Attendees to be encouraged to bring picnics.
The event would also be an opportunity to engage/ consult regarding Neuadd Gwenfrewi. A table to be set up with the questionnaire and photos.
Trefnu Organise |
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Blodau'r Dref a mabwysiadu ffiniau Cyngor Ceredigion
Roedd pum pâm y promenâd wedi'u blaenoriaethu ac roedd y gwaith o blannu planhigion parhaol sy'n gwrthsefyll halen wedi'i gwblhau yn ogystal â threfnu dyfrio.
Roedd y Cyngor Tref yn aros am gadarnhad ynglŷn a gwelyau Heol Alexandra a chanol y dref.
Roedd dau bâm brics yr orsaf hefyd yn cael eu plannu gan y Cyngor Tref gyda chost y planhigion yn cael ei dalu gan Trafnidiaeth Cymru.
Town Flowers and adoption of Ceredigion Council borders:
The five promenade beds had been prioritised and the planting of perennial salt resistant plants had been completed as well as watering arranged.
The Town Council was awaiting confirmation of the Alexandra Road and town centre beds.
The two brick station planters were also being planted up by the Town Council with the plant costs being covered by Transport for Wales.
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Materion ac atebion ynghylch sbwriel a glanhau trefi
Fel cam cyntaf roedd cyfarfod adeiladol yn cael ei drefnu gyda Chyngor Sir Ceredigion i drafod gweithio mewn partneriaeth er mwyn datrys materion canol tref.
Enghreifftiau o faterion tref a chyfathrebu i'w coladu gan gynghorwyr a staff.
Hefyd dylid gofyn i Gyngor Sir Ceredigion:
Cynghorwyr i gysylltu â landlordiaid yn eu wardiau (darparwyd y manylion cyswllt gan Rhentu Doeth Cymru) ynglŷn â phroblemau.
Dylid cysylltu hefyd â Falconry Experience Wales i ddarganfod costau ac ati.
ARGYMHELLWYD prynu neu logi golchwr palmant a darparu tri dyfynbris yn y Pwyllgor Cyllid nesaf. Dylid gofyn am arddangosiad o'r peiriant ar waith.
Travail fyddai'n rheoli'r broses o recriwtio'r gweithiwr. Cost i'w ddarparu yn y Pwyllgor Cyllid nesaf. |
Refuse and town cleaning issues and solutions
As a first step a constructive meeting was being arranged with Ceredigion County Council to discuss partnership working in order to resolve town centre issues.
Examples of town and communication issues to be collated by councillors and staff.
Ceredigion County Council also to be asked:
Councillors to liaise with landlords in their wards (contact details provided by Rent Smart Wales) regarding issues.
Contact should also be made with Falconry Experience Wales to find out costs etc.
It was RECOMMENDED that a pavement washer should be bought or hired and three quotes to be provided at the next Finance Committee. A demonstration of the machine in operation would be requested.
Recruitment of the operative would best be managed by Travail. Cost to be provided at the next Finance committee.
Agenda Cyllid Finance agenda
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Meysydd chwarae (diweddariad)
Byddai uned plant bach Penparcau yn cael ei osod ym mis Medi pan fyddai plant yn ôl yn yr ysgol.
Roedd paentio llinellau yn y MUGA wedi'i gwblhau
Byddai heol maes chwarae Plascrug yn cael ei phaentio cyn i ysgolion gau am yr haf. |
Playgrounds (update)
The toddler unit for Penparcau would be installed in September when children were back at school.
Line painting at the MUGA had been completed
The Plascrug playground road would be painted before schools closed for the summer.
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Correspondence |
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Baneri: cyflwynwyd a chymeradwywyd costau gosod gan gontractwr y Cyngor. |
Bunting: costs of installation by the Council’s contractor were presented and approved.
Gweithredu Action |
9.2 |
Reidiau prom: llythyr oddi wrth fusnesau yn gofyn am adleoli'r reidiau ffair. Cytunodd y Cyngor anfon llythyr i Geredigion yn cefnogi’r adleoli. |
Prom rides: a letter from businesses requesting the relocation of the fair rides. Council would send a letter to Ceredigion supporting relocation.
Cysylltu gyda’r Cyngor Sir Contact CCC |
9.3 |
Hysbysfwrdd newid hinsawdd: nid oedd y safle arfaethedig yn fater i’r Cyngor Tref. |
Climate change billboard: the proposed site was not a matter for the Town Council.
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Neuadd Gwenfrewi: derbyniwyd llythyr yn cefnogi’r datblygiad arfaethedig.
Taflen Cwestiynau a Ofynnir yn Aml i’w ddatblygu |
Neuadd Gwenfrewi: a letter of support had been received regarding the proposed development.
A Frequently Asked Questions flyer to be developed.
Gweithredu Action |
9.5 |
Bwyd Dros Ben Aber: yn gofyn am gymorth ar gyfer cais am arian. I'w ddosbarthu i bob cynghorydd er mwyn galluogi ymatebion unigol. |
Aber Food Surplus: requesting support for a funding bid. To be circulated to all councillors to enable individual responses.
Cylchredeg Circulate |