Aberystwyth Council

Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth Town Council

Cyfarfod Cyngor Llawn (hybrid)

Meeting of Full Council (hybrid)







Yn bresennol:


Cyng. Talat Chaudhri (Cadeirydd)

Cyng. Kerry Ferguson

Cyng. Lucy Huws

Cyng. Jeff Smith

Cyng. Alun Williams

Cyng. Maldwyn Pryse

Cyng. Brian Davies

Cyng. Emlyn Jones

Cyng. Carl Worrall

Cyng. Dylan Lewis-Rowlands

Cyng. Bryony Davies

Cyng. Mari Turner

Cyng. Matthew Norman



Yn mynychu:


Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerc)

Wendy Hughes (Swyddog Digwyddiadau a Phartneriaethau)

Carol Thomas (cyfieithydd)




Cllr. Talat Chaudhri (Chair)

Cllr. Kerry Ferguson

Cllr. Lucy Huws

Cllr. Jeff Smith

Cllr. Alun Williams

Cllr. Maldwyn Pryse

Cllr. Brian Davies

Cllr. Emlyn Jones

Cllr. Carl Worrall

Cllr. Dylan Lewis-Rowlands

Cllr. Bryony Davies

Cllr. Mari Turner

Cllr. Matthew Norman



In attendance:

Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerk)

Wendy Hughes (Events & Partnerships Officer)

Carol Thomas (translator)






Cyng. Mair Benjamin

Cyng. Mark Strong

Cyng. Steve Davies

Cyng. Sienna Lewis

Cyng. Connor Edwards




Cllr. Mair Benjamin

Cllr. Mark Strong

Cllr. Steve Davies

Cllr. Sienna Lewis

Cllr. Connor Edwards




Datgan Diddordeb ar faterion yn codi o’r agenda


  1. 7. Grantiau cymunedol:
  • 2: Arad Goch - Cyng. Mari Turner
  • 17: Clwb Busnes - Cynghorwyr Kerry Ferguson ac Emlyn Jones
  • 20: Hwb Eco Aber - Cynghorwyr Emlyn Jones a Kerry Ferguson


Declaration of Interest on Matters Arising from the agenda


  1. 7. Grant applications:
  • 2: Arad Goch - Cllr. Mari Turner
  • 17: Business Club - Cllrs. Kerry Ferguson and Emlyn Jones
  • 20: Eco Hub Aber - Cllrs. Emlyn Jones and Kerry Ferguson




Cyfeiriadau Personol


  • Roedd y Clwb Busnes yn cynnal cynhadledd ar gampws y Brifysgol ar 9 Mai 2023
  • Roedd rali yn erbyn hiliaeth yn cael ei chynnal ar 13 Mai 2023 ar dir y castell
  • Roedd marchnad gyntaf ‘Hen Dref Aberystwyth’ y Cyngor Tref yn cael ei chynnal ar 13 Mai 2023 ym mhen ucha’r dref.


Personal References


  • Business Club were holding a conference on the University campus on 9 May 2023
  • A rally against racism was being held on 13 May 2023 in the castle grounds
  • The Town Council’s first ‘Old Town Aberystwyth’ market was being held on 13 May 2023 at the top of town.




Adroddiad y Maer


Cyflwynwyd adroddiad ar lafar gan y Maer ar y digwyddiadau a fynychwyd gan gynnwys Balchder ar y Prom a’r bowlio cyntaf yng Nghlwb Bowlio Plascrug. Roedd y Cynghorydd Kerry Ferguson, y Dirprwy Faer, wedi mynychu’r bowlio cyntaf yng Nghlwb Bowlio Ffordd y Frenhines ar ran y Maer.


Diolchwyd i Ren Skalka am eu gwaith yn trefnu digwyddiad Pride on the Prom.

Mayoral report


A verbal report was presented by the Mayor on events attended which included Pride on the Prom and the first bowl at Plascrug Bowling Club. Cllr Kerry Ferguson, Deputy Mayor,  had attended the first bowl at the Queen’s Road Bowling Club on the Mayor’s behalf. 


Ren Skalka was thanked for their work in organising the Pride on the Prom event.




Cofnodion o gyfarfod y Cyngor Llawn a gynhaliwyd nos Lun, 27 Mawrth 2023 i gadarnhau cywirdeb


PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y cofnodion gyda’r diwygiadau canlynol:


229: ‘Llanbadarn’ i’w ychwanegu ar ôl enw’r Cyng Ben Davies

246: grant penodol gan Gyngor Ceredigion a ddefnyddiwyd ar gyfer y gwaith


Minutes of the meeting of Full Council held on Monday, 27 March 2023 to confirm accuracy


It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes with the following amendments:


229: ‘Llanbadarn’ to be added after the name of Cllr Ben Davies

246: the specific grant used for the work was from Ceredigion Council




Materion yn codi o’r Cofnodion:


  1. 7: Mannau tyfu Plascrug. Yn anffodus, ni ellid trin y tir oherwydd ei fod yn cynnwys llwch glo a thywod yn bennaf. Mae'n bosibl y gallai prydles hirach ddarparu cyfleoedd ar gyfer y cyllid grant sydd ei angen i’w ddefnyddio. Cynrychiolwyr ystadau'r Brifysgol i’w gwahodd i gyfarfod arbennig o'r Pwyllgor Cyllid cyn gynted â phosibl i drafod opsiynau. Dylid cael cyngor cyfreithiol.


  1. 7: Bandstand. Penderfyniad gweithredol oedd y costau uwch ac roedd angen eglurhad o'r ymateb gan Geredigion. Y Clerc i drefnu cyfarfod cyn gynted â phosibl gyda’r aelod Cabinet a swyddogion.


  1. 11: Costau etholiad. Roedd Ceredigion wedi rhoi esboniad o'r costau uwch. Llythyr adeiladol i'w anfon yn diolch iddynt am y wybodaeth ond yn cynnig awgrymiadau ar sut i leihau costau yn y dyfodol. Byddai gwella effeithlonrwydd y broses gyfrif hy cael cyfrif y cynghorau tref a chymuned cyn cyfrif y Cyngor Sir yn helpu lleihau costau.

Matters arising from the Minutes:


  1. 7: Plascrug growing spaces. Unfortunately, the land could not be cultivated due to consisting mostly of coal dust and sand. A longer lease could possibly provide opportunities for the grant funding needed to bring it back into use. University estate representatives to be invited to an extraordinary meeting of the Finance Committee as soon as possible to discuss options. Legal advice to be sought.


  1. 7: Bandstand. The increased costs had been an operational decision and the response from Ceredigion needed clarification. The Clerk to organise a meeting as soon as possible with the Cabinet member and officers.


  1. 11: Election costs. Ceredigion had provided an explanation of the increased costs. A constructive letter to be sent thanking them for the information but offering suggestions on how costs could be decreased in the future. Improving the efficiency of the count process ie having the town and community council count before the county council count would help reduce costs.





Cofnodion o’r Pwyllgor Cynllunio a gynhaliwyd ar nos Lun 3 Ebrill 2023


PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r cofnodion a’r argymhelliad


Minutes of the Planning Committee held on Monday 3 April 2023


It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes and recommendation



Materion yn codi o’r Cofnodion:



Matters arising from the Minutes:






Cofnodion o’r Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol a gynhaliwyd ar nos Lun 3 Ebrill 2023


PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r cofnodion a’r argymhellion.

Minutes of the General Management Committee held on Monday 3 April 2023


It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes and recommendations.




Materion yn codi o’r Cofnodion


7: Ymgynghori – safle ysbyty newydd Hywel Dda. Roedd ymgynghoriad ar-lein yn cael ei gynnal am 6.30pm ar 16 Mai. Dylid rhoi’r wybodaeth ar dudalen facebook y Cyngor Tref.

Matters arising from the Minutes:


7: Consultation – new Hywel Dda hospital site. An online consultation was being held at 6.30pm on 16 May. The information should be placed on the Town Council’s facebook page.




Cofnodion o’r Pwyllgor Cyllid a Sefydliadau a gynhaliwyd ar nos Lun, 17 April 2023


PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo'r cofnodion:

  1. 16: Dylid cynnwys y Gymraeg o fewn y gweithgareddau hefyd.


Minutes of the Finance & Establishments Committee held on Monday, 17 April 2023


It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes with one amendment: 7.16: Welsh should also be included within the activities.





Materion yn codi o’r Cofnodion


PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r dyraniadau grant a argymhellwyd ac eithrio’r diwygiadau a ganlyn:


  • 17: Clwb Busnes. £700 arall i ddod â chyfanswm y dyraniad i £2700.
  • 23: Eglwys Fethodistaidd St Paul. £1000 arall i ddod â chyfanswm y dyraniad i £1500
  • 13: Prosiect Celf a Gwyddoniaeth. Er ei fod yn cael ei gefnogi mewn egwyddor (£2500) teimlwyd er mwyn osgoi unrhyw elfennau brawychus y dylai fod yn rhan o brosiect mwy ystyriol. I'w drafod ymhellach gyda'r ymgeiswyr.
  • 4: Parêd Gŵyl Dewi. Y dyraniad o £1200 i ddod o'r gyllideb grantiau cymunedol ac nid o'r gyllideb digwyddiadau.


Dyraniadau grant 2023-24:


  • Clwb Bowlio Aberystwyth £300
  • Grŵp Cefnogi Parc Natur Penglais £675
  • Parêd Gŵyl Dewi £1200
  • Clwb Bowlio Morfa Mawr £300
  • 6ed Aberystwyth Rainbows £250
  • Band Arian Aberystwyth £1000
  • Beiciau Gwaed Cymru (Grŵp Aberystwyth) £3000
  • Prosiect Celf a Gwyddoniaeth £2500
  • 2il Sgowtiaid Penparcau £1000
  • Aberystwyth Musicfest Ltd £1000
  • Clwb Busnes Aberystwyth £2700
  • Bwyd Dros Ben Aber £1250
  • Hwb Eco Aber Cyf £1500
  • Cyngor ar Bopeth £1000
  • Little Wander Cyf £1000
  • Eglwys Fethodistaidd St Paul £1500


                                   Cyfanswm: £20,175


Cyllideb digwyddiadau 2023-24:


  • Cwmni Theatr Arad Goch £2000
  • Cered a Mentrau Iaith Cymru £1000


                                          Cyfanswm: £3000

Matters arising from the Minutes:


It was RESOLVED to approve the recommended grant allocations with the exception of the following amendments:


  • 17: Business Club. A further £700 to bring the total allocation to £2700.
  • 23: St Paul’s Methodist Church. A further £1000 to bring the total allocation to £1500
  • 13: Art & Science project. Whilst supported in principle (£2500) it was felt that to avoid any sensationalist elements it should form part of a more considered project. To be discussed further with the applicants.
  • 4: Parêd Gŵyl Dewi. The £1200 allocation to come from the community grants budget and not from the events budget.


Grant allocations 2023-24:


  • Aberystwyth Bowling Club £300
  • Parc Natur Penglais Support Group £675
  • Parêd Gŵyl Dewi £1200
  • Queens Road Bowling Club £300
  • 6th Aberystwyth Rainbows £250
  • Aberystwyth Silver Band £1000
  • Blood Bikes Wales (Aberystwyth Group) £3000
  • Art & Science project £2500
  • 2nd Penparcau Scouts £1000
  • Aberystwyth Musicfest Ltd £1000
  • Aberystwyth Business Club £2700
  • Aber Food Surplus £1250
  • Eco Hub Aber Ltd £1500
  • Citizens Advice £1000
  • Little Wander Ltd £1000
  • St Paul’s Methodist Church £1500


                                   Total:  £20,175


Events budget 2023-24:


  • Cwmni Theatr Arad Goch £2000
  • Cered a Mentrau Iaith Cymru £1000


                                          Total: £3000







Cyllid – ystyried gwariant Mis Ebrill


PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo'r gwariant

Finance – to consider the April expenditure


It was RESOLVED to approve the expenditure.




Cymeradwyo cyfrifon Mis Mawrth


PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo'r cyfrifon.


Gan nad oedd yr archwiliwr mewnol a gytunwyd yn gallu darparu ei wasanaethau ar gyfer eleni, ac oherwydd yr amserlen dynn, rhoddwyd pwerau dirprwyedig i’r Clerc ddod o hyd i ddewis arall priodol,  a byddai’n cysylltu â chynghorau tref eraill.


To approve the March accounts


It was RESOLVED to approve the accounts.


As the agreed internal auditor was unable to provide his services for this year, and due to the tight timescale, the Clerk was given delegated powers to find an appropriate alternative and would contact other town councils.





Cwestiynau sy’n ymwneud â materion tu fewn cylch gorchwyl y Cyngor hwn YN UNIG




Questions relating ONLY to matters in this Council’s remit






Ceisiadau Cynllunio


Planning applications



A230214: Pier


Ni chymerodd y Cyng Alun Williams ran yn y trafodaethau.


Mae’r Cyngor Tref YN GWRTHWYNEBU’R cais hwn YN GRYF oherwydd:

  • Llygredd golau
  • Nid yw hysbysebion LED modern yn gydnaws â threftadaeth y Pier na'r promenâd a byddent yn annog mwy o hysbysebion. Maent yn cynrychioli'r math gwaethaf o arwyddion. Dylid adfer y Pier i'w ogoniant blaenorol
  • Gwrthwynebiad cryf gan y gymuned
  • Effeithiau posibl ar y drudwy ac adar eraill
  • Diffyg gwybodaeth am gynnwys a chynllun yr arwyddion a'u disgleirdeb.


A230214: Pier


Cllr Alun Williams did not participate in discussions.


The Town Council STRONGLY OBJECTS to this application because of:

  • Light pollution
  • Modern LED advertisements are not in keeping with the heritage of the Pier or promenade and would encourage more advertisements. They represent the worst type of signage. The Pier should be restored to its former glory.
  • Strong community opposition
  • Possible effects on the starlings and other birds
  • Lack of information as to the content and design of the signs and their brightness





A230273: 8 Portland Road.


DIM GWRTHWYNEBIAD. Mae'r Cyngor Tref yn croesawu'r datblygiad ond gan fod yr adeilad o fewn yr ardal gadwraeth hoffai weld ffenestri pren yn hytrach na rhai UPVC. Byddem hefyd yn annog cysondeb o ran dyluniad y ffenestri ar y llawr cyntaf a'r ail lawr.


A oes lle storio gwastraff?


A230273: 8 Ffordd Portland.


NO OBJECTION. The Town Council welcomes the development but as the building is within the conservation area would like to see wooden replacement windows as opposed to UPVC. We would also encourage consistency of window design on the first and second floors.


Is there waste storage?




Adroddiadau YSGRIFENEDIG gan gynrychiolwyr ar gyrff allanol




WRITTEN Reports from representatives on outside bodies






Adroddiadau AR LAFAR gan Gynghorwyr Cyngor Sir Ceredigion ar faterion sydd yn ymwneud â’r cyngor hwn YN UNIG


Cyng Alun Williams


  • Byddai'r pwll tywod yn barod erbyn diwedd mis Mai
  • Byddai colofnau golau newydd yn eu lle erbyn diwedd Mehefin
  • Roedd y ffens glas o flaen y Belle Vue i gael eu tynnu

VERBAL reports from Ceredigion County Councillors on matters ONLY pertaining to this Council



Cllr Alun Williams


  • The sand pit would be ready by the end of May
  • New light columns would be in place by the end of June
  • The blue fencing in front of the Belle Vue was to be removed





PENDERFYNWYD gohirio'r Rheolau Sefydlog ac ymestyn y cyfarfod am 30 munud


It was RESOLVED to suspend Standing Orders and the meeting extended by 30 minutes




Bardd y Dref: adroddiad y gweithgor


Cyflwynodd y Cyng Emlyn Jones gynnig am ddyletswyddau Bardd y Dref a sut y byddai Bardd y Dref yn cael ei benodi a'i dalu. PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r cynnig a ganlyn gyda dau newid i amseriad taliadau a dewis iaith:



Pwyntiau allweddol:


  • Cyngor Llawn i benodi is-bwyllgor ‘Bardd y Dref’ ym mis Rhagfyr gyda’r bwriad o gael argymhelliad wedi ei gytuno gan Gyngor Llawn mis Chwefror.
  • Beirdd i'w henwebu gan yr is-bwyllgor uchod a'u cadarnhau dan eitem gaeedig y Cyngor Llawn. Gall pob cynghorydd gyflwyno cynigion i’r is-bwyllgor eu hystyried.
  • Bardd i gychwyn ei ddyletswyddau yn seremoni urddo'r Maer
  • Bathodyn i'w greu a'i gyflwyno i bob bardd.
  • Ffon Farddol’ i’w chyflwyno i’r bardd yn seremoni Sefydlu’r Maer ac i’w throsglwyddo i’r bardd sy’n dod i mewn y flwyddyn nesaf
  • O leiaf 5 cerdd i'w comisiynu
  • Taliad o £1000 mewn dau randaliad yn ystod y flwyddyn
  • Cefnogi amlieithrwydd – y bardd i ddewis ei iaith a bod yn rhan o'r broses gyfieithu fel y bo'n briodol.



Mewn eitem gaeedig cymeradwywyd y bardd a gynigiwyd gan yr is-bwyllgor.


Town bard working group report


Cllr Emlyn Jones presented a proposal of the duties of the Town Bard and how the Town Bard would be appointed and remunerated. It was RESOLVED to approve the following proposal with two amendments to the timing of payments and language of choice:


Key points:


  • Full Council to appoint a ‘Bardd y Dref’ sub-committee in December with a view to having a recommendation agreed by February’s Full Council
  • Poets to be nominated by the above sub-committee and confirmed under closed item of Full Council. All councillors can put proposals to the sub-committee for consideration.
  • Poet to commence duties at the Mayoral Inauguration ceremony
  • A badge to be created and presented to each poet.
  • A ‘Poet Staff’ to be presented at the Mayoral Inauguration but passed on to the incoming poet the following year
  • At least 5 poems to be commissioned
  • Payment of £1000 in two installments during the year
  • Multi-lingualism supported – the poet to choose their language and be involved in the translation process as appropriate.



In a closed item the sub-committee’s proposed bard was approved.





Coed coffa:


Roedd y Cyng Jeff Smith wedi paratoi dogfen bolisi ar gyfer darparu coed coffa. PENDERFYNWYD mabwysiadu'r polisi gyda dileu'r adran ar anifeiliaid anwes. Byddai’r cwestiynau a godwyd yn y papur yn cael eu trafod yn y Pwyllgor Rheolau Sefydlog a Pholisi. Diolchwyd iddo am ei waith.


Memorial trees:


Cllr Jeff Smith had prepared a policy proposal for the provision of memorial trees. It was RESOLVED to adopt the policy in principle with the removal of the section on pets. The questions posed in the paper would be discussed by the Standing Orders and Policy Committee. Cllr Jeff Smith was thanked for his work.









Eitem caeedig yn ymwneud â’r Côd Ymddygiad.

Closed Code of Conduct item.