Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth Town Council
Cyfarfod y Cyngor Llawn (hybrid)
Meeting of Full Council (hybrid)
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Yn bresennol:
Cyng. Kerry Ferguson (Cadeirydd)
Yn mynychu:
Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerc) Will Rowlands (Clerc dan Hyfforddiant) Steve Williams (Rheolwr Cyfleusterau ac Asedau) Wendy Hughes (Swyddog Digwyddiadau a Phartneriaethau)
Cllr. Kerry Ferguson (Chair) Cllr. Dylan Lewis-Rowlands Cllr. Alun Williams Cllr. Emlyn Jones Cllr. Connor Edwards Cllr. Mathew Norman Cllr. Carl Worrall Cllr. Maldwyn Pryse Cllr. Mark Strong Cllr. Jeff Smith Cllr. Talat Chaudhri Cllr. Bryony Davies Cllr. Owain Hughes
In attendance:
Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerk) Will Rowlands (Trainee Clerk) Steve Williams (Facilities and Assets Manager) Wendy Hughes (Events and Partnerships Officer)
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Cyng. Lucy Huws
Cllr. Brian Davies Cllr. Lucy Huws
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Datgan Diddordeb
Mae Cyng. Alun Williams, Carl Worrall & Mark Strong yn Gynghorwyr Sir |
Declaration of Interest
Cllrs. Alun Williams, Carl Worrall & Mark Strong are County Councillors
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Cyllideb 2024-25
Roedd Cyngor Sir Ceredigion wedi gofyn am gymorth gan y Cyngor Tref i weithredu cyfleusterau cyhoeddus. Dosbarthwyd cynnig, gan gynnwys y costau a ddarparwyd gan Gyngor Sir Ceredigion ac yn gofyn am drosglwyddo perchnogaeth rhai asedau sydd ar brydles ar hyn o bryd i'r Cyngor Tref.
PENDERFYNWYD rhoi £26,500 i Gyngor Sir Ceredigion i barhau i weithredu toiled y Castell. Trafodaethau pellach ar reolaeth y dyfodol i'w cynnal yn ystod y flwyddyn.
I osgoi cynnydd yn y praesept, byddai'r cyfraniad hwn yn dod o unrhyw danwariant yng nghyllideb 2023-24. |
Budget 2024-25
Ceredigion County Council had requested assistance from the Town Council in the operation of public conveniences. A proposal was circulated, including costings provided by Ceredigion County Council and requesting transfer of ownership of some currently leased assets to the Town Council.
It was RESOLVED to provide £26,500 to Ceredigion County Council to maintain operation of the Castle toilet. Further discussions on the future management to take place during the year.
To avoid an increase in the precept, this contribution would come from any underspend in the 2023-24 budget.