Aberystwyth Council

Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth Town Council


Cofnodion cyfarfod y Pwyllgor Cynllunio a gynhaliwyd o bell ac yn Siambr y Cyngor, 11 Stryd y Popty

Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held remotely and at the Council Chambers, 11 Baker Street


  1. 6.2024






Yn bresennol:


Cyng. Jeff Smith (Cadeirydd)

  1. Cyng. Dylan Lewis-Rowlands
  2. Cyng. Talat Chaudhri
  3. Cyng. Emlyn Jones
  4. Cyng. Maldwyn Pryse

Cyng Owain Hughes

  1. Cyng. Bryony Davies
  2. Cyng. Lucy Huws


Yn mynychu:

Cyng. Alun Williams

Cyng. Mark Strong

Will Rowlands (Clerc)

Carol Thomas (Cyfieithydd)

Alf Engelkamp (Aelod o’r cyhoedd) (Eitemau 1-6, 9.2 yn unig)

Rhys Jones (Aelod o’r cyhoedd) (Eitemau 1-6, 9.2 yn unig)

Richard Wells (Aelod o’r cyhoedd) (Eitemau 1-6, 9.2 yn unig)

Tomos Wells (Aelod o’r cyhoedd) (Eitemau 1-6, 9.2 yn unig)




Cllr. Jeff Smith (Chair)

Cllr. Dylan Lewis-Rowlands

Cllr. Talat Chaudhri

Cllr. Emlyn Jones

Cllr. Maldwyn Pryse

Cllr Owain Hughes

Cllr. Bryony Davies

Cllr. Lucy Huws


In attendance:

Cllr. Alun Williams

Cllr. Mark Strong

Will Rowlands (Clerk)

Carol Thomas (Translator)

Alf Engelkamp (Member of the public) (Items 1-6, 9.2 only)

Rhys Jones (Member of the public) (Items 1-6, 9.2 only)

Richard Wells (Member of the public) (Items 1-6, 9.2 only)

Tomos Wells (Member of the public) (Items 1-6, 9.2 only)




Ymddiheuriadau ac Absenoldeb:


Yn absennol efo ymddiheuriadau:



Yn absennol heb ymddiheuriadau:

Cyng. Mair Benjamin


Apologies and Absences:


Absent with apologies:



Absent without apologies:

Cllr. Mair Benjamin




PENDERFYNWYD diwygio trefn y busnes a symud eitem 9.2 i’w thrafod yn syth ar ôl eitem 6.


It was RESOLVED to amend the order of business and move item 9.2 to be discussed immediately after item 6.



Datgan Diddordeb:




Declaration of interest:





Cyfeiriadau Personol:



Personal references:






Ethol Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Cynllunio ar gyfer 2024-25:


Cynigwyd y Cyng. Jeff Smith gan y Cyng. Talat Chaudhri ac eiliwyd gan y Cyng. Dylan Lewis-Rowlands.


Nid oedd unrhyw enwebiadau eraill a PHENDERFYNWYD ethol y Cyng. Jeff Smith yn Gadeirydd.

Elect a Chair of the Planning Committee for 2024-25:


Cllr. Jeff Smith was proposed by Cllr. Talat Chaudhri and seconded by Cllr. Dylan Lewis-Rowlands.


There were no other nominations and it was RESOLVED to elect Cllr. Jeff Smith as Chair.




Ethol is-Gadeirydd y Pwyllgor Cynllunio ar gyfer 2024-25:


Cynigwyd y Cyng. Dylan Lewis-Rowlands gan y Cyng. Jeff Smith ac eiliwyd gan y Cyng. Owain Hughes.


Nid oedd unrhyw enwebiadau eraill a PHENDERFYNWYD ethol y Cyng. Dylan Lewis-Rowlands yn is-Gadeirydd.

Elect a Vice Chair of the Planning Committee for 2024-25:


Cllr. Dylan Lewis-Rowlands was proposed by Cllr. Jeff Smith and seconded by Cllr. Owain Hughes.


There were no other nominations and it was RESOLVED to elect Cllr. Dylan Lewis-Rowlands as Vice Chair.



Adolygu a deall Cylch Gorchwyl y Pwylgor Cynllunio:


Darllenodd pob aelod y Cylch Gorchwyl ac ni chodwyd unrhyw gwestiynau.

To review and understand the Planning Committee Terms of Reference:


Members each read the Terms of Reference and no questions were raised.



Neuadd Gwenfrewi – Adnewyddiad Tŷ’r Offeiriad:


  • Byddai ymweliad safle pellach yn cael ei drefnu tua diwedd Mehefin.
  • Byddai cyflwyniad ar gynnydd ariannol y gwaith yn cael ei roi i'r Pwyllgor Cyllid gan y Clerc.
  • Roedd dyfodol y Gronfa Perchnogaeth Gymunedol yn ansicr oherwydd Etholiad Cyffredinol y DU.

Neuadd Gwenfrewi – Presbytery refurbishment:


  • A further site visit would be arranged towards the end of June.
  • A presentation on the financial progress of the work would be given by the Clerk to the Finance Committee.
  • The future of the Community Ownership Fund was uncertain due to the UK General Election.


Agenda Cyllid

Finance Agenda


Ceisiadau Cynllunio


Planning Applications




A240350 20 Ffordd Penmaesglas:


Mae'r Cyngor Tref yn CEFNOGI’N GRYF y cais hwn ac yn croesawu'r gwelliannau tuag at ynni gwyrdd. Nodwn fod yr allbwn sŵn dim ond 1 desibel uwchlaw'r trothwy lle mae angen caniatâd cynllunio.

A240350 20 Ffordd Penmaesglas:


The Town Council STRONGLY SUPPORTS this application and welcomes the improvements towards green energy. We note that the noise output is only 1 decibel above the threshold at which planning permission is needed.





A240340 Y Bwythyn, Stryd y Brenin:


Gwnaed sylwadau gan aelodau o'r cyhoedd. Mae’r Cyngor Tref yn GWRTHWYNEBU’N GRYF y cais hwn ar y sail a ganlyn:

  • Diffyg asesiad sŵn
  • Diffyg unrhyw ymgynghori ystyrlon
  • Mae gwrthwynebiad clir gan y cyhoedd a chymdogion
  • Gellid datblygu a defnyddio'r adeilad yn well; byddai hyn yn arwain at golli man preswyl neu fasnachol posibl
  • Mae risg i iechyd y cyhoedd a thrigolion cyfagos
  • Diffyg gwybodaeth am gyfraddau pŵer yr is-orsaf
  • Risg tân a ffrwydrad i eiddo cyfagos
  • Mae safleoedd amgen mwy diogel a mwy addas ar gael – yr hen safle golff gwallgof, neu dir Eglwys Sant Mihangel.


Byddid yn cysylltu ag aelodau Pwyllgor Cynllunio Cyngor Sir Ceredigion i ofyn i’r Pwyllgor drafod y cais hwn.

A240340 Y Bwythyn, Stryd y Brenin:


Representations were made by members of the public. The Town Council STRONGLY OBJECTS to this application on the following basis:

  • Lack of a sound assessment
  • Lack of any meaningful consultation
  • There is clear opposition from the public and neighbours
  • The building could be developed and used better; this would result in a loss of a potential residential or commercial space
  • There is a risk to health, both of the general public and nearby residents
  • Lack of information on power ratings of the substation
  • Fire and explosion risk to nearby properties
  • There are safer, more suitable alternative sites available – the old crazy golf site, or the grounds of St Michael’s Church.


Members of Ceredigion County Council’s Planning Committee would be contacted to request this application be discussed by the Committee.





A240381 Clarks, 20 Y Stryd Fawr:


Mae'r Cyngor Tref yn CEFNOGI'r cais hwn fel un sy'n galonogol i fusnesau bach.

A240381 Clarks, 20 Y Stryd Fawr:


The Town Council SUPPORTS this application as being encouraging to small businesses.





A240391 6 Y Stryd Uchel:



A240391 6 Y Stryd Uchel:







Penderfyniad cynllunio – A240140 9 Rhes Penglais:


ARGYMHELLWYD ysgrifennu at yr Awdurdod Cynllunio (Cyngor Sir Ceredigion) yn mynegi anfodlonrwydd gyda'r penderfyniad i roi caniatâd i'r cais hwn. Byddai swyddogion cynllunio a’r Cyng. Matthew Vaux (Aelod Cabinet Cyngor Sir Ceredigion dros Bartneriaethau, Tai, Cyfreithiol a Llywodraethu a Gwarchod y Cyhoedd) yn cael eu gwahodd i gyfarfod â’r Cyngor Tref a thrafod hyn ymhellach.


ARGYMHELLWYD bod y Pwyllgor Rheolau Sefydlog a Pholisi yn adolygu polisïau cynllunio’r Cyngor Tref.


Gadawodd Cyng. Lucy Huws y cyfarfod.

Planning decision – A240140 9 Rhes Penglais:


It was RECOMMENDED to write to the Planning Authority (Ceredigion County Council) expressing displeasure with the decision to award permission for this application. Planning officers and Cllr. Matthew Vaux (Ceredigion County Council Cabinet Member for Partnerships, Housing, Legal and Governance and Public Protection) would be invited to meet with the Town Council and discuss this further.


It was RECOMMENDED that the Standing Orders & Policy Committee review the Town Council’s planning policies.


Cllr. Lucy Huws left the meeting.

Agenda Rheolau Sefydlog a Pholisi

Standing Orders & Policy Agenda


Trwyddedu tai amlfeddiannaeth:


ARGYMHELLWYD ysgrifennu at adran drwyddedu Cyngor Sir Ceredigion, yn eu gwahodd i gyfarfod â'r Cyngor Tref a thrafod trwyddedu a gorfodi Tai Amlfeddiannaeth.

HMO Licencing:


It was RECOMMENDED to write to the licencing department of Ceredigion County Council, inviting them to meet with the Town Council and discuss HMO licencing and enforcement.




Datblygiad newydd – ‘Porth y De’:


Mae’r Cyngor Tref yn GWRTHWYNEBU’N GRYF i’r enw arfaethedig ‘Porth y De’ yn gryf, gan mai hwn yw enw’r ardal gyfan honno eisoes, sef Southgate yn Saesneg. Gallai enw arall fod yn ‘Maes Gwenallt’, ar ôl y bardd Gwenallt a oedd yn byw gerllaw.

New development – ‘Porth y De’:


The Town Council STRONGLY OPPOSES the proposed name of ‘Porth y De’, as this is already the name of that whole area, being Southgate in English. An alternative name could be ‘Maes Gwenallt’, after the poet Gwenallt who lived nearby.










Cynllun Bro: Derbyniwyd drafft oddi wrth Gyngor Sir Ceredigion. Cynrychiolwyr bwrdd rheoli’r Cynllun Bro i drafod.

Place Plan: Draft received from Ceredigion County Council. Place Plan management board representatives to discuss.