Aberystwyth Council









Councillor Dylan Lewis

Councillor Mair Benjamin

Councillor J Aled Davies

Councillor Jeff Smith

Councillor Mark Strong

Councillor Endaf Edwards

Councillor Brenda Haines

Councillor Sue Jones-Davies

Councillor Sarah Bowen

Councillor Mererid Jones

Councillor Brian Davies

Councillor Wendy Morris-Twiddy

Councillor Kevin Price

Councillor Alun Williams

Councillor Carys Morgan



Councillor Steve Davies

Councillor Ceredig Wyn Davies


Minute 194

Declarations of Interest for matters arising from agenda items

Mererid Jones- Housing Association- Planning minutes

Mair Benjamin- Housing Association- Planning minutes

Councillor Aled Davies- Expenditure


Minute 195

Personal References

  1. It was reported that the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and the Town Clerk had attended a meeting with the Clerk and members of Llanbadarn Fawr Community Council on the 19th March.

The meeting had been cordial and had ended on a positive note with a new level of understanding between the two authorities.

It was hoped that a joint approach to issues of mutual concern could help both authorities.

  1. Notice of a National training seminar to be held in Swansea on the 17th April were promulgated.
  2. Councillor Sue Jones Davies asked for consideration of an emergency motion:

That Aberystwyth Town Council asks the Vice Chancellor of Aberystwyth University to make a clear statement of intent to explain how the proposed restructuring of Aberystwyth University will impact on Aberystwyth Arts Centre.

Aberystwyth Arts Centre is a vital element to the cultural and economic life of the town and the Aberystwyth Town Council asks for reassurances that there will be no restriction of access or diminution in services or programming to the general public.

Following a brief discussion it was RESOLVED to write the letter to Professor McMohan


Minute 196

Mayoral Activity Report 

The Mayor had circulated a detailed list of his activities on behalf of Aberystwyth Town Council.


Minute 197

Minutes of a meeting of Council held on 25th February 2013 

It was RESOLVED to accept and adopt the minutes as a true record.


Minute 198

Minutes of a Planning Committee held on 4th March 2013 

It was RESOLVED to accept and adopt the amended minutes as a true record.

Amendment- record that there were no reports under the economic development heading of the agenda.









Councillor Brian Davies

Councillor Ceredig Wyn Davies

Councillor Steve Davies

Councillor Kevin Price

Councillor Sarah Bowen

Councillor Brenda Haines

Councillor Endaf Edwards

Councillor Sue Jones-Davies

Councillor Jeff Smith

Councillor Wendy Morris-Twiddy



Councillor Dylan Lewis


  1. Declarations of Interest

There were none recorded.


  1. Correspondence

There was none for this committee.


  1. Planning Applications


A13 0069LB (1st February 2013)

Erection of an extension.

Upper Station, Constitution Hill, Cliff Railway, Aberystwyth.

No objection.  Aberystwyth Town Council welcomes the use of traditional matching materials and design to the existing building.


A13 0075 (5th February 2013)

Change of use of currently vacant (previous residence) rear annexe and upper floor accommodation into 4 flats, above existing ground floor shop (to be retained, but altered slightly in order to accommodate access to upper floors).

Lloyds, 30 North Parade, Aberystwyth.

No objection in principle.  However, it is noted that there is no adequate parking provision for this development and, whilst Aberystwyth Town Council acknowledges that there is no answer to this problem, it should be considered within the application, and also that there is no common access to communal waste storage on the plans.  It is hoped that the applicant will address this omission prior to permission being granted to continue with this application.


A13 0089 (6th February 2013)

Change of use from family dwelling to House in Multiple Occupation (6 bedsits).

Glan Wyre, Sea View Place, Aberystwyth.

Aberystwyth Town Council understands that this application has been withdrawn.


A13 0123 and A13 0124LB (22nd and 21st February 2013)

Replacement timber windows on the rear elevation of the property.

Dilwen Jenkins Properties Ltd, Station Chambers, Alexandra Road, Aberystwyth.

No objection.  Aberystwyth Town Council welcomes the use of sustainable materials and the improvements to this property.


A13 0126 (11st February 2013)

Retention of 6 apartments used for student accommodation.

Boar’s Head, Queen’s Road, Aberystwyth.

STRONGLY OBJECT.  Aberystwyth Town Council continues to strongly object to this development and supports Ceredigion County Council Development Control in ALL its efforts to address ALL shortcomings in this application.  Previous responses from Aberystwyth Town Council to this whole project continue to stand.  The lack of parking, the over-development of the area and the applicant’s apparent flagrant disregard for the planning process need to be strongly considered.


A13 0131CD (25th February 2013)

Changes of frontages of No’s 18 & 19.

18 & 19 Northgate Street, Aberystwyth.

No objection.  Aberystwyth Town Council welcomes this enhancement of an important gateway to the town, and welcomes the use of grants to help realise this ambition.


A13 0132CD (25th February 2013)

Alterations to Frontages of No’s 2, 3, 4a, 5 & 36.

2, 3, 4a, 5 & 36 Northgate Street, Aberystwyth.

No objection.  Aberystwyth Town Council welcomes this enhancement of an important gateway to the town, and welcomes the use of grants to help realise this ambition.


A13 0119 (25th February 2013)

Refurbishment of HMO including demolition and reconstruction of rear annexe.

Clive House, 56 Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth.

No objection in principle as it is good to see improvements and refurbishment to this property.  However, it is felt that it is a pity the opportunity has not been taken to change the use into self-contained flats.


A13 0091

Demolition of rear single-storey extension and outbuildings, and erection of two-storey extension to provide a total of 5 flats.

61 Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth.

No objection in principle to the improvements shown on the revised plan.  However, it must be ensured that sustainable/approved materials only should be used in this project.  The use of uPVC within the Conservation Area is strongly discouraged and it is hoped that the developer will use natural products in this development.  Should this not be the case, Aberystwyth Town Council will object to this application.



Minute 199

Minutes of the General Management Committee held on 11th March  2013.

As the chairman was absent the Mayor read the minutes for accuracy.

Amendment- last line but one- Change of word – change READ to ADD

It was RESOLVED to accept and adopt the minutes as amended as a true record.




Councillor Ceredig Wyn Davies

Councillor Dylan Lewis

Councillor Wendy Morris-Twiddy

Councillor J Aled Davies

Councillor Kevin Price

Councillor Sue Jones-Davies

Councillor Steve Davies

Councillor Endaf Edwards

Councillor Mererid Jones

Councillor Alun Williams

Councillor Mair Benjamin

Councillor Mark Strong

Councillor Jeff Smith

Councillor Martin Shewring





  1. Declarations of Interest

There were none recorded.

It was noted that Councillor M Strong had been granted a dispensation to speak only in planning applications pertaining to Tai Ceredigion.


  1. Correspondence
  1. Bus Shelter- Minyddol.

Confirmation was received from Ceredigion County Council that Aberystwyth Town Council no longer had an interest in taking over the bus shelter.


  1. Recycling

LAS (Lampeter) responded to a recent enquiry stating that they could not collect waste glass daily in Aberystwyth.


  1. Bus shelter cleaning

An e mail from a company was received with quotes for shelter cleaning. It was decided to investigate further as well as proceeding with talks with other interested parties.

It was further agreed to place this matter on the next meeting agenda for discussion.


  1. Report on new council accommodation 

The Town Clerk gave a brief update on the accommodation situation and reported that he as instructed had asked for a copy of the draft lease for legal opinion before calling a meeting of the full council for consideration. He intended to ask for legal presence at that meeting to allow members to ask any questions they had regarding the legalities of the situation.

It was noted that there was not a definite date that the Town Council had to vacate the premises if it was not going to occupy, but it would be prudent to expedite the matter in order to alleviate stress and other complications.


  1. Updates on Resolutions

The list of resolutions had been distributed to all members.

It was generally agreed that the presentation could be more informative and “User Friendly”.

Following discussion it was agreed that Councillor s Mark Strong and Kevin Price would assist the Town Clerk with the construction of a new presentation database to incorporate the design changes as discussed. These would include a brief narrative as to the disposition of the motion and who had instigated the matter. This would be reported on at the next meeting.

The list was progressed through and some were deleted as completed and others were amalgamated into one motion.

It was agreed to write to the Students union to congratulate officers on their recent election and to reinvigorate the town and gown initiative and to see what council and union could do in cooperation.

It was decided to read the de trunking issue to the list despite there being no progress from any party on this issue in recent years.


The meeting ended at 19:25.


Minute 200

Minutes of a Finance Committee meeting held on 18th March 2013.


To add Councillor Carys Morgan’s apologies

2(a)- DELETE- “…..that they re-join but to check what the contact protocols were” and replace with- “Check whether membership was open to all”.

6- Add before last line- ..review of insurance documents would be carried out to clarify if employment dispute insurance was in place.

It was RESOLVED to accept and adopt the minutes as a true record subject to the following amendments:

Councillor Aled Davies asked for standing orders to be suspended to discuss a non agenda’d item at the end of the meeting pertaining to an e mail sent by the Town Clerk to One Voice Wales..




Councillor M Jones

Councillor W Morris-Twiddy

Councillor S Jones-Davies

Councillor J A Davies

Councillor E Edwards

Councillor C Davies

Councillor B Davies

Councillor M Benjamin

Councillor D Lewis

Councillor B Haines



Councillor A Williams 

Councillor M Strong


  1. Declarations of Interest

There were none recorded.


  1. Correspondence
  1. One Voice Wales

Membership for the forthcoming Financial year was received.

Councilor A Davies suggested that we shouldn’t rejoin as he had experience of trying to contact them and they wouldn’t speak to him. It was the Mayor or Clerk they would talk to only.

The chairman suggested that they rejoin but to check what the contact protocols were and report back.

  1. Beach Cleaning invoice

The Clerk was asked to check that this cost had not already been paid in this current financial year and to remind the county council that it should not presume that this was an automatic payment.

  1. Aberystwyth Arts Centre

Councilor S Jones Davies gave a letter from the Arts Centre asking for a grant to help with the funding for a free community concert (Midsummer Madness) this coming June. The applicant had talked to the Town Clerk and learned that there was an allocation in the budget for Arts Projects which had remained unspent and she applied for the full £4000.

The Chairman responded by stating that they would have to formally apply for funding like all other applicants and no exceptions could be made.



  1. Questions on financial matters only.

Q1- What is the latest on the Night Time Economy project and Purple Flag?

A1- A recent meeting of the above was advised that Aberystwyth Town Council had allocated monies to Partnership Working and that they had been advised that even if this did not cover the full £14,000 for the officer then they were free to apply for a grant towards the project from this allocation.

Q2- Can a local Business make a contribution towards the Mayoral Medal Initiative?

A2- Yes they can as a sponsor and the Town Clerk would liaise with them and the Mayor to get further information.

Q3- Have the twinning been informed of the potential change in funding protocols.

A3- Yes- each committee has been informed of the need to adopt and adapt to the new funding for twinning and each case would be taken on its merits. 


  1. To receive the accounts for the month of February 2013

Following scrutiny, it was recommended to confirm and adopt the accounts for February 2013.

5. Report of the council's new offices

The Clerk had nothing new to report since the last report. Members were increasing worried as to what would happen at the end of the month.

The Town Clerk urged caution and suggested that Aberystwyth Town Council would not be turfed out of the building as the owner had already agreed in principle to help the council with its accommodation needs. 

He suggested that the Council wait until legal advice had been sought on receipt of the draft lease and to progress for there.

He reported that Ceredigion County Council had cut off all the telephones despite Aberystwyth Town Council paying its own phone bills and there was an investigation going on into this occurrence.

6. Report on Human Resources 

The Clerk had circulated a report giving reasons for the consideration of having a bespoke Local Government specialist advisory scheme and partner in place rather than using local legal advice on an individual needs basis. One of the prime considerations was the indemnity and advice aspect that could not be provided from local companies.

The clerk warned that the council corporate could leave itself open to challenge and criticism should it choose not to. Following a long and protracted discussion about the various options it was decided to check if the council’s insurance policy would cover any legal costs should they arise.

One Voice Wales should be asked for advice on this matter.

7. Accept nomination Internal Auditor

The name of Mr Bryn Smith was put to members as a candidate for the post of Internal auditor to the council. Mr Smith worked as an auditor for Ceredigion County Council and was qualified to carry out the role.

The Chair was empowered to commission Mr Smith following a favorable report.

8. Update on the cost of Christmas Lights Gala and update

The Town Clerk gave a report on the latest in the Gala Lights Saga and had prepared a list of costs associated with the Christmas.


Minute 201

Planning applications- to consider those applications not covered in the monthly planning meeting and are time sensitive.            

There were none so urgent that they could not be dealt with at the next planning meeting.


Minute 202

Clerks Report

The Clerk apologised for the non-appearance of his report but reported that he had been involved in a nasty car crash where two cars were written off and had been unable to furnish this month’s report due to the effect of strong medication. A new report would follow shortly.


Minute 203


  1. Aberystwyth Ramblers

A letter asking for an update on the Aberystwyth Walkers are Welcome status was received.

The Town Clerk gave members an update on the admittedly slow progress and stated that this it was hoped would be remedied soon.

It was RESOLVED to give the Ramblers a full update of the situation.


  1. Community Centre Committee

A letter was received from Mr Graham Parry giving details of the closure of the charity set up many years ago to found a community centre in Aberystwyth. This resulted in £1845.41 being transferred back to Aberystwyth Town Council as it had made the original funding to start the charity.

Members welcomed this move and RESOLVED to thank the committee for its work.


  1. Annual meeting with Ceredigion County Council 

This meeting was set for Monday 13th May at 7pm. It was RESOLVED to suggest that the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and chairs of committees attend along with Councillor  M Shewring.


Minute 204

Questions relating only to matters in this Councils remit

Q1- What is happening about the bus shelter cleaning?

A1-The Town Clerk was to meet with the probation service to discuss the possibility of using community payback provision to clean shelters.

Q2- What has happened regarding a meeting with Llanbadarn Fawr Community Council?

A2- A cordial meeting has been held as reported.


Minute 205

To consider expenditure  

It was RESOLVED to make payments in the sum of £16,513.00



Amount £





Empty recycling bins - Feb 2013


Carmarthenshire County Council

Salaries - February 2013


Purchase Power

Rental for franking machine + postage


Morris & Bates

Fees re Lease of play area in Castle grounds


Afan Construction Ltd

Storage of Christmas lights 9.2.13 - 10.5.13


Aberystwyth University

Fees for Aber Cycling Festival - branding


Delyth Davies

Translation fees



Planning Training on 4.3.13 (10 places


House of Flags

3 x Welsh flags


Cllr J Aled Davies

Fencing for Maze (Speedyservices.com paid by JAD)







Minute 206

Verbal Reports from Ceredigion County Councillors only on matters pertaining to this Council

Councillor M Strong gave an update on planning control and building control inspector matters.

Councillor Alun Williams gave details on parking enforcement and annual review therof, Recent Earth Hour, Update on the gateway project and the cleaning of bus shelters in the south of the county.


Minute 207

Written reports from representatives to outside bodies 

None had been received..


Minute 208

RA Board Report- Councillor Alun Williams

There had been no updates since the last report. He added that there were two years to go with the current project. It was further reported that it seemed a good idea that Aberystwyth Town Council could act as a “conduit” for ideas regarding local projects.


Minute 209

RA Board funding ideas from Aberystwyth Town Council. 

The Town Clerk had brought two ideas forward for consideration by members.

Councillor Alun Williams reminded members that the requirements of the RA board in funding projects would need to be assessed before any real progress could be made.

Project a- Re-festoon the promenade.

Project b- Interactive ball walls

Following discussion it was RESOLVED to investigate costs and locations relating to these two projects and to make enquiries of the RA office as to potential funding.

It was suggested that the General Management committee become the channel for local RA ideas to be channelled to the appropriate recipients. Councillor Alun Williams endorsed this idea


Minute 210

To review and approve Financial Risk Assessment

The Clerk gave information relating to the annual audit requirements for this document to be considered.

It was RESOLVED to accept and adopt the current document and to carry out a review during the next few months.


Minute 211

To review and approve Financial Regulations for Aberystwyth Town Council 

The Clerk gave information relating to the annual audit requirements for this document to be considered.

It was RESOLVED to accept and adopt the current document and to carry out a full review during the next few months.


Minute 212

Council Accommodation- An update.

The Town Clerk had not received any updates regarding the council’s accommodation needs.


Minute 213

Council Website at the request of Councillor Kevin Price

Councillor Kevin Price had circulated a document outlining how the current web provision of Aberystwyth Town Council could be improved and save money.

It was RESOLVED to make Councillor Price the Councils web “champion” and in co-operation with other members and officers to draw up ideas and a model of a new website that could replace the current one at the end of the current contract time.


Minute 214

Minutes at the request of Councillor Aled Davies

Councillor Davies told fellow members that it had been brought to his notice by Ceredigion County Council advisors that any notes made at a meeting by any officer were automatically the property of the council and should be preserved for reference and evidential purposes. In his opinion these notes should all be written up in a hard cover book and kept for posterity. This would be useful in future should anyone wish to refer back to the notes for any reason.

The Town Clerk stated that this was contrary to current practice and teaching and inevitably meant potentially more work for the staff and had Freedom of Information implications and was to be discouraged. He was of the opinion that the information was flawed.

Following a long and convoluted discussion it was RESOLVED to investigate the cost implication of a digital recorder for meetings to assist in accuracy and the chairman of the Finance and Establishment committee was empowered to approve expenditure if a suitable device was found. If a suitable machine was found the meetings would be recorded for a trial period to evaluate the project.


Minute 215

Policy update protocols at the request of Councillor B Davies


Councillor Brian Davies proposed that Council policies should be reviewed and if needed , updated on an annual basis.

A list of the policies should be produced at the annual meeting of the council each year naming the policies and date of adoption.

Any changes to policies should be brought to the attention of full council for acceptance.

The policies should be rewritten to reflect the changes and then signed and dated. All original documents should be kept on file.


Following a brief discussion it was RESOLVED to adopt this motion.


Minute 216

Councillor Aled Davies then asked that Standing Orders be suspended to discuss an item not on the agenda. The Mayor was advised that this was usually for very urgent items. On questioning Councillor Davies said it was.

Following a vote it was RESOLVED to suspend Standing Orders for the discussion to take place.

Councillor Davies then asked for the Press and Public to be excluded from the meeting.

The Town Clerk advised the Mayor that this was only really needed in the case of specific items such as the early stages of disputes, staffing matters and discussion of contracts amongst other reasons. 

Councillor Davies clearly stated that the matter was to discuss contracts.

Following a vote it was resolved to exclude the press and the public for discussion of contracts and the Mayor read out a statutory statement to that effect.


The member of the press left the meeting.

File Minute  216/13 refers