Aberystwyth Council





Cllr Brenda Haines

Cllr Martin W Shewring

Cllr Sue Jones-Davies

Cllr Mair Benjamin

Cllr Lucy Huws

Cllr Endaf Edwards

 Cllr Steve Davies

 Cllr Brian Davies

Cllr Brendan Somers

Cllr Ceredig Davies

 Cllr Kevin Roy Price

 Cllr Jeff Smith

 Cllr Mark A Strong

Cllr Mererid Jones

Cllr Wendy Morris


Cllr Dylan Lewis

Cllr Alun Williams.


Minute 98.

Declaration of Interest on matters arising from the agenda.

Cllr Brenda Haines, Cllr Wendy Morris, Cllr Jeff Smith (Finance, Minute 109.)

Cllr Endaf Edwards (Planning, Minute 103. Application 140803.)

Cllr Mererid Jones (Minute 112).


Minute 99.

Personal references.



Minute 100.

Mayoral Activity Report.

A report of the Mayors engagements between the last full meeting of council and the current date was circulated to members. The report included Aberystwyth Town’s success in winning the Academy of Urbanism “Great Town Award”.

Members resolved that this auspicious occasion should be celebrated and that a banner across Gt Darkgate Street highlighting the success of the town and the award should be considered.


Minute 101.

Minutes of a meeting of Full Council held on Monday 27th October 2014.


Minute 102.

Matters arising from minute 101.

Minute 83 referring to Professor Marcus Langley should read “Professor Marcus Longley”

Minute 95 “SAPRA” should read “SARPA”

Minute 97 The minute should read that council “Resolved” to support the motion.


Minute 103.




Cllr Endaf Edwards

Cllr Ceredig Davies

Cllr Steve Davies

Cllr Mair Benjamin

Cllr Lucy Huws

Cllr Sue Jones Davies

Cllr Jeff Smith

Cllr Kevin Roy Price



Cllr Brenda Haines

Cllr Mark Strong

Cllr Dylan Lewis

Cllr Mererid Jones

Cllr Brian Davies

Cllr Wendy Morris


  1. Correspondence


  1. Cyngor Sir Ceredigion


Planning application A140362 - withdrawn


Decision notices:


A140624 – approved

A140556 – approved

A140589 – approved

A140117 – approved


A letter drawing attention to the Amendment Order 2014 of the Licensing Act 2003 was brought to members’ attention.


  1. Planning Inspectorate


An appeal had been lodged regarding an alleged breach of condition 2 of the planning permission for a development at 36 Mill Street, Aberystwyth.  It is alleged that the development that was carried out did not conform to the approved plans.  The plans are available for inspection at Neuadd Cyngor Ceredigion, Penmorfa, Aberaeron until 20 November 2014.  Comments can be sent to the Planning Inspectorate, Crown Buildings, Cathays Park, Cardiff.  The closing date for receipt of comments is also 20 November 2014.


  1. E-mail from Martin Davies, regarding the proposed development of 48 dwellings at Primrose Hill, Llanbadarn Fawr.


The proposed development is located outside the Aberystwyth Town Council area therefore the e-mail was not considered.


  1. To consider planning applications



Proposed extension to dwelling

17 Edgehill Road, Aberystwyth


No objection.  We ask that timber is used instead of UPVC for the windows and doors, and that cast iron down pipes are used.  We have concerns over potential loss of amenity value for the residents of 16 & 18 Edgehill Road.



The replacement of existing single glazed sash windows for new conservation grade softwood sash windows with slim line double glazed units glazed in outside puttying, reinstatement of missing ground floor section of bay window, replacement of inner shop front sections, removal of existing shop front entrance to incorporate into new shop front section and reinstate original corner splay recessed door access, general render repairs and redecoration of elevations and all joinery and replacement of rainwater goods with new cast iron. No roof level works.

46 Terrace Road, Aberystwyth


No objection.  Aberystwyth Town Council welcomes this application.  We ask the developer to consider maintaining the railings, which are a historical feature of Upper Portland Street.



Change of use of existing building to use class A2 (Citizens Advice Bureau)

1 King Street, Aberystwyth


No objection.



Alteration to window to change into door for new staff access into the building

National Library of Wales, Penglais, Aberystwyth


Cllr Endaf Edwards declared an interest and left the meeting.


 No objection.


  1. AOB


Cllr Mair Benjamin drew the committee’s attention to the Welsh Government’s proposed changes to the planning system.  Aberystwyth Town Council wishes to receive clarification on how these would affect community councils.  An invitation will be sent to the Head of Service, Planning Department, Ceredigion County Council to address the Planning Committee.

The minutes were approved.


Minute 104.

Minutes of the General Management Committee held on Monday 10th November 2014 at 6.30pm.


1      Present:


        Cllr Ceredig Davies

        Cllr Martin W Shewring

        Cllr Mark A Strong

        Cllr Mair Benjamin

        Cllr Brenda Haines

        Cllr Endaf Edwards

        Cllr Brian Davies

        Cllr Brendan Somers

        Cllr Wendy Morris

        Cllr Steve Davies

        Cllr Jeff Smith

        Cllr Sue Jones Davies

        Cllr Mererid Jones


2      Apologies:


        Cllr Alun Williams

        Cllr Dylan Lewis.


3      Declaration of Interest

            None declared.

4      Presentation by representatives of “Aberystwyth’s Business Improvement District


            BID representatives were unable to attend the meeting. A further presentation was to        be arranged.

5      Correspondence

            Letter from Penparcau Forum was dealt with under agenda item 8.

            Freedom of Information Request from Hazel Adi regarding Big Lottery Chair.

            E-mail from Nathan Metham promoting his Christmas Light Company.


6      Accommodation. (Update on lease at 11 Baker Street. Arrangements for moving

        office from 2nd floor to 1st floor).

            Discussion on manner in which furniture etc would be moved from the second to the        first floor. Councillors would move items themselves at a time to be arranged. It was             decided to carry out a furniture audit with the aim of selling off the surplus. Cllr                     Ceredig Davies offer to sell some items from outside of his shop was accepted.

            Still awaiting final lease for signing, a lease that under the 1954 Act that would not             necessarily be renewed after its ten year term. There was the need to move                      telephone sockets, a task to be undertaken by Cllr Kevin Pryce.


7     Christmas Arrangements for 2014. (Senior Citizens Christmas Lunch, Street

        Christmas Lights, Christmas Tree switch on).

            Over half the Christmas lunch tickets had been sold, with all arrangements in place.          Sgarmes were providing the entertainment. Cambrian News photographer was to be         asked to attend.

            The missing break out box outside of Poundland had been replaced. Christmas Tree        was to arrive on the 24th of November. Menter were finalising arrangements for the            light switch on.


8      Min-y-Ddol MUGA. (Maintenance of the Flood Lights, Working with Penparcau

        Forum on the management of the MUGA facility).

            One of the floodlights on the MUGA was not working, matter referred to Finance              Committee.

            Following previous discussions with representatives of Penparcau Forum it was                decided that the forum would be responsible for the MUGA booking diary. To cover            their administrative costs they would be allowed to charge £2 per hour for the use of the facility.

            Deferred from correspondence. Letter from Penparcau Forum requesting financial           assistance with the running of their office as well as their Boxing Club project. Matter    deferred to Finance Committee.


9      Glass Re-cycling facilities. (Review on the manner in which the glass re-cycling

        locations operate).

            Glass re-cycling points in town were heavily used, often with bags of glass left                   around the bins. It was decided to send a letter to Ceredigion County Council asking   that the glass collection points were emptied regularly.


10    Signs. (Southgate Signs – report following a recent meeting held in Neuadd Goffa,

        Don’t feed the Gulls – update, New Blue and White Street Nameplates).

            A well attended meeting of 45 residents attended a public meeting held at Neuadd             Goffa. It was decided at the meeting to erect Southgate signs at the appropriate              locations. Cllr Steve Davies was to liaise with Ceredigion's planning department.

            Discussion took place on the new blue and white street signs and the concerns that           the new signs did not match the area taken up by the original signs. Cllr Ceredig                     Davies to take the matter up with relevant Ceredigion County Council officers.

            Signs directing people not to feed the gulls were not to be progressed at present                whilst Ceredigion County Council considered their response to the matter.


11    Skateboard Park. (Update on current position).

            Matters were progressing with Cllr Mererid Jones having recently had a meeting with        Big Lottery.


12    Outstanding Issues

            Cllr Mair Benjamin stated that she was contacting Ceredigion's lighting officer on the         matter of street lighting in and around Princess St, Vulcan St, High St and Prospect            St.

            Town Council had some years ago commissioned some original art work that was            presented to Kronberg. Copies of the art work were held in town council's stores and     councillors were made aware of the need to keep these copies in pristine                                   condition.

            Town Council had received plans showing potential development options for the Old         College. Cllr Brendan Somers as the Town Council representative on the Old College    working group was to keep Town Council informed of developments.

            Cllr Mark Strong was charged with making the necessary enquires in order that a             commemorative plaque could be erected for Herman Ethe.

  • Members were informed that all the tickets for the Senior Citizens Dinner had been sold.
  • The minutes were approved.



Minute 105.

Minutes of the Finance and Establishment Committee of Aberystwyth Town Council on Monday, 17th of November 2014 at 6.30pm


1             Present: -            Cllr Mererid Jones

                                                Cllr Endaf Edwards

                                                Cllr Ceredig Davies

                                                Cllr Brenda Haines

                                                Cllr Mair Benjamin

                                                Cllr Brian Davies

                                                Cllr Jeff Smith

                                                Cllr Kevin Price

                                                Cllr Sue Jones-Davies

                                                Cllr Wendy Morris

Cllr Brendan Somers


2             Apologies            Cllr Mark Strong

                                                Cllr Alun Williams

                                                Cllr Dylan Lewis


3             Declaration of Interest – none


  1. Presentation by Penparcau Forum by Bryn Jones, Dylan Jones, Pat Bates and George Barratt. It was noted that Aberystwyth Town Council has previously funded £5,000 in 2013-14 and £2,400 in 2014-15. Money has also been received from the Police Commissioner’s Fund (£4,000 towards the Youth Forum), People’s Health Trust (£15,000 towards the local conversation) and Reaching Wider (between £10,000 - £15,000). There is also a memorandum of understanding with the Care Society that funds the coordinator’s wages.


They have applied for £460,000 from CFAP and £150,000 from the People’s Health Trust, but both applications require further work prior to approval.


Application to the Town Council asked for £11,500 annual revenue funding for 2015-16 and £25,000 towards capital costs on the Boxing Club including £12,500 for architect’s fees and £12,500 for kitchen and renovations.


It was RESOLVED to ask the Full Council to ratify the following: -


It was agreed to fund

  • £150 for the Christmas tree. We can pay this directly to the supplier thereby saving VAT.
  • £10,500 & VAT for the architect fees - paid for by the Council and based on receiving 2 quotes and payment on submission of invoice.
  • It was agreed to fund £6,500 - half of the £13,000 spend on the Boxing Club based on Penparcau Forum obtaining the remainder in matched funding from other sources.  This is again based on receiving 2 quotes for the work and the work being carried out by an external contractor (and payment to the external contractor to save VAT).
  • All conditions (apart from the Christmas Tree) are based on the Town Council receiving 2 representatives on the Board of Directors of Penparcau Community Forum Ltd, and those representatives selected by Town Council.
  • There is no undertaking of further liability if the funding application is not successful.
  • It was decided to postpone the decision on the revenue funding until 2015-16 budget has been set and the 2 representatives can give their views on what services are provided under the service level agreement.

5             Approval of Accounts

The accounts for October 2014 and projections to the end of the financial year were approved.


  1. Draft Budget 2015-16

It was agreed in principle to keep the precept at the same price but to cost the expenditure that we might be asked to underwrite for costs transferred from the County Council such as playgrounds and flowerbeds.  A revised budget to be presented to the December meeting.


  1. Requests for expenditure
  2. Ethe Plaque – it was agreed that a budget of £300 & VAT would be allocated towards the plaque.
  3. Light for MUGA – it was agreed that we obtain a price from Tom Edwards for the work required.
  4. Christmas Tree in Penparcau – agreed to £150 as for Trefechan.
  5. The application for funding by Penparcau Forum for a third defibrillator was turned down as you can apply for further defibrillators from the British Heart Foundations. Aberystwyth has two defibrillators and received funding for both.
  6. It was agreed to pay Sgarmes £200 for entertainment in the Senior Citizen Christmas Party.
  7. Update on lease/ accommodation

Landlord has stated that the lease will be backdated to the commencement date. It was assumed that this would be the 8th of November 2014 when the first floor was used.  Waiting update from solicitors and will update in Full Council.


9             Update on office reorganization

Work had been carried out on the room under the stairs.  Further work will need to wait until the lease has been signed.


10          Any other matters

  • Only 6 tickets left for the Senior Citizen Dinner
  • It was agreed to rollover the underspend on grants to 2015-16 but to ask organisations to complete applications as early as possible.
  • Congratulations were noted to the town for the Academy of Urbanism Award. May hold a celebratory event in the Old College in January 2015.


  • Penparcau Forum request for funding – It was noted that the Forum were not in agreement with giving directorships to town councillors. It was agreed to ask the forum for the reason declining this request.

It was agreed to offer Penparcau Forum £10,500.00 + VAT. Any additional funding would be subject to further discussions.

  • Draft budget – It was agreed to write to Ceredigion County Council to asceratin which responsibilities are likely to be transferred
  • Minutes were approved.



Minute 106.

Planning Applications.


A140769 – ABA Property Management Ltd. 28 North Parade, Aberystwyth.

This application is in a conservation area and the building is in need of a significant amount of work. It will be subject to a Town Improvement Grant.

NO OBJECTION  Subject to Cast Iron rainwater downpipes being used in the back.


A140813 - Church Surgery, Portland Street, Aberystwyth.

Installation of new Air Conditioning Unit.



The Planning Applications were passed.

Minute 107.


  • A letter from a Miles Spink expressed concern that Aberystwyth University was purchasing sandwiches from a London company. It was agreed that Aberystwyth Town Council would write to the university noting it’s concern.

(Councillor Mererid Jones declared an interest and left the meeting room)

  • A letter from Ceredigion County Council acknowledged councils concerns at the glass resepticles in the town not being emptied.
  • Night-Time Economy – A letter informed council that the next meeting would take place on 15th December 2014. Cllr Brendan Somers would attend on behalf of council.
  • Mid-Wales Healthcare Study – A public meeting would take place in the “Morlan” on the 15th December 2014 at 6.30pm.
  • Mayors for Peace – A letter informed members of the 70th anniversary of the bombing and requested that an event should be held to commemorate occassion. It was agreed that this should be undertaken by Mr Arewl George and the Peace and Justice Institute.
  • Self-Assessment for Academy of Urbanism Award was presented to members and noted. Members thanked Mr Allan Lewis of Ceredigion County Council for his work.
  • Urdd – A request for a general donation was noted and that they should make an application directly to Aberystwyth Town Council in April 2015.
  • A letter invited members to the switch-on of Trefechan Christmas Lights on 1st December 2014.
  • Victoria Cross memorial for Lewis Evans.- It was agreed to refer again to correspondence refering application to Ceredigion County Council.
  • It was agreed that Cynghrair Cymunedau Cymraeg conveen their meeting on 17th January in the council meeting room.
  • Members were informed of additional educational lessons taking place in the Education Centre in Penparcau.
  • Members were circulated with the “AA” (Automobile Association) town plan revision.


Minute 108.

Questions relating only to matters in this councils remit.



Minute 109.

Finance – To consider expenditure.

The following expenses were approved:-

Carl Williams Misc expenses £21.99
Carl Williams Wages £600.00
Cllr Wendy Morris Hotel & Taxi fare £101.00
Dr Karen Kemish OH Support £80.00
Lowri Schiavone Translation Services £453.32
Pitney Bowes Franking Machine £21.54
Cambrian News Advert for Christmas Dinner £240.00
TME electrical contractor Festoon & Christmas Lights £345.60
Viking Direct Paper & Pens £90.38
Cllr Brenda Haines Expenses to London £96.00
Viking Direct Office equipment £218.13
Cllr Jeff Smith Expenses £15.80
Talat Chaudri Minutes £90.00
Delyth Davies Translation £112.50
James Memorials Plaque £354.00
Carmarthen C C Wages – Carole £670.84

Minute 110.

Verbal reports from Ceredigion County Councillors

Cllr Mark Strong – Aberystwyth Town Council needs to be informed as to what are the likely services to be transferred from Ceredigion County Council.

Cllr Ceredig Davies – Revisions to the promenade will be dependent upon working with Ceredigion County Council to secure the appropriate activities.


Minute 111.

Written reports from representatives to outside bodies.

Cllr Jeff Smith presented reports on both SARPA and Dyfi Biosphere.

Minute 112.

To appoint a member to represent council on “Aberystwyth University Old College Project Board”

Cllr Brendan Somers was appointed to the board with Cllr Wendy Morris to deputise in his absence.

(Cllr Mererid Jones declared an interest in this matter)


Minute 113.

To respond to the “Ceredigion Crime & Disorder Strategic Assessment Document for 2015.

It was agreed that the Mayor would complete the questionnaire on behalf of the council.


Minute 114.

Cambrian Line Steering Group.

Councillor Jeff Smith presented his proposals and recommendations as to what he would wish to be introduced on the Cambrian Line such as an hourly service, more carriages, rail transport of goods, extra passing loops, an extension to Aberystwyth Station canopy and train services to Carmarthen. The Council endorsed the recommendations which would be included in the preparation of a presentation to the Welsh Government by the Cambrian Line Steering Group.


Minute 115.

Council Office hours.

It was agreed that councillors would share the administration of the office between the 8th and 15th December 2014.  (both dates inclusive).

The office would be closed for the Christmas/New Year Period from 22nd December 2014 until 5th January 2015.


Minute 116.

Staffing Matters.

Councillor Brian Davies the chairperson of the council’s Staffing Committee informed members that the committee were currently undertaking a job evaluation of the office administration. Upon completion of the evaluation the post of Clerk would be advertised.

The Mayor then read the following legal disclaimer:

To consider that under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 160 (as extended by s.100 A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972), the public and accredited representatives of newspapers be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt business as in Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. The nature of the exempt business is relating to a legal and confidential staffing matter.

Members resolved to go into committee.