Aberystwyth Council


Cofnodion Cyfarfod y Cyngor Llawn a gynhaliwyd yn Siambr y Cyngor, 11 Stryd y Popty, Aberystwyth ar nos Lun, 25 Ionawr 2016 am 6:30p.m.

Minutes of the Full Council held in Siambr y Cyngor, 11 Baker Street, Aberystwyth on Monday, 25 January 2016 at 6:30p.m.


Cyngh./Cllr. Endaf Edwards (Maer/Mayor)

Cyngh./Cllr. Mark A. Strong

Cyngh./Cllr. Alun Williams

Cyngh./Cllr. Wendy Morris

Cyngh./Cllr. Brian Davies

Cyngh./Cllr.Martin W. Shewring

Cyngh./Cllr. Sue Jones-Davies

Cyngh./Cllr. Lucy Huws

Cyngh./Cllr. Mair Benjamin

Cyngh./Cllr. Kevin Roy Price

Cyngh./Cllr. Jeff Smith


Cyngh./Cllr. Brenda Haines

Cyngh./Cllr. Steve Davies

Cyngh./Cllr. Talat Z. Chaudhri

Cyngh./Cllr. Mererid Jones

Cyngh./Cllr. Brendan Somers

Wrth ddechrau’r cyfarfod, croesawodd y Maer Mared Grug Llywelyn a Heledd Llwyd o’r grŵp Ffrindiau Pantycelyn, yn ogystal â Mrs. Delyth Davies, y cyfieithydd a Mr. Caleb Spencer o’r Cambrian News.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Mayor welcomed Mared Grug Llywelyn and Heledd Llwyd from the group Ffrindiau Pantycelyn, as well as Mrs. Delyth Davies, the translator and Mr Caleb Spencer. from the Cambrian News.

Cofnod 127/ Minute 127
Datgan Buddiannau/Declarations of Interest

Datganodd y Cynghorydd Jeff Smith buddiant gan ei fod yn Ysgrifennydd i’r grŵp Ffrindiau Pantycelyn. Serch hynny, roedd o’r farn nad oedd hyn yn fuddiant oedd yn rhagfarnu.

Councillor Jeff Smith declared an interest as he was a Secretary for the Ffrindiau Pantycelyn group. However, he was of the opinion that this was not a prejudicial interest.

Cofnod 128/ Minute 128
Cyfeiriadau Personol/Personal References

Soniodd y Cyngh. Mark Strong fod teimladau cryf yn y dref am y bygythiad i’r Swyddfa Post. Cytunodd y Maer i ymdrin â hyn fel cynnig brys nes ymlaen.

Cllr. Mark Strong mentioned that there were strong feelings in the town about the threat to the Post Office. The Mayor agreed to deal with this matter as an urgent motion in due course.

Cofnod 129/ Minute 129
Cyflwyniad gan gynrychiolwyr Ffrindiau Pantycelyn (Mared Grug Llywelyn a Heledd Llwyd) /Presentation by representatives of Ffrindiau Pantycelyn (Mared Grug Llywelyn and Heledd Llwyd)

Esboniwyd bod Ffrindiau Pantycelyn yn grŵp o ymgyrchwyr, myfyrwyr a phobl hŷn, sydd wedi dod at ei gilydd i ymgyrchu dros ddyfodol Neuadd Pantycelyn a sawl mater arall sy’n perthyn i Brifysgol Aberystwyth. Soniwyd am bwysigrwydd Neuadd Pantycelyn, a’i pherthynas â’r dref. Dywedwyd mae hon yw un o’r materion lle mae'r berthynas rhwng uwch-reolwyr Prifysgol Aberystwyth wedi torri lawr. Soniwyd am ddigwyddiadau mae Ffrindiau Pantycelyn wedi cynnal yn y Neuadd, megis Plygain Pantycelyn a’r ddrama Pobl yr Ymylon, lle mae llawer o drigolion y dref wedi mynychu, a hefyd digwyddiadau fel Cyngerdd Nadolig Aelwyd Pantycelyn, a fu hefyd yn ennyn cefnogaeth eang gan drigolion y dref, yn ogystal â’r cyfraniad economaidd mae preswylwyr Neuadd Pantycelyn yn gwneud i’r dref. Pwysleisiwyd bod lleoliad Neuadd Pantycelyn yn bwysig iawn i hyn oll.

It was explained that Ffrindiau Pantycelyn was a group of campaigners, students and older people who had come together to campaign for the future of Neuadd Pantycelyn and many other matters in relation to Aberystwyth University. The importance of Neuadd Pantycelyn was mentioned, and its relationship with the town. It was said that this was one of the matters for which the relationship between senior managers at Aberystwyth University had broken down. The events that Ffrindiau Pantycelyn had held at the Hall were mentioned, such as Plygain Pantycelyn and the drama Pobl yr Ymylon, which many people from the town attended, as well as events such as the Aelwyd Pantycelyn Christmas Concert, which was also well-attended by the residents of the town, as well as the economic contribution that the residents of Neuadd Pantycelyn made to the town. It was emphasised that the location of Neuadd Pantycelyn was very important for this.

Bu’r Ffrindiau hefyd yn sôn am yr adnoddau sydd angen mewn llety cyfrwng Cymraeg. Pwysleisiwyd pwysigrwydd cadw strwythur coridorau agored y Neuadd, yr holl ystafelloedd cymdeithasol presennol, ffreutur ac o leiaf 200 ystafell. Soniwyd hefyd am yr angen i gadw’r llety’n fforddiadwy.

Eglurwyd bod cwmni ymgynghori OldBell3 wedi cael eu comisiynu i ysgrifennu adroddiad am beth sydd angen mewn llety cyfrwng Cymraeg, a bod yr adroddiad wedi cael ei gyhoeddi’r wythnos diwethaf. Nodwyd fod yr adroddiad yn cynnwys llawer o’r pwyntiau mae Ffrindiau Pantycelyn a mudiadau eraill wedi bod yn gofyn amdanynt.

The Ffrindiau also mentioned the resources required in a Welsh-medium accommodation. The importance of keeping the open corridors structure of the Hall, all the existing common rooms, the canteen and at least 200 rooms was emphasised. Reference was also made to the need to keep the accommodation affordable. It was explained that OldBell3 consultatants had been commissioned to write a report about what was needed in a Welsh-medium accommodation, and that the report had been published the previous week. It was noted that the report contained many of the points that Ffrindiau Pantycelyn and other organisations had been asking for.

Pwysleisiwyd yr angen am dryloywder gan y Brifysgol, oherwydd roedd y Ffrindiau’n credu bod diffyg tryloywder wedi bod yn y gorffennol. Dywedwyd fod y Brifysgol wedi goramcangyfrif faint o wariant oedd angen i gadw Neuadd Pantycelyn ar agor ac yn ddiogel i fyw ynddi, yn ôl adroddiad tân a ryddhawyd o dan y Ddeddf Rhyddid Gwybodaeth. Codwyd pryderon am wariant ar Gampws Mauritius, ar adeg pan mae arian yn brin ac mae staff yn cael eu diswyddo neu'n cael llai o fuddion. Nodwyd nad oedd Prifysgol Aberystwyth yn fodlon datgan faint o arian roeddynt wedi/wrthi’n buddsoddi yng Nghampws Mauritius.

The need for transparency by the University was emphasised, because the Ffrindiau believed that lack of transparency had existed in the past. It was noted that the University had over-estimated how much expenditure was needed to keep Neuadd Pantycelyn open and safe to live in, according to a fire report released under the Freedom of Information Act. Concerns were raised regarding expenditure on the Mauritius Campus at a time when money was scarce and staff were being made redundant or were receiving fewer benefits. It was noted that Aberystwyth University had not been willing to state how much money it had/was investing in the Mauritius Campus.

Pwysleisiwyd mai cau Neuadd Pantycelyn eleni wedi effeithio ar y nifer o fyfyrwyr sy’n dod i Brifysgol Aberystwyth, a bod hyn yn ei dro yn cael effaith andwyol ar y Brifysgol ac ar economi’r Dref. Dywedwyd hefyd fod potensial i’r cwymp hon achosi mwy o gwymp yn y dyfodol.

Gofynnwyd i’r Cyngor Tref: Rhoi pwysau ar Brifysgol Aberystwyth trwy lythyr a datganiad cyhoeddus i wireddu argymhellion adroddiad Old Bell 3 ac i sicrhau bod Neuadd Pantycelyn yn ailagor yn ei chyfanrwydd cyn gynted â phosib a bod y broses o nawr tan yr agoriad swyddogol yn dryloyw ac agored. Dylai’r Brifysgol fod yn atebol i’r gymuned y mae’n rhan ohoni a’u bod yn gweithredu er lles y gymuned honno, nid dyfodol Neuadd Pantycelyn yn unig sydd yn y fantol, mae goblygiadau ehangach i’w penderfyniadau. Mae’n hen bryd i’r Brifysgol wneud mwy i gydweithio â thrigolion y dref gan gryfhau’r berthynas yn ei chyfanrwydd. Hoffem i’r llythyr gyrraedd yr Athro John Grattan (is-ganghellor dros-dro o 1 Chwefror ymlaen), Syr Emyr Jones Parry (Cadeirydd Cyngor y Brifysgol) ynghyd â Bwrdd Prosiect Pantycelyn.

It was stressed that the closure of Neuadd Pantycelyn this year had affected the number of students coming to Aberystwyth University, and that in turn detrimentally affected the University and the town’s economy. It was also said that there was potential for this reduction to cause more of a reduction in the future. The Town Council was asked to: Put pressure on Aberystwyth University by letter and public statement to realise the recommendations of the Old Bell 3 report and to ensure that Neuadd Pantycelyn reopened in its entirety as soon as possible and that the process between now and the official opening was transparent and open. The University should be accountable to the community of which it was a part and that it should operate in the interests of that community, it was not only the future of Neuadd Pantycelyn that was in jeopardy, there were wider implications to its decisions. It was about time that the University did more to collaborate with the town’s residents and the relationship should be strengthened in its entirety. We would like the letter to be sent to Prof. John Grattan (Acting Vice-Chancellor from 1 February onwards), Sir Emyr Jones Parry (Chair of the University Council) as well as the Pantycelyn Project Board.

Diolchodd y Cynghorwyr Heledd Llwyd a Mared Llywelyn am eu cyflwyniad. Roedd aelodau’n gefnogol. Penderfynwyd codi cwestiynau am yr amserlen a’r adroddiad tân yn y llythyr. Pwysleisiwyd yr angen am gyfathrebu gwell gan y Brifysgol ar faterion fel hyn.

The Councillors thanked Heledd Llwyd and Mared Llywelyn for their presentation. Members were supportive. It was resolved to raise questions about the timetable and the fire report within the letter. The need for better communication by the University on such matters was stressed.

PENDERFYNWYD anfon y llythyr fel y cynigwyd at yr Athro John Grattan, Syr Emyr Jones- Parry a Bwrdd Prosiect Pantycelyn. Penderfynwyd bydd y Cyngh. Jeff Smith yn drafftio’r llythyr.

It was RESOLVED to send a letter as proposed to Prof. John Grattan, Sir Emyr Jones-Parry and the Pantycelyn Project Board. It was resolved that Cllr. Jeff Smith would draft the letter.

Cofnod 130/ Minute 130
Adroddiad gweithgareddau’r Maer/Mayoral Activity Report


Cofnod 131/ Minute 131
Cofnodion y Cyngor Llawn, 7 Rhagfyr 2015/ Full Council minutes, 7 December 2015





Cyngh./Cllr. Dr. Endaf Edwards (Maer/Mayor)

Cyngh./Cllr. Brendan Somers (Dirprwy Faer/Deputy Mayor)

Cyngh./Cllr. Kevin Roy Price

Cyngh./Steve Davies

Cyngh./Cllr. Talat Chaudhri

Cyngh./Cllr. Brenda Haines

Cyngh./Cllr. Mererid Jones

Cyngh./Cllr. Wendy Morris

Cyngh./Cllr. Brian Davies

Cyngh./Cllr. Ceredig Davies

Cyngh./Cllr. Mark A. Strong

Cyngh./Cllr. Jeff Smith

Cyngh./Martin Shewring


Cyngh./Cllr. Mair Benjamin

Cyngh.Cllr. Sue Jones-Davies

Cyngh./Cllr. Sarah Bowen

Cofnod 110/Minute 110


3. Datgan Diddordeb ar faterion sy’n codi o’r Agenda yma/Declaration of Interest on Matters arising from this Agenda.


4 . Agorwyd y cyfarfod gyda’r Maer yn adrodd y datganiad oedd ar yr Agenda sef:

The meeting opened with the Mayor reading the declaration that was on the Agenda, namely:

To consider that under the public bodies admission to meetings act 1960, as extended by S100A (4) of the local government act 1972, the public and the accredited representatives of newspapers to be excluded from the meetings for the following items of business on the ground that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in part one of schedule 12a of the local government act 1972.

The meeting RESOLVED to exclude members of the public and accredited representatives of newspapers.

5. Tribiwnlys/Tribunal

PENDERFYNWYD ysgrifennu at Peninsula yn dilyn y Tribiwnlys Cyflogaeth (rhif yr achos 1600663/2015) a ddaethpwyd ger bron gan Carole Prime yn erbyn Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth.

It was RESOLVED to write to Peninsula, following the Employment Tribunal (case no: 1600663/22015) brought by Carole Prime against Aberystwyth Town Council.

Tynnodd y Cyngh. Brendan Somers sylw’r Aelodau bod argymhelliad gan Gyfreithwyr Peninsula i’r Cyngor dalu’r arian perthnasol i Carol Prime yn syth ac i ysgrifennu ati i ddweud bod y taliad ar ei ffordd. PENDERFYNWYD gwneud hyn.

Cllr. Brendan Somers brought to the attention of members that there was a recommendation by Peninsula Solicitors that the Council pay the relevant money due to Ms. Carole Prime immediately and to notify Ms. Prime that payment is imminent. The meeting RESOLVED to agree to the recommendation.

DERBYNIWYD y cofnodion./ The minutes were ACCEPTED.

Cofnod 132/ Minute 132
Cofnodion y Cyngor Llawn, 21 Rhagfyr 2015/ Full Council minutes, 21 December 2015

Aethpwyd drwy’r Cofnodion fesul Cofnod gan y Maer.

The Mayor went through the Minutes one by one.

PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y cofnodion.

It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes.

Cofnod 133/ Minute 133
Materion sy’n codi o’r cofnodion/ Matters arising from the minutes

Gofynnwyd a ellid rhoi rhifau tudalennau ar y cofnodion yn y dyfodol.

A request was made for page numbers to be included on the minutes in future.

Cofnod 115(ii) Baw cŵn. Nododd un aelod fod llawer o faw cŵn yng ngerddi’r Castell a bod trigolion lleol yn teimlo bod rhaid iddynt fynd o gwmpas i’w gasglu. PENDERFYNWYD cyfeirio’r mater at y Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol.

Minute 115(ii) Dog fouling. One member noted that there was a considerable amount of dog mess in the Castle gardens and that local residents felt that they had to go around to collect it. It was RESOLVED to refer the matter to the General Management Committee.

Cofnod 118)6) Diolchwyd i’r Cyngh. Jeff Smith am ei esboniad o’r meddalwedd Cysill.

Minute 118)6) Cllr. Jeff Smith was thanked for his explanation of the Cysill software.

Cofnod 118)9) Nododd y Cyngh. Alun Williams bod y Goeden Heddwch yn cael ei phlannu ar 12:30, 12 mis Chwefror. Nodwyd bod Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth wedi gwneud cyfraniad ariannol at hyn, ond mae'r rhan fwyaf o’r cyllid wedi cael ei ddarparu/casglu gan Gôr Gobaith.

Minute 118)9) Cllr. Alun Williams noted that the Peace Tree would be planted at 12:30, 12 February. It was noted that Aberystwyth Town Council had made a financial contribution towards this, but most of the funding had been provided/collected by Côr Gobaith.

Cofnod 121)ii) Nodwyd bod dros 600 o ymatebion i’r holiadur am Cae Kronberg wedi’u derbyn erbyn hyn. Llongyfarchwyd cynghorwyr am godi ymwybyddiaeth o’r holiadur.

Minute 121)ii) It was noted that over 600 responses to the questionnaire about Cae Kronberg had been received by now. The Councillors were congratulated for raising awareness about the questionnaire.

Cofnod 134/ Minute 134
Cofnodion o’r Pwyllgor Cynllunio a gynhaliwyd nos lun, 4 Ionawr 2016/ Planning Committee minutes, held Monday, 4 January 2016


Cofnodion o Gyfarfod Pwyllgor Cynllunio a gynhaliwyd yn Siambr y Cyngor, 11 Stryd y Popty, Aberystwyth ar ddydd Llun, 4 Ionawr 2016 am 6.30p.m.

Minutes of a Meeting of a Planning Committee held in Siambr y Cyngor, 11 Baker Street, Aberystwyth on Monday, 4 January 2016 at 6.30p.m.


Cyngh./Cllr. Jeff Smith (Cadeirydd/Chair)

Cyngh./Cllr. Lucy Huws (Is-Gadeirydd/Vice-Chair)

Cyngh./Cllr. Sue Jones-Davies

Cyngh./Cllr. Mair Benjamin

Cyngh/Cllr. Endaf Edwards

Cyngh./Cllr. Brendan Somers


Cyngh./Cllr. Wendy Morris

Cyngh./Cllr. Brenda Haines

Cyngh./Cllr. Mark Strong

Cyngh./Cllr. Steve Davies

Cyngh./Cllr. Talat Chaudhri

Cyngh./Cllr. Kevin Price

Cyngh./Cllr. Martin Shewring


Cyngh./Cllr. Ceredig Davies

Cyngh./Cllr. Mererid Jones

Cyn i’r cyfarfod ddechrau fe wnaeth y Cadeirydd ddymuno Blwyddyn Newydd Dda i’r holl Aelodau.

Before the meeting began the Chair wished all Members a Happy New Year.

3. Datgan Diddordeb/Declaration of Interest


4. Gohebiaeth/Correspondence

i) Copi o Bapurau Pwyllgor Rheoli Datblygu, Cyngor Sir Ceredigon a gynhaliwyd ar ddydd Mercher, 9 Rhagyfr 2015.

i) Copy of Ceredigion County Council’s Papers of the Development Control Committee held on Wednesday, 9 December 2015.

ii) e-bost yn nodi bod Glascoed, 6 Elm Tree Avenue, Aberystwyth (Rhif y Cais: A150727) wedi ei dynnu nôl.

ii) e-mail noting that Glascoed, 6 Elm Tree Avenue, Aberystwyth (Application No: A150727) has been withdrawn.

5. Trafod llythyr a dderbyniwyd gan Adran Gynllunio Cyngor Sir Ceredigion, dyddiedig 8/12/2015 yn ymwneud â nifer y tai a glustnodwyd ar gyfer Aberystwyth yng Nghynllun Datblygu Lleol 2010/To discuss a letter received from the Planning Department of Ceredgion County Council, dated 8/12/2015 regarding the proposed number of new houses in Aberystwyth designated in the Local Development Plan 2010.

Cafwyd trafodaeth helaeth ar gynnwys llythyr Mrs Anjuli Davies (08/12/2015). Cytunwyd bod y rhan gyntaf (pwynt 1) yn galonogol – mae mwy na 20% o’r holl unedau o dai a gwblhawyd yn dai fforddiadwy. Ystyriwyd na atebwyd yr ail ran (pwynt 2) yn ddigonol, nac yn unol â’r cwestiwn a ofynwyd yn y llythyr ati (13/11/2015) sef “faint o adnoddau ychwanegol ar gyfer is-adeiledd megis addysg a gofal iechyd mae’r Cyngor Sir yn ymrwymo i ddarparu yn ardal Aberystwyth i wasanaethu’r tai ychwanegol a thwf naturiol yn y boblogaeth.” Ni ysytriwyd bod tai gwag yn cynyddu yn Aberystwyth a bod perygl bod tai yn cael eu byrddio i fyny yng nghanol y dref. Os oes 1,100 ychwanegol o dai i’w datblygu sut mae’r Cyngor Sir yn mynd i gynnal yr ysgolion yng ngwyneb y ffaith eu bod yn cau ysgolion ar hyn o bryd? PENDERFYNWYD anfon llythyr yn ôl at Mrs Anjuli Davies yn gofyn am arolwg i gael ei wneud o’r stoc tai gwag a faint o lefydd i ddisgyblion sydd yna ar gyfer ysgolion meithrin, cynradd ac eilradd yn Aberystwyth.

An extensive discussion was had on the contents of the letter from Mrs Anjuli Davies (08/12/2015) It was agreed that the first part of the letter (point 1) was encouraging – i.e. that 20% of all housing units completed has been affordable.

It was deemed that that the second part (point 2) had not been answered fully, nor either answered in accordance to the quesiton asked in the letter to her (13/11/2015) i.e. “how much extra resources has the Council set aside for infastructure needs such as education and social care in the Aberystwyth area to serve the additional houses and growing population.” No account had been taken that there are emty houses in Aberystwyth and there is a risk of properties becoming boarded up in the middle of town. If there are 1,100 extra houses to be developed how is the County Council going to sustain the schools in face of the fact that they are closing local schools at present? It was RESOLVED to send a letter back and ask for a survey to be made of the empty housing stock and to ask how many pupil places are there for kindergaterns, primary and secondary schools in Aberystwyth.

6. Ystyried Ceisiadau Cynllunio/To consider Planning Applications

A150972 - Newid ddefnydd a newidiadau i'r adeilad i ddarparu llety preswyl ychwanegol ar loriau uwch yr adeilad presennol, 46 Stryd y Bont (Hen Glwb RAFA)

Change of use and alterations to existing building to provide additional residential accommodation on upper floors of existing building, 46 Bridge Street (RAFA Club)

Y mae’r Cyngor Tref yn croesawu mewn egwyddor bod yr adeilad yn cael ei ail-ddefnyddio, serch hynny y mae’r Cyngor Tref yn GWRTHWYNEBU’R diffyg inswleiddio rhwng yr ystafell partïon a Stryd Powell, Gerddi Gleision a Stryd y Bont. Mae gan y Cyngor Tref bryderon hefyd y gall y cais fod yn osgoi Rheolau HMO, diffyg lle i storio sbwriel, ac nad oes digon o le ar gyfer ardal i feiciau.

Aberystwyth Town Council welcomes the principle of the building coming back to use, however it OBJECTS on the grounds that there is a lack of insulation between the function room and Powell Street, Blue Gardens and Bridge Street. The Town Council also have concerns that the application could be circumventing HMO rules, the lack of storage space for waste, and that it lacks space for bicycles area.

A150980 - Adeiladu estyniad a gwelliannau i'r mynedfa parcio, Bronwylfa, 1 Ffordd Penparcau, Trefechan

Erection of an extension and improvements to existing drive entrance, Bronwylfa, 1 Penparcau Road, Trefechan


7. Unrhyw Fater Arall/ Any Other Business

i) Adroddwyd gan Aelod bod e-bost wedi ei dderbyn yn cyfeirio at bryderon am y rhwydwaith nwy yn Heol-y-Gogledd a Morfa Mawr. PENDERFYNWYD ysgrifennu at Mr Keith Holmes, Swyddog Iechyd a Diogelwch, Cyngor Sir Ceredigion yn syth yn pwyslesio y dylid monitro’r sefyllfa/ardal.

i) It was reported that an e-mail had been received referring to concerns about the gas network on North Road and Queen’s Road. It was RESOLVED to write a letter immediately to Mr Keith Holmes, Ceredigion County Council’s Health and Safety Officer to emphasise that the situation/area should be monitored.

ii) Nododd aelod fod datblygwyr y fflatiau a’r safle’r hen Tabernacl wedi annerch y Pwyllgor Cynllunio yn y gorffenol ac wedi dweud eu bod am ehangu’r ffordd o flaen datblygiad y Tabernacl. Nodwyd nad oedd hyn wedi digwydd. Nododd aelod arall fod rhannau o’r adeilad yn ymestyn allan i Stryd y Felin mwy na gynlluniwyd, ac yn ei farn ef yn rhy agos i’r ffordd a’r cerbydau fel canlyniad. Nodwyd fod un rhan yn ymddangos fel petai wedi cael ei bwrw gan cerbyd. PENDERFYNWYD ysgrifennu at Asiantiaeth y Cefn-ffyrdd ac hefyd at Brif Weithredwr Cyngor Sir Ceredigion i sicrhau bod y datblygiad yn cydymffurfio â’r cynlluniau ac i holi am welliannau.

ii) It was noted that the developers of the flats on the former Tabernacle site had addressed the Planning Committee in the past and said that they were going to widen the road in front of the Tabernacle development. It was noted that this had not happened. Another member noted that parts of the building protruded into the Mill Street further than planned, and in his view this was too close to the road and the vehicles as a result. It was noted that one part appeared as if it had been hit by a vehicle. It was RESOLVED to write to the Trunk Road Agency and also to the Chief Executive of Ceredigion County Council to ensure that the development complies with the plans and to ask for improvements.

iii) Codwyd cwestiwn gan Aelod am beth sy’n digwydd ar gyn safle Kwik Save, yng Nghoedlan y Parc. A oedd yn cael ei ddatblygu/tynnu i lawr? PENDERFYNWYD gwneud ymholiadau gyda’r Adran Gynllunio, Cyngor Sir Ceredigion.

iii) A question was raised with regard to what is happening at the site of the former Kwik Save, Park Avenue. Was it up for development? It was RESOLVED to make enquiries with Ceredigion County Council’s Planning Department.

iv) Nodwyd fod llawer o bridd wedi cael ei symud yn y Pentref Gwyliau i ffurfio gwalcen mawr ar hyd yr afon Rheidol. Codwyd pryderon y gall hyn cyfyngu llif yr afon ac achosi difrod neu llifogydd mewn ardaloedd eraill sydd wrth yr afon. PENDERFYNWYD ysgrifennu at Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn codi pryderon ac yn gofyn iddyn nhw ymyrryd.
iv) It was noted that a lot of earth had been moved in the Holiday Village to form a large bank along the river Rheidol. Concerns were raised that this could restrict the flow of the river and cause damage or flooding in other areas along the river. It was RESOLVED to write to Natural Resources Wales to raise concerns and to ask them to intervene.

Dywedodd Cyngh. Martin Shewring ei fod wedi ymddiheuro ym mlaen llaw.

Cofnod 4i) Dylid newid y Saesneg o “9 December 2016” i “9 December 2015”.

Cofnod 6) A150972: Dylid newid y Gymraeg o “gweithrediadau” i “partïon”.

Cllr. Martin Shewring said that he had apologised in advance.

Minute 4i) The English should be changed from “9 December 2016” to “9 December 2015”.

Minute 6) A150972: The Welsh should be changed from “gweithrediadau” to “partïon”.

Derbyniwyd y cofnodion gyda’r gwelliannau.

The minutes were accepted with the amendments.

Cofnod 135/ Minute 135
Cofnodion o’r Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol a gynhaliwyd ar nos Lun, 11 Ionawr 2016 / General Management Committee minutes held Monday, 11 January 2016


Cofnodion Cyfarfod y Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol a gynhaliwyd yn Siambr y Cyngor, 11 Stryd y Popty, Aberystwyth ar nos Lun, 11 Ionawr 2016 am 6.30p.m.

Minutes of the General Management Committee held in Siambr y Cyngor, 11 Baker Street, Aberystwyth on Monday, 11 January 2016 at 6.30p.m.


Cyngh./Cllr. Talat Chaudhri (Cadeirydd/Chair)

Cyngh./Cllr. Kevin Roy Price (Is-gadeirydd/Vice-Chair)

Cyngh./Cllr. Sue Jones-Davies

Cyngh./Cllr. Mair Benjamin

Cyngh./Cllr. Endaf Edwards

Cyngh./Cllr. Brendan Somers

Cyngh./Cllr. Wendy Morris

Cyngh./Cllr. Ceredig Davies

Cyngh./Cllr. Jeff Smith

Cyngh./Cllr. Steve Davies


Cyngh./Cllr. Alun Williams

Cyngh./Cllr. Brenda Haines

Cyngh./Cllr. Brian Davies

Cyngh./Cllr. Mark A. Strong
Cyngh./Cllr Martin Shewring


Cyngh./Cllr. Mererid Jones

3. Datgan Diddordeb/Declaration of Interest


4. Cyflwyniad gan Diana Davies (Rheolwr Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol a’r Bwrdd Gwasanaethau Lleol, Cyngor Sir Ceredigion) yn seiliedig ar beth sydd yn y Ddeddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol a’r Canllawiau Statudol drafft o ran y ddyletswydd ar Gynghorau Tref a Chymuned/

Presentation by Diana Davies, (Future Generations and Local Service Board Manager, Ceredgion County Council) based on The Well-being of Future Generations Act and what are the draft Statutory guidelines concerning the responsibility on Town and Community Councils.

Croesawyd Diana Davies, y siaradwraig wadd gan y Cadeirydd a chafwyd cyflwyniad pwynt pŵer ganddi ar y pwnc Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol.

i) Mae’r Ddeddf yn ymwneud â gwella llesiant cymdeithasol, economaidd, amgylcheddol a diwylliannol Cymru.

ii) Fe fydd y Ddeddf yn helpu’r cyrff cyhoeddus sydd wedi’u rhestru yn y Ddeddf i feddwl am y tymor hir, gweithio’n well gyda phobl a chymunedau a gyda’i gilydd, ceisio atal problemau a dilyn dull gweithredu cyson.

iii) Mae’r Ddeddf yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i gyflawni Datblygu Cynaliadwy h.y. – y broses o wella llesiant economaidd, cymdeithasol, amgylcheddol a diwylliannol Cymru drwy weithredu yn unol ag egwyddor graidd datblygu cynaliadwy : rhaid defnyddio Datblygu Cynaliadwy i roi ffurf ar BETH rydym yn ei wneud, SUT rydym yn ei wneud, a sut y byddwn yn CYFATHREBU y gwahaniaeth rydym yn ei wneud i gyflawni’r nodau llesiant.

iv) Nodau llesiant yw: (1) Cymru lewyrchus, (2) Cymru gydnerth, (3) Cymru iachach, (4) Cymru sy’n fwy cyfartal, (5) Cymru o gymunedau cydlynol, (6) Cymru â diwylliant bywiog lle mae’r Gymraeg yn ffynnu, (7) Cymru sy’n gyfrifol ar lefel fyd-eang.

Mae pob un o’r dangosyddion cenedlaethol yma mor bwysig â’i gilydd ac fe’u cyflawnir drwy ddefnyddio egwyddor Datblygu Cynaliadwy (Hir-dymor, Atal, Integreiddio, Cydweithio, Ymgyfrannu)

v) Mae dyletswydd ar gyrff cyhoeddus i osod a chyhoeddi amcanion llesiant.

vi) Mae’r Ddeddf yn sefydlu Byrddau Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus statudol:

fydd yn cynnwys Aelodau Statudol, Cyfranogwyr wedi’u gwahodd a Phartneriaid Eraill (cynghorau tref a chymuned).

vii) Bydd Comisiynydd Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol i gynorthwyo’r cyrff cyhoeddus gyda’u gwaith.

viii) Mae’r Ddeddf yn gosod dyletswydd ar rai Cynghorau Tref a Chymuned (os oedd eu hincwm neu wariant gros yn o leiaf £200,000) i gymryd pob cam rhesymol tuag at ddiwallu’r amcanion lleol a gynhwysir yn y cynllun llesiant lleol sy’n cael effaith yn eu hardaloedd.

ix) Bydd rhaid i’r Cyngor Tref gyhoeddi adroddiad yn flynyddol yn manylu ar ei gynnydd yn cyflawni’r amcanion a gynhwysir yn y cynllun llesiant lleol.

x) Fe fydd rhaid i’r Cyngor Tref gysylltu’n agos gyda’r Bwrdd Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus. Rhaid i’r Bwrdd Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus ymgynghori â’r holl Gynghorau Tref yn eu hardaloedd ynghylch eu cynlluniau llesiant lleol. Gall y Cyngor Tref ystyried a yw’n dymuno cydweithio gydag unrhyw un o’r “partneriaid eraill” i gyflawni’r amcanion llesiant penodedig.

xi) Mater i’r Cyngor Tref yw ystyried goblygiadau camau o ran staffio ac adnoddau eraill i gwrdd â’r amcanion llesiant a phenderfynu sut orau i weithredu’r camau y mae’n bwriadu eu cymryd.

xii) Mae Gweinidogion Cymru o’r farn y dylai Cynghorau Tref ymgysylltu â’u cymunedau. Gallai fod yn ddefnyddiol i gynghorau tref a chymuned gyfeirio at gyngor y Comisiynydd a fydd yn cael ei gyhoeddi'r un pryd â chynllun llesiant lleol y Bwrdd Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus.

xiii) Mae’r Ymgynghoriad ar y Dangosyddion Cenedlaethol Drafft wedi dechrau ar 19-10-2015 ac yn gorffen ar 11-01-2016. Mae’r Ddeddf yn dod i rym ar Ebrill 2016; Sefydlu Byrddau Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus newydd - Ebrill 2016. Cyhoeddi datganiadau lles gan bob corff cyhoeddus - Mawrth 2017; Cyhoeddi asesiad lles gan y Bwrdd Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus - Ebrill 2017; Cyhoeddi Cynllun Lles Lleol - Ebrill 2018; Cynhyrchu Adroddiadau Blynyddol cyntaf cyrff cyhoeddus - Mai 2018; Cynhyrchu Adroddiad Blynyddol cyntaf Cynllun Lles - Mai 2019.

The Chair welcomed Diana Davies, the guest speaker, who provided a PowerPoint presentation on the subject of the Well-being of Future Generations Act.

i) The Act is about improving the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of Wales.

ii) The Act will help the public bodies listed in the Act to think more about the long-term, how to work better with people and communities and each other, look to prevent problems and take a more joined-up approach.

iii) The Act requires us to carry out Sustainable Development i.e. - the process of improving economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of Wales by taking action, in accordance with the Sustainable Development core principle: Sustainable Development must be used to shape WHAT we do, HOW we do it, and how we COMMUNICATE the difference we are making to achieving the well-being goals.

iv) The well-being goals are: (1) A prosperous Wales, (2) A resilient Wales, (3) A healthier Wales, (4) A more equal Wales, (5) A Wales of cohesive communities, (6) A Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh Language, (7) A globally responsible Wales.

Each of these national indicators are equally as important as each other and they would be delivered by using the Sustainable Development Principle (Long Term, Prevention, Integration, Collaboration, Involvement).

v) Public bodies has a duty to set and publish well-being objectives.

vi) The Act will establish a statutory Public Services Boards: which would include Statutory Members, Invited Participants, and Other Partners (town and community councils).

vii) There will be a Future Generations Commissioner to assist the public bodies with their work.

viii) The Act places a duty on certain Town and Community Councils (if their gross income or expenditure was at least £200,000) to take all reasonable steps towards meeting the local objectives included in the local well-being plan that had effect in its areas.

ix) The Town Council will have to publish a report annually detailing its progress in meeting the objectives contained in the local well-being plan.

x) The Town Council would need to liaise closely with the Public Services Board. The PSB must consult with all Town Councils in their area on their local well-being plans. The Town Council may consider whether it wished to collaborate with any of the “other partners” in meeting the specified well-being objectives.

xi) It was for the Town Council to consider the staffing and other resource implications of steps to meet the well-being objectives and decide how best to implement the steps it planned to take.

xii) Welsh Ministers considered that Town Councils should engage with their communities. It might be useful for town and community councils to refer to the Commissioner’s advice which would be published at the same time as the Public Services Board’s local well-being plan.

xiii) The Consultation on the Draft National Indicators had started on 19-10-2015 and finished on 11-01-2016. The Act will come into force in April 2016; establishing new Public Services Boards - April 2016; Well-being statement published by each public body - March 2017; Well-being assessment published by the Public Services Board - April 2017; Local Well-being Plan published - April 2018; First Annual Reports of individual public bodies produced - May 2018; First Well-being Plan Annual Reports produced - May 2019.

5. Gohebiaeth/Correspondence

i) E-bost gan Ysgrifennydd Aberystwyth/Saint Bríeuc, Pobl mewn Partneriaeth yn nodi eu bod yn y broses o drefnu gwobrwyo Monsieur Jean Guezennec a bydd y Cyngor Tref yn derbyn drafft o’r sgrôl/tystysgrif i gadarnhau ei fod yn gywir cyn ei gyflwyno yn derfynol. Roeddynt am wybod y dyddiad yr anfonwyd y llythyr at Jean Guezennec yn rhoi gwybod iddo am yr Anrhydedd. Adroddwyd gan y Cadeirydd bod ateb wedi cael ei anfon eisoes at Ken Young yn nodi bod y llythyr heb ei ddyddio ond bod y llythyr ynghlwm â’r llythyr anfonwyd at Faer St Bríeuc sef 16-9-2015. PENDERFYNWYD edrych ar y cofnodion i gadarnhau pryd y penderfynwyd cytuno ar osod yr Anrhydedd ar Monsieur Guezennec.

i) E-mail from the Secretary of Aberystwyth/Saint Bríeuc, People in Partnership, noting that they were in the process of arranging awarding Monsieur Jean Guezennec and the Town Council would receive a draft of the scroll/certificate to confirm that it was correct before it would finally be presented. They wanted to know the date on which the letter had been sent to Jean Guezennec informing him of the Honour. The Chair reported that a response had already been sent by Ken Young noting that the letter had not been dated but the attached letter sent to the Mayor of St Bríeuc had been dated 16-9-2015. It was RESOLVED to look at the minutes to confirm when it was decided to agree to present Monsieur Guezennec with the honour.

ii) Dyfynbris gan James Memorials Ltd ar gyfer plac i goffáu Dr Peter Edwards ynghyd â’r geiriad a fydd ar y plac. Adroddwyd gan y Cadeirydd, gan fod y pris (£420) o fewn y gyllideb a gytunwyd arno (£495) bod yr archeb eisoes wedi ei wneud a chytunwyd bod y geiriad yn gywir – bu’r Cyngh. Jeff Smith mewn trafodaeth gyda’r Prifardd Eurig Salsbury i wneud yn siŵr ei fod yn iawn.

ii) A quotation from James Memorials Ltd for a plaque to commemorate Dr Peter Edwards along with the wording used on the plaque. The Chair reported that as the price (£420) was within the agreed budget (£495) the order had already been placed and it was agreed that the wording was accurate - Cllr. Jeff Smith had been in discussions with the Poet Eurig Salisbury to make sure that it was accurate.

iii) E-bost gan Rwydwaith mannau Chwarae yn nodi manylion am grantiau ar gael oddi wrth ‘People’s Postcode Lottery 2016’. PENDERFYNWYD ei basio ymlaen i’r Pwyllgor Cyllid, er nad yw’r Cyngor Tref wedi cymryd drosodd y Mannau Chwarae sydd yn y dre i gyd eto.

iii) An e-mail from the Playing Areas Network noting details about grants that were available from ‘People’s Postcode Lottery 2016’. It was RESOLVED to forward it to the Finance Committee, although the Town Council had not yet taken over the Playing Areas in the town.

iv) E-bost gan Un Llais Cymru/One Voice Wales yn nodi bod Cymru’n Cofio/Wales Remembers 1914-1918 yn nodi bod Diwrnod Partneriaeth Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf 2016 yn cael ei gynnal ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth, (MedRus) ar 28 Ionawr 2016. Adroddwyd gan Aelod bod CADW wedi arwain ar y fenter o gael y cerflun pabi i Gaernarfon. PENDERFYNWYD ysgrifennu at Lyfrgell Genedlaethol am ddiweddariad ar y mater.

iv) An e-mail from One Voice Wales noting that Cymru’n Cofio/Wales Remembers 1914-1918 noted that the 2016 First World War Partnership Day would be held at Aberystwyth University, (MedRus) on 28 January 2016. A Member reported that CADW had led on the undertaking of getting the poppies sculpture to Caernarfon. It was RESOLVED to write to the National Library for an update on the matter.

v) E-bost gan Un Llais Cymru ynglŷn â goleufeydd 90ain pen-blwydd y Frenhines ar 21ain Ebrill 2016. Nodwyd yr e-bost. Cafwyd sawl awgrym gan gynnwys goleuo’r “beacon” a the yn y grug i fyny ar Consti. A PHENDERFYNWYD rhoi datganiad i’r wasg yn holi’r cyhoedd beth hoffent ei gael/wneud a’i roi ar y wefan.

v) An e-mail from One Voice Wales regarding the Queen’s 90th birthday beacons on 21st April 2016. The e-mail was noted. Several suggestions were made including lighting the beacon and tea in the heather up on Consti. It was RESOLVED to provide a press release asking the public what they would like to have/do and to put in on the website.

vi) Copi o E-bost oddi wrth Gyngor y Dref at Paul Arnold yn gofyn am gyfarfod safle. PENDERFYNWYD cysylltu eto gyda PA.

vi) A copy of an e-mail from the Town Council to Paul Arnold requesting a site meeting. It was RESOLVED to contact his PA.

vii) Llythyr oddi wrth Walkers Cerddwyr Cymru yn diolch i’r Cyngor Tref am roi ystyriaeth i’r Statws 'Croeso i Gerddwyr Aberystwyth' ond oherwydd diffyg mewnbwn gyda’r Siambr Fasnach maent wedi penderfynu peidio parhau gyda’r fenter - mae angen partneriaethau yn cyd-weithio i’r eithaf er mwyn datblygu’r WAW yn Aberystwyth. PENDERFYNWYD bod y Cyngh. Mererid Jones yn mynd â’r mater at Fforwm Penparcau.

vii) A letter from Walkers Cerddwyr Cymru thanking the Town Council for giving consideration to the Walkers are Welcome Status for Aberystwyth but due to the lack of input from the Chamber of Commerce they had decided not to proceed with the initiative - partnerships needed to collaborate greatly in order to develop the WAW at Aberystwyth. It was RESOLVED that Cllr Mererid Jones would take the matter to the Penparcau Forum.

viii) Llythyr oddi wrth Adran Trafnidiaeth, Llywodraeth Cymru ynghylch eu Hadolygiad o Ddiogelwch Cefnffyrdd yng Nghymru. Nodwyd y llythyr er gwybodaeth.

viii) A letter from the Transport Department, Welsh Government regarding its Review of the Safety of Trunk Roads in Wales. The letter was noted for information.

6. Byrddau Anrhydedd – diweddariad/Honours board – update.

Cadarnhawyd gan y Cyngh. Brendan Somers bod y rhestr enwau i gyd mewn llaw ac yn gywir a bod y gwaith yn mynd rhagddo. Cadarnhawyd gan y Cyngh. Wendy Morris ei bod yn bosib gweld/cael lluniau o’r hen feiri o archif Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru.

Cllr. Brendan Somers confirmed that the list of names was in hand and was accurate and that the work was underway. Cllr. Wendy Morris confirmed that it was possible to see/view photos of the old mayors from the National Library of Wales archives.

7. Verandah uwchben côr y castell/verandah above côr y castell.

Nodwyd bod y prosiect uchod yn debygol o gostio o leiaf £30,000 gan y Cyngor Sir. PENDERFYNWYD gofyn i’r Cyngor Sir gomisiynu syrfëwr i brisio’r gwaith ac yna gellid wedyn benderfynu ar ddod i gytundeb ei fod yn brosiect ar y cyd.

The County Council had noted that the aforementioned project was likely to cost at least £30,000. It was RESOLVED to ask the County Council to commission a surveyor to value the work before it would then be possible to decide on reaching an agreement that it was a joint project.

8. Unrhyw Fater Arall/Any Other Businness.

i) MUGA Zone: mae twll anferth wedi datblygu yno. Hefyd mae’r llawr meddal yn cracio a gan ei fod yn fater o frys PENDERFYNWYD cytuno bod y Cyngh. Steve Davies yn cysylltu gyda Mel Hopkins o Gyngor Sir Ceredigion. Hefyd gysylltu gyda Cllr. Martin Shewring, iddo rhoi sylwadau ar y lleoliad.

i) MUGA Zone: an enormous hole had appeared there. Also the soft floor was cracking as it was an urgent matter it was RESOLVED to agree that Cllr. Steve Davies should contact Mel Hopkins from Ceredigion County Council.

Also contact Cllr. Martin Shewring for him to make observations on the site.

ii) Dathlu diwrnod Owain Glyndŵr 16 Medi 2016. Awgrymwyd y dylid cael cydbwysedd yn y dathliadau yng nghyd-destun pwynt (v) yn yr Ohebiaeth. Roedd y Cyngh. Smith eisoes wedi pleidleisio yn erbyn dathlu pen-blwydd y frenhines a theimlid y dylid dathlu diwrnod Owain Glyndŵr yn flynyddol yn enwedig bod cysylltiadau cryf gyda Aberystwyth. PENDERFYNWYD cael is-bwyllgor i drefnu hyn a dewiswyd y Cyngh. Jeff Smith, y Cyngh. Sue Jones-Davies, a’r Cyngh. Kevin Price.

ii) Celebrating Owain Glyndŵr Day on 16 September 2016. It was suggested that there should be a balance of celebrations in the context of point (v) in Correspondence. Cllr. Smith had already voted against celebrating the queen’s birthday and it was felt that Owain Glyndŵr Day should be celebrated annually particularly considering the strong links with Aberystwyth. It was RESOLVED to convene a sub-committee to arrange this and Cllr. Jeff Smith, Cllr. Sue Jones-Davies and Cllr. Kevin Price were selected.

iii) Gofynnwyd gan y cyngh. Mair Benjamin a fyddai’n bosib i Grŵp Cyfeillgar (Friendship Group) newydd ei sefydlu gyfarfod yn Siambr y Cyngor. PENDERFYNWYD gadael i’r grŵp yma gyfarfod am ddim.

iii) Cllr. Mair Benjamin asked whether it would be possible for the newly established Friendship Group to meet at the Council Chamber. It was RESOLVED to allow this group to meet free of charge.

iv) Adroddwyd bod hysbyseb am swydd y Clerc yn y Cambrian News a’r dyddiad cau yw 29 Ionawr 2016.

iv) It was reported that the advertisement for the position of Clerk was in the Cambrian News and that the closing date was 29 January 2016.

v) PENDERFYNWYD i’r Clerc gysylltu gydag Adran Eiddo’r Cyngor Sir (Mel Hopkins) a gofyn am gopi caled “Word” o’r ‘Cytundeb Tenantiaeth’ gyda defnyddwyr y Rhandiroedd er mwyn iddynt hwy arwyddo yn y ddogfen “Word.

v) It was RESOLVED for the Clerk to contact the County Council’s Property Department (Mel Hopkins) to ask for hard ‘Word’ copies of the Tenancy Agreement with the users of Allotments in order for them to sign the Word document.

vi) PENDERFYNWYD rhoi Goleuadau Nadolig yn eitem Agenda yn y Pwyllgor cyllid, gan fod nifer o’r goleuadau Nadolig ddim wedi bod yn gweithio. Adroddwyd bod y cwmni am roi credyd i’r Cyngor Tref.

vi) It was RESOLVED to place the Christmas Lights as an item on the Agenda of the Finance Committee, as many of the Christmas Lights did not work. It was reported that the company would give credit to the Town Council.

vii) Nodwyd bod llawer o bridd wedi cael ei symud yn y Pentref Gwyliau i ffurfio gwalcen fawr ar hyd yr afon Rheidol. Codwyd pryderon y gall hyn cyfyngu llif yr afon ac achosi difrod neu lifogydd mewn ardaloedd eraill sydd wrth yr afon. Nodwyd bod llythyr wedi cael ei ysgrifennu at Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn codi’r pryderon ac yn gofyn iddyn nhw ymyrryd.

vii) It was noted that a lot of earth had been moved in the Holiday Village to form a large bank along the river Rheidol. Concerns were raised that this could restrict the flow of the river and cause damage or flooding in other areas along the river. It was noted that a letter had been to written to Natural Resources Wales to raise concerns and to ask them to intervene.

viii) PENDERFYNWYD cysylltu gyda Alexanders, asiant adeilad y Cyngor Tref ofyn lle mae’r perchennog arni yn ei fwriad o osod cegin.

viii) It was RESOLVED to contact Alexanders, the Town Council building agent to ask about the owner’s progress in terms of his intention to install a kitchen.

Dywedodd Cyngh. Martin Shewring ei fod wedi ymddiheuro ym mlaen llaw.

Cofnod 5ii) Dylid newid y rhif “£450” i “£495” yn y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg

Cofnod 5v) Gofynnwyd a ydy’r datganiad wedi mynd at y wasg i ofyn i’r cyhoedd am eu barn ar y pwnc.

Cofnod 8)i) Adroddodd Cyngh. Price, Is-gadeirydd y Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol, fod y Cyngh. Steve Davies wedi cael dyfynbris o £250 i drwsio’r twll yn yr arwyneb chwarae yn y MUGA.

Cllr. Martin Shewring said that he had apologised in advance.

Minute 5ii) The figure “£450” should be changed to “£495” in the Welsh and English

Minute 5v) It was asked whether the statement had been sent to the press to ask the public for their opinion on the topic.

Minute 8)i) Cllr. Price, Vice-chair of the General Management Committee, reported that Cllr. Steve Davies had received a quotation of £250 to repair the hole in the play surface in MUGA.

Penderfynwyd derbyn y cofnodion gyda’r gwelliannau.

It was resolved to accept the minutes with the amendments.

Cofnod 136/ Minute 136
Cofnodion o’r Pwyllgor Cyllid a Sefydliadau a gynhaliwyd ar nos Lun, 18 Ionawr 2016/Finance and Establishment Committee minutes held Monday, 18 January 2016


Cofnodion Cyfarfod y Pwyllgor Cyllid a Sefydliadau a gynhaliwyd yn Siambr y Cyngor, 11 Stryd y Popty, nos Lun, 18 Ionawr 2015 am 6.30p.m.

Minutes of the Finance and Establishment Committee held in Council Chamber, 11 Baker Street, on Monday, 18 January 2015 at 6.30p.m.


Cyngh./Cllr.Mererid Jones (Cadeirydd/Chair)

Cyngh./Cllr. Alun Williams (Is-gadeirydd/Vice-Chair)

Cyngh./Cllr. Mair Benjamin

Cyngh./Cllr. Endaf Edwards

Cyngh./Cllr. Jeff Smith

Cyngh./Cllr. Brendan Somers

Cyngh./Cllr. Wendy Morris

Cyngh./Cllr. Brian Davies

Cyngh./Cllr. Mark A. Strong


Cyngh./Cllr. Brenda Haines

Cyngh./Cllr. Ceredig Davies


Cyngh./Cllr. Jeff Smith

Cyngh./Cllr. Sue Jones-Davies

3. Datgan Diddordeb/Declaration of Interest


4. Cyfrifon Rhagfyr 2015/Accounts for December 2015.

Adroddodd y Cadeirydd bod gan Gyngor y Dref arian i’w wario cyn diwedd Mawrth, sef £120,000 (cyfalaf) a £127,000 (wrth gefn).

Cafwyd trafodaeth ar sut i wario: e.e. gellid rhoi £60,000 ar gyfer y Parc Kronberg; cadw arian fel ernes am adeilad newydd i’r Cyngor; cadw arian ar gyfer gwario ar deledu cylch-cyfyng - gan gofio ar yr un pryd bod angen arian refeniw i’w ariannu.

PENDERFYNWYD ail-agor y drafodaeth ar ariannu teledu cylch-cyfyng a chytunwyd bod y Cyngh. Brendan Somers yn gwneud adroddiad ar ddichonoldeb ariannu'r prosiect.

PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y cyfrifon fel rhai cywir.

The Chair reported that the Town Council had funds to spend before the end of March, namely £120,000 (capital) and £127,000 (in reserve).

A discussion ensued on how to spend it: e.g. £60,000 could be given for Parc Kronberg; keep money as a deposit for a new Council building; keep money to be spent on CCTV - bearing in mind that revenue funding would be need to fund it.

It was RESOLVED to re-open the discussion of funding CCTV and it was agreed that Cllr. Brendan Somers provide a report on the funding feasibility of the project.

It was RESOLVED to accept the accounts as an accurate record.

5. Cyllideb 2016-17 a gosod y praesept / 2016-17 Budget and set the precept.

PENDERFYNWYD rhoi’r praesept i fyny 1% a fydd yn golygu £264,000 yn lle £254,000 y flwyddyn.

i) Trafodwyd materion staffio e.e. swydd y Clerc a Swyddog Ariannol Cyfrifol.

PENDERFYNWYD creu 2 swydd a gosod rheswm clir sut mae hyn yn mynd i fod o fudd i’r gymuned. Rhoddwyd addewid y byddai’r manylion yn cael eu gweithio allan gan y Panel Staffio a dod yn ôl i’r Cyngor Llawn.

It was RESOLVED to increase the precept by 1% which would mean £264,000 rather than £254,000 per annum.

i) Staffing matters were discussed e.g. the post of the Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer.

It was RESOLVED to create two posts and to give a clear reason as to why this would be beneficial to the community. A promise was given that the details would be worked out by the Staffing Panel before returning to the Full Council.

ii) Diffyg yn nhaliadau Pensiwn – ar hyn o bryd mae’r Cyngor Tref yn ddyledus o £2,000 y flwyddyn er mwyn talu £31,000. Cyn diwedd Mawrth fe fyddai’n ddarbodus i dalu rhan o’r ddyled.

PENDERFYNWYD talu lwmp-swm o £20,000 cyn diwedd Mawrth a fydd yn golygu y bydd y tâl Blynyddol o £2,000 yn lleihau.

ii) Pension payments deficit - at present the Town Council owed £2,000 per annum in order to pay £31,000. It would be prudent to pay part of the debt before the end of March.

It was RESOLVED to pay a lump-sum of £20,000 before the end of March which would mean that the annual fee of £2,000 would be reduced.

iii) Codwyd mater cael cegin newydd i adeilad y Cyngor. O gael cegin fe fyddai’r adeilad yn fwy atyniadol i’w ddefnyddio gan y cyhoedd a cyrff allanol.

PENDERFYNWYD cadarnhau gan Alexanders beth ellid ei wneud am hyn gan y landlord.

iii) The matter of having a new kitchen for the Council building was raised. In having a new kitchen the building would be more attractive to be used by the public and outside bodies

It was RESOLVED to have confirmation from Alexanders regarding what could be done about this by the landlord.

iv) Nodwyd bod lwfans y Maer yn cynyddu.

iv) It was noted that the Mayor’s allowance was increasing.

v) PENDERFYNWYD cyfuno pennawd blodau a chynnal a chadw meysydd chwarae mewn i un pennawd gan ei gynyddu gan £2,000.

v) It was RESOLVED to combine the flowers and playing fields maintenance heading into one heading and to increase it by £2,000.

vi) PENDERFYNWYD rhoi £5,000 yn fwy tuag at y Celfyddydau drwy symud yr arian o ‘bennawd’ Fforwm Penparcau. Fe all Fforwm Penparcau geisio am grant gan Gyngor y Dref yn hytrach na bod ‘pennawd’ penodol yn y gyllideb.

vi) It was RESOLVED to give £5,000 more towards the Arts by moving money from the ‘heading’ Penparcau Forum. The Penparcau Forum could apply for a grant from the Town Council rather than having a special heading in the budget.

PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y gyllideb.

It was RESOLVED to accept the budget.

6. Coeden Heddwch – diweddariad /Peace Tree – update.

Adroddwyd gan y Cyngh. Alun Williams y cynhelir seremoni plannu’r goeden heddwch wrth ochr capel y Morfa, dydd Gwener, 12 Chwefror 2016. Cytunwyd y bydd angen anfoneb er mwyn i’r Cyngor Tref dalu am eu cyfraniad hwy.

Cllr. Alun Williams reported that the ceremony to plant the peace tree would be held near Morfa Chapel on Friday 12 February 2016. It was agreed that an invoice would be needed in order for the Town Council to pay its contribution.

7. Adolygiad o gostau Nadolig: / Review of Christmas costs:

Goleuadau diffygiol/ Faulty lights;

Addurniadau di-drydan/ Non-electrical decorations;

Cinio Nadolig yr Henoed/Senior Citizens’ Christmas Dinner.

i) Nodwyd gan y Cadeirydd bod yr holl oleuadau diffygiol wedi mynd yn ôl i’r cwmni a bod credyd ar gael i brynu rhai newydd.

i) The Chair noted that all the faulty lights had been returned to the company and that credit was available to purchase new ones.

ii) Derbyniwyd papur cynhwysfawr gan y Cyngh. Jeff Smith yn cynnig cynyddu’r gyllideb ar gyfer addurniadau Nadolig di-drydan. Canmolwyd y papur gan y Cadeirydd.

PENDERFYNWYD i’r Pwyllgor goleuadau Nadolig wneud cynigion mwy pendant; i gyfuno cyllideb goleuadau Nadolig gyda chyllid goleuadau cyffredinol; defnyddio’r cyllid sy’n weddill ar gyfer goleuadau Nadolig i brynu goleuadau nawr, cyn diwedd Mawrth ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesaf.

ii) A comprehensive paper was received from Cllr. Jeff Smith proposing to increase the budget for the non-electrical Christmas decorations. The Chair praised the paper.

It was RESOLVED for the Christmas lights Committee to make more definite proposals; to combine the Christmas lights budget with the general lights budget; to use the remaining budget for Christmas lights to purchase lights now, before the end of March for next year.

8. Gohebiaeth/Correspondence.

i) e-bost gan Ken Young - Ysgrifennydd Pwyllgor St Brieuc, Pobl mewn Partneriaeth. Roedd am ddefnyddio arfbais Cyngor Tref Aberystywth ar gyfer gwneud sgroll/plac i Jean Guezennec. PENDERFYNWYD y byddai’r Cyngor Tref yn ariannu’r digwyddiad o wobrwyo Rhyddid y Dref I Jean Guezennec ond dylai’r Pwyllgor Gefeillio ariannu’r sgroll/plac.

i) e-mail from Ken Young - the Secretary of the St Brieuc Committee, People in Partnership. He wanted to use the Aberystwyth Town Council coat of arms in order to make a scroll/plaque for Jean Guezennec. It was RESOLVED that the Town Council be requested to fund the whole ceremony of bestowing Freedom of the Town to Jean Guezennec, but that the Twinning Committee should fund the scroll/plaque.

9. Unrhyw fater arall yn unol â barn y Cadeirydd/Any other business, at the discretion of the Chair.

i) Pwynt Trydan yn Sgwâr Owain Glyndŵr/Electrical Socket at Owain Glyndŵr Square

Adroddwyd gan y Cyngh. Alun Williams taw’r gost yw £5,177.00 a bod Menter yn barod i gyfrannu.

PENDERFYNWYD y byddai’r Cyngor Tref yn talu £4,000 a gofyn i Menter am £1,500.

Cllr. Alun Williams reported that the cost was £5,177.00 and that Menter was willing to contribute.

It was RESOLVED that the Town Council would pay £4,000 and ask Menter for £1,177.

ii) Derbyniwyd adroddiad gan Gyngor Sir Ceredigion drwy law'r Cyngh. Jeff Smith am y 5 coed poplar, un dderwen ‘holm’ a choed ceirios, yn Cambridge Terrace, Morfa Mawr. Yn yr adroddiad cynigiwyd cael cwmni i osod radar i fapio allan lle mae’r gwreiddiau. Roedd y Cyngh. Mark Strong am bwysleisio nad oedd wedi derbyn adroddiad oddi wrth swyddogion y Cyngor Sir ynglŷn â lle gellid ail-blannu coed. Mae’r tymor ail-blannu bron â dod i ben.

PENDERFYNWYD plannu nifer o goed newydd ym Maes Chwarae Morfa Mawr cyn diwedd y tymor plannu; gofyn i Gyngor Sir pa goed sydd ar gael; derbyn y dyfynbris o £1,160 ar gyfer cael ‘Radar Scan’ ac adroddiad; ac yna cael arweiniad ar sut i symud ymlaen/progress.

ii) A report was received from Ceredigion County Council via Cllr. Jeff Smith about the five poplar trees, one holm-oak tree and cherry trees, at Cambridge Terrace, Queen's Road. The report proposed having a company to install radar to map out where the roots were. Cllr. Mark Strong wanted to emphasise that he hadn’t received a report from the County Council officers regarding where trees could be re-planted. The re-planting season was about to end.

It was RESOLVED to plant a number of new trees at the Morfa Mawr Playing Field before the end of the planting season; ask the County Council which trees are available; to accept the quote of £1,160 in order to have a ‘Radar Scan’ and a report; and then seek guidance on how to progress.

iii) Cysgodfanau bysys/Bus shelters

PENDERFYNWYD i) peidio symud y cysgodfan yn Dan Dre ii) cynyddu’r Cyllid ar gyfer prynu cysgodfan yn Plas Helyg iii) symud cysgodfan tu allan i’r Santes Anne. Roedd y Cyngh. Mair Benjamin am gofnodi ei bod yn anghytuno gyda phenderfyniad pwynt iii).

Cafwyd cynnig y dylid prynu cysgodfan newydd wrth ymyl Santes Ann ond phenderfynwyd gan y Cadeirydd I’w drafod rhwybryd arall.

It was RESOLVED to request full Council to rescind the initial recommendation and NOT move the shelter in Mill Street; ii) increase the Budget to purchase a shelter at Plas Helyg; iii) move the shelter outside St Anne’s. Cllr. Mair Benjamin wanted her name recorded that she disagreed with the decision in point iii).

A proposal was made that a new shelter should be purchased near St Anne’s but the Chair decided to discuss the matter at a later date.

Roedd gwall wrth deipio enw’r Cyngh. Sue Jones-Davies

8iii) Rhwng “PENDERFYNWYD” a “gofyn”, roedd angen ychwanegu’r geiriau “plannu nifer o goed newydd ym Maes Chwarae Morfa Mawr cyn diwedd y tymor plannu;”

Cllr Sue Jones-Davies’ name had been typed incorrectly.

8iii) Between “to” and “ask”, there was a need to add the words “plant a number of new trees at the Morfa Mawr Playing Field before the end of the planting season;”

DERBYNIWYD y cofnodion gyda’r gwelliannau

The minutes were ACCEPTED with the amendments

Cofnod 137/ Minute 137
Ceisiadau Cynllunio/Planning Applications

A151045: Hen Kwik Save, Coedlan y Parc: Newid amodau cynllunio 1, 3, 18 & 25 (dechrau’r gwaith, deunyddiau a gwedd, gosod a gwirio’r cynllun ffosfa a manylion o oriau gwaith) o’r caniatâd cynllunio A090312 i alluogi gwybodaeth i gael ei chyflwyno ar ôl y gwaith dymchwel:

Roedd sawl aelod yn siomedig am fod y cais yn un ôl-weithredol - roedd llawer o’r dymchwel eisoes wedi digwydd - ond pwysleisiwyd nad yw hyn yn anghyfreithlon. Roedd aelodau’n hapus fod yr hen Kwik-Save yn dod lawr, gan fod llawer o gwyno wedi bod ers blynyddoedd am gyflwr yr adeilad, ar un o’r prif ffyrdd mewn i’r dref. Teimlwyd fod angen tacluso’r safle ar ôl y gwaith dymchwel ac efallai plannu coed neu blanhigion o ryw fath er mwyn wella gwedd y safle. Codwyd pryderon am oriau gwaith, gydag un cynghorydd yn nodi bod gwaith dymchwel wedi digwydd ar fore dydd Sadwrn.

PENDERFYNWYD danfon y canlynol fel ymateb i’r cais cynllunio: Mae Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth yn croesawu dymchwel yr hen Kwik Save; teimlwyd ei fod yn hen adeilad hyll. Nodwyd fod yr adeilad yn weladwy iawn o’r ffordd sy’n arwain mewn i Aberystwyth a hefyd yn weladwy ar y teledu pan mae CPD Tref Aberystwyth yn chware pêl-droed. Serch hynny, mae angen i’r datblygwyr dacluso’r safle ar ôl y gwaith dymchwel a byddem yn croesawu plannu coed/planhigion ar hyd y cyffiniau i wella gwedd y safle. Rhaid i’r datblygwyr peidio â gwneud gwaith dymchwel ar adegau gwrthgymdeithasol er lles y trigolion lleol (amod 25).

A151045 Former Kwik-Save, Park Avenue: Variation of conditions 1, 3, 18 & 25 (commencement of works, materials and finishes, submission & approval of drainage scheme and details of hours of construction) of planning permission A090312 to enable information to be submitted after demolition has taken place.

Several members were disappointed as the application was retrospective - much of the demolition had already taken place - but it was stressed that this was not illegal. Members were happy that the old Kwik-Save was being taken down, as there had been much complaining for several years about the condition of the building, on one of the main roads into the town. It was felt that the site needed to be tidied up after the demolition work and possibly planting trees or plants of some sort in order to improve the appearance of the site. Concerns were expressed about the hours of work, with one councillor noting that demolition work had happened on Saturday morning.

It was RESOLVED to send the following as a response to the planning application: Aberystwyth Town Council welcomes the demolition of the old Kwik-Save; it was felt that it was an old, ugly building. It was noted that the building was very visible from the road which leads into Aberystwyth and is also visible on television when Aberystwyth Town FC plays football. However, the developers need to tidy the site after the demolition work and we would welcome the planting of trees/plants along the boundaries to improve the appearance of the site. The developers need to stop the demolition work at anti-social times in the interests of the local residents (condition 25).

Cofnod 138/ Minute 138
Cwestiynau sy’n ymwneud â materion tu fewn cylch gorchwyl y Cyngor hwn YN UNIG/ Questions relating ONLY to matters in this Council’s remit

Dim/ None

Cofnod 139/ Minute 139
Cyllid – Ystyried Gwariant / Finance – to consider expenditure

PENDERFYNWYD awdurdodi’r gwariant.

It was RESOLVED to authorise the expenditure.

Cofnod 140/ Minute 140
Adroddiadau AR LAFAR gan Gynghorwyr Cyngor Sir Ceredigion ar faterion sydd yn ymwneud â’r cyngor hwn YN UNIG/ VERBAL reports from Ceredigion County Councillors on matters ONLY pertaining to this council.

Nododd y Cyngh. Mark Strong fod Amgueddfa Ceredigion wedi bod yn llwyddiannus yn eu cais am gyllid gan Gronfa Loteri i ehangu’r amgueddfa yn Ffordd y Môr ac i symud mewn i’r hen Boots. Nodwyd eu bod yn trefnu prynhawn coffi dydd Sadwrn er mwyn esbonio a chyfleu eu cynlluniau.

Nododd fod y Bandstand newydd yn dod at ei gilydd o’r diwedd, a’i fod yn agos at gael ei gwblhau.

Cllr. Mark Strong noted that Ceredigion Museum had been successful in its application for funding from the Lottery Fund to extend the museum at Terrace Road and to move into the old Boots. It was noted that they were arranging a coffee afternoon on Saturday in order to explain and convey their plans. He noted that the new Bandstand was coming together at last and that it was near completion.

Esboniodd y Cyngh. Alun Williams fod trigolion lleol wedi dod at ei gilydd dros y misoedd diwethaf i roi/gasglu dillad i ffoaduriaid. Diolchwyd, ymysg eraill, i Rummers a’r eglwysi a chapeli. Diolchwyd i’r gwirfoddolwyr a fu’n helpu trefnu’r rhoddion. Dywedwyd fod y rhoddion olaf wedi cael eu cludo yn rhad ac am ddim gan Aberystwyth Removals i safle yn Sir y Fflint, yn barod i gael eu cludo i Syria neu Groeg.

Cllr. Alun Williams explained that local residents had come together over the last few months to give/collect clothes for refugees. Amongst others, Rummers, the churches and the chapels were thanked. The volunteers who helped to arrange the donations were thanked. It was said that the last donations had been transported free of charge by Aberystwyth Removals to a site at Flintshire, ready to be taken to Syria or Greece.

Cofnod 141/ Minute 141
Adroddiadau YSGRIFENEDIG gan gynrychiolwyr i gyrff allanol/ WRITTEN Reports from representatives on outside bodies

Derbyniwyd yr adroddiadau canlynol:

Grŵp Llywio Cynllun Lleoedd

Cyfarfod SARPA (grŵp defnyddwyr y rheilffordd) yn y Trallwng

Cymdeithas Aberystwyth – Esquel

The following reports were received:

Place Plan Steering Group

A meeting of SARPA (rail user group) in Welshpool

Aberystwyth – Esquel People in Partnership Association

Cofnod 142/ Minute 142
Gohebiaeth/ Correspondence

i) Peter Williams, The Means, yn ymwneud â’r BID (rhanbarth gwella busnes). PENDERFYNWYD cysylltu â fe er mwyn cael manylion pellach.

i) Peter Williams, The Means, involving the BID (Business Improvement District). It was RESOLVED to contact him in order to obtain further details.

ii) Cymdeithas Gofal Ceredigion - dyfynbris am gynnal a chadw gerddi. PENDERFYNWYD cyfeirio hyn at y Pwyllgor Cyllid.

ii) Ceredigion Care Society - quotation for garden maintenance. It was RESOLVED to refer this to the Finance Committee.

iii) Cyngor Ar Bopeth Ceredigion – cais am rodd ariannol. PENDERFYNWYD cyfeirio hyn at y Pwyllgor Cyllid.

iii) Ceredigion Citizens’ Advice Bureau - application for financial donation. It was RESOLVED to refer this to the Finance Committee.

iv) Ann Eleri Jones, swyddog sy’n gyfrifol am gau ffyrdd, yn diolch i ni am ein cymorth yn y ras seiclo

iv) Ann Eleri Jones, officer responsible for road closures, thanking us for our assistance with the cycle race.

v) Judith Underwood – Parc sglefrddio

v) Judith Underwood - Skate Park

vi) Llythyr gan Faer Kronberg.

vi) Letter from the Mayor of Kronberg.

vii) Grŵp Cydweithredol Gofal Iechyd y Canolbarth – hysbys o gyfarfodydd i’w cynnal ar 02/02/16 yng Nghanolfan Methodistaidd St Paul, ar 2p.m. neu 6p.m.

vii) Mid Wales Health Care Collaborative – notice of meetings to be held on 02/02/16 in St Paul Methodist Centre, at 2p.m. or 6p.m.

viii) Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru - ymgynghoriad am ardaloedd gwarchodedig ym Mae Ceredigion. PENDERFYNWYD cyfeirio hyn at y Pwyllgor Cynllunio.

viii) Natural Resources Wales - consultation about protected areas in Cardigan Bay. It was RESOLVED to refer this to the Planning Committee.

ix) Arthur Dafis, Prifysgol Aberystwyth – datganiad am dderbyn adroddiad OldBell3 am ddyfodol llety cyfrwng Cymraeg.

ix) Arthur Dafis, Aberystwyth University - statement about the receipt of the OldBell3 report about the future of Welsh-medium accommodation.

x) Arthur Dafis, Prifysgol Aberystwyth - datganiad am ymchwil diweddar i seliau cwyr
x) Arthur Dafis, Aberystwyth University - statement about recent research into wax seals

xi) Arthur Dafis, Prifysgol Aberystwyth – datganiad am gyn-fyfyriwr o Brifysgol Aberystwyth fydd yn gwneud ymchwil am gorsydd yng nghanol- a de-America ac Affrica.

xi) Arthur Dafis, Aberystwyth University - statement about a former student of Aberystwyth University who would be undertaking research on marshes in Central and South America and Africa.

Cofnod 143/ Minute 143
Rheoliadau Sefydlog/Standing Orders

PENDERFYNWYD ychwanegu’r canlynol at Adran 25 o’r Rheoliadau Sefydlog, a hefyd i gynnwys hyn pan yn adolygu'r rheoliadau sefydlog:

25k) Gweinyddu’r Swyddfa

Bod y Maer a Chadeirydd y Pwyllgor Staffio yn cael eu hawdurdodi i benodi aelod staff dros dro mewn amgylchiadau heb eu rhagweld i sicrhau bod gweinyddiaeth bob-dydd y Cyngor yn cael ei gynnal.

Fe fydd y Maer a Chadeirydd y Pwyllgor Staffio yn rhoi gwybod i’r Aelodau yng nghyfarfod Llawn y Cyngor nesaf ac yn gofyn am gadarnhad y sawl a benodwyd.

It was RESOLVED to add the following to Section 25 of the Standing Orders, and also to include this when the Standing Orders are revised:

25k) Office Administration

The Mayor and Chair of the Staffing Committee be authorised to engage the services of a temporary member of staff in the event of unforseen circumstances to ensure that the day to day administration of the Council is maintained.

The Mayor and Chair of the Staffing Committee will inform Members of their decision at the very next meeting of Full Council when they will seek endorsement of the temporary appointee.

Cofnod 144/ Minute 144
Cynnig brys – Swyddfa Post/ Urgent motion – Post Office

Nodwyd fod y Swyddfa Post yn y Stryd Fawr o dan fygythiad cau. Nodwyd pwysigrwydd y Swyddfa Post i’r dref, yr ansicrwydd am ddyfodol y staff, defnydd eang y Swyddfa Post gan y cyhoedd a’r potensial i’r gwasanaeth crebachu’n sylweddol. Nodwyd hefyd y bensaernïaeth hanesyddol, restredig ac eiconig, a’i phwysigrwydd i ganol y dref.

PENDERFYNWYD ysgrifennu at y rhai sy’n gyfrifol gan gynnwys y canlynol:

Ar ôl clywed am newyddion bod y Swyddfa Post am gau’r Swyddfa Post yn Aberystwyth; yr ydym yn gwrthwynebu’r cynllun hyn, ac fel Cyngor Tref yn galw ar y Swyddfa Post i beidio â chau’r Swyddfa Post yn yr adeilad presennol.

It was noted that the Post Office on Great Darkgate Street was under threat of closure. The importance of the Post Office to the town was noted, as well as the uncertainty about the future of the staff, the wide use made of the Post Office by the public and the potential for the service to be scaled-down considerably. The historic, listed and iconic architecture was also noted, as well as its importance to the town centre.

It was RESOLVED to write to those responsible containing the following:

After hearing the news that the Post Office was intending to close the Post Office at Aberystwyth, we oppose this scheme, and as Town Council we call upon the Post Office to not close the Post Office in the existing building.