Aberystwyth Council








Present::Councillor Dylan Lewis

Councillor Mair Benjamin

Councillor J Aled Davies

Councillor Mark Strong

Councillor Jeff Smith

Councillor Ceredig Wyn Davies

Councillor Endaf Edwards

Councillor Brenda Haines

Councillor Mererid Jones

Councillor Sue Jones-Davies

Councillor Carys Morgan

Councillor Wendy Morris-Twiddy

Councillor Kevin Roy Price

Councillor Alun Williams


Apologies:Councillor Sarah Bowen

Councillor Steve Davies


In Attendance:Mr Bryn Jones- Communities First

Mr Goronwy Edwards MBE- Penparcau Forum

Mr Dylan Jones- Penparcau Forum


Minute 110

Declarations of Interest for matters arising from agenda items

There were none recorded.


Minute 111

Mr Bryn Jones- Communities First Officer

Mr Jones introduced Mr Jones and Mr Edwards to members and went on to give an overview of the current situation with Communities first and the hopes and aspirations of the newly formed Penparcau Forum.

The Clerk had circulated a fact and figures sheet regarding this matter prior to the meeting.

Mr Jones explained that there had been a public meeting where some 13 members of the public had been present.

He outlined the financial challenges facing the group and asked for Aberystwyth Town Council to consider funding the rental charges and costs for the Penparcau office for the next 3 years.

The trio then took questions from members pertaining to the issue.

The matter of funding would be considered at a future FEC meeting.


Minute 112

Personal References

It was reported that Councillor Strong had recently become a father for the first time- Congratulations from the members and staff were extended to him and Mrs Strong on this occasion.


Minute 113

Dates of December meeting

It was RESOLVED that the December meeting of Council would be held on Monday 17th and that the GM and FEC meetings could both be held on the 10th of December.


Minute 114

Mayoral Activity Report 

The Mayor had furnished a report of his activities on behalf of council.


Minute 115

Minutes of a meeting of Council held on 22nd October  2012 

It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes of a meeting held on 22nd October as a true record with the exception that the minutes show that Councillor Carys Morgan was not present.


Minute 116

Minutes of a Planning Committee held on 5th November 2012 

It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes of a meeting held on 5th November as a true record.


A meeting of the Planning Committee held on Monday 5th November 2012 in the Committee room, 11 Baker Street, Aberystwyth at 6.30pm


PresentCouncillor Kevin Roy Price

Councillor Endaf Edwards

Councillor Sue Jones-Davies

Councillor Ceredig Davies

Councillor Steve Davies

Councillor Wendy Morris-Twiddy

Councillor Jeff Smith

Councillor Brian Davies


ApologiesCouncillor Sarah Bowen

Councillor Mair Benjamin

Councillor Dylan Lewis

Councillor Martin Shewring

Councillor Mark Strong

Councillor Alun Williams


  1. Declarations of Interest

There were no Declarations of Interest noted.

  1. Planning issues and Economic Development in Aberystwyth

There was nothing to note.

  1. Correspondence

There was none for this committee


  1. Planning Applications

It was RESOLVED to make the following observations to local planning applications

A12 0276 (Revised plans)

Demolition of Church and erection of residential development.

The Presbytery, Queen’s Road, Aberystwyth.

Previous response remains unchanged.



A12 0679 (dated 3rd October 2012)

Demolition of 38 garages.  Erection of 3-storey development for the social rented market comprising of 22 garages, cycle store, bin store and 11 one bedroom flats.

Heol Dinas, Penparcau, Aberystwyth.

No objection.  Comments on the revised application are that it is imperative that there be sufficient car parking for occupants of the new premises, local residents and visitors alike - it is suggested that a strip of land to the East of the development be utilised to provide overspill parking and to ease local congestion which will inevitably occur if no provision is made;  it is requested that the footway which comes from Llwyn yr Eos into Heol Dinas on the Southern side of the road be continuous in front of the new development, so that pedestrians can walk without crossing the road whilst taking children to the play group and nursery situated on the eastern side of the campus;  and, finally, that serious consideration be given to the upgrade of the junction of Heol Dinas/Pen y Bont where, already, numerous traffic offences are being committed whilst navigating the junction by cars exiting Heol Dinas and ignoring Left Turn Only signs – it is felt that an increase in accommodation along this road will only cause more traffic and therefore more potential risk to pedestrians and other road users alike.


Minute 117

Minutes of the General Management Committee held on 12th November  2012 

It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes of a meeting held on 12th November as a true record subject to the following amendments:

To remove minute 13 re CPO’s as there had been no vote due to there not being a seconder to the original motion.




Present:Councillor Brenda Haines

Councillor Dylan Lewis

Councillor Wendy Morris-Twiddy

Councillor Brian Davies

Councillor J Aled Davies

Councillor Ceredig Wyn Davies

Councillor Steve Davies

Councillor Mererid Jones

Councillor Martin Shewring

Councillor Alun Williams


Apologies:                Councillor Sue Jones-Davies

Councillor Endaf Edwards

Councillor Kevin Roy Price

Councillor Mair Benjamin

Councillor Mark Strong


  1. Declarations of Interest

Declarations of Interest were received from Councillor C Davies and J A Davies in connection with item on the agenda.

  1. Correspondence
  1. Bronglais Smokers

A letter complaining about smoking near Bronglais Hospital was received.

It was felt inappropriate to have any input into people’s behaviour in public spaces and this may be an issue for the Hospital Trust to deal with if it was an issue for the hospital itself.


  1. Aberystwyth Civic Society Plaque

Grant aiding was requested for the placement of a slate heriatage plaque to be mounted on Sandmarsh Cttage in Queens Road. The Clerk reported that this initiative had been funded by Aberystwyth Town Council for at least the last 12 years and that it was proving successful.  Subject to a successful costing exercise it was RESOLVED to agree to pay for this plaque.


  1. Report on Allotments in Min y Ddol

The Clerk reported that there had been no response to a request to change the lease on the land leased to Aberystwyth Town Council by Ceredigion County Council. The Clerk would follow this matter up.

It was RESOLVED to hold any actions until the outcomes of this request were known.

There had been little progress by Ceredigion County Council on the updates resulting from an environmental survey and these were unlikely to be made public in the near future.



  1. Report on North Road Park

It was reported that the grass and hedges had been recently been cut and that the benches were to be treated as soon as the weather had improved. Work was still on-going regarding the grounds maintenance.

Following discussion it was RESOLVED that in order to move things on Councillor J A Davies and the Clerk would work up an idea for consideration at full Council to progress the idea of a maze on the site as had been the original intention..


  1. Report on Recycling Bins in Aberystwyth

It was reported that some communities were being paid a small sum for collecting recyclables in their areas.

The Clerk reported that he had a meeting arranged with the responsible officer in Ceredigion County Council and would report back on the matter in due course.

However, it was unlikely that any payments could be collected as Ceredigion County Council community recycling policy was to provide much larger “community” bins and the payments were not for the recyclables but for the maintenance of the surrounding land being kept litter free and tidy.

It was agreed that some form of change was needed and this would be discussed with Ceredigion County Council and ARC and a report would come back to GMC.


  1. Granting of the Freedom of Aberystwyth

Following a wide ranging discussion it was considered inappropriate to confer the freedom of Aberystwyth on Rifleman Wilson from Penrhyncoch. It was felt that such an honour should fall to the Community Council of the area in which he and his family lived. It was also noted that Ceredigion County Council were considering a recognition award of some kind and this was felt to reflect the communities recognition of Rifleman Wilson’s decoration in a better way than one that Aberystwyth Town Council could bestow on its own. This action was in no way a reflection on the bravery shown by Rifleman Wilson and it was agreed that an appropriate letter of congratulation be sent to him.


  1. Senior Citizen Christmas Dinners

Following discussion it was RESOLVED to hold the Senior Citizens Christmas Dinners on Tuesday 18th December 2012 at 12.30pm in Llety Park Hotel.


  1. Busking Update.

Following a review of the current protocols and considering the potential implications and resources availability it was RESOLVED not to proceed with the implementation of a licenced busking policy and its enforcement.


  1. Report on new council accommodation 

Information was circulated on pink paper to inform members of progress.

It was agreed to ask for professional guidance on what could be achieved in the way of rent if parts of the premises were sublet. This would help guide members as to the financial viability of the project.


  1. Christmas Lights 2012

Members were informed that the lights would be switched on at 6pm on Thursday 29th November 2012 and that Aberystwyth Silver Band had been invited to play. This year would be a simple carol singing event. Father Christmas had been invited to attend..


  1. Consideration of items for forthcoming estimates for 2013

Members were reminded to bring any ideas to the next meeting of the Finance meeting.


  1. Aberystwyth Town Clock at request of Councillor M Shewring

It was reported that the lights on the town clock were not working.

Councillor Davies reported that the clock face lights were in operation but the up lights on the sides were not working.

It was RESOLVED to ask Ceredigion County Council to investigate and fix this issue.


  1. CPO’s in Aberystwyth at request of Councillor M Shewring

Councillors J A Davies and C Davies declared an interest in this matter and left the meeting during this discussion.

Councillor Shewring asked for support in opposing the use of Compulsory Purchase Orders in Greenfield Street, Aberystwyth as in his opinion it would set a precedence that would be hard to stop in future.

It was argued that CPO’s had been used on more than one occasion in the county and that each case was considered on its merits. To support a blanket ban on their use would potentially put the Aberystwyth Town Council in a position of opposing future development in the town.

Following a vote the motion was defeated.


  1. Bus transport for patients to Penrhyncoch- an update by Councillor M Shewring

It seems that any fundamental changes to the bus timetable has to be agreed with the traffic commissioners and due to the timescales involved this has not been done. It would seem that the surgery has plans to return to Aberystwyth and as yet this date has not been confirmed. There was discussion regarding letters in the paper which were according to Councillor Shewring misleading and didn’t contribute to the successful conclusion to this matter.


  1. Updates on Resolutions

This matter had not moved forward since that last meeting as the chairman had not been into the office to reconcile the list with the Clerk.


Minute 118

Minutes of a Finance Committee meeting held on 19th November 2012 

It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes of a meeting held on 19th November as a true record.



Present:Councillor M Jones

Councillor W Morris-Twiddy

Councillor S Jones-Davies

Councillor C Davies

Councillor B Haines

Councillor  A Williams

Councillor B Davies


Apologies:         Councillor E Edwards

Councillor J A Davies

Councillor  D Lewis

Councillor M Strong



  1. Declarations of Interest

There were none recorded.


  1. Correspondence
  1. An application for funding was received from Denbighshire and District National Eisteddfod. It was recommended that a grant application form be sent to them.


  1. An e mail from the St. Brieuc twinning association was received asking for an extra £2500 in next year’s allocation of funding to facilitate the 40th anniversary of the link.

Following discussion it was RESOLVED to investigate the whole strategy of twinning funding and ask each association to make an annual bid. If extra funding was needed then that would meant that there was less for the other twin town committees but would also mean that whever had received extra one year would get less the following year. The funding would therefore be based on activity

It was agreed to write to the committees and explain this possible strategy and ask for comments.

Some members voiced concern that this strategy could start an unsavoury competitiveness between the groups and would have to be handled very fairly.


  1. CredCer Credit Union.

A letter giving an update on the above was received. They ended by asking for shared accommodation and funding for a web site.

Following discussion it was decided to send grant application forms for the website funding with a caveat that they also ask every other town and community council and to advise that when Aberystwyth Town Council knew the cost of office space the rent for shared accommodation would be sent to CredCare for consideration.


  1. Questions relating to financial matters

Q1- What is status of the Night Time Economy funding following the retirement of the last officer?

A1- Talks are taking place and confirmation is being sought as to the funding criteria. If it is deemed to be salary and role related costs it will be unlikely that there is any monies due back.


Q2- What was the status of the Penparcau Forum?

A2- A bid was to come to Aberystwyth Town Council for the funding in the short term (3-5 years?) for the costs of maintaining the Penparcau office. This had been costed at approx.. £7,000 per annum. Following discussion it was recommended to contact Ceredigion County Council to see if there was any shared cost possibility on this matter.

It was reported that Mr Bryn Jones would come to address a meeting of Aberystwyth Town Council very soon to discuss this matter.


Q3- What are the transport rates for members and officers?

A3- Members are paid 25PPM and officers are paid between 42.9PPM and 60.01 PPM (depending on engine size) as per agreed NJC rates defined in contract. There had been no change since April 2009.


  1. To receive and adopt accounts for September 2012

The Clerk had circulated the accounts for September to all members for information. Following the chance to ask questions it was RESOLVED to accept and adopt the accounts for September 2012.


  1. To receive and adopt the accounts for October 2012

The Clerk had circulated the accounts for September to all members for information. Following the chance to ask questions it was RESOLVED to accept and adopt the accounts for October 2012.


  1. Public Sector Deposit fund consideration of future investment.

The Clerk had distributed papers and a weblink for members information. Following discussion the Clerk was advised to hold talks with Natwest Bank to see what options were open to the Council for investment compared to the PSDF. This would be reported back to a future meeting of the Aberystwyth Town Council finance committee.


  1. Future budget and precept considerations

Members went through a draft budget proposal on a line by line basis and “pencilled in” a number of changes or variations to the proposed budget. This would continue to be a work in progress for the time being.


  1. Future Aberystwyth Town Council accommodation needs- an update

There was nothing to add to earlier updates.


Minute 119

Planning applications- to consider those applications not covered in the monthly planning meeting and are time sensitive.

There were none that were considered so time sensitive to consider.


Minute 120

Clerks Report

The Clerk reported that he had resolved the issue regarding December meetings.


Minute 121



  1. A letter for Mr HT Jones expressing disappointment at Aberystwyth Town Council not giving a freedom of the town to a Penrhyncoch man was received.
  2. Notice that Rates relief was not to be given on a council property was received from Ceredigion County Council finance department.
  3. Following consideration of a letter from the Chair of FEC it was RESOLVED not to increase the Mayors allowance next year by the rate of inflation.
  4. A letter from Mr J Emlyn Watkin advising the council that he was retiring as internal auditor was received.
  5. A letter was received from the war memorial trust asking for further representation. The matter would be discussed at a future meeting. 




Minute 122

Questions relating only to matters in this Councils remit

Q1- Could flowerbeds in North Road park be attended to?

A1- The current contractor would be asked to deal with this matter.


Minute 123

To consider expenditure  

It was RESOLVED to pay the following accounts in the sum of £9596.02

Dylan Lewis

Travel Expenses


Keith Morris

Photograpic works


Anna Bullen

Work on Cae Kronberg Bid


Cambrian News

Advert for SS dinners


C Simpson

Mair Benjamin air ticket to Kronberg



Recycling Costs Oct


Pitney Bowes

Machine Rental



Mounting Brackets for lights



Office supplies / Stationery


Carm CC

SalariesOct 2012


Delyth Davies

Translation costs- simtran



Training costs


Aber Electronics

PA System for aBer Meeting


Dylan Lewis

Travel Expenses



Annual subscriptions 2013









Minute 124

Verbal Reports from Ceredigion County Councillors on matters pertaining to this Council

Reports were given on planning issues, Northgate Street improvements, Traffic orders in Aberystwyth, Residents parking issues, and the improvements to Alexandra Road, Aberystwyth.


Minute 125

Written reports from representatives to outside bodies

Reports were received from:

Councillor S Jones-Davies- Communities First.

Councillor M Jones- Aberystwyth Fairtrade Group


Minute 126

RA Board Report- Councillor Alun Williams

Councillor Williams gave a verbal report on his appointment and expectation for the future of RA representation.

It was reported that a member of the board had not replied that  members of the RA Board would attend a public meeting and it was RESOLVED to write again seeking clarification.





Minute 127

Motion at the request of Councillor J Aled Davies- North Road Project

Councillor Davies circulated an artist impression of the proposed maze for North Road and gave a verbal costing for the project which the cost would not exceed £5000 and he indicated could be offset by sponsorship of individual poles within the structure. 

Following a wide-ranging discussion where the majority of members agreed to the proposal it was RESOLVED that Aberystwyth Town Council advises Ceredigion County Council that it intends to carry out works to comply with the lease and to ask for the inclusion of the area in a historical trail (complete with interpretation board) and that Aberystwyth Town Council carries out the works as defined in the submitted plan and within costs given at the meeting.


Minute 128

Staffing matters

There was nothing to report.