Aberystwyth Council


Cyngor Tref     ABERYSTWYTH   Town Council



Cyfarfod o’r Cyngor Llawn (o bell oherwydd Covid19)

Meeting of Full Council (remote due to Covid19)








Yn bresennol:


Cyng. Charlie Kingsbury (Cadeirydd)

Cyng. Mari Turner

Cyng. Endaf Edwards

Cyng. Steve Davies

Cyng. Dylan Wilson-Lewis

Cyng. Nia Edwards-Behi

Cyng. Lucy Huws

Cyng. Alun Williams

Cyng. Mark Strong

Cyng. David Lees

Cyng. Sue Jones-Davies

Cyng. Claudine Young

Cyng. Talat Chaudhri


Yn mynychu:

Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerc)

Meinir Jenkins (Dirprwy Glerc)




Cllr. Charlie Kingsbury (Chair)

Cllr. Mari Turner

Cllr. Endaf Edwards

Cllr. Steve Davies

Cllr. Dylan Wilson-Lewis

Cllr. Nia Edwards-Behi

Cllr. Lucy Huws

Cllr. Alun Williams

Cllr. Mark Strong

Cllr. David Lees

Cllr. Sue Jones-Davies

Cllr. Claudine Young

Cllr. Talat Chaudhri


In attendance:

Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerk)

Meinir Jenkins (Deputy Clerk)





Cyng. Brendan Somers

Cyng. Brenda Haines

Cyng. Rhodri Francis

Cyng. Mair Benjamin

Cyng. Alex Mangold



Cllr. Brendan Somers

Cllr. Brenda Haines

Cllr. Rhodri Francis

Cllr. Mair Benjamin

Cllr. Alex Mangold





Datgan diddordeb


28: Y Cynghorwyr Mark Strong ac Endaf Edwards (a gyflogir gan y Llyfrgell Genedlaethol)

Declaration of interest


28: Cllrs Mark Strong and Endaf Edwards (employed at the National Library)





Cyfeiriadau personol


  • Cynhaliwyd funud o dawelwch i’r rhai hynny a laddwyd yn anghyfreithiol
  • Bu farw Martin Nelmes, athro yn Ysgol Uwchradd Penglais

Personal references


  • A minute’s silence was held for the victims of unlawful killings
  • Martin Nelmes, a teacher at Penglais Secondary School had died.






Cofnodion o Gyfarfod y Cyngor Llawn a gynhaliwyd nos Lun, 15 Mehefin 2020 i gadarnhau cywirdeb.


PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r cofnodion


Minutes of the Meeting of Full Council held Monday 15 June 2020 to confirm accuracy



It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes.




Materion yn codi o’r cofnodion


3: Roedd angen cynnwys dyfrio coed mewn gwahanol leoliadau (ee Penparcau, yng nghefn Neuadd Alexandra, Ysgol Gymraeg, Iorwerth Avenue) yng ngwaith brys Ffordd y Gogledd. Dylid ei gynnwys yn y broses dendro.


10: Cynrychiolwyr i gyrff allanol.

  • Roedd y Cynghorydd Mair Benjamin eisiau cynrychioli'r cyngor ar Bwyllgor Cyswllt Rheilffordd Amwythig i Aberystwyth, Cymdeithas Teithwyr Rheilffordd Amwythig i Aberystwyth, Un Llais Cymru a Phwyllgor Defnyddwyr yr Harbwr. Dylid cadarnhau nifer y cynrychiolwyr a ganiateir ar gyfer yr olaf gan fod gan y Cyngor ddau gynrychiolydd eisoes (y Cynghorwyr Steve Davies a Brendan Somers).
  • Cadarnhaodd y Cynghorydd David Lees ei fod am aros ymlaen fel cynrychiolydd y Cyngor ar Un Llais Cymru ac Ymddiriedolaeth Cymynrodd Joseph a Jane Downie.

Matters arising from the minutes


3: Tree watering in various locations (eg Penparcau, at the back of Alexandra Hall, Ysgol Gymraeg, Iorwerth Avenue) needed to be included in the  North Road emergency work. It should be included in the tendering process.


10: Representatives to outside bodies.

  • Cllr Mair Benjamin wanted to represent the council on the Shrewsbury to Aberystwyth Rail Liaison Committee, Shrewsbury to Aberystwyth Rail Passengers Association, One Voice Wales and the Harbour Users Committee. The number of representatives allowed for the latter should be confirmed as there were already two Council representatives (Cllrs Steve Davies and Brendan Somers).
  • Cllr David Lees confirmed he wanted to stay on as the Council’s representative on One Voice Wales and the Joseph and Jane Downie Bequest Trust.




Ystyried gwariant Mis Mehefin


PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r gwariant

Consider June expenditure


It was RESOLVED to approve the expenditure




Adroddiad yr Archwilydd Mewnol a’r ffurflen Flynyddol ar gyfer 2019-20


PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo adroddiad yr Archwilydd Mewnol a’r Ffurflen Flynyddol. Diolchwyd i’r Cyfrifydd a’r Clerc am eu gwaith.

Consider Internal auditor’s report and the Annual Return 2019-20


It was RESOLVED to approve the Internal Auditor’s report and the Annual Return. The Accountant and Clerk were thanked for their work.






Adnewyddu polisi yswiriant


PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r polisi.

Insurance policy renewal


It was RESOLVED to approve the policy




Ariannu’r Farchnad Fferm


PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r gwariant o £8000.

Farmers Market funding


It was RESOLVED to approve the expenditure of £8000




Meini prawf y gronfa argyfwng


PENDERFYNWYD i gymhwyso'r meini prawf canlynol i'r gronfa argyfwng £ 10,000:

  1. Dylai ceisiadau ddangos budd profadwy i bobl Aberystwyth
  2. Dylai pobl nodi’r swm sydd ei angen arnyn nhw
  3. Gallai sefydliadau neu unigolion wneud cais ond dylid mynd ati i gysylltu â grwpiau cymorth allweddol, sy'n gwybod sut orau i gefnogi preswylwyr.
  4. Dylid diffinio categorïau ee iechyd meddwl


Dylid sefydlu is-grŵp i reoli'r gronfa pe bai galw cynyddol.


Emergency fund criteria


It was RESOLVED to apply the following criteria to the £10,000 emergency fund:

  1. Applications should demonstrate a provable benefit to the people of Aberystwyth
  2. People should state how much they need
  3. Organisations or individuals could apply but key support groups, who know how best to support residents, should be actively approached.
  4. Categories should be defined eg mental health


A sub-group should be set up to manage the fund if there was increasing demand.




Cynnig: Mae Bywydau Du yn Cyfri (Cyng. Nia Edwards-Behi)


Oherwydd digwyddiadau diweddar, PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo'r cynnig, gyda gwelliannau, er mwyn codi llais yn gryf yn erbyn yr anghyfiawnderau yn erbyn pobl Ddu, a chymryd y camau canlynol.


Mae Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth yn galw am:


  1. Mynegiad o undod gyda, a chefnogaeth ar gyfer, mynd ar drywydd cyfiawnder a thegwch byd-eang a ofynir amdano gan fudiad Black Lives Matter.


  1. Pleidlais o ddiolch i drefnwyr protest Black Lives Matter Aberystwyth (4 Mehefin).


  1. Pleidlais o ddiolch am y gwaith a wnaed gan Diverse Cymru, sy'n darparu cefnogaeth, gwasanaethau, a chyngor i bobl Ddu a Lleiafrifoedd Ethnig ledled Cymru.


  1. Ben Lake AS i roi pwysau ar Lywodraeth y DU i atal ar unwaith werthu unrhyw fwledi rwber, ataliadau, tazers, a gêr terfysg eraill, ynghyd â mecanweithiau i wneud offer terfysg, i UDA.


  1. Llywodraeth Cymru i flaenoriaethu gwaith grŵp cynghori iechyd BAME Covid-19 Cymru



Mae Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth hefyd yn penderfynu:

  1. Annog sefydliadau lleol i godi ymwybyddiaeth trwy arddangosfeydd ac adnoddau addysgol yn seiliedig ar hanes lleol a Chymru.
  2. Gweithredu ar unwaith mewn ymateb i unrhyw graffiti hiliol.


Roedd pob cynghorydd a oedd yn bresennol yn dymuno llofnodi'r datganiad. Byddai cynghorwyr absennol yn cael cyfle i arwyddo.


Motion: Black Lives Matter  (Cllr. Nia Edwards-Behi)


Because of recent events it was RESOLVED to approve the motion, with amendments, in order to strongly speak out against the injustices against Black people, and to take the following actions. 


Aberystwyth Town Council calls for:


  1. An expression of solidarity with, and support for, the global pursuit of justice and fairness pursued by the Black Lives Matter


  1. A vote of thanks to the organisers of Aberystwyth’s Black Lives Matter protest (4 June).


  1. A vote of thanks for the work done by Diverse Cymru, who provide support, services, and advice to Black and Minority Ethnic people throughout Wales.


  1. Ben Lake MP to place pressure on the UK Government to immediately suspend any sale of rubber bullets, restraints, tazers, and other riot gear, as well as mechanisms to make riot equipment, to the USA.


  1. Welsh Government to prioritise the work of the Wales BAME Covid-19 health advisory group.



Aberystwyth Town Council also resolves to:


  1. Encourage local institutions to raise awareness through exhibitions and educational resources based on local and Welsh history.
  2. Take immediate action in response to any racist graffiti.


Every councillor present wished to sign the declaration. Absent councillors would be given the opportunity to sign.









Torri gwair yn ardal perllan Fifth Avenue: derbyniwyd llythyr yn cwyno ynghylch chwyn yn tyfu drosodd i ardd breifat. Nid oedd yr ymgais i ddatblygu ardal ‘wyllt’ wedi bod yn llwyddiannus ac wedi arwain at gwynion blynyddol. Roedd y twf gormodol oherwydd y ‘cloi i lawr’ wedi gwaethygu’r broblem.

Roedd y Clerc wedi cysylltu â'r Maer i awdurdodi toriad brys a derbyniwyd llythyr o ddiolch gan y preswylydd. Byddai'r tendr torri gwair yn cynnwys torri'r ardal gyfan yn rheolaidd i ddarparu ardal amwynder i bobl leol.

Grass cutting at Fifth Avenue orchard area: a letter of complaint regarding weed encroachment into a private garden had been received . The attempt to develop a ‘wild’ area had not been successful and had resulted in annual complaints. The excessive ‘lockdown’ growth had made the problem worse.

The Clerk had liaised with the Mayor to authorise an emergency cut and a letter of thanks had been received from the resident. The grass cutting tender would involve cutting the whole area regularly to provide an amenity area for locals.




Llythyr oddi wrth Ken Skates AC at Grant Shapps AS, Ysgrifennydd Gwladol dros Drafnidiaeth: llythyr calonogol iawn yn darparu’r dystiolaeth bendant gyntaf fod LlC yn hyrwyddo adfer rheilffordd Aberystwyth i Gaerfyrddin i lywodraeth San Steffan. PENDERFYNWYD anfon llythyr at Grant Shapps yn amlinellu'r buddion - y Cynghorydd Dylan Wilson Lewis i ddrafftio'r llythyr.

A letter from Ken Skates AM to Grant Shapps MP, Secretary of State for Transport: a very encouraging letter providing the first tangible evidence that WG was promoting the reinstatement of the Aberystwyth to Carmarthen railway line to the Westminster government.  It was RESOLVED to send a letter to Grant Shapps outlining the benefits – Cllr Dylan Wilson Lewis to draft the letter.


Anfon lllythyr

Send letter


Sea2Shore 2020: ni fydd y digwyddiad yn digwydd  oherwydd Covid 19

Sea2Shore 2020:  the event had been cancelled due to Covid19




Llythyrau o ddiolch am grantiau:


  • Jubilee Storehouse (grant brys)
  • Cymdeithas Ddiwylliannol Hindŵaidd
  • Beiciau Gwaed


Roedd pob llythyr yn ddwyieithog


Letters of thanks for grants:


  • Jubilee Storehouse (emergency grant)
  • Hindu Cultural Society
  • Blood Bikes


All letters were bilingual



Sylw Facebook o ddosbarthiad blodau: Roedd y Cyngor Tref wedi cael sylw cadarnhaol ar facebook ac yn y Cambrian News. Diolchwyd i staff a gwirfoddolwyr

Facebook coverage of the distribution of flowers: The Town Council had had positive coverage on facebook and in the Cambrian News. Staff and volunteers were thanked