Cyngor Tref ABERYSTWYTH Town Council
Cofnodion Cyfarfod o’r Cyngor Llawn (o bell oherwydd Covid19)
Minutes of the Meeting of Full Council (remote due to Covid19)
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Yn bresennol:
Cyng. Alun Williams (Cadeirydd) Cyng. Talat Chaudhri Cyng. Mari Turner Cyng. Nia Edwards-Behi Cyng. Kerry Ferguson Cyng. Jeff Smith Cyng. Dylan Wilson-Lewis Cyng. Endaf Edwards Cyng. Mark Strong Cyng. Lucy Huws Cyng. David Lees Cyng. Mair Benjamin Cyng. Steve Davies
Yn mynychu:
Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerc) Chris Betteley (Cambrian News)
Heather McClure – Bwyd Dros Ben Aber Sian Stacey – O’r Mynydd i’r Môr Alice Briggs – creadigol annibynnol
Susanna Kenyon – Argyfwng yr Hinsawdd
Cllr. Alun Williams (Chair) Cllr. Talat Chaudhri Cllr. Mari Turner Cllr. Nia Edwards-Behi Cllr. Kerry Ferguson Cllr. Jeff Smith Cllr. Dylan Wilson-Lewis Cllr. Endaf Edwards Cllr. Mark Strong Cllr. Lucy Huws Cllr. David Lees Cllr. Mair Benjamin Cllr. Steve Davies
In attendance:
Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerk) Chris Betteley (Cambrian News)
Heather McClure – Aber Food Surplus Sian Stacey – Summit to Sea Alice Briggs – freelance creative
Susanna Kenyon – Climate Emergency |
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Cyng. Brendan Somers Cyng. Danny Ardeshir Cyng. Charlie Kingsbury Cyng. Claudine Young Cyng. Sue Jones-Davies Cyng. Alex Mangold
Cllr. Brendan Somers Cllr. Danny Ardeshir Cllr. Charlie Kingsbury Cllr. Claudine Young Cllr. Sue Jones-Davies Cllr. Alex Mangold
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Datgan diddordeb:
33: Roedd y Cynghorwyr Endaf Edwards a Mari Turner yn cynrychioli’r Cyngor Tref ar Fwrdd Prosiect yr Hen Goleg |
Declaration of interest:
33: Cllrs Endaf Edwards and Mari Turner represented the Town Council on the Old College Project Board
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Cyfeiriadau personol:
Personal references:
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Ceisiadau grant |
Grant applications
23.1 |
Canolfan Argyfwng yr Hinsawdd
Rhoddodd Susanna Kenyon drosolwg o'r cais ac yn benodol yr angen am ofod mewn adeilad eu hunain er mwyn annog cyfranogiad cymunedol. Cynlluniwyd gweithgareddau awyr agored hefyd i blant a rhieni i annog ymgysylltiad â natur.
PENDERFYNWYD rhoi iddynt y dyraniad grant y cytunwyd arno o £1000. |
Climate Emergency Centre
Susanna Kenyon provided an overview of the application and in particular the need for their own building space in order to encourage community involvement. Outdoor activities were also planned for children and parents to encourage engagement with nature.
It was RESOLVED to give them the agreed grant allocation of £1000.
23.2 |
Digwyddiad ‘ Glannau’r Rheidol’
Rhoddodd Heather McClure drosolwg o ddigwyddiad diwylliannol canol y dref i annog cysylltiadau rhwng cymunedau gwledig ac Aberystwyth, gyda chyfraniadau ychwanegol gan Sian Stacey ac Alice Briggs. Roeddent yn chwilio am arian cyfatebol ar gyfer grant Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru o £31,700 a fyddai’n arwain o bosibl at brosiect dilynol o ddwy flynedd.
PENDERFYNWYD rhoi'r swm o £2975 iddynt a ofynnwyd amdano. Byddai’r arian yn dod o'r gyllideb digwyddiadau.
‘Verges of the Rheidol’ event
Heather McClure provided an overview of the town centre cultural event to encourage connections between rural communities and Aberystwyth, with additional contributions from Sian Stacey and Alice Briggs. They were looking for match-funding for an Arts Council of Wales grant of £31,700 which would lead potentially to a subsequent two-year project.
It was RESOLVED to give them the sum of £2975 as requested. The money would come from the events budget.
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Cofnodion o Gyfarfod Blynyddol y Cyngor Llawn a gynhaliwyd nos Lun, 24 Mai 2021 i gadarnhau cywirdeb PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r cofnodion
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Full Council held Monday 24 May 2021to confirm accuracy
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes.
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Materion yn codi o’r cofnodion:
Dim |
Matters arising from the minutes:
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Ystyried gwariant Mis Mehefin
PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r gwariant |
Consider June expenditure
It was RESOLVED to approve the expenditure
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Ystyried cyfrifon Ebrill a Mai
PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r cyfrifon
Consider April and May accounts 2020-21
It was RESOLVED to approve the accounts |
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Ystyried Adroddiad yr Archwilydd Mewnol 2020-21
PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r adroddiad
Consider Internal Auditor’s Report 2020-21
It was RESOLVED to approve the report |
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Cymeradwyo Ffurflen Flynyddol 2020-21
PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r Ffurflen Flynyddol
Approve 2020-21 Annual Return
It was RESOLVED to approve the Annual Return
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Cymeradwyo Cynllun Lles 2020-21
PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r Cynllun Lles. Diolchwyd i’r Clerc am ei gwaith. |
Approve the 2020-21 Wellbeing Plan
It was RESOLVED to approve the Wellbeing Plan. The Clerk was thanked for her work. |
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Cofnodion o Gyfarfod y Pwyllgor Cynllunio a gynhaliwyd nos Lun 7 Mehefin 2021 i gadarnhau cywirdeb PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r cofnodion a’r argymhelliad |
Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held Monday 7 June 2021 to confirm accuracy
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes and recommendation. |
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Materion yn codi o’r cofnodion:
Matters arising from the minutes:
None |
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Ceisiadau Cynllunio
A210459: Hen Goleg
Mae'r Cyngor Tref yn llwyr gefnogi datblygiad yr Hen Goleg ond dylid nodi bod yr Hen Goleg yn adeilad unigryw rhestredig Gradd 1 o bwysigrwydd hanesyddol ac y dylid ei ddiogelu yn yr un modd ag adeiladau tebyg mewn mannau eraill fel Coleg Iesu, Rhydychen.
Llongyfarchodd cynghorwyr y Brifysgol ar eu sylw i fanylion ynglŷn ag atgynhyrchu'r lliwiau paent gwreiddiol ond codwyd amryw bryderon hefyd:
Roedd angen mwy o drafod a byddai cyfarfod anffurfiol yn cael ei gynnal i edrych ymhellach ar y manylion. |
Planning applications
A210459: Old College
The Town Council fully support the development of the Old College but it should be noted that the Old College is a Grade 1 listed building of historic importance and should be safeguarded in the same way as similar buildings elsewhere such as Jesus College, Oxford.
Councillors congratulated the University on their attention to detail regarding replication of the original paint colours but also raised various concerns:
More discussion was needed and an informal meeting would be convened to look further at the details.
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Eglwys Santes Gwenfrewi |
St Winefride’s Church |
34.1 |
Byddai'r pryniant wedi'i gwblhau gyda'r taliad olaf ar gyfer Treth Tir a ffioedd cyfreithwyr.
Y flaenoriaeth gyntaf fyddai sicrhau bod y safle'n ddiogel ac yna mynd i'r afael â tho'r porth sy'n gollwng a wal anniogle yr henaduriaeth.
Byddai angen cynnal rhestr o arteffactau a dodrefn er mwyn cadw eitemau'n ddiogel a chytuno ar eu storio a gweithredu ymhellach. Byddai ymweliad safle yn cael ei drefnu i asesu'r gwaith hwn ac unrhyw anghenion garddio.
Byddai angen caniatâd cynllunio ar gyfer newid defnydd ac roedd angen rheolwr prosiect i wneud ceisiadau am gyllid ac ati. |
The purchase would be complete with the final payment for Land Tax and solicitors fees.
The first priority would be to make the site secure and then to address the leeking porch roof and the unsafe presbytery wall.
An inventory of artefacts and furniture would be needed in order to keep items safe and agree their storage and further action. A site visit would be arranged to assess this work and any gardening needs.
Planning permission would be needed for change of use and a project manager was needed to seek funding etc.
Eitem agenda Agenda item
Trefnu ymweliad safle Organise site visit |
34.2 |
Byddai enw newydd ar gyfer yr adeiladau yn cael ei roi ar agenda'r cyfarfod nesaf i ganiatáu mwy o amser i’w ystyried. Awgrymwyd ‘Canolfan Santes Gwenfrewi’ a ‘Neuadd Gwenfrewi’ fel enwau gyda chyswllt hanesyddol i’w ystyried. |
A new name for the buildings would be put on the agenda of the next meeting to allow more time for consideration. ‘Canolfan Santes Gwenfrewi’ and ‘Neuadd Gwenfrewi’ were put forward for consideration as names with a historic link.
Eitem agenda Agenda item |
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Parc Ffordd y Gogledd
North Road Park
Trefnu ymweliad safle Organise site visit
Eitem agenda Agenda item
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Meysydd Chwarae |
Playgrounds |
36.1 |
Cylchdro Plas crug – un newydd hygyrch
(eitem gytundebol gaeëdig)
PENDERFYNWYD bwrw ymlaen â’r gwaith yn amodol ar adborth cadarnhaol gan ofalwyr plant sy'n byw gydag anableddau. Dewiswyd cwmni o'r tri dyfynbris a ddarparwyd ond byddai’r gwaith yn ddibynnol ar yr adborth. |
Plas crug Roundabout – an accessible replacement (closed contractual item)
It was RESOLVED to proceed with works subject to positive feedback from carers of children living with disabilities. A company was chosen from the three quotes provided but the work would be subject to the feedback. |
Trefnu Organise |
36.2 |
Glaswellt Penparcau a thwmpath chwarae
PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y dyfynbris a ddarparwyd ac y dylai'r gwaith o dacluso'r tywarch a chreu'r twmpath fynd yn ei flaen. |
Penparcau grass and play mound
It was RESOLVED to accept the quote provided and that the work of tidying up the turf and creating the mound should proceed.
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Allotments |
37.1 |
Cais am grant Roedd cais am grant wedi'i gyflwyno am ychydig dros £12,000 i brynu sied, cloddio pwll, a chyflenwi cafnau dalgylch dŵr glaw ac offer ar gyfer pob llain. Ni dderbyniwyd penderfyniad eto. |
Grant application A grant application had been submitted for just over £12,000 to buy a shed, dig a pond, and supply rainwater catchment troughs and equipment for each plot. A decision had not yet been received.
37.2 |
Gwastraff gardd Cysylltwyd â Ceredigion ynghylch materion ehangu gerddi i’r berllan ac roedd angen anfon llythyr at ddeiliaid y tai ynghylch hyn a dympio gwastraff gardd. |
Garden waste Ceredigion had been contacted regarding issues of encroachment at the orchard and a letter needed to be sent to householders regarding encroachment and the dumping of garden waste.
Anfon llythyr Send letter |
PENDERFYNWYD atal y Rheolau Sefydlog ac i ymestyn y cyfarfod o 15 munud |
It was RESOLVED to suspend Standing Orders and to extend the meeting by 15 minutes |
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Plannu coed
Gofynnodd y Cynghorydd Mair Benjamin i dair coeden ffrwythau gael eu plannu ar ochr clawdd y llwybr beicio ym maes parcio Ceredigion wrth ymyl y Clwb Pêl-droed. Nodwyd hefyd bod angen ailosod coed ym Mharc Kronberg a Boulevard Sant Brieuc.
PENDERFYNWYD cysylltu â Chyngor Ceredigion i weld a fyddai hyn yn bosibl. |
Tree planting
Cllr Mair Benjamin asked that three fruit trees by planted on the cycleway bank in the Ceredigion car park next to the Football Club. It was also noted that replacement trees were needed in Parc Kronberg and Boulevard St Brieuc.
It was RESOLVED to contact Ceredigion Council to see if this would be possible.
Cysylltu gyda’r Cyngor Sir Contact CCC |
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Blodau gwyllt |
39.1 |
Polisi strimio’r Cyngor Sir
PENDERFYNWYD ysgrifennu at Ceredigion i ofyn iddynt beidio â strimio ymylon a banciau ac ati ym mis Mai i annog blodau gwyllt |
Ceredigion Council’s strimming policy
It was RESOLVED to write to Ceredigion to ask them not to strim verges and banks etc in May to encourage wildflowers.
Ysgrifennu at y Cyngor Sir Write to CCC |
39.2 |
Polisi chwynladdwr y Cyngor Sir
Mae gwasgaru chwynladdwyr yn aml yn achosi difrod i blanhigion eraill cyfagos a mae’r chwyn gwywedig yn edrych yn anniben. PENDERFYNWYD ysgrifennu at Gyngor Ceredigion i drafod dewisiadau trin chwyn eraill a chefnogaeth posib y Cyngor Tref. |
Ceredigion Council’s weedkiller policy
Weedkiller application often causes damage to other plants and the wilted weeds are unsightly. It was RESOLVED to write to Ceredigion Council to discuss other weed treatment options and possible Town Council support.
Ysgrifennu at y Cyngor Sir Write to CCC |
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Yr eitemau hyn ar yr agenda i’w dwyn ymlaen i'r cyfarfod nesaf
These agenda items to be carried forward to the next meeting |
Eitemau agenda Agenda items |