Aberystwyth Council





Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth Town Council


Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol (o bell)

General Management Committee (o bell)


  1. 10.2021









Cyng Kerry Ferguson (Cadeirydd)

Cyng Alun Williams

Cyng Mari Turner

Cyng Talat Chaudhri

Cyng Lucy Huws

Cyng Sue Jones-Davies

Cyng Daniel Ardeshir

Cyng Mark Strong

Cyng Jeff Smith




Cllr Kerry Ferguson (Chair)

Cllr Alun Williams

Cllr Mari Turner

Cllr Talat Chaudhri

Cllr Lucy Huws

Cllr Sue Jones-Davies

Cllr Daniel Ardeshir

Cllr Mark Strong

Cllr Jeff Smith





Cyng Dylan Wilson-Lewis




Cllr Dylan Wilson-Lewis




Datgan Diddordeb:




Declaration of Interest:





Cyfeiriadau personol:



Personal references:






Neuadd Gwenfrewi - Pensaer Cadwraethol


Diweddarodd y Cynghorydd Lucy Huws y Pwyllgor ar gyfarfodydd â phenseiri cadwraeth. Mae dau arall i'w cyfarfod cyn y gall y Cyngor lunio briff. Bydd yn ysgrifennu adroddiad i'r Cyngor i’w ystyried cyn cymryd unrhyw gamau pellach. Gofynnodd am i'r penseiri sydd wedi rhoi o'u hamser a'u cyngor am ddim dderbyn diolch.


Gofynnodd hefyd am gymorth i greu Cynllun Busnes ar gyfer Neuadd Gwenfrewi fel yr awgrymwyd gan y penseiri cadwraethol. Cynigiodd y Cynghorydd Kerry Ferguson gymorth yn hyn o beth.


Mae'r gwaith cynnal a chadw wedi'i wneud - y giât bren wedi ei hatgyweirio a’r gwair wedi ei dorri. Gofynnodd y Cynghorydd Mark Strong i’r planhigion presennol (ee llwyni rhosyn, mynawyd y bugail, fuschias) gael eu amddiffyn. ARGYMHELLWYD y dylai'r Pwyllgor Cyllid edrych ar gostau adeiladu gwely uchel. Gallai hyn fod ar gael i'r gymuned yn y dyfodol.

Neuadd Gwenfrewi – Conservation Architect


Cllr Lucy Huws updated the Committee on meetings with conservation architects. There are two more to meet before Council can put together a brief. She will write up a report for Council to consider before taking any further steps.  She requested that the architects who have given their time and advice for free be thanked.


She also requested assistance in creating a Business Plan for Neuadd Gwenfrewi as has been suggested by conservation architects. Cllr Kerry Ferguson offered assitance in this.


Maintenance has been carried out - the wooden gate fixed and grass cut. Cllr Mark Strong requested protection for existing plants (eg rose bushes, geraniums, fuschias). It was RECOMMENDED that Finance Committee look at costs for building a raised bed. This could potentially be available to the community in the future.









Coed: Rhoddodd y Cynghorydd Kerry Ferguson ddiweddariad byr am Menter Aberystwyth. Mae nhw'n trefnu'r coed Nadolig bach ar flaenau busnesau yng nghanol y dref.

Trees: Cllr Kerry Ferguson gave a brief update from Menter Aberystwyth. They are going to be organising the small Christmas trees on business fronts in the town centre.




Goleuadau: Ni ellir newid y cynlluniau ar gyfer goleuadau Nadolig 2021 yn seiliedig ar y gyllideb bresennol y cytunwyd arni, ond byddai'r Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol yn ystyried goleuadau Nadolig ar gyfer 2022 yn ystod trafodaeth ar gyllideb 2022-23


Lights: The plans for the Christmas lights 2021 cannot be amended based on the existing and agreed budget, but the General Management Committee would consider Christmas lights for 2022 during discussion of the 2022-23 budget.






Nododd cynghorwyr yr anawsterau ar gyfer 2021 oherwydd Covid-19 ond maent yn awyddus i weld blodau'n dychwelyd i Aberystwyth


ARGYMHELLWYD y dylid mabwysiadu'r pamau concrit ar y Promenâd oddi wrth Gyngor Ceredigion.


Dylai'r blodau a ddefnyddir ledled y dref fod yn lluosflwydd, perlysiau a bylbiau a dylent annog bioamrywiaeth yn ogystal â bod yn ddeniadol. Gellid ystyried plannu cyfuniad.


Byddai'r Cynghorydd Talat Chaudhri yn cydlynu grŵp bach i gerdded o amgylch canol y dref i ddod o hyd i fannau addas ar gyfer potiau blodau a byddai'r adroddiad yn cael ei drafod yn y cyfarfod nesaf. Byddai angen cysylltu â Chyngor Sir Ceredigion i gael caniatâd perthnasol, gan gofio lle i gerddwyr a phalmentydd clir.

Awgrymodd y Cynghorydd Alun Williams ‘ardd berlysiau’ neu ‘llwybr perlysiau’ yn seiliedig ar feddygon enwog Myddfai. Nodwyd hefyd bod opsiynau i Gynghorwyr a gwirfoddolwyr wneud gwaith effeithiol am gost isel, er enghraifft gwaith ar yr ardd suddedig yn y Castell.




Councillors noted the difficulties for 2021 due to Covid-19 but are keen to see flowers return to Aberystwyth


It was RECOMMENDED that the concrete planters on the Promenade be adopted from Ceredigion Council.


The flowers used throughout town should be perennials, herbs and bulbs and should encourage biodiversity as well as be attractive. Combination planting could be considered .


Cllr Talat Chaudhri would co-ordinate a small group to walk around the town centre and find suitable spots for flower pots and the report would be discussed in the next meeting.  Ceredigion County Council would need to be contacted for relevant permissions, bearing in mind pedestrian space and decluttered pavements.


Cllr Alun Williams suggested a ‘herb garden’ or ‘herb trail’ based on the famous physicians of Myddfai. It was also noted that there are options for Councillors and volunteers to do effective work at low cost, for example work on the sunken garden at the Castle.




Partneriaethau Gefeillio


Bydd y Cynghorydd Kerry Ferguson yn cysylltu â Chyngor Sir Ceredigion a’r Asiantaeth Cefnffyrdd i gael gwybodaeth ynghylch ychwanegu pob un o’r Partneriaethau Gefeillio ar yr arwyddion ‘Croeso i Aberystwyth’. Efallai na fydd hyn yn bosibl oherwydd darllenadwyedd ac annibendod yr arwydd.


Roedd cynghorwyr yn awyddus i gydnabod y Partneriaethau Gefeillio, a thrafodwyd awgrymiadau ar gyfer Bwrdd Gefeillio yn y dref a syniadau eraill. Bydd gweithredu yn y dyfodol yn seiliedig ar ganlyniad trafodaeth y Cyng Ferguson gyda'r asiantaethau dan sylw.


Twinning Partnerships


Cllr Kerry Ferguson will contact Ceredigion County Council & the Trunk Road Agency for information on whether we can add all of the Twinning Partnerships onto the ‘Welcome to Aberystwyth’ signs. This may not be possible due to legibility and cluttering the sign.


Councillors were keen to acknowledge the Twinning Partnerships, and suggestions for a Twinning Board in town and other ideas were discussed. Future action will be based on the outcome of Cllr Ferguson’s discussion with the agencies involved.




Parcio Beic Modur


Awgrymodd y Cynghorydd Chaudhri y dylid gwneud y fynedfa i'r parcio beic modur yn gliriach, er mwyn osgoi defnydd beic modur o'r groesfan i gerddwyr fel mynedfa i'r prom.

Motorbike Parking


Cllr Chaudhri suggested that the entrance to the motorbike parking should be made clearer, to avoid motorbike use of the pedestrian crossing as an entrance to the prom.




Fy nrws ffrynt


Gohiriwyd yr eitem i'n cyfarfod nesaf o'r Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol.

My front door


Item postponed to our next General Management committee meeting.




Arwyddion Bys


ARGYMHELLWYD y dylai'r Pwyllgor Cyllid edrych i mewn i gostau ychwanegu postyn bys ar ben y dref i bwyntio at Neuadd y Farchnad.

Finger Posts


It was RECOMMENDED that Finance Committee look into the costs of adding a finger post at the top of town to point to the Market Hall.




Murluniau Tref


ARGYMHELLWYD bod y Pwyllgor Cyllid yn darparu £360 tuag at Murluniau Tref Caru Aber.


ARGYMHELLWYD bod y Pwyllgor Cyllid yn edrych i mewn i osod cyllideb flynyddol i annog mwy o gelf o amgylch y dref.

Town Murals


It was RECOMMENDED that the Finance Committee provides £360 towards Caru Aber Town Murals.


It was RECOMMENDED that the Finance Committee  looks into setting an annual budget to encourage more art around the town.




Cynllun Talebau Tref


Cynigiodd y Cynghorydd Kerry Ferguson Gynllun Talebau Tref i annog siopa'n lleol er mwyn cefnogi busnesau bach. Ni fyddai'r cynllun yn costio i'r busnesau, ond byddai'n gweithio mewn ffordd y mae siopwyr yn derbyn stamp am bob swm cytunedig o bunnoedd. Yna byddai unrhyw gardiau llawn yn cael eu rhoi mewn raffl bob mis, gydag enillydd yn cael ei ddewis ar hap.


Roedd cynghorwyr yn pryderu y gallai cau diweddar Aberystwyth ar y Blaen atal cyfranogiad gan fusnesau. Byddai'r Cynghorydd Ferguson yn trafod y syniad gyda busnesau tref i fesur y teimlad.


Town Voucher Scheme


Cllr Kerry Ferguson proposed a Town Voucher Scheme to encourage shopping locally in support of small businesses. The scheme would not cost the businesses, but would work in a way that shoppers receive a stamp per agreed amount of pounds. Any full cards would then be put into a prize draw each month, with a winner selected at random.


Councillors were concerned that the recent Advancing Aberystwyth closure might deter business participation. Cllr Ferguson would discuss the idea with town businesses to gauge the feeling.