Aberystwyth Council


Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth Town Council


Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol (hybrid)

General Management Committee (hybrid)










Cyng. Kerry Ferguson (Cadeirydd)

  1. Talat Chaudhri
  2. Jeff Smith

Cyng. Emlyn Jones

Cyng. Maldwyn Pryse

Cyng. Lucy Huws

Cyng. Mathew Norman

Cyng. Brian Davies

Cyng. Mair Benjamin

Cyng. Sienna Lewis

Cyng. Dylan Lewis-Rowlands


Yn mynychu:


Cyng. Alun Williams

Cyng. Connor Edwards

Cyng. Steve Davies


Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerc)

Steve Williams (Rheolwr Cyfleusterau ac Asedau)

Wendy Hughes (Events & Partnerships Officer)



Cllr. Kerry Ferguson (Chair)

Cllr. Talat Chaudhri

  1. Jeff Smith

Cllr. Emlyn Jones

Cllr. Maldwyn Pryse

Cllr. Lucy Huws

Cllr. Mathew Norman

Cllr. Brian Davies

Cllr. Mair Benjamin

Cllr. Sienna Lewis

Cllr Dylan Lewis-Rowlands


In attendance:


Cllr. Alun Williams

Cllr. Connor Edwards

Cllr. Steve Davies


Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerk)

Steve Williams (Facilities and Assets Manager)

Wendy Hughes (Events & Partnerships Officer)






Cyng. Bryony Davies

Cyng. Mark Strong




Cllr. Bryony Davies

Cllr. Mark Strong




Datgan Diddordeb:




Declaration of Interest:





Cyfeiriadau personol:



Personal references:






Blodau a coed - diweddariad


Roedd coed newydd yn cael eu plannu ym Mharc Kronberg


Town Flowers and trees - update:


Replacement trees were being planted in Parc Kronberg



Sbwriel a glanhau tref


Roedd y Cynorthwy-ydd Amgylcheddol presennol yn gadael Aberystwyth ym mis Mehefin a byddai angen cael rhywun yn ei le.

Atgoffwyd cynghorwyr i nodi'r angen am fagiau atal gwylanod yn eu wardiau.

Refuse and town cleaning


The current Environmental Assistant was leaving Aberystwyth in June and would need to be replaced.


Councillors were reminded to identify the need for gull proof bags within their wards.




Santes Dwynwen


Rhoddwyd diweddariad a gofynnwyd i gynghorwyr annog y grwpiau a'r partneriaethau yr oeddent yn gysylltiedig â nhw i fod yn bresennol.

Santes Dwynwen


An update was provided and councillors were asked to encourage the groups and partnerships they were associated with to attend.




Cadeiriau dec enfawr i’r prom


Cefnogwyd mewn egwyddor, ac ARGYMHELLWYD y dylai’r Pwyllgor Cyllid ystyried y costau

Giant prom deckchairs


It was supported in principle, and it was RECOMMENDED that the costs be considered by the Finance Committee.


Agenda Cyllid

Finance agenda




Agenda Cyllid

Finance agenda


Sant Brieg:  roedd y 50fed pen-blwydd yn cael ei gynnal yn 2023 a chytunwyd y byddai is-grŵp o bobl â diddordeb yn cael ei ffurfio i gynllunio gweithgareddau ac i edrych ar ffurfio Partneriaeth Gefeillio newydd. Byddai'r grŵp yn adrodd yn ôl i'r Pwyllgor Rheoli Cyffredinol.


St Brieuc: the 50th anniversary was taking place in 2023 and it was agreed a sub group of interested parties would be formed to plan activities and to look at forming a new Twinning Partnership.  The group would report back to the General Management Committee.


Trefnu cyfarfod

Arrange meeting


Arklow: byddai cyfarfod yn cael ei drefnu gydag aelodau Partneriaeth Arklow i edrych ar ddatblygu'r bartneriaeth gefeillio ac i edrych ar wahodd cynrychiolwyr Arklow i Aberystwyth ym mis Awst.

Arklow: a  meeting would be arranged with members of the Arklow Partnership to look at developing the twinning partnership and to look at inviting Arklow representatives to Aberystwyth in August.


Trefnu cyfarfod

Arrange meeting


Ymgynghoriad: Cynllun Lles Ceredigion 2023-28


Teimlai cynghorwyr fod y cynllun yn amwys ac yn siomedig gyda chyflawni sero net erbyn 2030 fel yr unig darged mesuradwy.


Teimlwyd hefyd bod ymgynghori wedi bod yn gyfyngedig ac nad oedd Aberystwyth fel yr unig dref fawr yng Ngheredigion yn cael ei chynrychioli'n ddigonol ar y Bwrdd Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus.


Byddai’n fuddiol pe bai swyddogion yn cyfarfod â’r Cyngor Tref

Consultation: Ceredigion Wellbeing Plan 2023-28


Councillors felt that the plan was vague and disappointing with achieving net zero by 2030 being the only measurable target.


It was also felt that consultation had been limited and that Aberystwyth as the only large town in Ceredigion was not adequately represented on the Public Service Board.


It would be beneficial if officers met with the Town Council






Ymgynghoriad: Defnydd Swyddfeydd y Cyngor Sir at y dyfodol


Cyflwynwyd syniadau amrywiol gan gynnwys:


  • Siop un stop ar gyfer gwasanaethau cyhoeddus gan gynnwys y sector gwirfoddol, awdurdod lleol ac iechyd
  • Cyfleuster desgiau poeth
  • Canolfan dysgu Cymraeg
  • Sefydliadau sector cyhoeddus i gydleoli
  • Cyngor Ceredigion i ailddechrau gweithio o'i swyddfeydd


Consultation: Future use of Ceredigion offices


Various ideas were presented including:


  • A one stop shop for public facing services to include the voluntary sector, local authority and health
  • Hot desking facility
  • Welsh language learning centre
  • Public sector organisations to co-locate
  • Ceredigion Council to resume working from offices






Bardd y Dref


Eglurodd y Cyng. Emlyn Jones y byddai hwn yn deitl anrhydeddus dinesig. Roedd y Cynghorwyr yn cefnogi’r syniad yn llwyr a byddai manylion pellach yn cael eu llunio ynglŷn â dethol, urddo a dyletswyddau ac ati i’w cyflwyno i’r Cyngor Llawn.

Town bard


Cllr Emlyn Jones explained that this would be a civic honorary title. Councillors fully supported the idea and further detail would be drawn up as to selection, inauguration and duties etc to be presented to Full Council


Agenda Cyngor Llawn

Full Council agenda


Oherwydd pwysau amser, cytunodd y cynghorwyr i atal y Rheolau Sefydlog am 15 munud er mwyn ystyried yr eitemau oedd yn weddill ar yr agenda.

Due to time pressure, councillors agreed to suspend Standing Orders for 15 minutes in order to consider the remaining items on the agenda.




Cydnabod menywod Aberystwyth


Roedd y Cyng Jeff Smith wedi dosbarthu rhestr o ferched nodedig Aberystwyth ac eglurodd yr angen iddynt gael eu cydnabod. Cytunwyd bod placiau'n briodol a byddai'r Pwyllgor Cyllid yn ystyried y gyllideb.

Recognition for the women of Aberystwyth


Cllr Jeff Smith had circulated a list of the noteworthy women of Aberystwyth and explained the need for them to be recognised. It was agreed that plaques were appropriate and the Finance Committee would consider the budget.


Agenda Cyllid

Finance agenda







Barcud: ymateb yn rhoi caniatâd i adleoli cofeb rhyfel Mario Rutelli ar hen safle'r Tabernacl ac yn amlinellu amodau amrywiol. Cytunwyd eisoes ar adleoli ac adfer y gofeb a byddai'r costau'n cael eu harchwilio.

Barcud: a response giving permission for the relocation of the Mario Rutelli war memorial on the old Tabernacle site and outlining various conditions. The relocation and restoration of the memorial had previously been agreed and costs would be investigated.


Ymchwilio i’r costau

Investigate costs


Gefeillio Esquel: yn gofyn am ebost swyddogol This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Cytunwyd bod hwn yn syniad da ac y byddai'n cael ei ymchwilio.


Esquel Twinning: request for a formal email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. It was agreed that this was a good idea and would be investigated.




Richard Outram, Cyngor Manceinion: cynnig o hadau o'r goeden a oedd wedi goroesi'r ffrwydrad atomig yn Hiroshima. Roedd y Clerc wedi derbyn y cynnig.


Richard Outram, Manchester Council: an offer of seeds from the tree that had survived the atomic blast in Hiroshima.  The Clerk had accepted the offer.




HAHAV: llythyr o ddiolch am y rhodd a’r croeso cynnes a dderbyniwyd.

HAHAV: a letter of thanks for the donation and the warm welcome received.