Aberystwyth Council

Technical Services Regulations


These Regulations are prepared so that all Aberystwyth Council Technical Services users may be informed about the rules governing use of Technical Services facilities. The Regulations are designed to ensure that all our users have the fullest opportunity to make proper use of our many facilities and services. Ignorance of the Regulations may lead to inconvenience for other users and to suspension of services to users who fail to comply with them, so please take the time to read them.

Clearly the Regulations cannot cover every eventuality and we recognise that there are occasions where a strict interpretation of rules may not be justified. Please contact a member of This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as early as possible if there are potential difficulties and we will try to assist before problems arise. If you are dissatisfied with the application of any of these Regulations or your treatment by our staff please refer your complaint to the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


1.1 Full access to Technical Services facilities and services is normally permitted to registered users only and is conditional on observance of the regulations and associated guidelines in force at the time. These Regulations also apply to walk-in users, visitors and guests. The Regulations are from time-to-time updated to reflect changes in law and local experience. All users are fully bound by such changes. The Regulations are published on Aberystwyth Council's web site. All registered users are therefore presumed to know and agree to these Regulations which are available via the Council Web pages.

1.2 Throughout these Regulations the term Technical Services means all or any of the computing, media and other technical services of Aberystwyth Council, and buildings where such services are delivered. Use of facilities means use directly associated with the administrative work or business work of the Council, or personal use by registered users. Throughout these Regulations the word Council refers to Aberystwyth Council.

1.3 Technical Services staff are authorised by Aberystwyth Council to suspend the Technical Services privileges of any person and to impose appropriate penalties for breaches of the Regulations. Any action taken by Technical Services staff under this Regulation may be reported to the appropriate authorities.

1.4 All users of Technical Services facilities undertake to indemnify Aberystwyth Council against all actions, suits, proceedings, claims, demands and costs (including any legal costs or expenses properly incurred and any compensation costs and disbursements paid by the Council on the advice of their legal advisers to compromise or settle any claim) occasioned by the Council in consequence of any breach of Technical Services regulations or breach of national or international law which they commit.

1.5 These regulations also apply away from Aberystwyth Council, where network access is gained by the use of Aberystwyth Council credentials. Such access may require the disclosure of information on the user held at Aberystwyth.

1.6 Technical Services produce a number of supplementary documents to help in following the Regulations and users have a responsibility to adhere to any relevant guidelines or policies, which are available via the Technical Services web pages.

Access to Technical Services

2.1 The Mayor and Councillors of Aberystwyth Council, members of the staff of the Council and designated committee members of the Council, together with any others who have appropriate privileges with the authority of the Council are entitled to the use of Technical Services facilities.

2.2 Members of certain other institutions may be entitled to use Technical Services facilities in accordance with the terms of the agreement between the institution and the Council. Such users agree to comply with the Technical Services regulations of Aberystwyth Council.

2.3 Access to Technical Services facilities is primarily provided in furtherance of the Council’s activities. Although a limited amount of personal activity is allowed as a privilege to our users, such access and any resources thereby used will not be allowed to conflict with our primary aims. For any use of Technical Services facilities for commercial purposes any intending user must first obtain authorisation from the Council and a fee may be levied for such activity.

2.4 Technical Services staff do not normally inspect the contents of emails or data files belonging to users in any way except in cases such as the following:

1. Where a virus or large-scale emailing is threatening the functioning of the email system or is likely to delete or corrupt user data, in which case email headers and other patterns of data may be examined to identify and delete the material involved.

2. Where there is a firm suspicion that Technical Services facilities have been misused under the terms of these Regulations or where it is suspected that other Council regulations have been breached.

3. In co-operating with the police where it has been established that such co-operation is in the direct furtherance of a criminal investigation.

Under these Regulations you are agreeing to the right of inspection by Technical Services staff under these specific circumstances


3.1 A computing personal password must not be divulged to any other person. Users will be held responsible for misuse of Technical Services facilities attributed to them.

3.2 Any behaviour likely to disturb or inconvenience other users or be detrimental to the property of Technical Services is forbidden. Users of Technical Services facilities must not behave in a manner likely to bring the Council into disrepute, must not disrupt the administration or activities of the Council nor should obstruct any member of staff or elected member of the Council in the performance of their duties.

3.3 Users must not mark or damage computers, printers or other property of Technical Services. Any such damage must be made good to the satisfaction of Technical Services.

3.4 Users must not attempt to remove any property belonging to Technical Services except such as may have been properly issued to them. Technical Services staff are entitled to routinely inspect any technical equipment belonging to Aberystwyth Council without notice to users for the purposes of security, maintenance and repair and all other purposes deemed necessary.

3.5 Use of laptops and other mains powered equipment is allowed in Aberystwyth Council premises as long as it is used in a safe manner and it does not cause an obstacle or hazard to other users. It is the responsibility of the owners of mains powered equipment to have it tested for electrical safety, and use is conditional on the owners’ acceptance of responsibility for damage to Council property caused by their equipment.

3.6 Users must observe the law of copyright and the terms of any licenses for materials they use. Information about copyright and about the Council’s licence agreements with the Copyright Licensing Agency and other organisations covering print, audio visual, electronic  and other materials, is available on the Council webpages. By registering to use Technical Services, users agree to abide by copyright legislation. Use of JANET wide area network is governed by the "JANET Acceptable Use" policy which is available on the Council webpages. Use of software and databases is governed by individual product licences.

3.7 Technical Services users must not use the Council network to create or display information that could give offence to other reasonably-minded people, including material capable of inciting hatred of any particular individual(s) or racial or religious groups. This applies both to textual and graphical material. If, as part of the duties of a member of staff or councillor, you do need to create or display material that reasonably-minded people would find offensive you must ensure that Technical Services staff are made aware of your requirements and that the Council has similarly been informed.

3.8 All users must abide by the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998 or equivalent legislation in other jurisdictions where the Council operates and have due regard to the guidelines provided on the Council webpages.

3.9 Users must not access or attempt to use any computing facilities without authority. This includes using a password which belongs to another user, however obtained. Any attempt to alter or delete material belonging to other users or to tamper with hardware or software will be an offence against Council regulations and may also be a criminal offence.

3.10 The Council accepts no responsibility for problems caused by loss of service or for the correctness of data and no liability for any direct or consequential loss or damage.

3.11 Users are responsible for the transfer of any data which they may wish to keep when their registration expires.

3.12 Users must immediately report any accident, theft or other such incident to the Council.

3.13 The Council uses email as an official form of communication with councillors and staff. Registered users must regularly check their Aberystwyth Council email for such communications.

3.14 Users must treat other users and Technical Services staff with respect and courtesy at all times.


4.1 Users must not lend any Technical Services property issued to them to another person.

4.7 Any user who loses Technical Services property on loan will be required to bear the cost of a replacement. Should the item subsequently be found and returned, the replacement cost will be refunded but the user will still be liable to pay any other costs that may have been incurred.


5.1 For the breach of any Technical Services Regulations which are not simultaneously covered by the wider Council Rules, the penalties may be a warning or suspension or withdrawal of the right to use Technical Services facilities.

5.2 Compensation must be paid for damage to, or loss of, Technical Services property.

5.3 In any case involving a breach of Council Rules penalties may be imposed as set out in appropriate Council regulations.


6.1 In the case of any other breach of Technical Services Regulations the matter will be referred to the Council or its nominee for attention. The matter will be discussed between the user, who may be accompanied to the hearing, and the appropriate member of Technical Services staff and if a case is proven a penalty will be determined in accordance with the severity of the offence.

6.2 Any user wishing to appeal against a disciplinary decision must inform the Council within 14 days of the decision, setting out the grounds of appeal. Staff wishing to appeal must inform the Council in writing within 10 working days of the decision.

6.3 In any case of dispute as to an alleged offence or proposed penalty, the matter may be referred to a disciplinary committee who will hear the relevant evidence and make a decision, which shall be binding, within 14 days.

6.4 In the case of any serious breach of Council Rules the matter will be referred to the appropriate authority, although Technical Services will reserve the right to take further disciplinary action as appropriate.