Freedom of Information
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 received Royal Assent on 30th November 2000.
It places a number of obligations upon all Local Councils. One of these obligations is that they must produce and maintain a publication scheme. This is a list of the classes of information which the Council is prepared to make available to members of the public.
Publication Schemes are intended to encourage organisations to publish more information proactively and to develop a culture of openness.
Aberystwyth Town Council has adopted the "Model Scheme" as provided by the Information Commissioner.
1. General Information
Aberystwyth Town Council, Town Hall, Queens Road, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 4PY
01970 624761
Responsible Officer:
Clerk to the Council
Maintaining Officer:
Clerk to the Council
2. Information to be published |
(Town Hall is open from 9 am to 4pm)
Council practice and procedures Council Agendas and Minutes
Committee Agendas and Minutes:
Acceptance of Office Standing Orders Councillors Code of Conduct Register of Councillors Interests Council Policies
Agendas are posted on Notice Boards. Agendas and Minutes can also be inspected in the Town Hall (by appointment) and the library. Copies are placed in the town library. Originals can be inspected in the Town Hall by appointment.
These can be inspected at the Town Hall by appointment
The Annual Precept Figure
Annual Budgets in Summary Form Expenditure against Budget in Summary Form Annual Accounts and supporting information Financial Regulations Risk Assessment |
Published in the District Council leaflet
Can be inspected at the Town Hall by appointment
Can also be inspected on Councils web site Can also be inspected on Councils web site |
Planning Summary lists of planning applications |
Can be inspected in the Town Hall by appointment |
Health and Safety Health and Safety Policy |
Can be inspected in the Town Hall by appointment |
Archive Material Minute Books |
Can be inspected in the Town Hall by appointment |
Periodic Electoral Review Documents on last Electoral Review Documents on the last Boundary change |
Can be inspected in the Town Hall by appointment |
Employment Terms and conditions of employment Job descriptions |
Can be inspected in the Town Hall by appointment |
Exempt Material
Personal information relating to Councillors (other than required to be declared in Register of Interest)
Personal information relating to employees
Tenders and bids from contractors and suppliers
Note: Data Protection Legislation prohibits the publication of certain categories of information.
4. Charging Policy
Information can be inspected, by appointment at the Town Hall free of charge.
Information that can be photocopied without breaching copyright laws can be copied on the Town Hall’s photocopier at the cost of 10p per A4 sheet.
5. Review of Policy
This Policy was approved by Aberystwyth Town Council at its meeting on 10th December 2002 (min 176) and will be reviewed bi-annually.
Note: Under Data Protection Legislation, the Council is required regularly to review the information that it keeps and to destroy that which does not form part of its official records. Residents wishing to inspect information are therefore requested to telephone the Town Hall to ensure that the information they require is still available.