Finance and Establishment - 23-01-2023
7:00 pm
Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth Town Council
Cofnodion y Pwyllgor Cyllid a Sefydliadau (hybrid)
Minutes of the Finance and Establishments Committee (hybrid)
- 1.2023
1 | Presennol
Cyng. Sienna Lewis (Cadeirydd) Cyng. Jeff Smith Cyng. Mathew Norman Cyng. Alun Williams Cyng. Brian Davies Cyng. Maldwyn Pryse Cyng. Steve Davies Cyng. Kerry Ferguson Cyng. Talat Chaudhri Cyng. Bryony Davies
Yn mynychu Cyng. Emlyn Jones Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerc) Wendy Hughes (Swyddog Digwyddiadau a Phartneriaethau)
Cllr. Sienna Lewis (Chair) Cllr. Jeff Smith Cllr. Mathew Norman Cllr. Alun Williams Cllr. Brian Davies Cllr. Maldwyn Pryse Cllr. Steve Davies Cllr. Kerry Ferguson Cllr. Talat Chaudhri Cllr. Bryony Davies
In attendance Cllr. Emlyn Jones Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerk) Wendy Hughes (Events & Partnerships Officer)
2 | Ymddiheuriadau
Dim |
3 | Datgan buddiannau:
Dim |
Declarations of interest:
4 | Cyfeiriadau Personol:
Llongyfarchwyd y Cynghorydd Mathew Norman ar ei rôl newydd. |
Personal references:
Cllr Mathew Norman was congratulated on his new role.
Cyfrifon Mis Rhagfyr
ARGYMHELLWYD cymeradwyo cyfrifon Mis Rhagfyr |
December accounts
It was RECOMMENDED that the December accounts be approved.
6 | Santes Dwynwen 21.1.2023
ARGYMHELLWYD bod baner y groes Geltaidd a fenthycwyd yn cael ei phrynu am £20, a hyd at £40 yn cael ei wario ar flodau mewn gwerthfawrogiad o fenthyg gwisgoedd amrywiol.
Santes Dwynwen 21.1.2023
It was RECOMMENDED that the borrowed Celtic cross banner be bought for £20, and that up to £40 be spent on flowers in appreciation of the loan of various outfits.
7 | Cytundeb Cyfraith cyflogaeth
Archwiliwyd y Cynnig Gwasanaeth gan Worknest a chodwyd y canlynol gan gynghorwyr:
ARGYMHELLWYD bod y Panel Staffio hefyd yn ystyried y cynnig gwasanaeth a bod y Cadeirydd Staffio hefyd yn mynychu’r cyfarfod gyda Worknest.
Employment Law contract
The Service Proposal from Worknest was scrutinised and councillors raised the following:
It was RECOMMENDED that Staffing Panel also considers the service proposal and that the Chair of Staffing attend the meeting with Worknest.
8 | Cyllideb ar gyfer placiau i gydnabod merched nodedig
Y Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol i ystyried pwy ddylai gael plac yn gyntaf, a’r geiriad, a’r costau i’w cyflwyno i’r Pwyllgor Cyllid. Dylid brandio’r placiau gyda Arfbais y Dref os yn bosibl. |
Budget for plaques to recognise noteworthy women
The General Management Committee to consider who should get a plaque first, and the wording, and the costs brought back to the Finance Committee. The plaques should be branded with the Town Crest if possible.
9 | Cadeiriau dec enfawr i’r prom
ARGYMHELLWYD y dylai’r Cyngor Tref brynu tair cadair dec am gost o £490 yr un ynghyd â danfoniad. |
Giant prom deckchairs
It was RECOMMENDED that the Town Council should purchase three deckchairs at a cost of £490 each plus delivery. |
10 | Gefeillio – dathliadau 2023 ar gyfer Arklow a Sant Brieg
Cadarnhawyd weithdrefnau ariannol ynghylch costau teithio. Dim ond costau teithio awdurdodedig y dylid eu had-dalu. Dyrannu gweddill cyllideb Gefeillio Arklow i fod yn eitem agenda’r Pwyllgor Cyllid ac adroddiad gweithgaredd i’w ddarparu.
Gan fod 2023 yn hanner canmlwyddiant Gefeillio Aberystwyth – Sant Brieg ARGYMHELLWYD y dylid gwahodd y pedair partneriaeth gefeillio i benwythnos Sefydlu’r Maer a dylid cyflwyno’r costau arfaethedig i’r Pwyllgor Cyllid i’w ystyried. |
Twinning – 2023 celebrations for Arklow and St Brieuc
The Committee confirmed financial procedures regarding travel expenses. Only authorised travel should be reimbursed. Allocation of the remaining Arklow Twinning budget to be a Finance Committee agenda item and an activity report to be provided. As 2023 was a 50 year anniversary for the Aberystwyth – St Brieuc Twinning it was RECOMMENDED that all four twinning partnerships should be invited to the Mayor Making weekend and proposed costs to be brought back to the Finance Committee for consideration. |
Organise |
11 | Henaduriaeth Neuadd Gwenfrewi – diweddariad
Roedd rheolwr y prosiect wedi trefnu sgaffaldiau, adeiladwr, a phensaer i ddarparu darluniau ar gyfer adfer yr henaduriaeth. Roedd wedi sicrhau gwerth gorau o ran costau, gwasanaeth cymwys a dibynadwy, ac wedi cadw at bolisi caffael lleol y Cyngor. |
Neuadd Gwenfrewi Presbytery – update
The project manager had organised scaffolding, a builder and an architect to provide drawings for the presbytery restoration. He had ensured best value in terms of costs, qualified and reliable service, and had adhered to the Council’s local procurement policy. |
12 | Gohebiaeth | Correspondence
12.1 | Canolfan Uwchefrydiau Celtaidd: byddai’r Maer yn cyfarfod â dirprwyaeth o Lydaw a oedd yn cyrraedd Aberystwyth ddydd Llun 13 Chwefror am wythnos.
Centre for Advanced Celtic Studies: the Mayor would meet a delegation from Brittany who were arriving in Aberystwyth on Monday 13 February for a week.
12.2 | Tenovus: gwahoddiad i fynychu digwyddiad arbennig ar yr Uned Symudol Cymorth Canser a fydd wedi’i barcio ym Morrisons am 6pm ar 7 Chwefror.
Tenovus: an invite to attend a special event on the Mobile Cancer Support Unit parked at Morrisons at 6pm on 7 February. |