Finance and Establishment - 15-11-2021

6:30 pm


Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth Town Council


Cofnodion y Pwyllgor Cyllid a Sefydliadau (o bell)

Minutes of the Finance and Establishments Committee (remote)


  1. 11.2021





1 Presennol


Cyng. Talat Chaudhri (Cadeirydd)

Cyng. Alun Williams

Cyng. Jeff Smith

Cyng. Charlie Kingsbury

Cyng. Mari Turner

Cyng. Dylan Wilson-Lewis

Cyng. Endaf Edwards

Cyng. Mark Strong


Yn mynychu

Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerc)




Cllr. Talat Chaudhri (Chair)

Cllr. Alun Williams

Cllr. Jeff Smith

Cllr. Charlie Kingsbury

Cllr. Mari Turner

Cllr. Dylan Wilson-Lewis

Cllr. Endaf Edwards

Cllr. Mark Strong


In attendance

Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerk)


2 Ymddiheuriadau

Cyng Alex Mangold




Cllr Alex Mangold


3 Datgan buddiannau: Dim Declarations of interest:  None


4 Cyfeiriadau Personol: Dim Personal references: None


5 Cyfrifon Mis Hydref


Gohiriwyd trafodaeth i’r Cyngor Llawn oherwydd derbyn y datganiadau banc yn hwyr

October accounts


Discussion deferred to Full Council due to late receipt of the bank statements


6 Ymgynghoriad: Adroddiad y Panel ar Gydnabyddiaeth Ariannol 2022-2023


Roedd angen mwy o fanylion ar Benderfyniad 48 ynghylch Lwfans Presenoldeb.


Codwyd pryder bod y lwfans milltiroedd car yn annog defnyddio ceir.

Consultation: Remuneration Panel report 2022-2023


More detail was needed on Determination 48 regarding Attendance Allowance.

A concern was raised that the car mileage allowance encouraged car use.



7 Cyllideb a Praesept 2022-23


Cyflwynwyd cyllideb ddrafft i’r pwyllgor gyda chynnydd nodedig i’r penawdau cyllideb canlynol:

  • cynnal a chadw parciau a thiroedd (£40,000): i ddelio â lefelau traul a fandaliaeth uwch
  • plannu a gofalu am y coed (£30,000): cwrdd â gofynion Cyngor Ceredigion ar gyfer coed newydd, er mwyn sicrhau diogelwch y cyhoedd a gofalu am goed sy’n bodoli eisoes
  • dodrefn stryd (£10,000): i ofalu am y dodrefn ychwanegol a fabwysiadwyd oddi wrth Gyngor Ceredigion
  • costau nadolig (£40,000): cynnwys profion pwynt angor a mwy o oleuadau os yn bosibl
  • staffio (£120,000): cyflogi trydydd aelod o staff i drefnu digwyddiadau a chefnogi partneriaethau.
  • Archwiliadau a chyfrifyddu (£7000): contract mwy i ddarparu cymorth cyfrifeg 15 awr y mis.
  • Rhent rhandir: i’w gynyddu i £50 y llain lawn a £25 yr hanner llain ond heb unrhyw gynnydd pellach am ddwy flynedd.



ARGYMHELLIR bod y Cyngor yn cymeradwyo:


  1. cyflogi Swyddog Digwyddiadau a Phartneriaethau
  2. cynnydd mewn cefnogaeth gyfrifeg i 15 awr y mis
  3. y gyllideb ddrafft o £502,850 sy’n cynrychioli praesept eiddo band D o £130.63 y flwyddyn (£10.89 y mis). Nodwyd bod hyn yn sylweddol is na phraesept y Drenewydd er enghraifft (£177 ar gyfer 2021-22)
  4. cynnydd yn y rhent rhandir (fel uchod).
Budget and Precept 2022-23

A draft budget was presented to the committee with noteworthy increases to the following budget headings:

  • parks and grounds maintenance (£40,000): to meet increased wear and tear and vandalism levels
  • tree planting and maintenance (£30,000): to meet Ceredigion Council requirements for new trees, to ensure public safety, and care of existing trees
  • street furniture (£10,000): to care for the additional furniture adopted from Ceredigion Council
  • christmas costs (£40,000): to include anchor point testing and more lights if possible
  • staffing (£120,000): to employ a third member of staff to organise events and support partnerships.
  • Audit and accounting(£7000): enhanced contract to provide 15 hours a month accountancy support.
  • Allotment rent: to be increased to £50 per full plot and £25 per half plot but with no further increase for two years.


It was RECOMMENDED that Council approves:


  1. the employment of an Events and Partnerships Officer
  2. an increase in accountancy support to 15 hours per month
  3. the draft budget of £502,850 which represents a band D property precept of £130.63 per annum (£10.89 per month). It was noted that this was substantially lower than Newtown’s precept (£177 for 2021-22)
  4. an increase in the allotment rent (as above).




Agenda Cyngor Llawn

Full Council agenda

8 Gohebiaeth




Nid oedd unrhyw ohebiaeth ond cysylltwyd â chynghorwyr ynghylch adolygiad o wasanaethau banc. Byddai hyn yn cael ei gynnwys fel eitem ar yr agenda yng nghyfarfod nesaf y pwyllgor. There was no correspondence but councillors were being approached regarding a review of bank services. This would be included as an agenda item at the next committee meeting.


Agenda cyllid

Finance agenda

9 Strwythur Staffio


Trafodwyd hyn o dan eitem 7 ar yr agenda.


Er mwyn cyflawni ei ddyletswyddau fel cyngor mwy, a chyfrannu at adfywio’r dref, ARGYMHELLWYD y canlynol gan y Panel Staffio:


  • aelod staff ychwanegol i drefnu digwyddiadau ac i gefnogi partneriaethau
  • mwy o wasanaethau cyfrifeg i gefnogi moderneiddio systemau a mwy o weithgaredd
Staffing structure


This was discussed under agenda item 7.


In order to fulfill its duties as a larger council, and to contribute to the regeneration of the town, the Staffing Panel RECOMMENDED the following:


  • an additional staff member to organise events and to support partnerships
  • increased accountancy services to support modernisation of systems and increased activity


      Cyngor Tref   ABERYSTWYTH   Town Council


11 Stryd y Popty / Baker Street


SY23 2BJ


01970 624761

                      Maer Aberystwyth Mayor: Y Cyng. / Cllr. Alun Williams


  1. 2021


Annwyl Cynghorydd / Dear Councillor


Fe’ch gwahoddir i gyfarfod y Pwyllgor Cyllid a Sefydliadau a gynhelir o bell ar nos Lun 15.11.2021 am 6.30pm.


You are invited to a meeting of the Finance and Establishments Committee to be held remotely on Monday evening 15.11.2021 at 6.30pm.





1 Yn bresennol


2 Ymddiheuriadau 




3 Datgan diddordeb Declarations of interest


4 Cyfeiriadau personol Personal references


5 Cyfrifon Mis Hydref October accounts


6 Ymgynghoriad: Adroddiad y Panel ar Gydnabyddiaeth Ariannol 2022-2023 Consultation: Remuneration Panel report 2022-2023


7 Cyllideb a Praesept 2022-23 Budget and Precept 2022-23


8 Gohebiaeth


9 Strwythur staffio Staffing structure




Yr eiddoch yn gywir/ Yours sincerely




Gweneira Raw-Rees, Clerc Cyngor Tref  Aberystwyth  Town Council Clerk