Planning - 03-07-2023

7:00 pm


Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth Town Council


Cofnodion Pwyllgor Cynllunio (Hybrid)

Minutes of the Planning Committee (Hybrid)







1 Yn bresennol:


Cyng. Jeff Smith (Cadeirydd)

Cyng. Dylan Lewis-Rowlands

Cyng. Matthew Norman

Cyng. Mark Strong

Cyng. Owain Hughes


Yn mynychu:


Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerc)




Cllr. Jeff Smith (Chair)

Cllr. Dylan Lewis-Rowlands

Cllr. Matthew Norman

Cllr. Mark Strong

Cllr. Owain Hughes


In attendance:


Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerk)


2 Ymddiheuriadau:


Cyng. Kerry Ferguson

Cyng. Talat Chaudhri

Cyng. Lucy Huws




Cllr. Kerry Ferguson

Cllr. Talat Chaudhri

Cllr. Lucy Huws



3 Datgan Diddordeb:



Declaration of interest:




4 Cyfeiriadau Personol:


Mewn ymateb i erthygl negyddol yn y Cambrian News, mynegodd y Cyng Dylan Lewis-Rowlands ei gefnogaeth i staff y Cyngor Tref.

Personal references:


In response to a negative article in the Cambrian News, Cllr Dylan Lewis-Rowlands expressed his support for the Town Council staff.


5 Ceisiadau Cynllunio


Planning Applications


5.1 A230419: 9 Dan Dre




Mae’r Cyngor yn croesawu’r defnydd o le busnes gwag

A230419: 9 Mill Street


The Council has NO OBJECTION


The Council welcomes the use of an empty business premises


Cysylltu gyda’r Cyngor Sir

Contact CCC

5.2 A230427: Heddle,  Ffordd Llanbadarn




A230427: Heddle, Llanbadarn Road


The Council has NO OBJECTION



6 Gwerthusiadau Ardal Gadwraeth ac Archwiliad o Adeiladau Rhestredig Gwag


Ymateb y Cyngor Tref:


Mae Aberystwyth yn arbennig oherwydd ei thwf graddol o’r castell dros gyfnod hir o amser. Mae’n dref unigryw oherwydd harddwch ac amrywiaeth y bensaernïaeth hanesyddol – carreg, brics, tyrau, mosaigau, blaenau siopau traddodiadol, tafarndai hanesyddol, ffenestri, drysau, gwydr lliw, rheiliau, palmentydd llechi, coblau, enwau lleoedd Cymraeg ac ati.


Ffin yr ardal gadwraeth: dylid cynnwys y Pier yn yr ardal gadwraeth


Adeiladau arbennig i’w gwarchod:

·         Yr Hen Goleg

·         ‘Hen Dref Aberystwyth’ (Maes Lowri a’r strydoedd cyfagos ar dop y dref cyn belled â Stryd y Bont a Tan y Cae), Hen Neuadd y Farchnad, Eglwys Mihangel Sant

·          Y tafarndai – Ship & Castle, Y Llew Du, Gwesty’r Castell , Rummers, Bank Vaults, Y Cŵps ayb.

·         Y castell a’i dir a’i lochesi (y Wal Sibrwd a Chôr y Castell)

·         Y promenâd yn ei gyfanrwydd

·         Craig Glais, rheilffordd y graig a’r orsaf.

·         Yr orsaf drenau

·         Hen Swyddfa Bost

·         Heol y Gogledd (gan gynnwys gerddi blaen) a Morfa Mawr

·         Yr Ysgol Gelf a’i chyffiniau

·         Tai’r Porth gyda chlos oddi ar Y Porth Bach

·         Hen Lyfrgell y dref a Rhes Crynfryn

·         Llyfrgell newydd y dref

·         Adeiladau’r Hen Ysgol

·         Capeli ac eglwysi.


Mannau gwyrdd i’w gwarchod:

·         Coedlan Plas Crug

·         Maes Gwenfrewi a’r ardaloedd amwynder cyfagos

·         yr holl lawntiau poced a borderi ledled y dref gan gynnwys y lawntiau o flaen Llyfrgell y Dref

·         dir y castell

·         coed stryd ledled y dref

·         gerddi blaen – yn hytrach na cael eu defnyddio fel lle i storio biniau neu parcio ceir


Materion sy’n effeithio ar yr ardal gadwraeth:

·         esgeuluso adeiladau hanesyddol

·         diffyg gorfodaeth

·         defnyddio UPVC yn lle deunyddiau cynaliadwy (yn aml heb ganiatâd)

·         colli nodweddion hanesyddol fel y rhestrwyd uchod (ffenestri, gwydr lliw, mosaigau, rheiliau haearn, drysau, goleuadau, palmentydd llechi a choblau, enwau tai/lleoedd Cymraeg ac ati)

·         Colli gerddi blaen – yn aml fe’u defnyddir fel storfa biniau neu ar gyfer parcio ceir

·         Dylid gwarchod enwau lleoedd Cymraeg

·         diffyg cynnal a chadw gan landlordiaid

·         Diffyg ymgynghori ac ymgysylltu ystyrlon ynghylch newidiadau a datblygiadau

·         Glendid tref a diffyg trefn lanhau

·         Diffyg dehongliad


Gwella’r ardal:

·         Fe ddylai gwelliannau warchod yr holl nodweddion a restrir uchod

·         Dylai datblygwyr a landlordiaid fod yn atebol am ddileu neu ddifrodi nodweddion hanesyddol (fel y rhestrir uchod)

·         Dylai’r broses gorfodi fod yn fwy effeithiol

·         Dylid cyflwyno telerau cadwraeth cryfach fel rhan o’r broses ceisiadau cynllunio yn ogystal â’r broses drwyddedu ar gyfer llety ar rent


Adeiladau Rhestredig masnachol gwag:

·         Belle Vue

·         Neuadd y Sir

·         Yr hen DIVA ar rhodfa’r môr

·         Claire gynt – 37 Y Stryd Fawr

·         Yr Hen Ysgol  – 2 uned

·         Costa

·         Porth y Gogledd

·         Furniture Cave

·         Hen Swyddfa Bost (yn dod yn wag yn fuan o bosib)

·         Gas Showroom

·         Siop y Prom

·         Neuadd Buarth


Conservation Area Appraisals and Vacant Listed Building Audit


The Town Council’s response:


Aberystwyth is special because of its gradual growth from the castle over a long period of time.It is an unique town because of the beauty and variety of the historic architecture – stone, brick, towers, mosaics, traditional shop fronts, historic public houses, windows, doors, stained glass, railings, slate pavements, cobbles, Welsh place names etc


Conservation area boundary: the Pier should be included in the conservation area


Special buildings to be protected:

·         Old College

·         ‘Old Town Aberystwyth’ (Laura Place and surrounding streets at the top of town as far as Bridge Street and South Road), Old Market Hall, St Michael’s church

·         the public houses – Ship & Castle, Black Lion, Castle Hotel, Rummers, Bank Vaults, Y Cŵps etc.

·         The castle and its grounds and shelters (Whispering Wall and Côr y Castell)

·         The promenade in its entirety

·         Constitution Hill, cliff railway and station

·         The train station

·         Old Post Office

·         North Road (including front gardens) and Queen’s Road

·         The School of Art and its environs.

·         The houses with a courtyard off Eastgate Street (Tai y Porth).

·         The old town Library and Crynfryn Row

·         The new Town Library

·         The Old School complex

·         Chapels and churches.


Green spaces to be protected:

·         Plas Crug Avenue

·         Maes Gwenfrewi and adjacent amenity areas

·         all existing greens and borders throughout town including the greens in front of the Town Library

·         the castle grounds

·         street trees throughout the town

·         front gardens – as opposed to being used as bin stores and car parking


Issues affecting the conservation area:

·         neglect of historic buildings

·         lack of enforcement

·         use of UPVC instead of sustainable materials (often without permission,

·         loss of historic features as listed above (windows, stained glass, mosaics, iron railings, doors, lights, slate pavements and cobbles etc

·         Loss of front gardens – often they are used as bin stores or for car parking

·         Loss of Welsh house/place names

·         lack of maintenance by landlords.

·         Lack of meaningful consultation and engagement regarding changes and developments.

·         Town cleanliness and lack of cleaning regime

·         Lack of interpretation



To improve the area:

·         Improvements should protect all the features and characteristics listed above.

·         Developers and landlords should be accountable for removal of / or damage to historic features (as listed above)

·         Enforcement process should be more effective

·         Stronger conservation conditions should be introduced as part of the planning application process as well as the licensing process for rented accommodation



Vacant commercial Listed Buildings:

·         Belle Vue

·         County Hall

·         Former DIVA on the sea front

·         Former Claire’s – 37 Great Darkgate Street

·         The Old School – 2 units

·         Costa

·         Northgate St

·         Furniture Cave

·         Old Post Office (possibly becoming vacant shortly)

·         Gas Showroom

·         Siop y Prom

·         Buarth Hall


7 Gohebiaeth




