Our Partners

Aberystwyth Town Council recognizes the importance and value of working with local partners in developing the town and maintaining the high level of service delivery that the Town Council strives for. We work with various local stakeholders and groups in order to achieve this.

Each year the Town Council allocates Councillors as its representatives to a number of outside bodies. This ensures that the Council, and thereby the town, are represented on these bodies and that these groups are represented at the Town Council. Councillors who are members of outside bodies act as a link between groups and the Town Council, regularly reporting on meetings attended and ensuring that these bodies’ views and activities are presented to the Town Council and vice versa. Below you can find a list of the outside bodies we allocate members to, and the members allocated for the current and previous year.

Aberystwyth Town Council  is also one of the three founding organisations of Prosiect Aber, a grant-funded rejuvenation partnership between the Town Council, Menter Aberystwyth and Aberystwyth Business Club.