Full Council
21/12/2015 at 6:30 pm
Cllr Dr. Endaf Edwards (Mayor)
Cllr Brendan Somers (Deputy Mayor)
Cllr Ceredig Davies
Cllr Martin Shewring
Cllr Mererid Jones
Cllr Brian Davies
Cllr Wendy Morris
Cllr Jeff Smith
Cllr Lucy Huws
Cllr Mair Benjamin
Cllr Talat Chaudhri
Cllr Sue Jones-Davies
Cllr Alun Williams
Cllr Mark A. Strong
Cllr Kevin Roy Price
Cllr Brenda Haines
Cllr Steve Davies
The Mayor welcomed everyone to the meeting including the Translator, Mrs. Delyth Davies and the Reporter from the Cambrian News, Mr. Caleb Spencer.
Minute 111
Declaration of Interest on matters arising from the Agenda
It was noted that if there was anything on the Agenda that members should declare an interest on, they should do so when the matter arises.
Minute 112
Personal References
Sympathies were expressed with Cllr. Ceredig Davies and Cllr. Aled Davies at the loss of their aunt. Sympathies were also expressed with the Mayor at the loss of his brother-in-law. It was agreed to send a card to Cllr. Brenda Haines to wish her a speedy recovery following a recent operation.
Minute 113
Mayoral Activity Report
The Mayoral activities report since the last meeting of the Full Council was circulated to Members. The report was accepted.
Minute 114
Minutes of Full Council held on Monday, 23 November 2015
The Mayor went through the Minutes one by one.
Minute 115
Matters arising from the Minutes
- i) Minute 99 (7) Local Development Plan – update.
A letter received from Ceredigion County Council Planning Department, dated 8/12/2015 was discussed. It was in relation to the number of houses allocated for Aberystwyth and it was agreed that there was a need for further explanation. It was RESOLVED for the matter to go back to the Planning Committee.
- ii) Minute 100 (8) Alternative methods to help combat issues relating to dog-fouling e.g. signs/leafleting schools/training for issuing fines – at the request of Cllr. Mair Benjamin
Cllr. Benjamin reported that letters had gone out to school heads that she had asked shops if they could supply poop-scoops and that these matters were in hand. Cllr. Ceredig Davies stressed that the Town Council should not expect to have training from Ceredigion County Council on how to impose fines due to financial constraints on the County Council.
iii) Minute 100 (12) Any Other Business
It was agreed that an effort would be made to arrange a list of the Council’s decisions in the new year.
- iv) It was resolved to write to CAVO expressing discontent that Cllr. Mair Benjamin had travelled to a training session held by them in Lampeter only to find that it had been cancelled, but she had not been notified of this.
Minute 116
Minutes of a Special Meeting of Full council held on Monday, 7 December 2015.
Minute 110 refers.
Minute 117
Minutes of the Planning Committee held on Monday, 30 November 2015.
Minutes of a Meeting of a Planning Committee held in Siambr y Cyngor, 11 Baker Street, Aberystwyth on Monday, 30 November 2015 at 6.30p.m.
Cllr. Jeff Smith (Chair)
Cllr. Lucy Huws (Vice-Chair)
Cllr. Mair Benjamin
Cllr. Brendan Somers
Cllr. Mererid Jones
Cllr. Endaf Edwards
Cllr. Sue Jones-Davies
Cllr. Talat Chaudhri
Cllr. Alun Williams
Cllr. Wendy Morris
Cllr. Mark Strong
Cllr. Steve Davies
Cllr. Kevin Price
Before the meeting began the Chair expressed birthday wishes to Cllr. Mereid Jones who was celebrating her birthday on 29 November.
- Declaration of Interest
At this point the Chair reported that there were no Planning Applications to consider and it was proposed by him, would it be acceptable in future to send an e-mail to cancel the meeting if no planning application were received. It was agreed and RESOLVED to accept the proposal.
- Correspondence
- i) Llys Owen, Llanbadarn Road (Application No. Cais: A150463) – Rentention of garage as built.
The garage was granted full planning permission with the condition that it would not be used for no other purpose.
ii) 104 and 106 Family Centre, Heol Tyn-y-Fron, Penparcau (Application No. A150408) – Demolition of small porches at arear and erection of conservatory/dining room extension. Alterations and Refurbishment to include first floor link, new paving and soft play areas in rear garden.
Planning application granted.
iii) 9 South Road (Application No: A141029) – Proposed roof extension to the rear, rooflights to front elevation and solar thermal panels to front roof. Retrospective permission for external wall insulation to front and rear.
The applicaton is subject to appeal.
iv) Copy of Ceredigion County Council’s Papers of the Development Control Committee held on Wednesday, 11 November 2015.
Members’ attention were drawn to the planning applications/matters that were relevant to Aberystwyth:
- Bryn Deryn, Elm Tree Avenue (Application No: A141002) – Change of Use of HMO to office at ground floor and 2 no. Flats at first floor and second floor.
Approved under delegated powers.
- Slaters Bakery (Application No: A150158) – Alterations to existing ground floor shop to include new shop front and the provision of 3 Self contained residential units above.
Approved under delegated powers.
- Ceredigion Museum and Tourist Information Centre (Application No: A150433) – Alterations and formation of new entrance into the former Boots building.
Approved under delegated powers.
- Greggs, 23 Great Darkgate Street (Application No: A150640) – Install new shopfront, roller shutter, signage and air conditioning units.
Approved under delegated powers.
- Llys yr Hen Ysgol (Application No: A150684) – Creation of new accesses with the inclusion of a new lift and ramp accesses to the building and associated works.
Approved under delegated powers.
A question was asked by a Member, how was Llys Owen, Llanbadarn Road granted planning permission under delegated powers. It was explained by the Local Member of the County Council, that it was the order of planning that if the Planning Officer, according to planning rules, would think that it would be impossible to overturn the decision of the Assebly if it were to go to Appeal.
It was proposed to send a letter to Owain Davies, the relevant Planning Officer of the Planning Department of Ceredigion County Council asking him for clarity on how the decision to grant planning permission was made, since the application was not compliant with the Conservation Area rules, as understood by members. It was RESOLVED to do this.
- To consider Planning Applications
- Any Other Business
Because the meeting was short and that Members wanted to stay for a meeting of the Staffing Panel that was starting at 7.30p.m. it was agreed to discuss the Place-Plan with Cllr. Mererid Jones taking the lead in the discussion. She stated there was a need for a strong Local Plan by the Town Council that would reflect local needs. In order to accomplish this there is a need to have meetings with the public, an open web-site and a genuine, purposeful dialogue. How do we want the town to be planned; is there over-development; are there too much HMO; are there under development of 2-bedroomed houses; there isn’t a surgery or dental surgery in Penparcau. After collecting the information it could be asked to be adopted by Ceredigion County Council, taking into consideration a Welsh Language Impact Assessment. The bigger the consultation with the public the stronger the report will be legally. It was asked what was the process of adopting the “Place-Plan”. The developers must give consideration to the ideas but it may not be mandatory. If the “Place-Plan” is used wisely it can be used to realise one dream from many ideas. Aberystwyth Town Council could organise an on-line questionnaire; choose places to meet in order for people to air their views. It was suggested in the discussion that it was similar to “Masterplan mark two” but it was agreed that this was from the bottom up and that it should be better. It was agreed to re-look at the Masterplan. It was RESOLVED that Cllr. Jones would organise a meeting with representatives of Llanbadarn Community Council and Faenor Community Council, in the new year.
It was RESOLVED to accept the Minutes.
Minute 118
Minutes of the General Management Committee held on Monday, 7 December 2015.
Minutes of the General Management Committee held in Council Chamber, 11 Baker Street, Aberystwyth on Monday, 7 December 2015 at 6.30p.m.
Cllr. Ceredig Davies (Cadeirydd/Chair)
Cllr. Kevin Roy Price (Is-Gadeirydd/Vice-Chair)
Cllr. Wendy Morris
Cllr. Brenda Haines
Cllr. J. Aled Davies
Martin Shewring
Cllr. Brian Davies
Cllr. Talat Chaudhri
Cllr. Jeff Smith
Cllr. Endaf Edwards
Cllr. Mark A. Strong
Cllr. Steve Davies
Cllr. Alun Williams
Cllr. Brian Davies
Cllr. Wendy Morris
Cllr. Mair Benjamin
Cllr. Brendan Somers
Cllr. Sarah Bowen
Cllr. Mererid Jones
Mr. Chris Mackenzie-Grieve
- Declaration of Interest
- Presentation by Mr. Chris Mackenzie-Grieve – Chair of Business Improvement District.
Cafwyd cyflwyniad pwynt-pŵer gan Mr. Chris Mackenzie-Grieve.
Braslun –
Cefndir ystadegol economi nos ac economi dydd y Deyrnas Unedig. Erbyn 2020 bydd 31% llai o siopau ar y stryd yn gyffredinol. O bob 1.2% y mae prynwyr yn ei wario, y mae costau wedi codi 2%.
Manylion penodol am economi Aberystwyth –
Economi dydd – e.e. caffis, siopau trin gwallt a harddwch, ymwelwyr static, siopau elusenol, mewnlifiad brands, yn ddibynnol ar y sector gyhoeddus, nifer parcio.
Economi nos – e.e. dylanwad myfyrwyr, diodydd isel eu pris, poblogaeth static, cyfryngau cymdeithasol, diwylliant cyn-yfed, dechrau tua 11.30p.m.
Heriau sy’n wynebu Aberystwyth
Lleihad yn nifer y myfyrwyr – mae 900 yn llai eleni. Y myfyrwyr yn mudo i fyny’r bryn oherwydd llety newydd i’r myfyrwyr. Mae lleihad o 900 o fyfyrwyr a 15 busnes yn methu yn golygu colled o £3.6m i’r economi lleol. Fe all dyfodiad Tesco a Marks & Spencer helpu, os yn ôl Mr Mackenzie Grieve y ceir y cydgysylltiad cywir.
Beth yw’r datrysiad i’r broblem?
Mae rhaid rheoli’r dirywiad. Rhaid gwneud canol y dref i dyfu; ceisio cael busnesau di-fân-werthu; ond hefyd hyrwyddo Aberystwyth fel canolfan mân-werthu canolbarth Cymru.
Y prif faterion i hybu hyn yw: parcio, adeiladau gwag, marchnata a hyrwyddo; cyfarfod a gweithio gyda busnesau eraill. Ffocws mwya’r Ardal Gwella Busnes yw cryfhau hygyrchedd a hwylustod o du mewn ac o amgylch y dref.
Rhai syniadau hyd yma:
Gosod parth 1 a 2 o fewn canol y dref – gadewir allan y Brifysgol, yr Ysbyty, y Llyfrgell Genedlaethol.
Fe fydd y BID yn para am 5 mlynedd.
Bydd busnesau yn talu 1.25% o’u gwerth trethiannol ond bydd busnesau sydd â gwerth trethiannol llai na £6,000 yn talu dim.
Cael cydgysylltiad gyda Maes Parcio Dan Dre: cael parcio ychwanegol am awr, carden ffyddlondeb, Parcio a Theithio am ddim ar ddydd Sadwrn.
Defnyddio adeiladau gwag i hyrwyddo cynlluniau eiddo/siopau dros-dro. (pop-up).
Gwefan marchnata a hyrwyddo: e.e. cael byrddau hysbysu digidol ym maes parcio Dan Dre a chynnal digwyddiadau wedi eu cyd-drefnu.
Prynu ynni ar y cyd fel busnesau h.y. defnyddio’r un cwmni trydan.
Cefnogi digwyddiadau lleol, e.e. carnifal, adloniant haf, ffilmiau yn y castell.
Cardiau ffyddlondeb.
Awgrymwyd yn y fan hon fod y cynllun yn debyg i un Menter. Ond anghytunwyd gyda hyn gan ddweud y dylai hwn fod yn brif fenter i wella busnes yn Aberystwyth.
Amserlen y bleidlais
Hysbysiad o’r bleidlais – 14 Ionawr 2016;
Dosbarthu’r papurau pleidleisio – 28 Ionawr 2016;
Dyddiad y bleidlais – 25 Chwefror 2016.
Fe fydd y cyfan os bydd yn llwyddiant yn cael ei weithredu erbyn Ebrill 2016.
Dywedodd Mr. Mackenzie-Grieve bod ‘cytundeb sylfaenol’ gyda Chyngor Ceredigion yn ymwneud â gwasanaethau mae’r Cyngor yn ei ddarparu ar hyn o bryd a byddai un tebyg gyda’r Cyngor Tref hefyd drwy ddarparu cefnogaeth hyd y gellir.
Dywedwyd gan un Aelod ei fod yn ffordd o ddod â phobl at ei gilydd ac i wneud rhywbeth sy’n cael ei hyrwyddo gyda Llywodraeth Cymru ynghyd â hyblygrwydd i siarad gyda’r Cyngor Sir. Gofynwyd gan Aelod – gyda materion parcio yn mynd i wella yn Dan Dre, pa gyfran o’r busnesau sydd wedi derbyn y neges glir rydym wedi ei glywed heno? Dywedwyd bod y rhan fwyaf wedi clywed amdano: y mae taflenni wedi mynd i holl fusnesau’r dref ond bod angen mynd o amgylch fwy o fusnesau eto.
Cafwyd trafodaeth fer yn dilyn ymadawiad Mr Mackenzie-Grieve.
Cynigiodd y Cadeirydd y dylai’r Aelodau fynd i siarad gyda busnesau wyneb yn wyneb.
Cynigiodd Aelod y dylid yn yr un modd fynd o gwmpas y busnesau er mwyn cael mwy o bobl i arwyddo’r llythyrau o gefnogaeth i Parc Krönberg – a thrwy gael llwyddiant ar gais y Loteri i’r Parc fe fyddai fwy o bobl yn dod i’r dre.
A PowerPoint presentation was given by Mr Chris Mackenzie-Grieve.
Outline –
The statistical background of the night-time economy and daytime economy of the UK. By 2020, there will be 31% fewer shops on the street in general. Of every 1.2% consumers spend, costs has increased 2%.
Specific details about the Aberystwyth economy –
Daytime economy – e.g. cafés, hairdressers and beauty salons, static visitors, charity shops, influx of brands, reliant on the public sector, number of parking spaces.
Night-time economy – e.g. student influence, low-price drinks, static population, social media, ‘pre-loading’ culture, starting at around 11.30pm.
Challenges facing Aberystwyth
Decline in the number of students – 900 fewer this year. Students migrating up the hill due to the new student accommodation. A decline of 900 students and 15 failing businesses translated into a loss of £3.6m to the local economy. The arrival of Tesco and Marks & Spencer could help if the right connectivity is acquired, according to Mr Mackenzie-Grieve.
What is the solution to the problem?
The deterioration must be managed. We must grow the town centre; try to attract non-retail businesses; but also promote Aberystwyth as the retail centre for mid Wales.
The main issues to promote this are: parking, empty buildings, marketing and promotion; meeting and working with other businesses. The major focus of the Business Improvement District is to strengthen accessibility and convenience of the town centre and the surrounding areas.
Some ideas thus far:
Setting zones 1 and 2 within the town centre – the University, Hospital and
National Library would be excluded.
The BID would continue for 5 years.
Businesses would pay 1.25% of the rateable value but businesses with a rateable value of less than £6,000 would pay nothing.
Having a connection to the Mill Street Car Park: additional parking for an hour, loyalty card, free Park and Ride on Saturdays.
Using the empty buildings to promote pop-up shops/premises plans.
A marketing and promotion website e.g. a digital noticeboard in the Mill Street car-park and holding events organised jointly.
Businesses to purchase energy jointly i.e. use the same electricity company.
Supporting local events e.g. carnival, summer entertainment, films at the Castle.
Loyalty cards.
It was suggested at this point that the scheme was similar to the Menter scheme. But there was disagreement on this and it was said that this should be the main initiative to improve business in Aberystwyth.
Timescale of the ballot
Notification of ballot – 14 January 2016;
Distribution of ballot papers – 28 January 2016;
Date of ballot – 25 February 2016.
If successful, everything would be implemented by April 2016.
Mr Mackenzie-Grieve said that there was a ‘basic agreement’ with Ceredigion Council regarding the services the Council currently provided and there would be a similar agreement with the Town Council by providing support as far as possible.
One Member said that it was a way of bringing people together and to do something that is promoted by Welsh Government along with the flexibility to speak with the County Council. A Member enquired – with the improvement of parking issues in Mill Street, what proportion of the businesses had received the clear message we had heard this evening? It was said that the majority had heard of it: leaflets had been sent to all businesses in the town but that there was a need to go around more businesses.
A short discussion ensued after Mr Mackenzie-Grieve left.
The Chair proposed that Members should go and speak with businesses face to face.
A Member proposed that, similarly, we should go around businesses in order to get more people to sign the letters of support for Parc Krönberg – and with the success of the Lottery bid for the Parc, more people would come to the town.
- Gohebiaeth/Correspondence
- i) Mewn llythyr a dderbyniwyd eisoes (2 Tachwedd) ac a ddarllenwyd yn y Cyngor Llawn diwethaf (23 Tachwedd 2015) gan FfotoAber cynigiwyd ganddynt i ddod i gyflwyno’u Hadroddiad Blynyddol: PENDERFYNWYD gwahodd cynrychiolwyr o FfotoAber i ddod i gyflwyno’r adroddiad i’r Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol.
In a letter already received (2 November) and read at the last Full Council (23 November 2015) from FfotoAber, they offered to come to present their Annual Report: it was RESOLVED to invite representatives from FfotoAber to come to present the report to the General Management Committee.
- ii) E-bost gan Mr Mel Hopkins yn cadarnhau ei fod wedi trefnu contractwr i osod Perspex ar y bwrdd hysbysebu yn y maes-chwarae MUGA yn Min-y-ddol.
E-mail from Mr Mel Hopkins confirming that he had arranged for contractors to install Perspex on the noticeboard in the MUGA playing field at Min-y-ddol.
iii) Llythyr o gŵyn gan siop Capricorn Gowns yn cwyno am ddiffyg goleuadau Nadolig o gwmpas sgwâr Neuadd y Brenin. PENDERFYNWYD anfon llythyr yn ôl yn nodi’r sylwadau ac y bydd Cyngor y Dref yn rhoi ystyriaeth i’r ardal y flwyddyn nesaf.
A letter of complaint from Capricorn Gowns shop regarding the lack of Christmas lights around the King’s Hall square. It was RESOLVED to send a letter back noting the observations and that the Town Council would give consideration to the area next year.
- iv) Adroddiad gan Alison Kinsey, Cydlynydd Grŵp Gweithredu Lleol Pysgodfeydd Bae Ceredigion ar yr Ŵyl Sea2Shore ac yn cydnabod y byddai’r ŵyl yn brwydro i barhau heb y grant hael oddi wrth Gyngor Tref Aberystwyth. Nodwyd gan y Cadeirydd bod y stondinau ar hyd y promenâd yn well eleni. PENDERFYNWYD cydnabod y llythyr a nodi bod yr ŵyl wedi ei threfnu yn dda ac yn hysbyseb ardderchog i Aberystwyth.
Report from Alison Kinsey, Cardigan Bay Fisheries Local Action Group Co-ordinator on the Sea2Shore Festival and acknowledging that the festival would fight to continue without the generous grant from Aberystwyth Town Council. The Chair noted that the stalls along the promenade were better this year. It was RESOLVED to acknowledge the letter and note that the festival had been well-organised and was an excellent advertisement for Aberystwyth.
- v) Dyfynbris gan Dilwyn Morgan i drwsio ffens yn Rhandiroedd Penparcau.
PENDERFYNWYD ei gyfeirio at y Pwyllgor Cyllid.
A quotation from Dilwyn Morgan to repair the fence at the Penparcau Allotments.
It was RESOLVED to refer it to the Finance Committee.
- vi) E-bost gan Janine Griffiths-Lee, ymchwilydd ym Mhrifysgol Sussex yn astudio effaith blodau gwyllt mewn rhandiroedd a gerddi trefol ar boblogaethau peillio. Nodwyd gan Aelod bod hadu blodau gwyllt o gwmpas ardal flodau’r castell wedi cael ymateb gwych. PENDERFYNWYD pasio’r e-bost at Ysgrifennydd Cymdeithas y Rhandiroedd, Mr Biran Heath.
E-mail from Janine Griffiths-Lee, a researcher at Sussex University studying the effects of wild flowers in urban allotments and gardens on pollinating populations. A Member noted that seeding wild flowers around the castle’s flower beds had received an excellent response. It was RESOLVED to forward the e-mail to the Secretary of the Allotments Society, Mr Biran Heath.
vii) E-bost gan Diana Davies, Rheolwr Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol a’r Bwrdd Gwasanaethau Lleol yn cydnabod e-bost gan y Clerc at Gaynor Toft, Rheolwr Lles y Gymuned, Gwasanaethau Ffordd o Fyw, Cyngor Sir Ceredigion yn holi a fyddent yn gallu dod i siarad â’r Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol am y “Well-Being Act” a chynnig dyddiadau. Nid oedd yn gallu dod ar y dyddiadau a gynigiwyd a PHENDERFYNWYD anfon llythyr at Diana Davies yn cynnig dyddiadau ar gyfer y flwyddyn newydd i ddod i’r Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Gyffredinol.
E-mail from Diana Davies, Manager of Future Generations and the Local Services Board acknowledging an e-mail from the Clerk to Gaynor Toft, Community Well-being Manager, Lifestyle Services, Ceredigion County Council enquiring whether they could come to speak with the General Management Committee regarding the Well-being Act and offering dates. She could not attend on the dates proposed and it was RESOLVED to send a letter to Diana Davies proposing dates for the new year to come to the General Management Committee.
viii) E-bost gan Alec Hajinoff o Lundain sydd wedi dechrau project celf sy’n ceisio cynyddu amlygrwydd effeithiau newidiadau hinsawdd. PENDERFYNWYD anfon yr e-bost ymlaen at Gyngor Cymuned Ceulan-a-Maes-mawr, oherwydd y llifogydd gawsant yn Nhal-y-bont ym Mehefin 2012.
E-mail from Alec Hajinoff of London who had started an art project seeking to increase awareness about the effects of climate change. It was RESOLVED to forward the e-mail to Ceulan-a-Maes-mawr Community Council because of the floods they had suffered in Tal-y-bont in June 2012.
- ix) Llythyr oddi wrth dîm Musicfest yn rhoi gwybodaeth am ddigwyddiad, lansiad/codi arian ar gyfer Musicfest Aberystwyth yng nghartref Cadeirydd y Cyngor Prydeinig, Syr Vernon Ellis yn Llundain, yn agos i Neuadd Albert a’r Coleg Cerdd Brenhinol. Y syniad yw codi ymwybyddiaeth yr ymwelwyr yn y digwyddiad, am Aberystwyth a rhoi Musicfest mewn cyd-destun eang – e.e. ysgol haf, mewn Canolfan Celfyddydol o safon byd mewn safle bywiog wrth ymyl y môr. PENDERFYNWYD y byddai’r Maer yn cyd-gysylltu gyda’r Clerc i drefnu iddo ymweld â Llundain ac i siarad er mwyn hybu Aberystwyth a Musicfest.
A letter from the Musicfest team providing information about a fundraising event/launch for Musicfest Aberystwyth at the home of the Chair of the British Council, Sir Vernon Ellis in London, near the Albert Hall and the Royal College of Music. The idea was to raise visitors’ awareness at the event, about Aberystwyth and placing Musicfest in a wider context e.g. summer school, in a world-standard Arts Centre in a lively site near the sea. It was RESOLVED that the Mayor would liaise with the Clerk to arrange for him to visit London and to speak in order to promote Aberystwyth and Musicfest.
- x) Llythyr oddi wrth Gymdeithas Rhandiroedd Aberystwyth a’r Cylch yn ymateb i e-bost anfonwyd iddynt oddi wrth Gyngor Sir Ceredigion ynglŷn â’r ardal parcio ger y Rhandir. Dywed y Gymdeithas yn ei lythyr bod y Cyngor Sir yn anghywir yn eu honiad nad yw’r darn tir parcio ger y Rhandir i’w ddefnyddio’n unig gan y Rhandirwyr. PENDERFYNWYD ysgrifennu at y Cyngor Sir yn gofyn iddynt am arweiniad cyfreithiol ac i wirio’r sefyllfa gyfreithiol.
A letter from the Aberystwyth Allotments Society responding to an e-mail sent to them from Ceredigion County Council regarding the parking area near the Allotment. In its letter, the Society noted that the County Council was incorrect regarding its allegation that the parking ground near the Allotments was to be used by those with an Allotment only.
It was RESOLVED to write to the County Council asking them for legal guidance and to check the legal situation.
- xi) E-bost gan Megan Hall yn ymwneud â phrinder Rhandiroedd. Adroddwyd gan y Cadeirydd ei fod wedi ateb yr e-bost a bod Megan Hall bellach wedi symud i Lanbadarn.
E-mail from Megan Hall regarding the shortage of Allotments.
The Chair reported that he had responded to the e-mail and that Megan Hall had now moved to Llanbadarn.
xii) Copi cyfredol o fap yn dangos y darn tir yn Cae-bach, Plas-crug sy’n mynd i fod ar les i’r Cyngor Tref. Nodwyd rhai materion e.e. mae’r ffensys yn suddo; sut gyflwr sydd ar y draenio; nid yw’n hawdd i’r glaw ymdreiddio drwy’r tir; dylid cael cytundeb cyn arwyddo’r les y dylai’r ffosydd gael eu clirio o leia’n flynyddol ac nad oes cyfrifoldeb ar y Cyngor Tref os bydd yr ardal yn mynd o dan ddŵr; nodwyd gan Aelod o’r Cyngor Sir bod Cyngor Sir Ceredigion yn ymwybodol o’r materion draenio; a oes unrhyw oblygiadau ychwanegol i Gyngor y Dref gydag yswiriant – adroddwyd gan Gadeirydd y Pwyllgor Cyllid y byddai’n rhaid dweud wrth y cwmni yswiriant bod gan y Cyngor Tref gyfrifoldeb ychwanegol, yn Cae-bach. PENDERFYNWYD i’r Cynghorwyr drefnu archwiliad safle i gael golwg ar y lle gyda Mr Paul Arnold o adran Priffyrdd, Eiddo a Gwaith y Cyngor Sir.
A current copy of a map showing the piece of land at Cae-bach, Plas-crug which is to be leased to the Town Council. Some issues were noted e.g. the fences were sinking; the condition of the drainage; it was not easy for rainwater to infiltrate through the land; that an agreement should be obtained before signing the lease, that the ditches should be cleared at least annually and that the Town Council would not be liable should the area flood; a Member of the County Council noted that Ceredigion County Council was aware of the drainage issues; were there any additional implications for the Town Council regarding insurance? – the Chair of the Finance Committee reported that the insurance company would have to be told that the Town Council had additional responsibility, at Cae-bach. It was RESOLVED for the Councillors to arrange a site inspection to have a look at the place with Mr Paul Arnold from the County Council’s Highways, Property and Works department.
xiii) Copi cyfredol o fap yn dangos y darn tir ym maes-chwarae, Penparcau sy’n mynd i fod ar les i’r Cyngor Tref. Unwaith eto cafwyd trafodaeth ynglŷn â materion draenio. Nodwyd gan Aelod o ward Penparcau bod Fforwm Penparcau eisiau cymryd yr ardal yma drosodd. PENDERFYNWYD i’r Cynghorwyr drefnu archwiliad safle i gael golwg ar y lle gyda Mr Paul Arnold o Adran Priffyrdd, Eiddo a Gwaith y Cyngor Sir.
A current copy of a map showing the piece of land at the Penparcau playing field which is to be leased to the Town Council. Once again, there was a discussion regarding the drainage issues. A Member from the Penparcau ward noted that the Penparcau Forum wanted to take over this area. It was RESOLVED for the Councillors to arrange a site inspection to have a look at the place with Mr Paul Arnold from the County Council’s Highways, Property and Works department. xiv) Llythyr gan Mr Patrick O’Brian yn datgan ei anniddigrwydd ynglŷn â’r broses o benderfynu torri coed i lawr tu ôl i Rhes Caergrawnt. PENDERFYNWYD ateb y llythyr drwy adrodd fod Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth yn aros am ganlyniadau’r adroddiad am y cynllun i’r coed gan Mr John Hadlow. PENDERFYNWYD hefyd anfon llythyr at Mr Steve Williams yn gofyn am beth yw canlyniadau’r ymgynghoriad.
A letter from Mr. Patrick O’Brian expressing his dissatisfaction regarding the process of deciding to fell trees at the rear of Cambridge Terrace. It was RESOLVED to reply to the letter by reporting that Aberystwyth Town Council is awaiting the results of the report about the plan for the trees by Mr. John Hadlow. It was RESOLVED also to send a letter to Mr. Steve Williams asking about the results of the consultation.
- xv) Dyfynbris gan James Memorials Ltd ar gyfer plac newydd i Bont Trefechan. PENDERFYNWYD ei gyfeirio at y Pwyllgor Cyllid.
A quotation from James Memorials Ltd for a new plaque for Pont Trefechan. It was RESOLVED to forward it to the Finance Committee.
xvi) Llythyr o gŵyn yn erbyn Cynghorydd (dienw) gan Rheidol Restaurant & Bakery. PENDERFYNWYD ei gyfeirio at y Pwyllgor Staffio. A letter of complaint against a Councillor (anonymous) from Rheidol Restaurant & Bakery. It was RESOLVED to forward it to the Staffing Committee.
- Cynnig i brynu meddalwedd Cysgliad cyfredol i’r Cyngor: ar gais y Cyngh. Jeff Smith/ Motion to buy Current Cysgliad Software for the Council: at the request of Cllr. Jeff Smith
Cafwyd cynnig ysgrifenedig llawn gan y Cyngh. Jeff Smith cyn y cyfarfod yn nodi mai pecyn o feddalwedd i wella Cymraeg ysgrifenedig yw Cysill sy’n cywiro gwallau gramadegol, camsillafiadau, treigliadau, cenedl eiriau a.y.y.b. Y gost yw £30 ac argymhellwyd prynu Cysgliad a’i osod ar gyfrifiadur newydd y swyddfa pan ddaw’r cyfrifiadur. PENDERFYNWYD yn unfrydol dderbyn y cynnig a’i gyfeirio at y Pwyllgor Cyllid.
A full written proposal was made by Cllr. Jeff Smith prior to the meeting noting that Cysill was a software package to improve written Welsh skills, by correcting grammatical errors, misspellings, mutations, gender of words etc. The cost was £30 and it was recommended to buy Cysgliad and to install it on the new office computer when it arrived. It was RESOLVED unanimously to accept the proposal and refer it to the Finance Committee.
- Plac Pont Trefechan – diweddariad/Pont Trefechan Plaque – update.
PENDERFYNWYD nad oedd dim i’w drafod yn dilyn gwybodaeth am y dyfynbris o dan “Gohebiaeth” a gyfeiriwyd at y Pwyllgor Cyllid nesaf.
It was RESOLVED that there was nothing to discuss following information about the quotation under “Correspondence” that is to be forwarded to the next Finance Committee.
- Arwyddion Diogelwch Tân – diweddariad/Fire Safety Signs – update.
Adroddwyd gan y Cyngh. Jeff Smith bod 6 arwydd wedi cyrraedd bellach a bod 5 wedi eu gosod yn barod a hefyd bod y gweddill o fath gwahanol heb gyrraedd eto ond eu bod ar eu ffordd yn ystod yr wythnos. Codwyd sawl mater yn ymwneud â diogelwch tân gan y Cyngh. Aled Davies e.e. cwrs cynllunio tân; nodwyd bod asesiad risg tân wedi digwydd yn yr haf; PENDERFYNWYD dylid cysylltu gydag asiant yr adeilad i weld eu hadroddiad asesiad risg tân hwy.
Cllr. Jeff Smith reported that 6 signs had now arrived and that 5 had been installed already and also that the rest, of a different type, had not yet arrived but that they would be on their way during the week. Cllr. Aled Davies raised several issues regarding fire safety e.g. fire assembly course; it was noted that a fire risk assessment had been undertaken during the summer; it was RESOLVED that the building’s agent should be contacted to see their fire risk assessment report.
- Byrddau Anrhydedd – penderfynu ar ysgythru/Honours board – decide on engraving.
PENDERFYNWYD gofyn i’r Cyngh. Brendan Somers am bris ysgrifennu enwau’r cyn Feiri. PENDERFYNWYD i’r Cyngh. Talat drefnu rhoi ffotograffau’r cyn-feiri ar y wal a threfnu i’r rheini nad oes llun ohonynt unai i lun gael ei dynnu ohonynt neu ofyn i’r Cambrian News am gopi o luniau o’u harchif hwy.
It was RESOLVED to ask Cllr. Brendan Somers for a price for writing the names of the former Mayors. It was RESOLVED for Cllr. Talat to arrange to put up the photographs of the former mayors on the wall and to arrange for a photograph to be taken or to ask the Cambrian News for a copy of photographs from their archives where there were no photographs.
- Cofeb i Dr Peter Edwards ar safle Ysbyty Bronglais – diweddariad/Memorial plaque to Dr Peter Edwards on a site at Bronglais Hospital – update.
Adroddwyd gan y Cyngh. Alun Williams ei fod ef a’r Cyngh. Endaf Edwards wedi cael cyfarfod buddiol iawn gyda Mr Matthew Willis o Ysbyty Bronglais. Y cytundeb oedd bod y Cyngor Tref yn prynu’r plac, trefnu’r geiriad ar y plac a bod Ysbyty Bronglais yn trefnu ei osod i fyny ac yn gyfrifol am y plac unwaith ei fod i fyny. Adroddwyd bod popeth mewn llaw ar hyn o bryd ac yn mynd rhagddynt yn ffafriol.
Cllr. Alun Williams reported that he and Cllr. Endaf Edwards had had a good meeting with Mr Matthew Willis from Bronglais Hospital. The agreement was that the Town Council would buy the plaque, arrange the wording on the plaque and that Bronglais Hospital would arrange for it to be erected and would be responsible for the plaque once it was up. It was reported that everything was in hand currently and was going ahead favourably.
- Cinio Nadolig yr Henoed – diweddariad/Senior Citizens’ Christmas Dinner – update.
Adroddwyd bod 88 tocyn wedi mynd hyd yn hyn allan o 120. Cadarnhaodd y Cadeirydd bod trefniant wedi ei wneud gyda’r Delynores. PENDERFYNWYD y byddai’r Clerc yn cysylltu gyda gwesty’r Marine ddydd Gwener, 11 Rhagfyr a dydd Llun 14 Rhagfyr i gadarnhau nifer a threfniadau. Gofynnwyd i bob Cynghorydd oedd yn gallu mynd i gadarnhau hynny ac i brynu eu tocynnau.
It was reported that 88 out of 120 tickets had gone to date. The Chair confirmed that arrangements had been made with the Harpist. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would contact the Marine hotel on Friday, 11 December and Monday, 14 December to confirm numbers and arrangements. Every Councillor who was able to go was asked to confirm so and to buy their tickets.
- 12. Rhandiroedd: dyfynbris am ffens; gohebiaeth (2)/Allotments: quote for a fence; correspondence (2)
PENDERFYNWYD nad oedd dim i’w drafod yn dilyn y wybodaeth am y dyfynbris o dan “Gohebiaeth” sydd wedi ei gyfeirio at y Pwyllgor Cyllid nesaf; a bod y ddwy ohebiaeth wedi ei drafod dan eitem 5 (x) a (xi).It was RESOLVED that there was nothing to discuss following the information about the quotation under “Correspondence” which had been referred to the next Finance Committee; and that both correspondences had been discussed under item 5 (x) and (xi).
- Llain Chwarae: Penparcau a Cae bach, Plas-Crug/Play Areas: Penparcau and Cae bach, Plas-Crug.
Trafodwyd y ddwy lain chwarae yma o dan eitem 5 “Gohebiaeth” ond PENDERFYNWYD yn ychwanegol y dylai cynghorwyr Penparcau gynnal archwiliad o’r llain chwarae ac adrodd yn ôl; yn yr un modd fe fydd y Cyngh. Ceredig Davies yn gwneud archwiliad o Cae-bach ac adrodd yn ôl.
These two play areas were discussed under item 5 “Correspondence” but it was RESOLVED in addition that Penparcau councillors should inspect the play area and report back; similarly, Cllr. Ceredig Davies would inspect Cae-bach and would report back.
- Dathliadau Nadolig – adrodd yn ôl/Christmas Festivities – reporting back.
Roedd canmol cyffredinol am y noson er gwaetha’r tywydd enbydus o wlyb. Am 5 o’r gloch roedd y trefnwyr rhwng dau feddwl i ganslo’r digwyddiad i gyd.
There was general praise for the evening despite the inclement weather. At 5 o’clock the organisers had been in two minds whether to cancel the whole event.
- i) Croesawyd yn bendant cael stondinau yn Stryd y Popty – nodwyd er hynny bod un stondin yn rhwystro mynediad i fynd i weld Siôn Corn yn festri Bethel.
- i) The stalls on Baker Street had very much been welcomed – however it was noted that one stall had prevented access to visit Santa at Bethel vestry.
- ii) Nodwyd nad oedd mor brysur eleni yn Sgwâr Owain Glyndŵr, ond roedd y tywydd yn rhannol gyfrifol am hynny.
- ii) It was noted that it had not been as busy this year at Sgwâr Owain Glyndŵr, but the weather had partly been responsible for that.
iii) Nodwyd bod y tywydd wedi dylanwadu ar y ffaith nad oedd Siôn Corn wedi gallu dod i lawr y Stryd Fawr.
iii)It was noted that the weather had influenced the fact that Santa had not been able to come down High Street.
- iv) Nodwyd hefyd efallai y gellid cael y platfform i gyhoeddi cynnau’r goeden a’r goleuadau Nadolig ar y groesffordd rhwng Stryd y Ffynnon Haearn a Stryd y Popty.
- iv) It was noted also that the platform could announce the lighting of the tree and the Christmas lights on the junction between Chalybeate Street and Baker Street.
- v) Nodwyd nad oedd elfen o finale i’r digwyddiad.
- v) It was noted that there was no element of a finale to the event.
PENDERFYNWYD anfon llythyr o ddiolch i Eglwys Sant Mihangel a Menter am y digwyddiad hynod lwyddiannus o dan amgylchiadau anodd ac i nodi bod pawb wedi gweithio’n galed. Nodwyd yn ddiolchgar am waith gwerthfawr pob Cynghorydd i wneud y digwyddiad yn werth ei gynnal.
It was RESOLVED to send a letter of gratitude to St Michael’s Church and Menter for this very successful event under difficult circumstances and to note that everyone had worked hard. The valuable work of all Councillors to make the event worthwhile was gratefully noted.
- Ethol Cadeirydd i’r Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol/To elect a Chair for the General Management Committee.
Cynigiwyd enw’r Cyngh. Talat Chaudhri gan y Cyngh. Jeff Smith a’i eilio gan y Cyngh. Wendy Morris. Etholwyd y Cyngh. Talat Chaudhri yn ddiwrthwynebiad yn Gadeirydd newydd Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Gyffredinol, Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth am weddill y flwyddyn 2015-2016.
Cllr. Talat Chaudhri was proposed by Cllr. Jeff Smith and seconded by Cllr. Wendy Morris. Cllr. Talat Chaudhri was elected unopposed as the new Chair of the General Management Committee, Aberystwyth Town Council for the remainder of 2015-16.
- Unrhyw Fater Arall/Any Other Business.
- Pwysleisiwyd ac atgoffwyd y Cynghorwyr gan y Cyngh. Sue Jones-Davies am bwysigrwydd gwirioneddol ennyn cefnogaeth drwy lythyr busnesau’r dref boed fach neu fawr, cymdeithasau ac unigolion i Barc Krönberg. Mae angen 10% o’r boblogaeth i wneud unrhyw effaith i’r cais ar gyfer y Loteri Cenedlaethol.
Cllr. Sue Jones-Davies stressed and Councillors were reminded about the real importance of eliciting support via letter of the town’s businesses whether large or small, societies and individuals of Parc Kronberg. 10% of the population was needed in order to have any impact on the bid to the National Lottery.
- Diolchodd y Cyngh. Brian Davies ar ran y Cynghorwyr i gyd am waith arbennig o dda y Cyngh. Ceredig Davies fel Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Gyffredinol a bod yr aelodau i gyd yn gwerthfawrogi ei ymdrech a’i waith ar hyd yr amser y bu’n Gadeirydd. Atebwyd gan y cyn-Gadeirydd, y Cyngh. Davies y bydd bob amser ar gael i gynnig cefnogaeth i’r Cadeirydd newydd.
Cllr. Brian Davies gave thanks, on behalf of all Councillors, for the excellent work of Cllr. Ceredig Davies as the Chair of the General Management Committee and noted that all members were appreciative of his efforts and work during his time as Chair. The former Chair, Cllr. Davies replied by saying that he would always be available to offer support to the new Chair.
- Cynigiwyd gan y Cyngh. Martin Shewring bod y Cyngor Tref yn symud arhosfan bws Stryd Dan Dref. PENDERFYNWYD ei gyfeirio at y Pwyllgor Cyllid.
Cllr. Martin Shewring proposed that the Town Council should move the bus stop on Mill Street. It was RESOLVED to refer it to the Finance Committee.
PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y Cofnodion gyda’r newidiadau blaenorol.
It was RESOLVED to accept the Minutes with the foregoing amendments.
Cofnod 119/Cofnod 119
Cofnodion o’r Pwyllgor Cyllid a Sefydliadau gynhaliwyd ar nos Lun, 14 Rhagfyr 2015/Minutes of the Finance & Establishment committee held on Monday, 14 December.
Cofnodion Cyfarfod y Pwyllgor Cyllid a Sefydliadau a gynhaliwyd yn Siambr y Cyngor, 11 Stryd y Popty, nos Lun, 14 Rhagfyr 2015 am 6.30p.m.
Minutes of the Finance and Establishment Committee held in Council Chamber, 11 Baker Street, on Monday, 14 December 2015 at 6.30p.m.
Cyngh./Cllr.Mererid Jones (Cadeirydd/Chair)
Cyngh./Cllr. Alun Williams (Is-Gadeirydd/Vice-Chair)
Cyngh./Cllr. Mair Benjamin
Cyngh./Cllr. Brendan Somers
Cyngh./Cllr. Ceredig Davies
Cyngh./Cllr. Brian Davies
Cyngh./Cllr. Endaf Edwards
Cyngh./Cllr. Brenda Haines
Cyngh./Cllr. Wendy Morris
Cyngh./Cllr. Mark A. Strong
Cyngh./Cllr. Jeff Smith
Cyngh./Cllr. Martin Shewring
- Datgan Diddordeb/Declaration of Interest
Cyn i’r cyfarfod ddechrau dymunodd y Cadeirydd drosglwyddo cydymdeimlad llwyr y pwyllgor i’r Maer, y Cyngh. Endaf Edwards ar farwolaeth ei frawd yng nghyfraith. Nododd y Cadeirydd hefyd bod y Cyngh. Brenda Haines wedi cael llawdriniaeth a dymunodd yn dda iddi ar ran y pwyllgor.
Before the meeting began the Chair wished to convey the committee’s sincere condolences with the Mayor, Cllr. Dr Endaf Edwards on the passing away of his brother in law. The Chair also noted that Cllr. Brenda Haines had undergone an operation and wished her well on behalf of the committee.
Gwahoddwyd cynrychiolydd o Cycle Fest yn fyr rybudd i’r cyfarfod gan y Cadeirydd Cyllid. Rhoddwyd amlinelliad cryno o’r hyn i’w ddisgwyl ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesaf gyda’r ‘Tour Series’. Cost cynnal y digwyddiad yn 2016 yw £66,000. Mae Cyngor Sir Ceredigion wedi cytuno i warantu’r digwyddiad a gweithredu fel lleoliad cynnal ar gyfer Tour Series 2016. Nodwyd ei bod hi’n beth da bod sir mor fach â Cheredigion yn cynnal digwyddiad o’r fath; a chael noddwyr lleol megis Cambrian Tyres. Yn y dyfodol mae’n bosibl y bydd Tesco a Premier Inn yn dod yn noddwyr. Y llynedd, fe gynhyrchodd 11,000 o ymwelwyr i Aberystwyth a chyfanswm incwm net o rhwng £150,000 a £170,000. Mae Aberystwyth wedi bod yn un o fannau mwyaf poblogaidd y digwyddiad, a phe bai’n gallu denu Tour of Britain byddai’r incwm a gynhyrchir ar lefel uwch gan ei fod yn ddigwyddiad rhyngwladol. Rhoddwyd manylion y 8-9 diwrnod o’r gwahanol ddigwyddiadau sy’n cael eu trefnu ar gyfer y flwyddyn hon megis diwrnod hyrwyddo ar y Dydd Llun cyntaf; prawf-amser 10 milltir yng Nghwm Rheidol ar Ddydd Mercher; digwyddiad yn y DRWM yn y Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Ddydd Iau; y prif ddigwyddiad Ddydd Gwener; beicio mynydd yn Llanbadarn h.y. dilëydd deuol ar Gefn-Llan gyda gwobr ariannol o £1,000 – Byddai’n cynnwys 20 o feicwyr proffesiynol a 20 o feicwyr lleol yn defnyddio proses ddileu i’r rownd derfynol. Mae’r Brifysgol wedi bod yn awyddus i gymryd rhan trwy ganiatau defnyddio Bryn Amlwg.
Ddydd Sul, ‘Sportive’ y Sul a fyddai’n dechrau ac yn gorffen ar y Band-stand. Ar ŵyl y banc mae digwyddiadau yn cael eu trefnu gan Ddigwyddiadau Dyfi ar y cyd gyda Summit Cycles a Dydd Mawrth, mae Beicio Cymru yn cynnal gweithgareddau ymgysylltu ar lawr gwlad gyda’r Brifysgol ym Mlaendolau fydd yn cynnwys sesiynau sgiliau ar gyfer pobl ifanc.
Gofynnodd y Cadeirydd at bwy fyddai’r Cyngor Tref yn cyfeirio’i gyfraniad ariannol? – Dylid ei gyfeirio at Gyngor Sir Ceredigion. Nododd Aelod bod croeso mawr i’r digwyddiad y llynedd yn y DRWM a bod y ffilm a ddangoswyd yn hynod ddiddorol i’r cyhoedd. Gofynnodd Aelod beth arall y maen nhw’n ei wneud yn ystod y flwyddyn. Mae llawer o ddigwyddiadau llai yn cael eu trefnu gan yr Ŵyl Feicio trwy gydol y flwyddyn.
Nododd Aelod, bod Aberystwyth yn sicr yn fan da ar gyfer y math hwn o ddigwyddiad.
Ar ôl i’r cynrychiolydd adael, cafwyd trafodaeth. Nododd Cyng. Ceredig Davies, y mwyaf y byddwn yn ei ymrwymo fel Cyngor Tref y lleiaf y byddwn yn gallu ei roi i eraill.
Nododd aelod mewn ymateb, y byddai danos yr un ymrwymiad yn atal Ceredigion rhag dweud na fyddent yn parhau i gefnogi yn y dyfodol a
thrwy beidio â dangos yr un lefel o gefnogaeth, byddai’n cyfaddawdu Ceredigion.
Cynigiwyd a PHENDERFYNWYD cytuno dros dro i ariannu £10,000. Dymunodd y Cyngh. Alun Williams bod cofnod yn cael ei wneud na wnaeth bleidleisio gan ei fod yn Aelod Cabinet o Gyngor Sir Ceredigion a chan hynny bod gwrthdaro buddianau.
A delegate from Cycle Fest was invited on short-notice to the meeting by the Chair of Finance. A brief outline was given of what to expect for next year with the Tour Series. The cost of hosting the event for 2016 is £66,000. Ceredigion County Council has agreed to underwrite the event and to act as host venue for the 2016 Tour Series. It was noted that it was good to have a county as small as Ceredigion to host such an event; and to have local sponsors such as Cambrian Tyres. In future it may be possible that Tesco and Premier Inn may become sponsors. Last year it generated 11,000 visitors to Aberystwyth and a total net income of between £150,000 and £170,000. Aberystwyth has been one of the event’s most popular places, and if it were to attract Tour of Britain the income it would generate would be of higher level because it’s an international event. An itinerary for the 8-9 day was given of different events that were being organised for this year such as promotional day on the first Monday; 10 mile time-trial in Cwm Rheidol on Wednesday; an event in the DRWM in the National Library on Thursday; the main event on Friday; Mountain biking in Llanbadarn i.e. Dual eliminator on Cefn-Llan with a £1,000 prize money – It would involve 20 professionals and 20 locals with a process of elimination to the final. The University is keen to be involved by utilising Bryn Amlwg.
On Sunday a ‘Sunday sportive’ that would start and finish on the Band-Stand. On the Bank Holiday there is events organised by Dyfi Events in collaboration with Summit Cycles and on Tuesday, Welsh cycling is hosting a grass-root involvement with the University at Blaendolau constituting skills sessions for young people.
It was asked by the Chair who would the Town Council direct it’s financial contribution to? – It was to be directed to Ceredigion County Council.
It was noted by a Member that the event in the DRWM was most welcomed and that the film that was shown was immensely interesting to the general public.
A member asked what else do they do during the year. Many smaller events are being organised by Cycle Fest throughout the year.
It was noted by a Member, that Aberystwyth was without doubt a good place for this sort of event.
After the delegate left, a discussion ensued. It was noted by Cllr. Ceredig Davies that the more we commit as a Town Council the less we can give to others.
A member noted in response that on the other hand, by showing the same commitment it would stop Ceredigion saying that they would not continue supporting in the future. By not showing the same level of support it would compromise Ceredigion.
It was proposed and RESOLVED to provisionally agree to fund £10,000.
Cllr Alun Williams wished it to be recoded that he didn’t vote because he is a Cabinet Member of Ceredigion County Council’s and thereby there is a conflict of interest.
- Derbyn Cyfrifon mis Tachwedd 2015/To Receive November Accounts2015
- i) Hysbysodd y Cadeirydd y pwyllgor ei bod wedi gofyn i Gronfa Bensiwn Dyfed, faint yw cost y diffyg yn y cynlluniau pensiwn? Adroddwyd y gallent ddod i gytundeb i dalu £31,000 i dalu’r swm hwn i gyd mewn un cyfandaliad; neu dalu taliad misol o £160 am 16 blynedd. Cynghorodd y Cadeirydd y byddai’r mater hwn yn hongian dros y Cyngor Tref. Awgrymwyd gan Aelod pe bai taliad o £31,000 yn dod o’r arbedion a wnaed o gyflog staff, pan oedd y Chynghorwyr yn gwneud y gwaith yn ystod y cyfnod hwnnw yn wirfoddol a gydag arbedion yn cael ei wneud ar y swydd dros dro byddai’n ddoeth talu’r cyfandaliad. PENDERFYNWYD gofyn i’r Cadeirydd gysylltu â Chronfa Bensiwn Dyfed am eglurhad: pe bai taliad o £31,000 yn cael ei wneud, nad oes tebygoliaeth y bydd y swm hwnnw yn newid a bydd y mater yn dod i ben unwaith ac am byth.
- i) The Chair notified the committee that she had asked the Dyfed Pension Fund, how much is the cost of the deficit on the pension schemes? It was reported that they could come to an agreement to pay £31,000 to pay this off in one lump-sum; or to pay a monthly payment of £160 for 16 year. The Chair advised that this matter would be hanging over the Town Council. It was suggested by a Member that if the payment of £31,000 came out of the savings made on staff salary, with Councillors doing the work during that period voluntarily and with savings made on the temporary job it would be prudent to pay the lump sum off. It was RESOLVED to ask the Chair to go back to Dyfed Pension Funds for clarification: if a payment of £31,000 is made, there will be no likelihood of that sum to change and the matter will be closed once and for all.
- ii) Pwysleisiodd y Cadeirydd yn gryf ar i’r Cynghorwyr ddod ag unrhyw brosiectau y maen nhw’n dymuno gwario arnynt, cyn ddiwedd mis Mawrth. Yn yr un modd roedd y Cadeirydd eisiau mynd ar ôl biliau sy’n weddill i’w talu cyn ddiwedd mis Mawrth.
- ii) The Chair emphasised profusely for Councillors to bring any projects that they may wish to spend on, before the end of March. Likewise the Chair wanted to chase any outstanding bills to be paid before the end of March.
PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y Cyfrifon.
It was RESOLVED to accept the Accounts.
- Cyllideb 2016-17 / 2016-17 Budget
Nodwyd gan aelod bod Un Llais Cymru yn cynghori pob cyngor Tref a Chymuned i godi eu praesept. Nodwyd y dylai’r Cyngor Tref gofio am y meysydd chwarae Plas-crug a Phenparcau fydd yn ychwanegol i’w cyllido. PENDERFYNWYD llunio rhestr o’r holl waith gofynnol ar yr holl asedau sy’n ymwneud â meysydd chwarae.
It was noted by a member that Once Voice Wales advises all Town and community councils to put their precept up. It was noted that the Town Council should be mindful that it will have Plas-crug and Penparcau playgrounds in addition to finance. It was RESOLVED to make a schedule of all work required on all assets pertaining to playgrounds.
- 6. Materion a gyfeiriwyd o’r Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol/Matters referred from the General Management Committee
- i) Dyfynbris ar gyfer gwaith atgyweirio’r ffens yn y Rhandiroedd/Quote for repairing of fence at the Allotments:
Darllenwyd dyfynbris gan Mr Dilwyn Morgan – Rhan 1 (£612.00) os nad yw’r ffensio wedi’i glirio o’r holl blanhigion; a Rhan 2 (£996) ail-osod 5 post mewn concrid yn ychwanegol. PENDERFYNWYD derbyn yr ail ddyfynbris am £996, er mwyn dangos ewyllys da i’r deiliaid Rhandiroedd.
An estimate by Mr Dilwyn Morgan was quoted – Part 1 (£612.00) this was if fencing has not been cleared of all planting; and Part 2 (£996) including re-fix 5 nos. concrete post. It was RESOLVED to accept the second quote for £996, in the interest of good will towards the Allotment holders.
- ii) Plac Dr Peter Edwards ar safle Ysbyty Bronglais/Dr Peter Edwards Plaque at Bronglais Hospital:
Adroddodd Cyng Alun Williams bod awgrym am yr arysgrif wedi’i anfon mewn e-bost at y Maer a bydd yn cael ei derfynu yn fuan. Roedd Cyng Williams wedi meddwl y byddai’n syniad da hysbysu’r teulu a Mr George Simpson o’r cynnydd. Ychwanegodd y Cyngh. Williams y byddai Ysbyty Bronglais yn gyfrifol am godi’r plac ac am unrhyw waith cynnal a chadw yn y dyfodol. PENDERFYNWYD y byddai Cyng Jeff Smith yn arwain wrth gael dyfynbris gan James Memorials ac wedi’i ddirprwyo i wario hyd at £495. Cytunwyd pe bai’r pris yn uwch byddai’n rhaid dod yn ôl at y pwyllgor.
Cllr. Alun Wiliams reported that a suggestion for inscription has been e-mailed to the Mayor and it will soon be finalised. Cllr. Williams had thought that it would be a good idea to inform the family and Mr George Simpson on progress. Cllr. Williams added that Bronglais Hospital would be responsible for erecting the plaque and to for any future maintenance. It was RESOLVED that Cllr. Jeff Smith would lead on getting an estimate from James Memorials and delegated to spend up to £495. It was agreed that if the price would be higher it would come back to committee.
iii) Arhosfan bws ym Mhenparcau/Bus-shelter in Penparcau:
PENDERFYNWYD dirprwyo awdurdod i Gadeirydd Cyllid wario ar gost gosod yr arhosfan bws ym Mhenparcau.
It was RESOLVED to delegate authority to the Chair of Finance to spend on the cost of erecting the bus-shelter in Penparcau.
- iv) Tynnu arhosfan bws Dan Dre/The Removal of Mill Street bus shelter:
PENDERFYNWYD symud ymlaen â thynnu’r arhosfan bws yn Dan Dre.
It was RESOLVED to proceed with the removal of Mill Street bus shelter.
- v) Plac Pont Trefechan/Pont Trefechan Plaque :
Derbyniwyd dyfynbris gan James Memorials gan gynnwys cynllun drafft o’r arysgrif ar y plac newydd arfaethedig. PENDERFYNWYD rhoi caniatâd i wario £495.00 ac eithrio TAW) ar blac Trefechan a’i roi yn lle’r llall ar y bont.
A quotation was received by James Memorials including a draft layout of the inscription on the proposed new plaque. It was RESOLVED to give permission to spend £495.00 exl. VAT) on the Trefechan plaque and it’s replacing on the bridge.
- Materion o gyfarfod y Pwyllgor Cyllid diwethaf/Matters from the last Finance Committee meeting
- i) Konica – opsiynau ynglŷn â phrynu yn hytrach na phrydlesu/Konica – options re buying instead of leasing:
Y gost o brynu yw £3,100. Y gost o’i gael ar les yw £168 pob chwarter; £0.0035c yw copi du a gwyn a £0.0320c yw copi lliw. PENDERFYNWYD dewis yr opsiwn i gael les.
The cost of buying is £3,100. The cost of leasing is £168 per quarter; £0.0035p a copy for black and white and £0.0320p a copy for colour. It was RESOLVED to choose the option to lease
- ii) Cyfrifiadur y swyddfa/Office Computer:
Nodwyd gan Aelod bod yr holl waith papur wedi’i brosesu a’i fod yn aros i gael ei lanw a’i lofnodi gan Gadeirydd Cyllid. Penderfynwyd mewn cyfarfod blaenorol i wario £650 ar gyfrifiadur newydd i’r swyddfa. Roedd y gliniadur yn fater arall a gellir ei drafod o dan eitem Agenda mewn cyfarfod yn y flwyddyn newydd.
It was noted by a Member that all paper work had been processed and that it was awaiting to be filled and signed by the Chair of Finance. It had been resolved in a previous meeting for £650 to be spent on a new computer for the office. The matter for a lap-top was another issue and can be discussed under an Agenda item in a meeting in the new year.
iii) Glanhawr ar gyfer y Swyddfa-Llawr cyntaf/Cleaner for the Office-First Floor:
Nodwyd gan Gadeirydd Cyllid bod hyn wedi’i ddirprwyo i’r panel staffio. Gofynnwyd ai dymuniad y pwyllgor o hyd oedd cael glanhawr am 2 awr. PENDERFYNWYD y byddai’r Cyngh. Brendan Somers yn arwain ar y mater a gwirfoddolodd Cyng Mair Benjamin yn garedig i ddod a glanhau am 2 awr bob dydd Gwener yn y cyfamser.
It was noted by the Chair of Finance that this was delegated to the staffing panel. It was asked if it was still the wish of the committee to have a cleaner for 2 hours. It was RESOLVED that Cllr. Brendan Somers would lead on the matter and Cllr. Mair Benjamin kindly volunteered to come and clean for 2 hours every Friday in the interim.
- iv) Plac Hanesyddol ym Mhenparcau/Historical Plaque in Penparcau
Adroddwyd bod y Cyngh. Kevin Price yn cysylltu â swyddogion Cyngor Sir Ceredigion ar y mater hwn.
It was reported that Cllr. Kevin Price is liaising with Ceredigion County Council’s officers on this matter.
- Gohebiaeth/Correspondence
- i) Neges e-bost gan Ann Eleri Jones, Rheolwr Twristiaeth a Marchnata Cyngor Sir Ceredigion yn gofyn am gyfraniad ariannol tuag at gost cynnal cymal Aberystwyth o Pearl Isumi UK Tour Series. Yn dilyn ymlaen o’r penderfyniad ar ddechrau’r cyfarfod yn ymwneud â’r Cycle Fest uchod, fe’i derbyniwyd.
- i) E-mail from Ann Eleri Jones, Ceredigon County Council’s Tourism and Marketing Manager requesting a financial contribution towards the cost of hosting the Aberystwyth stage of the Pearl Isumi UK Tor Series. Following on from the resolution above regarding Cycle Fest, it was accepted.
- ii) Llythyr gan Gyngor Sir Ceredigion parthed Trefniadau Praesept 2016-17. Nodwyd gan y Cadeirydd bod yna 75 o dai yn fwy yn Aberystwyth. Er eglurhad nodwyd bod Llywodraeth y Cynulliad yn talu swm i Gyngor Sir Ceredigion i dalu Treth y Cyngor am y
- ii) Letter from Ceredigion County Council re Precept Arrangements 2016-2017. It was noted by the Chair that there were 75 more houses in Aberystwyth. For clarification it was noted that the Assembly Government does pay Ceredigion County Council an amount to cover Council Tax for the students.
iii) Neges e-bost gan ‘Multiple Sclerosis Society in Ceredigion’ yn gofyn am unrhyw gefnogaeth boed hynny’n ariannol neu fel arall. PENDERFYNWYD ateb yr e-bost drwy ddweud eu bod yn rhydd i ddefnyddio’r swyddfa yn nhermau paratoi a phrintio taflenni, y bydd y Cyngor yn gosod y wybodaeth ar wefan y Cyngor, ei rannu ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol a throsglwyddo’r e-bost at yr holl Gynghorwyr.
iii) An e-mail from the Multiple Sclerosis Society in Ceredigion asking for any support be it financial or otherwise. It was RESOLVED to answer by saying that they are free to use the office in terms of preparing and printing leaflets, the Council will put their information on the Council’s website, share it on social media and pass the e-mail to all Councillors.
- Ceisiadau am wariant/Requests for funding
Roedd cais wedi dod gan Gôr Gobaith trwy’r Cyngh. Alun Williams i blannu coeden o flaen y Llyfrgell y Dre. Roedd John Hadlow wedi canfod plot yn y sgwâr glas ac yn gobeithio y gallai coeden geirios gael ei phlannu ym mis Ionawr. Byddai’n costio tua £600. Mae Côr Gobeithio yn dymuno cael canolbwynt ar gyfer digwyddiadau ac mae wedi codi rhan fwyaf yr arian. Maen nhw’n gofyn a fyddai’r Cyngor yn cytuno i warantu’r swm sy’n weddill ganddynt i fyny at uchafswm o £200. PENDERFYNWYD gwneud hyn.
A request by Côr Gobaith had come through Cllr. Alun Williams for a tree to be planted in front of the Town Library. John Hadlow had idenitified a plot in the grass-square and hope a cherry-tree could be planted in January. It would cost around £600. Côr Gobaith wishes the plaque to be a focal point for events and have raised most of the money. They are asking if the Council would agree to underwrite the amount they’ve got outstanding up to a maximum of £200. It was RESOLVED to do this.
PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y Cofnodion gyda’r newidiadau blaenorol.
It was RESOLVED to accept the Minutes with the foregoing amendments.
Cofnod 120/Cofnod 120
Ceisiadau Cynllunio/Planning Applications
- i) Store 21, Parc Siopa Rheidol, Aberystwyth (A150840). Dymchwel adeilad un llawr a’i newid gyda gyda uned dau-lawr ar yr un safle fydd yn cynnwys siop (A1) a restaurant a caffi (A3)/Store 21 Rheidol Retail Park, Aberystwyth (A150840). Demolition of an existing single storey shop unit and replacing it with a new two storey unit on generally the same footprint with shop (A1) and restaurant and cafe (A3) uses
PENDERFYNWYD bod Cyngor Tref Aberystywth yn croesawu’r datblygiad ond ni ellir ei dderbyn cyn cael manylion pellach am y canlynol:
- mae amwysedd gyda lleoliad y biniau – mae angen lle penodol cliriach i gadw’r sbwriel;
- a ellir gwneud yn siŵr eu bod yn cadw at safaonau effeithlonrwydd egni Breeam;
- a allent wneud yn siŵr eu bod yn defnyddio defnyddiau cerrig a llechi’r to a fydai’n gweddu â phensaerniaeth hanesyddol, cadwriaethol ac urddasol yr orsaf.
- mae cwestiwn yn cael ei godi ynglŷn â’r tŵr pigog sydd DDIM yn cydfynd gyda thŵr cloc yr orsaf sydd mewn steil art-deco.
It was RESOLVED that Aberystwyth Town Council welcomes the development however it cannot be accepted before receiving further details about the following:
- there is some ambiguity regarding the location of the bins – there is a need for clearer specific space to keep rubbish;
- could it be ensured that they comply with the Breeam energy efficiency standards;
- could they ensure that they use stone and roof slate that would be in-keeping with the historical, conservational and dignified architecture of the station.
- a question is raised regarding the pointy tower which is NOT in-keeping with the station’s clock tower which is in the art-deco style.
Cofnod 121/Minute 121
Cwestiynau sy’n ymwneud â materion tu fewn cylch gorchwyl y Cyngor hwn YN UNIG/Questions relating ONLY to matters in this Council’s remit.
- i) Beth yw sefyllfa’r Rheolau Sefydlog? – Fe fydd y Maer yn dosbarthu copi DRAFFT o bob dogfen at yr Aelodau, eu hanfon at Un Llais Cymru ac yn fe’u trafodir gan y Cyngor Llawn i’w trafod a’u derbyn.
- i) What was the situation with the Standing Orders? – The Mayor would distribute a DRAFT copy of each document to the Members, to OneVoice Wales and then they will be discussed by the Full Council for discussion and to be accepted.
- ii) Beth yw sefyllfa cais Parc Krönberg? – Ni chafwyd ymateb da i’r holiadur. Holwyd a ellir cadw’r holiadur ar agor i gael rhagor o ymatebion neu a yw’r Cyngor Tref am fodloni ei roi i mewn i’r Loteri Cenedlaethol fel y mae? Cytunwyd ar gael rhagor o ymatebion a PHENDERFYNWYD cael stondin yn Sgwâr Owain Glyndŵr ynghyd â chyfrifiadur i fewnbynnu gwybodaeth – cytunodd y Cyngh. Sue Jones-Davies, y Cyngh. Lucy Huws, a’r Cyngh. Mair Benjamin i arwain ac i bob Cynghorydd geisio hel o leia 10 person i lanw’r holiadur; cytunodd y Cynghorydd Ceredig Davies gysylltu gyda Mr Richard Griffiths, Gwesty’r Richmond am gazebo.
- ii) What is the situation with the Parc Krönberg application? – The response to the questionnaire had not been good. It was enquired whether it would be possible to keep the questionnaire open in order to get more responses or whether the Town Council would be satisfied to submit it to the National Lottery as it was? It was agreed to get further responses and it was RESOLVED to have a stall on Sgwâr Owain Glyndŵr as well as a computer to input information – Cllr. Sue Jones-Davies, Cllr. Lucy Huws, and Cllr. Mair Benjamin agreed to lead and for each Councillor to try to send at least 10 people to fill in the questionnaire; Councillor Ceredig Davies agreed to contact Mr Richard Griffiths, Richmond Hotel regarding a gazebo.
Cofnod 122/Minute 122
Cyllid – ystyried gwariant/Finance – to consider expenditrure
Taliadau gan Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth – 21-12-15
Payments by Aberystwyth Town Council – 21-12-15
Columbine Florist Torch popis gwyn/White popy wreath 40.00
TME Electrical Contractors Gosod Goleuadau Nadolig/Installing Xmas 7,200.00
TME Electrical Contractors Symud y festwn ar y promenâd a.y.b/ 1,836.00
Removing of lighting festoon on promenade etc.
Mr A M James Gwneud, ffitio a gorffen 2 fwrdd Anrhydedd 590.00
Mewn pren sapl/Make, fit and finish 2 saple
honour boards
Cyngor Sir Ceredigion Rhandiroedd/Allotments 295.00
Cyngor Sir Gâr Cyflog mis Hydref/Salary for October 2,033.87
Y Cyngh. Jeff Smith Bostik o W.H. Smith i osod arwydd diogelwch tân/
Bostik from W.H. Smith to put up fire safety sign 1.59
Pitney Bowes Rent am y Peiriant Ffrancio/Rental for Franking 21.54 Machine
Les Davies Coeden Nadolig Penparcau / 150.00
Penparcau Christmas Tree
Peninsula HR Face 2 Face Cancellation Fee 240.00
Viking Arlliwydd i’r argraffydd yn y swyddfa /Toner for 263.47
printer in the office
AEA Management Ltd Rent 25-12-15 – 24-03 -16 4,500.00
RS-Fyr & Safety Supplies 7 Arwydd diolgelwch tân/7 fire safety signs 21.89
Gwesty’r Marine 91 Cinio Nadolig yr Henoed/91 Senior Citizens 1,592.50
Christmas lunch
Afan Construction Ltd Hurio storio’r goleuadau Nadolig/Storage of Xmas 312.00
Llinos Roberts-Young Styfflydd a styfflylau/Stapler and staples 8.98
Lowri Schiavone Cyfieithu Cofnodion/Minutes Translating 732.56
Llinos Roberts-Young Dyddiadur a Blwyddiadur/Diary and
wall-chart 8.95
PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r cyfrifon ar wahân i Peninsula a Cyngor Ceredigion a gadwyd yn ôl rhag talu ar hyn o bryd.
It was RESOLVED to approve the accounts except for Peninsula and Ceredgion County Council that was kept back from payment at present.
Cofnod 123/Minute 123 Adroddiadau AR LAFAR gan Gynghorwyr Cyngor Sir Ceredigion ar faterion sy’n ymwneud â’r Cyngor hwn YN UNIG/VERBAL reports from Ceredigion County Councillors on matters ONLY pertaining to this Council
Y Cynghorydd/Councillor Mark Strong:
- i) Band Stand: Adroddwyd bod rhagor o oedi tan bydd y gwaith wedi ei gwblhau.
- i) Band Stand: It was reported that there would be further delay until the work has been completed.
- ii) Pwyllgorau Llifogydd: Adroddwyd ei fod wedi mynychu sawl pwyllgor lle dywedwyd bod nentydd yn gorlenwi ar fryniau yn achosi llif; ac yn Aberystwyth achosi’r llifogydd yn bennaf gan stormydd a llanw mawr. Anogwyd yr Aelodau i gysylltu gyda’r Cyngh. Mark Strong os oes ganddynt unrhyw awgrymiadau yn ymwneud â draeniau gan fod hyn hefyd yn fater o bwys yng nghyd-destun llifogydd.
- ii) Floods Committees: It was reported that he had attended several committees where it was said that streams overfilling on hills were causing floods; and in Aberystwyth floods were mainly caused by storms and high tides.
Members were encouraged to contact Cllr. Mark Strong if they had any suggestions involving drainage as this was also an important matter in the context of floods.
Y Cynghorydd/Councillor Alun Williams:
- i) Adroddwyd bod amserlen newydd i’r Ardal Gwell Busnes:
15-2-16 pecyn pleidleisio
14-03-16 ballot
15-03-16 canlyniad.
Gobeithio bydd y busnesau yn pleidleisio IE a fydd yn rhoi grym iddynt ar sut y gallant hyrwyddo’r dref.
- i) It was reported that there was a new timetable for Business Improvement Plan:
15-2-16 ballot pack
14-03-16 ballot
15-03-16 result.
It was hoped that the businesses would vote YES which will give them power on how they can promote the town.
- ii) Adroddwyd bod Cyngor Sir Ceredigion yn mynd i dderbyn 3.4% o doriad yn eu cyllid yn y flwyddyn ariannol nesaf. Cydnabyddir bod siroedd gweledig yn cael eu tan-ariannu yn y fformiwla gyllido.
Gofynwyd gan yr Aelodaua a oedd Cyngor Sir Ceredigion yn mynd i restru beth ddaeth o’r ymgynghoriad gyda’r cyhoedd ac pha arbedion oedd yn mynd i gael eu gwneud? Ymatebodd y Cyngh. Alun Williams drwy nodi bod trafodaethau yn mynd yn eu blaen yn barhaus ar cydbwyso’r gyllideb a does dim posib ateb yr alwad i bob angen cyllidol. Y mae’r Cyngor Sir yn gwneud sylwadau cryf i’r Gweinidog Llywodraeth Lleol.
- ii) It was reported that Ceredigion County Council would be getting a 3.4% cut in its budget in the next financial year. It was acknowledged that rural counties were under-funded in the funding formula.
Members asked whether Ceredigion County Council intended to list the outcome of the consultation with the public and which savings were going to be made? Cllr. Alun Williams replied by noting that discussions were continually underway on balancing the budget and it was not possible to respond to demands for every budgetary requirement. The County Council was making strong representations to the Local Government Minister.
Cofnod 124/Minute 124
Adroddiadau YSGRIFENEDIG gan gynrychiolwyr ar gyrff allanol/WRITTEN Reports from representatives on outside bodies.
- i) Derbyniwyd Aroddiad gan y Cyngh. Mererid Jones o Bwyllgor Rheoli Fforwm Penparcau a gynhaliwyd 4 Tachwedd 2015.
- i) A report was received from Clllr. Mererid Jones from the Penparcau Forum Management Board held on 4 November 2015.
ii)Cafwyd ymddiheuriad gan y Cyngh. Sue Jones-Davies nad oedd adroddiad ysgrifenedig wedi dod i law o Ganolfan y Celfyddydau.
- ii) Cllr. Sue Jones-Davies gave apologies for the fact that a written report had not been received from the Arts Centre.
Cofnod 125/Minute 125
- i) llythyr gan Glybiau Ffermwyr Ifainc (Catrin Reynolds, Trefnydd y Sir) yn diolch i’r Maer am ei rodd o £40.00 i’r Mudiad ac am ei bresenoldeb yn Eisteddfod y Ffermwyr Ifainc.
- i) a letter from Young Farmers’ Clubs (Catrin Reynolds, County Organiser) thanking the Mayor for his donation of £40.00 to the Organisation and for his attendance at the Young Farmers’ Eisteddfod.
- ii) dau ddatganiad I’r wasg oddi wrth Prifysgol Aberystwyth – un yn dweud am fyfyriwr yn ymuno â phanel beirniaid Gwobr Tir na n-Og a’r llall yn dweud bod stormydd a’r llifogydd ‘digyffelyb’ (‘unprecendented’) yn fwy cyffredin nag yr ydym yn meddwl.
- ii) two press releases from Aberystwyth University – one informing of a student joining the Tir na n-Og Award judging panel and the other stating that unprecedented storms and floods were more common that we might have thought.
iii) llythyr gan Parkwood Leisure yn gofyn am ymatebion i gwestiynnau yn ymwneud a mesydd chwarae ar gyfer eu bas-data. PENDERFYNWYD anfon yr atebion perthnasol.
iii) a letter from Parkwood Leisure asking for responses to questions involving playing fields for their data-base. It was RESOLVED to send the relevant answers.
Cofnod 126/Minute 126
Unrhyw fater arall/Any Other Business
Dymunwyd Nadolig Llawen i’r Aelodau gan y Maer/ The Mayor wished the Members a Merry Christmas.