Full Council

22/02/2016 at 7:00 pm



Cofnodion Cyfarfod y Cyngor Llawn a gynhaliwyd yn Siambr y Cyngor, 11 Stryd y Popty, Aberystwyth ar nos Lun, 22 Chwefror 2016 am 6:30p.m.

Minutes of a meeting of Full Council held in the Council Chamber, 11 Baker Street, Aberystwyth on,

Monday 22 February 2016 at 6:30p.m.



Cyngh./Cllr.Dr. Endaf Edwards (Maer/Mayor)

Cyngh./Cllr Brendan Somers (Dirprwy Faer/Deputy Mayor)

Cyngh./Cllr Alun Williams

Cyngh./Cllr Brenda Haines

Cyngh./Cllr Sue Jones-Davies

Cyngh./Cllr Lucy Huws

Cyngh./Cllr Mair Benjamin

Cyngh./Cllr Steve Davies

Cyngh./Cllr Wendy Morris

Cyngh./Cllr Ceredig Davies

Cyngh./Cllr Talat Chaudhri

Cyngh./Cllr Mark A. Strong

Cyngh./Cllr Martin W. Shewring

Cyngh./Cllr Jeff Smith

Cyngh./Cllr Brian Davies


Cyngh./Cllr Mererid Jones


Cyn i’r cyfarfod dechrau croesawodd y Maer Mr Caleb Spencer o’r Cambrian News, Mrs Delyth Davies (cyfieithydd), a’r Arolygydd Jonathan Rees o Heddlu Dyfed-Powys

Prior to commencing the meeting, the Mayor welcomed Mr Caleb Spencer of the Cambrian News, Mrs Delyth Davies (Translator), and Inspector Jonathan Rees from Dyfed- Powys Police.

Cofnod 145/ Minute 145

Datgan Buddiannau/ Declarations of interest

Cyngh. Endaf Edwards: gwariant

Cllr. Endaf Edwards: Expenditure

Cyngh. Ceredig Davies: Cynllunio, A160013

Cllr. Ceredig Davies: Planning, A160013


Cofnod 146/ Minute 146

Cyfeiriadau Personol/Personal References.

Dymunwyd pen-blwydd hapus i’r Cyngh. Sue Jones-Davies

Birthday Greetings were extended to Cllr Sue Jones-Davies


Cofnod 147/ Minute 147

Cyflwyniad gan gynrychiolydd o Heddlu Dyfed-Powys

Diolchodd yr Arolygydd Jonathan Rees am y cyfle i annerch y cyfarfod. Eglurodd ei fod yn gweithio ar blismona cymunedol. Amlinellodd sawl her i’r heddlu, gan gynnwys heriau ariannol, a’r argymhellion bod rhaid i Heddlu Dyfed-Powys gwella mewn cwpl o feysydd o’u gwaith.

Amlinellwyd y sefyllfa trosedd yng Ngheredigion: mae cyfradd isel o drosedd a chyfradd uchel o foddhad yng ngwaith yr Heddlu. Dywedodd fod pob achos yn cael ei hymchwilio. Dywedodd fod cwymp mawr wedi bod mewn troseddau trefn gyhoeddus yn Aberystwyth yn ddiweddar, ond fod 7 gwarant cyffuriau wedi cael eu gosod yn ddiweddar.

Amlinellodd y cynlluniau newydd am Recordio Troseddau’n Foesol, sef bod troseddau’n cael eu cofnodi hyd yn oed os nad oes digon o dystiolaeth.

Dywedodd ei fod yn hapus i fynychu cyfarfodydd o’r Cyngor Tref yn y dyfodol.

Codwyd sawl pwnc gan aelodau gan gynnwys: parcio ar y palmantau, y gwaith da gan Swyddogion Cefnogi Cymunedol yr Heddlu (PCSOs), bod sawl PCSO yn symud ymlaen o’r ardal yn rhy gyflym, baw cŵn, darpariaeth Teledu Cylch-Cyfyng (CCTV), cerddoriaeth wedi’i mwyhau ar y strydoedd, ymddygiad gwrthgymdeithasol yng nghanol y dref,  a seiclo ar balmantau.

Atebodd yr Arolygydd fod parcio ar y palmantau yn flaenoriaeth ar gyfer y Tîm Plismona Cymunedol, fod dim cyllid gan yr Heddlu i gyllido CCTV, fod rhai o’r PCSOs eisiau symud ymlaen i wella’u gyrfaoedd a bod modd rhoi dirwy yn y fan a’r lle os yw rhywun yn seiclo’n beryglus ar y palmant.

Dywedwyd fod yr Etholiadau Comisiynydd Heddlu a Throsedd yn digwydd yn fuan. Gofynnodd un aelod beth yw rôl y Comisiynydd. Dywedodd yr Arolygydd fod y Comisiynydd yn dal y Prif Gwnstabl i gyfrif, a bod bwrdd perfformiad misol i weld os yw’r Heddlu’n cadw at eu targedau. Nodwyd bydd y Comisiynydd presennol yn Aberystwyth ar 28 Chwefror 2016.

Inspector Jonathan Rees thanked members for the opportunity to address the meeting. He clarified that he worked as a Community Police-officer. He underlined several challenges facing the police, including financial challenges and recommendations that the Dyfed – Police improve in a couple of areas surrounding their work.

He underlined criminal issues in Ceredigion: There is a low crime rate but a high expectation from the police. He stated that every incident was investigated. Lately there has been a large decline in public order offences but that 7 warrents had recently been served for drug issues.

Inspector Rees highlighted new plans for recording moral or ethical offences and that all incidents would be recorded even without sufficient evidence.

The Inspector stated that he would be happy to attend meetings of the Town Council in the future.

Members then raised several issues which included; Parking on pavements, the good work undertaken by the PCSO’s although several moved on from the area too quickly. Dog fouling, the provision of CCTV, music on the streets was appreciated, anti-social incidents in the centre of the town and cycling on pavements.

Inspector Rees responded that parking on pavements was a priority with the Community Police Team, there was no funding to support CCTV and that PCSO’s moved on to better themselves and that a fine would be enforced for dangerous cycling on pavements.

The inspector informed members of the elections that would take place shortly for Police and Crime   Commissioner’s. A member asked about the role of the Commissioner to which the Inspector responded stating that he held the Chief Constable to account and that a monthly board meeting took place to ensure that the police met their targets. It was noted that the current Commisioner would be in Aberystwyth on 28th February 2016.

Cofnod 148/Minute 148

Adroddiad Gweithgareddau’r Maer/ Mayoral Activity Report

Cylchredegwyd/ Circulated

Cofnod 149/Minute 149

Cofnodion o Gyfarfod y Cyngor Llawn a Gynhaliwyd ar 25 Ionawr 2016/ Minutes of a Meeting of the Full Council held on 25 January 2016

Aeth y Maer drwy’r cofnodion un wrth un.

Diolchwyd i’r Cyngh. Jeff Smith am ychwanegu rhifau ar y tudalennau

Nodwyd ymddiheuriadau gan Cyngh. Brendan Somers133) 118) 9) Nodwyd fod 65 o bobl wedi mynychu’r digwyddiad lle blannwyd y goeden heddwch133) 121) Nodwyd mai enw uniaith Cymraeg yw Cae Kronberg; felly mae angen newid “Kronberg Park” i “Cae Kronberg” yn y cofnod Saesneg

Nodwyd fod angen newid yr ail gofnod 133 i 134, ac yno newid rhifau’r cofnodion nes ymlaen

Nodwyd fod y Cyngor wedi derbyn cyfathrebiadau gan Adran Gynllunio Cyngor Sir Ceredigion ac Asiantaeth y Cefnffyrdd (Llywodraeth Cymru), ynglŷn â’r datblygiad ar hen safle’r Tabernacl. Roeddynt yn cytuno a’r Cyngor Tref nad oedd yr adeilad yn edrych yr un fath a’r cynlluniau. Nodwyd fod pensaer wedi dod i gyfarfod o’r Cyngor Tref ac wedi ymrwymo i ehangu’r ffordd, ond nad yw hyn wedi digwydd. Nodwyd fod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi buddsoddi swm sylweddol o arian adfywio yn y prosiect, a bod Prif Weinidog Cymru, Carwyn Jones, wedi cael llun o flaen y safle. Gofynnodd un aelod a fyddai modd i Lywodraeth Cymru hawlio arian yn ôl o’r datblygwyr.

Nodwyd nad oedd unrhyw aelod o’r cyhoedd wedi cysylltu â’r Swyddfa eto i fynegi diddordeb mewn dathlu pen-blwydd y Frenhines eleni.

134) 5i) Nodwyd fod dyddiad pendant i ymweliad Mr Jean Guezennec

135) Nodwyd fod “ymddiheuriadau” wedi cael ei cham-sillafu

135) 9i) Nodwyd fod y swm o arian a ymrwymwyd  gan Fenter Aberystwyth yn £1177 yn hytrach na £1500.

143) Nodwyd dylid newid “High Street” i “Great Darkgate Street” yn y cofnodion Saesneg.

PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y cofnodion gyda’r cywiriadau.

The Mayor went through the minutes one by one.

Cllr. Jeff Smith was thanked for adding page numbers

Apologies were noted from Cllr. Brendan Somers

133) 118) 9) It was noted that 65 people had attended the event for planting the peace tree

  • 121) It was noted that Cae Kronberg was the name of the park in both Welsh and English; therefore, the reference to “Kronberg Park” in the English minutes needed to be changed to “Cae Kronberg”

It was noted that the second 133 minute needed to be changed to 134, and the numbers thereafter needed to be changed also

It was noted that the Council had received communication from Ceredigion County Council’s Planning Department and the Trunk Road Agency (Welsh Government), regarding the development on the former Tabernacle site. They agreed with the Town Council that the building did not look the same as the plans. It was noted that an architect had come to a Town Council meeting and had committed to extend the road, but that this had not happened. It was noted that Welsh Government had invested a substantial amount of regeneration funding in the project, and that the First Minister of Wales, Carwyn Jones, had his photograph taken in front of the site. One member asked whether it would be possible for Welsh Government to claim money back from the developers.

It was noted that no member of the public had contacted the Office as yet to express an interest in celebrating the Queen’s birthday this year.

135) 5i) It was noted that there was a definite date for Mr Jean Guezennec’s visit

136) It was noted that “ymddiheuriadau” had been misspelled in the Welsh version

136) 9i) It was noted that the financial commitment by Menter Aberystwyth was £1177 rather than £1500.

143) It was noted that “High Street” should be changed to “Great Darkgate Street” in the English minutes.

It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes with the corrections.

Cofnod 150/Minute 150

Cofnodion o Gyfarfodydd o’r Pwyllgor Cynllunio a Gynhaliwyd ar 1 Chwefror 2016 a 15 Chwefror 2016





Cyngh./Cllr. Jeff Smith (Cadeirydd/Chair)

Cyngh./Cllr. Lucy Huws (Is-Gadeirydd/Vice-Chair)

Cyngh./Cllr. Martin W. Shewring

Cyngh./Cllr. Talat Chaudhri

Cyngh./Cllr. Kevin Roy Price

Cyngh./Cllr. Brian Davies

Cyngh./Cllr. Endaf Edwards

Cyngh./Cllr. Mair Benjamin

Cyngh./Cllr. Sue Jones-Davies

Cyngh./Cllr. Alun Williams


Cyngh./Cllr. Steve Davies

Cyngh./Cllr. Mererid Jones

Cyngh./Cllr. Ceredig Davies

Cyngh./Cllr. Wendy Morris

Cyngh./Cllr. Brendan Somers

3) Datgan Diddordeb / Declarations of interest

Dim / None

4) Gohebiaeth / Correspondence

  1. i) E-bost gan Un Llais Cymru i’n hysbysu o ymgynghoriad ynglŷn â’r Fframwaith Datblygu Cenedlaethol. PENDERFYNWYD trafod ein hymateb yng nghyfarfod nesaf y Pwyllgor Cynllunio ar ôl i bawb gael cyfle i ddarllen y dogfennau
  2. i) E-mail from One Voice Wales to notify us of a consultation regarding the National Development Framework. It was RESOLVED to discuss our response at the next meeting of the Planning Committee after everybody had had an opportunity to read the documents
  3. ii) Copi o gais am Drwydded Amgylcheddol, gan CB Environmental Cyf, sydd eisiau adfer metel sgrap yn Ystâd Ddiwydiannol Glan-yr-Afon. PENDERFYNWYD anfon e-bost at Gyngor Cymuned Llanfarian i gadarnhau ein bod wedi derbyn copi o’r cais ac yn dweud ein bod yn gadael iddynt benderfynu drostynt eu hunain
  4. ii) A copy of an application for an Environmental Licence, from CB Environmental Ltd., which wanted to recover scrap metal from Glan-yr-Afon Industrial Estate. It was RESOLVED to send an e-mail to Llanfarian Community Council to confirm that we had received a copy of the application and noting that we would let them decide for themselves

iii) Llythyr gan Gyfoeth Naturiol Cymru ynglŷn â’r gwalcen o gwmpas y Pentref Gwyliau. Nododd y llythyr fod Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru’n cadw llygad ar y datblygiad, bod archwiliwr wedi mynd yno a’i fod wedi cadarnhau bod y gwalcen newydd o fewn y dimensiynau a ganiateir.

iii) Letter from Natural Resources Wales regarding the bank around the Holiday Village. The letter noted that Natural Resources Wales was keeping an eye on the development, that an inspector had gone there and that he had confirmed that the new bund was within the dimensions allowed.

  1. iv) Datblygiad y Tabernacl – daeth e-bost o Lywodraeth Cymru yn cydnabod eu bod wedi derbyn ein llythyr.
  2. iv) Tabernacle development – an e-mail was received from Welsh Government acknowledging that it had received our letter.
  3. v) Cofnodion o gyfarfod Pwyllgor Rheoli Datblygu, Cyngor Sir Ceredigion, 13 Ionawr 2016
  4. v) Minutes of the Development Control Committee meeting, Ceredigion County Council, 13 January 2016
  5. vi) Llythyr gan Owain Davies, Swyddog Cynllunio yng Nghyngor Sir Ceredigion, yn esbonio pam roddwyd caniatâd cynllunio i’r garej wrth Lys Owen (A150463)
  6. vi) Letter from Owain Davies, Planning Officer at Ceredigion County Council, explaining why planning permission had been granted to the garage near Llys Owen (A150463)

vii) Llythyr oddi wrth Brian Heath (ysgrifennydd y Gymdeithas Rhandiroedd lleol), parthed cais A151037, lle bwriedir adeiladu byngalo ar ran o faes parcio’r rhandiroedd. Dywedodd yn ei lythyr fod y maes parcio’n dir rhandiroedd statudol, a bod angen caniatâd gan Ysgrifennydd Gwladol i newid defnydd y tir. Cytunwyd ystyried hyn nes ymlaen wrth ystyried Cais Cynllunio A151037.

vii) Letter from Brian Heath (secretary of the local Allotments Society) in relation to application A151037, with the proposal to build a bungalow on part of the allotments car park. In his letter he said that the car park is statutory allotment land and that permission was required from the Secretary of State to change the land use. It was agreed to consider this later when considering Planning Application A151037.

5) Ceisiadau Cynllunio / Planning Applications

A151037: Adeiladu Byngalo wrth Fryn Siriol, 5th Avenue, Penparcau

A151037: Construction of a Bungalow adjacent to Bryn Siriol, 5th Avenue, Penparcau

Ar ôl trafod y cais, PENDERFYNWYD anfon yr ymateb islaw:

After discussing the application, it was RESOLVED to send the following response:

Mae Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth yn GWRTHWYNEBU hyn ar sail bydd hyn yn crebachu ar y cyfleusterau parcio sydd ar gael i ddeiliaid y rhandiroedd gerllaw.

Aberystwyth Town Council OBJECTS to this on grounds that this would diminish the parking facilities available for the occupants of the adjacent allotments. 

Rydym hefyd yn pryderu bod y llinellau coch ar y cynlluniau yn mynd draw i ochr arall y llwybr seiclo a gan hynny yn cynnwys y llwybr seiclo yn yr ardd: mae angen i’r llwybr seiclo (a’r ffordd i’r maes parcio) cael ei warchod, ac mae angen cadw digon o dir ar y ddwy ochr ohoni mewn perchnogaeth gyhoeddus fel bod modd ehangu’r llwybr seiclo yn y dyfodol.

We are also concerned that the red lines on the plans go over to the other side of the cycle route and by this means include the cycle route in the garden: the cycle route (and the road to the car park) need to be protected, and there is a need to keep plenty of land on either side of it in public ownership in order to be able to extend the cycle route in the future.

Ystyriaeth arall sydd yn berthnasol i hyn i gyd yw’n cynlluniau i haneri nifer o’r rhandiroedd o ran eu maint, gan ymateb i’r galw cynyddol am hanner-randiroedd. Mae hyn yn golygu bydd mwy o angen am y maes parcio yn y dyfodol – hyd at ddwywaith y nifer o geir. Felly byddai crebachu’n sylweddol ar y cyfleusterau parcio yn debyg o greu mwy o broblemau yn y dyfodol.

Another consideration relevant to all of this is our plans to reduce the size of a number of allotments by half, responding to the increasing demand for half-allotments. This means that there will be more of a need for the car park in the future – up to twice the number of cars. Therefore significantly diminishing the parking facilities would likely cause more problems in the future.

A160020: Arwydd newydd, Aled Ellis Lettings, Ffordd y Môr

A160020: New sign, Aled Ellis Lettings, Terrace Road


6) Unrhyw Fater Arall / Any Other Business

Ymgynghoriad am dreillrwydi am sgalop

Consultation on dredging for scallops

Cafwyd trafodaeth hir, gyda llawer o gynghorwyr yn codi pryderon am hyn. Nodwyd fod y dull o dreillrwydi’n achosi dinistr mawr i waelod y môr, a’i fod yn effeithio ar lawer o’r creaduriaid mae dolffiniaid yn bwyta. Nodwyd fod llawer o drigolion y dref yn hoff iawn o’r dolffiniaid a’u bod yn cyfrannu at yr economi leol. Nodwyd fod llawer o’r cychod i hel sgalop yn dod o bell i ffwrdd ac felly nad ydynt yn gwneud cyfraniad i’r economi leol. Nodwyd fod y dull yn gallu achosi niwed mawr i’r amgylchedd a bod y difrod yn cymryd cryn amser i drwsio’u hunain.

A lengthy discussion was held, with many councillors raising concerns about this. It was noted that the method of dredging caused great destruction to the sea bed, and that it affected many of the creatures that dolphins ate. It was noted that many of the town’s residents were very fond of the dolphins and that they contributed to the local economy. It was noted that many of the boats that collected scallops came from afar and therefore they didn’t make a contribution to the local economy. It was noted that the method could cause great harm to the environment and that the damage took much time to be repaired.


Dywedodd un aelod fod cerbydau sydd yn helpu yn y broses o hel sgalop wedi achosi dinistr i wâl yr harbwr a bod y peirianwaith yn peri pryder i bobl leol yn ei ward.

One member said that vehicles which helped in the process of collecting scallops had caused damage to the harbour wall and that the machinery caused concern to local people in his ward.


Adroddodd y Cyngh. Mair Benjamin, sydd yn cynrychioli’r Cyngor ar Un Llais Cymru, fod hyn wedi cael ei drafod mewn cyfarfod diweddar ganddynt. Dywedodd bod llawer o gynghorau cymuned, yn arbennig yn Ne Ceredigion, yn grac iawn am y cynlluniau, a bod llawer o dystiolaeth wedi mynd gerbron y cyfarfod i ddangos y niwed byddai caniatáu treillrwydi am sgalop yn debyg o achosi i’r amgylchedd ac i’r diwydiant twristiaid.

Cllr. Mair Benjamin, who represented the Council on One Voice Wales, reported that this had been discussed at a recent meeting. She said that many community councils, particularly in South Ceredigion, were very angry about the plans, and much evidence had been submitted before the meeting to show the damage that allowing dredging for scallops would likely cause to the environment and to the tourism industry.

Teimlwyd bod angen cyfeirio at hyn yn ein hymateb; PENDERFYNWYD bydd Cyngh. Mair Benjamin yn cysylltu ag Un Llais Cymru am fwy o wybodaeth.

It was felt that this needed to be referred to in our response; it was RESOLVED that Cllr. Mair Benjamin would contact One Voice Wales for more information.

Gan fod yr ymgynghoriad yn dod i ben cyn cyfarfod nesaf y Pwyllgor Cynllunio, PENDERFYNWYD rhoi pwerau dirprwyedig i’r Cyngh. Jeff Smith lunio ymateb gan gynnwys yr holl bwyntiau a godwyd yng nghyfarfod y Pwyllgor Cynllunio a hefyd y dystiolaeth o Un Llais Cymru.

As the consultation would end prior to the next meeting of the Planning Committee, it was RESOLVED to give delegated powers to Cllr. Jeff Smith to draw-up a response including all the points raised at the Planning Committee meeting and also the evidence from One Voice Wales.




Cofnodion o Gyfarfod y Pwyllgor Cynllunio a Gynhaliwyd yn Siambr y Cyngor, 11 Stryd y Popty, ar 15/02/2016 am 6:00p.m.

Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee held in Council Chamber, 11 Baker Street on 15/02/2016 at 6:00p.m.

Presennol / Present:

Cyngh. / Cllr. Jeff Smith (Cadeirydd/ Chair)

Cyngh./ Cllr. Mair Benjamin

Cyngh./ Cllr. Endaf Edwards

Cyngh./ Cllr. Talat Chaudhri

Cyngh./ Cllr. Mair Benjamin

Cyngh./ Cllr. Brendan Somers

Cyngh./ Cllr. Martin Shewring

Yn Mynychu/ In Attendance:

Cyngh./ Cllr. Brenda Haines

Cyngh./ Cllr. Wendy Morris

Cyngh./ Cllr. Alun Williams

Cyngh./ Cllr. Mererid Jones

Ymddiheuriadau/ Apologies:

Cyngh./ Cllr. Steve Davies

Cyngh./ Cllr. Brian Davies

Cyngh./ Cllr. Kevin Price

Cyngh./ Cllr. Lucy Huws

Datgan diddordeb / Declarations of interest

Dim / None

Cyflwyniad gan Mr Will Lloyd Davies, Arbenigol / A presentation by Mr Will Lloyd Davies, Arbenigol

Cafwyd cyflwyniad am gynlluniau Arbenigol ar gyfer yr Hen Ysgol Gymraeg. Cafwyd hanes byr o’r adeilad, gan nodi bu’r adeilad yn swyddfeydd i Lywodraeth Cymru tan 2011. Nodwyd fod llai na hanner o’r swyddfeydd yn cael eu rhenti erbyn hyn; dywedwyd bod hyn oherwydd nad oes digon o alw am ofod swyddfeydd yn yr ardal.

Esboniwyd fod Arbenigol am greu “chwarter caffis” gyda chymysgedd o lefydd bwyta. Maen nhw hefyd am gadw rhai swyddfeydd ar gyfer tenantiaid sydd eisoes yno. Byddai coedlan trwy ganol y datblygiad. Caniateir hyn drwy ddymchwel estyniad eithaf modern.

Nodwyd fod yr adeilad yn rhestredig, a bod Arbenigol wedi bod yn trafod gyda CADW. Eglurwyd bod cynlluniau i estyn y ffenestri i lawr er mwyn gwella’r golau tu fewn; byddai hyn yn cynnwys rhywfaint o waith dymchwel.

Nodwyd bydd y maes parcio presennol yn troi’n safle gwasanaethau, gan gynnwys ardal binnau. Dywedwyd bydd un bin metel mawr i bob busnes.

Dywedwyd bydd cynllun rheoli i ymdopi ag ysbwriel ac ati yn yr ardal gymunedol.

Roedd nifer o’r Cynghorwyr o’r farn bod y datblygiad yn un cyffrous, ac un fydd yn uno’r orsaf, y datblygiad Tesco newydd a chanol y dref. Bydd e hefyd yn gallu cynnal llefydd bwyta sydd yn denu siopwyr i ganol y dref, yn ogystal â darparu coedlan brydferth. Diolchwyd i Mr Davies am ei gyflwyniad

There was a presentation about Arbenigol’s plans for Yr Hen Ysgol Gymraeg. There was a brief history of the building, noting that the building was Welsh Government rented offices until 2011. It was noted that less than half the offices are rented by now; it was said that this is due to a lack of demand for office space in the area.

It was explained that Arbenigol want to create a “Cafe Quarter” with a mixture of food outlets. They will also keep some offices for the existing tenants. There will be an avenue through the middle of the development. This will be allowed by demolishing a fairly modern extension.

It was noted that the building is listed and that Arbenigol have been in discussions with CADW. It was explained that there are plans to extend the windows downwards in order to improve the light inside; this would involve some demolition work.

It was noted that the existing car park would be turned into a service area, including a bin area. It was stated that there would be one large metal bin for each business.

It was said that there will be a management scheme to manage litter and so on in the communal area.

A number of Councillors were of the opinion that the development was an exciting one, and one which would unite the station, the new Tesco development and the town centre. It could also provide food outlets which attract shoppers to the town center, as well as providing a beautiful avenue. Mr Davies was thanked for his presentation.

Pwyntiau a godwyd am gyfarfod 1 Chwefror

Nodwyd ymddiheuriadau gan Cyngh. Brendan Somers

4iii) Nodwyd dylid newid y gair “hedgerow” i “bund” yn y Saesneg

6) Nodwyd dylid newid “daw up” i “draw up” yn y Saesneg

PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y cofnodion gyda’r cywiriadau

Points raised about the meeting of 1 February


Apologies had been noted by Cllr. Brendan Somers

4iii) It was noted that the word “hedgerow” should be changed to “bund” in the English                version

6) It was noted that “daw up” should be changed to “draw up” in the English version

It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes with the corrections

Cofnod 151/Minute 151

Cofnodion o Gyfarfod o’r Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Gyffredino a Gynhaliwyd ar 8 Chwefror 2016

Minutes of a Meeting of the General Management Committee held on 8 February 2016


Cofnodion o Gyfarfod y Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol a gynhaliwyd yn Siambr y Cyngor, 11 Stryd y Popty ar Nos Lun 8 Chwefror 2016 / Minutes of a Meeting of the General Management Committee held in the Council Chamber, 11 Baker Street on Monday 8 February 2016

Presennol/ Present

Cyngh./ Cllr. Talat Chaudhri (Cadeirydd/ Chair)Cyngh./ Cllr. Kevin Roy PriceCyngh./ Cllr. Mair BenjaminCyngh./ Cllr. Sue Jones-DaviesCyngh./ Cllr. Brenda HainesCyngh./ Cllr. Endaf EdwardsCyngh./ Cllr. Mark A. StrongCyngh./ Cllr. Jeff SmithCyngh./ Cllr. Steve DaviesCyngh./ Cllr. Alun WilliamsCyngh./ Cllr. Wendy MorrisCyngh./ Cllr. Ceredig DaviesCyngh./ Cllr. Brendan SomersCyngh./ Cllr. Martin W. Shewring

Ymddiheuriadau/ Apologies

Cyngh./ Cllr. Brian DaviesCyngh./ Cllr. Lucy Huws

Yn mynychu/ In attendance

Cyngh./ Cllr. Mererid JonesMr. Deian Creunant, Ffotoaber

3) Cyflwyniad gan Deian Creunant, Ffotoaber/ Presentation by Deian Creunant, Ffotoaber

Roedd Deian Creunant yn ddiolchgar i’r Cyngor am eu cefnogaeth barhaol i’r ŵyl Ffotoaber. Dywedodd roedd yr adborth gan gyfranwyr yn gadarnhaol iawn. Dywedodd fod cynlluniau ar y gweill i gyfuno LENS, Eye Festival a Ffotoaber yn un prosiect.

Deian Creunant was grateful to the Council for its continued support to the Ffotoaber festival. He said that the feedback from contributors was very positive. He said that plans were afoot to combine LENS, Eye Festival and Ffotoaber as one project.

Roedd y cynghorwyr yn falch i weld y cyflwyniad ac fe gafwyd yr awgrymiadau canlynol:Councillors were pleased to see the presentation and the following suggestions were made:– Y posibiliad o gynnwys y cyhoedd yn y pleidleisio- Y posibiliad o osod dolen ar wefan y Cyngor- Y posibiliad o ddefnyddio Neuadd Y Farchnad fel lleoliad i arddangos lluniau– The possibility of including the public in the voting- The possibility of placing a link on the Council website- The possibility of using the Market Hall as a venue to display photographs

Dywedwyd bod modd i’r cynghorwyr anfon unrhyw syniadau eraill at Deian Creunant. It was said that councillors would be able to send any other ideas to Deian Creunant.

4) Cyfeiriadau Personol/ Personal References

Croesawyd Cyngh. Brenda Haines nôl i’r Cyngor ar ôl cyfnod o salwch.Llongyfarchwyd Cyngh. Aled Davies am ddod yn Taid. Cllr. Brenda Haines was welcomed back to the Council following a period of illness. Cllr. Aled Davies was congratulated on becoming a Grandfather.

5) Datgan Buddiannau/ Declarations of Interest

Dim byd / None

6) Gohebiaeth/ Correspondence

  1. i) Nodwyd bydd cyfarfod safle wrth dir sy’n berchen i’r Cyngor Tref tu ôl i Min-y-Ddol/5th Avenue. Cynhelir y cyfarfod dydd Iau 11 Chwefror, ac mae croeso i bob Cynghorydd f
  2. i) It was noted that a site meeting would be held on land owned by the Town Council to the rear of Min-y-Ddol/5th Avenue. The meeting would be held on Thursday evening, 11 February, and all Councillors were welcome to attend.
  3. ii) Nodwyd bydd Seremoni i blannu Coeden Heddwch draws y ffordd o hen Neuadd y Dref ar ddydd Gwener 12 Chwefror, 12:30.ii) It was noted that a Ceremony to plant the Peace Tree opposite the old Town Hall would be held on Friday 12 February, 12:30.

iii) Ymholiad i osod stondin bwyd ar y palmant wrth Matalan – PENDERFYNWYD cyfeirio hyn at Gyngor Sir Ceredigioniii) An enquiry to place a food stall on the pavement near Matalan – It was RESOLVED to refer this to Ceredigion County Council

  1. iv) Nodwyd fod angen i ni gysylltu â Mr. Jean Guézennec (St. Brieg)
    iv) It was noted that we needed to contact Mr. Jean Guézennec (St. Brieuc)
  2. v) E-bost gan Michael Sansom yn dweud nad yw rhai o’r goleuadau stryd ar Ffordd Felin y Môr yn Nododd Cyngh. Mair Benjamin nad yw’r ffordd wedi cael ei mabwysiadu eto. PENDERFYNWYD cyfeirio hyn at yr adran berthnasol o Gyngor Sir Ceredigion.
  3. v) E-mail from Michael Sansom noting that some of the streetlights on Ffordd Felin y Môr were not working. Cllr. Mair Benjamin noted that the road had not been adopted as yet. It was RESOLVED to refer this to the relevant department within Ceredigion County Council.
  4. vi) Cafwyd e-bost gan Un Llais Cymru yn hysbysu sawl sesiwn ymgynghori a drefnir i drafod y Ddeddf Llywodraeth Lleol drafft. Nodwyd fod y Cyngor eisoes wedi ymateb i un ymgynghoriad am hyn, a gofynnwyd a allai’r Cyngor anfon yr un ymateb eto?
  5. vi) An e-mail was received from One Voice Wales notifying of several consultation sessions arranged to discuss the draft Local Government Act. It was noted that the Council had already responded to one consultation on this, and it was asked whether the Council could send the same response again?

vii) Triathlon Aberystwyth – llythyr yn gofyn am gefnogaeth, gan y bydd y digwyddiad yn pasio Swyddfeydd y Cyngor. Nodwyd fod y Cyngor wedi bod yn gefnogol yn y gorffennol; CYTUNWYD byddem yn gefnogol eto.

vii) Aberystwyth Triathlon – a letter requesting support, as the event would pass the Council Offices. It was noted that the Council had been supportive in the past; it was AGREED that we would be supportive again.

viii) Cofnodion o’r pwyllgor Gefeillio â Kronberg. Nodwyd eu bod yn trefnu gŵyl Almaenig yng Ngwesty’r Marine ar 19 Chwefror, ac mai pris fydd £19.95. Anogwyd cynghorwyr i hybu’r digwyddiad.viii) Minutes of the Twinning committee with Kronberg. It was noted that they were arranging a German festival at the Marine Hotel on 19 February, and that the price would be £19.95. Councillors were encouraged to promote the event.

  1. ix) Cynllun Gwella 2016-17. Roedd Cyngor Sir Ceredigion yn awyddus i gael barn/adborth erbyn 25/02/2016. Cytunwyd bydd hyn yn mynd ar wefan y Cyngor Tref.ix) 2016-17 Improvement Plan. Ceredigion County Council was keen to obtain opinion/feedback by 25/02/2016. It was agreed that this would be placed on the Town Council website.
  2. x) Llythyr gan SARPA ynglŷn ag ergyd bosib i wasanaethau ar y rheilffordd. Eglurwyd bod trafodaethau wedi bod sydd yn cynnwys y posibiliad o gwtogi gwasanaethau o Aberystwyth i’r Amwythig (ar hyn o bryd maent yn rhedeg i Firmingham Rhyngwladol). Roedd cynghorwyr yn frwd o blaid cadw’r gwasanaethau. Nodwyd fod dros 40% mwy o bobl yn defnyddio’r rheilffordd ers i’r gwasanaethau ychwanegol dechrau ym mis Mai. PENDERFYNWYD y byddai’r Cyngor yn ysgrifennu at yr Adrannau a Gweinidog/Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Trafnidiaeth yn Llywodraeth Cymru a Llywodraeth San Steffan, a hefyd i anfon copi o’n hymateb i’r Cambrian News
  3. x) A letter from SARPA regarding a possible hit to services on the railway. It was explained that discussions had been held which included the possibility of reducing services from Aberystwyth to Shrewsbury (at present they run to Birmingham International). Councillors were strongly in favour of keeping the services. It was noted that over 40% more people used the railway since the additional services had commenced in May. It was RESOLVED that the Council would write to the Departments and Minister/Secretary of State for Transport at Welsh Government and Westminster Government and also to send a copy of our response to the Cambrian News.
  4. xi) Llythyr yn gofyn am ddefnydd posib o’r bandstand newydd. Nodwyd fod y gwaith ar y bandstand newydd i fod cael ei gwblhau erbyn mis Mawrth, a bydd Adran Ystadau Cyngor Sir Ceredigion yn gweinyddu, o leiaf i ddechrau.
  5. xi) A letter asking about the possible use of the new bandstand. It was noted that the work on the new bandstand was meant to be completed by March, and that the Ceredigion County Council Estates Department would administrate, to begin with at least.

xii) Llythyr am ddyfodol Bodlondeb. Nodwyd fod y Cyngor eisoes wedi trafod hyn.xii) A letter about the future of Bodlondeb. It was noted that the Council had already discussed this.

7) Byrddau Anrhydedd & Lluniau / Honours Boards & Photos

Nodwyd bod casgliad cyflawn o luniau o gyn-feiri o’r 70au hyd at 2006. Nodwyd fod gwaith ar y gweill i gael lluniau o’r meiri ers hynny. Bydd Cyngh. Talat Chaudhri yn bwrw ymlaen yn trefnu gosod y lluniau. Bydd Cyngh. Brendan Sommers yn bwrw ymlaen  gyda’r byrddau anrhydedd.

It was noted that there was an complete collection of photographs of former mayors from the 70s up to 2006. It was noted that work was afoot to obtain photographs of the mayors since then. Cllr. Talat Chaudhri would proceed to arrange to hang the photographs. Cllr. Brendan Sommers would proceed with the honours boards.

8) Coed Rhes Caergrawnt / Cambridge Terrace Trees

Nodwyd bod Cyngh. Jeff Smith wedi cysylltu â swyddog coed yng Nghyngor Sir Ceredigion, a’i fod yn bwrw ymlaen gyda phlannu coed.It was noted that Cllr. Jeff Smith had contacted a trees officer at Ceredigion County Council and that he was proceeding with planting the trees.

9) Gefellio gydag Arklow / Arklow Twinning

Nodwyd fod trefniadau ar y gweill a bydd Cyngh. Steve Davies yn cwrdd â’r pwyllgor ar 18/02/2016 yn y Tŷ Cychod.

It was noted that arrangements were afoot and that Cllr. Steve Davies would meet the committee on 18/02/2016 at the Boathouse.

10) Cynnig am Nyth / Proposal regarding NEST

Nodwyd fod Llywodraeth Cymru’n cynnal cynllun i helpu gyda chostau tanwydd i rai pobl. Dywedodd Cyngh. Kevin Price bod rhai o’r telerau’n eithrio rhai pobl, er enghraifft nad yw’n bosib ennyn cymorth os oes busnes yn eich tŷ; dywedodd bod hyn yn debyg o effeithio ar lawer o drigolion yn yr ardal. Gofynnwyd i’r Cynghorydd Price cylchredeg gwybodaeth am hyn ymysg aelodau’r Pwyllgor, a’n bod yn trafod drwy e-bost nes i’r Cyngh. Price ail-osod y cynnig yn y Cyngor Llawn neu’r Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol.

It was noted that Welsh Government was undertaking a scheme to help with fuel costs for some people. Cllr. Kevin Price noted that some of the terms exempted some people, for example that it was not possible to get support if there was a business in your house; he said that this was likely to affect many residents in the area. Cllr. Price was asked to circulate information about this amongst Committee members, and that we would discuss via e-mail until Cllr. Price re-submitted the motion at the Full Council or the General Management Committee.

11) Adroddiadau ar Lafar ar Adizone a Muga / Verbal Reports on Adizone and Muga

Cafwyd diweddariad gan Cyngh. Steve Davies; mae Cyngor Sir Ceredigion wedi cynnig gwneud y gwaith am £200 ag eithrio TAW. Cyfeiriwyd y mater at y Pwyllgor Cyllid. Nododd Cyngh. Martin Shewring fod yr hysbysfwrdd plastig wedi hollti ac mai angen ei thrwsio neu’i thynnu. Nodwyd fod graffiti ar y prif arwydd, a bod y bin yn gorlifo’n rheolaidd. PENDERFYNWYD

  • I e-bostio PEG i ofyn am bin fwy neu gasgliadau amlach
  • I ofyn a fydd y Cyngor Sir yn fodlon tynnu’r arwydd ADIZONE
  • I ofyn i weithiwr glanhau’r arwydd

An update was given by Cllr. Steve Davies; Ceredigion County Council had offered to undertake the work for £200 excluding VAT. The matter was referred to the Finance Committee. Cllr. Martin Shewring noted that the plastic noticeboard had split and that it needed to be repaired or taken down. It was noted that there was graffiti on the main sign, and that the bin overflowed regularly. It was RESOLVED

  • To e-mail HPW to ask for a larger bin or more frequent collections
  • To ask whether the County Council would be willing to remove the ADIZONE sign
  • To ask workers to clean the sign

12) Meysydd Chwarae: Penparcau a Chae Bach/Playing Fields: Penparcau and Cae Bach

Nodwyd fod y les ar Gae Bach i fod dechrau ar 1 Ebrill 2016. Nodwyd bod Paul Arnold wedi cytuno bydd y Cyngor Sir yn gwneud y gwaith canlynol cyn i’r Cyngor Tref gymryd yr awenau:

  • Trwsio 3 giât ym Mhlascrug
  • Gwaith trwsio arall
  • Torri’r draen o amgylch y meysydd chwarae

Nodwyd fod angen rhestr debyg o waith i wneud ar Faes Chwarae Penparcau hefyd.

It was noted that the lease on Cae Bach was meant to begin on 1 April 2016. It was noted that Paul Arnold had agreed that the County Council would undertake the following work before the Town Council took on the reins:

  • Repairing three gates at Plascrug
  • Other repair work
  • Cutting the thorns around the playing fields

It was noted that a similar list of work was needed on Penparcau playing fields also.

13) Unrhyw fater arall / Any Other Business

  1. i) Plannu coed ar Ffordd y Gogledd / Planting trees on North Road

Adroddodd Cyngh. Mark Strong fod dau dwll gwag yn Ffordd y Gogledd lle bu coed yn y gorffennol: un wrth fflatiau Penmorfa ac un wrth y gyffordd â Ffordd Lovedon. Dywedodd fod y Cyngor Sir yn fodlon darparu a phlannu coed, ond nid oes ganddynt ddigon o arian i greu tyllau addas i’r coed. Gan hyn, mae sôn am lenwi’r tyllau gyda tharmac. PENDERFYNWYD cyfeirio hyn at y Pwyllgor Cyllid, ac i wneud ymholiadau am gost o blannu coed yma ac yn y dref yn gyffredinol, a sut mae’r pris yn newid gyda lleoliad.

Cllr. Mark Strong reported that there were two empty holes in North Road where trees had been present in the past: one near Penmorfa flats and one near the junction with Lovedon Road. He said that the County Council was willing to provide and plant the trees, but it didn’t have enough money to create suitable holes for the trees. Therefore, there was mention of filling the holes with tarmac. It was RESOLVED to refer this to the Finance Committee, and to make enquiries about the cost of planting these trees and in the town in general, and how the price changed according to location.

  1. ii) Baw cŵn / Dog fouling

Roedd y Cyngor Llawn wedi penderfynu cyfeirio hyn nôl at Reolaeth Gyffredinol gan ddilyn trafodaethau yno. PENDERFYNWYD sicrhau bod y penderfyniadau blaenorol am hyn yn cael eu gweithredu.

The Full Council had decided to refer this back to the General Management Committee following discussions there. It was RESOLVED to ensure that the previous decisions about this were implemented.

iii) Trwsio’r ffens wrth Dan y Castell / Repairing the fence near South Road

PENDERFYNWYD cysylltu â Mel Hopkins, CSC i ofyn i’r ffens cael ei thynnu.

It was RESOLVED to contact Mel Hopkins, CCC to ask for the fence to be removed.

  1. iv) Tynnu arhosfan bws, Dan Dre / Removal of the bus stop, Mill Street Dywedwyd bod eisiau anfon diolchiadau. It was said that a letter of thanks should be sent.

Pwyntiau a godwyd:

Points raised:

6) x) Nodwyd fod angen gweithredu ar y pwynt hwn

6) x) It was noted that action needed to be taken on this point

7) Nododd y Cadeirydd ei fod wedi cysylltu â 2 cyn-Faer

7) The Chair noted that he had contacted two former-Mayors

8) Nodwyd fod 4 coeden newydd eisoes wedi cael eu plannu rhwng Rhes Caergrawnt a’r Maes Bowlio. Gofynnodd Cyngh. Ceredig Davies beth oedd y sefyllfa ynglŷn â’r poplys; dywedodd Cyngh. Jeff Smith fod yn well ganddo aros tan yr Haf cyn i’r Cyngor comisiynu’r arolwg radar, gan fod y gwreiddiau ynghwsg ar hyn o bryd.8) It was noted that four new trees had been planted between Cambridge Terrace and the Bowling Green. Cllr. Ceredig Davies asked what the situation with the poplar trees was; Cllr. Jeff Smith said that he would prefer to wait until the summer before the Council commissioned a radar survey, as the roots were dormant at the moment.

9) Nodwyd fod gefeillio wedi cael ei chamsillafu, bod angen newid yr arwyddion i fynegi’r ffaith fod Aberystwyth yn dod yn gyfaill-dref ag Arklow, a bod grŵp eisoes wedi ffurfio Pwyllgor Gefeillio ar gyfer Arklow.9) It was noted that the word ‘gefeillio’ had been misspelled, that the signage needed to be changed to express the fact that Aberystwyth would become a twin-town of Arklow, and that a group had already fomed a Twinning Committee for Arklow.

11) Trafodwyd y posibiliad o ddyblu’r bin sydd wrth y fynedfa i’r Adizone.

11) The possibility of doubling the bin near the entrance to the Adizone was discussed.

PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y cofnodion.

It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes.

Cofnod 152/Minute 152

Cofnodion o Gyfarfod o’r Pwyllgor Cyllid a Sefydliadau a Gynhaliwyd ar 15 Chwefror 2016

Minutes of a Meeting of the Finance and Establishments Committee held on 15 February 2016


Cofnodion o gyfarfod y Pwyllgor Cyllid a Sefydliadau a gynhaliwyd nos Lun, 15fed o Chwefror 2016 yn Siambr y Cyngor, 11 Stryd y Popty, Aberystwyth

Minutes of a meeting of the Finance and Establishment Committee held on Monday 15th of February 2016 in the Council Chamber, 11 Baker Street, Aberystwyth

  1. Presennol/ Present

Cyngh./Cllr. Mererid Jones

Cyngh./Cllr.  Alun Williams

Cyngh./Cllr.  Ceredig Davies

Cyngh./Cllr.  Wendy Morris

Cyngh./Cllr.  Brendan Somers

Cyngh./Cllr.  Brenda Haines

Cyngh./Cllr.  Mair Benjamin

Cyngh./Cllr.  Mark Strong

Cyngh./Cllr.  Endaf Edwards

Cyngh./Cllr. Sue Jones-Davies

Yn mynychu/ In Attendance

Cyngh./Cllr.  Martin Shewring

Cyngh./Cllr. Talat Chaudhri

Cyngh./Cllr.  Jeff Smith

  1. Ymddiheuriadau/ Apologies

Cyngh./Cllr.  Brian Davies

Cyngh./Cllr.  Kevin Price


3          Datgan Diddordeb/ Declarations of Interest

Dim/ None


4          Cyfrifon y cyfnod i ddiwedd Ionawr 2016/

Accounts for the period to the end of January 2016

DERBYNIWYD y cyfrifon fel y rhai cywir./ The accounts were ACCEPTED and APPROVED.


5          Materion yn codi/ Matters Arising


  1. MUGA – cadarnhawyd i dderbyn y dyfynbris o £200 i drwsio’r difrod i’r MUGA yn amodol ar fod y gwaith yn cael ei gwblhau cyn diwedd mis Mawrth 2016.

MUGA – AGREED to approve the quotation of £200 to repair the damage to the MUGA subject tO the work being completed before the end of March 2016.


  1. CCTV – cafwyd diweddariad gan y Cyng Brendan Somers fod Cyngor Tref Machynlleth yn cynllunio system CCTV diwifr. PENDERFYNWYD y byddai Cyng. Brendan Somers a Ceredig Davies yn trafod beth sydd yn digwydd gyda Cyngor Tref Machynlleth.CCTV – Cllr Brendan Somers gave an update that Machynlleth Town Council are planning a wireless CCTV system. It was RESOLVED that Cllr. Brendan Somers and Cllr Ceredig Davies were tasked with further discussions with Machynlleth Town Council.
  • Pwynt Trydan Sgwâr Owain Glyndŵr – derbyniwyd cadarnhad gan Cyng Alun Williams fod Menter Aberystwyth wedi cytuno i gyfrannu £1,177 yn ychwanegol at gyfraniad Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth o £4,000. Nodwyd fod angen i’r gwaith gael ei gwblhau cyn diwedd mis Mawrth. Owain Glyndwr Square electricity point – received confirmation from Cllr Alun Williams that Menter Aberystwyth has agreed to contribute £1,177 in addition to the contribution of Aberystwyth Town Council of £4,000. Noted that the work needs to be completed before the end of March.
  1. Coed Rhes Caergrawnt – cadarnhaodd y Cyng Jeff Smith fod Jon Hadlow wedi cadarnhau y byddai’r coed am ddim ac wedi eu plannu cyn diwedd Mawrth. Nodwyd fodd bynnag y byddai cost yr arolwg radar ar y poplys yn amrywio rhwng £2,400 – £2,700.

Cambridge Terrace Trees – Cllr Jeff Smith confirmed that Jon Hadlow has confirmed that the free trees will be planted before end of March. It was however noted that the cost of the radar survey on the poplars will range between £2,400 – £2,700.

  1. Coed Ffordd y Gogledd – nodwyd fod 2 coeden ar Ffordd y Gogledd wedi eu difrodi a bod cynnig gan y Cyngor Sir I ni dalu tua £2,000 y goeden am y gwaith o wneud y tyllau. Yno byddai’r Cyngor Sir yn darparu’r coed newydd a rhoi’r coed yn eu lle. Nodwyd fod y gost yma yn uchel ond y byddai yn annhebygol y byddai’r Cyngor Sir yn derbyn contractwr amgen a’u bod yn rhoi’r coed am ddim. CYTUNWYD y byddai’r Cyngor yn talu am 2 goeden eleni ac y byddai blaenoriaeth i wardiau eraill oedd angen buddsoddiad tebyg yn y flwyddyn nesaf (gan fod y buddsoddiad yma yn Ward y Gogledd). Nodwyd hefyd y posibilrwydd  drafod cyfraniad gan Dai Ceredigion.

North Road Trees – it was noted that two trees on North Road have been damaged and an offer had been made for us by the County Council to pay about £2,000 per tree to make the holes. Then the County Council will provide the trees and put the trees in place. Noted that this cost is high but it would be unlikely that the County Council accepts alternative contractor and provides free trees. It was AGREED that the Council would pay for 2 trees this year and would need to prioritize other wards were similar investment in the next year (since this investment is in North Ward). It was also noted to discuss the possibility of a  contribution by Tai Ceredigion.

  1. Cegin – Nodwyd fod Cyng Talat Chaudhri wedi bod mewn trafodaeth gyda’r asiant, Derek Ross. Nodwyd fod nwyddau wedi’u clirio o’r lloriau eraill, heblaw’r gweinyddion cyfrifiaduron. Nid oedd addewid pendant ynglŷn a gosod cegin. Nodwyd hefyd angen symud gweinyddion cyfrifiaduron i’r llawr canol.

Kitchen – It was noted that Cllr Talat Chaudhri has been in discussion with agent Derek Ross. It was noted that goods have been cleared from other floors, apart from the computer servers. There was no clear promise about installing a kitchen. It was also noted the computer servers needed to be moved to the middle floor.

  • Glanhawr – nodwyd fod Cyng. Steve Davies wedi cael gafael ar lanhawr am gost o £20 yr wythnos. Nodwyd fod angen eglurder ynglyn a threfniadau cyflogaeth y glanha

Cleaner – It was noted that Cllr. Steve Davies has sourced a cleaner for the cost of £20 a week. It was noted that clarity is required regarding the employment arrangements of the cleaners.

  • Materion panel staffio – Nodwyd fod angen i’r Cyng Mark Strong drafod syniadau ynglyn a threfniadau dros dro gyda’r panel staffio. Nodwyd fod swydd y RFO yn mynd i gael ei hysbysebu ar y wefan. Nodwyd y bydd y gallu i siarad Cymraeg yn hanfodol ar gyfer y swydd. Gofynnwyd i’r Panel Staffio am eglurder ynglyn a sefyllfa’r Swyddog Ariannol Cyfrifol (RFO).

Staffing panel issues – It was noted that Cllr Mark Strong needed to discuss his ideas for interim arrangements with staffing panel. It was noted that the post of RFO will be advertised on the website. It was noted that the ability to speak Welsh will be essential for this post. Staffing Panel asked for clarity about the situation and the RFO (RFO).

6          Ail-benodi Archwiliwr Mewnol/ Reappointment of Internal Auditors

CYTUNWYD y byddai’r Cyngor yn gofyn i Emyr Phillips i barhau fel archwilwr mewnol.

It was AGREED that the Council would ask Emyr Phillips to continue as an Internal Auditor.

7          Ail-benodi Archwilwr Allanol/ Re-appointment of external auditor

NODWYD y byddai Cyng Mererid Jones yn ymchwilio i bosibilrwydd amgen ar gyfer archwilwyr allanol ar gyfer 2015-16.It was NOTED that Cllr Mererid Jones will investigate alternatives for external auditors for 2015-16.

8          Gohebiaeth/ Correspondence

  1. E-bost gan Mel Hopkins (Cyngor Sir Ceredigion) yn nodi fod cyfrifoldeb am y biniau yn y MUGA yn gyfrifoldeb Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth. Cyfeiriwyd y mater i’r Pwyllgor Rheoli Cyffredinol.Email Mel Hopkins (CCC) stating that bins in the MUGA are the responsibility of Aberystwyth Town Council. The matter was referred to the General Management Committee.
  2. E-bost gan Wendy Huggett – Un Llais Cymru yn gwahodd Cynghorwyr i’r hyfforddiant 18/2/2016 ar sut i reoli staff yn effeithiol. CYTUNWYD fod modd i bwy bynnag sydd eisiau mynychu gael mynd ar ran y Cyngor.Email from Wendy Huggett – One Voice Wales invited councillors to training on 02/18/2016 on how to manage staff effectively. AGREED that whoever wants to attend are allowed to do so on behalf of the Council.
  • Derbyniwyd llythyr gan AKPA yn nodi ymdrechion y Cyngor i ddod a’r ddau fudiad yn agosach at ei gilydd. Trafodwyd fod rheswm cyllid cyhoeddus dros ofyn i’r mudiadau i lenwi manylion eu gwariant blaenorol a’u cynlluniau gwariant. Fodd bynnag, nodwyd efallai fod modd symleiddio’r ffurflen i leihau’r gwaith papur i’r pwyllgorau.

A letter was received from AKPA noting the Council’s efforts to bring the two organizations closer together. It was discussed that there was a financial reason for asking publicly funded organizations to fill in details of their previous spending and spending plans. However, it may be possible to simplify the form layout to reduce paperwork for the committees.

  1. Un Llais Cymru – PENDERFYNWYD y byddai Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth yn ail-ymaelodi am 2016-17.
  • One Voice Wales – It was RESOLVED that the Town Council will re-join for 2016-17.
  1. Fforwm Penparcau – NODWYD llythyr o ddiolch i’r Cyng Mererid Jones am eu henwebu am wobrau WCVA.
  • Penparcau Forum – It was NOTED that ATC received a letter of thanks to Cllr Mererid Jones for nominating the Forum for WCVA awards.


  • Unrhyw Fater Arall / Any other Business
    1. Cynnal a chadw parciau chwarae – nodwyd fod angen dyfynbrisiau ar gynnal a chadw’r parcio. Mater wedi ei gyfeirio at Bwyllgor Rheolaeth Gyffredinol.

Maintenance of playgrounds – It was noded that quotes are required on park maintenance. Matter has been referred to the General Management Committee.

  1. Rhandiroedd – nodwyd fod angen cysylltu gyda deiliaid y rhandiroedd gan ofyn iddynt arwyddo les a thalu am 2016-17.
  • Allotments – noted the need to contact the tenants of the allotments and ask them to sign a lease and make payment for 2016-17.
  • Goleuadau Nadolig – Nodwyd fod y goleuadau sydd ddim yn gweithio yn cael eu hanfon yn ôl gyda chais am ad-daliad. Nodwyd fod Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth wedi gofyn i gael eu harian yn ôl.Christmas lights – noted that the lights which are not working will be sent back with a request for reimbursement. It was noted that the Town Council has asked to get their money back.
  1. Baneri – nodwyd fod angen sicrhau fod baner Cymru yn Ward Rheidol angen eu diweddaru cyn Dydd Gŵyl Dewi. Cyfeiriwyd y mater i’r Cyngor Llawn.

Flags – noted the need to ensure that Welsh flag in the Rheidol Ward need to be renewed before St David’s Day. The matter was referred to the full Council.

  1. Baw Cŵn. Nodwyd y byddem yn aros am argymhelliad gan Gyngor Sir Ceredigion cyn penderfynu sut i ymateb.

Dog Fouling. It was AGREED that we would wait for a recommendation from CCC before deciding how to respond.

  1. Llongyfarchwyd y Cyng Alun Williams a’r Grŵp Heddwch ar eu llwyddiant yn y digwyddiad plannu coeden heddwch.The Council congratulated Cllr Alun Williams and the Peace Group regarding their success in the Peace tree planting event.
  • BID (Business Improvement District): – Nodwyd fod papurau pleidleisio wedi eu danfon i’r rhai oedd yn cael pleidleisio ac y bydd y mater yn eu dwylo nhw bellach.
  • BID (Business Improvement District): – noted that the ballot papers have been sent to those who were allowed to vote and that the matter is in their hands now.

Materion sy’n codi:

Matters arising:

Nodwyd fod Sue wedi bod yn bresennol

It was noted that Sue had been present

3) Eglurwyd fod cyfarfod safle wedi digwydd, ac mae tu allan i Siop y Pethe yw’r lle gorau am soced trydan. Eglurwyd bydd y Cyngor Sir yn dod nôl atom gyda dyfynbris ar gyfer soced trydan ychwanegol ar ben arall y Sgwâr, cyferbyn a Stryd y Popty.3) It was explained that a site meeting had taken place, and that outside Siop y Pethe was the best place for an electricity socket. It was explained that the County Council would come back to us with a quotation for an additional electricity socket at the other end of the Square, opposite Baker Street.

5) Gofynnwyd beth fyddai’r pris o blannu coed ar Ffordd y Gogledd. Nodwyd bod Cyngh. Mark Strong yn aros am e-bost yn ôl gan swyddog yn y Cyngor Sir; dywedodd bydd yn cylchredeg yr e-bost pan mae’n cyrraedd.5) It was asked what the price of planting trees on North Road would be. It was noted that Cllr. Mark Strong was awaiting an e-mail back from an officer in the County Council; he said that he would circulate this e-mail when it arrived.

PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y cofnodion.

It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes.

Cofnod 153/Minute 153

Ystyried Ceisiadau Cynllunio / To Consider Planning Applications

A160013: Caead newydd, Thorntons, Y Stryd Fawr

  • Datganodd Cyngh. Ceredig Davies fuddiant, mi adawodd yr ystafell ac nid oedd yn bresennol yn ystod y trafodaethau
  • Dim gwrthwynebiad, rydym yn croesawu’r ffaith y bydd holl nodweddion hanesyddol y blaen siop yn cael eu cadw; nodwn mai dyma un o flaenau siop hynaf a phwysicaf y dref

A160013: New shutter, Thorntons, Great Darkgate Street

  • Ceredig Davies declared an interest, he withdrew from the room and was not present during the discussions
  • No objection, we welcome that all the shop-front historical characteristics will be retained; we note that this is one of the town’s oldest and most important shop-fronts

A160045: Newid lloriau uwch i fflat, 30 Heol y Wig :Dim Gwrthwynebiad

A160045: Convert upper floors to flat, 30 Pier Street: No Objection

A160112: Estyniad dau-llawr, 16 Coedlan 3, Penparcau: Dim gwrthwynebiad

A160112: Two-storey extension, 16 Ceodlan 3, Penparcau: No Objection

Cofnod 154/Minute 154

Cwestiynau sy’n ymwneud â materion tu fewn cylch gorchwyl y Cyngor hwn YN UNIG/Questions relating ONLY to matters in this Council’s remit.

Dim/ None

Cofnod 155/Minute 155

Cyllid – ystyried gwariant/Finance – to consider expenditure.

Datganodd y Cyngh. Endaf Edwards ddiddordeb. Bu’r Cyngh. Brendan Somers yn cadeirio’r eitem.

Cllr. Endaf Edwards declared an interest. Cllr. Brendan Somers chaired the item.

Cymeradwywyd y gwariant

The expenditure was approved

Cofnod 156

Adroddiadau AR LAFAR gan Gynghorwyr Cyngor Sir Ceredigion ar faterion sydd yn ymwneud â’r cyngor hwn YN UNIG/VERBAL reports from Ceredigion County Councillors on matters ONLY pertaining to this Council.

Bu’r Cynghorydd Alun Williams yn cylchredeg taflenni’n amlinellu’r achos dros sefydlu Ardal Gwella Busnes (BID). Nodwyd fod pleidlais ar y gorwel. Bu’r Cyngh. Ceredig Davies yn datgan diddordeb. Eglurodd Cyngh. Alun Williams, pe fyddai’r bleidlais yn un cadarnhaol, bydd busnesau sydd yn talu mwy na £6,000 y flwyddyn fel treth busnes yn talu 1.25% ar gyfartaledd mewn i bot o arian ar gyfer y gymuned busnes yn y dref. Dywedodd byddai hyn yn tua £200,000 y flwyddyn ar y cyfan. Dywedodd gall y busnesau dewis gwneud prosiectau fel arwyddion gwell, wi-fi yn y dref, pwrcasu ar y cyd a hyrwyddo’r dref i ddenu siopwyr. Dywedodd fod sawl tref wedi gwneud hyn yn barod, gan gynnwys rhai sy’n cystadlu am fusnes gyda thref Aberystwyth. Nodwyd mai’r dyddiad terfyn ar gyfer pleidleisio ydy’r 14eg Mawrth.

Gofynnodd Cyngh. Mair Benjamin a fyddai’n syniad da rhoi hyn ar wefan y Cyngor. Bydd hi’n cydweithio gyda Cyngh. Alun Williams, Cyngh. Jeff Smith a Cyngh. Talat Chaudhri tuag at hyn.

Cllr. Alun Williams circulated leaflets outlining the case for establishing a Business Improvement District (BID). It was noted that a ballot was on the horizon. Cllr. Ceredig Davies declared an interest. Cllr. Alun Williams explained that, should the ballot be positive, businesses which pay more than £6,000 per annum in business rates, they would pay 1.25% on average into a funding pot for the town’s business community. He said that this would be approximately £200,000 per annum in total. He said that businesses could choose to carry out projects such as improved signage, wi-fi in the town, joint purchasing and promoting the town to attract shoppers. He said that many towns had already done this, including some which are competing for business with Aberystwyth town. It was noted that the ballot closing date was 14 March.

Cllr. Mair Benjamin asked whether it would be a good idea to post this on the Council’s website. She would work with Cllr. Alun Williams, Cllr. Jeff Smith and Cllr. Talat Chaudhri on this.

Cofnod 157/Minute 157

Adroddiadau YSGRIFENEDIG gan gynrychiolwyr ar gyrff allanol/WRITTEN Reports from representatives on outside bodies.

Cyngh. Mair Benjamin: Un Llais Cymru/ One Voice Wales

Cyngh. Mair Benjamin: Grŵp Cyswllt Rheilffyrdd y Cambrian/ Cambrian Lines Liaison Group

Cyngh. Mererid Jones: Fforwm Penparcau/ Penparcau Forum

Cofnod 158/Minute 158 Penodi Maer ar gyfer y flwyddyn faerol 2016/2017/Appointment of Mayor for the 2016/2017 mayoral year

Cymeradwywyd Cyngh. Brendan Somers fel Maer. Fe’i cynigwyd gan Cyngh. Sue Jones-Davies ac fe’i heiliwyd gan Cyngh. Mair Benjamin

Diolchwyd i’r Cyngh. Endaf Edwards am ei waith dros ei dymor hyd yn hyn.

Cllr. Brendan Somers was approved as Mayor. He was proposed by Cllr. Sue Jones-Davies and seconded by Cllr. Mair Benjamin.

Cllr. Endaf Edwards was thanked for his work over his term to date.

Cofnod 159/Minute 159 Penodi Dirprwy-Faer ar gyfer y flwyddyn faerol 2016/2017/Appointment of Deputy-Mayor for the 2016/2017 mayoral year

Ymgeisiodd Cyngh. Steve Davies a’r Cyngh. Brenda Haines. Yn dilyn pleidlais, cymeradwywyd Cyngh. Steve Davies fel Dirprwy-Faer. Fe’i cynigwyd gan Cyngh. Kevin Price ac fe’i heiliwyd gan Cyngh. Talat Chaudhri

Cllr. Steve Davies and Cllr. Brenda Haines applied. Following a vote, Cllr. Steve Davies was approved as Deputy-Mayor. He was proposed by Cllr. Kevin Price and seconded by Cllr. Talat Chaudhri.

Cofnod 160/Minute 160


  1. Anfoneb – cyfeiriwyd at y Pwyllgor Cyllid a Sefydliadau
  • Invoice – referred to the Finance and Establishments Committee
  1. Llythyr gan y Cyngor Sir yn gofyn am £10,638 i ddyfrio’r arddangosfeydd blodau eleni. Nodwyd mai dyma’r flwyddyn olaf pan fydd y Cyngor Sir yn darparu’r blodau. Cyfeiriwyd at y Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol a’r Pwyllgor Cyllid a Sefydliadau
  • Letter from the County Council requesting £10,638 to water the flower displays this year. It was noted that this would be the last year that the County Council would provide the flowers. Referred to the General Management Committee and the Finance and Establishments Committee
  • Cyfeiriwyd at y Landlord
  • Referred to the Landlord
  1. E-bost yn gofyn am ganiatâd i gynnal ffair grefftau ar y prom – cyfeiriwyd at Gyngor Sir Ceredigion.E-mail requesting permission to hold a craft fair on the prom – referred to Ceredigion County Council.
  2. Llythyr nôl gan Dîm Ymgynghori’r Swyddfa Bost, gan honni fod y cyfeiriad yn anghywir. Nodwyd fod llythyr arall wedi mynd at adran wahanol yn y Swyddfa Post.A letter back from the Post Office Consultation Team, claiming that the address was incorrect. It was noted that another letter had been sent to a different department in the Post Office.
  3. Holiadur am chwaraeon gan rywun o Brifysgol De Cymru – cyfeiriwyd at Cyngh. Catherine Hughes, Cyngor Sir Ceredigion.
  • A questionnaire about sports from somebody from South Wales University – referred to Cllr. Catherine Hughes, Ceredigion County Council.
  • Derbynneb gan Gangen Aberystwyth y Lleng Brydeinig – cyfeiriwyd at y Pwyllgor Cyllid a Sefydliadau.
  • Receipt from the Aberystwyth Branch of the British Legion – referred to the Finance and Establishments Committee.
  • Llythyr at y Darpar-Faer gan y Cymdeithas Alzheimers
  • Letter to the Mayor-designate from the Alzheimers Association
  1. E-bost gan y Clwb Criced, yn gofyn am ffurflen gais am grant.
  • E-mail from the Cricket Club, requesting a grant application form.
  1. Post Brenhinol: newidiadau i brisiau ffrancio o 29 mis Mawrth
  • Royal Mail: changes to franking prices from 29 March
  1. Aelodaeth o Un Llais Cymru – nodwyd fod ymateb wedi mynd yn barod
  • Membership of One Voice Wales – it was noted that a response had already been sent
  • E-bost oddi wrth Ken Young. Nodwyd fod digwyddiad yn St Brieg ar gyfer cyn-filwyr. Gofynnwyd a ydy’r Cyngor Tref yn ymwybodol o unrhyw un fyddai’n awydd mynychu. Cytunwyd cysylltu â John Andrews a Sean Langton o’r Lleng Prydeinig, a hefyd y tri grŵp cadlanciau yn y dref. Bydd Cyngh. Ceredig Davies yn arwain ar hyn.E-mail from Ken Young. It was noted that there was an event at St Brieg for former soldiers. It was asked whether the Town Council was aware of anyone who would want to attend. It was agreed to contact John Andrews and Sean Langton from the British Legion, and also the three cadets groups in the town. Cllr. Ceredig Davies would lead on this.
  • Gwahoddiad i’r Maer fynychu digwyddiad yng Nghaerfyrddin.An invitation for the Mayor to attend an event in Carmarthen.

Cofnod 161/Minute 161

Unrhyw Fater Arall/Any Other Business

Mae dadl yn y cynulliad am sefydlu fanzones gan fod tîm Pêl-droed Cymru drwodd i rowndiau terfynol yr Ewros. Y syniad yw cael rhai trwy Gymru. Nodwyd ni all y Clwb Pêl-droed gynnal un gan y byddan nhw wrthi’n gosod eu cae 3G newydd. Serch hynny, efallai byddai modd gofyn am gymorth ganddynt wrth sefydlu fanzone. Cynigwyd ardaloedd fel tu fas y Ganolfan Chwaraeon ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth neu’r Bandstand. Nodwyd bydd y trefniadau trwyddedu i werthu bwyd ar y Prom yn cael eu hadolygu ym mis Ebrill. Dywedodd Cyngh. Jeff Smith fod angen sicrhau bod modd i fusnesau bach lleol masnachu yn y fanzone.

Cytunwyd byddai’n rhaid ymchwilio ymhellach i’r lleoliad a’r costau. PENDERFYNWYD cysylltu â’r Clŵb Pêl-droed a’r Brifysgol.There was a debate in the assembly about establishing fanzones as Wales have qualified for the next round of the Euro’s. The idea was to have ones across Wales. It was noted that the Football Club could not hold one as they would be in the process of installing their new 3G pitch. However, it might be possible to ask for assistance from them when establishing a fanzone. Areas such as outside the Sports Centre at Aberystwyth University or the Bandstand were proposed. It was noted that the licensing arrangements for the sale of food on the Prom would be reviewed in April. Cllr. Jeff Smith noted that there was a need to ensure that local small businesses could trade in the fanzone.

It was agreed that the location and the costs would have to be investigated further. It was RESOLVED to contact the Football Club and the University.

Nodwyd bydd cyfweliadau am Glerc newydd yn digwydd ar 23 Chwefror.

It was noted that the interviews for a new Clerk would be held on 23 February.