Full Council

23/03/2015 at 6:30 pm




Cllr Brenda Haines

Cllr Mererid Jones

Cllr Alun Williams

Cllr Mair Benjamin

Cllr Lucy Huws

Cllr Endaf Edwards

Cllr Sarah Bowen

Cllr Ceredig Davies

Cllr Martin W. Shewring

Cllr Wendy Morris

Cllr Brendan Somers

Cllr Kevin Roy Price

Cllr Sue Jones-Davies

Cllr Brian Davies

Cllr Jeff Smith.

In attendance:

Ann Hobbs (Tai Cantref Support Housing Officer).


Cllr Mark Strong

Cllr Steve Davies

Minute 175.

Presentation by Ann Harries of Tai Cantref.

A brief presentation was given by Ann Harries the Tai Cantref Support Housing Officer who informed members of the Older People’s Scheme that was available to all.

The Mayor thanked Ms Harries for her detailed presentation.

Minute 176.

Declaration of Interest on matters arising from the agenda.

Cllr Mair Benjamin – expenses

Cllr Kevin Roy Price – finance matter

Minute 177.

Personal references

The Mayor extended the condolence of all members of council at the sudden and sad loss of Cllr Brendan Somers’ brother-in-law.

Minute 178.

Mayoral activity Report.

A report of the Mayor’s engagements between the last full meeting of council and the current date was circulated to members.

Minute 179.

Minutes of a Full Council held on Monday 23rd February 2015.


Minute 180.

Matters arising from the minutes.

Minute 160

(6) Play Area: – Ceredigion County Council would be discussing the draft lease on transferring the playgrounds on 23/03/2015 and town council would receive notification after this date.

Minute 172.

Local Government (Wales) Bill: – Cllr Alun Williams will distribute the proposals prior to the General Management Committee meeting on 13th April when a discussion will take place to prepare council’s response.


It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes of Full Council 23rd February 2015.


Minute 181




Cllr Endaf Edwards

Cllr Brenda Haines

Cllr Mair Benjamin

Cllr Jeff Smith

Cllr Steve Davies

Cllr Brian Davies

Cllr Lucy Huws

Cllr Martin Shewring

In attendance:

Cllr Ceredig Davies

Cllr Alun Williams

Cllr Wendy Morris

Cllr Mark Strong


Cllr Sue Jones-Davies

From Cyngor Sir Ceredigion

(a) Enforcement Notice Appeal

An enforcement notice appeal has been lodged with the Planning Inspectorate regarding Lip Licking Chicken, Pier Street, Aberystwyth.  The establishment is alleged to be in breach of its planning permission by not complying with the permitted opening hours.  The breach is alleged to have occurred during the last ten years.  The appeal will be heard via an exchange of written statements, which should be sent to the Crown Buildings, Cathay’s Park, Cardiff to arrive no later than midday on 2 April 2015.

(b) Papers for the CCC Development Control Committee meeting on Wednesday, 11 March 2015.

(c) Decision notices

A140111 – approved

The Chairman is to write to CCC regarding the above decision and express Aberystwyth Town Council’s concerns that the CCC Development Control Committee does not give due weight to ATC’s views on applications for proposed developments in Aberystwyth.

A140112 – listed building consent given

A140354 – approved

A140557 – withdrawn

A140621 – listed building consent given

A140929 – approved



  1. To consider planning applications


Conversion of HMO into three separate flats.  Reinstate the appearance of the property back to its original detailing at the time of Listing by replacing the UPVC fenestration at the front of the property, replace the window bays with a thermally improved structure with an exterior appearance to match the existing window bays.

Gerlan, 5 King Street, Aberystwyth

  1. Aberystwyth Town Council has concerns regarding the proposed demolition of part of the listed building, i.e. the end gable wall and the wall to the back yard of the site. There is also a need to ensure that there is enough amenity space for bins.  Aberystwyth Town Council does, however, support the replacement of UPVC windows with timber windows.


Proposed roof extension to the rear, roof lights to front elevation and solar thermal panels to front roof.  Retrospective permission for external wall insulation to front and rear.

9 South Road, Aberystwyth

No objection.  We welcome the use of solar panels but would prefer timber windows to UPVC.


Installation of Photovoltaic panels on the roof of the existing TLB Bookstack and on the roof of the proposed Courtyard Infill building

National Library of Wales, National Library Access, Penglais, Aberystwyth

  • Cllr Endaf Edwards and Cllr Mark Strong declared an interest and left the meeting while the above application was considered.

No objection.


Electricity lines

Maes Crugiau, Southgate

No objection.



Variation of Condition 1 of planning permission 950229 to allow to opening hours from 8am and 2am Monday to Thursday, 8am to 3.30am Friday and Saturday and 8am to 2am Sunday

51 Great Darkgate Street, Aberystwyth

  1. Aberystwyth Town Council has concerns regarding the increased potential for rubbish problems in the vicinity of the site and noise from late night / early morning customers. Both these problems would have a detrimental effect on the amenity of local residents.  We consider that the proposed development would contravene policy DM06 of the Ceredigion Local Development Plan. We also note that application A130549, also for variation of Condition 1 of planning permission 950229, was refused by CCC and believe that this application should also be refused.


  • Cllr Endaf Edwards indicated that there was significant concern about Planning Application A140111. Aberystwyth Football Club.
  • A site meeting was to be held on Friday 27th March 2015 at 10.30am and a representative from Aberystwyth Town Council was invited.
  • Cllr Jeff Smith was elected to represent council at this meeting


Members RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the Planning Committee.

Minute 182.


Minutes of the General Management Committee held in the Meeting Room, 11 Baker Street, Aberystwyth on Monday 9th March 2015 at 7.00 pm.


Cllr Ceredig Davies

Cllr Mair Benjamin

Cllr Wendy Morris

Cllr Lucy Huws

Cllr Brian Davies

Cllr Mark A. Strong

Cllr Martin Shewring

Cllr Jeff Smith

Cllr Brendan Somers

Cllr Alun Williams

Cllr Endaf Edwards

In Attendance:

Cllr Mererid Jones

Mr Peter Austin (Ceredigion County Council BID)


Cllr Sue Jones-Davies

Declaration of Interest:

Cllr Mererid Jones – Aberystwyth University involved with BID

Cllr Ceredig Davies – noted a personal interest in BID

Cllr Mark Strong – matters relating to allotments

Presentation on BID.

The chair welcomed Mr Peter Austin from Ceredigion County Council who stated that BID is a business run entirely with a view of improving the town centre. The Swansea BID has been successful but the process is difficult since it requires businesses to contribute towards it.

  • An analysis was undertaken whether there was an appetite in a BID.

If the process proved that it was favourable and a ballot also proved successful it will be run by businesses.

  • Usually works well with Town Councils as it has similar funding initiatives.
  • BID would be able to draw down other money as matched funding.
  • What could it be worth? There could be a cap on a small business having to pay 1.2% levy – £180.000
  • The area has not yet been defined but the 10 largest players will be public sector organisations.
  • Meetings have not been quorate therefore they haven’t been able to make decisions on zoning and what the money will be spent on.
  • Cllr Martin Shewring asked what percentage of businesses were independent?
  • The vote when given will be one business – one vote.
  • BID is formulated by law and in that it must not provide the same services as the County Council


A discussion then took place to see if the Town Council was minded to support the BID. Members elected to recommend to Full Council that BID be supported.

The National Library as keen supporters would be based in the “Old Boots” shop short term.


(a) A letter from the Landlord stated that he would be visiting the premises shortly. The issue of the Notice Board needs to be resolved.

(b) Hermann Ethé plaque: – Cllr Mark Strong requested that all members check the wording of an e-mail relating to the proposed plaque. Cllr Strong would ensure that the proposed Welsh wording would be checked for accuracy.


Allotments 5th Avenue & Min-y-ddol :

(a)Cllr Ceredig Davies had met with Mr Paul Arnold of Ceredigion County Council and three members of the allotment tenants. Ceredigion County Council is to carry out all outstanding work on the overgrown gardens and make good any repairs required. Concerns were raised about sub-leasing of plots. All allotment tenants have been requested to go to Canolfan Rheidol and sign new leases and make payment for the next 12 months. Empty plots will be allocated based on Aberystwyth Town Council’s criteria.

  • This matter to be referred to the Finance and Establishments Committee when a decision should be agreed on whether the monies from the allotments should be ring-fenced or not.

(b) Cllr Mair Benjamin asked if there was Japanese Knotweed present.

This was not covered under this lease.

(c) Ceredigion County Council will waive the cost of land on 5th Avenue as a result of accepting this lease.

(d) There is a need to establish a separate committee to deal with allotment tenants.


Skateboard Park:

Following repair work further damage has been incurred. There is now a need to bolt down the skateboard rather than leaving it free-standing.

A copy of the insurance for the park is required.

There is a need to allocate responsibility for collecting rubbish in this location and also the matter of inspection. It was decided to refer this to the Finance & Establishments committee to include the position of a handyman.



The electrical contractor has replaced the token machine and the lights are now operational. The contractor has indicated that having checked the lights the problem was on the electrical panel and not the lights.


Great Town Celebrations:

The elected group to meet fortnightly on Tuesday evenings have already met twice. The Banner for the occasion has arrived and a picture will be published in the Cambrian News. Facebook group is also in place.

Skarmes, Aberystwyth Silver Band, a Treasure Hunt, School Choirs and an exhibition of the Pier and the Railway Station are all part of the celebration event.

The stage will be erected outside Bethel Chapel.

There is a requirement of the details of councils insurance in order to proceed with the closing of Baker Street.

A letter will be required to request support of the event from Dyfed – Powys Police.

Ceredigion County Council be asked for funding to provide promotional materials.


Notice Board:

Cllr Martin Shewring and Cllr Steve Davies to assist the office in sourcing an external notice board.


Response to Local Authority Re-organisation:

Following the discussion in full council further dialogue debated whether Aberystwyth Town Council would support the idea of increasing the size of Community Councils.

Cllr Alun Williams agreed to follow this matter in future meetings.


Summer Entertainment:

Awaiting the outcome from Menter Aberystwyth. Cllr Alun Williams to follow up on a meeting being held on 10/03/2015.



Outstanding Issues:

(a)  Casual Vacancy – There are legal issues which mean that the right to vote varies between parliamentary elections and community elections. Ceredigion County Council has advised against holding both elections on the same day. Members present resolved to advise the next full meeting of council that Aberystwyth Town Council would be willing to hold the vacancy until after the parliamentary election.

(b) Calon Cymru – Cllr Wendy Morris is still liaising with Calon Cymru on the matter of defibrillators.

To be referred to the next meeting of the Finance & Establishments committee re the cost of £300 to the council.

(c) Mayor Making (Annual Meeting Of Council) – The date confirmed for this occasion is Friday 15th May 2015 at 6.30pm in the “Morlan” Queens Road.

(d) Mayors Sunday – The date confirmed for this occasion is Sunday 24th May 2015. The service will take place in “Seion Chapel” Baker Street at 11.00am. The Mayors Parade will commence at 10.30am from the Old Town Hall – Portland Street – Eastgate – Gt Darkgate Street – Baker Street (Seion Chapel)

(e) Cambridge Terrace – A sub-committee will meet with residents in Cambridge Terrace who are keen on getting the trees cut contrary to the advice of Mr Jon Hadlow of Ceredigion County Council.


Allotments:  Members were informed that half of the allotment tenants had signed and paid for their lease and it was hoped that all contracts would be in place by 1st April 2015.

Skateboard Park:  Maintenance will continue to be carried out and the sub-committee would be meeting at 5.30pm on Thursday 26th March 2015.

MUGA:  Maintenance has been carried out.

BID:  Cllr Ceredig Davies declared a prejudicial interest. Following a lengthy discussion the following wording was resolved as acceptable “Aberystwyth Town Council supports the establishment of a Business Improvement District for Aberystwyth following a full consultation with the business community”

Road Closure for Mayor’s Parade:  A sign was required in Penparcau to indicate that there could be potential delays in Aberystwyth Town. Cllrs Ceredig Davies and Mererid Jones would liaise on this issue.


Minute 183.




Cllr Mererid Jones

Cllr Ceredig Davies

Cllr Alun Williams

Cllr Wendy Morris

Cllr Brenda Haines

Cllr Brian Davies

Cllr Sue Jones-Davies



Apologies:                                        Cllr Mair Benjamin

Cllr Mark Strong

Cllr Endaf Edwards


  • Declarations of Interest


  • Correspondence
    1. Received an e-mail regarding an example of a notice board. The matter was referred to General Management under Cllr Ceredig Davies.
    2. E-mail from Cllr Mark Strong regarding Hermann Ethé’s plaque. The quotation from I B Williams was significantly higher therefore it was decided to approve the quotation received from James Memorial, Llandre.
    3. The notice to renew One Voice Wales membership was received. It was agreed to approve the cost of £1,456 from next year’s budget.
    4. E-mailed requests from Penparcau Forum for next year’s revenue budget. It was AGREED that they would be required to submit an application form.
    5. It was further AGREED that all the twinning committees would be required to complete the grant application form as well.


  • Approval of the accounts for February 2015

The accounts for February 2015 were accepted and approved.


  • Review of Financial Procedure

Matter was referred to next Finance meeting (in April).


  • Review of Maintenance & Parks upkeep requirements

The quotation received from Ceredigion Care Society for £2,115 for maintenance of the North Road Maze – including repainting in April and November and grass cutting every fortnight. It was AGREED that the cost would be approved and for the work to be monitored during the period.

It was also AGREED to draw up a specifications of work to maintain 5 parks and to advertise for a provider to be appointed by June 2015.Consideration of Dyfed Pension Scheme

A letter was received from Dyfed Pension Scheme regarding the need to repay the deficit as we have not been made contributions since October 2014. It was AGREED to pay arrears of £147.50 for 6 months – £1,885.

It was also AGREED to offer LGPS to the new clerk. Should the new clerk reject the offer, the situation would be reviewed at that time.


  • Matters referred from General Management meeting
    1. Penparcau Bus Shelter

It was AGREED to accept the lowest of the two quotations received which was R. P. D. (Wales) Limited for £1,595 & VAT. It was AGREED to proceed with the work as soon as possible.

  1. Accounts for allotment income and expenditure

£856 had been received from the allotments of Fifth Avenue and Min y Ddol for 2015-16. It was AGREED to bank this money in Aberystwyth Number Two Account and to rename the account Aberystwyth Town Council – Allotments Account. An audit trail was to be kept of the monies paid into the account.

  1. Contribution towards the cost of defibrillators

It was agreed to fund £1,000 towards the costs of two defibrillators. Location of the defibrillators will need to be discussed further.

  1. Advert in the Cambrian News for the Great Town Award Celebration

It was AGREED to fund a cost of £150 towards the cost of an editorial to advertise the Great Town Award Celebration.




  • Any matters at the discretion of the Chair.
    1. Staffing panel

As of the 1st of March 2015, Carl Williams hours will be increased to 12 hours per week. Carmarthen County Council to be notified

  1. Income received

Cllr Ceredig Davies submitted £856 for allotment income and £50 for the sale of 2 cabinets.  He was thanked for his work.


Meeting closed at 7.40pm


Cllr Martin Shewring questioned why only one quotation had been received for work on the North Road Maze. He was informed that this was an ongoing relationship with Ceredigion Care Society and the work would be part of the full tender process in future.


It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the Finance & Establishments Committee.


Minute 184.

Planning Applications:

A 141026 – King Street. Renovations to the building.

This was an amended plan since the building was a Grade 2 listed building. Members were in favour of the plan and therefore did not object.


Minute 185.


(a) The Cycle Festival requested the use of the Aberystwyth Town Council public licence.

Cycle Festival be informed that council agreed to this request.

(b) A letter was read out from Lynn Thomas thanking council for erecting a plaque commemorating Sir T.H.Parry Williams on the family house in North Road, Aberystwyth.

(c) A letter from Mr Ken Young informed members the St Brieuc swimmers would be arriving at the Boxing Club in Penparcau on 17th April 2015 at 6 pm.

(d) A letter from Mr Ken Young informed members that a delegation from St Brieuc would be arriving in Aberystwyth in time to attend Mayor Making on 15th May 2015.

(e) Details of an event celebrating 10 years at the “Morlan” were circulated to members.

(f) An e-mail from Wales in Bloom regarding this year’s competition was referred to the General Management Committee.

(g) A letter from the Aberystwyth & District Stroke Club stated that they required a meeting place with adequate parking facilities. Several locations were suggested by members and these would be forwarded to the Stroke Club.

(h) An e-mail from the Electoral Department of Ceredigion County Council stated that a by-election in Penparcau could not take place on the same day as the General Election.

(i) A letter from Dyfed-Powys police authority acknowledged the letter sent by council regarding the use of Penparcau Police Station.

(j) A letter from Elizabeth Morley complained about the work on the hoardings surrounding the Tesco site. Pod Clare has been commissioned to undertake some work and she is aware of the objections by some individuals.

(k) A letter from the Tourism Department of Ceredigion County Council indicated that there was to be a change in the opening times of all Tourist Information Centres in Ceredigion. The Centres would no longer be open on Sundays.

(l) A letter from Kids Cancer Charity requested that the Mayor-elect consider choosing their charity as his charity of the year.

(m) A letter to members notified them of a Police & Fire Consultation taking place in Aberaeron on 27th April 2015 between 7.00 pm and 9 pm.

(n) “Night Time Economy”. An update was provided by Cllr Mair Benjamin.

(o) An e-mail from Lowri Edwards of Ceredigion County Council informed members of a newsletter that was available on Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales


  • A request was made that all booking of rooms are made via the office – this includes lone working for insurance purposes.

Minute 186. 

Questions relating only to matters in this councils remit.

Minute 187.

Finance – To consider expenditure.

The following payments were approved:-


Purchase Power (Franking Machine)…………………………………………………………………..£228.35

Cambrian Locksmith (Attention to office safe)………………………………………………………£50.00

Carmarthen County Council (Wages, charges and pension deficit)……………………£3075.51

Rebus (Great Town Award Flag)………………………………………………………………………….£378.00

Cllr Mair Benjamin (Travelling expenses to OVW meeting)……………………………………£21.75

E.C.Williams (Wages and expenses)…………………………………………………………………….£305.16

Rhwydweithiau Morgan Price (Website renovation costs)……………………………………£500.00

Cambrian News (Advert for clerk)……………………………………………………………………….£475.20

One Voice Wales (Membership for 2015-16)……………………………………………………..£1456.00

Afan Construction (Storage 7/2/15 – 8/5/15)……………………………………………………….£312.00

TME Electrical Contracting (5 invoices for Christmas Lights work)…………………..£11,941.85

Delyth Davies (Translation services January & February)……………………………………….£87.50

Ffenestri Davies Windows (Penparcau Forum work)……………………………………………£840.00

Howden Joinery (Penparcau Forum work)…………………………………………………………..£654.22

Clements (Penparcau Forum work)…………………………………………………………………….£252.00

PTS (Penparcau Forum work)……………………………………………………………………………..£116.39

Hayward Electrical (Penparcau Forum work)…………………………………………………….£1179.66


Minute 188.

Verbal reports from Ceredigion County Councillors on matters only pertaining to this council.

Cllr Alun Williams informed members that the 25 year lease on playgrounds would be discussed in Cabinet the following day (24/3/2015).

  • Cllr Mererid Jones expressed concern that Ceredigion County Council are very late in providing the lease to Aberystwyth Town Council who have not viewed it yet. She further indicated that the relevant insurance should be in place prior to the lease being signed.
  • Cllr Martin Shewring has the qualification should council require an interim plan of how the play area will be managed short term.

Cllr Alun Williams stated that there was a proposal to extend the 1995 Parc Natur Penglais area of land by 25% to Brynymor Road.