Full Council

23/06/2014 at 6:30 pm




Cllr Brenda Haines

Cllr Martin Shewring

Cllr Ceredig Davies

Cllr Sarah Bowen

Cllr Brian Davies

Cllr J.A.Davies

Cllr Brendan Somers

Cllr Wendy Morris-Twiddy

Cllr Endaf Edwards

Cllr Mair Benjamin

Cllr Sue Jones-Davies

Cllr Alun Williams

Cllr Lucy Huws

Cllr Mererid Jones

Cllr Mark Strong

Cllr Kevin Roy Price



Cllr Jeff Smith

Cllr Dylan Lewis

Cllr Steve Davies


Minute 28

Declaration of Interest:

Cllr Brenda Haines and Cllr Kevin Price declared financial interests.


Minute 29

Personal References:

The Mayor announced the passing of Gareth Lewis (British Legion). It was decided to send a letter of condolence to his widow.


Minute 30

Mayoral Activity Report:

The report of the Mayors activity during the past month was circulated


Minute 31

Minutes of Full Council held on 27th May 2014.

Matters arising:

Minute 17. Cllr Mair Benjamin reported that she had spoken to Ceredigion County Council Parks & Gardens Dept who indicated that they were treating the problem.

Cllr Mair Benjamin requested to be a second to Cllr Endaf Edwards on the Young Partnership

The minutes were accepted


Minute 32



Cllr Endaf Edwards

Cllr Brenda Haines

Cllr Mair Benjamin

Cllr Ceredig Davies

Cllr Martin W.Shewring

Cllr Jeff Smith

Cllr Sue Jones-Davies

Cllr Kevin Roy Price

Cllr Lucy Huws



Cllr Brendan Somers

Cllr Mererid Jones

Cllr Brian Davies


  1. Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman

Cllr Brenda Haines proposed that Cllr Endaf Edwards be elected Chairman and was seconded by Cllr Mair Benjamin.  Cllr Edwards was elected unanimously.

Cllr Kevin Price proposed that Cllr Jeff Smith be elected Vice-Chairman and was seconded by Cllr Mair Benjamin.  Cllr Smith was duly elected.


The following correspondence was received from Cyngor Sir Ceredigion.

Decision notices:

A130550 – permission granted (also subject to a S106 obligation)

The conditions imposed were noted by the Committee.


A130753 – permission granted (also subject to a S106 obligation)

A130845 – permission granted.

Members were disappointed with the decision as it was against the wishes of people living in the area.  The Committee resolved to write to Cyngor Sir Ceredigion to express Aberystwyth Town Council’s disappointment with the decision.

A140220 – permission granted

A140250 – permission granted

A140261 – permission granted

Conditions on noise levels from the proposed development were imposed and these were noted by the Committee.


  1. To consider planning applications


Change of use into a community managed riverside green plaza, with state of the art skate park.

Land opp. Starling Cloud, Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin and Park and Ride, Boulevard St Brieuc, Aberystwyth

Cllr Ceredig Davies updated the Committee on a recent exchange of emails between councillors from Aberystwyth and Llanbadarn, and the need to choose a representative of the Council at the meeting of the Development Control Committee (CCC) on 11 June 2014.


Display of signage

Rayner Ltd, Great Darkgate Street, Aberystwyth

This was not considered as the proposed development is also covered by application A40263.


Display of signage and internal alterations

Rayner Ltd, Great Darkgate Street, Aberystwyth

No objection.


Change of use from A1 to A3, ground and first floor to A3 restaurant and alterations to flat on second floor

2 Pier Street, Aberystwyth

No objection.


Erection of a single storey extension to side of house, detached rear garage and hardstanding for off-road parking

Bryn yr Ehedydd, Rheidol Road, Penparcau

Objection.  The design of the proposed development is not sympathetic with the existing character of the area.


Proposed BT Cabinet

Corporation Street S/O 52 Terrace Road, Aberystwyth

No objection.  We note that no plans were included in this application.  Aberystwyth Town Council would appreciate good quality reinstatement of footways and prefers the proposed cabinet to be painted Corporation Blue.



Change of use from office building to 3 flats with an extension to the side

4 Corporation Street, Aberystwyth

No objection.  However, we would prefer that the extension filled the void between No 4 and No 6. The use of traditional materials would be welcomed.


Conversion of 1st and 2nd floors to two maisonettes

52 Terrace Road, Aberystwyth

No objection.  Aberystwyth Town Council welcomes the use of traditional materials in the proposed development.

A140362 / A140363

Change of use from a redundant office building into a six bedroom shared house.  Improvement and alteration works both internally and externally.

Birkdale, Corporation Street, Aberystwyth


Aberystwyth Town Council welcomes the proposed use of traditional materials.  However, we object to the proposed development as there is no support for houses of multiple occupation.  We would welcome if the property was converted into flats or maisonettes.

A103845   Cllr Endaf Edwards reported that it was hoped that the applicant would not exercise the permission to use the chapel as a garage as apparently he had found alternative premises

The minutes were accepted




Cllr Ceredig Davies

Cllr Brenda Haines

Cllr Mererid Jones

Cllr Mark Strong

Cllr Martin W Shewring

Cllr Wendy Morris-Twiddy

Cllr Steve Davies

Cllr Sue Jones-Davies

Cllr Endaf Edwards


1  Apologies:

Cllr Brendan Somers

Cllr Dylan Lewis

Cllr Jeff Smith

Cllr Kevin Roy Price

Cllr Mair Benjamin


2   Declaration of Interest.


3   Correspondence.

(a) Brochure from “Blachere Illuminations” circulated.

(b) Letter from Paul Arnold CCC advising of a meeting to be held between CCC,

Aberystwyth Town Council and Penparcau Allotments Holders in Canolfan Rheidol on

1st July 2014 at 5.30pm.

(c) Letter from Arts Centre requesting banner to be erected in Gt Darkgate Street.

Aberystwyth Carnival will replace the Arad Goch banner whilst the Arts Centre banner

can be erected by MacKay’s Store.

(d) Traffic Light Strategy – Southgate sign.   E-mail received regarding one point of contact

for the sign. Does the sign need to be bilingual ? Deputy RFO to be the main point of

contact and to liaise with Cllr Steve Davies. Organise on Friday.

(e) Letter from Jim Wallace – Menter Aberystwyth requesting that the £5K promised for

Bandstand entertainment be used to fund “Castell Roc”and Bandstand Entertainment.

It was agreed to permit Menter to change the funding which would continue at £5K.

(f) It was agreed that Cllr Sue Jones-Davies respond to Bedwyn Gwilym from Ffestiniog

Community Council relating to advice requested on twinning.

4   Premises Update.

No further information received. Office move will not take place until lease in signed.


5   Skatepark Update.

The skatepark sub-committee made the following recommendations at its meeting on

9th June 2014:

  • Ceredigion to agree to an extension of the lease to over 20 years from 10/06/14.
  • Ceredigion Plannning Committee will be considering the full plans on 11/06/14.

(One objection had been received and there is an issue with water voles which is an

ecological issue)

  • The current boundary is located 19 meters away from the boundary with Llanbadarn Community Council. This boundary line is to be extended to 22 meters.
  • Councillors were requested to be supportive of the project and present a united front.
  • Councillors were encouraged to use their influence and contacts to ensure that as many letters as possible were written in support of the project.


6   Volley-Ball Court.

An e-mail had been received from a Mr Jack Williams and Mr Andy Bennett requesting

the provision of a Volley-Ball Court.

Cllr Mark Strong stated that he had spoken to Mr Paul Arnold of Ceredigion County

Council who had indicated that Capital investment was not an issue but expressed

concerns about the long-term maintenance of the nets. Ceredigion had agreed in

principle to the project as did Menter. Members present also agreed in principle.


7   Office Protocol.

Members were reminded that it was not their duty to open the post addressed to the

Members were also requested to leave to kitchen in a clean and tidy state.


8   Missing Benches.

The benches in question are in the ownership of Tai Ceredigion who have taken the

responsibility of addressing the issue.


9   Memorial Bench in Penparcau.

It was resolved that Cllr Ceredig Davies request the Probation Service to take this matter

on as a project


10  Aberystwyth Castle Play Area – maintenance requirements

Wheel feature to be maintained. This work is not covered by Ceredigion County Council

who are only responsible for repairs. Cllr Ceredig Davies to obtain costing from supplier

to address the matter.

11  Promenade  &  Christmas Lighting.

Mr Allan Lewis of Ceredigion County Council to advise on how to obtain the £20K

allocated for the Promenade lights. Members were informed that the contractor was

waiting for Ceredigion to authorise the start of  work.

  • This item to be referred to Finance to ascertain how much money is available.
  • Members resolved to look at a joint tender for both Promenade & Christmas lights.


12  Outstanding Issues.

  • Bins in Castle Grounds: Some bins have been replaced but more will be replaced as

soon as possible

  • Resolutions: Kevin to update
  • Penparcau Forum: Happy for the Forum to remain responsible for the MUGA tokens
  • Bus Shelter at the bottom of Fifth Avenue: Cllr Steve Davies to speak to Mr Kevin Aldritt and Rachael Thomas of CCC for a kerb so that people can walk straight onto the bus.
  • Penparcau Memorial Garden:  All councillors are invited to the opening on the 9th July at 12 noon.
  • Blue & White Signs: All councillors were requested to give a feedback to Jo Shaw of CCC
  • Llanbadarn & Aberystwyth Councils: Present at the meeting, Tegwen Jones, Cllr David Greaney, Cllr Paul Thomas and Cllr Martin Davies representing Llanbadarn. Cllr Brenda Haines, Cllr Ceredig Davies and Cllr Endaf Edwards representing Aberystwyth Town Council.

No openings within Llanbadarn premises

If events within Llanbadarn area – permission required if event happens to be in Llety Park, Coleg Ceredigion etc.

Permission not required for Aberystwyth Graduation Ceremonies.

Tegwen Jones will forward minutes from Llanbadarn Community Council to clarify what was discussed.



8   Missing Benches.

The benches in question are in the ownership of Tai Ceredigion who have taken the

responsibility of addressing the issue.


9   Memorial Bench in Penparcau.

It was resolved that Cllr Ceredig Davies request the Probation Service to take this matter

on as a project


10  Aberystwyth Castle Play Area – maintenance requirements

Wheel feature to be maintained. This work is not covered by Ceredigion County Council

who are only responsible for repairs. Cllr Ceredig Davies to obtain costing from supplier

to address the matter.

11  Promenade  &  Christmas Lighting.

Mr Allan Lewis of Ceredigion County Council to advise on how to obtain the £20K

allocated for the Promenade lights. Members were informed that the contractor was

waiting for Ceredigion to authorise the start of  work.

  • This item to be referred to Finance to ascertain how much money is available.
  • Members resolved to look at a joint tender for both Promenade & Christmas lights.


12  Outstanding Issues.

  • Bins in Castle Grounds: Some bins have been replaced but more will be replaced as

soon as possible

  • Resolutions: Kevin to update
  • Penparcau Forum: Happy for the Forum to remain responsible for the MUGA tokens
  • Bus Shelter at the bottom of Fifth Avenue: Cllr Steve Davies to speak to Mr Kevin Aldritt and Rachael Thomas of CCC for a kerb so that people can walk straight onto the bus.
  • Penparcau Memorial Garden:  All councillors are invited to the opening on the 9th July at 12 noon.
  • Blue & White Signs: All councillors were requested to give a feedback to Jo Shaw of CCC
  • Llanbadarn & Aberystwyth Councils: Present at the meeting, Tegwen Jones, Cllr David Greaney, Cllr Paul Thomas and Cllr Martin Davies representing Llanbadarn. Cllr Brenda Haines, Cllr Ceredig Davies and Cllr Endaf Edwards representing Aberystwyth Town Council.

No openings within Llanbadarn premises

If events within Llanbadarn area – permission required if event happens to be in Llety Park, Coleg Ceredigion etc.

Permission not required for Aberystwyth Graduation Ceremonies.

Tegwen Jones will forward minutes from Llanbadarn Community Council to clarify what was discussed.


Matters arising:

  • Skatepark letters of support to be sent to Anna Bullen
  • Vollyball Court. Cllr Mark Strong has taken the matter up with Ann-Eleri Jones of CCC and will report back to Town Council. Letter to be sent to those interested indicating that the matter is in hand
  • Memorial Bench. Flowers have been placed. Cllr Martin Shewring recommended that the piece of equipment be capped off
  • Llanbadarn & Aberystwyth Councils Protocols. It was resolved to support the protocols but there was a need to discuss the invitations received at short notice


Minutes accepted



Minute 34



Present:                     Cllr Mererid Jones

Cllr Mair Benjamin

Cllr Endaf Edwards

Cllr Ceredig Davies

Cllr Alun Williams

Cllr Sue Jones-Davies (from point 7)

Cllr Kevin Price (from point 8)


Apologies:                  Cllr Brian Davies

Cllr Brenda Haines

Cllr Dylan Lewis

Cllr Wendy Morris-Twiddy

Cllr Brendan Somers

Cllr Mark Strong

Cllr Sue Jones-Davies (late)


1                                Election of Chair

Cllr Mererid Jones proposed by Cllr Mair Benjamin and seconded by Ceredig Davies. Passed unanimously.


2          Election of Vice-Chair

Cllr Alun Williams proposed by Cllr Mererid Jones and seconded by Endaf Edwards. Passed unanimously.


3          Declarations of Interest.

Cllr Endaf Edwards under point 7 – relative of one of the translators who tendered.


4        Correspondence


A    Skateboard Park

A summary of the Skateboard Park sub-committee meeting was submitted.  The Chair requested help from the councillors to verify in which meeting the decision to ring fence £60,000 towards the skateboard park was made.  A trawl through past minutes has not found the answer to this. Longer standing councillors are asked to let the Chair know if the can recollect a decision being made in order to help with the search.

Letters of support for the skateboard park are sought from organisations around the town, particularly the ones that the councillors are involved with.


B    Citizen Advice Bureau

A meeting had been held on the 12th of June 2014 between CAB officer Catrin Evans, Cllr Brenda Haines, Cllr Jeff Smith and Cllr Mererid Jones. It was RESOLVED to release Aberystwyth Town Council’s grant of £2,000 instead of the offer of the room in 11 Baker Street.


C    Mayor Allowance

The mayor has an allowance of £3,500 from which the costs of the contract with the taxi firm for local trips are being funded.  It was RESOLVED to pay the Mayor’s allowance at a rate of £200 per month and to pay the balance in the final month.


D   Night Time Economy project funding

The council is awaiting an application for 2014-15 funding from Ceredigion County Council.


E    Festoon Light

The grant of £20,000 from Welsh Government towards the cost of the festoon lights had been approved and an e-mail had been received asking if the Council would like to drawdown funds in advance of the project.  It was RESOLVED as there was uncertainty about the project that we would wait until the project was completed.


F    Market Hall flag

An invoice had been received for the cost of the market hall flag and the goods would not be released until the payment had been received. In order to avoid delays, it was RESOLVED to give delegated authority for the Chair of Finance to issue a cheque for £116.94 to Orbit Printing Limited and not to wait for Full Council before the cheque was issued.


G  Invoice for £7,000 was received from Ceredigion County Council for the Aberystwyth farmer’s market. It was AGREED to continue to support.


  1. Annual Return 2013-14


The Annual Return to the External Auditors (BDO) was presented and approved.


  1. Draft internal auditor report


The internal auditor had raised the issue that the temporary RFO could not be a member of staff and self-employed, therefore in order to get the form approved, he would need to be employed.

The committee recommends to Full Council that Carl Williams the appointed Responsible Financial Officer becomes an employee of the Council.

The draft internal audit report will be issued to Full Council as soon as it becomes available.


  1. Translation

Based on prices submitted, it was agreed that Lowri Schiavoni would be used as the Council’s minute translator on a trial basis for a fee of £40 per 1,000 words.


  1. Insurance Quotation


As a result of the discussion in May, a revised quotation for £4,610 which is within the budget of £5,000.  The renewal date is 27th of June 2014; therefore the matter was DEFERRED for further discussion in Full Council.


9  Other financial issues


The financial expenditure to the end of May 2014 were presented and compared to the budget for the year.  The budget for Christmas was discussed and it was agreed that an investigation would be carried out into the cost of Christmas lights of what could be funded within the budget.


An allotment meeting (regarding Pentre Jane Morgan) will be held on Wednesday (18/6/14). Cllr Alun Williams will come back with confirmation of the cost and the likely timescale when this will be required.


A further meeting is to be held on the 1st of July 2014 with Fifth Avenue/ Min y ddol allotment holders and Paul Arnold of Ceredigion County Council.  Need a detailed discussions of what costs will be incurred as a result of this.


Cllr Mererid Jones had met up with Citizens Advice Bureau and agreed the allocation of £2000.

Cheque for Market Hall Banner had been sent.

Audit will be passed

E.C.Williams needs to be a temporary salaried employee of council

Cllr Alun Williams reported on a successful meeting to further garden allotments along Clarach Road. Cllr Williams requested that two town councillors become representatives on the board for the next meeting on 23rd July 2014. Cllr Mark Strong requested to be selected with Cllr Mererid Jones as the second representative.

Cllr Mererid Jones stepped down from the Old College Committee and was replaced by Cllr Sarah Bowen

Cllr Mair Benjamin had been omitted from the Skatepark committee

Cllr Mererid Jones reported that the allotted £3000 to the Chess Tournament would be sent to Ceredigion County Council

Minutes accepted



Minute 35


*Letters of support for the Skatepark were received. Letters to be forwarded to Anna Bullen

*Fly the Commonwealth Flag. Aberystwyth Surf Life Saving Club requested financial support towards a National Event. It was resolved to donate £500.

*An anonymous post-card was received complaining about rubbish strewn along Vaynor Street. There was a discussion on how matters could be improved

* “Cantref” AGM would take place on 17th July 2014 in Cardigan Town Hall

* Notifications from Hywel Dda Health Board of changes to the maternity and neonatal services

* Letter of thanks from “Celtic Challenge” and suggesting the possibility of twinning with Arklow. Forwarded to General Management Committee

* Allotment meeting July 1st at 5.30pm in Canolfan Rheidol. Members were requested to attend

*Special Service to commemorate World War 1 to be held in St Michaels Church on Sunday 3rd August at 2.30pm. Invitation to all members

* Letter from “BID”.  Cllr Ceredig Davies declared an interest and left the room. Cllr Mair Benjamin suggested donating £10.000 so that businesses would not have to pay additional taxes. If Aberystwyth declined to contribute it would be the only town in Wales to do so. Cllr Martin Shewring suggested that the Aberystwyth Business Club and Chamber of Trade should contribute. There was a lack of clarity surrounding this item and members resolved to request a presentation.

Letter from Aberystwyth Branch of the British Heart Foundation. The Mayor to respond on behalf of council


Minute 36

Questions relating only to matters in this councils remit


Minute 37

Finance – To consider expenditure

Catrin Moseley Minute taker £225
Spar Buffet for Mayor Making £1094
Aberystwyth Unversity Aber Cycle Fest £10,000
Celtic Challenge Sponsorship of event £2,500
St Brieuc Twinning Association 2014-15 Twinning £2,500
Krongberg Twinning Association 2014-15 Twinning £2,500
Esquel Twinning Association 2014-15 Twinning £2,500
Cllr Brenda Haines Mayor Expenses £12
E Carl Williams Office w £595.50
Wendy Morris Twiddy Expenses to Lampeter £52
Carmarthen County Council Wages £5,217.15
Afan Construction Hire of accommodation £312
Aberystwyth Bowling Club Grant 2014-15 £200
Aberystwyth Carnival Grant 2014-15 £3,000
Aberystwyth Choral Society Grant 2014-15 £100
Aberystwyth & District Cricket League Grant 2014-15 £100
Aberystwyth Silver Band Grant 2014-15 £1,000
Age Cymru Ceredigion Grant 2014-15 £200
Air Cadets Grant 2014-15 £250
Pared Gwyl Ddewi Grant 2014-15 £750
Ffoto Aber Grant 2014-15 £500
Penparcau Forum Grant 2014-15 £2,400
Sea To Shore Festival Grant 2014-15 £1,500
Llangollen International Eisteddfod Grant 2014-15 £50
Penparcau Senior Citizen Grant 2014-15 £250
RAY Ceredigion Grant 2014-15 £500
Ysgol Gymraeg Parent Teacher Grant 2014-15 £500
Celf Ceredigion Arts Grant 2014-15 £500
Jim Griffiths Expenses  
Delyth Ann Davies Translation Services £112.50
Pitney Bowes Franking machine rentals £300.32
One Voice Wales Membership 14-15 £1,405
Cllr Dylan Lewis Travel expenses £84
Columbine Flowers Flowers for Mayor Making £13.50

It was RESOLVED to approve the above accounts.


Minute 38

Verbal reports from Ceredigion County Councillors

Cllr Mark Strong outlines issues of Salting of Ceredigion’s Roads

Cllr Alun Williams reported on WLGA meeting including the Williams Report on the Amalgamation of Authorities There was to be a presentation at Aberystwyth Football Club on 24th June to outline the planned development.  Cllr Mair Benjamin questioned the building on the flood plain. Cllr Mererid Jones declared an interest and left the room whilst a discussion took place. An Empty Properties Conference would take place in Penmorfa on 27th June2014.  Mid-Wales Health Care Study would take place at the Morlan on July 7th from 10.00am until 5pm. Cllr Lucy Huws requested that people submit their observations.


Minute 39

Standing Orders

The Chair of Planning is to have Delegated Powers to deal with applications during the Summer Recess. The Chair of Planning will make all councillors aware of any applications received and requiring attention


Minute 40

Formation of Aberystwyth Youth Council

Cllr Mererid Jones reminded council that it had agreed to form a Youth Council. The issue was the administration of such a council. Councillors Brenda Haines, Sarah Bowen, Lucy Huws and Jeff Smith were to advance the idea


Minute 41

Proposal for Public Meeting

Cllr Lucy Huws suggested that a further meeting should take place to highlight the continuing concerns with the delivery of services at Bronglais. It was resolved to organise a meeting on 1st August 2014 and that the new interim Chief Executive be invited. Cllr Mererid Jones to contact Penweddig School.