Full Council
23/07/2012 at 6:30 pm
Councillor D Lewis
Councillor W Morris-Twiddy
Councillor B Haines
Councillor M Jones
Councillor K Price
Councillor M Benjamin
Councillor M Shewring
Councillor J Smith
Councillor C Davies
Councillor C Morgan
Councillor E Edwards
Councillor S Davies
Councillor M Strong
Councillor B Davies
Councillor S Bowen
Councillor J A Davies
In Attendance:
Mr Richard Lucas- Ceredigion Care Society
Mr Aled Williams- Ceredigion Care Society
- Silence in Memoriam- Roger Roberts BA / BSc- Town Clerk (1993-2000)
The Mayor called for those present to stand in silence for a moments reflection in memoriam to the late Roger Roberts who was Town Clerk from 1993 to 2000. The Mayor and Town Clerk had attended the cremation on Friday 20th July.
- Ceredigion Care Society- Mr Richard Lucas and Mr Aled Williams-Presentation regarding collaborative work projects.
- Messrs Lucas and Williams gave an overview of the aspirations, remit and structure of the organisation. They offered their services as part of their social commitment strategy and members were pleased to accept this offer.
- Personal References
There were none recorded.
- Declarations of Interest for matters arising from agenda items
There were none recorded
- Mayoral Activity Report
The Mayor had circulated a comprehensive resume of his recent activities on behalf of Council.
- Minutes of a General Management committee meeting held on 11th June 2012
It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the following meeting:
Councillor M Jones
Councillor M Shewring
Councillor C Davies
Councillor K Price
Councillor D Lewis
Councillor S Jones-Davies
Councillor B Haines
Councillor E Edwards
Councillor S Davies
Councillor M Benjamin
Councillor W Morris-Twiddy
Councillor M Strong
1.Election of committee chairman
Following a proposal, duly seconded, Councillor C Davies was elected chairman of the committee.
2.Election of committee vice-chairman
Following a proposal, duly seconded, Councillor M Shewring was vice-elected chairman of the committee.
a)Celtic Challenge-
A report on this year’s event was received.
b)Changes to franked mail
Information was received.
An invitation to investigate the forming of a formal twinning with the town of Arklow in the Republic of Ireland was received. It was reported that a number of local organisations had formed friendships with their Arklow counterparts and that in principle the committee was supportive of such a move. The Clerk was asked to investigate and produce a report for full council to consider.
d)One Voice Wales
It was noted that the OVW conference and AGM was to take place on Saturday 13th October 2012. A call for motions to be considered by Friday 29th June was noted should Aberystwyth Town Council wish to submit a motion.
4.Election of membership to the Cae Kronberg Skatepark subcommittee.
Following discussion the following members were elected to serve on the above subcommittee:
Councillors, S Jones-Davies, M Benjamin, M Shewring and B Haines.
5.Aberystwyth Farmers Market- Parking provision for stallholders at the request of Councillor C Davies.
A wide ranging discussion relating to correspondence sent by the Clerk to Ceredigion County Council regarding the matter.
Councillor Davies gave a report that there was a six month trial of a parking waiver for stallholders who had perishable foods and used refrigerated vehicles which would also apply to local shopkeepers.
6.Report on CCTV provision in Aberystwyth Castle
A report from Dyfed Powys Police was considered. The total cost was in the region of £9500 and this was to be shared by Aberystwyth Town Council, Aberystwyth University and the Fire Brigade.
Support in principle was agreed and the report was to be referred to the Finance committee for it’s input.
7.Receive reports on the Condition of Council land and assets.
The clerk provided an update on the Condition of Council land and assets.
It was RESOLVED that the following be actioned:
•A steering group be set up to oversee an improvement plan for the North Road area which could involve local consultation, groundworks, tree felling and the like. Councillor M Jones and others would progress this matter.
•A steering group be set up to oversee the possible delivery following local consultations of the new “mini allotments” in Min y Ddol. It seemed that there could be potentially a lot of opposition to the provision of the new provision. Councillor S Davies and Councillor K Price would oversee the group. Councillor B Haines was advised to seek a dispensation to participate in discussions.
8.Allotment progress at Minyddol, Penparcau
The Clerk had produced a report concerning the possible takeover of the existing Ceredigion County Council provided allotments.
Following a discussion it was agreed to follow the recommendations in the report and:
•Enter into discussions with all interested parties to progress this matter.
•Form a steering group to oversee the project
The group would consist of Councillor D Lewis, Councillor M Jones and the Town Clerk, who would report back to the committee.
9.Staffing Matters
There were none discussed
- Minutes of a meeting of Council held on 25th June 2012
It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes as a true record.
- Minutes of a Finance Committee meeting held on 2nd July 2012
It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes as a true record.
Councillor M Jones
Councillor M Shewring
Councillor W Morris-Twiddy
Councillor E Edwards
Councillor C Davies
Councillor J Smith
Councillor C Griffiths
Councillor M Strong
Councillor B Davies
Councillor K Price
Councillor S Jones-Davies
Councillor A Williams
Councillor D Lewis
Councillor C Morgan
Councillor B Haines
There was none for this committee.
2.Questions relating to financial matters
Q1-When was the Financial Risk Management procedure checked?
A1- This had been done within the last 12 months as required by audit. – Following discussion it was suggested that this be revisited in the autumn.
Q2- What procedure is used for procurement and tendering.
A2- There is no set procedure and each project is assessed on its merits.
The Clerk was asked to investigate the whole council procurement policy and report back as soon as practicable.
3.To receive and adopt the Internal Auditors report for 2012
The internal auditors report had been circulated to all members for information.
The Chairman reported that she thought it was a good and positive report.
Following a brief discussion it was RESOLVED to accept and adopt the internal auditors report for the year ending 31st March 2012.
4.To receive and adopt the Annual Governance Statement as required by Audit Regulations
Copies of the statement had been circulated to all members prior to the meeting.
Following a brief discussion it was RESOLVED to accept and adopt the annual governance statement for the financial year ending 31st March 2012.
5.To receive and adopt The Annual Audit report (Page 5) of the Annual Return to Audit
Copies of the report had been circulated to all members prior to the meeting. Following a brief discussion it was RESOLVED to accept and adopt the report for the financial year ended 31st March 2012.
6.To consider payment of bills by Direct Debit.
Following the internal audit it was reported that Aberystwyth Town Council was actually paying a premium for not paying certain bills by direct debit.
The Clerk advised that current legislation precluded the payment of bills by any other method apart from dual signed cheques. This legislation was likely to be revoked by primary legislation in the very near future.
Following discussion it was RESOLVED to allow the bills to BT to be paid by Direct Debit through the bank.
The Clerk reported that a full audit trail for such payments would still be achievable.
7.To receive a report from the Cae Kronberg Skatepark committee
Councillor S Jones-Davies gave an overview of the project to date. Good progress had been made recently with bespoke assistance from Ceredigion County Council officers specialising in contractual agreements and HSE work rules.
Questions were asked regarding potential overspend. The Clerk stated that there were no contingencies for this and the contract would be drawn up so that it would not be an issue.
- Minutes of a Planning Committee held on 16th July 2012
It was RESOLVED that the following was a true record of the meeting:
A meeting of the Planning Committee held on Monday 16th July 2012 in the Committee room, 11 Baker Street, Aberystwyth at 6.30pm
Councillor K R Price
Councillor J Smith
Councillor J A Davies
Councillor S Jones-Davies
Councillor E Edwards
Councillor B Davies
Councillor C Davies
Councillor W Morris-Twiddy
Councillor M Shewring
Councillor M Strong
1.Planning issues and Economic Development in Aberystwyth
The Clerk reported that he had received the latest amendments to the Ceredigion County Council LDP
One letter was received from the Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Antonio Mennini responding to the letter sent regarding St Winifred’s Church planning application.
The Chairman reported that he had attended Ceredigion County Council planning meeting but the matter was to be discussed at a later date.
3.To consider planning applications
It was RESOLVED to make the following representations to Ceredigion County Council planning department as the responses from Aberystwyth Town Council being asked to comment of forthcoming applications in the town.
Retention of 6 apartments used for student accommodation
Boars Head, Queens Road, Aberystwyth.
STRONG OBJECTION- The planning rules and regulations pertaining to the whole development have been flouted and ignored from the very beginning making a mockery of the rules that everyone else has to conform to. The Planning authority should strongly enforce any sanction available to it to mitigate any further progression of this whole sorry affair.
From a planning perspective there is a total lack of adequate parking associated with this application in an already massively overdeveloped part of Aberystwyth.
Installation of an automated teller machine
SPAR, 46 Gt Darkgate Street, Aberystwyth.
OBJECTION- The application is not in keeping with the character of the building.
A120437 & A120438LB
Demolition of first floor extension, new rear extension on 2 floors and change of use from office to family home.
12 Queens Street,(Davies and John), Aberystwyth
NO OBJECTION- As long as neighbours privacy is not affected this application is welcomed for the fact that it is noted that this application is for a FAMILY HOME and this application (if granted) should have this as a condition of the granting of planning permission.
Residential development and creation of non-residential floor space (ancillary use to the existing residential use)
Troed yr Aur, Queens Avenue, Aberystwyth
NO COMMENT AT THIS TIME- This Council requests a site meeting to discuss this application and to obtain further details of the plan.
A 120424
Proposed recladding of the buildings envelope, including all elevations, renewing all existing doors and windows, coupled with the extension of 5no flats by approx. 7m2 per flat.
Plas Morolwg, Pen yr Anchor, Aberystwyth.
NO OBJECTION- This council welcomes the use of renewable energy sources (solar panels) in this application. Aberystwyth Town Council would prefer NOT to see the use of UPVC in the building materials but acknowledge the location of the project and the potential unsuitability of other materials.
A 120467
Renovation and alterations to façade including new shop signs.
Express Café (Coniston House) 2a Alexandra Rd, Aberystwyth.
NO OBJECTION- Aberystwyth Town Council welcomes the improvement to this iconic building at the “Gateway to Aberystwyth” and welcomed the use of grants available to produce improvements to the building stock of the town.
Aberystwyth Town Council would ask for the encouragement of bi-lingual signage wherever appropriate.
- Minutes of the General Management Committee held on 16th July 2012
It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the following meeting.
Councillor C Davies
Councillor J A Davies
Councillor A Williams
Councillor B Davies
Councillor D Lewis
Councillor S Jones-Davies
Councillor J Smith
Councillor K R Price
Councillor E Edwards
Councillor B Haines
Councillor W Morris-Twiddy
Councillor M Strong
Councillor M Shewring
A copy of a letter regarding the state of North Road park was discussed and it was decided to deal with this matter under item 3 below.
2.Report on Cae Kronberg progress
The Clerk gave a verbal report on the latest developments in the Cae Kronberg project.
Most matter were well progressed but the planning application was proving difficult and would be submitted in the next couple of days.
The subcommittee was meeting regularly and a lot of progress had been made.
3.Report from North Road Park sub committee
The Chairman gave a verbal report on a site meeting held on site in the last week.
It was reported that the trees need not be cut but could benefit from trimming in certain places.
Following the discussion it was RESOLVED to acquire quotes to get the grass and hedges cut in the area. The quotes would be obtained within 2 weeks.
It was further RESOLVED to contact Ceredigion Care Society to ascertain their willingness to undertake the maintenance of the grounds as a community project.
It was further RESOLVED to ask the Police to increase patrols in the area to deter clandestine drinking in the park.
4.Report on Allotments sub committee
It was reported that the AGM of the allotment association would be held on Wednesday 18th July in the Buarth Hall at 7pm.
It was further discussed that a public meeting would need to be held in the near future to consult with local residents on the future aspirations of the committee.
Councillor Alun Williams and Kevin Price would attend along with the Clerk.
5.Report from New council accommodation sub committee
It was reported that no members had turned up to the viewing held recently. However , it now transpired that the Josef Parry Hall was now not on offer as the Aberystwyth University had other plans of their own for the building.
The Clerk discussed the options left open to members and was asked to compile an all options report in time for the next GM committee meeting for consideration.
6.Updates on Resolutions
The chairman went through the revised list on a line by line basis and a “cull” was agreed on items no longer relevant. The Clerk agreed to update the list.
Following the review it was RESOLVED to seek a viewing of the old Town Hall facilities as had been promised.
7.Staffing Matters
The Clerk reported that Carole Prime was on leave this week and that he would be on leave from Tuesday 24th July for 4 days.
- Planning applications- to consider those applications not covered in the monthly planning meeting and are time sensitive.
There were no applications to consider.
- To receive the External Audit Report.
The Clerk had circulated a copy of the external Auditors report and following a brief discussion it was RESOLVED to accept the report and that the Chairman should sign the relevant documentation on behalf of council as required.
- Clerks Report
There was nothing to report
- Correspondence.
- Bethel Chapel Organ- A letter was received asking for release of the promised £5000 to enable the committee to secure the restoration date .
- OVW AGM- A letter asking for bookings for the AGM to be held on Saturday 13th October was received. It was RESOLVED that Councillor Griffiths attend on behalf of the Council and report back
- Questions relating only to matters in this Councils remit
No Questions were asked.
- To consider expenditure
It was RESOLVED to pay the following accounts in the sum of £10,094.59
BT plc | Telephone bill | 96.03 |
Carmarthenshire County Council | Salaries – June 2012 | 5,243.11 |
Purchase Power | Rental for franking machine | 21.54 |
ARC | Empty recycling bins – June 2012 | 856.80 |
CCC | Hire of accommodation | 1,125.00 |
Cllr Dylan Lewis | Travel expenses – Cardigan – CCC Leader’s Civic Service 22.7.12 | 19.50 |
Cllr Martin Shewring | Travel expenses – Aberaeron – CCTV meeting 23.7.12 | 8.00 |
Konica Minolta | Photocopying charges | 312.49 |
Konica Minolta | Hire of photocopier | 444.02 |
Ms Anna Bullen | Consultancy fees for Cae Kronberg Project – 31.3.12 to 19.7.12 | 1,520.00 |
OVW | New Councillor Induction Training (8 places) – 6.6.12 | 240.00 |
Mr Emlyn Watkin | Internal Audit fees | 208.10 |
Total | 10,094.59 |
- To consider the terms and conditions pertaining to the issuance of Busking Permits in Aberystwyth.
- To consider Night-time Economy Action Plan 2012-14
- Verbal Reports from Ceredigion County Councillors on matters pertaining to this Council
- Reports from Twinning Associations.
Reports and accounts were received from all three twinning associations.
Following discussion and as the funding was allocated in the budget it was RESOLVED to release the annual grant to each association.
- Written reports from representatives to outside bodies
- Motion at the request of Councillor Aled Davies- Aberystwyth Market Hall.
Due to the fluid nature of this issue it was suggested that the matter be defered to a meeting at a later date.
- Motion at the request of Councillor Sue Jones-Davies- Afallon Ward, Bronglais.
Councillor S Jones-Davies outlined concerns at the closure recently of Bronglais Hospital’s Afallon ward and following a discussion it was RESOLVED to write urgently to the Hywel Dda Health Board and seek clarification on the reasons and future of the ward closure.
- Motion at the request of Councillor Kevin Price Regenerating the old bowling ground into an open performance area.
Councilor Price had prepared a document showing the artist impression of what an amphitheater could look like.
It was RESOLVED to get accurate costings for such a project.
- Staffing matters- An introduction to the work of the staffing panel.
The Clerk advised that it would be inappropriate to exclude members of the public and press unless legal or disciplinary items were to be discussed.
The Clerk was asked to leave and the following minute was written by the Mayor.
Members voted to go into committee, excluding members of the public and press who were present. An overview was given of the staffing panel, followed by a general discussion of its role and responsibilities.