Full Council
24/03/2014 at 6:30 pm
Present: Cllr Martin Shewring
Cllr Alun Williams
Cllr Brenda Haines
Cllr Sue Jones Davies
Cllr Lucy Teresa Huws
Cllr Ceredig Davies
Cllr Mererid Jones
Cllr Mark A Strong
Cllr Kevin Roy Price
Cllr Brian Davies
Cllr Brendan Somers
Cllr Mair Benjamin
Cllr Dylan Lewis
Cllr Endaf Edwards
Apologies: Cllr Steve Davies
Cllr Wendy Morris-Twiddy
Cllr Jeff Smith
In the absence of the Chair, it was decided that Dylan Lewis would chair the meeting. Minutes were taken by Cllr Mererid Jones.
Minute 169 – Declarations of Interest.
Finance……………………………..Cllr Kevin Price.
Cllr Martin Shewring
Cllr Dylan Lewis
Minute 170 – Personal References.
Minute 171 – Mayoral Activities.
These were circulated to members.
Minute 172 – Minutes of the meeting of full council on 24th of February 2014.
It was RESOLVED to accept and adopt the minutes of the above meeting. The following matters were raised for information: –
- Cllr Mark Strong raised a question concerning trees which had been damaged by the storm. To be reviewed
- Growing Spaces – the next meeting is held on the 16/4/2014 at 5.30pm in Canolfan Rheidol. It was agreed that Cllr Ceredig Davies and Cllr Steve Davies would be our representatives in the meeting.
- It was noted thanks to Cllr Aled Davies for erecting the flag in the castle.
- It was noted thanks to Cllrs Steve Davies and Ceredig Davies for the removal of the bus stop on Fifth Avenue.
Minute 173 – Meeting of Planning Committee on the 3rd March 2014
It was RESOLVED to accept and adopt the minutes of the above meeting.
Councillor Martin Shewring
Councillor Brenda Haines
Councillor Mair Benjamin
Councillor Steve Davies
Councillor Jeff Smith
Councillor Kevin Price
Councillor Sue Jones-Davies
Councillor Wendy Morris-Twiddy
Councillor Brian Davies
Councillor Lucy Huws
Councillor Ceredig Davies
Councillor Endaf Edwards
Councillor Mererid Jones
- Correspondence
The following correspondence was received from the Planning Inspectorate, regarding the following appeal:
A130176 – appeal dismissed (the proposed development is considered to be detrimental to the setting of the listed buildings on 10-11 Marine Terrace)
The following correspondence was received from Cyngor Sir Ceredigion.
Planning decisions:
A130784LB – approved
A130929 – approved (condition 7 was noted, which requires the planting, within 12 months of the completion of the development, of 6 trees of local provenance in addition to the 3 replacement trees proposed)
A140006 – prior approval not required (the development is considered to be permitted development)
A140007 – prior approval not required (the development is considered to be permitted development)
A140009 – prior approval not required (the development is considered to be permitted development)
A140010 – prior approval not required (the development is considered to be permitted development)
A140017 – prior approval not required (the development is considered to be permitted development)
A140018 – prior approval not required (the development is considered to be permitted development)
A140019 – prior approval not required (the development is considered to be permitted development)
- To consider planning applications
A140008 -Siting of telecommunications cabinet
Land near Garth Celyn, Llanbadarn Road, Aberystwyth
No objection. Aberystwyth Town Council welcomes this application. We also wish to see the cabinet painted Corporation Blue, in line with signage and street furniture around the town centre.
A140013 -Siting of telecommunications cabinet
Land adj. 5 Pier Street, Aberystwyth
No objection. Aberystwyth Town Council welcomes this application. We also wish to see the cabinet painted Corporation Blue, in line with signage and street furniture around the town centre.
A140014- Siting of telecommunications cabinet
Land adj. Yr Hen Ysgol Gymraeg, Alexandra Road, Aberystwyth
No objection. Aberystwyth Town Council welcomes this application. We also wish to see the cabinet painted Corporation Blue, in line with signage and street furniture around the town centre.
A140015 – Siting of telecommunications cabinet
Marine Terrace (near Penroc), Aberystwyth
No objection. Aberystwyth Town Council welcomes this application. We also wish to see the cabinet painted Corporation Blue, in line with signage and street furniture around the town centre.
A140016 -Siting of telecommunications cabinet
Site near 8 Corporation Street, Aberystwyth
No objection. Aberystwyth Town Council welcomes this application. We also wish to see the cabinet painted Corporation Blue, in line with signage and street furniture around the town centre.
A140091 -Erection of a single storey extension to side
12 Second Avenue, Penparcau, Aberystwyth
No objection.
A140076 – Replacement fascia sign on shop front
Sports Direct, Pier Street, Aberystwyth
No objection. Councillor Martin Shewring expressed his disappointment at the retrospective application for the current fascia sign.
A140097- Renovation of shop front. Removing old aluminium door & window and replacing with timber with traditional signage and surround.
Seafront Palace, 5 Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth
No objection. Aberystwyth Town Council welcomes the use of traditional and sustainable materials in the proposed development.
The following update was received: –
Cllr Ceredig Davies noted that the box on Pier Street had been rejected due to problems fpr pedestrians. The request that the box was blue was rejected as they are meant to blend into the background.
E-mail from Ceredigion County Council was read to state that the application for the Bandstand had been withdrawn. Aberystwyth Town Council to seek clarification of whether this will stop the development in total or whether alternative plans will be submitted. The Aberystwyth Strategic Regeneration Board meet on the 17/4/2014 and Cllr Alun Williams asked if he can be given comments prior to the meeting. It was noted that any revised plans will need to be sympathetic to the needs of the community. Cllr Lucy Huws noted that the concerns were raised after the floods. Cllr Endaf Edwards noted that the current bandstand is not in keeping with the current prom. Cllr Mark Strong noted that we may have lost funding altogether as a result of the objections made.
Minute 174 – Meeting of General Management – 10 March 2014
Following discussion, it was RESOLVED to accept and adopt the minutes of the above meeting.
Cllr Ceredig Davies
Cllr Mair Benjamin
Cllr Brenda Haines
Cllr Alun Williams
Cllr Mererid Jones
Cllr Aled Davies
Cllr Jeff Smith
Cllr Kevin Roy Price
Cllr Endaf Edwards
Cllr Sue Jones-Davies
Cllr Martin Shewring
Cllr Brendan Somers
Cllr Steve Davies
Cllr Wendy Morris-Twiddy
Cllr Dylan Lewis
Cllr Brian Davies
Cllr Mark Strong
1 Presentation by Mr Jim Wallace (Chair of Menter) accompanied by Menter Board Members.
Mr Wallace outlined Menter’s current financial position and forward work programme. Menter
currently have reserves of £35,000 which would enable it to function for twelve months without
further financial support from Aberystwyth Town Council. The board meets on a bi-monthly
basis but with the flexibility to meet as and when required. Menter were currently drafting a
programme of Summer Events, with the aid of the £5,000 funding from Aberystwyth Town
Council, though there were some uncertainties this year due to the non-availability of the
Bandstand. A Summer Programme could deliver entertainment to the value of £20,000 but was
dependant on match funded grants from external bodies. It was decided that there was a need
to synchronise diaries so that there were no clashes with other events and that Menter would
meet up with Aberystwyth Town Council at the end of March 2014 in order to finalise this
summer’s programme of events. The financial support given to Menter would be an agenda item
at a future Finance Committee Meeting. It was also agreed that Aberystwyth Town Council
should investigate the possibility of offering Menter desk space at 11 Baker Street in addition
to holding more regular joint meetings.
2 Correspondence.
(a) “Stately Lighting”: Letter of introduction asking to be considered in any street lighting proposals
(b) Mr Paul Arnold, Ceredigion County Council: Letter inviting Aberystwyth Town Council to send two representatives to a meeting with Ceredigion, Faenor and Llanbadarn Community Councils in order to discuss the possibility of forming an “Area Gardening Board”. (Discussed under Agenda 6).
(c) Ceredigion County Council: Letter drawing Aberystwyth Town Council’s attention to courses being run for those wishing to obtain a Personal Licence qualification.
(d) Jan Fenner, Ceredigion County Council: Letter drawing attention to Aberystwyth Town Council on the need for amending its Premises Licence since she was named on the licence and was about to retire.
Cllr Martin Shewring attended a CCTV meeting convened in order to discuss the future provision of the system across the county. It was evident that Lampeter Town Council was the only town council prepared to fund CCTV as there was the potential for them to do this in partnership with Lampeter University. Cardigan Town Council said that they would not be contributing to CCTV costs. It was reported at the meeting that the police were not willing to fund CCTV. Cllr Ceredig Davies stated that he was to meet with the Police Commissioner and would bring up the issue of the town losing the service. Cllr Aled Davies proposed that Aberystwyth Town Council do not provide any funding for CCTV. This proposal was passed unanimously.
4 Allotments.
Ceredigion County Council has received the findings of the survey carried out to ascertain if the floods of 2013 had polluted the 5th Avenue allotments in Penparcau. The results indicated that the allotments were useable with pollution levels being below what was acceptable. This information had been presented to the Allotment Association. It was decided that if Aberystwyth Town Council had aspirations to manage the allotments there was a need to visit the allotments and meet up with the users. It was also decided to nominate Cllr Ceredig Davies and Cllr Steve Davies to attend the meeting to discuss the potential of setting up a “Garden Board”.
5 Farmers Market.
Ceredigion County Council had approached Aberystwyth Town Council with the possibility of taking over the management of the market. Since the original approach Ceredigion Officers had reassessed its staffing structure and decided that they would continue to manage the market. The County Council would still appreciate the financial support of Aberystwyth Town Council as provided in recent years. Cllr Aled Davies suggested moving the Farmers Market to the top of Great Darkgate street. Cllr Mererid Jones proposed continuing with the same level of financial support as last year, this being £7.000 which gives a year to decide on future locations. The proposal was seconded by Cllr Aled Davies and received unanimous support. Ceredigion County Council was to be asked to apply for the funding in the same manner as was expected of all applicants wishing financial support.
6 Street Lighting.
Cllr Mair Benjamin outlined problems associated with the lack of lighting in the area of the town around Vulcan Street and Prospect Street. This was because lights went off at midnight. Cllr Brendan Somers agreed that there have been problems in the area. Cllr Aled Davies to meet with Cllr Wendy Morris-Twiddy, Cllr Brendan Somers and Cllr Mair Benjamin to identify lamp posts that need to be lit. Ceredigion County Council to be contacted to ascertain costs of keeping lights on after midnight.
7 Walk for Life.
Poster and pamphlets circulated to members.
8 Cycling Weekend.
Cllr Ceredig Davies attended a meeting to discuss operational issues associated with holding the event from the 24th – 26th May 2014. The route would be the same as previous years but in reverse. The Start and Finish will be on Pier Street. re-race events to take place along Pier Street. The possibility of Aberystwyth Town Council Flags been handed out as had been done last year was referred to Finance.
9 Outstanding issues.
11 Baker Street update: The owners agent considering erecting two flag poles outside No11 was given unanimous support.
10 Skateboard Park.
A meeting was held at 11 Baker Street at which a presentation was given on the proposed lay-out of the skateboard park. The consensus was that what was being proposed was far superior to what most people considered to be a skateboard park.
11 Festoon Lights.
Still awaiting confirmation that funding was in place.
The following update was received: –
- Need to write to Chamber of Commerce and Aberystwyth Business Club regarding the CCTV situation.
- Farmers’ Market – The Council congratulated the Aberystwyth Farmers Market on getting shortlisted for Radio 4 Awards. We await the outcome in May. Jan Fenner is leaving Ceredigion County Council and the Council are looking for options. Could we directly employ Jan in the short term from the £7,000. It was unanimously agreed that Cllr Ceredig Davies to start discussions with Jan about rate of pay.
- Skateboard Park – all councillors are invited to two meeting with Freestyle on the 27th of March 2014 at 3pm or 6pm. A meeting is also being held with Richard Duggan on 10.30am – 28/3/2014. Final lottery application (stage 1) has been submitted.
- Festoon light – Welsh Government have given funding but there is insufficient time for the lights to be erected in time as it has to be expended before 31/3/2014.
o Proforma or upfront payments had been rejected.
o Could we buy the equipment and recover costs of equipment and incur the cost of installation from our own funds?
o We could not ask the supplier to keep the equipment short term, as this would be against Welsh Government audit requirement.
o Need to write to the Minister to ask for consideration for reasonableness and flexibility towards the timescale. Need to also contact Alun Davies and Edwina Hart.
Minute 175 – Meeting of Finance Committee.
Following discussion, it was RESOLVED to accept and adopt the minutes of the above meeting.
Cllr Wendy Morris-Twiddy
Cllr Martin W Shewring
Cllr Alun Williams
Cllr Endaf Edwards
Cllr Ceredig Davies
Cllr Sue Jones-Davies
Cllr Mair Benjamin
Cllr Kevin Roy Price
Cllr Brian Davies
Cllr Mererid Jones
Cllr Brenda Haines
Cllr Dylan Lewis
In the absence of the Chairperson Cllr Mererid Jones, it was moved that Cllr Brian Davies chair the meeting.
1. Declaration of Interest – None
2. Correspondence
- Arad Goch – request for £500 for Agor Drysau hosting reception.
- Aberystwyth Branch British Legion. Agreed to support the WW1 events Remembrance Service 3rd August 2014. Application form to be sent
- Clerk and Councils website. Agreed to terminate subscription until further notice
- BT internet and line connection. Cllr Kevin Price to look into alternative suppliers
Cllr Ceredig Davies checking that the recycle payments had been cancelled. Noted that office admin expenditure had been reduced and that there was a saving being made. All other expenses passed
3. Reviewed and agreed to adopt the accounts for February 2014
4. Questions relating to financial matters. At the request of Cllr Martin Shewring the CCTV situation was discussed. A letter was read out from Gareth Ravel, Manager of the Academy public house. The letter was addressed to Chris Salmon the Police Commissioner and to Dyfed Powys Police, it highlighted the concerns of not having CCTV in the Aberystwyth area. Cllr Shewring highlighted that Night Time Economy and Night Light encouraged people to write to the Police Commissioner. Cllr Alun Williams estimated that it would cost £150k for CCTV to cover the whole of Ceredigion. Lampeter are not clear what they will do regarding CCTV, Cllr Shewring said that if Aberystwyth goes into the agreement Lampeter would consider. Cardigan and Aberaeron have withdrawn from the group.
The decision at the ATC General Management was that no payment would be made for CCTV due to it being open ended, adding that Dyfed Powys police should take responsibility.
There is no money being put forward by other companies. It was suggested to contact Chamber of Commerce and Chamber of Trade asking their opinion
To be raised in full council that a letter be sent to the Police Commissioner stating that it’s the core-remit of the police to have a CCTV system and this should be included in the police remit.
Motion – Endorsed the recommendation of GM committee to take to next full council. Unanimously passed by all member of the Finance Committee.
5. Matters referred from General Management/Full Council
Garden Project. Meeting mid March re allotment spaces in Faenor ward. Representatives from CCC, ATC, LLCC, Faenor council and Aberystwyth University attended a productive meeting. All parties to be involved with the future plans. 70 people on waiting list for allotment 64% live in Aberystwyth. ATC wants to see a business plan and create a board of members from all parties. The Allotment Association based in Penparcau are a separate association to the Waun Fawr development.
Menter Aberystwyth. Discussed the decision made at GM to reduce the funds for Summer entertainment from £10k to £5K. Waiting to review their application which is due before the deadline of the end of March.
Penparcau Bus Shelter, 5th Avenue. ATC responsibility, should it be removed or remain on the site. Resolution – to discuss the bus shelter situation at the next GM meeting.
6. Any other matters at the discretion of the Chairperson – None.
Minute 176 – Planning Applications which are time sensitive
A140178 – Demolition of Penparcau toilet block
Due to the work of Cllr Lorrae Jones-Southgate, the toilet in the Boxing Club is now available to the public, and the current toilets have fallen into disrepair. No objections.
A140146 – Temporary car park in Trefechan
The report noted that this had 156 car park spaces, 6 disability park bays and 4 motorcycle bays.
The current access is via Spring Gardens and this would be closed and a new access would be via Green Gardens. Ceredigion County Council highways do not object to this.
The visual impact on the area has improved since demolition for the residents.
A flood consequence assessment is necessary, and considered to be Flood Zone 3. There is a 1:200 year likelihood of tidal flooding, The site did not flood in June 2012.
Cllr Martin Shewring noted that he had concerns from the residents that this would increase the level of parking on Trefechan streets. The main times of usage would be early morning and end of working day which would coincide with the children school times. He noted that the application should be rejected.
Cllr Mererid Jones noted the shortage of parking in town and that the development should be welcomed.
Cllr Endaf Edwards noted that this would improve visibility and would not increase the risk of accidents.
Cllr Mair Benjamin noted that more signage was necessary if this development is to go ahead.
Cllr Brian Davies noted that a public meeting was held in December and most people in attendance were satisfied with the answers given.
Cllr Lucy Huws noted that the issue with the motor homes on South Beach need to be addressed.
It was AGREED that there were no objections to the development subject to improved signage.
Minute 177 – Correspondence.
- E-mails with concerns regarding the CCTV from
i. Jacqui Wetherburn – Coleg Ceredigion
ii. Ursula Blair – Ship & Castle
iii. Lee Price – Royal Pier
iv. Katy Johnson – Nightlight co-ordinator (Ceredigion County Council)
v. Gareth Revell – The Academy
vi. Sandra Evans – Awareness Officer (Ceredigion County Council)
- Requests for funding were received from: –
i. Aber Diary – Menter Aberystwyth are no longer funding the diary.
ii. Radio Beca
iii. Prism
It was agreed that all three would receive a grant application form.
- Dates for information
i. Stakeboard park consultation – 27/3/2014 at 3pm and 6pm
ii. Meeting with Richard Duggan regarding the Stakeboard park – 28/3/14 – 10.30am
iii. Ceredigion County Council consultative meeting – 3/4/14 – 5.30pm – Room 1, Canolfan Rheidol – it was agreed that Cllrs Mair Benjamin and Martin Shewring would attend.
iv. Cynnal y Cardi event – 10/5/14 – 11am to 4pm in Llanerchaeron.
v. Ras yr Iaith – held on 20/6/14. No objections to the race.
vi. Service of Commemoration in St Michael Church on 3/8/14 by the Royal British Legion. They noted that they needed an empty shop to display the memorabilia. It was suggested that they contact Ceredigion County Council for input.
- General correspondence received
i. Advice from One Voice Wales regarding who should officiate at the Mayor Making in the absence of the Clerk.
ii. Letter from the Jazz Swingers asking if we were continuing with the Summer Entertainment programme. It was agreed to pass the letter to Menter Aberystwyth.
iii. Letter from Theresa May Bridget Vaccaro – noted that we would acknowledge the letter and seek clarification.
iv. Letter from the Information Commissioner regarding a Freedom of Information request from Miss Carole Prime. A draft response was circulated.
v. Letter from Ceredigion County Council regarding the allotment in Min y Ddol and restart discussions for transfer. It was agreed to pass to General Management Committee.
vi. Letter from Keith Dale, Ceredigion County Council stating that funding for the website would be extended to 2014-15. Noted that we would respond to state that the website is in progress.
vii. E-mail from Ceredigion County Council HPW. The inclusion of Esquel on the Aberystwyth signs would require redesign and production cost. Aberystwyth Town Council would have to meet 50% of this cost. It was agreed to ask for prices.
viii. RAY Ceredigion report on the conclusion of the review of play areas. We need to confirm that the playgrounds noted are within our ownership.
ix. E-mail from Carl Williams relation to potential problems with moving to the first floor and the need to get the noticeboard up.
x. Letter from Bradley Reynolds – and A level student interested in our website. It was agreed that Cllr Kevin Price would respond.
xi. Copy of a letter from Mark Drakeford to Rebecca Evans AM regarding legal indemnity for Community Health Council representatives. For noting
xii. Letter from Aberystwyth Triathlon -28/9/14- asking if we have any objections to the race on North Beach. It was noted that there were no objections.
There were other circulars which were distributed but not discussed.
Minute 178 – Questions relating only to matters in this remit.
There were none.
Minute 179 – To consider expenditure
It was RESOLVED to make the following payments: –
Payee | Description | Amount (£) |
Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin | Wages February/ Cyflog Chwefror | 5,095.77 |
Cyngor Sir Ceredigion | Fee for DPS for Aled Davies | 23.00 |
E Carl Williams | Office 17/2/14 to 14/3/14 | 600.00 |
Dr Karen Kemish | Occupational Health appointment 3/3/2014 | 80.00 |
Hywel Dda Local Health Board | Support for J O Griffiths – occ health | 339.00 |
Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin | Payroll service fee 2013-14 | 264.00 |
Afan Construction Limited | Hire of storage unit 9/11/13 to 7/2/14 | 312.00 |
Aberystwyth Removal & Storage | Hire of storage unit | 904.80 |
Councillor Dylan Lewis | Travel to Machynlleth (railway meeting) | 9.00 |
Councillor Martin Shewring | Travel to Aberaeron (CCTV meeting) | 18.00 |
Viking | Office stationery | 7.64 |
Purchase Power | Rental of franking machine | 21.54 |
BT | Internet Services | 191.22 |
Dr Karen Kemish | Occupational Health appointment 17/3/2014 | 80.00 |
Councillor Kevin Price | Website hosting | 41.99 |
Mona Lisa | Flag for Castle | 10.00 |
7,997.96 |
Minute 180 – Verbal Reports by Ceredigion County councillors
Cllr Alun Williams stated that the announcement in relation to additional trains was expected imminently. Thespian Street has now been renovated with Regeneration funding.
The harbour users committee now has been returned from Aberaeron to Aberystwyth, and will be held at 1pm on the 7/4/14 in Neuadd Goffa, Penparcau. He distributed flyers for flood remembrance events.
Cllr Ceredig Davies noted that work had been carried out on Mill Street and Burton Chambers. There are now 2 recycling wheely bins in the Castle.
We need marshalls for the Mayor Making event on the 11th of May 2014.
Due to the closure of the centre in Aberaeron, some now have to travel to the Day Centre in Aberystwyth and this is putting a strain on the service.
Minute 181 – Reports from External Groups
Reports were received from – Cllr Dylan Lewis – Rail users group
Cllr Mair Benjamin – NTE Group
It was agreed that Dylan Lewis would be the formal representative for Aberystwyth Town Council for the Rail Users Group.
Minute 181 – CCTV at the request of Cllr Martin Shewring
Cllr Martin Shewring wanted to know if the Council were willing to open discussion with the Police Authority/ Commissioner.
Aberystwyth Town Council have to give a formal response to Cllr Ray Quant that we need sufficient information of what are the details being offered: –
– Will the system be monitored by the police?
– How often will the system be maintenance?
– Who pays if the system breaks down?