Full Council

25/11/2013 at 6:30 pm



Present:             Cllr Wendy Morris-Twiddy

Cllr Martin Shewring

Cllr Alun Williams

Cllr Brenda Haines

Cllr Sue Jones Davies

Cllr Lucy Teresa Huws

Cllr Sarah Bowen

Cllr Ceredig Davies

Cllr Mererid Jones

Cllr J A Davies

Cllr M A Strong

Cllr Jeff Smith

Cllr Kevin Roy Price

Cllr Brian Davies


Apologies:         Cllr Endaf Edwards

Cllr Mair Benjamin

Cllr Dylan Lewis

Cllr Steve Davies


In attendance:  Mr G Walford Hughes M.B.E. (Burma Star Association).


Prior to commencement of business a minutes silence was observed in memory of the late Afan ap Alun a former Town Councillor and Mayor of Aberystwyth.



The Mayor welcomed Mr Walford Hughes to the meeting. Mr Hughes then proceeded to present the history of Mr Peter Gareth Lovell a top scientist formerly of Glyndwr Road, Aberystwyth. He indicated that plans had commenced to draw up a suitable memorial for Mr Lovell and he would appreciate council’s endorsement of this venture. In ending his presentation Mr Hughes requested support from the council to save Glyndwr Road for historical reasons. Cllr Strong detailed that planning had been approved for the proposed development to include Glyndwr Road. Members agreed to discuss this in the next meeting of council. The Mayor thanked Mr Hughes for his presentation.


Minute 100 – Declarations of Interest.

Finance……………………………..Cllr Kevin Price.

Cllr Brenda Haines.

Mill Street Development……..Cllr Aled Davies.

Cllr Ceredig Davies.

Minute 101 – Personal References.

Condolences to be forwarded to the families of the late Alun ap Afan and Mr J.Griffiths.


Minute 102 – Mayoral Activities.

These were circulated to members.


Minute 103 – Minutes of the meeting of full council on 28th October 2013.

It was RESOLVED to accept and adopt the minutes of the above meeting.  The following matters were raised for information: –

  • Wi-Fi is available to all councillors.
  • Cllr Ceredig Davies gave an update on the Christmas Lights.
  • Trefechan lights switch on Monday 2nd December  5pm.


Matters arising from the meeting.

Cllr Mererid Jones updated members on the Youth Council. Del Morgan had given a useful insight into constructive arrangements that could be made and this would be discussed with the schools before being brought back.


Minute 104 – Meeting of Planning Committee on the 4th of November 2013

It was RESOLVED to accept and adopt the minutes of the above meeting.


Present.         Cllr Endaf Edwards

Cllr Ceredig Davies

Cllr Alun Williams

Cllr J.Aled Davies

Cllr Jeff Smith

Cllr Steve Davies

Cllr Wendy Morris-Twiddy

Cllr Brian Davies

Cllr Martin W Shewring

Cllr Brenda Haines

Cllr Mair Benjamin

Cllr Kevin Roy Price


Apologies        Cllr Sue Jones Davies

Cllr Mark Strong


Erection of a private dwelling house

17 Fifth Avenue, Penparcau, Aberystwyth

No objection. Councillor Endaf Edwards and Brenda Haines declared an interest and left the meeting while the above application was being considered. Cllr Steve Davies took the Chair



Erection of two storey side and rear extensions

7 Third Avenue, Penparcau, Aberystwyth

No objection


A130783 / A130784LB

Refurbishment of part of upper floors to provide additional flat above existing restaurant

The Other Place, 56 Terrace Road, Aberystwyth

No objection. We consider that the same materials that have historically been used should be used in the proposed development.



The following correspondence was received from Ceredigion County Council regarding the following applications: –

A130287LB – Approved

A130492 – Withdrawn

A130516/ A130517LB – Approved

A130610 / A130611LB – Slight change to description of application. No revised plans.

A130700 – approval


Cllr Mererid Jones (not at the meeting) declared an interest in 61 Marine Terrace since she is a member of Tai Ceredigion.


Minute 105 – Meeting of General Management.

Following discussion, it was RESOLVED to accept and adopt the minutes of the above meeting.


Present.         Cllr Dylan Lewis

Cllr Ceredig Davies

Cllr Alun Williams

Cllr Sue Jones Davies

Cllr J.A.Davies

Cllr Jeff Smith

Cllr Steve Davies

Cllr Wendy Morris-Twiddy

Cllr Brian Davies

Cllr Mark A Strong (from 7.30pm)

Cllr Mererid Jones  (from 7.30pm)


Cllr Brenda Haines

Cllr Mair Benjamin.



A Mill St resident had enquired as to who was his councillors as he had an issue with a parking ticket issued whilst he was parked in Mill St Car Park. Cllr Aled Davies was to take up the matter.

Letter from Ceredigion County Council inviting councillors to a planning event?

Letter from Pod Clare regarding the possibility of instigating a community art project along Mill St. Cllr Ceredig Davies was to take up the matter.

Allotment Update

Paul Arnold officer with Ceredigion County Council briefed those present on the proposed allotments along Clarach Road. The project was intended initially to be a partnership between Aberystwyth Town Council, Aberystwyth University and Ceredigion County Council who between them would deliver the project with Ceredigion Council stepping away once the project was up and running. Councillors were generally supportive of the proposal but would require further information and a robust business plan before committing totally to the project. Mr Arnold was to convey to the university the town council’s interest and draw up a memorandum of understanding to progress the matter. It was also decided that a meeting was to be held with interested parties who would use the allotments but this would not be done until the test results of the land at Min Y Ddol were known.

Christmas Arrangements

Christmas tree was to arrive on the 21st of November.. Lights were to be switched on at 6pm on the 29th of November. Cllr Mark Strong as the Town Council representative reported on what Menter Aberystwyth was proposing on the night. The lights would be switched on by Elain James. Aberystwyth Silver Band would be playing carols. There would be a lantern parade down Great Darkgate St. Cllr Mererid Jones reminded the meeting on the need of ensuring that the event complied with the Town Council’s insurance policy. She was to contact the broker on the matter.

Glass Recycling

There had been issues with the recently introduced large glass recycling bins not being emptied on a regular basis. Cllr Ceredig reported that he had been in touch with the County Council and there had been capacity issues in the previous week. He also reported that since their introduction over 12 tonnes of glass had been collected at no cost to the town council.

Outstanding Issues

The MUGA at Penparcau had defective lighting. Cllr Ceredig Davies was tasked with contacting the council’s electrician on the matter.

Promenade Cleaning.

Cllr Mark Strong believed that following the recent storm and the subsequent dumping of beach sand on to the promenade Ceredigion whilst cleaning some of the material should have cleared all of it. Cllr Wendy Morris-Twiddy also reported that there was a quantity of detritus washed up along South Marine Terrace and this should also have been cleared.

Playground Inspection. The matter was to be passed to the finance committee.

Esquel Twinning Committee was holding an event at the Morlan on December 11th. Cllr Wendy Morris-Twiddy suggested contacting the three twinning committees and asking them to consider putting on a joint exhibition of their activities. This was unanimously supported.

Remembrance Sunday

This year British Legion Poppy Parade and Service was very well attended with one of the largest crowds in years. On the afternoon of the 11th there was also a good attendance at the laying of the White Poppy Wreath.

BID (Business Improvement District)

Prior to the general management meeting there had been a BID meeting at the Richmond Hotel attended by Cllr Mark Strong and Cllr Mererid Jones on behalf of the Town Council. Both Mark and Mererid reported that it had be a lively meeting with a frank exchange of opinion on the BID proposal. The outcome by a slim majority was that Ceredigion County Council would take the next step of bidding for the monies available as part of this Welsh Government Scheme.

Amendment :- The name of “Pod Claire” should be inserted into the minutes.

Cllr Alun Williams updated that the allotments are progressing and that Cllr Ceredig Davies would be the elected representative.

Christmas Lights :- The lights would be switched on by Elain James.


Minute 106 – Meeting of Finance Committee.

Following discussion, it was RESOLVED to accept and adopt the minutes of the above meeting.


Present :-Cllr Mererid Jones

Cllr Aled Davies

Cllr Endaf Edwards

Cllr Kevin Price

Cllr Ceredig Davies

Cllr Alun Williams

Cllr Wendy Morris-Twiddy

Cllr Brian Davies

Cllr Sue Jones-Davies

Cllr Mark Strong

Cllr Brenda Haines

Cllr Kevin Roy Price


Apologies –Cllr Mair Benjamin

Cllr Sarah Bowen

Cllr Dylan Lewis


  1. Declarations of Interest – None
  2. Presentation by Shelley Childs of Aberystwyth Cycle Fest

Shelley gave a presentation and details of the independent economic assessment carried out on the value of the Festival to the local economy – £274,000 additional income to the economy. Shelley stressed that the event would not have been possible without the £7,000 support from the Town Council. The festival is hoping to take place again next year and would be grateful of the support of the Town Council both in monetary terms and in practical support.

It was AGREED to support the festival financially again, the exact amount to be discussed when the budget is finalised.

  1. Correspondence
    1. A request was received for payment of £400 to the Royal British Legion for the Remembrance Day cost. It was AGREED that as this item was in the budget that payment would be made.
  2. Christmas Arrangements
    1. Christmas Tree

Additional lights had to be purchased at a cost of £1,400 & VAT due to the unsuitability of the current light. Chairs of all committees and the mayor agreed to the expenditure given the urgency of the decision.

Ceredigion have funding for “Money for Trees”, but suggested that Aberystwyth may not be a suitable candidate as investment in trees has already been made. Cllr Mererid Jones to speak to Rachel Mills of Ceredigion County Council.

    1. Christmas Lights Ceremony

Arrangements are ongoing with mince pies and mulled wine promised from both Co-operative Stores. The Council should send a letter of thanks for their support. Volunteers are needed to help with the lantern making sessions. Discussions are ongoing to ensure that the insurance queries have been resolved.

    1. Senior Citizen Dinner
      1. It was AGREED to place a limit of 120 participants for the Senior Citizen Christmas Dinner this year.
      2. It was AGREED that the Mayor’s entitlement allows her to have two free guests
  1. Accounts

The accounts for September and October 2013 were presented and agreed.   Cllr Mererid Jones to re-distribute the budget discussed in October meeting

5.      Grant policy

The committee reviewed the grant procedure policy and it was AGREED to remove the line which specifically disallows grant funding for second hand vehicles.

6       Time to Change Wales Pledge

Cllr Alun Williams presented an invite to the signing of the pledge is committed to ending stigma and discrimination towards individuals who experience mental health issues in Wales.  The pledge is on Tuesday the 26th and hence cannot wait until the full council approval.  It was AGREED that the Mayor would sign the pledge on behalf of the council.

Minute 107 – Planning Applications which are time sensitive

44 Maesheli, Penparcau.

Approved subject to ensuring that the extension does not affect the lighting of the access.


Minute 108 – Correspondence.

Royal British Legion:- Letter thanking Mayor for her attendance.

Acceptance of Cllr Lucy Huws.

Correspondence on Second Homes. To be referred to Planning.

Siwan Davies:- An invite was extended to all councillors to attend “Warm Neighbours Scheme” “Cymdogion Cynnes Scheme” in Penparcau on 27th November.

Bryant Claire:- Requests input from public for preparation of Police Precept for 2014/15. It was resolved that members fill in the questionnaire on :-www.bit.ly/16iHd74.

Mrs J.Bailey reported an incident in Gt Darkgate Street,Aberystwyth. Cllr Ceredig Davies had dealt with this. However, a letter acknowledging the communication should be sent to Mrs Bailey and advising her to liaise with Ceredigion County Council. Cllr mark Strong indicated that being a Trunk Road the matter could be referred here.

Lowri Edwards of Ceredigion County Council.  Informed members of a meeting on 28th November in Canolfan Rheidol at 7pm between the Leader of the Council, Chief Executive of Ceredigion and the public.

Rathbone Cymru. Thanking the Mayor for her attendance and offering council the facility of a meeting room if ever required.

Bethel Chapel. A letter from the Minister of Bethel Chapel complained that members of the congregation were finding it impossible to park near the chapel on Sundays currently. It was resolved to acknowledge the letter and forward the concerns to Ceredigion County Council.

Ceredigion highways Department. They informed council that they had now secured a map indicating the historical location of Southgate. The Trunk Road Agency required further evidence and Cllr Ceredig Davies stated that he was now getting another department to provide the necessary help.

Marie Curie. Letter requesting support was read to members.

Network Rail. A letter regarding the investment of £3.1 million into Aberystwyth Station Improvement scheme was read to members. The letter also stated that work would take place between January 2014 and November 2014. Contractors Alun Griffiths will ensure that the site will be correctly run and monitored. Cllr Alun Williams requested that Aberystwyth Town Council endorse this project. Cllr Ceredig Davies stated that the future of the canopy would be discussed further in December. Councillors Sue Jones Davies and Jeff Smith noted that it was important to retain the “Aberystwyth” sign for historical reasons. Members requested that these points be forwarded to Network Rail.

Delfryn Davies. A letter indicated the “Tai Ceredigion” awards at the end of November.


Minute 109 – Questions relating only to matters in this remit.

Twinning.  Cllr Martin Shewring noted that he wanted to see the progress regarding twinning with Arklow. Cllr Mererid Jones indicated that if a community group is interested in running a twinning group – an application to the Town Council will be considered.


Minute 110 – To consider expenditure

It was RESOLVED to make the following payments: –


Amount £

Cambrian Locksmith Keys cut


Cllr Kevin Price Hard drive for computer


Cllr Brenda Haines Taxi


Cambrian News Advert for Senior Citizen Dinner


Purchase Power Postage


Royal Mail Underpaid postage


Carl Williams Temporary Staffing


Royal British Legion Contributions to Remembrance Day


Cambrian News Second Senior Citizen Dinner advert


Delyth Davies Translation


Esgair Forest Christmas Tree


Konica Minolta Photocopier cost


Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin Wages- October



Minute 111- Verbal Report from County Councillors.

Cllr Alun Williams reported on the activities of the Regeneration Board

(a) Bid for S4C to move to Aberystwyth was unsuccessful.

(b) Aber Cycle Fest event had carried out an economic review.

(c) British Chess Championship in Aberystwyth – July 2014. Cllr Mererid Jones to liaise with

Mr Alan Lewis of Ceredigion County Council.

(d) Business Improvement District was being considered.

(e) Application for Bethel refurbishment was rejected.

(f) Park and Ride. New trees to be planted. 20 new trees being planted in Cae Kronberg.

(g) Bandstand. Awaiting approval in January 2014. Work to start in March 2014. Discussion

ongoing with PD Dinners.

(h) All Bridge Street grants approved.

(i) Marine Terrace. All work completed. £77.000.

(j) Lisburne House. Feasibility Study to use.

(k) Cllr Mererid Jones requested that the Regeneration Board release the findings of the  feasibility study on Old College.


Cllr Ceredig Davies noted that consultation on Alexandra Road was ongoing.


Minute 112 – Reports from representatives on outside bodies.

Fair-trade.                              Cllr Mererid Jones.

Purple Flag.                           Cllr Mair Benjamin.

Kronberg.                              Cllr Dylan Lewis.

Cambrian Railway Survey   Cllr Dylan Lewis

Aberystwyth Arts Centre.   Cllr Sue Jones Davies

Yosano – Aberystwyth.       Cllr Sue Jones Davies.


Minute 113 –  Motion for Twinning Partnership.

Cllr Wendy Morris-Twiddy proposed having an open – evening in the “Morlan” to raise the awareness of twinning links. Also a public open – day on a Saturday in January or February 2014. The proposal was accepted.


Minute 114 – Aberystwyth Business Improvement District.

Cllr Ceredig Davies declared a personal and not prejudicial interest.Cllr Aled Davies declared an interest.

Cllr Mererid Jones gave an explanation as to what Business Improvement District “BID” was and noted that reservations/ objections were raising in the meeting in the Richmond Hotel.

Cllr Mark Strong noted that the council were not given sufficient time. This should be fed back to Welsh Government.

Cllr Alun Williams stated that the idea was good and that businesses needed to engage with the Mill Street Development.

It was RESOLVED that Aberystwyth Town Council were in favour of supporting the application – but that this did not mean that we supported the Business Improvement District as this would the decision of business owner. Cllrs Aled and Ceredig Davies abstained.


Minute 115 – Central Ward Vacancy.

As Central Ward has been vacant since July 2013 and a by-election was not called, Cllr Mererid Jones nominated Mr Brendon Somers.  Brendan had shown an interest in becoming a Town Councillor.

Cllr Ceredig Davies expressed concern and asked for the motion to be withdrawn.

Cllrs Sue Jones Davies and Alun Williams requested that a vote be taken.

8 (Eight) voted in favour. 4 (Four) against.

Cllr Aled Davies abstained.


Minute 116 – Bronglais Hospital.

Cllr Aled Davies and Cllr Alun Williams both declared an interest and left the meeting.

It was noted that Aberystwyth Town Council need to question Local Health Board over concerns regarding Bronglais Hospital.  An on-line petition was suggested.

It was also agreed that a public meeting be convened and that the responsibility be passed to the General Management Committee.


Minute 117- Staffing Matters.

A further sick note had been received from Carole Prime for a two week period.

Agreed to retain Carl Williams’ services short term.