Full Council
26/02/2018 at 7:00 pm
Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth Town Council
Cyngor Llawn / Full Council
Yn bresennol:
Cyng. Steve Davies (Cadeirydd)
Cyng. Brendan Somers
Cyng. Endaf Edwards
Cyng. Sue Jones Davies
Cyng. Mari Turner
Cyng. Charlie Kingsbury
Cyng. Lucy Huws
Cyng. Alun Williams
Cyng. Sara Hammel
Cyng. Mair Benjamin
Cyng. David Lees
Cyng. Talat Chaudhri
Cyng. Michael Chappell
Cyng. Mark Strong
Cyng. Dylan Lewis
Yn mynychu:
George Jones (cyfieithydd)
Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerc)
Cllr. Steve Davies (Chair)
Cllr. Brendan Somers
Cllr. Endaf Edwards
Cllr. Sue Jones Davies
Cllr. Mari Turner
Cllr. Charlie Kingsbury
Cllr. Lucy Huws
Cllr. Alun Williams
Cllr. Sara Hammel
Cllr. Mair Benjamin
Cllr. David Lees
Cllr. Talat Chaudhri
Cllr. Michael Chappell
Cllr. Mark Strong
Cllr. Dylan Lewis
In attendance:
George Jones (translator)
Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerk)
Cyng. Brenda Haines
Cyng. Claudine Young
Cyng. Alex Mangold
Cyng. Rhodri Francis
Cllr. Brenda Haines
Cllr. Claudine Young
Cllr. Alex Mangold
Cllr. Rhodri Francis
Datgan Diddordeb: Dim
Declaration of interest: None
Cyfeiriadau Personol: Dim
Personal References: None
Adroddiad ar Weithgareddau’r Maer:
Cyflwynwyd adroddiad ar lafar.
Mayoral Activity Report:
A verbal report was presented
Cofnodion o’r Cyngor Llawn a gynhaliwyd 29 Ionawr 2018:
PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y cofnodion gyda mân gywiriadau gan gynnwys dyddiad y Cyngor Llawn diwethaf
Minutes of Full Council held on 29 January 2018:
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes with minor corrections including the date of the last Full Council
Materion yn codi o’r Cofnodion:
158 (8). Adeilad: Roedd y Clerc wedi cysylltu gyda’r Cyngor Sir ond heb gysylltu â Richard Sugget o Gomisiwn Brenhinol Henebion Cymru eto.
Matters arising from the Minutes:
158 (8) Building: the Clerk had contacted CCC but was yet to contact Richard Sugget of the Royal Commission of Ancient and Historic Monuments of Wales.
Cofnodion y Pwyllgor Cynllunio a gynhaliwyd nos Lun, 5 Chwefror 2018
PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y cofnodion.
Materion yn codi:
1 Roedd y Clerc wedi cysylltu â’r Adran Gynllunio a Tai Cymru a’r Gorllewin i drefnu cyfarfod. Yn disgwyl am ymateb
Minutes of the Planning Committee held on Monday, 5 February 2018
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes.
Matters arising:
1 The Clerk had contacted the Planning Department and Wales and West housing to organise a meeting. Awaiting a response.
Cofnodion y Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol a gynhaliwyd nos Lun, 12 Chwefror 2018
PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y cofnodion a’r argymhellion
Materion yn codi:
1 Gwersi Cymraeg: Angen ymchwilio i ddarpariaeth liw nos CSC a’r Brifysgol
2 Cynllun Grant Canmlwyddiant Menywod yn cael pleidlais: byddai’n rhaid i bartner o’r sector gwirfoddol arwain ar hyn. Y Clerc i drafod gydag Arad Goch
Minutes of the General Management Committee held on Monday, 12 February 2018
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes and recommendations
Matters arising:
1 Welsh lessons: CCC and University evening provision to be investigated
2 Women’s Suffrage Centenary Grant Scheme: a voluntary sector partner would have to lead on this. The Clerk to discuss with Arad Goch
Gwersi Cymraeg
Welsh lessons
Trafod digwyddiad
Discuss event
Cofnodion y Pwyllgor Cyllid a Sefydliadau a gynhaliwyd ar nos Lun, 22 Ionawr 2018
PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y cofnodion a’r argymhellion.
Materion yn codi:
1 Yswiriant Parc Kronberg: roedd y Clerc wedi edrych yn ofalus ar y polisi, a oedd yn cynnwys yr hen faes sglefrio, ac felly wedi herio’r ffi ychwanegol o £152.94. Cadwyd y siec yn ôl nes i’r mater gael ei ddatrys.
Minutes of the Finance & Establishments Committee held on Monday, 22 January 2018
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes and recommendations.
Matters arising:
1 Parc Kronberg insurance: the Clerk had double checked the policy, which included the old skatepark, and had therefore challenged the additional fee of £152.94. The cheque had been held back until the matter was resolved.
Ceisiadau Cynllunio: Dim
Planning Applications: None
Cwestiynau sy’n ymwneud â materion o fewn cylch gorchwyl Cyngor Aberystwyth YN UNIG: Dim
Questions relating ONLY to matters in Aberystwyth Council’s remit: None
Cyllid – ystyried gwariant Chwefror:
PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y gwariant
Finance – to consider the February expenditure
It was RESOLVED to accept the expenditure.
Adroddiadau AR LAFAR gan Gynghorwyr Sir Ceredigion ar faterion sydd yn ymwneud â Chyngor Aberystwyth YN UNIG:
Mark Strong:
Arfordir di-blastig:
Dylid llongyfarch Ysgol Gymraeg ar gyflawni statws Gwarcheidwaid yr Eigion. PENDERFYNWYD anfon llythyr o longyfarchiadau.
Cyflwynwyd cynnig llwyddiannus i CSC ar leihau plastig.
Alun Williams:
Arfordir Di-blastig: Roedd momentwm nawr o blaid lleihau plastig, gyda busnesau Aberystwyth yn cymryd rhan yn ogystal â gwahanol gasgliadau sbwriel cymunedol
Mae ymgynghoriad y Bwrdd Iechyd ar drawsnewid gwasanaethau clinigol i ddechrau ar 19 Ebrill. Nid yw’r opsiynau wedi’u cwblhau ond nodwyd y pryderon ynghylch colli gwasanaethau posibl yn Bronglais.
VERBAL reports from Ceredigion County Councillors on matters ONLY pertaining to Aberystwyth Council:
Cllr Mark Strong:
Plastic Free Coastlines:
Ysgol Gymraeg should be congratulated on achieving Guardians of the Ocean status. It was RESOLVED to send a letter of congratulations.
A motion had been successfully presented to CCC on reducing plastic.
Alun Williams:
Plastic Free Coastline: There was now a momentum behind reducing plastics, with Aberystwyth businesses getting involved as well as various community litter picks
Health Board consultation on transforming clinical services is to start on 19 April. Options have not been finalised but concerns have been noted around possible loss of services at Bronglais,
Anfon llythyr
Send letter
Adroddiadau YSGRIFENEDIG gan gynrychiolwyr ar gyrff allanol: Dim adroddiadau
WRITTEN reports from representatives on outside bodies:
No reports
Polisi Drafft Polisi Cwynion Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth a gyflwynwyd i’w ystyried a’i drafod yn y Pwyllgor Rheoli Cyffredinol nesaf.
Draft Aberystwyth Town Council Complaints Policy presented for consideration and discussion at the next General Management Committee.
Eitem agenda RhC
GM agenda item
Cynllun Drafft Cyngor Lles Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth a gyflwynwyd i’w ystyried a’i drafod yn y Pwyllgor Rheoli Cyffredinol nesaf
Cynhelir gweithdai Ceredigion ar 19 a 29 Mawrth. Rhoes Cyng. Mair Benjamin a Brendan Somers eu henwau ymlaen i fynychu.
Draft Aberystwyth Town Council Wellbeing Plan presented for consideration and discussion at the next General Management Committee
Ceredigion workshops were being held on 19 and 29 March. Cllrs Mair Benjamin and Brendan Somers put their names forward to attend.
Eitem agenda RhC
GM agenda item
Cwestiynau ymgynghori Adolygiad Cynghorau Cymuned a Thref a gyflwynwyd i’w hystyried a’u trafod yn y Pwyllgor Rheoli Cyffredinol nesaf
Review of Community and Town Councils consultation questions presented for consideration and discussion at the next General Management Committee
Eitem agenda RhC
GM agenda item
Rheoliad Gwarchod Data Cyffredinol: Mae angen i’r gofynion fod yn eu lle erbyn 25 Mai 2018.
General Data Protection Regulation: Requirements need to be in place by 25 May 2018.
Eitem agenda RhC
GM agenda item
Gwasanaeth Cyffuriau ac Alcohol Dyfed: PENDERFYNWYD y byddai croeso iddynt gyflwyno i’r Cyngor Llawn
Dyfed Drug and Alcohol Service: it was RESOLVED that they would be welcome to present to Full Council
Cysylltu i drefnu
Contact to arrange
Gweithdy Trawsffurfio Gofal Cymdeithasol a Lles: Rhoddodd y Cyng. Mair Benjamin ei henw ymlaen i fynd
Transformation of Social Care and Wellbeing workshop: Cllr Mair Benjamin put her name forward to go
Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth Town Council
Pwyllgor Cynllunio / Planning Committee
Yn bresennol:
Cyng. Lucy Huws (Cadeirydd)
Cyng. Mari Turner
Cyng. Michael Chappell
Cyng. David Lees
Cyng. Sue Jones-Davies
Cyng. Claudine Young
Cyng. Mair Benjamin
Cyng. Talat Chaudhri
Yn mynychu:
Cyng. Charlie Kingsbury
Cyng. Alun Williams
Cyng. Endaf Edwards
Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerc)
Cllr. Lucy Huws (Chair)
Cllr. Mari Turner
Cllr. Michael Chappell
Cllr. David Lees
Cllr. Sue Jones-Davies
Cllr. Claudine Young
Cllr Mair Benjamin
Cllr. Talat Chaudhri
In attendance:
Cllr. Charlie Kingsbury
Cllr. Alun Williams
Cllr. Endaf Edwards
Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerk)
Cyng. Rhodri Francis
Cyng. Steve Davies
Cllr. Rhodri Francis
Cllr. Steve Davies
Datgan Diddordeb: Dim
Declaration of interest: None
Cyfeiriadau Personol:
Estynnwyd llongyfarchiadau i’r Maer ar gyflwyno ei araith yn Gymraeg ac i’r trefnwyr ar orymdaith lwyddiannus
Personal references:
Congratulations were extended to the Mayor on delivering his speech in Welsh and to the organisers on a successful parade
Ceisiadau Cynllunio:
Planning Applications:
A170922: Plas Morolwg
Roedd y Clerc wedi siarad â swyddogion Tai Wales and West ac adran Gynllunio Ceredigion ynghylch y cais am gyfarfod gyda’r rhai hynny â diddordeb, ac yn aros am ymateb gan Tai Wales and West. Teimlwyd y dylid gofyn am ymweliad safle hefyd.
A170922: Plas Morolwg
The Clerk had spoken with Wales and West and Ceredigion Planning officers regarding the request for a meeting of interested parties, and was awaiting a response from Wales and West. It was felt that a site visit should also be requested.
A180124: Santander
DIM GWRTHWYNEBIAD ond gobeithir y bydd y wybodaeth ar y sgrin mor ddwyieithog ag y bo modd ac y bydd y goleuadau’n cael eu diffodd yn y nos.
A180124: Santander
NO OBJECTION but would hope that the information on the screen would be as bilingual as possible and that the lights would be switched off at night.
Danfon ymateb at y Cyngor Sir
Send response to CCC
Pwyllgor Rheoli Datblygu. Darparwyd yr adroddiad er gwybodaeth.
Development Control Committee. Report provided for information
Hyfforddiant Cymorth Cynllunio Cymru: 28.2.2018 Roedd tri cynghorydd a’r Clerc wedi mynychu yr hyfforddiant a darparodd y Cyng Michael Chappell drosolwg gan nodi y disgwyliadau ar ddatblygwyr sy’n ymgymryd â datblygiadau mawr.
Planning Aid Wales training: 28.2.2018
Three councillors and the Clerk had attended and Cllr Michael Chappell provided an overview of the training and noted the expectations on developers undertaking major developments.
Torri rheolau cynllunio honedig yn Ffordd y Gogledd:
Cafwyd ymateb gan adran Gynllunio Ceredigion yn esbonio na fu unrhyw achos o dorri rheolau cynllunio.
North Rd alleged breach of planning regulations:
A response had been received from Ceredigion Planning explaining that there had been no breach of planning.
Ardal Gadwraeth Aberystwyth:
Bydd y Swyddog Prosiect Gwella Cymunedol yn cwrdd ag aelodau Pwyllgor Cynllunio y Cyngor Tref am 3.30pm, 14 Mawrth.
Aberystwyth Conservation area:
the Community Enhancement Project Officer would be meeting with members of the Town Council Planning Committee at 3.30pm 14 March.
Polisi Cynllunio Cymru – Argraffiad 10 – ymgynghoriad (yn dod i ben ar 18 Mai 2018):
Roedd polisi’n cael ei blethu gyda Deddf Cenhedlaethiadau’r Dyfodol a phenderfynwyd y byddai cynghorwyr yn cymryd pennod yr un ac yna adrodd yn ôl i’r Pwyllgor Cynllunio nesaf.
Creu lleoedd: Y Cyng Claudine Young
Mannau Actif a Chymdeithasol: Cyng Michael Chappell
Lleoedd Cynhyrchiol a Mentrus: Cyng David Lees
Lleoedd Nodedig a Naturiol: Cyng Lucy Huws
Planning Policy Wales – Edition 10 – consultation (ends 18 May 2018):
Policy was being aligned with the Future Generations Act and it was decided that councillors would take on a section each and report back to the next Planning Committee.
Placemaking: Cllr Claudine Young
Active and Social Places: Cllr Michael Chappell
Productive and Enterprising Places: Cllr David Lees
Distinctive and Natural Places: Cllr Lucy Huws
Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth Town Council
Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol
General Management Committee
Cyng. Talat Chaudhri (Cadeirydd)
Cyng. Steve Davies
Cyng. Alex Mangold
Cyng. Dylan Lewis
Cyng. Brenda Haines
Cyng. Sara Hammel
Cyng. Claudine Young
Cyng. Charlie Kingsbury
Cyng. Mari Turner
Cyng. Lucy Huws
Cyng. Mark Strong
Cyng. Michael Chappell
Cyng. Mair Benjamin
Yn mynychu:
Cyng. Alun Williams
Cyng. Brendan Somers
Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerc)
Cllr. Talat Chaudhri (Chair)
Cllr. Steve Davies
Cllr. Alex Mangold
Cllr. Dylan Lewis
Cllr. Brenda Haines
Cllr. Sara Hammel
Cllr. Claudine Young
Cllr. Charlie Kingsbury
Cllr. Mari Turner
Cllr. Lucy Huws
Cllr. Mark Strong
Cllr. Michael Chappell
Cllr. Mair Benjamin
In attendance:
Cllr. Alun Williams
Cllr Brendan Somers
Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerk)
Cyng. Sue Jones Davies
Cllr. Sue Jones Davies
Datgan Diddordeb: nodir o fewn yr eitem agenda
Declaration of Interest: noted within the agenda item
Cyfeiriadau personol:
Roedd Aberystwyth wedi ennill statws Arfordir Di – blastig
Roedd Aberystwyth wedi ennill disgrifiad ‘Tref fwyaf cyfeillgar y DU’
ARGYMHELLWYD bod y pethau positif hyn yn cael eu hysbysebu fel y bo’n briodol.
Personal references:
Aberystwyth had achieved Plastic Free Coastline status
Aberystwyth had won the ‘Friendliest Town in the UK’ accolade
It was RECOMMENDED that these positives be publicised as appropriate.
Baw cŵn
ARGYMHELLWYD trefnu cyfarfod gyda phartneriaid megis y Cyngor Sir, y brifysgol, cynghorau cymuned eraill a’r gymuned fusnes i drafod atebion posib megis cyflogi rhywun i glanhau y baw ci (wedi cytuno mewn egwyddor eisoes), defnyddio technoleg, mwy o finiau a phŵerau cosbi ac ati.
Dog fouling
It was RECOMMENDED that a meeting be organised with partners such as the County Council, the university, other community councils and the business community to discuss possible solutions such as employing someone to clean up the dog mess (already ratified in principle), utilise technology, more bins and powers to prosecute etc
Trefnu cyfarfod
Organise meeting
Ymgynghoriad Parc Ffordd y Gogledd
Yn amodol ar newid bach, cymeradwywyd y daflen ddrafft a’r holiadur.
North Road Park consultation
Subject to a minor change, the draft flyer and questionnaire was approved.
Newid y daflen
Amend flyer
Gwersi Cymraeg:
ARGYMHELLWYD y dylid darparu gwersi Cymraeg pwrpasol gan fod digon o gynghorwyr â diddordeb. Yn amodol ar gymeradwyaeth y Pwyllgor Cyllid a chytundeb y Cyngor Llawn, bydd y dosbarthiadau yn cael eu cynnal rhwng 6-8pm ar nos Fercher.
Welsh lessons
It was RECOMMENDED that bespoke Welsh lessons should be provided as there were enough councillors interested. Subject to the Finance Committee’s approval and ratification by Full Council, classes would be held between 6-8pm on Wednesday evenings.
Eitem agenda’r Pwyllgor Cyllid
Finance Committee agenda item
Cynllun Lles:
ARGYMHELLWYD bod y cynllun yn cael ei gymeradwyo ac y dylid ei roi ar wefan y Cyngor
Wellbeing Plan:
It was RECOMMENDED that the plan be approved and that it should be put on the Council’s website.
Sefydlu’r Maer a Gwisgoedd
Cynhelir etholiad y Maer ar gyfer 2018-19 yng Nghyngor Llawn Mis Mawrth
Cynhelir yr Agoriad yn yr Hen Goleg ddydd Gwener 11 Mai am 6.30pm
Roedd y Clerc mewn trafodaeth gyda gwniyddes lleol a gyda manwerthwyr ffabrig ynglŷn â chynhyrchu dillad symlach
Mayor Making and Robes:
The election of the Mayor for 2018-19 would take place at the March Full Council
The Inauguration was being held in Old College on Friday 11 May at 6.30pm
The Clerk was in discussion with a local seamstress and with fabric retailers regarding producing simpler robes.
ARGYMHELLWYD anfon llythyr at y Brifysgol yn nodi diddordeb y Cyngor mewn rhentu Rhif 10 Maes Laura unwaith y byddai’r gwaith adnewyddu wedi’i gwblhau.
It was RECOMMENDED that a letter be sent to the University stating the Council’s interest in renting No 10 Laura Place once renovations were completed.
Llythyr at y Brifysgol
Letter to the University
Polisi anifeiliaid anwes Tai Ceredigion: llythyr ac e-bost gan Gynulliad Pobl Ceredigion yn gofyn i’r Cyngor Tref drefnu cyfarfod cyhoeddus yn Siambr Neuadd Goffa / Town Council.
Datganodd y Cyng Talat Chaudhri ddiddordeb gan ei fod yn aelod o Gynulliad y Bobl.
ARGYMHELLWYD, oherwydd fod materion tenantiaeth o fewn cylch gwaith y Cyngor Sir, y dylid cysylltu gyda’r Cynghorwyr Sir ar Fwrdd Tai Ceredigion (Dafydd Edwards, Catrin Miles a Lynford Thomas).
Cadarnhawyd y polisi ar gyfer defnyddio’r Siambr gan grwpiau:
Gall grwpiau sy’n bartneriaid (rhestr ar gael) ei ddefnyddio am ddim
Caiff grwpiau eraill eu hystyried fesul achos ond gellir codi tâl arnynt.
ARGYMHELLWYD bod y rhestr o ddeiliaid allweddi yn cael ei adolygu gan fod angen i ddeiliaid allweddi fod yn bresennol.
ARGYMHELLWYD caniatau i’r grŵp ‘Gofal Ychwanegol’ ddefnyddio’r ystafell ar 27 Mawrth.
Tai Ceredigion pets policy: a letter and email from Ceredigion People’s Assembly requesting that the Town Council organise a public meeting in Neuadd Goffa /Town Council Chamber.
Cllr Talat Chaudhri declared an interest as he was a member of the People’s Assembly.
It was RECOMMENDED that, as tenancy matters were within the County Council’s remit, the County Councillors on the Tai Ceredigion Board (Dafydd Edwards, Catrin Miles and Lynford Thomas) would be contacted.
The policy for use of the Chamber by groups was confirmed:
Partner groups (list available) use it for free
Other groups are considered on a case by case basis but may be charged.
It was RECOMMENDED that the list of key holders be reviewed as a key holder needed to be present.
It was RECOMMENDED that permission be granted for the ‘Extra Care’ group to use the room on 27 March.
Cysylltu gyda’r cynghorwyr sir ar y Bwrdd.
Contact the county councillors on the Board
Diogelu Data: Rhoddwyd gwybodaeth i’r Cynghorwyr. Fe’i hystyrir ymhellach ond yn y cyfamser, byddai Hyfforddiant ‘Deall y Gyfraith’ Un Llais Cymru, a gynhelir yn y Morlan, hefyd yn cwmpasu Diogelu Data. Yn ogystal â’r Clerc, rhoddodd y canlynol eu henwau ymlaen i fynychu:
Michael Chappell
Mari Turner
Alun Williams
Steve Davies
Talat Chaudhri
Mair Benjamin
Data Protection: Information was provided to Councillors. It would be considered further but in the meantime One Voice Wales Understanding the Law Training, being held at the Morlan, would also cover Data Protection. In addition to the Clerk, the following put their names forward to attend:
Michael Chappell
Mari Turner
Alun Williams
Steve Davies
Talat Chaudhri
Mair Benjamin
Hyfforddiant Sgiliau Cadeirio:
ARGYMHELLWYD y byddai hyfforddiant pwrpasol yn cael ei drefnu ar gyfer Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth
ond gellid codi tâl ar wahoddwyr eraill. Byddai hyn yn cael ei roi gerbron y Pwyllgor Cyllid.
Chairing Skills training:
It was RECOMMENDED that bespoke training would be organised for Aberystwyth Town Council but other invitees could be charged. This would be put before the Finance Committee.
Eitem agenda Cyllid
Finance agenda item
Canllaw Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol i Gynghorwyr: darparwyd er gwybodaeth ac arweiniad. Polisi templed i’w ystyried ar gyfer y cyfarfod nesaf
Social Media Guide for Councillors: provided for information and guidance. Template policy to be considered for the next meeting
Eitem agenda cyfarfod nesaf
Next meeting agenda item
Storio offer Carnifal: dylid cysylltu â Fforwm Penparcau gan fod y Cyngor Tref yn ceisio lleihau ei anghenion storio er mwyn lleihau costau.
Storage of Carnival equipment: Penparcau Forum should be contacted as the Town Council was trying to minimise its storage needs in order to cut costs.
Arolwg Swyddfa Archwilio Cymru (cau 6 Ebrill): cytunwyd y byddai’r Clerc yn ymateb ar ran y Cyngor
Wales Audit Office survey (closes 6 April): it was agreed that the Clerk would respond on behalf of the Council
Gweithdai trosglwyddo Asedau WG: ARGYMHELLWYD y dylai’r Clerc ymateb i amlygu anghyfleustra lleoliadau Gogledd a De Cymru i’r rhai hynny sy’n teithio o Ganolbarth Cymru
WG Asset transfer workshops: it was RECOMMENDED that the Clerk should respond to highlight the inconvenience of North and South Wales venues to those travelling from Mid Wales
Mainc Coffa: y geiriad i’w gadarnhau.
Memorial Bench: the wording to be confirmed.
Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth Town Council
Pwyllgor Cyllid a Sefydliadau
Finance and Establishments committee
Cyng. Alun Williams(Cadeirydd eitemau 1-5)
Cyng. Rhodri Francis (Cadeirydd eitemau 6-10) Cyng. Mark Strong
Cyng. Endaf Edwards
Cyng. Brenda Haines
Cyng. Talat Chaudhri
Cyng. Steve Davies
Cyng. Charlie Kingsbury
Cyng. Sara Hammel
Yn mynychu:
Cyng. Mair Benjamin
Cyng. Mari Turner
Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerc)
Jim Wallace – Menter Aberystwyth
Hannah Bunting – Menter Aberystwyth
Cllr. Alun Williams (Chair for items 1-5)
Cllr. Rhodri Francis (Chair for items 6-10)
Cllr. Mark Strong
Cllr. Endaf Edwards
Cllr. Brenda Haines
Cllr. Talat Chaudhri
Cllr. Steve Davies
Cllr. Charlie Kingsbury
Cllr. Sara Hammel
In attendance:
Cllr Mair Benjamin
Cllr. Mari Turner
Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerk)
Jim Wallace – Menter Aberystwyth
Hannah Bunting – Menter Aberystwyth
Cyng. David Lees
Cyng. Dylan Lewis
Cllr. David Lees
Cllr. Dylan Lewis
Datgan buddiannau:
Nodwyd o fewn yr eitem ar yr agenda
Declarations of interest:
Noted within the agenda item
Cyfeiriadau Personol:
Cynhelir digwyddiad codi arian i’r ffoaduriaid ddydd Sadwrn 24.3.2018 am 6.30yh
Personal references:
A refugee fundraising event was being held on Saturday 24.3.2018 at 6.30pm
Menter Aberystwyth
Rhoes Jim Wallace a Hannah Bunting drosolwg o raglen Menter yn ogystal â chynlluniau ar gyfer digwyddiad Calan Mai 2019.
ARGYMHELLWYD y dylid cefnogi’r digwyddiad Calan Mai ond dylai’r Cyngor gyfrannu’n llawn at ei chynllunio er mwyn sicrhau bod y digwyddiad yn cyflwyno naws am le ee hunaniaeth Gymreig Aberystwyth.
Menter Aberystwyth
Jim Wallace and Hannah Bunting provided an overview of their programme as well as plans for a May day event in 2019.
It was RECOMMENDED that the May bank holiday event be supported but that Council should have full involvement in its planning in order to ensure the event presented a sense of place ie Aberystwyth’s Welsh identity.
Ystyried Cyfrifon Mis Chwefror
ARGYMHELLWYD bod y Cyngor yn derbyn y cofnodion.
Roedd y Clerc eisiau gwneud rhai gwelliannau a byddai’n cyflwyno’r newidiadau i benawdau’r gyllideb yn y Pwyllgor nesaf.
Consider Monthly Accounts for February
It was RECOMMENDED that Council approve the accounts.
The Clerk wanted to make some improvements and would present details of changes to the budget headings at the next meeting.
Cyllideb hyfforddiant
Tynodd y Clerc sylw at y gorwariant posibl o fewn y flwyddyn ariannol nesaf, oherwydd y dosbarthiadau Cymraeg a’r hyfforddiant Cadeirio pwrpasol yn cymryd y rhan fwyaf o’r dyraniad. Byddai hyn yn cael ei fonitro a chynydd yn y gyllideb yn cael ei drafod os bod angen.
Training budget
The Clerk drew attention to the potential overspend within the next financial year, due to the Welsh classes and bespoke Chairing training taking up most of the allocation. This would be monitored and an increase to the budget discussed if necessary.
Archwilydd Mewnol a Chylch Gorchwyl
Cyflwynodd y Clerc Gylch Gorchwyl drafft ar gyfer yr Archwiliad Mewnol
ARGYMHELLWYD bod Emyr Phillips yn cael ei gontractio unwaith eto fel Archwilydd Mewnol a bod y Cylch Gorchwyl yn cael ei fabwysiadu.
Roedd Swyddfa Archwilio Cymru wedi profi oedi gydag argraffu’r Ffurflen Flynyddol felly nid oedd y gwaith papur archwilio wedi’i dderbyn eto gan Grant Thornton.
Internal Auditor and Terms of Reference
The Clerk presented a draft Terms of Reference for the Internal Audit
It was RECOMMENDED that Emyr Phillips be contracted once again as Internal Auditor and that the Terms of Reference be adopted.
The Wales Audit Office had experienced delays in the printing of the Annual Return so the audit paperwork had not yet been received from Grant Thornton.
Cofrestr Risg a rhwymedigaethau posibl.
Cyflwynodd y Clerc gofrestr wedi’i ddiweddaru yn rhannol ac amlygodd y risg ariannol uchel iawn a gynrychiolir gan y pum coeden poplys ym Mharc Ffordd y Gogledd oherwydd niwed tebygol i eiddo.
Yn seiliedig ar y cwynion ar lafar a dderbyniwyd gan y Cyngor, a’r cyngor proffesiynol a gafwyd hyd yn hyn (mai torri’r coed oedd yr opsiwn gorau) roedd yswirwyr y Cyngor wedi datgan y byddent yn canslo’r polisi os nad yw’r Cyngor yn gweithredu.
Gwelwyd bod meinciau hefyd yn risg a chytunwyd y dylai meinciau fod yn eitem ar agenda y Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol.
Adolygu’r Cofrestr Risg, a’i roi ar agenda’r cyfarfod nesaf i’w gymeradwyo’n derfynol.
O ystyried y cyngor proffesiynol, bod y pum coeden poplys yn cael eu torri i lawr a rhaglen plannu coed addas a chynhwysfawr yn cael ei ddatblygu. Nodwyd bod plannu coed wedi digwydd yn y parc eisoes.
Gofynnodd y Cyng. Mark Strong i’w anfodlonrwydd gyda’r penderfyniad gael ei gofnodi.
Risk Register and potential liabilities
The Clerk presented a partly updated register and highlighted the very high financial risk represented by the five poplars in the North Road Park due to likely damage to property.
Based on the verbal complaints received by the Council, and the professional advice received to date (that removal was the best option), the Council’s insurers had stated that they would cancel the Council’s policy if action is not taken.
Benches were also seen as a risk and it was agreed that benches should be a GM Committee agenda item.
It was RECOMMENDED that:
The Risk Register be reviewed, and considered at the next meeting for final approval.
In light of the professional advice, that the five poplar trees be removed and an appropriate and comprehensive tree planting programme developed. It was noted that tree planting had taken place in the park already.
Cllr Mark Strong requested that his unhappiness at the decision be minuted.
Rhoi meinciau a’r rhaglen plannu coed ar agenda RhC
Benches and tree planting to be a GM agenda item
Eitem agenda Cyllid
Finance agenda item
Eisteddfod Calan Mai
ARGYMHELLWYD y dylid cyflwyno’r cais am nawdd drwy’r broses grant.
Calan Mai Eisteddfod
It was RECOMMENDED that the request for sponsorship should be submitted through the grant process.
Undeb yr Annibynwyr
Gwnaeth y Cyng. Endaf Edwards ddatgan diddordeb.
ARGYMHELLWYD peidio â danfon llythyr o gefnogaeth. Ymhlith y rhesymau oedd ei fod tu allan i’r ardal.
Undeb yr Annibynwyr
Cllr Endaf Edwards declared an interest
It was RECOMMENDED that a letter of support should not be sent. Reasons included that it was out of area.
Aelodaeth Un Llais Cymru 2018-19
Byddai’r Prif Weithredwr yn mynychu cyfarfod Cyngor Llawn Ebrill.
Byddai cwestiynau priodol yn cael eu paratoi yn y Pwyllgorau
Membership of One Voice Wales 2018-19
The Chief Executive would be attending the April Full Council meeting.
Appropriate questions would be prepared at the Committees
Eitem agenda Pwyllgorau
Committee agenda item
Digwyddiad yn yr Hen Goleg
Cytunwyd y gellid benthyca’r goleuadau clychau iâ ar gyfer ffi o £100 a byddent yn gyfrifol am unrhyw ddifrod.
Old College Function
It was agreed that the icicle lights could be borrowed for a fee of £100 and they would be responsible for any damage.
Ambiwlans Awyr Cymru
ARGYMHELLWYD anfon ffurflen grant atynt
Wales Air Ambulance
It was RECOMMENDED that a grant form be sent to them
Anfon ffurflen grant
Send grant form