Full Council
26/03/2012 at 6:30 pm
Councillor CGB Simpson
Councillor S Jones-Davies
Councillor A-M Hinde
Councillor A Williams
Councillor W Morris-Twiddy
Councillor M Strong
Councillor S Hearne
Councillor R Boudier
Councillor A Dauncey
Councillor M Benjamin
Councillor R Gorman
Councillor C Davies
Councillor W T B Thomas
Councillor Ll G Edwards
Apologies:Councillor L Lewis-Dafis
Councillor S Davies
Councillor J A Davies
Minute 176
Personal References
There were numerous compliments on the new park at the castle.
Minute 177
Declarations of Interest for matters arising from agenda items
Councillor A Williams- Planning
Councillor C Davies- Planning
Minute 178
Mayoral Activity Report
The Mayor would e mail members this document.
Minute 179
Minutes of a meeting of Council held on27th February 2012
It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the meeting as a true record.
Minute 180
Minutes of a planning committee meeting held on 5th March 2012
It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the meeting as a true record.
A meeting of the Planning Committee held on Monday 5th March 2012 in the Committee room, 11 Baker Street, Aberystwyth at 6.30pm
PresentCouncillor W Morris-Twiddy
Councillor A-M Hinde
Councillor M Benjamin
Councillor S Davies
ApologiesCouncillor A J Dauncey
Councillor M Strong
Councillor S Hearne
Councillor R Gorman
Councillor S Jones-Davies
- Planning issues and Economic Development in Aberystwyth
Notification that the examination hearings in relation to the Ceredigion County Council Local Development Plan (2007-2022) to be held on the 17th April were received.
- Correspondence
There was no correspondence
- Planning Applications
A120136- Ground and first floor extensions
Y Garn, Cae Melyn, Aberystwyth.
No Objection– Would encourage the use of sustainable materials in this development wherever possible.
Minute 181
Minutes of General Management Committee held on 12th March 2012
It was RESOLVED to note the minutes of a meeting.
Present:Councillor L Lewis-Dafis
Councillor M Benjamin
Councillor C Davies
Councillor M Strong
Councillor L G Edwards
Councillor S Jones-Davies
Councillor A Williams
Councillor W Morris-Twiddy
Councillor S Davies
Councillor S Hearne
Councillor A Dauncey
Councillor W Thomas
Apologies: Councillor R Gorman
- Minutes of the February 2012 meeting
The minutes had been previously circulated and as such were accepted a s a true record.
- Correspondence
- Carnival
A letter requesting support for the carnival was received. Following discussion it was agreed that such a letter should be sent.
- Traffic Issues
A letter for HPW department was received giving stating that as the department was so busy with forthcoming changes to civil enforcement that there may be a delay in replying to correspondence to that department.
Following debate it was RESOLVED to write to the department and state that this was a poor excuse for non response and that answers to questions poised needed to be answered as soon as possible. The representative to the local traffic committee was asked also to convey this committees disappointment at this response.
- Review of Progress of Resolutions of Full Council – Members to review
The Clerk had not heard of any amendments from members to date. The o0ffice however was short staffed due to annual leave and the list had not been added to by staff.
Questions were asked regarding bus shelter cleaning- There had been no progress on this matter.
Councillor Dauncey agreed to help with the gathering of information on the Community Energy project that had been discussed at previous meetings.
- Receive reports on the Condition of Council land and assets, considering any necessary maintenance within agreed budgets.
- North Rd Park- The Clerk had recently had a meeting with an officer of the Ceredigion Care society with a view to them taking on the grounds management of the park area., Members considered this to be advantageous and asked the Clerk to invite the CCS to come and give a presentation as to their aspirations at a future meeting
- Minute y Ddol- The parks were still not finished as there had been a delay in the installation of the floodlights and that the opening would be advised as soon as it was known.
- Skate board park- Both the Clerk and Dr Bullen had met on site with the planning officer to discuss progress in this project and a number of issues such as bat corridors etc were noted. The matter of consultation was raised and it was hoped this would be covered in the forthcoming planning application.
- Allotment site- Min y Ddol- The Clerk reported that he had met with the Planning officer at the site and there did not appear to be any difficulties to consider in making an application for change of use. Members reminded the Town Clerk that it was protocol to invite the members to officer to officer site meetings and why had this not happened in this case. The Town Clerk apologised for this oversight. He cited lack of notice for the omission of notice being promulgated.
- Castle Park- The final inspection was awaited by an independent inspector before the formal handover.
- Diamond Jubilee celebrations
The clerk was still awaiting samples of boxed china mugs for the committee to consider.
- Allotment progress at Minyddol- There was nothing to add to what had been previously discussed.
- Yellow Lines at the request of Councillor M Benjamin
Councillor Benjamin stated that this issue had been raised in 2008 and despite getting replies she was still not satisfied with the response of Ceredigion County Council in this matter and asked that the Aberystwyth Town Council pursue the matter.
Members thought that Ceredigion County Council may be preoccupied with the civil enforcement issue to actually consider the addition of new parking restrictions and it was suggested that the matter be raised at the forthcoming meeting of the Traffic management committee.
- Cycle Path at the request Councillor M Benjamin
Councillor Benjamin reported that there was a stretch of cycle path that seemed dangerous and she asked that Aberystwyth Town Council write to Ceredigion County Council to get fences put up to ensure safety.
Following discussion and a vote it was decided that this was not practical and could lead to setting precedence at fencing every potential area of concern. No further Action was recommended.
- Staffing Matters
The Clerk reported that there had been regular meetings between staff and the staffing panel. There were no issues to report.
Minute 182
Minutes of the Finance and Establishment Committee held on 19th March 2012
It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes of a meeting as a true record.
Present:Councillor A Williams
Councillor A-M Hinde
Councillor M Strong
Councillor A J Dauncey
Councillor W Morris-Twiddy
Councillor C Simpson
Councillor Ll G Edwards
Councillor C Meehan
Councillor M Benjamin
Councillor C Davies
Apologies: Councillor R Gorman
Councillor S Hearne
Councillor S Jones-Davies
Councillor W Thomas
- Correspondence
There was none for the committee to consider
- Questions
Councillor Dauncey made the following statement: “I’ve received some questions via my blog from someone who has been going through the minute on the Council website.”
Q1. Why, in 2 years when the public purse is bleeding, has twinning gone from £4,500 to £8,000
A1. Restoration of the standard £2500 per twinning committee. We also had added expenditure due to a one off freedom celebration involving a Kornberg citizen.
Q2. Staff cost jumped from £62,000 to £68,000 when all public sector staff should, we’re told, be on a wage freeze. Is this still the case?
A2. Staff have not had a payrise since 2009 – however other costs have gone up such as salary service admin (Carm CC), pension contributions, and other costs which in previous audits have not been taken from the staff costs budget when they should have been.
Accounts have become a lot more focused in last few years and expenditure headings have been tweaked to reflect true costs.
The staff salaries only reflect a portion of this expenditure heading.
Staff are paid according to the National Agreement.
Q3. Why also, as stated in the Minutes, is the tax payer paying for an eye test and glasses for J O Griffiths? If this is a staff member, is the council contractually obliged to do so?
A3. Yes J O Griffiths is a member of staff. Aberystwyth Town Council have an obligation as employers to provide all staff with a safe and suitable workplace under H&S regs. This cost for eye tests and specs is perfectly normal and legal under Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regs 1992.
Q4.Also in the same year the council have purchased two new laptops? (Minutes of Jan 2011 and July 2011) Why is this?
A4.One for the office to use for planning and other display needs when showing things via projector in public or for staff to use at external meetings and one was bought for outside community groups (such as GAG) to use for the preparation of surveys and reports in which Aberystwyth Town Council may have an interest.
The second machine is loaned to groups on an as and when needed basis.
The Clerk went on to voice serious concern that a question posted by anonymous poster on a public blog could be “borrowed” by a Councillor and asked as his own. This, in his opinion could lead to a very dangerous precedent. If the questions were asked in a number of other ways then contact details would have had to have been provided.
Councillor Dauncey stated that he was entitled under SO’s to ask questions.
The Clerk went on to agree that the questions and answers provided were perfectly in order it was the methodology that he objected to and wished to have his concerns logged. The Clerk had no desire whatsoever to stop questions of any kind and even went as far to encourage wider participation.
The matter was discussed a number of members agreed with the Clerk and it was deemed appropriate to have the matter agenda for a future meeting.
Q5. What is happening about the Queens Diamond Jubilee celebrations?
A5. The Clerk was still collecting samples for possible distribution to local school children.
- To receive and adopt the monthly accounts for January 2012
The Clerk presented the completed and reconciled accounts for January 2012.
Following inspection and questions it was recommended that the accounts (including the reconciliation and spend against budget) for January 2012 be accepted and adopted.
- To receive and adopt the monthly accounts for February 2012
The Clerk presented the completed and reconciled accounts for February 2012.
Following inspection and questions it was recommended that the accounts (including the reconciliation and spend against budget) for February 2012 be accepted and adopted.
Councillor Simpson stated that due to work and relocation he had been unable to carry out the internal reconciliation but it would be done soon.
- To receive a report on the Aberystwyth Farmers Market.
The market report written by the Market Operations Manager Ms Jan Fenner was discussed.
Members were pleased at the continuing success of the market and asked the Clerk to write to Ms Fenner and convey congratulations on this success.
The Clerk was asked to ascertain what the plans for the “Top of Town” market hall and area were and report back. This would be discussed at a future meeting.
- To receive an account of the Senior Citizen Christmas dinners
This matter was deferred until the next meeting to allow for changes to be made to the attendance list.
- To receive an account of the bus trip to protest in Cardiff
The Clerk provided an account of the costings and collections amount for the recent protest trip to Cardiff. Members were complimentary of the whole exercise.
The balance outstanding would be shared between Aberystwyth Town Council and the Aberystwyth Business Club.
Minute 183
Planning applications- to consider those applications not covered in the monthly planning meeting and are time sensitive.
Minute 184
Clerks Report
The Clerk reported that the recent Purple Flag inspection had gone well. A report was expected in late April as to the result.
Minute 185
There was none recorded.
Minute 186
Questions relating only to matters in this Councils remit
Q1- What has happened regarding the planting of covering plants at the new hospital car park?
A1- This will be chased up and a report in due course.
Minute 187
To consider expenditure
It was RESOLVED to pay the following accounts in the sum of £1523.04.
Accounts to be presented to Council on Monday, 26th March 2012 | ||||
Amount £ |
J O Griffiths | Travel to HB meeting 23.03.2012 |
24.04 |
M Benjamin | Travel to meeting in Penmorfa |
8.00 |
Menter Aberystwyth | Sponsor of Aber Awards |
360.00 |
ARC | Empty RC bins February 2012 |
891.00 |
Carm CC | Payrolll costs 2011/12 |
240.00 |
Total |
1,523.04 |
Minute 188
Verbal Reports from Ceredigion County Councillors on matters pertaining to this Council
There was a report on the Powell Dobson “Town Clock” project.
Minute 189
Written reports from representatives to outside bodies
There were no written reports received. Councillor Benjamin gave a verbal report on a recent OVW county meeting held in Aberaeron.
She also gave a report on a recent traffic committee report. She was asked what was the result of the matter she was asked to raise regarding Bryn y Mor road. It was reported that she had forgotten to report this matter and apologised.
Minute 190
To seek clarification on One Voice Wales report – deferred from last meeting.
There were a number of points that were unclear and Councillor Benjamin explained her report in more detail. She went on to report that minutes of the meeting would be circulated by OVW in due course.
Minute 191
Motion at the request of Councillor M Strong- Yellow Lines in Queens Avenue
‘That an investigation is urged to see to the possibility of the line being removed at the nearest eventuality because of the detrimental effect on residents.’
During discussion the letter from a resident was read regarding the repainting of the single yellow lines in this area. Councillor Gorman pointed out that this was the only route that an articulated lorry could follow to get to the harbour and that this corner was often blocked by bad parking.
Following discussion it was agreed to advise the letter writer as to why this route was of importance and the reason for the yellow line thereon.