Full Council
25/05/2015 at 6:30 pm
Cllr Endaf Edwards
Cllr Brian Davies
Cllr Wendy Morris
Cllr Brenda Haines
Cllr Lucy Huws
Cllr Aled Davies
Cllr Martin W. Shewring
Cllr Jeff Smith
Cllr Ceredig Davies
Cllr Mair Benjamin
Cllr Kevin Roy Price
Cllr Alun Williams
Cllr Brendan Somers
Cllr Steve Davies
Cllr Mark Strong
Minute 1
Declaration of Interest
Cllr Mair Benjamin – Finance & Planning Application (Football Club).
Cllr Aled Davies – Planning Application
Minute 2
Personal References
The Mayor thanked all members for their support both at his Inauguration and the Mayors Parade.
Minute 3
Mayoral Activity Report
A report of the Mayor’s engagements since coming into office on 15th May 2015 was circulated to members.
Minute 4
Minutes of Full Council held on Monday 27th April 2015.
Minute 5
Matters arising from the minutes.
Minute 194: Herman Ethê plaque. It was resolved that Cllr Mark Strong and the Mayor should liaise and agree a date for a photograph to be taken.
Minute 195: Planning application A150079 Aberystwyth Football Club. Tai Ceredigion be requested to provide a presentation at the next meeting of the Planning Committee.
Minute 199 (h): A member queried whether beach cleaning was required on the South Beach given the work undertaken by Aberystwyth Beach Buddies. Members were informed that the contract involved the emptying of bins, cleaning the promenade as well as beach cleaning.
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes with the foregoing amendments being noted.
Minute 6
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Council held on Friday 15th May 2015.
The name of Cllr Brian Davies to be included in the list of members present.
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes with the foregoing inclusion.
Minute 7
A report from the Vice-chair of the Planning Committee on planning applications.
The Planning Committee scheduled for 5th May 2015 was not quorate. The vice- chair therefore consulted with local members who had planning applications within their wards. The vice-chair submitted the following reports:
A150200……..No objection. (Members felt very strongly that there should be a Post-Office).
A150171…….No objection.
A150106…….Aberystwyth Town Council requests that the applicant does not use UPVC windows in a conservation area.
A150249…….No objection. (Members welcomed the provision of internal storage area for bins)
Minute 8
Minutes of a meeting of the General Management Committee held in the Meeting Room, 11 Baker Street, Aberystwyth on Monday 11th May 2015 at 6.30 pm.
Cllr Ceredig Davies
Cllr Mair Benjamin
Cllr Sue Jones-Davies
Cllr Brenda Haines
Cllr Kevin Roy Price
Cllr Martin W. Shewring
Cllr Wendy Morris
Cllr Brendan Somers
Cllr Mererid Jones
Cllr Jeff Smith
Cllr Brian Davies
Cllr Steve Davies
Cllr Endaf Edwards
(a) Natural Resources Wales are looking for Board Members.
(b) RAY Ceredigion holding an Information Session from 3 – 6.30 pm. Members thought it would be useful to attend if council intended to take over play-areas.
Members were informed that this matter was being discussed by Ceredigion Cabinet the next day, Tuesday 12th May 2015.
The last allotment in 5th Avenue Penparcau was also being allocated at the Cabinet meeting on 12th May 2015.
Following the Cabinet meeting on Tuesday 12th May 2015 Aberystwyth Town Council would be provided with a register of those people on the waiting list for an allotment.
Skateboard Park:
It was suggested that a skateboard project should take place between Aberystwyth Town Council and Penparcau Forum.
It was decided to convene a meeting with Penparcau Forum to discuss further.
Great Town Celebration:
Members on the organising committee were thanked for their efforts and participation.
Cllr Wendy Morris stated that had been no complaints by members of the public who expressed eagerness that a function such as this should take place annually on May Day Monday. Cllr Morris further expressed thanks to all the volunteers who had contributed to the day’s success.
Christmas Lights;
Cllrs Ceredig Davies, Jeff Smith and Mererid Jones would examine quotations obtained by Cllr Benjamin from Welshpool.
Cllr Ceredig Davies stated that he was already negotiating for Christmas Trees.
Summer Entertainment:
There were no amendments to the approved programme.
Notice Board:
There was no progress to report on this issue.
Picnic Area:
Cllr Martin Shewring reported that the wooden fence on the picnic area located on the Castle Grounds by the South Road area was dilapidated.
It was agreed to contact the relevant department of Ceredigion County Council to replace the fence and also make known that some floodlights require replacing also.
5th Avenue Penparcau signage:
Members agreed with Cllr Brenda Haines to request Ceredigion county Council for new signage since there was currently confusion between 5th Avenue Penparcau and Min-y-Ddol.
Members suggested a review of road/street signage generally.
Other matters:
- Members were reminded of the Annual Meeting of Council and the Mayor’s Inauguration on Friday 15th May 2015 at 6.30 pm in the “Morlan” Queens Road.
- Short-listing for the post of Clerk to the Council would take place on Tuesday 12th May 2015.
- Cllr Mererid Jones agreed to obtain quotations for the return of Town Council’s furniture to Baker Street.
Allotments: All allotments have now been allocated.
There was need to arrange rat removal for allotment holders.
Christmas Lights: The name of Cllr Mererid Jones not to be included in list of councillors to examine quotations.
Office Furniture: Still awaiting feedback.
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes.
Minute 9.
Minutes of the Finance & Establishment Committee held on Monday the 18th of May 2015 in 11 Baker Street, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion
Cllr Mererid Jones
Cllr Mark Strong
Cllr Alun Williams
Cllr Brian Davies
Cllr Mair Benjamin
Cllr Brenda Haines
Cllr Endaf Edwards
Cllr Lucy Huws
Cllr Wendy Morris
Cllr Steve Davies
Cllr Ceredig Davies
In attendance:
Cllr Jeff Smith
- Election of Chairperson
Cllr Mererid Jones was elected as Chair for the forthcoming year.
- Election of Vice-Chair
Cllr Alun Williams was elected as Vice-Chair for the forthcoming year.
- Declaration of Interest
Cllr Mair Benjamin declared an interest as the Vice-Chair of the Penparcau Senior Citizens Club.
Cllr Mark Strong declared an interest as he is a member of Cymdeithas Gofal.
- Correspondence
Received an e-mail from Chris Taylor from Freestyle Skateparks requesting further consideration of a partnership bid between Aberystwyth Town Council and Penparcau Community Forum. It was unanimously agreed to proceed with the partnership if it was believed that this would lead to a successful application.
It was further RESOLVED that the Skateboard Park sub-committee would be given delegated authority to discuss the best partnership structure with Freestyle and Penparcau Forum.
- Grant Applications
Four late applications had been received, but due to the fact that the closing date was the 30th of April 2015 on the website, it was agreed that they would be considered.
The following sums were approved subject to the following conditions: –
- Penparcau Senior Citizen Club – £300 subject to receiving accounts for 2013-14 (or 2014-15 if already prepared).
- West Wales Credit Union – £1,500 with an offer to use the office and to see whether they can use any of the surplus furniture.
- Aberystwyth Air Training Corp – £500
- Aberystwyth Silver Band – £1,500. Aberystwyth Town Council will also ask St Brieuc Twinning Committee whether they with consider funding some of the cost of the travel to St Brieuc.
6 Any other business
Travelling expenses is currently noted as 25p per mile for members. It was AGREED that the sum will be increased to 30p per mile.
Penparcau Senior Citizens: It was resolved to check whether Penparcau Senior Citizens had submitted their accounts for grant aid as requested.
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes
Minute 10.
Planning Applications:
A150167……….No objection although it was noted that there was no room for rubbish.
Aberystwyth Town Council welcomes this development
A150110………No objection. Aberystwyth Town Council supports this application on the
basis that it will improve the facilities available. Council has considered
this application independently of the residential development application
Minute 11.
To appoint members to the Planning Committee for 2015-16
Cllr Steve Davies, Cllr Lucy Huws, Cllr Jeff Smith, Cllr Mair Benjamin, Cllr Sue Jones – Davies, Cllr Brendan Somers, Cllr Martin Shewring, Cllr Kevin Roy Price and Cllr Brian Davies.
The Mayor Cllr Endaf Edwards and Deputy Mayor Cllr Brendan Somers are ex-officio and sit on all committees.
Minute 12.
To appoint members to the General Management Committee for 2015-16.
Cllr Ceredig Davies, Cllr Mair Benjamin, Cllr Sue Jones Davies, Cllr Brenda Haines, Cllr Kevin Roy Price, Cllr Martin W. Shewring, Cllr Wendy Morris, Cllr Jeff Smith, Cllr Brian Davies, Cllr Alun Williams, Cllr Steve Davies, Cllr Sarah Bowen.
The Mayor Cllr Endaf Edwards and Deputy Mayor Cllr Brendan Somers are ex-officio and sit on all committees.
Minute 13.
To appoint members to the Finance & Establishment Committee 2015-16.
Cllr Mererid Jones, Cllr Alun Williams, Cllr Brenda Haines, Cllr Wendy Morris, Cllr Brian Davies, Cllr Ceredig Davies, Cllr Mair Benjamin, Cllr Mark Strong, Cllr Aled Davies.
The Mayor Cllr Endaf Edwards and Deputy Mayor Cllr Brendan Somers are ex-officio and sit on all committees.
Minute 14.
To appoint members to the Staffing Panel 2015-16.
Cllr Brian Davies, Cllr Wendy Morris, Cllr Steve Davies, Cllr Sue Jones-Davies, Cllr Brendan Somers.
Minute 15.
To appoint members to represent council on Outside Bodies 2015-16.
- Shrewsbury/Aber Rail Users Liaison Committee: Cllr Mair Benjamin, Cllr Jeff Smith.
- Arriva Railways (Welshpool): Cllr Mair Benjamin, Cllr Jeff Smith.
- SARPA: Cllr Jeff Smith, Cllr Mair Benjamin.
Twinning & Partnerships.
- SBPPA: Cllr Kevin Roy Price, Cllr Wendy Morris.
- AKPPA: Cllr Lucy Huws, Cllr Brenda Haines.
- Kaya Friendship: Cllr Ceredig Davies
- Esquel Twinning: Cllr Endaf Edwards, Cllr Sue Jones-Davies
- Fairtrade Aberystwyth: Cllr Mererid Jones, Cllr Sue Jones Davies.
- Young Peoples Partnership: This partnership has been dissolved.
- One Voice Wales: Cllr Mair Benjamin
- Menter Aberystwyth: Cllr Mark Strong.
- Aberystwyth University Court: Cllr Martin Shewring, Cllr Mark Strong
- Old College Project Board: Cllr Alun Williams
- Aberystwyth Regeneration Area Strategy Board: Cllr Alun Williams
- Aberystwyth Arts Centre: Cllr Sue Jones-Davies (should there be a prejudicial interest Cllr Wendy Morris to attend).
- Aberystwyth Silver Band: Cllr Ceredig Davies, Cllr Mair Benjamin
- CCTV Committee: Dissolved
- Skateboard Park Sub-Committee: Cllr Mererid Jones, Cllr Ceredig Davies, Cllr Mair Benjamin.
- Constitution Hill Board of Trustees: Cllr Mark Strong
- Prom Forum: Dissolved
- Harbour Users Committee: Cllr Martin Shewring (Cllr Steve Davies to attend in the absence of Cllr Shewring).
- Greener Aberystwyth Group: Cllr Endaf Edwards, Cllr Jeff Smith.
- Ceredigion Traffic Management Committee: Cllr Mair Benjamin, Cllr Martin Shewring, Cllr Endaf Edwards, Cllr Wendy Morris.
- Late Night Economy Forum: Cllr Mair Benjamin, Cllr Mererid Jones.
- Dyfi Biosffer: Cllr Jeff Smith, Cllr Alun Williams
- Friends of Cardigan Bay: Cllr Brian Davies, Cllr Jeff Smith.
- Parc Natur Penglais: Cllr Brian Davies, Cllr Mererid Jones.
Trusts & Donations.
- War Memorial Trust: Cllr Brenda Haines, Cllr Ceredig Davies, Cllr Wendy Morris.
- Joseph and Jane Downie Bequest Trust: Cllr Brenda Haines, Cllr Ceredig Davies.
- St Padarn’s School Governors: Cllr Lucy Huws
- Llwyn yr Eos School Governors: Cllr Mererid Jones.
- Plascrug School Governors: Cllr Wendy Morris
- Ysgol Gymraeg Governors: Cllr Brian Davies
Minute 16
(a) The dates for the Mayor’s Inauguration (Annual Meeting of Council) on Friday 13th May 2016 and Mayors Parade and Civic Service Sunday 15th May 2016 were approved.
(b) Timothy Brook – Requesting work experience with Aberystwyth Town Council. It was agreed to forward to Ceredigion County Council.
(c) Harry Complin/Slacklining Club – update on Skateboard Park. Referred to Cllr Mererid Jones
(d) Aberystwyth Carnival – It was approved to support the request under the council’s Premises Licence to sell alcohol and provide entertainment. Cllr Aled Davies to provide information on the compliance of the licence.
(e) Aberystwyth Silver Band – Members were informed that there was space available on the coach going to St Brieuc in September 2015.
(f) Kronberg – An invitation had been extended to the Mayor to attend the Christmas Market between 10th-14th December 2015. It was agreed that the Mayor attend. In the event of the Mayor not being able to attend the Deputy would deputise. The immediate past mayor would represent council should neither the mayor nor deputy be able to attend.
(g) Ceredigion County Council – A letter from Ceredigion County Council stated that the Allotment Transfer was now complete. Cllr Ceredig Davies to provide the office with the relevant documentation.
(h) Letter of complaint – A letter from Charlotte Stevens complained about poor street lighting around Laura Place. It was agreed to refer to Ceredigion County Council and the local County Councillor.
(i) Ken Young – A letter of thanks from Mr Young thanked council for supporting the official delegation from St Brieuc on their recent visit to Aberystwyth.
(j) Ceredigion County Council – Members were advised of their need to register their interests and forward to the office.
(k) Ceredigion County Council – Notice of a casual vacancy in Penparcau Ward was published on 26th May 2015. Ten Penparcau residents must indicate that they require a by- election in the ward. Closing date for submissions is 16th June 2015.
(l) North and Mid-Wales association of Local Councils – Members resolved to decline membership of this council costing £75.00.
(m) SLCC – A flier informed members that training was available
(n) UOTC – An apology was received for being unable to attend the Mayor’s Parade.
(o) Aberystwyth Open Water Aquathlon – A letter from Alison Jones informed members that this event scheduled for 6th June had been cancelled because of the lack of entries.
(p) Aberystwyth Market Hall Traders Association – It was resolved that Aberystwyth Town Council would pay for the erecting of a banner as an indication of council’s support in helping them to raise other funds.
(q) Ceredigion County Council – A letter from HPW gave an update on the Southgate Sign.
(r) Ceredigion County Council – A letter from Lowri Edwards requested consultation on priority areas by 29th May 2015. It was agreed that the Mayor would prepare a submission on behalf of council.
(s) Expressions of thanks were received from Lorrae Southgate-Jones, Ken Young and Carrie Canham. It was agreed to invite Carrie Canham (Ceredigion Museum Curator) to the next meeting of Full Council on 29th June 2015 to give a presentation for no longer than 15 minutes.
(t) Christopher Salmon – A letter from Christopher Salmon the Dyfed- Powys Police Commissioner requested volunteers.
(u) Chief Executive of Mid-Wales Housing – A letter on sharing information on shared ownership was read to members. Feedback was required by 30th June 2015.
(v) RAY Ceredigion – A letter from Gill Byrne of RAY Ceredigion informed members that funding had been secured until December 2015.
(w) Ceredigion County Council – A letter from Mr Paul Arnold indicated the Plascrug Avenue had now been adopted as a road.
(x) Dyfed Pension Board – A letter requesting recruits for the board was presented to council. The deadline for submission had passed before council’s meeting.
(y) Dyfed Powys Police – A meeting entitled “Have your Say on Community Matters” would be held in Penmorfa Aberaeron on 10th June between the hours of 7.00 pm and 9.00 pm
(z) One Voice Wales – Members were informed of a meeting on Local Government Finance Training would take place in Machynlleth on 2nd June 2015.
(aa) Dysgu Bro Penparcau – Members were informed of a course on Windows 8 to be held in the Community education Centre, Penparcau on Friday 12th June 2015 between the hours of 10.00 am and 3.00 pm.
(bb) AON – Insurance renewal notice was referred to Finance.
Minute 17.
Questions relating only to matters in this council’s remit.
Members queried the increased costs of road closures proposed by Ceredigion County Council. Cllr Alun Williams informed members that the relevant Scrutiny Committee would be considering the proposals on 27th May 2015.
It was agreed to write to Ceredigion County Council regarding the increase stating that it would have a detrimental impact on events funded by Aberystwyth Town Council.
(Cllr Alun Williams abstained from the voting).
Minute 18.
Finance – To consider expenditure.
Accounts to the Full Council – 26/5/2015 (Previously paid) but not presented to Full Council in April 2015.
Calonnau Cymru (Contribution to Defibrillator)……………………………………………….£ 1,000.00
Konica Minolta (Photocopy hire & clicks)…………………………………………………………£ 565.08
Cyngor Sir Ceredigion (Fee for Mayors’ Parade)……………………………………………… £ 35.00
Cambrian News (Advert Clerk/ Great Town)………………………………………… …………£ 316.80
Cllr Jeff Smith (Expenses to SAPRA meeting)……………………………………………………£ 5.60
Cllr Brenda Haines (Expenses to Windsor Castle)…………………………………………….£ 353.00
M & B Barker (Replacement of cheque)…………………………………………………………..£ 5,681.50
James Memorials Ltd (Hermann Ethê Memorial)……………………………………………..£ 950.00
Cambrian News (Advert Clerk/Great Town)……………………………………………………..£ 285.00
Aberystwyth Removals & Storage (13 wks storage from 30/3/2015)…………………£ 754.00
Aberystwyth Electronics (Great Town PA system)…………………………………………….£ 120.00
Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin (Wages April 2015)……………………………………………………….£ 796.74
Viking Direct (A4 paper)…………………………………………………………………………………..£ 58.54
Ceredigion Care Society (Work on Skatepark)………………………………………………….£ 585.00
Golwg (Advert for Clerk)………………………………………………………………………………….£ 239.00
Invoices to be approved in current month.
Penparcau Senior Citizens Club (Grant 2015-16)……………………………………………..£ 300.00
West Wales Credit Union (Grant 2015-16)……………………………………………………….£ 1,500.00
Aberystwyth Air Cadets (Grant 2015-16)…………………………………………………………£ 500.00
Aberystwyth Silver Band (Grant 2015-16)……………………………………………………….£ 1,500.00
Cllr Endaf Edwards (Mayors’ Allowance)…………………………………………………………£ 3,675.00
Cllr Mair Benjamin (Expenses to One Voice Wales meeting)……………………………£ 10.80
JM & AS Williams (Buffet for Mayors’ Inauguration)………………………………………..£ 1,099.00
Morlan (Hire of hall for Mayors Inauguration)………………………………………………..£ 125.50
Columbine Flowers (Flowers for Mayors Inauguration)…………………………………..£ 50.00
Viking Direct (Gel grip & Post –it notes)…………………………………………………………..£ 34.46
E.C.Williams (Expenses for postage & laminating)…………………………………………..£ 16.37
Sgarmes (Performance at Mayors’ Inauguration)……………………………………………£ 300.00
Purchase Power (Franking Machine)………………………………………………………………£ 17.95
Ceredigion Care Society ( Work on Maze/Old Bowling Green)…………………………£ 2,115.00
Minute 19.
Verbal reports from Ceredigion County Councillors on matters only pertaining to this council.
Cllr Alun Williams reported on the Aber First Awards held by Menter and taking place on 5th June at 4.00 pm in Penbryn, Aberystwyth University.
Cllr Alun Williams further reported on Plascrug Avenue following the work to improve safety in the Avenue. Ceredigion County Council will be extending this work to Plascrug School to enhance safety.
Cllr Ceredig Davies reported that Mr Tom Edwards had carried out work on the MUGA.
It was suggested that the Mayor draft a letter to congratulate the groups involved with two events namely the “Cycle Fest” and “Raft Race”
Minute 20.
Written reports from representatives to outside bodies.
Minute 21.
Verbal report by the Chair of the Staffing Panel on Staffing Matters.
The chair informed members that four applications were received for the post of Clerk to the council. Interviews were held on Wednesday 20th May 2015 when the post was offered to Mrs Llinos Roberts-Young. It will then be determined the notice period required by her current employer.
Minute 22.
To consider a review of Standing Orders (at the request of Cllr Mererid Jones).
It was suggested that one member from each ward review the current standing orders between the current date and the end of September 2015 when they would report back to council.
Members elected: The Mayor, (Cllr Endaf Edwards). Cllr Brian Davies, Cllr Ceredig Davies Cllr Jeff Smith and Cllr Kevin Roy Price.
In the interim period it was resolved to adhere to the current Standing Orders.
Minute 23.
The future management of land behind 5th Avenue Penparcau (at the request of Cllr Ceredig Davies).
Cllr Ceredig Davies noted that there are encroachment issues surrounding this land and that council had given notice to Ceredigion County Council that Aberystwyth Town Council wished to release the lease of land as there are substantial liabilities including the cutting of the grass.
It was RESOLVED to defer the matters to the General Management Committee and that Cllr Alun Williams invite GAG to attend.
Minute 24.
Emergency motion on the future of Pantycelyn.
Before the motion was debated Cllr Mererid Jones declared an interest.
Aberystwyth Town Council appreciated the important and unique contribution that Pantycelyn Hall makes to the Welsh Language and culture of the town and this council wishes to see this continue.
Members recalled and appreciated Dr Rhodri Llwyd Morgan and Miss Gwenno Edwards’ presentation to full council in January of this year when they presented plans to keep Neuadd Pantycelyn (Hall of residence) open as Welsh medium student’s accommodation with the possibility of establishing a Welsh Language Centre side-by-side with the accommodation. Members present then expressed a positive attitude to the plans.
Members now request Aberystwyth University to return to the plans and to keep Neuadd Pantycelyn open as Welsh Medium students’ accommodation and set a time-table for the proposed improvements to the building.
Members RESOLVED to write to the Aberystwyth University Vice-Chancellor and also the Aberystwyth University Council requesting that their concerns be addressed.