Full Council
27/02/2012 at 6:30 pm
Councillor CGB Simpson
Councillor S Jones-Davies
Councillor A-M Hinde
Councillor A Williams
Councillor W Morris-Twiddy
Councillor M Strong
Councillor S Hearne
Councillor W T B Thomas
Councillor S Davies
Councillor J A Davies
Councillor Ll G Edwards
Councillor L Lewis-Dafis
Councillor R Boudier
Councillor A Dauncey
Councillor M Benjamin
Councillor R Gorman
Councillor C Davies
The meeting was chaired by Councillor S Hearne in the absence of the Mayor
Minute 162
Personal References
Councillor Strong was granted leave to sit during speaking due to a leg injury.
Minute 163
Declarations of Interest for matters arising from agenda items
Councillor Alun Williams- Planning issues.
Minute 164
Planning applications– to consider those applications not covered in the monthly planning meeting and are time sensitive
This matter was moved on the agenda to accommodate the needs of the large number of public present.
New sliding Ice Cream Hatch, Ambassadors, Aberystwyth.
No Objection
At this juncture the Chairman took a vote and it was RESOLVED to suspend standing orders to allow for public representations to be made in relation to the following planning application.
The Town Clerk gave information on the procedure and the protocols pertaining to the Planning process and the methodology of the planning authority.
A 120133
Engineering works to provide level farmyard and barrier fencing on land adjacent to the Agricultural storage sheds.
Farm Buildings Adj. Crib y Cadno, Cliff Terrace, Aberystwyth.
Aberystwyth Town Council is concerned that this may be a misleading application and asks that Ceredigion County Council planning department put a holding notice on this application while the Clerk fully investigates and takes advice on this matter.
Members of the public voiced their appreciation for the chance to speak and congratulated the Aberystwyth Town Council on the way the process was debated and handled.
Standing orders were then re established
Minute 165
Mayoral Activity Report
There was no report.
Minute 166
Minutes of a meeting of Council held on 30th January 2012
It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes of a meeting as a true record subject to the following amendments:
Minute 167
Minutes of a planning committee meeting held on 6th February 2012
It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the meeting as a true record:
Minute 168
Minutes of General Management Committee held on 11th February 2012
It was RESOLVED to note the minutes:
Minute 169
Minutes of the Finance and Establishment Committee held on 20th February 2012
It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the meeting as a true record:
Minute 170
Clerks Report
The Clerk reported that a “dummy Run” for the Purple flag award had taken place the previous Saturday eve and he had attended as an observer. The actual assessment would take place on Saturday 3rd March.
He had also attended the Clerks Practitioners conference and a report would be forthcoming.
Minute 171
- A request had come from the Vancouver Welsh Society asking if Aberystwyth Town Council could send fraternal greetings to the society for St David’s Day. Following discussion it was RESOLVED to do so.
- Community Council Brush Cutting Grants
Notice of grants for the forthcoming financial year was promulgated. It was RESOLVED to apply where appropriate.
- A Request for collaboration in cost sharing to fix the fire basket for the beacon brazier on the summit of constitution hill was received. Following discussion it was agreed to cover the repair costs in the sum of £592.
Minute 172
Questions relating only to matters in this Councils remit
There were no questions asked.
Minute 173
To consider expenditure
It was RESOLVED to pay the following accounts in the sum of £ 9,470.24
ARC | Empty recycling bins – January 2012 |
772.20 |
A & G Access Hire | Disconnect, remove and store Christmas lighting, etc. |
2,897.50 |
Cllr Alec Dauncey | Travel expenses – OVW meetings, 13.7.11 and 19.10.11 |
28.75 |
SLCC | Conference fees – J O Griffiths |
238.80 |
Purchase Power | Rental for franking machine + postage |
230.42 |
Carmarthenshire County Council | Salary costs – January 2012 |
5,133.77 |
BT | Telephone Bill Oct 2011 |
82.57 |
BT | Telephone Bill Jan 2012 |
86.23 |
Total |
9,470.24 |
Minute 174
Verbal Reports from Ceredigion County Councillors on matters pertaining to this Council
Councillor Alun Williams gave a report on the recent Ceredigion County Council meeting where the new Day Centre was discussed.
Minute 175
Written reports from representatives to outside bodies
Councillor M Benjamin had submitted a report on a recent One Voice Wales meeting. It was decided to ask Councillor Benjamin to explain the report at a future meeting as some members found it difficult to understand.