Full Council

27/04/2015 at 6:30 pm





Cllr Brenda Haines

Cllr Endaf Edwards

Cllr Mair Benjamin

Cllr Martin W. Shewring

Cllr Ceredig Davies

Cllr Brian Davies

Cllr J.A. Davies

Cllr Wendy Morris

Cllr Brendan Somers

Cllr Jeff Smith

Cllr Alun Williams

Cllr Mererid Jones

Cllr Mark A. Strong

Cllr Kevin Roy Price


Cllr Sue Jones-Davies

Cllr Steve Davies

Cllr Lucy Huws

In Attendance:

Mr Jim O’Rourke


Minute 189.

Presentation by Mr Jim O’Rourke.

The Mayor welcomed Mr O’Rourke who proceeded to explain proposed plans to reinvest in the Museum Building with the aim of fundraising £250.000 in addition to the £750.000 from grant aid.

Members wished to know how much funding was expected from Aberystwyth Town Council towards the project.

It was resolved that any application should come from Ceredigion County Council.

Cllr Alun Williams proposed a motion of support for the development which was carried.



Minute 190.

Declaration of Interest

Cllr Mair Benjamin – Finance


Minute 191.

Personal references

Cllr Wendy Morris expressed a huge vote of thanks to Cllr Brenda Haines for the work she had undertaken during her term as Mayor.

Cllr Haines voiced her thanks to Delyth Davies for her work as translator for council.


Minute 192.

Mayoral Activity Report

A report of the Mayor’s engagements since the last meeting of Full Council was circulated to members.

Permission for expenses to be paid to the Deputy Mayor to attend an official engagement in Cardiff was agreed.

Permission was also granted for the printing of the Mayor’s Sunday Service pamphlet.


Minute 193.

Minutes of Full Council held on 23rd March 2015.

Minutes of the Full Council were approved.

Minute 194.

Matters arising from the minutes.

It was resolved that minute 179 and minute 180 should be merged.

Minute 181 relating to planning application A140905 should include a reference to the Aberystwyth Football Club application.

Minute 182 – Cllr Mark Strong informed members that the Hermann Ethe plaque would be in place by the end of the week and that a press release should prepared when completed.

Minute 182 – Great Town Award. Cllr Wendy Morris noted that preparations were underway for 4th May 2015.

Minute 182 – Casual Vacancy. Cllr Ceredig Davies to contact Ceredigion County Council to ensure that the process is proceeding.

Minute 182 – Two Defibrillators had been purchased but there was a need to determine their location. Free training on their use could be provided. It was discussed that the possibility of training could take place before next full council.

It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes of Full Council 23rd March 2015.




Minute 195.


Planning report – April 2015

Three applications were due to be considered by the Planning Committee on 7 April 2015.  However, the meeting was cancelled due to there being no quorum. In line with the council’s Planning Policies and Procedures, the Chairman consulted via email with the Vice-Chairman and the members for North and Rheidol wards and the following responses were sent to Cyngor Sir Ceredigion for two of the applications:


Change of use of Flat 1 into 3 flats

Flat 1, Trefdraeth, North Road, Aberystwyth

Aberystwyth Town Council has no objection to the proposed change of use, but is concerned that the submitted plans do not incorporate areas to store and aid waste collection.



Retention of use of dwelling as built

The Hive, Beehive Terrace, Trefechan

No objection.


The third application will be considered by the Full Council on 27 April 2015:


Demolition of existing and erection of a 500 seater stand to replace existing, lounge/bar facilities, youth club facilities, new changing/football/gym facilities and 57 apartments with parking including under croft parking and communal facilities.  A proportion of apartments are expected to be affordable.

Aberystwyth Football Ground, Park Avenue, Aberystwyth






Minutes of the General Management Committee held in the Meeting Room, 11 Baker Street, Aberystwyth on Monday 13th April 2015 at 6.30 pm.


Cllr Ceredig Davies

Cllr Wendy Morris

Cllr Martin W Shewring

Cllr Sue Jones-Davies

Cllr Endaf Edwards

Cllr Mair Benjamin

Cllr Jeff Smith

Cllr Steve Davies

Cllr Brendan Somers

Cllr Alun Williams

Cllr Mererid Jones

Cllr Brian Davies


Cllr Mark Strong


Cllr Brenda Haines

Cllr Lucy Huws



(a)  An e-mail was read from Mr Caleb Spencer enquiring about the future of the Skateboard Park. It was agreed that the Chair would respond.

(b)  Notification of Tree Works to be undertaken by Coast & Countryside Section of Ceredigion County Council in “Carregwen”, Llanbadarn Road. A site meeting would take place on Friday 17th April and council would respond following this meeting.

(c)  An e-mail from Mr Owain Rees requested information about the allotments. This matter would be addressed when discussing the allotments later in the agenda.

(d)  An e-mail from Mr Dylan Jones of Penparcau Forum related to the allotments and would be addressed later in the agenda.

(e)  An e-mail from Mr Alun Tansey again referred to the allotments which would be addressed later in the agenda.


Allotments:     5th Avenue and Min-y-Ddol Penparcau.

Members present were informed that there were still 3 (Three) allotments to be let.

It was agreed that Aberystwyth Town Council should formulate an “Allotment Policy”

Cllr Mererid Jones agreed to draft a policy for members to view and comment.

Members agreed that e-mails received under correspondence relating to the allotments be addressed following the formulation and acceptance of an Allotment Policy. The question of sharing allotments would also be addressed in the proposed policy.


Skateboard Park:

Anna Bullen was currently working with “Free Style” with a view to improving the bid and re-submitting it by July 2015. The new bid would be considered in December 2015.

It was agreed that the current park be kept in good condition and that the provision of bins for rubbish be investigated.


Maintenance of land under the control of Aberystwyth Town Council:

It was recommended that the Staffing Panel advertise for a maintenance person to maintain areas under the control of Aberystwyth Town Council to include the picking of litter.


Great Town Celebrations:

Cllr Wendy Morris reported that banner for the occasion was now in situ and that weekly meetings were taking place to discuss the programme.

The Celebration Day would take place on Bank holiday Monday 4th May 2015 from 10.00 am until 4.00 pm in Baker Street.

Fliers were being produced for distribution and the Cambrian News would be publishing an editorial in their next edition.

A budget of £500.00 had been set aside for the event.

A final briefing would be presented at the next full council meeting.


Annual Meeting of Council (Mayor Making) & Mayors Sunday Parade and Service.

The annual meeting of council would take place on Friday 15th May 2015 at 6.30 pm in the “Morlan” Queens Road. The Mayors Parade would commence from outside the Old Town Hall promptly at 10.30 am on Sunday 24th May 2015. Rolling Road Closure operation was in place for the parade.


Christmas Lights:

This discussion was deferred.


Outside Notice Board:

Quotes for £270.00 and £400.00 received. Members requested that further quotations be sought.


Baker Street Lease:

The lease is in hand, however, a delay has arisen.


Summer Entertainment Programme:

Cllr Alun Williams presented the Summer Entertainment Programme for Aberystwyth which had been devised by Menter Aberystwyth within the agreed budget of £5000.00

Members enthused and welcomed the programme, however, wet weather venues needed to be explored.


Play Areas:

No developments were passed.


Black Bags at the request of Cllr Mair Benjamin:

It was resolved to write to Ceredigion County Council Highways Department requesting an explanation into the recent changes in maintaining the presentation of refuse on the streets of Aberystwyth with particular reference to the lane between Greenfield Street and Maesyrafon.


Outstanding Issues:

  • Cycle Fest to be given permission to erect banner.
  • Cycle Fest has requested the use of Aberystwyth Town Councils’ Public Liability. Cllr Mererid Jones to investigate the situation.
  • A discussion was undertaken to help ensure that the Planning Committee meetings were quorate. It was agreed that Standing Orders be referred to at the next meeting of full council to address this matter.

Cllr Ceredig Davies provided members with an update since the previous meeting.


Members RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the General Management Committee.


Minute 197.


Minutes of the Finance & Establishment Committee held on Monday the 20th of April 2015 at 6.30pm.

Present:                                                          Cllr Mererid Jones

Cllr Ceredig Davies

Cllr Mark Strong

Cllr Brendan Somers

Cllr Endaf Edwards

Cllr Kevin Price


In attendance:                                                Cllr Jeff Smith

Cllr Sue Jones-Davies


Apologies:                                                    Cllr Brian Davies

Cllr Wendy Morris


  1. Declarations of Interest

Mererid Jones & Sue Jones-Davies – Fairtrade Aberystwyth

Brendan Somers – Aberystwyth Floral Society & Carnival

Mair Benjamin – 50+ Forum

It was resolved that individuals who were representatives of the twinning groups did not have to declare an interest as they were Town Council representative


  1. Correspondence

The Air Cadets e-mailed asking for a copy of our Public Liability Insurance in preparation for the Great Town Celebration. It was resolved to provide them with a copy.


  1. March 2015 Accounts

Draft accounts for 2014-15 were circulated which included the March 2015 management accounts.  It was agreed to approve the March 2015 management accounts and the 2014-15 draft accounts – subject to audit.


  1. Appointment of Internal Auditor

It was agreed that Emyr Phillips would continue to serve as Internal Auditor to the Aberystwyth Town Council.


  1. Appointment of External Auditor

It was agreed that BDO would continue to act as our external auditors.


  1. Review of Financial Regulations

The Financial Regulations were approved subject to the following amendments being made: –

3.4       Clerk/RFO can spend up to £200 on his/her own initiative.

6.5       Council will hold a cash float of maximum of £100.

11.1 (1)           Where possible, and where the value is below £2,000 and above £200, the Clerk/RFO will obtain two estimates.

  1. Annual Grant Applications
    1. Partnerships

An application had been received from Ceredigion County Council to continue to provide funding to the Aberystwyth Farmers Market at £7,000. The funding was agreed.

  1. Twinning

Given the strong financial reserves of all three twinning committee, it was agreed to distribute £1,500 each.

It was agreed that the remainder of the twinning money to be spent on new Aberystwyth signs to include the twinning with Esquel, and for the money to be kept in reserve in the event of an approach to twin with Arklow.

  1. General applications

Individuals who had declared an interest under (1) left the room during the discussion of their individual organisation.

The maximum that may be distributed under this heading is £5,000 and applications must be in line with grant criteria.

  1. Fairtrade Aberystwyth – £300
  2. Penparcau Forum – £5,000 subject to receiving accounts for 2013-14 and 2014-15.
  3. Aberystwyth Carnival – £5,000
  4. Aberystwyth & District Floral Society – £300 with a reminder to ask Llanbadarn Community Council for a contribution and that they would be very welcome to hold the event in the Aberystwyth & Penparcau ward areas.
  5. 50+ Forum – £200 and the offer of the use of the meeting room.
  6. Cardigan Bay Fisherman Association (to fund Sea to Shore) – £2,000
  7. Aberystwyth Bowling Club – £200
  8. 2nd Penparcau Scout Group – £3,000 towards the cost of running the group (not for travel costs).
  9. RAY Ceredigion – £1,500 towards 8 Saturday Club events in Penparcau.
  10. Cymdeithas Gorawl Aberystwyth – £500 (Support for the Arts budget)
  11. Ffoto Aberystwyth – £750 (Support for the Arts budget)
  12. Pared Gwyl Ddewi – £900 and the offer of the use of the meeting room.

No applications were rejected.

  1. Any other business
  2. Allotment policy

Minor amendments noted but the item was postponed until later meeting.

  1. Notice Board update

        No further information received. Deputy RFO to follow up.

  1. Ethe Plaque

James Memorial had received the brief. Awaiting plaque and invoice.

  1. Council furniture

It was noted that there are still items in storage in Ynyslas that need to be returned to the Council offices. Pictures to be distributed in the meantime and General Management to follow up.

  1. Lease issues

The landlord has offered to install a kitchen in the main committee room, though the preference would be given to changing the toilet into a kitchen. The landlord has offered a period of rent free during the painting & decorating of the office.

  1. Advert for post

It was noted that there would be the need to advertise for the Clerk’s post again. It was agreed to approve the expenditure on an advert in the Cambrian News and to explore the cost of advertising with Lleol.net.


  1.  Aber First Awards

Cllr Alun Williams noted that Aberystwyth Town Council will be sponsoring the Environmental Sustainability Award in the Aber First Awards organised by Menter Aberystwyth.  The nominations will be made in the next 2 weeks but it is for business nominations not for voluntary groups.

  1.  Policies

                          Cllr Mark Strong noted that the Council’s policies needed to be reviewed.

Cllr Mererid Jones to provide the councillors with a list of policies for their


It was noted that one applicant had stated that the deadline for grants was 30th April 2015. It was agreed that grants would be distributed early on a request from Penparcau Forum two years ago. Any late applicants would be considered as received.

Cllr Alun Williams noted that nominations for the “Aber First Awards” were now open and that there was a need to nominate businesses from the area.

It was noted that organisations receiving grants would be invited to a presentation with publicity from the Cambrian News.


Members RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the Finance & Establishments Committee.


Minute 198

Planning Applications.

Cllr Mark Strong declared an interest as a member of Cymdeithas Gofal who have a partnership with Tai Ceredigion and left the meeting room.

Planning Application  A150079  – Tai Ceredigion outline planning permission for 33 flats around the Football Club. Members were concerned about the following issues: – Flooding, overdevelopment and access.

It was RESOLVED to invite the developers to the next meeting of planning and raise the issues giving concern to members.

Planning Application  A15058 – Alterations to Ground Floor Shop (Slaters Bakery). Proposal was for redevelopment of flat. There would be no extension to the current building. It was noted that there would be parking available however concerns were raised about the fire escape (Was there one) ?  It was further noted that all applications should include a waste storage area inside so that bins would not be kept outside.

Council agreed to the following response: – Aberystwyth Town Council has concerns over the use of” Wheelie Bins” as storage would encourage internal waste storage, creating an environmental health risk. Council also has concerns relating to the fire escape which needs to be addressed.

Planning Application A150199 – Starbucks submitted a new request for its logo to be approved. When the previous application was considered Cllr Wendy Morris highlighted that the council’s decision was not unanimous. Cllr Jeff Smith noted that the building had been renovated using public money and that the signage would remain after they left.


Minute 199


(a) Planning Aid Wales – A letter offered training to councillors if hosted by Aberystwyth Town Council. Training had been carried out in March 2013. Members resolved that the training was not required at this time.

(b)  A letter requesting the Freedom of the Town for Ms Jean Guezennec of St Brieuc. There was a need to generate a scroll. The request was approved and Cllr Wendy Morris would liaise regarding arrangements.

(c)  A letter from a Mr Paul Meredith requested being put in contact with a local historian. Members suggested Mr Will Troughton at the National Library.

(d)  A letter from Mrs Margaret Bateman expressed her appreciation for the flowers in Aberystwyth.

(e)  A letter from Aberystwyth Arts Centre requested permission to erect a banner in Great Darkgate Street promoting their Summer Season Show between Mid-July and the end of August. Members supported the request.

(f)  A letter from Ceredigion County Council indicated that they will not be creating a flag for the Aber Cycle Fest because of the cost implication. The contents of the letter were noted.

(g)  A letter from Aberystwyth Farmers Market Stallholders requested an additional 5 trading days. The request was approved.

(h)  A quotation of £3,500 was received for the cleaning of Aberystwyth Promenade and Beaches for a 10 week period.

(i)  A letter from Dyfed Powys Police relating to Penparcau Police Station requested a meeting with Cllr Mererid Jones. It was resolved that a meeting would take place with the Penparcau ward members.

(j)  A letter from Aberystwyth Stroke Club thanked council for their assistance in securing a meeting venue as a result of publicity given.

(k)  A list of street name changes from Ceredigion County Council was circulated to members.

(l)  A letter from Ceredigion County Council invited questions from members relating to the closure of Ysgol Cwmpadarn.

(m)  A letter informed members of the cut-off date of 27th April 2015 for objections to the INTRtri – triathalon on 24th September 2015.

(n)   Great tour 2015. –  The tour of Britain Coast 2015 which would be in Aberystwyth on 2nd September required a point of contact. It was agreed to liaise with the office.

(o)  Singathon – A request to hold the event in Owain Glyndwr Square on 1st August 2015 was approved by council who also wished the event every success.

(p)  A letter from Ann Harris thanked council for giving her the opportunity to address council.

(q)   Lease – Members were notified that the lease had now been signed.


Minute 200.

The following list was distributed and approved by members:-

Payments relating to 2014 – 15.

Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin (Wages to March 2015)…………………………………………………£ 920.51

Cyngor Sir Ceredigion (License for Great Town Award)……………………………………..£ 150.00

Barker (Rent 24/3/15 – 24/6/15)……………………………………………………………………….£4,500.00

Purchase Power (Franking Machine)…………………………………………………………………£  292.54

Payments relating to 2015 – 16.

Viking Direct (Office Stationary)…………………………………………………………………………£   12.70

Cllr Mair Benjamin (Expenses to Arriva meeting)………………………………………………£   28.50

SARPA (Membership)………………………………………………………………………………………..£      8.00

Fairtrade Aberystwyth (Grant 2015 – 16)…………………………………………………………..£  300.00

Penparcau Forum (Grant 2015 – 16)…………………………………………………………………£5000.00

Aberystwyth Carnival (Grant 2015-16)………………………………………………………………£5000.00

Aberystwyth & District Floral Society (Grant 2015 – 16)…………………………………….£  300.00

50+ Forum (Grant 2015 – 16)………………………………………………………………………….. £  200.00

Cardigan Bay Fishermans Association (Grant 2015 – 16)…………………………………..£2000.00

Aberystwyth Bowling Club (Grant 2015 – 16)……………………………………………………£ 200.00

2nd Penparcau Scout Group (Grant 2015 – 16)…………………………………………………..£3000.00

RAY Ceredigion (Grant 2015 – 16)………………………………………………………………………£1500.00

Aberystwyth Choral Society (Grant 2015 – 16)…………………………………………………..£ 500.00

FFoto Aber (Grant 2015 – 16)……………………………………………………………………………£  750.00

Pared Gwyl Dewi (Grant 2015 – 16)…………………………………………………………………..£  900.00

Esquel Twinning Group (Grant 2015 – 16)…………………………………………………………£1500.00

St Brieuc Twinning Group (Grant 2015 – 16)……………………………………………………..£1500.00

Kronberg Twinning Group (Grant 2015 – 16)…………………………………………………….£1500.00


Minute 201.

Verbal Reports from Ceredigion County Councillors.

Cllr Mark Strong wishes to review policies to ensure that Aberystwyth Town Council is in line with equality policies. Cllr Strong is also working to reduce speed in his ward via a campaign.

Cllr Alun Williams informed members on a Future Generations Act in the National Library on 1st May 2015 between 10.00 am and 3.00 pm. He also stated that a stakeholder’s consultation was taking place between May and September as part of the Old College Project Board.


Minute 202.

Verbal report by the Chair of Staffing.

An interview process had been held but the panel were unable to appoint. The post would be re-advertised with a closing date of 7th May 2015. Adverts would be placed in the Cambrian News, Golwg, Golwg 360 and the Cymro.


Minute 203.

Clarification of Terms & Conditions of use of Town Council’s Meeting Rooms.

Cllr Brendan Somers noted that council needed to have guidelines in place for whom and when the meeting room can be used.

Cllr Alun Williams noted that the building was an usable area but that it needs wider publicity.

It was RESOLVED to refer the matter to the next meeting of the General Management Committee.


Minute 204.

Standing Orders.

Cllr Endaf Edwards noted that four Planning Meetings had to be cancelled since 2013 because they were not quorate. He has reviewed Standing Orders and there needs to be clarity on the membership required to proceed with meetings.