Full Council
27/05/2014 at 6:30 pm
Cllr Brenda Haines
Cllr Endaf Edwards
Cllr Mair Benjamin
Cllr Lucy Huws
Cllr Mark Strong
Cllr Brendan Somers
Cllr Kevin Roy Price
Cllr Mererid Jones
Cllr Brian Davies
Cllr Alun Williams
Cllr Steve Davies
Cllr Jeff Smith
Cllr Dylan Lewis
Cllr Wendy Morris – Twiddy
Minute 12.
Declaration of Interest: None
Minute 13
Personal References: None
Minute 14
Mayoral Activity Report: The report would be circulated individually to all members.
Minute 15
Minutes of a meeting of Full Council held on 28th April 2014:
Minute 186 – point 4 should read request and not bequest.
Finance should include individual payments which have been approved.
Minutes were accepted as correct subject to amendments.
Minute 16
Councillor Wendy Morris-Twiddy
Councillor Brenda Haines
Councillor Dylan Lewis
Councillor Jeff Smith
Councillor Brendan Somers
Councillor Aled Davies
Councillor Mererid Jones
Councillor Ceredig Davies
Councillor Martin W Shewring
Councillor Brian Davies
Councillor Sue Jones-Davies
Councillor Mair Benjamin
Councillor Endaf Edwards
Councillor Kevin Roy Price
Councillor Steve Davies
Councillor Lucy Huws
Councillor Alun Williams
Councillor Mark Strong
Minute 1
The Mayor’s Chapin, Reverend Judith Morris opened the meeting with a prayer.
Minute 2
Review of the Year.
The Mayor Councillor Wendy Morris-Twiddy gave a detailed review of her year in office and thanked both council members and members of her family for their support during her term in office.
Minute 3
Councillor Mererid Jones gave thanks to the retiring Mayor for all the duties she had undertaken during her Mayoral Year.
Minute 4
To appoint a Mayor for the Mayoral Year 2014-15.
The name of Councillor Brenda Haines was proposed by Councillor Ceredig Davies and seconded by Councillor Sue Jones-Davies. The proposition was voted upon and it was RESOLVED unanimously that Councillor Brenda Haines be appointed as Mayor for the Mayoral Year 2014-15.
Minute 5
To appoint a Deputy Mayor for the Mayoral Year 2014-15.
The name of Councillor Endaf Edwards was proposed by Councillor Brian Davies and seconded by Councillor Brendan Somers. The proposition was voted upon and it was RESOLVED unanimously that Councillor Endaf Edwards be appointed as Deputy Mayor for the Mayoral Year 2014-15.
Minute 6
The Robing Party retired from the meeting to enrobe the new Mayor.
Councillor Endaf Edwards was also enrobed as Deputy Mayor complete with chain of office.
Minute 7
Declaration of Office.
On returning to the meeting, Councillor Brenda Haines made and signed the Declaration of Office as Mayor which was witnessed by both her proposer and seconder.
Minute 8
The Mayor Councillor Brenda Haines addressed those present and thanked her fellow councillors for her nomination and appointment as Mayor.
Minute 9
The following appointments were made:
Consort/Gymar y Maer……………………………………………………………………………..Mrs Jill Atkin.
Deputy Mayor/Dirpwy Maer……………………………………………………Councillor Endaf Edwards.
Mayors Chaplin/Caplan y Maer…………………………………………………..Reverend Andy Herrick.
Minute 10
The Mayors Chaplin, Reverend Andy Herrick offered prayers for both the Mayor and the new appointees during their term in office.
Minute 11
There being no other business the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned.
Minute 17
Cllr Endaf Edwards
Cllr Brenda Haines
Cllr Mair Benjamin
Cllr Wendy Morris-Twiddy
Cllr Ceredig Davies
Cllr Lucy Huws
Cllr Kevin Roy Price
Cllr Mererid Jones
Cllr Brian Davies
Cllr Sue Jones-Davies
Cllr Jeff Smith.
1 Correspondence.
The following correspondence was received from Cyngor Sir Ceredigion.
Planning decisions:
A130960 – refused.
An application for removal of a brick chimney on Tŷ Talbot. It was believed that these plans to remove this chimney would have had a detrimental effect to the architectural quality of this building. Aberystwyth Town Council is pleased with the planning decision.
A140076 – approved
A140091 – approved
A140107 – approved
A140108CA – approved
2 To consider planning applications
The Chairman requested that members who inspect copies of planning applications held in the Council office leave them tidy and complete when they have finished doing so.
Display of signage
28 Terrace Road, Aberystwyth
We have no objection to a new fascia sign, but request that the new sign is bilingual. There is sufficient room on the proposed sign to include the words ‘Bar Ysgytlaeth’, in addition to the English ‘Milkshake Bar’.
Installation of 3 no. air conditioning units and 1 no. condenser unit
19 – 21 North Parade, Aberystwyth
Although this application referred to a Tesco Express store on the site, members were reminded to limit their comments to the proposed development only.
No objection. The units must be as quiet as possible, in order to avoid detrimental effects of noise on the amenity of local residents.
Variation of condition 2 of permission A061132
Infirmary Road, Aberystwyth
The Chairman was delegated to respond to Ceredigion County Council, after consulting with Councillors Alun Williams and Mark Strong.
Removal of Stamp Vending Machine in front window frame to be replaced with single glazing pane to best match existing. Internal refurbishment.
Post Office, 8 Gt Darkgate Street, Aberystwyth.
Despite the fact the plans say that only the interior of the town’s post office is subject to alteration, it appears that there will be some minor alterations to the exterior too. It was RESOLVED to ask for more details about this application.
Cllr Mark Strong expressed concern about Japanese knotweed. Cllr Mererid Jones explained that Mr John Hadlow will be dealing with the work as a matter of urgency. Cllr Lucy Huws asked how the knotweed was being disposed of. Cllr Alun Williams informed members that experts were undertaking this work
Cllr Endaf Edwards requested that all members who visit the office to view planning matters ensure that all correspondence is left in the office.
Minute 18
Present :
Cllr Ceredig Davies
Cllr Martin W Shewring
Cllr Brian Davies
Cllr Mark Strong
Cllr Jeff Smith
Cllr Brenda Haines
Cllr Sue Jones-Davies
Cllr Mair Benjamin
Cllr Wendy Morris-Twiddy
Cllr Endaf Edwards
Cllr Mererid Jones
Cllr Kevin Roy Price
Cllr Alun Williams (from 7.25pm).
Cllr Steve Davies
Cllr Dylan Lewis
Declaration of Interest – None noted
Andy Blythe.(Farmers Market).
Requesting meeting regarding Farmer’s Market. Decided that Cllrs Martin Shewring, Sue Jones-Davies, Brenda Haines, Mair Benjamin and Ceredig Davies would meet up with them. Preferred time 5:30, date to be arranged and confirmed by Ceredig.
Aber Cycle Fest
Invitation to a reception at the National Library of Wales, Thursday, May 22nd at 6:30pm. Those representing Town Council will be, Cllrs Mair Benjamin, Kevin Price, Wendy Morris-Twiddy, Endaf Edwards and Ceredig Davies.
E-mail from Tom Delph-Janiurek, CCC Traffic,.
Cost of supplying an Aberystwyth sign would be £950. Decision was to respond by stating the Town Council would be liaising with CCC on the matter.
E-mail from Johanna M Shaw. Aberystwyth heritage street signs.
She was able to fund a possible Aberystwyth sign as part of the heritage street sign project. Decision, to respond by thanking her and confirm Town Council would like to work together on a sign by the Police Station.
Paul Arnold, CCC – Allotments.
Cllr Mark Strong declared an interest as his wife has an allotment. He left the room returning only when the committee had moved on to the next agenda item. Paul Arnold had provided requested information regarding current allotment users and current costings. It was decided on the need to be clear with what allotment users want, this was to be done by organising a meeting between the users and representatives of Town Council. Cllrs Ceredig Davies, Brenda Haines, Mair Benjamin, Jeff and Merrerid Jones to meet with allotment users to see what their aspirations were. Invitation was to be extended to all allotment holders.
Menter Aberystwyth
Menter had requested Town Council to provide the criteria against which the “Best Attraction Award” could be judged. It was decided that the criteria would be:
Accessibility (i.e. Disability friendly)
Value for Money (i.e.Affordability)
Breadth of Appeal (i.e. Does it suit families, retired, young children)
Need to make sure that everybody forwards the link to the web to make nominations.
Menter Aberystwyth – Summer Entertainment Programme
Copy of programme was submitted including Castle Rock to be held on either the 12th or 19th of July.
Aberystwyth Town Council were still committed to providing £5,000 funding towards Menter’s entertainment programme.
It was noted that Penparcau’s summer fete was to be held on the 12th of July and Menter were to be asked to organise Castle Rock for the 19th.
Additional Correspondence
Cost of new signs, matter to be passed on to finance committee.
Telephone in the office did not meet the council’s requirements, issues relating to its capacity in recording both incoming and outgoing messages. Carl was to purchase a new telephone in his capacity of temporary RFO, in line with financial regulations.
There was need for cover in the office during the coming Thursday, Friday and Monday. Cllrs Kevin Price, Sue Jones-Davies and Brenda Haines agreed to provide the necessary presence in the office.
Premises Update
No progress, Huw Bates, solicitor, had not heard anything.
CAB had informally let it be known that they did not require office space.
SEREN wanted to use a room on Mondays, 11am to 4pm. It was decided that Cllr Mererid Jones would invite them to come and see what room was available.
The landlord’s agent had been in contact with Building Control in order to determine the capacity of the first floor i.e. the number of people that could be in the building at any one time.
Skateboard Park
Cllr Mark Strong declared an interest as he is a member of Ceredigion Council Planning Committee he left the room returning only when the committee had moved on to the next agenda item.
Planning application had been submitted and accepted as a valid application.
Discussions had been held with Ceredigion County Council’s estates department with regard to extending the lease on Cae Kronberg too a minimum of 20 years, a prerequisite of lottery funding. The matter would be placed as an agenda item for Ceredigion’s cabinet meeting in June.
There was a need to hold a joint meeting between Town Council and Kronberg Twinning Committee in order to discuss the naming of the new skateboard park.
Chess Tournament Update
Cllr Ceredig Davies was organising the creation of three outdoor chess boards that would be a feature during the forthcoming chess championship. Their locations would be on the Promenade, Kings Hall Piazza and Sgwar Owain Glyndwr
Market Hall Update
Still awaiting a revised design. Cllr Mair Benjamin to take the matter up with Market Hall traders. A letter was also to be sent to Ceredigion Council asking if flowers could be placed around the Market Hall.
Mr Glan Davies – Defibrillators
This item was deferred to the next GM meeting
North Road Labyrinth
The grass needed to be cut within the Labyrinth. Cllr Ceredig Davies to follow up.
No Smoking Signs.
No Smoking signs within play areas were being offered by Ceredigion Council. It was decided to allow them to be placed in North Road park and Penparcau MUGA. Other play areas had already been designated by Ceredigion Council as places they would erect No Smoking signs.
Cllr Mair Benjamin requested that she could bring up a few long standing issues. Chairman agreed but did ask that in future that such matters were placed as agenda items.
Loyalty cards
The matter had not progressed as it had not been feasible at the time.
Electric Car Recharging Point
Cllr Alun Williams reported that this had not progressed as it had not received the support of Aberystwyth Chamber of Commerce.
CCTV allocated budget
Matter referred to Finance Committee.
Christmas Tree
Matter to be discussed in future GM meeting
It was noted that the Mayor Making and Mayor’s Parade had both been successful events, those involved with organising matters were thanked by the committee. Recognition was also given to the manner in which Carl Williams conducted the proceedings during Mayor Making.
- It was acknowledged that the Aberystwyth Cycle Fest was very successful and that the organisers should be thanked for such a good event
- A list of names should be provided to Menter of members attending the Aber First Awards
- North Road Labyrinth grass had been cut
- Cllr Mair Benjamin requested the reconsideration of electricity charging points
Minutes were accepted and agreed.
Minute 19
Present: Cllr Brenda Haines
Cllr Mererid Jones
Cllr Mair Benjamin
Cllr Dylan Lewis
Cllr Wendy Morris-Twiddy
Cllr Jeff Smith
Cllr Mark Strong
Apologies: Cllr Brian Davies
Cllr Endaf Edwards
Cllr Ceredig Davies
1 Declarations of Interest.
Cllr Mark Strong – Ceredigion Care Society
2 Correspondence
Card of thanks for the grant from Caroline Jones and Penparcau Senior Citizen Club.
E-mail of thanks from Llangollen International Eisteddfod and an apology for not being able to attend.
E-mails of thanks for the grant from
E-mail from SEREN Consultancy to acknowledge the offer of room in the office. Need to e-mail to offer for them to come in.
Precept from Ceredigion County Council on the 30th of April 2014.
Quotation was received from Ceredigion Care Society for the work on North Road Maze. The value of the total work for the year is £2,000 including grass cutting, hedge trimming and repainting benches. It was RESOLVED to accept the quotation.
3 Update on the 2013-14 accounts
Following computer problems, the internal audit had to be postponed twice. Computer problems need to be resolved immediately. Cllr Brenda Haines to follow up as soon as possible.
4 Premises Update – Citizen Advice Bureau
We received an e-mail from Citizen Advice Bureau informing us that they had been offered accommodation from Aberystwyth University. It was RESOLVED to contact CAB to ask: –
- Whether the accommodation will be in the Aberystwyth & Penparcau boundary.
- If within the boundary, consideration to be given to a revised application form noting what the funding with be for.
5 Insurance Renewal
Insurance documentation was reviewed in details. We do not have the 5 year claim history in order to get correct quotations. The following amendments were suggested for the policy: –
- Inclusion of the festoon lights
- Increase the excess on the business risk from £50 to £100
- Need a list of the street furniture within Town Council ownership.
- Cash policy – it was decided that we
6 Tender from translation service
It was RESOLVED to go out to tender for translation of the minutes. Minutes for March 2011 and March 2012 had been translated, and so had July to November 2013. It was resolved that we would only translate from January 2014 onwards. If any councillors have suggestions for companies, please give a list to Cllr Mererid Jones before Monday the 26th of May 2014.
7 Review of Twinning Group achievements/ cost
The reports submitted by the twinning groups were reviewed and discussed. It was agreed to provide £2,500 funding to each organisation again this year.
8 Market Hall Flag request
Aberystwyth Market hall submitted revised plans for the flag. It was RESOLVED to pay for plan number 3 if that is their preferred option. An invoice for the flag to be submitted to Town Council.
9 Other matters
Need distributors to help leaflet for the bike race before Friday.
It was RESOLVED to proceed with the forensic investigation of the computer for the price submitted.
Minutes were accepted and agreed
Minute 20
- Aber First : Cllr Endaf Edwards, Cllr Kevin Roy Price, Cllr Mair Benjamin and Cllr Brendan Somers to attend.
- Aberystwyth Market Hall: Order for the banner approved.
- Graduation Ceremony: Members need to respond to invitation directly by 2nd July.
- Gareth Lewis (Architect): A date required for move to 1st floor.
(a) Is there any provision in the lease for cleaning?
Lease when signed indicated that cleaning was included.
(b) Notice Board needs erecting.
Notice Board will be placed back up on signing of lease
- Cllr Dylan Lewis wished to stand down as the ATC representative on the Kronberg Twinning Group. Cllr Lucy Huws agreed to her nomination to replace Cllr Lewis
- Queen’s Baton Relay: The Baton would be in Aberystwyth between 3.00 -3.45pm on 28th May and all members were requested to support the event
- Blaenau Ffestiniog Town Council: A letter from this council sought advice on the protocol of establishing a twinning link. Cllr Endaf Edwards and Cllr Sue Jones- Davies agreed to respond on behalf of Aberystwyth Town Council to the Blaenau Ffestiniog Town Council.
- Football Association of Wales: The association wished to stage an event in Aberystwyth during August. They were to be advised that the necessary licenses should be obtained from Ceredigion County Council.
- A letter from Frank Grey of California in the United States requested information about Aberystwyth. It was resolved to respond accordingly.
- NTE minutes were presented.
- Fairtrade minutes were presented.
- One Voice Wales: It was resolved to renew membership.
- A letter from Claire Fletcher of Llanbadarn congratulated Aberystwyth Town Council on the provision of the Maze in North Road. The Mayor agreed to respond to the letter.
- Llanbadarn Community Council: Permission had been declined by Llanbadarn Community Council for the Mayor to wear the chain of office in their parish. A meeting was to take place on Wednesday 4th June at 6.30pm between Llanbadarn Community Council and Councillors Brenda Haines, Endaf Edwards and Ceredig Davies who would represent Aberystwyth Town Council.
- Letter from Ceredigion County Council stating that the ceremony to formally install a new Chairperson would take place on Friday 23rd September 2014. A letter had been sent to Cllr Towyn Jones wishing him a speedy recovery back to good health.
- A letter from Mr John Evans of “Hafod” South Marine Terrace stated that he was disappointed by the quality of Beach Cleaning undertaken by Ceredigion County Council. Cllr Alun Williams responded stating that further bins and “Belly Bins” were to be provided but that there was a need for civic duty/pride for individuals to use these bins. Letters to be sent to Mr Evans and the “Beach Buddies” who had assisted with the cleaning.
- Air Cadets: A letter of thanks was read out expressing thanks to Aberystwyth Town Council for their financial support.
Minute 21
Issues relating only to matters in this councils remit
One Voice Wales: Cllr Brendan Somers will replace Cllr Mererid Jones as the representative.
Prom Forum: Cllr Mair Benjamin noted that this committee had not met for a long time. Write to Menter.
Young Peoples Partnership: Cllr Endaf Edwards does not receive any correspondence. Check with Ceredigion County Council.
War Memorial Trust: Cllr Brenda Haines should now be receiving all communications and not Cllr Mark Strong
St Padarns Governors: Cllr Lucy Huws would now replace Cllr Martin Shewring on this body
Committee Membership: Cllrs Brendan Somers and Wendy Morris-Twiddy would sit on the “Finance Committee”. Cllrs Brendan Somers and Wendy Morris-Twiddy would also sit on the “General Management Committee”. Cllr Lucy Huws would sit on the “Planning Committee”
“Court of University” Cllrs Mark Strong and Endaf Edwards. Cllr Lucy Huws indicated that Cllrs Strong and Edwards could raise the issue of Jewish visitors and that the University voice should be stronger. There was also the need to organise a “Town & Gown” meeting.
Arriva Railways (Welshpool): Cllrs Mair Benjamin and Kevin Roy Price were elected to represent Aberystwyth Town Council
Regeneration Group: Cllr Alun Williams was elected.
Skateboard Park; Cllrs Mererid Jones, Ceredig Davies and Sue Jones-Davies were elected.
ABER : To ask if they required a representative.
Railway Liaison Committee: Cllr Dylan Lewis elected.
Minute 22
Finance: It was RESOLVED to approve the following expenditure:-
From Cae Kronberg account | £ | |
Anna Bullen | Services in connection with Skateboard Park | 1,810.00 |
From main current accounts | ||
Viking | Office stationery | 76.02 |
Y Morlan | Twinning event hire | 100.00 |
Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin | Wages March 2014 | 5,217.15 |
Arad Goch | Sponsorship of Drysau Agored | 500.00 |
Cyngor Sir Ceredigion | Play Area Maintenance 13-14 | 4,779.32 |
Mrs Lynda Lewis | Food for twinning event | 230.00 |
Merched y Wawr | Hire of room for event | 17.00 |
Cyngor Sir Ceredigion | Castle park final payment | 19,242.33 |
Cyngor Sir Ceredigion | Mayor Making application | 33.00 |
Purchase Power | Franking Machine rental | 21.54 |
Dr Karen Kemish | OH Support | 80.00 |
E Carl Williams | Staff cost | 630.00 |
Councillor Brenda Haines | Taxi x 2 | 7.50 |
Aberystwyth Removals & Storage | Ynyslas Storage | 904.80 |
Councillor Kevin Price | Web hosting | 41.99 |
Councillor Kevin Price | Inkwells (stationery) | 1.99 |
Jim Griffiths | Travel expenses | 57.64 |
Councillor Aled Davies | Keys cut | 2.30 |
Minute 23
Verbal reports from Ceredigion County Councillors.
Cllr Alun Williams reported that the consultation on the “Bandstand” would close on 30th May. Once all consultations had been received Welsh Government would be asked for their approval.
Minute 24
Written reports from representatives to outside bodies
No reports were presented
Minute 25
Noise Disturbance in the Ystwyth Retail Park, Car Park.
It was noted that there was an unacceptable noise when individuals walked through this car park at night. Aberystwyth Town Council resolved to write to the private company responsible for this problem stating that matter was not acceptable since a public right of way existed in this area. There is also the legality surrounding the issue and the need for maintenance to the car park.
Minute 26
Citizens Advice Bureau.
Cllr Mererid Jones presented communications received from CAB and it was resolved to approve a grant of £2.000. and further organise a meeting when Cllrs Brenda Haines, Mark Strong and Mererid Jones would be in attendance.
Minute 27
Staffing Matters.
Members were requested to consider that under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 ( as extended by s.100 a (4) of Local Government Act 1972), the public and accredited representatives of newspapers be excluded from the meeting for this item as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. The nature of this business relates to confidential staffing matters. Members resolved to go into committee.