Full Council

27/10/2014 at 6:30 pm




Cllr Brenda Haines

Cllr Mererid Jones

Cllr Martin W Shewring

Cllr Ceredig Davies

Cllr Wendy Morris-Twiddy

Cllr Brian Davies

Cllr Sarah Bowen

Cllr Brendan Somers

Cllr Jeff Smith

Cllr Steve Davies

Cllr Endaf Edwards

Cllr Alun Williams

Cllr Mair Benjamin

Cllr Sue Jones Davies

Cllr Mark A Strong

Cllr Kevin Roy Price


Cllr Dylan Lewis

Cllr Lucy Huws


Minute 82.

Declaration of Interest on matters arising from the agenda.

Cllr Brenda Haines, Cllr Jeff Smith and Cllr Mair Benjamin (Finance, Minute 93).


Minute 83.

Personal references.

Cllr Sue Jones-Davies requested a letter be sent to Professor Marcus Longley and stated that there would be a meeting held in November to discuss the implications of his report.

Members were informed of the death of Yannick Mayeux a former Chairman of the St Brieuc Twinning Committee. A letter of condolence to be sent from Aberystwyth Town Council.


Minute 84.

Mayoral Activity Report

A report of the Mayors engagements for September 2014 was circulated to members.


Minute 85.

Minutes of a meeting of Full Council held on Monday 29th September 2014.


Minute 86.

Matters arising from minute 85.

Ref minute 79 – Traws Link Cymru. A public meeting to further discuss this matter has been arranged for Thursday 15th January 2015 in the Morlan at 7.00pm.

Ref minute 80 – Bow Street Railway Station. Cllr Mark Strong gave an update regarding Ceredigion County Councils support to the campaign. This would enable the group to further work on this project.

The minutes were approved.


Minute 87.




Cllr Endaf Edwards

Cllr Mair Benjamin

Cllr Sue Jones Davies

Cllr Jeff Smith

Cllr Brenda Haines

Cllr Steve Davies

Cllr Brian Davies

Cllr Kevin Roy Price



Cllr Mererid Jones

Cllr Mark Strong

Cllr Ceredig Davies



  1. Correspondence


  1. Cyngor Sir Ceredigion


Papers for the Development Control Committee meeting to be held on 8 October 2014:


The meeting noted that two applications relating to Aberystwyth would be considered, A140589 (Starbucks café) and A140627/A140628LB (Bay Hotel).


Planning officers had recommended that A140589 be approved, and that a decision on A140627/A140628LB be deferred pending negotiations regarding disabled access and a response from CADW regarding the architectural and historical features of the building.  If no objections are received, officers recommended that the application be approved.


Decision notices:


A140155 – approved

A140548 – approved

A140558 – approved

A140559 – approved


  1. Cynghrair Cymunedau Cymraeg


Correspondence was received asking for support for a campaign for an alternative planning bill to that proposed by the Welsh Government.  The Committee RESOLVED to support the campaign (to be ratified by Full Council).


  1. To consider planning applications



Change of use from a redundant office building into two self-contained flats to include improvement and alteration work both internally and externally

Birkdale, Corporation Street, Aberystwyth


No objection.  We welcome the proposal that some UPVC windows be replaced with timber, but note however that some UPVC windows would remain.  Aberystwyth Town Council asks that all such windows be replaced with timber.



Variation of condition 4 of planning permission A100767 to allow the premises to trade until 0100 hours (deliveries only after 2300 hours)

Dominos, The Barn Centre, Alexandra Road, Aberystwyth


  1. Complaints have already been made from local residents regarding noise in the vicinity of the facility. We are uncertain of the applicant’s ability to operate a delivery service from the front of the facility and consider that noise from the increased traffic caused by the proposed extended opening hours would be detrimental to local residents.



Replacement of slate roof finishes to a house within a conservation area

Clyde House, Queen’s Road, Aberystwyth


Based upon the applicable material planning considerations, Aberystwyth Town Council has no objection to this application.  However, we do not accept the reason given by the applicant (i.e. non-availability) for non-use of Welsh slate in the proposed development.



A new external ramp is proposed to provide level access into the branch.  Proposed ramp will be 1:12 gradient with a landing and 2 steps and handrails.

Natwest, North Parade, Aberystwyth


Aberystwyth Town Council has no objection in principle to this application, but is concerned about the limiting effect of the proposed development on the flow of pedestrian traffic around the corner of Baker Street and Sgwâr Owain Glyndwr.



Minor internal alterations and display of signage

Natwest, North Parade, Aberystwyth


  1. Internally illuminated signs are inappropriate and do not conform to the Supplementary Planning Guidance on Shopfront design in Aberystwyth. However, we welcome the proposal that the internal alterations will not affect the building’s original features.


Any other business.

Cllr Brian Davies noted that on planning application No 140620 the recommendation was for a site meeting

The minutes were approved having noted the above comments.


Minute 88.




Cllr Ceredig Davies

Cllr Alun Williams

Cllr Mair Benjamin

Cllr Jeff Smith

Cllr Wendy Morris-Twiddy

Cllr Brendan Somers

Cllr Endaf Edwards

Cllr Kevin Roy Price

Cllr Mark Strong

Cllr Brenda Haines

Cllr Sue Jones-Davies

Cllr Steve Davies

Cllr Mererid Jones


Apologies:                                                     NONE


  1. Presentation by Radio Bronglais. (RBFM)

The outcome of the presentation was that RBFM would appreciate the support of

Aberystwyth Town Council and further requested that members present made

other people aware of their presence in the community.

4      Declaration of Interest.


5      Correspondence.


6      Plaque to commemorate Leopold Kohr.

Cllr Mark Strong requested a plaque for “Etae”. Members present supported the

principle of the plaques and the needs should be further considered in next years

7      Accomodation, 11 Baker Street.

Members were informed that the new lease would be made available for signing

during the current week. Cllr Ceredig Davies was requested to enquire about the

work required on the old staircase

8      Cyclefest.

Resulting in discussions with the University they had indicated that this year they

would not be contributing to the televising of the race. It was resolved that ATC

should support this as a community event as opposed to something on the TV.

9      Allotments & Garden Spaces.

There was nothing additional to report on this matter except that it was ongoing.

10    Christmas Arrangements 2014.

The Christmas Tree had been ordered. The chair made a request that all councillors

make themselves available to act as stewards for the “Lantern Parade”

11    Council Web Page & IT infrastructure.

Members were informed that the current equipment is sufficient in the short term

12    Signs – “Don’t feed the Gulls”

It was decided to support the request in principle and requested Cllr Ceredig Davies

to make further enquiries.

13    Aberystwyth November Fair 2014.

Cllr Brenda Haines was to make enquiries about the official opening.

14    Defibrillator.

Cllr Wendy Morris stated that she had sought advice and was making enquiries

15    Outstanding Issues.


Agenda Item 6 – Cllr Alun Williams would now be leading on matters relating to Plaques.

Plaque for “Etae” should read plaque for “Ethe”.

Agenda Item 7 – Members were informed that the draft lease had still not been received and that minor work was being undertaken in the building.

Agenda Item 12 – Signs “Don’t feed the Gulls” Cllr Ceredig Davies informed members that this was ongoing.

The minutes were approved


Minute 89.




Cllr Mererid Jones

Cllr Mair Benjamin

Cllr Alun Williams

Cllr Brendan Somers

Cllr Wendy Morris-Twiddy

Cllr Brian Davies

Cllr Ceredig Davies

Cllr Endaf Edwards

Cllr Sue Jones-Davies

Cllr Kevin Roy Price

Cllr Jeff Smith


Cllr Brenda Haines

Cllr Mark Strong


1     Presentations by the Twinning Committees financially supported by Aberystwyth

Town Council.

Those present included representatives from the following committees: St Brieuc,

Kronberg and Esquel.

Representatives interested in establishing a twinning link with Arklow addressed the

meeting prior to the presentation by the Kronberg twinning committee.

It was AGREED to revise the current guidelines given to the respective twinning committees with their annual grants.

2     Declaration of Interest.


3     Correspondence.

(a) Penparcau Forum provided the lowest price to undertake work on the Notice Board in Penparcau. It was agreed to accept their quotation.

(b) It was agreed to fund Menter in the sum of £4,000 for the summer entertainment and the Christmas parade. This was within the £5,000 budget given.

(c) It was agreed to review mileage expenses paid to councillors in the next Finance Committee as the current rate of 25p per mile needs to be reviewed.

4     Staffing

It was AGREED that the Mayor’s Secretary should receive Occupational health support and to pay the travelling costs by public transport and not for a taxi.

It was AGREED that due to concern regarding lone working, the Mayor’s secretary would remain on full pay until the office structure was resolved.

Cllr Sue Jones-Davies and Cllr Brendan Somers would speak to the Deputy RFO and

Acting secretary to the Mayor about becoming an employee and completing form

5   Accounts for September 2014.

Accounts for September 2014 were presented and agreed.


The minutes were approved.


Minute 90.

Planning applications.

A140720 Proposed New Fire Station which would be sharing facilities with the Coast Guards and providing training facilities and additional parking. Observations from an Open Day held in August 2014 were very favourable although the location was on a flood plain.

Council supported the application apart from one objection by Cllr Mair Benjamin.

A140758 Installation of 6 (six) security bollards outside the new Tesco Express.

Concerns were expressed that this would hinder the movement of pedestrians on such a crucial corner between North Parade and Terrace Road. It was stated that the land in question is not in the ownership of Tesco and that there were already barriers in place on the corner. Members would only support this application if improvements were made. Concerns were also expressed about deliveries to the store.

Members strongly objected to the current plan highlighting the need for unimpeded movement of pedestrians into the town centre.

Mill Street Development. Concerns were expressed at a retrospective application for an extension to the building. Request further information from Ceredigion County Council.


Minute 91.


(a) Cynghair Cymunedau Cymraeg – A letter requesting the hire of the committee room in 11 Baker Street on Saturday 17th October 2015 was approved. Cllr Jeff Smith agreed to open and close the building on the day.

(b) Christmas Tree in Trefechan – Council approved a request from the Fountain Inn   for £150.00, this being the cost of a Christmas Tree to be located in Trefechan.

(c) White Paper Consultation – A letter acknowledging councils response to the consultation had been received in the office.

(d) Aberystwyth University Arts Centre Advisory Board – Cllr Sarah Bowen agreed to represent the council on this board. The date of the next meeting will take place on the 24th November 2014.

(e) Cyngor Cymuned Clynnogfawr – A letter from the clerk of Clynnogfawr Community Council complaining about the over-night parking of Camper vans in their community was read to members. The office had acknowledged receipt of the letter and advised the council to consult with Gwynedd County Council.

(f) The Cinnamon Trust – A letter from the charity highlighted their work in assisting terminally ill people and their pets. They would welcome volunteers taking dogs for their daily walks.

(g) Mid-wales Health Review – The report by Professor Marcus Longley was noted by members.

(h) Sea to Shore Festival – A report on the Sea to Shore Festival was received which included thanks to Aberystwyth Town Council for their support.

(i) Louche Theatre – An e-mail from Harry Durnall of Louche Theatre stated that the company would be producing a play next April about the injustice directed to Dr Hermann Ethe. Members resolved to forward the e-mail to Menter.

(j) Public Meeting – A letter from Ceredigion County Council informed members of a meeting to be held in Canolfan Rheidol on 18th November to discuss budget cuts for the next financial year. It was resolved that Cllrs Brenda Haines, Brian Davies and Brendan Somers represent council at this meeting.


Minute 92

Questions relating only to matters in this councils remit.

(a) Cllr Mark Strong was informed that Cllrs Brenda Haines and Ceredig Davies now represent council on the War Memorial Committee

(b) Minutes of council over several years are held in the office. It was requested that Aberystwyth Library receives the minutes of full council each month

(c) Cllr Mair Benjamin asked who were the council’s representatives on the Bow Street Station proposals. Cllrs Alun Williams and Mark Strong queried whether it was appropriate for Aberystwyth Town Council to lead on this matter.


Minute 93

Finance – To consider expenditure.

Cllr Brenda Haines, Cllr Kevin Roy Price, Cllr Jeff Smith and Cllr Mair Benjamin retired from the committee room whilst financial expenditure was being discussed.


Payments by Aberystwyth Town Council – 27/10/2014
Menter Aberystwyth Annual Grant 5000 1000 6000
Menter Aberystwyth Summer Entertainment 4000 800 4800
Cllr Mair Benjamin Expenses 47.5 0 47.5
Cllr Dylan Lewis Expenses 12.5 0 12.5
Carmarthen County Council Salary September 6598 0 6598
Konica Minolta Photocopier rental 370.02 74 444.02
Konica Minolta Photocopies 526.94 105.39 632.33
Pitney Bowes Franking Machine 38.21 3.59 41.8
Cllr Jeff Smith Train tickets 4.35 0 4.35
Viking Envelopes 41.23 8.25 49.48
Viking Ink 140.54 28.11 168.65
Carl Williams Hours 22/9/14 – 17/10/14 600 0 600
The Royal British Legion Remembrance Day Wreath 50 0 50


All payments were approved.


Minute 94

Verbal reports from Ceredigion County Councillors on matters only pertaining to this council.

Cllr Mark Strong reported that “Traws Link Cymru” had campaigned for the railway to be used to carry goods. Ceredigion County Council has shown support for this and are exploring European funding for the project.

Cuts to funding is likely to result in lower number of adverts in newspapers. It will be important to use the council’s website instead.

Cllr Alun Williams reported that there was a meeting of “Dyfi Biospher” on Monday 3rd November.

Cllr Steve Davies reported that there would be a Public Meeting on 28th October at 6.30pm in Penparcau to discuss the “Southgate” signs.

Cllr Ceredig Davies highlighted that the Poppy Appeal was ongoing and that members should attend the ceremony. Cllr Davies indicated that council required an update on “BID” (Business Improvement District) whose local representative was Mr Cyril Baker.



Minute 95

Written reports from representatives to outside bodies.

Menter Aberystwyth minutes were presented to members.

SARPA report was presented by Cllr Jeff Smith.


Minute 96

Fairtrade Awards Ceremony.

Council approved that the award ceremony would be held in the committee room, 11 Baker Street and that modest refreshments be provided.

Cllr Martin Shewring requested a list of the businesses that had secured awards.


Minute 97

Town Crest & Marketing Logo.

Cllr Mererid Jones’ letter requested clarification on the use of (a) The Town Crest and (b) the Aberystwyth Logo.

It was RESOLVED to accept the new Aberystwyth logo (as shown below) on all corporate branding so that it become synonymous with our new image.

It was further RESOLVED to keep Aberystwyth Coat of Arms on civic and heraldic purposes – such as envelopes, letterhead paper, minutes of the Council, badges etc.  Aberystwyth Town Council are the only body who can use the Coat of Arms.