Full Council

28/04/2014 at 6:30 pm






Cllr Wendy Morris-Twiddy

Cllr Brenda Haines

Cllr Endaf Edwards

Cllr J. A. Davies

Cllr Mererid Jones

Cllr Jeff Smith

Cllr Sarah Bowen

Cllr Ceredig Davies

Cllr Alun Williams

Cllr Sue Jones-Davies

Cllr Brendan Somers

Cllr Lucy Huws

Cllr Kevin Roy Price



Cllr Dylan lewis

Cllr Mair Benjamin

Cllr Brian Davies

Cllr Mark Strong


Minute 182: Declaration of Interest.

Cllr Brenda Haines – Finance (reimbursement).

Cllr Aled Davies – Finance (reimbursement).


Minute 183: Mayoral Report;

Report circulated to members.

Cllr Wendy Morris-Twiddy was thanked by members for her service as Mayor during her term in office.


Minute 184: Minutes of a meeting of Full Council held on 24th March 2014.

It was RESOLVED to accept and adopt the minutes of the above meeting. The following matters were raised for information:-

  • Growing Spaces. A meeting of the three bodies involved in the project had been held and discussions were reported to be going well.
  • Farmers Market. Ref minute 174.5. It was noted that CCC were looking for a new manager for the market. Cllr Ceredig Davies would report back to the General Management Committee.
  • Ref minute 175.5. 5K was the Annual grant for Menter. The Summer Entertainment grant remains at 5K.
  • Ref minute 176. (Planning A104146 Car Park in Trefechan) Amend the word “Likelihood” to “Risk” when discussing flood consequence assessment.


Minute 185: Meeting of a Planning Committee on the 7th April 2014





Cllr Endaf Edwards

Cllr Mair Benjamin

Cllr Brenda Haines

Cllr Wendy Morris-Twiddy

Cllr Martin Shewring

Cllr Aled Davies

Cllr Jeff Smith

Cllr Ceredig Davies

Cllr Brendan Somers

Cllr Steve Davies

Cllr Lucy Huws

Cllr Kevin Roy Price

Cllr Sue Jones-Davies

Cllr Brian Davies

Cllr Mererid Jones (from 7.30pm)



Cllr Mark Strong


1 Correspondence.

The following correspondence was received from Ceredigion County Council.

A copy of papers for the Development Control Committee meeting on Wednesday 9th April 2014.

Planning decisions:

A130955 – approved

A130976 – approved

A130994 – approved (21 conditions were noted)

A140013 – refused

A140014 – prior approval not required

A140015 – prior approval not required

A140020 – approved

A140061 – approved

A140097 – approved

Councillor Mair Benjamin noted that a letter needed to be sent to the applicant congratulating them on the high standard of the application specification.

1. To consider planning applications

A14003 Proposed loft Conversion to form 2 no. self-contained Studio Flats, including new stair and Minor Amendments to Approved Scheme (Planning Ref: A13 0286 & A13 0287LB).

Tŷ Lovedon House, 26 Bridge Street, Aberystwyth.

No objection.


Erection of waste storage and compactor facility.

Bronglais Hospital, Caradog Road, Aberystwyth.

No objection.


Alterations and improvements to existing shop at no. 63 North Parade, change of use of ground floor of 65 North Parade to form part of shop and change of use of upper floor into flat.

63 – 65 North Parade, Aberystwyth.

No objection. We ask that Ceredigion County Council’s Supplementary Planning Guidance on

shopfront design in Aberystwyth is adhered to.


Demolition of the existing outbuilding and boiler room in the rear yard and the erection of a student accommodation block containing 7 bedroom[s] and ancillary use.

Abergeldie, Victoria Terrace, Aberystwyth.

Strong objection. The proposed development would represent overdevelopment of an already

crowded area and have a detrimental effect on the view of a listed building from Queen’s Road. There is insufficient parking space in the area as it stands and there are problems with refuse storage on Queen’s Road.


Proposed mixed affordable and open market residential re-development, including demolition of existing buildings and associated access, parking, infrastructure, landscaping, and other ancillary works.

Plas Morolwg, Pen Yr Angor, Aberystwyth.

The meeting was addressed by residents of Plas Morolwg. The Chairman explained that Aberystwyth Council cannot make planning decisions, but can comment on planning applications and the response is then sent to Ceredigion County Council.

The residents noted that the final report on the building structure has not yet been released. It was emphasised that residents live in temporary accommodation following the winter storms.

Strong objection to the demolition aspect of this application, as the most recent structural report has not yet been published. We also feel that the plans have no architectural merit.


Removal of Stamp Vending Machine in front window frame to be replaced with single glazing pane to best match existing. Internal refurbishment.

Post Office, 8 Gt Darkgate Street, Aberystwyth.

Objection. Aberystwyth Council considers that the Post Office facade is an important feature of the townscape. We also ask that the stamp machines are refurbished to working order for the public good.

It was RESOLVED to accept and adopt the minutes of the above meeting

A140117: (Plas Morolwg) Ceredigion County Council has not received any more recent report on the

structural condition of the building. Concerns were raised about the situation of residents.

A140148: (Stamp Machines, Post Office) The machinery had been removed before the County Council made a decision on the application. The front of the machines were replaced, but the mechanism behind was not. It was noted that the machines dated from 1991. It was agreed that Cllr Ceredig Davies will be happy for the application to be determined under delegated powers.

A130994: (Tabernacle site) It was explained that many Aberystwyth Town Council suggestions have been adopted as conditions, including retention of the rails and plinth on Powell Street, and installation of a plaque to note the

historic use of the site.


Minute 186: General Management Committee meeting on April 14, 2014




  1. 1. Present:

Cllr Ceredig Davies

Cllr Martin W. Shewring

Cllr Alun Williams

Cllr Brian Davies

Cllr Jeff Smith

Cllr Mair Benjamin

Cllr Sue Jones-Davies

Cllr Brenda Haines

Cllr Wendy Morris-Twiddy

Cllr Mererid Jones

Cllr Kevin Roy Price


  1. 2. Apologies:

Cllr Dylan Lewis

Cllr Endaf Edwards

Cllr Steve Davies

Cllr Lucy Huws


3. Declaration of Interest.


4. A number of Market Hall traders addressed the meeting asking for help in promoting the

market. Traders asked for a banner to be suspended on the catenary wires suspended in the

vicinity of The Dolphin Fish Restaurant. This possibility was favourably discussed, though it was noted that the catenary wires had not been safety tested recently. It was asked of the traders to produce a costed scheme and design by Friday, April 18th. It was considered prudent to install

such a banner simultaneously with the carnival banner. It was noted that the banner should be bilingual and grammatically correct in both Welsh and English. At the bequest of the traders, Aberystwyth Council to make enquiries into the Town Council managing the Market Hall in place of Ceredigion County Council.


5. It had not been possible to meet Welsh Government deadline. Despite this there is a

possibility of gaining funding at the Regeneration board meeting to be held on the 17th of April.


6. It had been hoped that work could start in January 2015. However a more detailed flood risk survey had been requested. Artist impressions of the project were displayed at the meeting and the committee unanimously supported the plans.


7. Correspondence

Tim Laxton, ARC. They still have 30 recycling wheelie bins, and ask the Town Council to collect

them or give permission for their disposal. Ceredigion Council had agreed to collect them at no cost to Town Council. Cllr Alun Williams to liaise with relevant county officers.

Paul Arnold, Ceredigion County Council. Conformation letter that the recent soil report carried

out on Cae Ffynnon and 5th Avenue allotments indicated that the allotments were fine to use.

The letter also asked the whether Town Council wished to continue with negotiations as to the

potential transfer of the allotments from county to town. It was decided that Town Council contact Ceredigion Council for more details.

Neil Garrod, Ceredigion County Council. Letter in response to a request to leave some street

lights in Rheidol Ward on after midnight. Neil Garrod informed the Town Council on the need to make an official request by the end of the calendar year with the potential of implementation April 2015. Members of the committee wanted to be informed as to potential costs, further enquires to be made.

Aberystwyth University. An invitation to send a representative to sit on a University committee, a committee set up consider uses for the Old College. It was decided that Cllr Mererid Jones would be the Town Council’s representative with Cllr Wendy Morris-Twiddy as deputy. It was also decided to ask Dr Rhodri Llwyd Morgan to make a presentation to Town Council at its June meeting.


8. Town Council to ask landlord for a kitchen provision and external signage. Cllr Mererid Jones

suggested that Town Council could offer Citizens Advice Bureau office space within 11 Baker Street. This suggestion was supported though there was a need to ascertain if this suggestion was compatible with the council’s lease obligations. Cllr Ceredig Davies to make enquires with

council’s solicitors.


9. Invitations had been sent out. Meeting required in order to brief Parade Marshals. Mayor

Elect’s transport needs to be arranged.


10. Ceredigion County Council as part of their budget savings would cease cutting the grass at

Penparcau Football Club. Possibility of town council becoming responsible for cutting the grass in the area surrounding MUGA and Adizone. No action to be taken at present, awaiting further information from county council.


11. A commercial European Market was interested in holding a market in Aberystwyth. The

committee was mindful of making further enquires citing Upper Great Darkgate Street as a possible location. Further enquires to be made with the County Council as to the use of the area around Market Hall.


12. Following a request from a member of the public it was decided to investigate and contact

Ceredigion Council as to the possibility of providing a duck pond in an area alongside the

playground in Plascrug Avenue.

The minutes were received and adopted. The following issues arose for information:

  • Flag Market Hall: banner design was received from the Market Hall traders
  • The planning application has been submitted for the skateboard park

Minute 187: Finance Committee meeting on 21st April 2014






Cllr Alun Williams

Cllr Brenda Haines

Cllr Ceredig Davies

Cllr Mererid Jones

Cllr Kevin Roy Price

Cllr Brian Davies

Cllr Mair Benjamin

Cllr Dylan Lewis

Cllr Endaf Edwards

Cllr Wendy Morris-Twiddy



Cllr Lucy Huws

Cllr Jeff Smith


1 Declarations of Interest.

Cllr Dylan Lewis – Penparcau Forum (grants)

Cllr Mererid Jones – Penparcau Forum (grants)

Cllr Mererid Jones – Ysgol Gymraeg Aberystwyth Parent Teachers Association (grants)

Cllr Wendy Morris-Twiddy – Aberystwyth Carnival (grants)

Cllr Alun Williams – Ceredigion County Council (beach cleaning)


2 Correspondence

a. Internal Audit

After chasing, Bryn Smith, the internal auditor has decided not to carry out the internal audit this year. The internal audit must be carried out by June 2014, therefore we need to appoint the Internal Auditor as soon as possible. Cllr Mererid Jones had approached Emyr Phillips, a qualified accountant working for Aberystwyth University. It was RESOLVED to accept Emyr Phillips as the internal auditor. If he is not able to undertake the task- it was RESOLVED to ask a professional accountant.

  1. Beach Cleaning

A letter was received from Ceredigion County Council asking if we wish to undertake the beach cleaning for £3,500. It was RESOLVED to agree to this subject to confirmation that the same work as last year would be undertaken. Alun Williams abstained from voting due to a declaration of interest.

c. Market Hall

Cllr Ceredig Davies had received a quotation from the market traders for a flag. It was RESOLVED to allow the traders to proceed with ordering the flag.

d. Skateboard Park

Cllr Dylan Lewis raised that we need to involve the Kronberg Twinning Group. There had been

discussions regarding name change, but nothing had been decided. It was AGREED to ensure that the Kronberg Twinning group would be invited to the skatepark subcommittee.


3. To receive and adopt the accounts for March 2014

Following discussion it was RESOLVED to accept and adopt the accounts for March 2014.


4. To receive and adopt the unqualified accounts for the year ended 31st March 2014

The accounts for the year end to 31st of March 2014 were presented and approved. It was noted that the stock had been reduced in value from £2,000 to £1,000. There was £75,779 in the bank at the year end, and £72,514 in reserves. Of this, £46,194 relates to skateboard park project and £26,320 in general reserves.

It was noted that this level of reserves is low considering of some of the projects we are undertaking.

The annual accounts were APPROVED.

Questions relating to financial matters

a. Office cost – no further information had been received. Questions relating to the service

charge still had not been resolved. It was noted that we have had one year rent free,

therefore any further amendments to the building has to be at our cost. The landlord will

paint the walls. It was AGREED to obtain quotations for work required to:-

  • Change toilet into a kitchen
  • Flag pole
  • Outside sign and notice board
  • Moving internal doors from old stairs.

We need to ensure that the landlord will take down the partition in the main room.

To receive and consider grant applications for 2014-5

Following a discussion it was RESOLVED to make the following Grants:

Body Amount (£) Comment
Aberystwyth Bowling Club 200 (including acknowledgement)
Aberystwyth Carnival 3,000  
Aberystwyth Choral Society 100  
Aberystwyth & District Cricket league 100  
Aberystwyth Silver Band 1,000  
Age Cymru Ceredigion 200  
Air Cadets 250  
Pared Gwyl Dewi/ St David’s Parade 750  
FfotoAber 500 (sponsorship of one event)
Penparcau Forum 2,400  
Sea to Shore Festival 1,500 (including offer to produce leaflets)
Llangollen lnternational Eisteddfod 50  
Penparcau Senior Citizens Club 250  
RAY Ceredigion 500 (towards Penparcau Saturday Club)
Ysgol Gymraeg Parent Teachers 500  
Celf Ceredigion Art 500  
Citizens Advice Bureau Offer 0 Citizens Advice Bureau Offer
SEREN 0 (offer of an office/ meeting space)



It was noted that we have already allocated the following funding to voluntary groups:-

  • Sponsorship of Chess Championships – £3,000
  • Sponsorship of Celtic Challenge event – £2,500
  • Sant Brieg (Saint Brieuc) Twinning Association – £2,500
  • Kronberg Twinning Association – £2,500
  • Esquel Twinning Association – £2,500
  • Royal British legion (Remembrance Day sponsorship) – £450
  • Aberystwyth Tennis Club – £1,800
  • Neuadd Goffa Penparcau (rent of the Police Station) – £2,500

Therefore £29,550 in total to voluntary groups.

The minutes were received and adopted. The following issues arose for information:

  • Internal audit: Emyr Philips has accepted the invitation to do this
  • Beach cleaning: The beach and prom will be cleaned, and the bins emptied, in the afternoon
  • Skate park: Councillor Mererid Jones to ask Ceredigion County Council to extend the lease on the land .
  • Grants: It was asked whether ATC are funding the National Eisteddfod this year. It was noted that no application had been received from them. There is a possibility of offering an office to CAB.


Minute 188 : To consider Planning Applications that are Time-Sensitive

A140183: Change of use of ground floor from A1 to A2, 18 Terrace Road, Aberystwyth

No objection

A140250: Provision of 2.7m high chain link fence to the tennis courts, Queens Road Bowling Club.

No objection

A140220: 2 Chalybeate Street. Provision of a sloped glass-fibre roof, in place of the flat corrugated roof

No objection


Minute 189 : Correspondence

  • UEFA: The UEFA SuperCup will be held in Cardiff in August. The trophy tour will visit Aberystwyth
  • Cycling: Received 8 meter banner for the tour series. Cllr Wendy Morris-Twiddy to proceed
  • Menter: An invitation to the awards ceremony at Aberystwyth First Awards, on 6th June, was received. Cllr Brendan Somers, Cllr Mererid Jones and Cllr Kevin Roy Price to attend .
  • Twinning: A letter was received from Chris Simpson of the Kronberg Committee, suggesting that the twinning event should be held every year. Councillors were keen to hold the event every other year.
  • Age Cymru Ceredigion: Request for volunteers
  • GAG: Meg Kirby, on behalf of GAG, congratulates ATC on the plans for the skatepark
  • Race: The Queen’s Baton Relay will visit Aberystwyth, 28th May.
  • Traws Link Cymru: Seeking support for re-opening of the railway from Aberystwyth to Carmarthen. Aberystwyth Council supports the project.
  • Letter from Mrs V.J. Blayney, Llanilar asking Aberystwyth Council to prevent motor homes from parking on the prom
  • Old College: Dr Rhodri Llwyd Morgan had invited Aberystwyth Council to send a representative to the Old College
  • Project Group, to discuss options for the future use of the building. Cllr Mererid Jones to contact Dr
  • Reports from representatives on outside bodies: One Voice Wales, AEPPA, GAG.


Minute 190 : Questions About Issues in Round the Town Council

  • Esquel signs: The Highways, Property and Works Department has offered to add Esquel to signs, if CTA agree to pay half the cost of a new sign . Cllr Steve Davies to request a quotation.
  • Skatepark name: Aberystwyth Council still looking for a name. It was noted that Cae Kronberg is the name of the entire site, and a different name is required for the part used as a skatepark.


Minute 191 : Finance : To Consider Expenditure

The accounts to be changed to omit the refreshments item – this is to be paid by the St. Brieuc


Minute 192 : Verbal Reports by County Councillors on Matters Only Pertaining To This Council

  • Cllr Alun Williams: It was noted that the deadline for nominations for the Aber First Awards is Paddling pool and wooden jetty to be repaired by the end of the month. It was reported that the second phase of the Coed Aber project is going well . It is understood the proposal to merge councils, as in the Williams report, is unlikely to happen until at least 2020
  • Cllr Ceredig Davies: It was noted that improvements in front of the station are nearing completion.


Minute 193 : Written Reports from Representatives on Outside Bodies

Several reports have been circulated, as described under minute 189.