Full Council
28/07/2014 at 6:30 pm
Cllr Brenda Haines
Cllr Ceredig Davies
Cllr Sarah Bowen
Cllr Wendy Morris-Twiddy
Cllr Brendan Somers
Cllr Aled Davies
Cllr Endaf Edwards
Cllr Lucy Huws
Cllr Alun Williams
Cllr Mair Benjamin
Cllr Martin W Shewring
Cllr Mark A Strong
Cllr Mererid Jones
Cllr Kevin Roy Price
Cllr Sue Jones Davies
Cllr Jeff Smith
Cllr Dylan Lewis
Cllr Steve Davies
Minute 42
Declaration of Interest:
Minute 43
Personal References:
Minute 44
Mayoral Activity report;
The report of the Mayors activity during the past month was circulated
Minute 45
Minutes of Full Council held on 23rd June 2014.
Cllr Mererid Jones asked that all financial matters be detailed.
Minute 32. (Methodist Church, Penparcau) Cllr Endaf Edwards informed members that there was a strong objection to the proposed development and had e-mailed the Senior Planning Officer of CCC to confirm this.
Cllr Haines commented that she had heard that there were plans for the Methodist Church and St Anne’s Church to turn the property into a community cafe.
Cllr Mair Benjamin requested information about the BT pillars.
Minute 33. Item 10. (Aberystwyth Castle Play Area).
Cllr Ceredig Davies reported that parts are being awaited and are still under warranty.
Minute 34. item F. (Market Hall Banner).
Cllr Ceredig Davies informed members that the banner had now been erected.
Cllr Mair Benjamin indicated that the market traders were very pleased with the banner and that it was attracting additional customers.
Minute 35. Correspondence.
Cllr Wendy Morris-Twiddy informed members that she had received an e-mail from the Mayor of Arklow expressing an interest in twinning with Aberystwyth.
Minute 39. Standing Orders.
Cllr Endaf Edwards stated that there didn’t appear to be a minute to cover planning matters during the summer recess.
Minute 40. Youth Council
The Mayor indicated that she intended visiting both schools during September.
Minute 41 Public Meeting.
Cllr Lucy Huws was informed that Penweddig School had been booked for the public meeting to take place on 12th September.
Members then agreed to accept the minutes.
Minute 46
Cllr Endaf Edwards
Cllr Mair Benjamin
Cllr Roy Kevin Price
Cllr Jeff Smith
Cllr Mererid Jones
Cllr Brian Davies
Cllr Alun Williams
Cllr Steve Davies
Cllr Brenda Haines
Cllr Ceredig Davies
Cllr Sue Jones-Davies
Cllr Dylan Lewis
Cllr Mark Strong
Cllr Wendy Morris-Twiddy
Cllr Martin Shewring
Review of Planning Policies and Procedures
The meeting RESOLVED to adopt a new policy asking for cast iron to be used for rainwater goods, in preference to UPVC, for developments within the Aberystwyth conservation area.
The meeting RESOLVED to ask for chimneys to be preserved wherever possible.
The meeting also considered adopting a policy of asking for permeable surfaces to be used in developments where possible. It was RESOLVED to write to the Planning Department of Ceredigion County Council to ask for their opinion on this matter.
The Town Council’s revised Planning Policies and Procedures are as follows. Policies PP18 and PP19 are new.
Aberystwyth Town Council Planning Policies and Procedures (Version 1.4)
(Rev 1.4) July 2014
In accordance with the Town Council’s corporate objectives, Planning Policies have been put in place that reflect the Vision for Aberystwyth. This helps ensure that the Policies, Processes & Procedures reflect the views of the Council and the community.
The Town Council was consulted on the Local Development Plan and will have regard to the LDP and subsequent supporting planning guidance in making its decisions and forming its views. However, there are additional issues that are distinctive to Aberystwyth that the Town Council may wish to highlight in its responses to individual planning applications.
The planning committee of Aberystwyth Town Council will consider all planning applications based on their individual circumstances and merits. All responses to planning applications will be based on material planning reasons (e.g. policy documents, LDP criterion, design, impact on area, traffic).
The Town Council acknowledges that it will generally be difficult to substantiate / justify an objection to a proposal that complies with the LDP but there may be more detailed issues that they wish to comment on.
Non-material considerations (e.g. moral issues, personal circumstances, property prices) will not form any part of the response to Ceredigion County Council.
Planning Policies
PP01 A balance must be made between development and maintaining green space in residential areas. The Town Council notes that there is a preference for development on brownfield sites and sites designated in the LDP and that use of Greenfield sites should be minimised. The Town Council agrees that it’s a balance and that it’s important to maintain green space, especially the more formal green space e.g. playing fields, parks, allotments etc.
PP02 The Town Council recognises the need for suitable employment opportunities. It will support applications that provide such opportunities where they do not conflict with other Town Council policies. e.g. where there is an impact on amenity through traffic generation, noise etc.
PP03 Aberystwyth Town Council will fully support the installation of renewable energy sources and/or those which minimize carbon emissions or the use of fossil fuels, providing that such systems take full account of their visual impact and the surrounding infrastructure.
PP04 The Town Council will support Planning Applications that will enhance the appearance of the Town . Any development must protect the architectural integrity of the town. Urban regeneration is to be encouraged but not to the detriment of surrounding properties. Future development that is considered premature because of the need for traffic impact studies or lack of local services and amenities should not be supported.
PP05 Aberystwyth Town Council reserve the right to object to retrospective applications where it is considered they are used to “short circuit” the planning protocols.
PP06 Recommendations shall have regard to any future Town Council’s Transport Plan. Where appropriate, applicants should be encouraged to formulate green travel plans.
PP07 The Town Council will resist changes from retail, commercial or trade use into residential occupancy unless business use is not economically viable.
PP08 Any proposal for future development will be judged against relevant planning policies and, in particular, be related to creating a sustainable residential and business environment.
PP09 Aberystwyth Town Council will consistently ask for the non-use of uPVC within the Aberystwyth conservation area unless it can be shown that the use of such material is beneficial to the overall project and that an undertaking is given to recycle any such materials that may be removed during the development. High quality design and use of materials that respect the existing character of fenestration and access points in the locality will be considered in all applications.
PP10 Aberystwyth Town Council will encourage the use of anti-roosting spikes on any development that can accommodate these items.
PP11 Aberystwyth Town Council will seek to ensure that any development, either new or for alterations to existing properties, will be sympathetic with the surrounding area.
PP12 Aberystwyth Town Council will consistently promote bi-lingual signage where appropriate and considers that illuminated fascia signage is likely to have a detrimental effect within the conservation area. The use of internal illumination should be limited to opening hours only. Totem signage should be appropriate to the locality.
PP13 The provision of paths and cycle tracks are to be encouraged where appropriate.
PP14 All applications will have adequate storage for waste within the curtilage of the property.
PP15 Aberystwyth Town Council will normally expect at least 1.5 parking places per housing unit in all new dwelling applications.
PP16 All applications for Houses in Multiple Occupation will be opposed.
PP17 Aberystwyth Town Council will look for sensitive and imaginative adherence to CADW’s townscape character guidance.
PP18 Aberystwyth Town Council will ask for cast iron to be used for rainwater goods, in preference to UPVC, for developments within the Aberystwyth conservation area.
PP19 Aberystwyth Town Council will ask for chimneys to be preserved wherever possible.
Planning Procedures
PR01 Aberystwyth Town Council will respond to all planning applications within the time frame stipulated by Ceredigion County Council. Where planning applications are received outside of the normal meetings cycle, non-contentious applications will be dealt with by the Town Clerk through consultation with the chairman, vice chairman and councillors representing the ward where the proposed development is located. An additional Council meeting will be called whenever there is a situation of wider public concern.
PR02 The Town Council will refuse requests for meetings or comments prior to planning applications being submitted, unless the applicants are specifically directed by the Local Planning Authority to enter into pre-application consultation for the negotiation of applications.
PR03 A Councillor representative will attend Development Control Committee meetings if necessary in order to put the Town Council’s views across to the Local Planning Authority. The Clerk will inform the chairman and/or vice-chairman of the Planning Committee when a planning application pertaining to the Aberystwyth Town Council area is due to be discussed at the next meeting of the County Council’s Development Control Committee. They will together agree a Town Council representative if deemed appropriate.
PR04 Amended Plans – these applications will appear on Council (Planning) Agendas and Minutes. The Plans will not be put on display but they will be available in the council office prior to the Council (Planning) Meeting.
PR05 TPO’s and Trees in Conservation Areas – these applications will appear on Council (Planning) Agendas and Minutes. The Plans will not be put on display but they will be available in the council office prior to the Council (Planning) Meeting.
PR06 Recording of Minutes – Minutes of Planning Meetings should reflect the views of the Town Council, its policies and the community. In addition, specific references to the Local Plan and Local Development Framework policies shall be used in specific cases, which the Town Council deems necessary.
PR07 The purpose of a site visit conducted by Members and officers is to gain information relating to the land or buildings which are the subject of the planning application and which would not be apparent from the planning application to be considered by the Planning Committee. A site visit may also assist Members in matters relating to the context of the application in relation to the characteristics of the surrounding area, and is an opportunity to hear the views of the members of the public, applicants and other interested parties. Members should not express an opinion on the planning application or on its merits (or otherwise) at the site visit. Discussions on site visits shall be confined to the application as currently submitted.
PR08 Applications involving buildings or structures with potential historical or archaeological significance should be subject to a site visit, and if considered appropriate a request for the building or structure to be listed should be made to CADW in conjunction with Ceredigion County Council and the Aberystwyth and District Civic Society.
PR09 The enhancement of recreational facilities (and other civic enhancements) is to be encouraged through the use of S.106 planning gain where appropriate. The Chief Executive officer has delegated responsibility to pursue such contributions on all relevant planning applications.
- Correspondence
The following correspondence was received from Cyngor Sir Ceredigion.
Decision notices:
A130332LB – approved
A130553CA – refused (CSC had recalled the original decision notice as it included a clerical error. The original notice approved the application, while stating that it would have a detrimental impact on the area. CSC also asked for the original notice to be returned. This has been done.)
A140053 – approved
A140146 – approved
A140148 – approved (the meeting RESOLVED to write to CSC to ask what would happen to the old machine)
A140208 – approved
A140262 – approved
A140281 – withdrawn
A140330 – approved, subject to conditions (these have now been resolved)
- To consider planning applications
Cllr Endaf Edwards declared an interest and left the room while applications A140257 and A140445 were considered.
Variation of condition 2 of planning permission A130516 – revised design.
National Library of Wales, Penglais, Aberystwyth.
No objection.
Change of use to A3 (Food & Drink).
25 Bridge Street, Aberystwyth.
No objection.
Repair and renovation of the principal exterior elevation.
Angel Inn, 57-59 Great Darkgate Street, Aberystwyth.
No objection. This development is welcomed.
Fascia Sign
Card Factory, 26 Gt Darkgate Street, Aberystwyth.
No objection. We ask for consideration that a bilingual element be incorporated in the replacement sign.
Variation of condition 2 on Planning Permission AO10835 – amended design.
Plot 4, adjacent to Hafod Wen, Felin y Môr, Aberystwyth.
No objection.
Variation of condition 2 and 20 of planning permission A060407 – (change in layout and house types and minor amendments in positioning of planting).
Maes Crugiau, Rhydyfelin, Aberystwyth.
No objection, provided that: (1) a similar level of affordable housing be included in the development; (2) sufficient parking spaces be included, in line with the Town Council’s policy of 1.5 parking spaces per new dwelling.
2 No. Replacement fascia signs
32 Terrace Road, Aberystwyth
- The proposed sign is internally illuminated and is not in keeping with other types of fascia sign in the area. Aberystwyth Town Council also notes that the proposed sign is contrary to the Ceredigion County Council’s Supplementary Planning Guidance for Shopfront Design in Aberystwyth.
Demolition and rebuilding of rear extension, creating a second entrance to separate commercial and flats, extension to upper floors to create 3 flats.
3 Northgate Street, Aberystwyth.
No objection. We ask that consideration is given to using timber for all doors and windows, in preference to UPVC.
Construction of a new 6 floor book stack created by infilling an existing, vacant courtyard (Listed Building)
National Library of Wales, Penglais, Aberystwyth.
No objection.
Extension and alteration
16 Fifth Avenue, Penparcau, Aberystwyth
No objection. We ask that consideration be given to using non-UPVC doors and windows.
Demolition of current bandstand, retention of base and construction of replacement bandstand
Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth
No objection.
- Emergency Motion
An exhibition and public consultation had taken place at Aberystwyth Town Football Club on 24th June 2014 regarding a possible development. No planning application has yet been submitted. Cllr Alun Williams, as the town Council representative on the Abersystwyth SRA, asked for a discussion to gather the Committee’s views, based on the information provided at the exhibition, to enable him to represent these views at the coming SRA Board meeting due to be held the following week.
The Chairman agreed to this request
The meeting expressed overall support for the development on the basis of benefits to the football club, local housing needs and the economy of the town. However the following concerns were expressed:
*There is likely to be a loss of public car parking spaces – both actual and perceived. Judging from the plans, some of those spaces still intended to be available to the public look as if they are private. Loss of public parking space should be avoided if possible.
*There will be a loss of riverscape, looking from Maes yr Afon car park. It would be preferable to position these flats at the South end of the ground, between the football club and the TA Centre.
*There seems to be an element of cramming and over-development.
*The flats look ‘boxy’. The flat roofs would attract seagulls. They should be in keeping with other riverside dwellings.
In supporting the development, the meeting hoped that these issues could be addressed.
Cllr Endaf Edwards elaborated on the e-mail relating to the new policy that he had sent to the Planning Authority. No reply has been received to date. Cllr Edwards also commented on Planning Procedures and informed members of a review being undertaken of the conservation area.
The minutes were agreed.
Minute 47
Cllr Ceredig Davies
Cllr Martin Shewring
Cllr Wendy Morris-Twiddy
Cllr Mererid Jones
Cllr Endaf Edwards
Cllr Sue Jones-Davies
Cllr Brenda Haines
Cllr Brendan Somers
Cllr Steve Davies
Cllr Alun Williams
Cllr Kevin Roy Price
Cllr Dylan Lewis
Cllr Jeff Smith
Cllr Mark Strong
2 Disclosure of Personal Interest
3 Correspondence
(a) “Cymdeithas Gofal” re Grass Cutting. Notification that they are currently in the
process of having a new mobility service
(b) E-mail from Jason Jones and Alan Lewis of CCC re the Town Awards. A visit by
Academy between 9am – 5pm on 8th August 2014. “Nominations for Town
Award” Require responses to self-assessment forms by 31st July 2014. All
members to be circulated by e-mail and responses returned to the office.
Enquire of Alan Lewis if other parties have been contacted. Office to co-ordinate
4 Premises Update
No further communication received from the landlord
Monday evenings in August to be used for preparing the office for move
5 Protocol on Aberystwyth Mayor attending functions in the Llanbadarn Community
Minutes of meeting with Llanbadarn received. Minutes of meeting to be
acknowledged and query the protocol should a National/International event happen
in Llanbadarn Community
6 Arklow
Following a discussion on how to progress with a request to twin with
Arklow it was decided to write to Mr David Jenkins to investigate the feasibility of
forming a twinning committee which would include a representative from
Aberystwyth Town Council
7 Allotments
Proposed transfer of 5th Avenue and Min-y-Ddol allotments from Ceredigion County
Council discussed in meeting on 1st July.
Allotment holders are aware that CCC wish to relinquish their responsibility for the
Criteria to be considered
- Should priority be given to Aberystwyth Residents
- Should allotments be cost neutral (i.e. increase of rent)
- Sheds are in poor condition and tress need trimming
It was noted that a further meeting would take place in September, however, a
recommendation would be required from Aberystwyth Town Council whether to
proceed or not with a lease and indemnity conditions should the land be
There are currently management issues with the allotment holders not adhering to
their conditions and sub-leasing to other people thus causing allocation problems
- The First Meeting of “Garden Spaces” would take place on 23rd July 2014 at 5.30pm when representatives from the three involved councils would be present
8 Land in Fifth Avenue, Penparcau.
The grass in this area had now been cut at a cost of £200.
A discussion then followed as to the future of this land. It was suggested that GAG
and Penparcau Forum be consulted with a view to working with Aberystwyth Town
Council in developing the site into an orchard/community space.
Ceredigion County Council is no longer able to cut the grass for Penparcau
Football Club. Therefore, ATC need to cut the grass around the MUGA and ADIZONE.
Short term solution to ask Cymdeithas Gofal to cut the grass but to seek a working
partnership with Penparcau Forum. Cllr Steve Davies was requested to find out how
much land ATC owns via Ceredigion Estates Dept and to ask Penparcau Forum for
use of the lawn-mower.
Cllr Ceredig Davies indicated that one of the lamps required replacing before the
Cllr Kevin Price was requested to put details on the website indicating how people
could hire the MUGA. It was resolved to ask Penparcau Forum if they would be
interested in managing the administration work. Cllr Steve Davies to contact
Bryn Jones re draft guidelines for its use
10 Outstanding Matters
- Comments were received regarding flower pots in Penparcau. Two pots were given to Communities First on the understanding that they are responsible for the planting
- The late Cllr Owen Jones’ bench is structurally sound but does need to be maintained. Cllr Ceredig Davies to speak to the Probation Service
- No police presence in Penparcau due to lack of funding. The Mayor to get the office to write to the Police Commissioner
- Bus Stop in Min-y-Ddol. Cllr Steve Davies is in discussion with Kevin Aldridge of CCC regarding a step outside the bus stop. Progress is likely to be made over the summer.
- Cllr Brendan Somers to contact “Aber Cycle Fest” regarding budget for 2015-16
- Penparcau Forum were to be congratulated on the success of the Memorial Garden and Penparcau Fun Day.
- Southgate Sign. The cost for hiring a meeting venue for three (3) hours would be £45.00. Date for a Public Meeting to be decided
- Cllr Kevin Price was congratulated on the new ATC website which looked “Fantastic”. All councillors were to be encouraged to provide content and to make recommendations for any improvements
- £20.000 allocated by Ceredigion County Council and SSE were Ceredigion’s’ approved supplier although they are proving more costly. Festoon Lighting will be a priority from now on.
Item 3 National Town Award
Cllr Ceredig Davies informed members that Aberystwyth had been shortlisted for the National Town Award and he encouraged councillors to respond to the questionnaire that had been circulated. Judges for the competition would be visiting Aberystwyth on 8th August. The Mayor stated that this was an honour for Aberystwyth to be selected from 150 entrants. Cllr Wendy Morris-Twiddy indicated that Aberystwyth was the only to in Wales to be selected. Cllr Alun Williams also urged members to respond to the questionnaire stating that Aberystwyth must be valued very highly.
Ceredig Davies requested that two councillors accompany the judges whilst in Aberystwyth
Item 7 Allotments.(Growing Spaces)
Cllr Mererid Jones stated that there was to be a Growing Spaces meeting taking place and went on to discuss potential models for Frondeg supported with leaflets she had prepared. Cllr Ceredig Davies agreed with Cllr Mererid Jones recommendation to adopt Option 1.
Cllr Martin Shewring congratulated Cllr Jones on the work she had undertaken and also agreed with the choice of Option 1as the safest option which could attract grants.
The minutes were agreed.
Minute 48
Present: Cllr Mererid Jones
Cllr Mair Benjamin
Cllr Endaf Edwards
Cllr Ceredig Davies
Cllr Alun Williams
Cllr Jeff Smith
Cllr Brendan Somers
Cllr Brian Davies
Cllr Brenda Haines
Cllr Wendy Morris-Twiddy
Cllr Kevin Price (from point 3)
Apologies: Cllr Dylan Lewis
Cllr Steve Davies
Cllr Sue Jones-Davies
1 Declarations of Interest.
None noted
- Correspondence
A Acknowledgement and paid invoice received from Ceredigion County Council regarding the British Chess Championship. The Mayor attended the opening today and councillors need to be informed of any events in the next fortnight.
B BDO Stoy Hayward – letter reminding of requirement for final audit. This will be concluded one the final internal audit report has been received.
C E-mail from Ceredigion County Council noting the price of bi-fold cards. It was RESOLVED to get further quotes prior to accepting the offer.
D Letter of thank you was received from Ceredigion Citizen Advice Bureau for the grant of £2,000.
E Confirmation of insurance renewal for 2014-15 received. Documentation to be distributed between Chairs of committees and put on the office notice board.
F Information received from the bank that they will change our deposit accounts from 1st of October 2014. It was RESOLVED to review for new bank accounts in September 2014. It was noted that consideration of any bank would include considering ethical banking.
G Night Time Economy application – asked for £6,000 which was matched funded by Aberystwyth University. It was noted that this is a very important project for the town but needs to be monitored to ensure that targets are clear, managed and monitored. It was RESOLVED to award £6,000 subject to a presentation to the September Finance and Establishment Committee where any issues could be discussed.
Update on 2014-15 accounts
- Most of the budget has already been allocated/ committed with the exception of: –
- Rent – no update on lease
- Allotment – subject to meeting on 23rd of July 2014.
- Street Furniture – it was RESOLVED to donate £100 towards the cost of new flowers in the planters in Penparcau, subject to an agreement of who would maintain. Further, a request had been received for a plaque to note where the Tollgate had been. It was RESOLVED that Cllr Brenda Haines & Cllr Mererid Jones would be tasked with putting a plan together in the September meeting.
- Lights – Cllr Ceredig Davies gave an update on SSE quote for lighting which would have amounted to £60,000 if we purchased for the whole prom and town. It was RESOLVED to discuss what we could purchased with £30,000 funding (purchase, installation and testing).
- Menter Aberystwyth.
- Computer costs – Cllr Kevin Price requested consideration of storing information on the Cloud rather than have a physical server. This would allow councillors to share and work on document. It was RESOLVED that Cllr Kevin Price would bring a full analysis back to the Council including answers to the security concerns. Further, it was RESOLVED to purchase the domain names Aberystwyth.cymru and Aberystwyth.wales as soon as possible.
- Pension Policy
Two pension policies were recommended by Carmarthenshire County Council who administers the pension scheme. It was RESOLVED to accept the policies. Further, it was noted that we need confirmation of the employer contribution rate.
- Draft internal audit report 2013-14
The draft internal audit report has been received and will be accepted subject to minor wording amendments.
Cllr Mererid Jones elaborated on each minute
Bi-Fold Cards : Members agreed to accept the quotation from Ceredigion County Council Reprographics Department for new cards displaying the Council Crest and an explanation of the composition of the crest in five languages.
Minute 49
Planning Applications:
Cllr Endaf Edwards addressed members about the Ceredigion LDP Consultation which had been circulated by e-mail.
(a) Rayners (Vision Express) permission granted for signage.
(b) Rheidol Road, Penparcau. Permission granted for extension although ATC had objected
Planning Applications received in July. (Both are time sensitive)
- Removal of existing seating area and erection of new seating area at Weatherspoons. Change from existing dining area to new dining area.
During the discussion that followed Cllr Martin Shewring stated that this is an important issue since it is the first view that people arriving by train in Aberystwyth would see.
Cllr Lucy Huws stated that because of the pigeon population the cleaning of the glass roof could pose a problem.
Cllr Alun Williams recommended that members should support this application providing adequate cleaning was provided and that the historical building should be promoted.
Cllr Martin Shewring was of the opinion that Weatherspoons should have thought about this problem before. Cllr Morris – Twiddy disagreed saying that Weatherspoons should be applauded for trying to improve the station.
Cllr Mair Benjamin stated that there were worse eyesores in the town.
Cllr Alun Williams suggested that council should submit all comments made.
All members present agreed apart from one abstention.
Cllr Endaf Edwards would indicate to CCC that there was No objection to this application. However, Aberystwyth Town Council strongly requests (1) that the development respects the historic character of the listed building and the existing structures; (2) that the proprietors carry out regular cleaning and maintenance of the proposed development; (3) that the proprietors deal with issues regarding birds in the area (which they have clearly failed to do thus far), which other properties have done successfully.
- Conversion of Ardwyn Science Block to apartments. (plots 7,8 and 9 to be changed with some internal changes).
Cllr Aled Davies proposed “No objection”. Agreed by all members.
- Variation of condition 2 of (application A090241) amended plan (plots 7, 8 & 9)
Bryn Ardwyn, Aberystwyth.
No objection.
- Demolition of former Sea Cadets Building, Riverside Terrace.
Area to be used for storage purposes for the Mill Street Development. Residents would be informed of this and there would be no negative impact.
Cllr Aled Davies had concerns about the noise and disturbance to residents of Rhyd-yr-Afon.
Cllr Mair Benjamin was concerned about the noise of diggers etc.
Cllr Endaf Edwards confirmed that there would be no night-time disturbances and in his opinion the building would be demolished quickly.
Cllr Alun Williams suggested that attractive hoarding be erected around the site and that the developers keep to the same good practice as undertaken with the Bronglais site.
Cllr Martin Shewring suggested that the work starting time be changed from 8am to 9am.
Cllr Mair Benjamin supported suggestion.
Members decided to raise “No objection”. However, Aberystwyth Town Council asks that :
- Noise levels while works are carried out are not excesive
- The site is surrounded by attractive hoarding
- Working hours begin at 9.00am, not 8.00am as stated in the application.
- The developers liaise with local residents while works are carried out.
Minute 50
Abertidy: A rather sarcastic e-mail was received by council informing members that the Notice Board in Penparcau was in need of repair as well as the bench at the rear of Neuadd Goffa.
Cllr Ceredig Davies suggested that Abertidy be invited to the next meeting of the General Management Committee.
Lights: A brochure from Adrian Persevil was received.
Draft Consultation of Leisure Services in Ceredigion: An e-mail requested peoples views on Leisure Facilities in Ceredigion.
Blue Plaque; A letter from Mrs Lynn Thomas daughter of the late Mrs Mary Davies requested that a plaque be placed on her house in North Road indicating that Sir T. H. Parry Williams had resided there. Members agreed to this.
Cardigan Town Council: A letter from Cardigan Town Council requested support for 2hour free parking in Ceredigion Car Parks in Cardigan.
Cllr Mererid Jones asked Cllr Alun Williams when the next parking meeting was taking place. Cllr Williams indicated that the meeting had only recently taken place. Cllr Williams expressed concern as to where funding would be taken from to meet this request. Cllr Aled Davies suggested responding to Cardigan Town Council stating that ATC support the request in principle but that the implications would have to be investigated first.
Cllr Alun Williams recommendation not to support the request was agreed by members.
Rubbish: A postcard complaining of rubbish being deposited in Vaenor Street was presented to members who resolved to forward the complaint to Ceredigion County Council.
St Brieuc: A letter was read to members from the St Brieuc Twinning Committee thanking council for their continued financial support.
Aberystwyth – Shrewsbury Liaison Committee: Cllr Mair Benjamin indicated that she would be attending the forthcoming committee on Friday 4th August in Welshpool.
Kronberg: A letter from the Mayor of Kronberg congratulated Cllr Brenda Haines on becoming the Mayor of Aberystwyth and invited her to attend the Christmas Market in Kronberg this coming December.
Appreciation: An e-mail from Cllr Sarah Bowen was read to members thanking them for their kind thoughts following the recent death of her Grandmother.
Service: A letter reminded members of the commemoration service for WW1 to be held in St Michaels’ Church on Sunday 3rd August at 2.00pm
Pen-yr-Angor: A letter to members thanked council for the display of “Meadow Flowers” at Pen-yr-Angor.
Southgate Sign: An e-mail was read out from Cllr Mererid Jones suggesting a public meeting to be held in Penparcau to discuss the sign. Cllr Jones suggested 19th September but indicated that another member should take the responsibility of organising the meeting because of her work commitment. She emphasised that progress should be made on this matter.
Dog Control Orders: Members were reminded of an e-mail from Ceredigion County Council and forwarded to all members from the office on 16th July 2014 relating to the subject matter.
Caring Communities: An e-mail from Gweneira Raw-Rees thanked members for the information gathered on activities in the area.
The Urbanism Great Town Award 2015: An e-mail from Mr Jason Jones indicated that Aberystwyth had been nominated as one of three towns in the UK for this award and that judges would be arriving on 8th August to assess Aberystwyth.
Minute 51
Questions relating ONLY to matters in this councils remit.
Cllr Wendy Morris-Twiddy stated that she had been approached by Mr Vernon Studt complaining that he had been refused permission to locate his “Fun-Fair” on North Promenade.
Cllr Martin Shewring asked why had Mr Studt been refused permission.
Cllr Mark Strong in response said that he had asked to meet with Mr Studt because damage had been caused to the promenade in the past. Two vehicles had been parked on the prom all afternoon and this should not be allowed. As yet he has not contacted Mr Studt.
Cllr Mererid Jones proposed that should Mr Studt be willing he should meet with Ceredigion Officers and that Aberystwyth Town Council would support the fair being on the prom.
All members agreed to this proposal.
Minute 52
Finance to consider expenditure.
All expenditure agreed by members.
Minute 53
Verbal reports from Ceredigion County Councillors
Bandstand.: Cllr Alun Williams gave an update on progress being made. Cllr Aled Davies asked who was funding the project. A discussion then took place on both Welsh Government and Central Government cut-backs and funding. Cllr Martin Shewring said that members should heed the warning about cut-backs.
Minute 54
Dyfi Biosphere.
Cllr Jeff Smith volunteered to represent council on this committee. Cllr Mair Benjamin supported this.
Minute 55
Aberystwyth Carnival.
Cllr Sue jones-Davies congratulated Cllr Wendy Morris-Twiddy and the entire committee on a very successful Carnival Day on 26th July.