Full Council
29/03/2016 at 6:30 pm
Cofnodion o gyfarfod o’r Cyngor Llawn a gynhaliwyd yn Siambr y Cyngor, 11 Stryd y Popty ar nos Fawrth 29 Mawrth 2016 ar 6:30p.m.
Minutes of a meeting of Full Council held in Council Chamber, 11 Baker Street on Tuesday 29 March 2016 at 6:30p.m.
Presennol/ Present:
Cyngh/Cllr Endaf Edwards
Cyngh/Cllr Mair Benjamin
Cyngh/Cllr Wendy Morris
Cyngh/ Cllr Brendan Somers
Cyngh/ Cllr Ceredig Davies
Cyngh/ Cllr Martin W. Shewring
Cyngh/ Cllr Mererid Jones
Cyngh/ Cllr Alun Williams
Cyngh/ Cllr Kevin Roy Price
Cyngh/ Cllr Talat Chaudhri
Cyngh/Cllr Jeff Smith
Cyngh/Cllr Lucy Huws
Cyngh/ Cllr Steve Davies
Ymddiheuriadau/ Apologies:
Cyngh/ Cllr Brenda Haines
Cyngh/ Cllr Brian Davies
Yn mynychu/ In attendance:
Cyn i’r cyfarfod dechrau, croesawyd Chris Betteley o’r Cambrian News a Delyth Davies, cyfieithydd.
Before the meeting commenced, Chris Betteley from the Cambrian News and Delyth Davies, translator, were welcomed.
Cofnod 162 / Minute 162
Datgan buddiannau/ Declarations of interest
Cyngh. Jeff Smith – gwariant
Cyngh. Mair Benjamin – gwariant
Cllr. Jeff Smith – expenditure
Cllr. Mair Benjamin – expenditure
Cofnod163 / Minute 163
Cyfeiriadau Personol / Personal References
Nodwyd bydd y Clerc newydd, Gweneira Raw-Rees, yn dechrau yn ei swydd ar 4 Ebrill. Cytunwyd bydd aelod o’r Panel Staffio yn cynnal sesiwn ymsefydlu ddydd Llun
It was noted that the new Clerk, Gweneira Raw-Rees, will assume her post on 4 April. It was agreed that a member of the Staffing Panel will carry out an induction on Monday
Cofnod 164 / Minute 164
Adroddiad Gweithgareddau’r Maer/ Mayoral Activity Report
Cylchredewyd/ Circulated
Cofnod 165 / Minute 165
Cofnodion o Gyfarfod y Cyngor Llawn a Gynhaliwyd ar 22 Chwefror 2016/ Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 22 February 2016
Aeth y Maer drwy’r cofnodion un wrth un
Nodwyd fod Diwrnod Elusen y Maer ar 9 Ebrill ac anogwyd pob Cynghorydd i fynychu
Presennol – camsillafiad yn enw’r Cynghorydd Talat Chaudhri
Cyflwyniad – Rhys -> Rees
Guezennec wedi camsillafu
PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y cofnodion gyda’r newidiadau
The Mayor went through the minutes one by one
It was noted that the Mayor’s Charity Day would be on 9 April and all Councillors were encouraged to attend.
Present – Councillor Talat Chaudhri’s name had been misspelt
Presentation – Rhys -> Rees
Guezennec had been misspelt
It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes with the changes.
Cofnod 166 / Minute 166
Materion sy’n codi o’r cofnodion / Matters arising from the minutes
Cofnod 149: Gofynnodd Cyngh. Mair Benjamin am sefyllfa’r Tabernacl. Eglurwyd fod y Pwyllgor Cynllunio wedi derbyn gohebiaeth am hyn gan Lywodraeth Cymru a Chyngor Sir Ceredigion. Nodwyd nad yw’r adeilad yn cyd-fynd â’r cynlluniau.
Cofnod 150: Treillrwydi am sgalop: cytunwyd i ysgrifennu at y Gweinidog Amaeth.
CCTV: gofynnwyd ynglŷn ag ymweliad Cyngh. Brendan Sommers a Chyngh. Ceredig Davies i Fachynlleth.
Cofnod 151, 13(ii): Nodwyd fod angen danfon llythyrau at ysgolion am faw cŵn.
Nodwyd byddai o fudd i gael rhifau ar y tudalennau yn y dyfodol.
Minute 149: Cllr. Mair Benjamin asked about the situation of the Tabernacle. It was explained that the Planning Committee had received correspondence about this from Welsh Government and Ceredigion County Council. It was noted that the building did not comply with the plans.
Minute 150: Dredging for scallops: it was agreed to write to the Minister for Agriculture.
CCTV: enquiries were made about Cllrs. Brendan Sommers and Cllr. Ceredig Davies’ visit to Machynlleth.
Minute 151, 13(ii): It was noted that letters needed to be sent to schools regarding dog fouling.
It was noted that it would be beneficial to number the pages in future.
Cofnod 167 / Minute 167
Cofnodion o Gyfarfod y Pwyllgor Cynllunio a Gynhaliwyd ar 7 Mawrth 2016 / Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 7 March 2016
Cofnodion o Gyfarfod o’r Pwyllgor Cynllunio a Gynaliwyd yn Siambr y Cyngor, 11 Stryd y Popty ar nos Lun 07/03/2016
Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee held in the Council Chamber, 11 Baker Street on Monday 07/03/2016
Presennol: Present:-
Cyng./Cllr. Jeff Smith
Cyng./Cllr.Martin W. Shewring
Cyng./Cllr. Brendan Somers
Cyng./Cllr. Endaf Edwards
Cyng./Cllr.Talat Chaudri
Cyng./Cllr. Brian Davies
Cyng./Cllr. Kevin Roy Price
Cyng./Cllr. Steve Davies
Yn Mynychu: In Attendance:-
Cyng./Cllr. Ceredig Davies
Cyng./Cllr. Wendy Morris
Cyng./Cllr. Alun Williams
Ymddiheuriadau: Apologies:-
Cyngh./ Cllr. Lucy Huws
Cyngh./ Cllr. Mair Benjamin
Cyngh./ Cllr. Mark Strong
Datgan Buddiannau/ Declarations of Interest
Cyngh. Martin Shewring: A160140. Dywedodd Cyngh. Shewring ei fod yn fyw yn agos at y safle.
Cyngh. Endaf Edwards: A160165. Mae’r Cyngh. Edwards yn gweithio yn y Llyfrgell Genedlaethol.
Cllr. Martin Shewring: A160140. Cllr. Shewring declared he lived near the site.
Cllr. Endaf Edwards: A160165. Cllr. Edwards works in the National Library.
Gohebiaeth/ Correspondence
Derbynwyd 2 neges am y datblygiad fflatiau ar safle’r Tabernacl. Un gan Adran Cynllunio Cyngor Sir Ceredigion i ddweud eu bod yn trafod y gwahaniaeth rhwng y cynlluniau a’r adeilad gyda’r datblygwyr, ac un gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn dweud bod swyddogion wedi ymweld â’r safle ac wedi dod i’r casgliad bod gwahaniaeth sylweddol rhwng y cynlluniau a’r adeilad, a’u bod yn disgwyl i’r datblygwyr gwneud cais cynllunio newydd.
Derbynwyd cofnodion o Bwyllgor Rheoli Datblygu Cyngor Sir Ceredigion, gan gynnwys y pwyntiau canlynol:
A141029: 9 Dan Dre: roedd y cais wedi mynd i apêl. Canfyddiad yr ymchwilydd oedd bod yn cyfiawn i’r awdurdod cynllunio gwrthod yr ynysiad allanol a’r estyniad i’r tô.
A150679: Tô dros iard 59 Rhodfa’r Môr: caniatawyd.
A150789 & A150790: Troi fflatiau uwchben Rummers yn bar: caniatawyd.
A151045: Dymchwel yr hen Kwik Save, Coedlan y Parc: caniatawyd
2 messages were received for the development of apartments on the site of the Tabernacle. One by CCC Planning Department to say that they will discuss the difference between the plans and the building with the developers, and one from the Welsh Government said that officers had visited the site and concluded that there was a significant difference between the plans and the building, and that they expect the new planning application from the developers.
CCC Development Control Committee minutes were received , including the following points:
A141029: 9 Mill Street: the application has gone to appeal. the researcher perceived that it was justified for the planning authority to reject the extension to the roof and outer insulation
A150679: Roof over 59 Marine Terrace yard: allowed.
A150789 & A150790: Turn flats above Rummers into bar: allowed.
A151045: Demolition of the old Kwik Save, Park Avenue: allowed
Ystyried Ceisiadau Cynllunio/ Consider Planning Applications
A160017: DIM GWRTHWYNEBIAD. Mae Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth yn croesawu’r defnydd o baneli solar.
A160131 & A160132: DIM GWRTHWYNEBIAD. Mae’r Cyngor Tref yn croesawu’r atgyweiriadau sympathetig i’r adeilad, gan gadw’r nodweddion hanesyddol. Byddem yn awgrymu i’r ymgeisydd trafod y rhain ymhellach, gydag Amgueddfa Ceredigion. Rydym yn hapus am na fydd datblygiad ymyl Rhes Crynfryn. Hoffem gweld yr ardal wrth Res Crynfryn cael ei hail-wampio fel gerddi.
A160140: DIM GWRTHWYNEBIAD. Rydym yn croesawu’r cynlluniau sy’n cynnwys ehangu’r ffordd ac ychwanegu palmant.
A160165: DIM GWRTHWYNEBIAD. Rydym yn croesawu ehangu’r cyfleusterau sydd ar gael; serch hynny mae angen cynllun cyfunol i blanu coed newydd ar mannau eraill ar dirion y Llyfrgell Genedlaethol, i gymryd y lle y rhai gaiff eu difa.
A160017: NO OBJECTION. Aberystwyth Town Council welcomes the use of solar panels.
A160131 & A160132: NO OBJECTION. The Town Council welcomes sympathetic repairs to the building, keeping the historic features. We would suggest to the candidate to discuss these further with Ceredigion Museum. We are happy that there will be no development adjacent to Crynfryn Row. We would like to see the area by Rhes Crynfryn being refurbished as gardens.
A160140: NO OBJECTION. We welcome the expansion plans that include road widening and adding paving.
A160165: NO OBJECTION. We welcome the expansion of the facilities available; nevertheless a consolidated plan is needed for planting new trees elsewhere on the National Library site to take the place of those culled.
PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y cofnodion fel rhai cywir.
It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes as a true record.
Cofnod 168 / Minute 168
Cofnodion o Gyfarfod y Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Gyffredinol a Gynhaliwyd ar 14 Mawrth 2016 / Minutes of a Meeting of the General Management Committee held on 14 March 2016
Cofnodion o Gyfarfod o’r Rheolaeth Cyffredinol a Gynhaliwyd yn Siambr y Cyngor, 11 Stryd y Popty ar nos Lun 14/03/2016 / Minutes of a Meeting of the General Management Committee held in the Council Chamber, 11 Baker Street on Monday 14/03/2016
Presennol: Present:-
Cyngh./Cllr. Talat Chaudhri (Cadeirydd/ Chair)
Cyng./Cllr. Martin W.Shewring
Cyng./Cllr. Mark A.Strong
Cyng./Cllr. Ceredig Davies
Cyng./Cllr. Brendan Somers
Cyng./Cllr. Wendy Morris
Cyng./Cllr. Endaf Edwards
Cyng./Cllr. Mair Benjamin
Cyng./Cllr. Brenda Haines
Cyng./Cllr Sue Jones Davies
Cyng./Cllr Alun Williams
Cyng./Cllr Jeff Smith
Yn Mynychu: In Attendance:-
Cyngh./Cllr. Mererid Jones
Cyng./Cllr. Lucy Huws
Ymddiheuriadau: Apologies:-
Cyngh./ Cllr.Brian Davies
Cyng./Cllr. Kevin Roy Price
3) Cyfeiriadau Personol/ Personal References
Llongyfarchwyd y Cynghorwyr Mair Benjamin a Brenda Haines am wella ar ôl iddyn nhw cwympo. Roedd Cynghorwyr yn hapus eu bod nôl mewn cyfarfodydd.
Best wishes were extended to Mair Benjamin and Brenda Haines on their recovery following a fall. Councillors were pleased to see them back in meetings
4) Datgan Buddiannau/ Declarations of Interest
Dim/ None
5) Gohebiaeth/ Correspondence
Alan Chamberlain, yn sôn am y system Wi-Fi sydd gan Fforwm Penparcau, a’r bosibiliad o ledaenu hyn i’r dref. Datganodd y Cyngh. Talat Chaudhri buddiant nad yw’n rhagfarnu am ei fod yn gweithio mewn maes cyfrifiadureg. Cytunwyd bydd yn syniad da mewn egwyddor. Nodwyd bod hyn yn gallu creu cyhoeddusrwydd dda i’r Cyngor Tref a chynyddu gwariant siopwyr yn y dref. Nodwyd bod y syniad yn cael ei hystyried fel rhan o’r BID; serch hynny, nodwyd byddai angen ehangu’r fath rhwydwaith tu hwnt i ardal daearyddol y BID; gellid cyflawni hyn trwy gweithio mewn partneriaeth. PENDERFYNWYD aros am ganlyniad y pleidlais BID bwrw ymlaen gyda’r prosiect.
Alan Chamberlain, spoke about Penparcau Forum’s Wi-Fi system, and the possibility of disseminating this to the town. Cllr. Talat Chaudhri declared an interest that is not prejudicial because he works in the field of computer science. Agreed it is a good idea in principle. Noted that this can create good publicity for the town council and increase shopping spend in town. Noted that the idea is being considered as part of the BID; however, noted that such a network needs to expand beyond the geographical area of the BID; could be achieved by working in partnership. RESOLVED await the outcome of the BID vote before proceeding with the project.
Cyngor Sir Ceredigion – yn nodi eu bod eisiau cynnal yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol yng Ngheredigion yn 2020, ac yn gofyn i’r Cyngor Tref enwebu safleoedd yn yr ardal. Nodwyd fod sawl gofyniad o ran safle, gan gynnwys 140 acer, cyflenwad dŵr, cyflenwad carffosiaeth, cyflenwad trydan, rhwydwaith band-eang a’r gallu i ddefnyddio ffônau symudol.
Nodwyd fod dim cyfle cynnal hyn yn ardal y Cyngor Tref; serch hynny mae llefydd cyfagos yn gallu cynnal y fath digwyddiad; er enghraifft mae sawl ŵyl yn cael ei gynnal yng Ngelli Angharad.
Deëllir bydd y Cyngor Sir yn darparu’r adnoddau ar gyfer unrhyw cais a llenwi’r gwaith papur.
PENDERFYNWYD y bydd CTA yn gefnogol iawn i leoli’r Eisteddfod yn ardal Aberystwyth er nad oedd gennym leoliad addas o fewn ardal praesept y Cyngor Tref.
CCC – indicating that they wanted to hold the Eisteddfod in Ceredigion in 2020, and asked the town council to nominate sites in the area. Noted a number of requirements with regard to the site, including 140 acres, water supply, sewerage supply, electricity supply, broadband network and the ability to use mobile phones.
Noted that there was no chance of holding in the Town Council area; nevertheless there are nearby places can hold such an event; for example several festivals are held at Gelli Angharad.
It is understood the County Council will provide the resources for any application and fill out paperwork.
It was RESOLVED that ATC will be very supportive of locating the Eisteddfod in the Aberystwyth area although we do not have a suitable location within the Town Council precept area.
Tim Macy, Prifysgol Aberystwyth – yn dweud bod y Clwb Bowlio ym Mhlascrug yn hapus i’r hen faes bowlio troi’n rhandiroedd ar sawl amod: mesurydd dŵr ar wahan i’r rhandiroedd, cyfraniad at gynnal y tai bach, ochr y Swyddfa Trethi fyddai’r unig mynediad i’r rhandiroedd, lleihad yn eu lês ar yr hen faes bowlio a gosod ffens rhwng y mannau tyfu a’r clŵb bowlio.
Nodwyd fod tua 20 o bobl yn Aberystwyth yn aros am randir, a bod potensial i ddarparu 30 plot sydd hanner y maint arferol.
PENDERFYNWYD bydd y Cyngh. Alun Williams yn trefnu arbrawf o’r pridd i sicrhau bod y pridd yn addas at dyfu llysiau. Bydd e’n dod nôl at y Pwyllgor Cyllid gyda chostau am waith pellach os fydd y canlyniad yn un boddhaol. Hefyd, gofynir i’r Cymdeithas Rhandiroedd pa fath o randiroedd sydd angen ar y safle.
Tri e-bost am bobl sydd am/wedi cael neu gadael rhandir – danfonir copiau o’r rhain at y Cymdeithas Rhandiroedd, ac fe’u trafodir yn y cyfarfod Rhandiroedd nesaf.
Tim Macy, AU – says the Bowling Club at Plascrug happy for bowling green to be turned into allotments but on several conditions: water meter apart from the allotment, contribution to the maintenance of toilets, side Taxation Office would be the only access to the allotment, reduction in their lease at the former bowling green and fencing between growing areas and the bowling club.
It was noted that there were about 20 people waiting for an allotment in Aberystwyth, and there was potential to provide 30 plots of half the normal size.
RESOLVED that Cllr. Alun Williams organises a soil test to ensure that the soil is suitable for growing vegetables. He will come back to the Finance Committee with the costs for further work if the result is satisfactory. Also, ask the Allotment Association what type of allotments were required on the site.
Three emails received from people who want / have had or are leaving allotments – copies of which will be sent to the Allotment Association, and will be discussed in the next Allotments meeting.
Jon Hadlow, Cyngor Sir Ceredigion – nodi fod 6 coeden wedi cwympo ar y Faes Chwarae rhwng Morfa Mawr a Ffordd y Gogledd.
Llythyr gan aelod o’r cyhoedd yn gofyn am goed bytholwyrdd newydd i gymryd lle y rhai fu’n cwympo.
Jon Hadlow, CCC – noting that 6 trees had fallen on the Playing Field between Morfa Mawr and North Road.
A letter from a member of the public requesting evergreens to replace those that had fallen.
Paul Arnold, Cyngor Sir Ceredigion – cadarnhad bydd y Cyngor Sir yn cyrraedd yr amodau a osodwyd gan y Cyngor Tref cyn drosglwyddo Maes Chwarae Cae Bach i’r Cyngor Tref. Dywedodd fod uchelgais gan y Cyngor Sir i drosglwyddo’r lês erby diwedd mis Mawrth eleni.
Paul Arnold, CCC – confirmation that the County Council would achieve the conditions set by the Town Council before transferring the Cae Bach Playground to the Town Council. He said that the County Council’s aim was to transfer the lease by end of March this year.
Mabwysiadu gorsaf – nodwyd bydd cyfarfod gyda Rhydian Mason (Swyddog Datblygu Rheilffrydd y Cambrian), a chynrychiolwyr Ceredigion. Cytunwyd bydd y Cyngh. Mair Benjamin yn cyfathrebu â’r cynghorwyr eraill unwaith ddaw dyddiad ac amser penodol; annogir cynghorwyr i fynychu os ydynt yn gallu.
Adoption of the station – a meeting is to be held with Rhydian Mason (Development Officer Cambrian Railways), and representatives of Ceredigion. Agreed that Cllr. Mary Benjamin would communicate with other councillors as soon as a specific date and time is known; councillors are urged to attend if they are able.
Eglwys Catholig – gofyn am arian i goffau 150 mlynedd ers ail-sefydlu eu ffydd yn y dref, a 1500 mlynedd ers i Sant Padarn cyrraedd. PENDERFYNWYD annog nhw i lenwi ffurflen grant.
Catholic Church – asking for money to commemorate the 150th anniversary since the re-establishment of their faith in the town, and 1500 since St Padarn arrived. RESOLVED to encourage them to complete grant.
Mel Hopkins, Cyngor Sir Ceredigion – nodi mai cyfrifoldeb y Cyngor Tref yw gweigio unrhyw biniau sydd yn y MUGA. Trafodwyd y MUGA yn gyffredinol ac fe BENDERFYNWYD bydd y Cyngh. Martin Shewring yn arwain ar dynnu arwyddion peryglus o’r waliau a glanhau’r graffiti mewn sawl man.
Mel Hopkins, CCC – noted that it is the Town Council’s responsibility to empty any bins that are in the MUGA. MUGA was discussed generally and it was RESOLVED that Cllr. Martin Shewring would lead on removing dangerous signs from the walls and to clean the graffiti in several places.
Dathliadau Diwrnod Cymdogion – Cafwyd llythyr yn sôn am Ddathliadau Diwrnod Cymdogion. Dywedwyd mae hyn yw’r cyfarfod dinasyddion gyntaf yn Ewrop, a’u bod nhw’n cysylltu â chymdeithasau tai hefyd. Cytunwyd danfon copi at Tai Ceredigion.
Neighbours Day celebrations – A letter was received outlining Neighbours Day Celebrations. It was reported that this is the first meeting of citizens in Europe, and they are contacting housing associations as well. Agreed to forward a copy to Tai Ceredigion.
Priffyrdd Eiddo a Gwaith, Cyngor Sir Ceredigion – Mae PEG methu gosod yr arwyddion Porth-Y-De (Southgate) yn y blwyddyn ariannol hon. Maent yn chwilio am gontractwyr allanol i wneud y gwaith.
Highways Property and Works, CCC – PEG are unable to install the signs in Southgate in the current financial year. They are looking for outside contractors to do the work.
Anfoneb am drwsio’r ffens yn y rhandiroedd – cyfeirir at y Pwyllgor Cyllid
Invoice for repairing the fence in the allotments – referred to the Finance Committee
Cyngor Sir Ceredigion – Coed yn Ffordd y Gogledd. Dywedodd PEG eu bod y methu gwneud y tyllau yn y flwyddyn ariannol hon. Ond os ydym dal am gyfannu byddant yn gwneud y gwaith yn Haf 2016, yn barod i goed cael eu planu yn nhymor yr Hydref. Ar ôl trafodaeth bywiog, PENDERFYNWYD bydd rhaid canfod ac ystyried y cofnodion perthnasol yn ofalus cyn gymryd unrhyw camau ymhellach ar y mater.
CCC – Trees in North Road. PEG said that they were unable to make the holes in the current financial year. But if we still want to integrate the work they will do the work in summer 2016, ready for trees to be planted in October. After a lively discussion, it was RESOLVED to consider the relevant minutes carefully before taking any further action on the matter.
6) Ymateb i Ymgynghoriad am Masnachfraint Newydd i’r Rheilffordd/ Response to the Consultation on a New Franchise for the Railway
Cyflwynodd y Cyngh. Jeff Smith papur yn amlinellu ymateb drafft i ymgynghoriad y rheilffordd, sydd yn cau ar 18/03/2016:
Dylai’r Cyngor Tref ymateb i’r ymgynghoriad gan ofyn am:
· Wasanaeth llawn bob awr, er gysondeb ac er wella’r gwasanaethau boblogaidd a gynnigir i drigolion Aberystwyth ar y rheilffordd.
· Cysylltiadau gwell â gogledd Cymru (drwy Bermo neu drwy Wrecsam)
· Ail-agor y rheilffyrdd o Aberystwyth i Gaefyrddin a Phorthmadog i Fangor er mwyn gwella cysylltiadau a chaniatáu teithio rhwng de-, canol- a gogledd- Gorllewin Cymru, yn ogystal a chysylltu 4 tref prifysgol
· Ail-agor gorsafoedd Bow Street a Carno er mwyn agor y cefn gwlad a dod a siopwyr a theithwyr mewn i Aberystwyth
· Cludo nwyddau ar y rheilffordd, yn arbennig i/o Aberystwyth. Bydd hyn yn golygu llai o loriau drwm ar y priffyrdd i Aberystwyth, sydd ddim yn addas at y fath draffig, ac felly bydd y ffyrdd yn sylweddol fwy diogel ar gyfer pawb.
· Cysylltiadau gwell rhwng y trenau a’r bysiau
· Mwy o drenau 4 cerbyd
· Lwpiau newydd yn Borth, Caersws, Westbury a Sutton Bridge Junction, er mwyn helpu adfer yr amserlen pan mae oedi yn digwydd, ac hefyd i baratoi at bosibiliad gwasanaeth bob hanner awr yn y tymor hir, pan mae niferoedd y teithwyr wedi codi mwy.
· Canopi estynnedig uwchben y platform yng Ngorsaf Trên Aberystwyth, er mwyn cadw teithwyr rhag y glaw. Ers osod ERTMS, mae’r trenau yn stopio pellach i ffwrdd o’r dref ac felly nid yw’r canopi’n cysgodi hyd yn oed 2 cerbyd erbyn hyn. Mae’r gwlypder yn lledu ar hyd y platfform i gyd pan mae’n glawio, gan achosi problemau i bobl sydd yn cael trafferthion yn cerdded.
· Gwell darpariaeth Cymraeg ar y trenau. Dylai’r holl wybodaeth ac hysbysebion sy’n cael eu cynhyrchu’n blaenllaw fod yn dwyieithog gyda’r Gymraeg i’r chwith neu uwchben y Saesneg. Er enghraifft, sgriniau, posteri ac ati.
· Dylai trenau mynd drwy i Birmingham International o leiaf bob yn ail awr. Yn yr oriau eraill, byddai’n dda weld y trenau’n mynd i Griw.
· Erbyn diwedd y masnachfraint newydd, bydd rhaid chwilio am drenau newydd sydd yn gyflawni’r un dyletswyddau a’r rhai presennol h.y. cysylltiadau coridor, 90mpa neu mwy, toiledau, digon o le i bagiau mawr. Ni fydd y trenau dosbarth 158 yn para am byth yn anffodus, ac mae’n sicrhau bod y trenau nesaf yn addas at reilffyrdd y Cambrian.
PENDERFYNWYD mabwysiadu’r cynnig gyda dau gwelliant: (1) Tynnu Carno o bwynt 4; (2) Rhoi Caerdydd ac Wrecsam yn lle Criw ar bwynt 11
Cllr Jeff Smith presented a paper outlining a draft response to the railway consultation, which will close on 18/03/2016
The Town Council should respond to the consultation asking for:
· Full hourly service, for consistency and to improve the popular services which are offered to Aberystwyth residents on the railway.
· Better connections to north Wales (via Barmouth or via Wrexham)
· Re-open the railways from Aberystwyth to Carmarthen and Porthmadog to Bangor to improve connections and allow travelling between south-, central- and north- West Wales, as well as connecting 4 university towns.
· Re-open Bow Street and Carno stations to open up the countryside and bring shoppers and commuters into Aberystwyth.
· Transport goods on the railway, particularly to/from Aberystwyth. This will mean less heavy lorries on the main roads into Aberystwyth, which are unsuitable for this kind of traffic, and therefore the roads will be significantly safer for everyone.
· Better connections between the buses and the trains
· More 4-car trains
· New loops at Borth, Caersws, Westbury and Sutton Bridge Junction, to help restore the timetable when delays occur, and also to prepare for a possible half-hourly service in the long term, when the number of passengers has increased further.
· Extended canopy above the platform in Abersytwyth station, to keep passengers out of the rain. Since ERTMS was introduced, the trains stop further away from the town and therefore the canopy does not even shelter 2 carriages by now. The wetness spreads along the whole platform when it rains, causing problems to people who have difficulty in walking.
· Better Welsh language provision on the trains. All information and advertisements which are produced beforehand be bilingual with the Welsh language to the left or above the English. For example, screens, posters and so on.
· Trains should go through to Birmingham International at least every other hour. In the other hours, it would be good to see the trains go to Crewe.
· By the end of the franchise, new trains will have to be searched for, which fulfil the same responsibilities as the present ones i.e. corridor connections, 90mph+, toilets, enough space for large items of luggage. Class 158 trains will not last forever unfortunately, and it’s important to ensure that the next trains are suitable for the Cambrian lines.
It was RESOLVED to adopt the motion with the following amendments: (1) remove Carno from point 4; (2) put Cardiff and Wrexham in place of Crewe in point 11
7) Coed Parc Ffordd y Gogledd
Nodwyd fod 6 coeden leylandii wedi cwympo yn y stormydd diwethaf, a bod y Cyngor Sir wedi trefnu tynnu nhw o’r safle; roedd hyn wedi digwydd y diwrnod nesaf. Nodwyd hefyd fod y coed sydd wedi goroesi wedi cael eu hasesu fel rhai sydd ddim yn debyg i gwympo. Serch hynny, roedd rhai aelodau’n meddwl bod y rhai sydd ar ôl yn gallu bod yn peryglus. Nodwyd nad yw leylandii yn da iawn ar gyfer bywyd gwyllt, a’u bod yn sugno maetholion o’r pridd. Nodwyd hefyd fod arolwg radar yn mynd i ddigwydd ar y poplys gwyn yn yr un ardal yn y parc yn ystod yr Haf, a gan dibynnu ar y canlyniadau efallai bydd rhaid difa rhai ohonynt; efallai bydd yn well difa unrhyw leylandii tra bod contractwyr ar y safle.
Ail-ystyried dyfodol y leylandii ar yr un pryd a’r poplys (ar ôl yr arolwg radar)
I ymchwilio i sut mae cael gwared ar wreiddiau y coed a fu’n cwympo
I ymchwilio i bosibiliad o greu llwybr ffurfiol yng nghornel y parc tuag at Morfa Mawr a’r Clinig.
Noted that 6 leylandii trees had fallen in the last storm, and that the County Council has organised to pull them from the site; this happened the next day. It was also noted that the trees that have survived have been assessed as being not likely to fall. Nevertheless, some members thought that those that remain can be dangerous. Noted that leylandii are not very good for wildlife, and that they suck nutrients from the soil. It was also noted that a radar survey is going to happen on the white poplar in the same area in the park during the summer, and by relying on the results it may be necessary to destroy some of them; it may be better to cull any leylandii while contractors are on site.
Reconsider the future of the leylandii at the same time as the poplar (after the survey radar)
To investigate the removal of tree roots of fallen trees
To investigate the possibility of creating a formal route in the corner of the park towards Morfa Mawr and the Clinic.
8) Materion Eraill
Dywedodd y Cyngh. Mark Strong fod problemau mawr gyda pharcio ar y palmantau rhwng y Boars Head a’r Graig Glais. Dywedodd fod ei ymchwil wedi dangos bod hyn yn drosedd.
PENDERFYNWYD ysgrifennu at Gomisiynydd yr Heddlu i holi am weithredu ac hefyd i wahodd cynrychiolwyr o’r Heddlu a’r Cyngor Sir i ddod i annerch y Cyngor ar yr un pryd.
Atgoffwyd cynghorwyr i fynychu protest yn erbyn cau’r Swyddfa Post, gan gychwyn 10:45 dydd sadwrn. Cytunwyd bydd Endaf yn gwneud araith.
8) Other Matters
Cllr. Mark Strong noted that there were big problems with parking on the pavements between the Boars Head and Constitution Hill. He said his research has shown that this is a crime.
RESOLVED to write to Police Commissioner to request action and also to invite representatives of the Police and the County Council to come and address the Council at the same time.
Reminded councillors to attend a protest against the closure of the Post Office, starting 10:45 Saturday. Agreed Endaf will make a speech.
Nodwyd dylid newid y cofnod am yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol i adlewyrchu’r drafodaeth sef:
PENDERFYNWYD y bydd CTA yn gefnogol iawn i leoli’r Eisteddfod yn ardal Aberystwyth er nad oedd gennym leoliad addas o fewn ardal praesept y Cyngor Tref.
Tud 3: Noel -> Mel
Tud 9: Camsillafiad yn enw’r Cyngh. Endaf Edwards
PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y cofnodion gyda’r newidiadau
It was noted that the minute about the National Eisteddfod should be changed to reflect the discussion, namely:
It was RESOLVED that ATC will be very supportive of locating the Eisteddfod in the Aberystwyth area although we do not have a suitable location within the Town Council precept area.
Page 3: Noel -> Mel
Page 9: Cllr. Endaf Edwards’ name was misspelt
It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes with the changes
Cofnod 169 / Minute 169
Cofnodion o Gyfarfod y Pwyllgor Cyllid a Sefydliadau a Gynhaliwyd ar 21 Mawrth 2016 / Minutes of a Meeting of the Finance and Establishment Committee held on 21 March 2016
Cofnodion o Gyfarfod y Pwyllgor Cyllid a gynhaliwyd yn Siambr y Cyngor, 11 Stryd y Popty, Aberystwyth ar nos Lun, 21 Mawrth 2016 am 6.30p.m.
Minutes of the Finance Committee held in Council Chamber, 11 Baker Street, Aberystwyth on Monday, 21 March 2016 at 6.30p.m.
Cyngh./Cllr. Jeff Smith (Cadeirydd/Chair*)
Cyngh./Cllr. Alun Williams (Is-Gadeirydd/Vice-Chair)
Cyngh./Cllr. Mair Benjamin
Cyngh./Cllr. Talat Chaudhri*
Cyngh./Cllr. Ceredig Davies
Cyngh./Cllr. Endaf Edwards
Cyngh./Cllr. Brenda Haines
Cyngh./Cllr. Wendy Morris
Cyngh./Cllr. Kevin Roy Price
Cyngh./Cllr. Brendan Somers
Cyngh./Cllr. Mark Strong
(*Etholwyd yn y cyfarfod/Elected in the meeting)
Cyngh./Cllr. Brian Davies
Cyngh./Cllr. Sue Jones-Davies
Cyngh./Cllr. Lucy Huws
3. Ethol Cadeirydd/Election of Chair
Nodwyd gan yr Is-Gadeirydd Cyngh. Alun Williams bod y Cllr. Mererid Jones wedi ymddiswyddo fel Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Cyllid o flaen y cyfarfod.
It was noted by the Deputy Chair Cllr. Alun Williams that Cllr. Mererid Jones had resigned as Chair of the Finance Committee in advance of the meeting.
Bu drafodaeth fer am ymgeiswyr dichonol a’r wybodaeth ofynnol i gyflawni’r swydd yn effeithiol. Cynigiwyd y Cyngh. Jeff Smith gan y Cyngh. Mark Strong ac eiliwyd gan y Cyngh. Endaf Edwards ond nid oedd y Cyngh. Jeff Smith ar y pwyllgor. Awgrymodd yr Is-Gadeirydd Cyngh. Alun Williams y gellid ehangi aelodaeth y pwyllgor; caniateir hyn o dan 5)a)xi) o’r Rheoliadau Sefydlog. Dywedodd y Cyngh. Talat Chaudhri ei fod eisioes wedi gofyn cyngor y Maer Cyngh. Endaf Edwards am fod yn aelod y pwyllgor hefyd. PENDERFYNWYD penodi’r Cyngh. Jeff Smith a’r Cyngh. Talat Chaudhri i’r pwyllgor. ETHOLWYD y Cyngh. Jeff Smith fel Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Cyllid.
There was a brief discussion of possible candidates and the required knowledge to take up the position effectively. Cllr. Jeff Smith was proposed by Cllr. Mark Strong and seconded by Cllr. Endaf Edwards but Cllr. Jeff Smith was not on the committee. The Deputy Chairman Cllr. Alun Williams suggested that the membership could be widened under 5)a)xi) of the Standing Orders. Cllr. Talat Chaudhri said that he had also previously asked the advice of the Mayor Cllr. Endaf Edwards about coming onto the committee. It was RESOLVED to appoint Cllrs. Jeff Smith and Talat Chaudhri to the committee. Cllr. Jeff Smith was ELECTED as Chair of the Finance Committee.
PENDERFYNWYD ysgrifennu at y Cyngh. Mererid Jones i ddiolch iddi am ei gwaith caled dros y Cyngor a nodwyd ei medrusrwydd a’i hymrwyiad i’r swydd.
It was RESOLVED to write to Cllr. Mererid Jones to thank her for her hard work for the Council, and her expertise and commitment to the role was noted.
Cododd y Cyngh. Alun Williams o’r gadair ac yna cadeiriwyd y cyfarfod gan y Cyngh. Jeff Smith.
Cllr. Alun Williams vacated the chair and the meeting was then chaired by Cllr. Jeff Smith.
4. Datgan Buddiannau/Declaration of Interest
Cyngh. Mark Strong: ar fwrdd y Gymdeithas Gofal
Cyngh. Mark Strong: ar fwrdd Menter Aberystwyth
Cyngh. Mark Strong: ar fwrdd y Graig Glais
Cyngh. Alun Williams: ar fwrdd Menter Aberystwyth
Cllr. Mark Strong: on the board of the Care Society
Cllr. Mark Strong: on the board of Menter Aberystwyth
Cllr. Mark Strong: on the board of Constitution Hill
Cllr. Alun Williams: on the board of Menter Aberystwyth
5. Cyfrifon Chwefror 2016/Accounts for February 2016
Bu trafodaeth am eitemau unigol ar yr addroddiad manwl ar incwm a gwariant. Datganodd y Cyngh. Mark Strong fuddiant dichonol a wnelo â’r Gymdeithas Gofal ond nid oedd yn siwr a oedd yn y gyllideb neu beidio.
There was a discussion of individual items in the detailed income and expenditure report. Cllr. Mark Strong declared a potential interest related to the Care Society but was not sure if it was in the budget or not.
Gofynnodd y Cyngh. Alun Williams pwy oedd llofnodwyr y sieciau a nodwyd nad oedd yr un o’r tri yn y cyfarfod (Cyngh. Brian Davies, Cyngh. Steve Davies, Cyngh. Mererid Jones). Eglurwyd bod angen i ddau ohonynt lofnodi sieciau, nad oedd y Cyngh. Brian Davies ar gael dros dro ac mai polisi’r Cyngor yw clirio anfonebau o fewn mis. Cytunwyd gofyn i’r Cyngh. Steve Davies a’r Cyngh. Mererid Jones cyn gynted ag y bo modd. PENDERFYNWYD newid y llofnodwyr i gynnwys Cadeirydd ac Is-Gadeirydd y Pwyllgor Cyllid pan fydd cyfle yn codi.
Cllr. Alun Williams asked who the signatories for cheques were and it was noted that none of the three were present at the meeting (Cllrs. Brian Davies, Steve Davies and Mererid Jones). It was clarified that two of them are required to sign cheques, that Cllr. Brian Davies was temporarily unavailable and that the policy of the Council is to clear invoices within a month. It was agreed that Cllrs. Steve Davies and Mererid Jones should be approached as soon as possible. It was RESOLVED to change the signatories to include the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Finance Committee as the opportunity arises.
6. Gohebiaeth/Correspondence
i) Anfonebau – fe’u hanfonir ymlaen at y Cyngor Llawn fel arfer, ar gyngor y Maer Cyngh. Endaf Edwards.
Invoices – these will be sent on to the Full Council as normal, on the advice of the Mayor Cllr. Endaf Edwards.
ii) Llythyr oddi wrth Del Morgan i gadarnhau bod y Cyngor wedi adnewyddu ei aelodaeth o Un Llais Cymru.
A letter from Del Morgan confirming that the Council has renewed its membership of One Voice Wales.
iii) E-bost gan Mr Mel Hopkins am arosfannau bysiau ym Mhenparcau. Fe nododd ei fod wedi anfon e-bost oddi wrth y Cyngor ymlaen at grŵp amgylcheddol lleol. Nodwyd nad oedd yr anfoneb wedi ei derbyn eto a’i bod wedi ei gofyn cyn diwedd y flwyddyn gyllidol gyfredol.
E-mail from Mr Mel Hopkins about bus stops in Penparcau. He noted that he had sent an email from the Council on to a local environmental group. It was noted that the invoice had not yet been received and that it had been requested before the end of the current financial year.
iv) E-bost gan Mr Mel Hopkins at y Cyngh. Alun Williams am bwyntiau trydan yn Sgwâr Owain Glyndŵr. Nododd na roddir gostyngiad am bwyntiau trydan ychwanegol. Dywedodd y Cyngh. Mark Strong bod hyn wedi ei drafod gan Menter Aberystwyth. Datganodd y Cyngh. Alun Williams a’r Cyngh. Mark Strong fuddiant fel aelodau bwrdd Menter Aberystwyth a na fyddent yn pleidleisio ar y fater. Nodwyd bod Menter Aberystwyth yn ffafrio darparu un pwynt, nid dau, a’u bod yn ystyried un newydd yn Stryd y Popty yn y dyfodol yn hytrach. Nodwyd eu bod am dalu swm cyfatebol lai gan bod y dyfnbris diwethaf am y gwaith yn llai na’r disgwyl. Cynigiodd y Cyngh. Ceredig Davies bod y Cyngor yn derbyn y cynllun hwn. PENDERFYNWYD. Fe’i gosodir am £2877.09 ac fe delir cyfran gan Menter Aberystwyth. Bydd y Cyngh. Alun Williams yn arwain proses gosodiad y pwynt trydan.
E-bost from Mr Mel Hopkins to Cllr. Alun Williams about electricity points in Owain Glyndŵr Square. He noted that no discount is given for additional electricity points. Cllr. Mark Strong said that this had been discussed by Menter Aberystwyth. Cllrs. Alun Williams and Mark Strong declared an interest as members of the board of Menter Aberystwyth and that they would not vote on the matter. It was noted that Menter Aberystwyth favoured one point, not two, and that they would consider a new one in Baker Street in the future instead. It was noted that they were prepared to pay a proportionately smaller amount since the most recent quotation for the work is less than expected. Cllr. Ceredig Davies proposed that the Council should accept this plan. This was RESOLVED. It will be installed for £2877.09, of which Menter Aberystwyth will pay a proportion. Cllr Alun Williams will lead the process of installing the electricity point.
v) Llythyr oddi wrth Cathryn Morgan, Cydlynydd Teuluoedd yn Gyntaf, gan gynnig ei chyngor. Mae gan Popty Greggs gynllun grant i gyrff lleol. Yn anffodus yr oedd y dyddiad cau eisioes wedi mynd heibio.
A letter from Cathryn Morgan, Families First Coordinator, offering her advice. Greggs Bakers have a grant scheme for local bodies. Unfortunately the deadline had already passed.
vi) Llythyr oddi wrth Weithredwr Marchnata RoSPA Play Safety yn dweud eu bod yn archwilio meysydd chwarae bob mis Mehefin.
Letter from the Marketing Executive of RoSPA Play Safety saying that they inspect play areas each June.
Bu trafodaeth am yr hyfforddiant y talwyd amdano i’r Cyngh. Martin Shewring gan y Cyngor i archwilio meysydd chwarae. Nodwyd i’r hyfforddiant hyn ddigwydd amser sylweddol yn ôl a na ellir talu cynghorwyr am y cyfryw waith. Nodwyd gan y Cyngh. Ceredig Davies a’r Cyngh. Mark Strong mai’r gorau arfer fyddai ofyn i Gyngor Sir Ceredigion wneud y gwaith ar sail ei gyfrifoldebau tebyg eraill a’i brofiad. Ychwanegu wnaeth y Cyngh. Mark Strong fod hyn yn cadw arian yn yr economi lleol a’i bod yn ddyletswydd ar y Cyngor i wneud hyn lle bo modd. Cytunwyd hyn.
PENDERFYNWYD gwneud ymholiadau pellach i beth mae’r cwmni yn bwriadu gwneud, ac os ydy e yn ogystal â neu yn lle archwiliadau’r Cyngor Sir
There was a discussion of the training paid for by the Council for Cllr. Martin Shewring to inspect play areas. It was noted that this was some considerable time ago and that councillors cannot be paid for such work. It was noted by Cllrs. Ceredig Davies and Mark Strong that it would be best practice to ask Ceredigion County Council to carry out the work on the basis of its other similar duties and experience. Cllr. Mark Strong added that this would keep money in the local economy and that this is a duty on the Council to do so where possible. This was agreed.
It was RESOLVED to make further enquiries into what the company intends to do, and if it is in addition to or in place of the County Council inspections.
vii) Dyfynbris gan y Gymdeithas Gofal am waith cynnal a chadw ar barc yr hen lawnt fowlio, Ffordd y Gogledd, Aberystwyth.
Datganodd y Cyngh. Mark Strong fuddiant ac aeth ef allan o’r ystafell am yr eitem hon.
A quotation from the Care Society for maintenance work on the old bowling green park, North Road, Aberystwyth.
Cllr. Mark Strong declared an interest and left the room for this item.
Nodwyd fod y dyfynbris yn rhesymol a bod y Gymdeithas Gofal wedi cyflawni hyn ers cryn gyfnod. Nododd y Cadeirydd fod angen gwneud hyn yn gyflym gan dylasai fod wedi ei wneud erbyn dechrau mis Mawrth. Eglurodd mai’r rheswm na ddigwyddodd hyn yw diffyg staff yn y cyfnod hwn, yn arbennig swydd y clerc. PENDERFYNWYD i’r Cyngh. Jeff Smith a’r Cyngh. Talat Chaudhri anfon llythyr ar bapur ysgrifennu â phennawd y Cyngor i drefnu i’r Gymdeithas Gofal gyflawni’r gwaith.
It was noted that the quotation was reasonable and that the Care Society had been doing this for some time. The Chair noted that this should be done quickly because it should have been done by the beginning of March. He clarified that the reason that this had not happened was the lack of staff during this period, especially the position of clerk. It was RESOLVED that Cllrs. Jeff Smith and Talat Chaudhri would send a letter on the Council’s headed notepaper to arrange for the Care Society to carry out the work.
viii) Llythyr oddi wrth Christopher Salmon, Comisiynydd Heddlu a Throsedd Dyfed Powys am ddiffyg defnydd swyddfa’r heddlu ym Mhenparcau (Neuadd Goffa). Cadarnhaodd ei fod wedi dod â’r fater at sylw’r Prif Gwnstabl yn y bwrdd heddlu wythnosol.
A letter from Christopher Salmon, Dyfed Powys Police and Crime Commissioner about the lack of use of the police office in Penparcau (Neuadd Goffa). He confirmed that he had brought the matter to the attention of the Chief Constable at the weekly policing board.
Cadarnhaodd y Cyngh. Brenda Haines a’r Cyngh. Sue Jones-Davies eu bod wedi gweld y swyddfa’n wag yn fynych. Gofynnwyd pam mae’r Cyngor yn talu am swyddfa os nas defnyddir. Nodwyd bod dyletswydd i’r Cyngor sicrhau bod arian cyhoeddus yn cael ei wario’n effeithiol a gall y swyddfa fod o les i’r Neuadd Goffa. Cynnig y Cyngh. Alun Williams oedd i’r Cyngor siarad â’r heddlu cyn penderfynu torri’r noddiant. PENDERFYNWYD.
Cllrs. Brenda Haines and Sue Jones-Davies confirmed that they had frequently seen the office empty. It was asked why the Council should pay for an office if it is not used. It was noted that the Council has a duty to ensure that public funds are spent effectively and that the office could be of use to the Neuadd Goffa. The proposal made by Cllr. Alun Williams was that the Council should speak to the police before deciding to cut the funding. This was RESOLVED.
ix) Llythyr er gwybodaeth oddi wrth Pitney Bowes am newid ffioedd am ei wasanaethau.
Informational letter from Pitney Bowes about a change of fees for their services.
x) Llythyr oddi wrth Freestyle Skate Parks at y Cyngh. Ceredig Davies am opsiynau i’r parc sglefrfyrddio. Cyflwynwyd cyngor proffesiynol dyrys am dri dewis i gymhwyso costau er gorau defnydd arian cyhoeddus. PENDERFYNWYD dilyn y cyngor proffesiynol. Bydd y Cyngh. Ceredig Davies yn ymateb.
Letter from Freestyle Skate Parks to Cllr. Ceredig Davies about options for the skate park. Some complex professional advice was presented for three options to adjust costs for the best use of public funds. It was RESOLVED to follow the professional advice. Cllr. Ceredig Davies will respond.
xi) Gohebiaeth e-bost rhwng Prifysgol Aberystwyth a’r Cyngh. Brendan Somers am benodiad y maer, a gynhelir yn yr Hen Neuadd, Hen Goleg, Aberystwyth. Cytunwyd y costau.
E-mail correspondence between Aberystwyth University and Cllr. Brendan Somers about the mayor-making, to be held in the Old Hall, Old College, Aberystwyth. The costs were agreed.
xii) Nodwyd y Cyngh. Lucy Huws lythyr yn gofyn am grant oddi wrth Dafydd Pritchard a bod y dyddiad cau’n agos. Seiliwyd Eglwys Padarn Sant 1700 mlynedd yn ôl. Bydd dathliad yn Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru. Nodwyd y Cadeirydd fod y Cyngor wedi penderfynu gofyn iddo geisio am grant. Gofynnodd y Cyngh. Alun Williams a oedd yr eglwys wedi anfon cais at Gyngor Cymunedol Llanbadarn hefyd a chadarnhawyd hyn.
Cllr Lucy Huws noted a letter from Dafydd Pritchard asking for a grant and that the closing date was close. The church of St Padarn was founded 1700 ago. There will be a celebration in the National Library of Wales. The Chair noted that the Council had resolved to ask him to apply for a grant. Cllr. Alun Williams asked if the church had also sent a grant application to Llanbadarn Community Council and this was confirmed.
xiii) Gohebiaeth e-bost rhwng Tim Macey, Clwb Bowlio Plascrug a’r Cyngh. Alun Williams am y mannau tyfu ger y clwb bowlio. Yr amodau a ofynnent oedd gostyngiad cymesur yn y brydles a’r costau dŵr, cyfraniad at daliadau am osodiad mesurydd dŵr, am gyfleusterau toiled ac am godi ffens rhwng y clwb a’r mannau tyfu. Nodwyd bod angen cael profi samplau pridd. Teimlid bod yr amodau hyn yn rhesymol iawn, yn enwedig dan gytundeb partneriaeth, a bod y clwb bowlio wedi dangos cryn ewyllys da a chydweithrediad y dylid ei groesawu. PENDERFYWYD bydd y Cyngh. Alun Williams yn bwrw ymlaen i drefnu profi samplau pridd
E-mail correspondence between Tim Macey, Plascrug Bowling Club and Cllr. Alun Williams about the growing spaces near the bowling club. The conditions that they were asking for were a proportional decrease in the lease and the water costs, contributions to the payments for installing a water meter, for toilet facilities and for putting up a fence between the club and the growing spaces. It was noted that soil samples would need to be tested. It was felt that these conditions were very reasonable, especially under a partnership agreement, and that the bowling club had shown considerable good will and cooperation that should be welcomed. It was RESOLVED that Cllr. Alun Williams would go ahead with organising tests of soil samples
Nododd y Cyngh. Alun Williams bod y fater wedi ei chodi yn y Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Gyffredinol ond ei bod hefyd yn berthnasol i’r Pwyllgor Cyllid. Roedd ef wedi gofyn i Jon Hadlow roi pris am y gwaith ac roedd e’n aros am yr ymateb. Awgrymodd bod gwelyau tyfu wedi eu codi yn syniad da. Cododd y Cyngh. Mark Strong bryder am y cyfleusterau parcio yn y strydoedd agos. Nododd y Cyngh. Alun Williams fod y Swyddfa Drethi ar werth a bod dyfodol yr adeilad a’r maes parcio yn ansicr.
Cllr. Alun Williams noted that the matter had been raised in the General Management Committee but that it was also relevant to the Finance Committee. He had asked Jon Hadlow to give a price for the work and was awaiting the reply. He suggested that raised beds would be a good idea. Cllr. Mark Strong raised a concern about the parking facilities in neighbouring streets. Cllr. Alun Williams noted that the Tax Office was for sale and that the future of the building and the car park was unknown.
Croesawyd y datblygiadau hyn. PENDERFYNWYD disgwyl gwybodaeth bellach ar y costau oddi drwy law y Cyngh. Alun Williams.
These developments were welcomed. It was RESOLVED to await further information on the costs via Cllr. Alun Williams.
7. Rhyddid y Dref: ar gais y Cyngh. Wendy Morris/ Freedom of the Town: at the request of Cllr. Wendy Morris
Cyflwynodd y Cyngh. Wendy Morris ddatganiad am y trefniannau oedd wrthi. Caiff y Rhyddid ei ddyfarnu i Monsieur Jean Guezennec ar ddydd Sadwrn 4 Mehefin 2016 yn yr Hen Goleg yn unol ag awgrym y Cyngh. Talat Chaudhri i pwyllgor Pobl Mewn Partneriaeth Aberystwyth St Brieuc. Bydd mynediad i’r to fel y ceir golwg o uwchben y dref. Ken Young oedd y trefnydd. Gofynnodd y Cyngh. Wendy Morris a oedd gan y Cyngor adnoddau i gynnal y digwyddiad.
Cllr. Wendy Morris made a statement about the arrangements being made. The Freedom will be awarded to Monsieur Jean Guezennec on Sayurday 4 June 2016 in the Old College following a suggestion by Cllr. Talat Chaudhri to the committee of People in Partnership Aberystwyth St Brieuc. There will be access to the roof for an aerial view of the town. Ken Young was the organiser. Cllr. Wendy Morris asked if the Council had the resources to hold the event.
Dywedodd y Cyngh. Talat Chaudhri pa mor fawr oedd urddas y digwyddiad hwn a bod rhai enwog megis sawl un o gyn-brif weinidogion enwocaf y Deyrnas Unedig yn yr 20fed ganrif a Chatrawd y Gwarchodlu Cymreig ymhlith y dalwyr eraill. Cynigiodd y dylid nodi gwaith caled Mr Ken Young yn ffurfiol a diolch iddo am ei ymdrechion. PENDERFYNWYD i’r Cyngh. Talat Chaudhri wneud hyn ar ran y Cyngor. Bydd y Cyngh. Wendy Morris yn adrodd yn ôl ar gostau arlwyo. PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y costau dros dro ac i gefnogi’r digwyddiad.
Cllr. Talat Chaudhri said how prestigious an event this was and that other holders included famous people such as several of the most famous former prime ministers of the United Kingdom in the 20th century and the Regiment of the Welsh Guards. He proposed that Mr Ken Young’s hard work should be noted and that he should be thanked formally for his hard work. It was RESOLVED that Cllr. Talat Chaudhri should do so on behalf of the Council. Cllr. Wendy Morris will report back on the catering costs. It was RESOLVED to accept the provisional costs and to support the event.
8. Unrhyw Fater Arall/Any Other Business.
i) Gofynnodd y Cyngh. Mair Benjamin am ganiatâd i ymchilio costau am rubannau i ddathliadau pen-blwydd y Frenhines. Nododd y Cyngh. Alun Willliams nad oedd y Cyngor eisioes wedi penderfynu ond gofyn am gyngor y cyhoedd. Eglurodd bod hyn mewn ymateb i lythyr at bob cyngor yng Nghymru oddi wrth Un Llais Cymru. Nodwyd nad oedd yr un ymateb wedi ei dderbyn oddi wrth y cyhoedd mewn ymateb i’r ymghynghori a drefnwyd gan y Cyngor. Awgrymodd y Cyngh. Wendy Morris i’r Cyngh. Mair Benjamin ysgrifennu at y Cambrian News fel cydlynydd y digwyddiad i gael awgrymiadau o’r cyhoedd. Cytunwyd bod rhaid iddi wneud hyn fel unigolyn preifat, ac fe’i threfnir unrhyw digwyddiad fel unigolyn preifat.
Cllr. Mair Benjamin asked for permission to research costs for bunting for the Queen’s birthday celebrations. Cllr. Alun Williams noted that the Council had previously only decided to consult the public. He clarified that this was in response to a letter to all councils in Wales from One Voice Wales. It was noted that no responses had been received from the public in response to the consultation organised by the Council. Cllr. Wendy Morris suggested that Cllr. Mair Benjamin should write to the Cambrian News as coordinator of the event to get suggestions from the public. It was agreed that she should do this as a private individual, and that she would organise any event as a private individual.
Gyda golwg ar awgrym bod y digwyddiad ar y Graig Glais, datganodd y Cyngh. Mark Strong fuddiant am ei fod ar fwrdd cyfarwyddwyr y Graig Glais a nododd nad oedd awdurdod y Cyngor Tref yn ymestyn i’r Graig Glais.
With regard to a suggestion that the event should be held on Constitution Hill, Cllr. Mark Strong declared an interest as a director of the board of Constitution Hill and noted that the Council did not have jurisdiction over Constitution Hill.
ii) Cyfrifiadur y Swyddfa: nododd y Cyngh. Endaf Edwards i’r cyfrifiadur yn y swyddfa farw. Nododd y Cyng. Kevin Price ei fod wedi ei wirio ac wedi ailosod y system weithredu. Cadarnhaodd ei fod yn gweithio am y tro o leiaf wedi’r uwchraddiad ond bod cryn frys i gael y cyfrifiadur oedd wedi ei archebu i’r clerc newydd. Cytunodd i ddilyn y fater hon ymhellach. PENDERFYNWYD cadarnhau costau cyfrifiadur newydd hyd at werth £800. Rhoddodd y Cyngh. Kevin Price a’r Cyngh. Talat Chaudhri gyngor ar sail eu harbenigedd proffesiynol bod angen cael ail gyfrifiadur dan warant i’r swyddog cyllid pan gaiff ei ph/benodi a na ddylid dibynnu ar yr hen un oedd newydd ei atgyweirio.
Office Computer: Cllr. Endaf Edwards noted that the office computer had died. Cllr. Kevin Price noted that he had checked it and had reinstalled the operating system. He confirmed that it was working at least for now following the upgrade but that there was some urgency about getting the computer that was on order for the new clerk. He agreed to follow up on the matter. It was RESOLVED to confirm the cost of the new computer up to a value of £800.Cllrs. Kevin Price and Talat Chaudhri gave their advice on the basis of their professional expertise that a second computer under warranty would be needed for the finance officer when s/he is appointed and that the old one that had just been repaired should not be relied upon.
Cadarnhawyd penodiad Cyngh. Jeff Smith a Chyngh. Talat Chaudhri i’r Pwyllgor Cyllid a Sefydliadau fel aelod a ellir pleidleisio.
Cadarnhawyd penodiad Cyngh. Jeff Smith fel Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Cyllid a Sefydliadau.
6) iv) Cadarnhawyd byddai Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth yn talu’r swm cyfan – £2877.09 – tuag at y pwynt trydan yn Sgwâr Owain Glyndŵr yn y lle cyntaf, wedyn bydd Menter Aberystwyth yn talu eu cyfraniad nhw i’r Cyngor Tref, yn seiliedig ar y canran a gytunwyd.
6) xii) Nodwyd fod y Cyngh. Mair Benjamin wedi anfon llythyr i’r Cambrian News ynglŷn â phen-blwydd y Frenhines.
6) xiii) Macey -> Macy. Nodwyd fod Tim Macy yn cynrychioli Prifysgol Aberystwyth ac nid y Clwb Bowlio.
8) ii) Nodwyd y byddai cyfrifiadur newydd yn cael ei brynu i’r swyddfa. Newidir y cofnod blaenorol i ddweud “PENDERFYNWYD fod y cofnod blaenorol i brynu’r cyfrifiadur yn cael ei newid i £800+TAW.”
ROSPA – nodwyd fod cofrestriad Cyngh. Martin Shewring fel archwilydd meysydd chwarae’n dod i ben ym Mehefin 2016.
The appointments of Cllr. Jeff Smith and Cllr. Talat Chaudhri to the Finance and Establishment Committee as members with voting rights were confirmed.
The appointment of Cllr. Jeff Smith as Chair of the FInance and Establishment Commitee was confirmed.
6) iv) It was confirmed that Aberystwyth Town Council would pay the whole amount – £2877.09 – towards the electricity point at Owain Glyndŵr Square initially, then Menter Aberystwyth would pay its contribution to the Town Council, based on the percentage agreed.
6) xii) It was noted that Cllr. Mair Benjamin had sent a letter to the Cambrian News regarding the Queen’s Birthday.
6) xiii) Macey -> Macy. It was noted that Tim Macy represented Aberystwyth University and not the Bowling Club.
8) ii) It was noted that a new computer would be bought for the office. The previous minutes would be changed to state “It was RESOLVED that the previous minute to buy the computer would be changed to £800+VAT.”
ROSPA – it was noted that Cllr. Martin Shewring’s registration as a playing fields inspector would come to an end in June 2016.
Cofnod 170 / Minute 170
Ceisiadau Cynllunio / Planning Applications
A160208: 30 Heol Tyn-y-Fron, Penparcau: Mae CTA yn GWRTHWYNEBU’r cais ar sail traffig ar Heol Tyn-y-Fron a cholli tir gwyrdd. Teimlir fod hyn yn or-ddatblygu mewn ardal sydd wedi ei ddatblygu’n ddwys yn barod.
A160184: Adeilad Edward Llwyd, Prifysgol Aberystwyth: Dim gwrthwynebiad.
A160208: 30 Heol Tyn-y-Fron, Penparcau: ATC OBJECTS to the application on grounds of traffic on Heol Tyn-y-Fron and loss of green space. It is felt that this is ân over-development in an area which has already been developed intensively.
A160184: Edward Llwyd Building, Aberystwyth University: No objection.
Cofnod 171 / Minute 171
Cwestiynau yn ymwneud â materion yng nghylch gorchwyl y Cyngor yn UNIG / Questions relating ONLY to matters in this Council’s remit.
Llongyfarchwyd gohebwyr y Cambrian News, Chris Betteley a Caleb Spencer, ar eu llwyddiant diweddar yng Ngwobrau Cyfryngau Cymru.
The Cambrian News correspondents, Chris Betteley and Caleb Spencer were congratulated for their recent success at the Wales Media Awards.
Cofnod 172 / Minute 172
Cyllid – Ystyried Gwariant / Finance – to consider expenditure
Nododd Cyngh. Ceredig Davies ei fod wedi awdurdodi llawer o waith gan TME ag oedd yn cyfateb i nifer o anfonebau yn y gwariant.
PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r gwariant.
Cllr. Ceredig Davies noted that he had authorised considerable work by TME which corresponded to the number of invoices in the expenditure.
It was RESOLVED to approve the expenditure.
Cofnod 173 / Minute 173
Adroddiadau ar lafar gan Gynghorwyr Sir / Verbal Reports from County Councillors
Dywedodd Cyngh. Ceredig Davies fod y Cyngor Sir am godi treth ychwanego ar dai gwyliau ac ar dai gwag. Nodwyd byddai hyn yn rhoi cyfraniad ychwanegol at goffrau’r Cyngor Tref.
Nododd Cyngh. Alun Williams fod mwy o goed wedi cael eu plannu yn y cae tu ôl i Goedlan 5, Penparcau, mewn cydweithrediad rhwng y Cyngor Tref a’r Cyngor Sir. Gofynnwyd am y drefn torri’r gwair, a nodwyd bod y Grŵp Aberystwyth Gwyrddach yn awyddus i helpu dylunio trefn cynnal a chadw.
Gofynnwyd a fyddai modd cael mwy o gennin Pedr ar dir y Castell.
Nodwyd fod angen rhoi gwahoddiad i’r Cyngh. Lol Jones-Southgate i’r cyfarfod nesaf.
Cllr. Ceredig Davies noted that the County Council would be charging additional tax on holiday homes and empty houses. It was noted that this would provide an additional contribution to the coffers of the Town Council.
Cllr. Alun Williams noted that more trees had been planted in the field behind Coedlan 5, Penparcau, in collaboration between the Town Council and the County Council. A question was asked about the grass-cutting procedure, and it was noted that the Greener Aberystwyth Group was eager to help to design a maintenance procedure.
It was asked whether it would be possible to have more daffodils in the Castle grounds.
It was noted that Cllr. Lol Jones-Southgate needed to be invited to the next meeting.
Cofnod 174 / Minute 174
Adroddiadau Ysgrifenedig gan Gynrychiolwyr i Gyrff Allanol / Written Reports from Representatives on Outside Bodies
Cyngh. Mererid Jones – Fforwm Penparcau
Cyngh. Mererid Jones – Masnach Deg
Cyngh. Mair Benjamin – Un Llais Cymru
Cyngh. Jeff Smith – SARPA
Cllr. Mererid Jones – Penparcau Forum
Cllr. Mererid Jones – Fair Trade
Cllr. Mair Benjamin – One Voice Wales
Cllr. Jeff Smith – SARPA
Cofnod 175 / Minute 175
Gohebiaeth / Correspondence
i) Chris Taylor – llongyfarchiadau i Aberystwyth / Chris Taylor – congratulations to Aberystwyth
ii) Ken Young- ynglŷn â Rhyddid y Dref / Ken Young – regarding the Freedom of the Town
iii) Trefnwyr Parêd Dydd Gŵyl Dewi – diolchiadau / Organizors of the St David’s Day Parade – letter of thanks
iv) Sue Rees o Gymorth Macmillan – nodwyd fod angen iddi wneud cais ariannol gan ddilyn y drefn arferol. / Sue Rees from Macmillan Support – it was noted that she needed to submit a financial bid following the usual procedure.
v) Grŵp Cyfeillgarwch Aberystwyth – diolchiadau am ein caniatâd i ddefnyddio Siambr y Cyngor. Cadarnhawyd gallant barhau i ddefnyddio’r ystafell. / Aberystwyth Friendship Group – thanking for our permission to use the Council Chamber. It was confirmed that they could continue to use the room.
vi) Ann Hobbs – ynglŷn â Rhyddid y Dref / Ann Hobbs – regarding the Freedom of the Town
vii) Cathryn Morgan (Cyngor Sir): gofyn am ganiatâd i roi manylion am ein meysydd chwarae ar wefan y Cyngor Sir. CYTUNWYD hyn. / Cathryn Morgan (County Council): asking for permission to provide details about our playing fields on the County Council website. This was AGREED.
viii) Alison Wootten: gofyn am ganiatâd i ail-osod baner Marchnad y Ffermwyr ar y catenari yn y Stryd Fawr. Nodwyd fod Cyngh. Talat Chaudhri yn trefnu arbrofion o’r gwifrau catenari ac ni ellid ail-osod y faner cyn i hyn digwydd. / Alison Wootten: asking for permission to re-place the Farmers’ Market banner on the catenary on Great Darkgate Street. It was noted that Cllr. Talat Chaudhri was arranging to test the catenary wires and the banner could not be re-placed before this had happened.
ix) Stephen Tooth – Partneriaeth Aberystwyth-Esquel: nodwyd bod angen i’r Maer ysgrifennu at Esquel gyda gwahoddiad i Faer Esquel, ond ddim yn caniatáu unrhyw swm ariannol. / Stephen Tooth – Aberystwyth-Esquel Partnership: it was noted that the Mayor needed to write to Esquel with an invitation for the Mayor of Esquel, but not allowing any financial amount.
x) Gofynnwyd hefyd a oes datganiad ffurfiol ynglŷn â chyfeillio gydag Esquel yn y tair iaith, ac os felly ymhle? / It was also asked whether there was a formal statement regarding twinning with Esquel in the three languages, and if so where was it?
xi) Bri Heath – e-bost yn dweud fod 3.5 plot yn y rhandiroedd yn wag a bod angen lleoli tenantiaid newydd ar y plotiau gwag. Nodwyd bod hyn yn digwydd mewn cydweithrediad â’r Gymdeithas Rhandiroedd a bod ganddynt CCB ar 6 Ebrill 2016, 7p.m yn Neuadd y Buarth. / Bri Heath – an e-mail stating that 3.5 plots in the allotments were empty and that new tenants needed to be allocated on the empty plots. It was noted that this would happen in collaboration with the Allotments Association and that they had an AGM on 6 April 2016, 7pm at Buarth Hall.
Cofnod 176 / Minute 176
Cynllun Cae Kronberg / Cae Kronberg Scheme
Derbyniwyd llythyr gan Chris Taylor o Freestyle ynglŷn ag effaith chwyddiant ar gost y cynllun. PENDERFYNWYD fod y Cyngor am gyfrannu hyd at £72,500 at y cynllun.
A letter had been received from Chris Taylor from Freestyle regarding the effect of inflation on the cost of the scheme. It was RESOLVED that the Council would contribute up to £72,500 towards the scheme.
Cofnod 177 / Minute 177
Cefnogi Pleidlais Ie yn y Refferendwm Ewropeaidd / Supporting a Yes Vote in the European Referendum
Gwnaed cais ar lafar gan Cyngh. Kevin Price i’r Cyngor cefnogi pleidlais Ie yn y refferendwm Ewropeaidd. Gwahoddwyd Cyngh. Price i ddod â chynnig newydd ysgrifenedig i’r cyfarfod nesaf o’r Cyngor Llawn.
A verbal request was made by Cllr. Kevin Price to the Council to support a Yes vote on the European Referendum. Cllr. Price was asked to bring a new written proposal to the next meeting of the Full Council.