Full Council
30/04/2012 at 6:30 pm
Present:Councillor CGB Simpson
Councillor S Jones-Davies
Councillor A-M Hinde
Councillor A Williams
Councillor R Boudier
Councillor A Dauncey
Councillor M Benjamin
Councillor R Gorman
Councillor C Davies
Councillor W Morris-Twiddy
Councillor M Strong
Councillor S Hearne
Councillor S Davies
Councillor J A Davies
Councillor Ll G Edwards
Apologies:Councillor L Lewis-Dafis
Councillor W T B Thomas
Minute 192
A presentation by Ceredigion Care Society
This matter was differed.
Minute 193
Personal References
Councillor Williams welcomed a good turn out from members of the public to this meeting.
It was also mentioned that Councillor R Gorman’s brother had recently died. Members offered their condolences to Councillor Goman and his family
Minute 194
Declarations of Interest for matters arising from agenda items
Declarations were received from Councillor Ll G Edwards (min 204)
Councillor J A Davies (min 209)
Councillor W Morris-Twiddy (min 205)
Minute 195
Final Mayoral Activity Report
The Mayor circulated a list of his activities.
Minute 196
Minutes of a meeting of Council held on 26th March 2012 (enclosed)
It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes of a meeting as a true record.
Minute 197
Minutes of a planning committee meeting held on 10th April 2012
It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes of a meeting as a true record.
A meeting of the Planning Committee held on Tuesday 10th April 2012 in the Committee room, 11 Baker Street, Aberystwyth at 6.30pm
PresentCouncillor W Morris-Twiddy
Councillor A-M Hinde
Councillor S Jones-Davies
Councillor M Strong
ApologiesCouncillor W Thomas
Councillor S Davies
Councillor S Hearne
Councillor R Gorman
Councillor M Benjamin
Councillor R Boudier
- Planning issues and Economic Development in Aberystwyth
There was nothing to report.
- Correspondence
There was no correspondence
- Planning Applications
A12 0210LB (dated 27th March 2012)
Erection of 3 No trough lit signs to replace existing individual lettering.
40-48 Great Darkgate Street, Aberystwyth.
Objection. It is felt that this kind of signage and lighting is inappropriate for this listed building.
A12 0228 (dated 4th April 2012)
Change of use of office accommodation in converted dwelling back to one unit of residential accommodation.
4 Pound Place, Aberystwyth.
No objection.
Minute 198
Minutes of the Finance and Establishment Committee held on 23rd April 2012
It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes of a meeting as a true record subject to the addition of Councillor Morris Twiddy and the carnival being discussed at the meeting. The Minutes did not show this.
The Clerk apologised for the omission for that minute..
Present:Councillor A Williams
Councillor A-M Hinde
Councillor M Strong
Councillor W Morris-Twiddy
Councillor C Simpson
Councillor M Benjamin
Councillor S Hearne
Councillor C Davies
Apologies: Councillor R Gorman
Councillor Ll G Edwards
Councillor S Jones-Davies
Councillor W Thomas
- Correspondence
The office was in receipt of a VAT refund in the sum of £13,086.96.
- Questions relating to Financial Matters
There were none asked.
- Accounts
It was RESOLVED to accept the accounts for the month of March 2012.
- End of Year Accounts
The Clerk explained that the accounts as presented were as generated by the financial package and were not changeable and balanced at year end. They were still subject to internal and external audit where they would be represented to members in due course.
It was RESOLVED to accept the unaudited accounts for the year ending 31st March 2012.
- Collaborative working with Ceredigion Care Society
A DOI was made by Councillor Strong who left the meeting during these discussions.
The Clerk again gave the outline of the project where CCS would provide green area maintenance for Aberystwyth Town Council in “exchange” for a storage unit for their equipment.
The Clerk was asked to go back and prepare a costed report for this initiative before any decisions were made.
- Adoption of Ceredigion County Council Allotments
The Clerk gave details that Ceredigion County Council may consider relinquishing control over all Aberystwyth Allotments to Aberystwyth Town Council.
Members debated this issue and RESOLVED to progress the matter by asking for an all party discussion on the matter before any decisions were made.
- Funding for Celtic Challenge
The Clerk gave a brief overview of the current disposition of the event and as the matter was a defined expenditure in the current budget and the race was to be held in May 2012 it was RESOLVED to release the funds in the sum of £2500 so as to allow the administration of the event to continue.
- Funding for NTE project officer
The Clerk gave a report on the current provision and a resume of the work done to date by this co-operative project. Members were complimentary of the work done to date but were wary of certain factions within departments of Ceredigion County Council who it seemed were not actively contributing to the success of the project and whilst it was RESOLVED to release funding for the NTE officer role in the sum of £14,560.00 it was also RESOLVED to write to Ceredigion County Council and ask that all departments delivered adequately to contribute to the overall success of the post.
- DDA compliance at Aberystwyth War Memorial
The Clerk presented costings for a project started by Ceredigion County Council to make the visit to the Aberystwyth War Memorial totally DDA compliant for wheelchair users and the like. It was suggested that the project would be helped if Aberystwyth Town Council considered a 50/50 cost share and that as it was Aberystwyth Town Council that had asked for the project be initiated it may be seen as a good way of promoting good partnership working.
Following discussion it was RESOLVED not to make a contribution to these works and to ask Ceredigion County Council to undertake the necessary works in order to make the area DDA compliant in time for the next remembrance day event.
- Castle CCTV project.
A DOI was made by Councillor Morris-Twiddy who left the meeting during these discussions.
The Dyfed Powys Police provided a business plan for the improvement to the CCTV provision in the Castle.
This was something that had been long asked for by members.
The matter was a joint initiative between a number of partners and included Aberystwyth Town Council, Police and Aberystwyth University.
Following a wide ranging discussion it was RESOLVED to release funding as allocated in the current budget towards this project.
Minute 199
To receive minutes of the Skatepark sub committee
It was RESOLVED to receive the minutes that had been circulated.
Minute 200
Planning applications– to consider those applications not covered in the monthly planning meeting and are time sensitive.
There were none to consider.
Minute 201
Clerks Report
The Clerk had no report to make but thanked members of the staffing panel for their help and assistance over the life of this outgoing council.
Minute 202
- Castle War Memorial quotations
Two quotations were received for works to make the approach steps safer and for DDA access to the base of the memorial. It had been suggested that Aberystwyth Town Council may make a contribution to costs to ensure speedy resolution to the current lack of access by wheelchair users.
Following discussion it was decided not to contribute to the works to ask Ceredigion County Council to carry out the works to make the area compliant.
Minute 203
Questions relating only to matters in this Councils remit
There were none recorded.
Minute 204
To consider expenditure
It was RESOLVED to pay the following accounts in the sum of £25,502.25
Amount £ |
M Strong | Members allowance for travel |
7.60 |
Christmas Plus | Catenary Testing |
4,284.00 |
Oriel y Bont | Framing of scroll |
19.75 |
Shaw and Son | Bi-lingual Scroll |
120.00 |
Morris and Bates | Legal services for minyddol and adizone |
3,050.00 |
Menter Aberystwyth | Annual grant |
12,000.00 |
Menter Aberystwyth | Summer Entertainment |
6,000.00 |
M Benjamin | Members allowance for travel |
28.50 |
Minute 205
To consider urgent expenditure relating to an Aberystwyth Carnival.
A DOI was received from Councillor Morris-Twiddy in this matter who left the meeting.
Following a report and discussion it was RESOLVED to release sufficient funding to enable the committee to purchase insurance to progress with the organisation of the carnival and that the balance would be reconsidered after the elections.
Minute 206
Verbal Reports from Ceredigion County Councillors on matters pertaining to this Council
Councillor Williams reported that May was likely to be a busy month with many activities coming to Ceredigion and Aberystwyth in particular. These would include coastal path and international cycling and the visit by the Olympic torch to name a few.
Minute 207
Written reports from representatives to outside bodies:
Menter Aberystwyth- Councillor M Strong- Enclosed
OVW- Larger Councils committee- Councillor M Benjamin- Enclosed
NTE Group- Councillor S Hearne- Enclosed.
Minute 208
Motion at the request of Councillor A Williams- Re-greening Blvd. St. Brieuc
Council warmly welcomes the report produced by Forestry Commission Wales into the greening of Aberystwyth’s main Approach Road and resolves to accept the proposals in principle. The Council resolves to liaise closely with the report’s author and the Greener Aberystwyth Group to further develop plans for tree-planting on property controlled by the Town Council.”
Councillor Williams gave an outline of the proposed project and thanked the Clerk for preparing and circulating the information prior to the meeting.
It was suggested that due to financial constraints the public subscription could be a consideration for this project.
Following discussion it was RESOLVED to write and support this project in all its aspects with added support for the civic pride and potential crime reduction benefits and it was also hoped that the developers work closely with all interested parties especially GAG and the Skatepark developers to achieve their aims.
Minute 209
Motion at the request of Councillor M Benjamin- Aberystwyth Park Avenue Day Centre.
Proposed Resolution
a. We write to Ceredigion county council even at this late stage in view of the fresh information I wish to share with you, that Ceredigion county council should revoke their decision and remove the proposal to demolish the Aberystwyth Day Centre from Park Ave development.
b. We want Ceredigion County Council to request that they grant a ‘like for like’ Day Centre/Community centre/Town council office, as in view of the fact that the Town Council precept was increased in order to build and run the Park Ave Day Centre, therefore surely stakeholders
Declaration of Interest by LlG E and AJD who left the meeting.
Councillor Benjamin was warned by the Mayor and reminded by the Clerk that there was potential for breaching of both the Aberystwyth Town Council standing orders (6 month rule of resolutions) and the pre election publicity protocols if she was to use this motion as a pre election “soapbox”.
The Clerk also advised that he had not been in receipt of any information from the member as required by the councils motions policy.
Councillor Benjamin went on to outline the new information stemmed from over 30 years previously and showed in the press of the day that Aberystwyth Town Council had made potential financial donations to the building of the day centre and that as such should have been high on the list of consultees in the matter of its closure and potential demolition.
She stated that the Clerk had failed to support her and other members in providing this information which was regrettable.
The Clerk asked the Mayor to remind members that he had no idea of such an issue and had not been advised of this information put before council and to “blame” him for this was unacceptable behaviour and a breach of the code of conduct.
Councillor Gorman echoed the dismay of members at this behaviour.
Following a brief discussion and to reach a conclusion to the debate it was RESOLVED to write to Ceredigion County Council and to ask them to review the closure and the lack of consultation and to further consider the future provision of the day centre.
Minute 210
Motion at the request of Councillor A Dauncey: Skatepark committee
That under SO 15 a iii. the Skate-park subcommittee of GM committee be empowered to make further co-options of non-councillor members and that current and future co-opted non-councillor members be voting members.
Following discussion it was RESOLVED to make further co-options of non-councillor members and that current and future co-opted non-councillor members be voting members.
Minute 212
Thanks to all retiring members
The Mayor gave thanks to all retiring members for their service to the council and in particular to Councillor Ll G Edwards who had served the council for the last 44 years.
Following a brief discussion it was RESOLVED to make a presentation of an illuminated scroll to commemorate this event.