Full Council
26/09/2022 at 7:00 pm
Cyfarfod Cyngor Llawn (hybrid)
Meeting of Full Council (hybrid)
82 | Yn bresennol:
Cyng. Talat Chaudhri (Cadeirydd) Cyng. Kerry Ferguson Cyng. Lucy Huws Cyng. Jeff Smith Cyng. Alun Williams Cyng. Emlyn Jones Cyng. Mathew Norman Cyng. Dylan Lewis-Rowlands Cyng. Maldwyn Pryse Cyng. Brian Davies Cyng. Mari Turner Cyng. Mair Benjamin Cyng. Steve Davies Yn mynychu:
Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerc) Carol Thomas (cyfieithydd)
Cyng. Carl Worrall Ian Smith
Partneriaeth Gefeillio Aberystwyth a Kronberg: Chris Simpson Chris Hodgson Gareth Kelly Pat McAlpine John Harris
Gefeillio Sant Brieg Ken Young |
Cllr. Talat Chaudhri (Chair) Cllr. Kerry Ferguson Cllr. Lucy Huws Cllr. Jeff Smith Cllr. Alun Williams Cllr. Emlyn Jones Cllr. Mathew Norman Cllr. Dylan Lewis-Rowlands Cllr. Maldwyn Pryse Cllr. Brian Davies Cllr. Mari Turner Cllr. Mair Benjamin Cllr. Steve Davies In attendance:
Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerk) Carol Thomas (translator)
Cllr Carl Worrall Ian Smith
Kronberg and Aberystwyth Twinning Partnership: Chris Simpson Chris Hodgson Gareth Kelly Pat McAlpine John Harris
St Brieuc Twinning Ken Young
83 | Ymddiheuriadau:
Cyng. Sienna Lewis Cyng. Owain Hughes Cyng. Mark Strong
Cllr. Sienna Lewis Cllr. Owain Hughes Cllr. Mark Strong
84 | Datgan Diddordeb ar faterion yn codi o’r agenda
Dim |
Declaration of Interest on Matters Arising from the agenda
85 | Cyfeiriadau Personol
Dim |
Personal References
86 | Cyflwyniad: Gefeillio Kronberg
Cyflwynodd Chris Simpson wybodaeth am y bedair partneriaeth gefeillio ac amlinellodd rai pryderon am ddyfodol gefeillio. Croesawodd gyllid blynyddol y Cyngor Tref a’r cam i gyflogi swyddog gyda’r cylch gorchwyl yn cynnwys cefnogi’r partneriaethau.
Teimlwyd y byddai’r rôl hon yn ddefnyddiol o ran cydlynu’r pedwar grŵp gefeillio ac er mwyn archwilio ffyrdd o recriwtio aelodau newydd. Byddai canllaw a gynhyrchwyd gan Gymdeithas Prydain a’r Almaen yn cael ei ddosbarthu i gynghorwyr. |
Presentation: Kronberg Twinning
Chris Simpson presented information on the four twinning partnerships and outlined some concerns about the future of twinning. He welcomed the Town Council’s annual funding and the move to employ an officer whose remit would include supporting the partnerships.
It was felt that this role would be useful in co-ordinating the four twinning groups in order to explore ways of recruiting new members. A guide produced by the British German Association would be circulated to councillors.
Dosbarthu’r canllaw
Circulate guide |
87 | Y broses cyfethol a chyflwyniad ymgeisydd
Cyflwynodd y Cyng Carl Worrall ei hun i’r Cyngor ac amlinellodd faterion o bwys iddo. Byddai pob ymgeisydd yn cael ei ystyried yng nghyfarfod Arbennig y Cyngor Llawn ddydd Llun 3 Hydref |
Co-option process and candidate presentation
Cllr Carl Worrall introduced himself to the Council and outlined matters of importance to him. All candidates would be considered at the Extraordinary Full Council meeting on Monday 3 October.
88 | Adroddiad y Maer
Cyflwynwyd adroddiad llafar ar y digwyddiadau niferus a fynychwyd gan gynnwys cyflwyniad yn yr Eisteddfod ar gais y Ddinas Llên a digwyddiadau’r Brifysgol i ddathlu 150 o flynyddoedd. Roedd hefyd wedi derbyn y gwaith celf a roddwyd gan Dr Nada Najir yn dathlu’r croeso a roddwyd gan Aberystwyth i ffoaduriaid o Syria. |
Mayoral report
A verbal report was presented on the numerous events attended which included a presentation at the Eisteddfod regarding the City of Literature bid and University events to celebrate 150 years. He had also received the art work gifted by Dr Nada Najir celebrating the welcome given by Aberystwyth to Syrian refugees.
89 | Cofnodion o gyfarfod y Cyngor Llawn a gynhaliwyd nos Lun, 25 Gorffennaf 2022 i gadarnhau cywirdeb
PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y cofnodion gydag un cywiriad iethyddol (71)
Minutes of the meeting of Full Council held on Monday, 25 July 2022 to confirm accuracy
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes with one linguistic correction (71) |
90 | Materion yn codi o’r Cofnodion:
Matters arising from the Minutes:
91 | Cofnodion o’r Pwyllgor Cynllunio a gynhaliwyd ar nos Lun 4 Gorffennaf 2022
PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r cofnodion
Minutes of the Planning Committee held on Monday 4 July 2022
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes |
92 | Materion yn codi o’r Cofnodion:
Matters arising from the Minutes:
None |
93 | Cyllid – ystyried gwariant Mis Awst a Medi
PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r gwariant |
Finance – to consider August and September expenditure
It was RESOLVED to approve the expenditure.
94 | Ystyried cyfrifon Gorffennaf ac Awst
PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r cyfrifon |
To consider the July and August accounts
It was RESOLVED to approve the accounts.
95 | Cwestiynau sy’n ymwneud â materion tu fewn cylch gorchwyl y Cyngor hwn YN UNIG
Cinio Nadolig yr Henoed: PENDERFYNWYD y dylid cynnal Cinio Nadolig yr Henoed eleni ac awgrymwyd gwahanol leoliadau.
Questions relating ONLY to matters in this Council’s remit
Seniors Christmas Lunch: It was RESOLVED that the Seniors Christmas Dinner should take place this year and various venues were suggested.
Ceisiadau Cynllunio | Planning applications | |
96.1 | A220594: 1 Rhes Lisburne
Nid yw’r Cyngor yn gwrthwynebu cyn belled bod Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn hapus gyda’r adroddiad ystlumod (nad oedd wedi ei gynnwys gyda’r dogfennau eraill ar y wefan cynllunio)
A220594: 1 Lisburne Terrace
The Council does not object as long as Natural Resources Wales are happy with the bat report (which wasn’t included with the other documents on the planning website)
Anfon ymatebion
Send responses |
97 | Ystyried y Cynllun Bioamrywiaeth ar gyfer 2022-25
PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r cynllun gydag un cyfeiriad ychwanegol at y gwelliant ym mioamrywiaeth mynwent Cefn Llan. Diolchwyd i’r Clerc am ei gwaith. |
To consider the Biodiversity Plan for 2022-25
It was RESOLVED to approve the plan with one additional reference to the improved biodiversity in Cefn Llan cemetery. The Clerk was thanked for her work.
98 | Cydnabod gwasanaeth
Yn dilyn trafodaeth ar feini prawf ar gyfer cyflwyno medal Cyfraniad Arbennig yn hytrach na dyfarnu Rhyddid y Dref, PENDERFYNWYD rhoi’r fedal cyfraniad arbennig i gydnabod gwasanaeth gwirfoddol hir Dai Jenkins MBE a Richie Griffiths BEM. Byddai tystysgrif yn cael ei chynnig hyd nes y byddai’r medalau newydd wedi’u cynhyrchu.
Byddai meini prawf y fedal a Rhyddid y Dref yn cael eu trafod ymhellach fel eitem agenda Rheolaeth Cyffredinol ond yn gryno dylid dyfarnu Rhyddid y Dref am etifeddiaeth gyhoeddus barhaol a medal Cyfraniad Arbennig am wasanaeth rhagorol. |
Recognition of service
Following a discussion on the criteria for a Special Contribution medal as opposed to awarding Freedom of the Town, it was RESOLVED to provide the special contribution medal to recognise the long voluntary service of both Dai Jenkins MBE and Richie Griffiths BEM. A certificate would be offered until the new medals had been produced.
Criteria for the medal and for the Freedom of the Town would be discussed further as a General Management agenda item but in brief the Freedom of the Town should be awarded for a lasting public legacy and the Special Contribution medal for outstanding service.
Eitem agenda RhC GM agenda item |
99 | Maes Gwenfrewi – problemau ac atebion | Maes Gwenfrewi issues and solutions
99.1 | Man pwrpasol ar gyfer cŵn: costau manwl i’w trafod ymhellach yn y Pwyllgor Cyllid | Dedicated dog run: detailed costs to be discussed further in the Finance Committee
Agenda Cyllid
Finance agenda |
99.2 | Peiriant glanhau baw ci: PENDERFYNWYD prynu PC50 Street Vac petrol, sy’n gasglwr llwch baw ci, sbwriel a dail, am gost o £1435 heb gynnwys TAW i gadw Maes Gwenfrewi yn rhydd o faw ci. Byddai ystyried glanhau ardaloedd eraill fel rhan o’r rhaglen lanhau a golchi’r palmant yn cael ei drafod ymhellach yn y Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Gyffredinol a’r Pwyllgor Cyllid.
Dog mess cleaner: it was RESOLVED to purchase the PC50 Street Vac petrol leaf, litter and dog mess vacuum collector at a cost of £1435 excl. VAT to keep Maes Gwenfrewi free of dog mess. Consideration of cleaning other areas as part of the pavement sweeping and washing programme would be discussed further at General Management and Finance Committees.
Agenda RhC a Cyllid
GM and Finance agenda |
100 | Bagiau sbwriel atal gwylanod:
Roedd 200 o fagiau gwyn a 100 o fagiau du bellach ar werth am £4 (i dalu costau yn unig gan na allai’r Cyngor fasnachu yn ôl y gyfraith). Roedd taflenni a llyfrau derbynebau hefyd ar gael o’r swyddfa. |
Gull proof refuse bags:
200 white bags and 100 black bags were now available for sale at £4 (to cover costs only as the Council could not trade by law). Flyers and receipt books were also available from the office.
101 | Gohebiaeth | Correspondence
100.1 | Prifysgol Aberystwyth: gwahoddiad i fynychu agoriad swyddogol y Ganolfan Addysg Gofal Iechyd o 2pm ddydd Gwener 30 Medi | Aberystwyth University: an invitation to attend the official opening of the Healthcare Education Centre from 2pm on Friday 30 September
100.2 | HAHAV: cais am gymorth ariannol. I’w drafod fel eitem ar agenda’r Pwyllgor Cyllid | HAHAV: a request for funding support. To be discussed as a Finance Committee agenda item
Agenda Cyllid
Finance agenda |
100.3 | Sul y Cofio: gwasanaeth i’w gynnal yn Eglwys y Drindod Sanctaidd am 9.15 i’w ddilyn gan yr orymdaith o Neuadd y Dref. Y Dirprwy Faer i wneud y darlleniad Cymraeg
Remembrance Sunday: service to be held at Holy Trinity Church at 9.15 followed by the parade from the Town Hall. The Deputy Mayor to do the Welsh reading.
100.4 | Maes Gwenfrewi: llythyr o ddiolch am y gwaith ar y parc ac yn rhoi sylwadau ar ei lwyddiant ac effeithiolrwydd cloi’r giatiau yn y nos | Maes Gwenfrewi: a letter of gratitude regarding the work on the park commenting on its success and the effectiveness of locking the gates at night
100.5 | Jasper House: i’w drafod fel eitem agenda Rheolaeth Gyffredinol | Jasper House: to be discussed as a General Management agenda item
Agenda RhC
GM agenda |