Full Council
24/07/2023 at 7:00 pm
Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth Town Council
Cyfarfod y Cyngor Llawn (hybrid)
Meeting of Full Council (hybrid)
63 | Yn bresennol:
Cyng. Kerry Ferguson (Cadeirydd) Cyng. Lucy Huws Cyng. Jeff Smith Cyng. Maldwyn Pryse Cyng. Emlyn Jones Cyng. Dylan Lewis-Rowlands Cyng. Bryony Davies Cyng. Mathew Norman Cyng. Talat Chaudhri Cyng. Owain Hughes Cyng. Carl Worrall Cyng. Connor Edwards
Yn mynychu:
Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerc) Carol Thomas (cyfieithydd)
Cllr. Kerry Ferguson (Chair) Cllr. Lucy Huws Cllr. Jeff Smith Cllr. Maldwyn Pryse Cllr. Emlyn Jones Cllr. Dylan Lewis-Rowlands Cllr. Bryony Davies Cllr. Mathew Norman Cllr. Talat Chaudhri Cllr. Owain Hughes Cllr. Carl Worrall Cllr. Connor Edwards
In attendance:
Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerk) Carol Thomas (translator)
64 | Ymddiheuriadau:
Cyng. Mari Turner Cyng. Mair Benjamin Cyng. Brian Davies Cyng. Sienna Lewis Cyng. Mark Strong Cyng. Alun Williams
Cllr. Mari Turner Cllr. Mair Benjamin Cllr. Brian Davies Cllr. Sienna Lewis Cllr. Mark Strong Cllr. Alun Williams
65 | Datgan Diddordeb ar faterion yn codi o’r agenda
80.1: Mae’r Cyng Jeff Smith yn gweithio yn y Llyfrgell Genedlaethol |
Declaration of Interest on Matters Arising from the agenda
80.1: Cllr Jeff Smith is an employee at the National Library
66 | Cyfeiriadau Personol
• Hadau Ginko Hiroshima: ar hyn o bryd roedd pum hedyn wedi egino. • Wcráin: roedd digwyddiad wedi ei gynnal yn y Bandstand i ddathlu eu diwylliant. Roedd rhoddion o ddillad, dillad gwely a theganau yn cael eu derbyn yn yr Hwb ym Mhenparcau.
Personal References
· Hiroshima Ginko seeds: currently five seeds had sprouted. · Ukraine: an event had been held in the Bandstand to celebrate their culture. Donations of clothing, bedding and toys were being received at the Hub Penparcau
67 | Adroddiad y Maer
Roedd adroddiad ysgrifenedig wedi’i ddosbarthu cyn y cyfarfod.
Roedd cystadleuaeth Cwpan y Gorfforaeth, i’w mynychu gan y Dirprwy Faer, wedi’i chanslo oherwydd y tywydd.
Mayoral report
A written report had been circulated prior to the meeting.
The Corporation Cup competition, to be attended by the Deputy Mayor, had been cancelled due to the weather.
68 | Cofnodion o Gyfarfod y Cyngor Llawn a gynhaliwyd nos Lun 26 Mehefin 2023 i gadarnhau cywirdeb
PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y cofnodion.
Minutes of the Meeting of Full Council held on Monday 26 June 2023 to confirm accuracy
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes.
69 | Materion yn codi o’r Cofnodion:
Bardd y Dref: anfonwyd llythyr at Bro 360 a chafwyd ymateb cadarnhaol. Roedd y Cambrian News wedi cyhoeddi paragraff bach. |
Matters arising from the Minutes:
57.Town Bard: a letter had been sent to Bro 360 which had received a positive response. The Cambrian News had published a small paragraph.
70 | Cofnodion o’r Pwyllgor Cynllunio a gynhaliwyd ar nos Lun 3 Gorffennaf 2023
PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y cofnodion
Minutes of the Planning Committee held on Monday 3 July 2023
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes.
71 | Materion yn codi o’r Cofnodion:
8.1 /8.2/8.3: Mynegwyd pryderon ynghylch colli nodweddion hanesyddol tri eiddo yn yr ardal gadwraeth. Derbyniwyd ymateb gan Adran Gynllunio Ceredigion yn nodi nad oedd yr eiddo wedi torri unrhyw reoliadau cynllunio gan nad oeddent wedi eu rhestru.
Dylid cysylltu â’r Comisiwn Brenhinol ynghylch y mater ac ymchwilio i’r gyfraith sy’n rheoli datblygiad mewn ardal gadwraeth.
Nodwyd hefyd bod Brynderw wedi derbyn caniatâd cynllunio er gwaethaf pryderon lleol ynghylch cynnydd yn lefelau traffig. |
Matters arising from the minutes
8.1 /8.2/8.3: Concerns had been raised regarding the loss of the historic features of three properties within the conservation area. A response had been received from the Ceredigion Planning Department which stated that the properties had not breached any planning regulations as they were not listed.
The Royal Commission to be contacted regarding the matter and the law governing development in a conservation area to be investigated.
It was also noted that Brynderw had received planning permission despite local concerns regarding increased traffic levels.
Contact |
72 | Cofnodion o’r Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol a gynhaliwyd ar nos Lun 10 Gorffennaf 2023
PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y cofnodion.
Minutes of the General Management Committee held on Monday 10 July 2023
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes.
73 | Materion yn codi o’r Cofnodion:
5. Canmlwyddiant cofeb rhyfel: PENDERFYNWYD bwrw ymlaen â’r digwyddiad fel y cynlluniwyd ac ysgrifennu at y Lleng Brydeinig Frenhinol. Y llythyr i’w ddosbarthu i’w gymeradwyo.
6. Ymweliad côr Kronberg: bu’r noson yn llwyddiant ysgubol a diolchwyd i’r Cyng Lucy Huws a’r Swyddog Digwyddiadau am eu gwaith.
7. Cyfeillgarwch Yosano: PENDERFYNWYD derbyn cais Yosano i fod yn ‘chwaer-dref’. Byddai statws gefeillio llawn yn cael ei drafod ymhellach ym mis Medi.
10. Baneri Cyngor Tref: darparwyd costau ar gyfer ail bolyn fflag (polyn a sylfaen – £655; gosod £584). Byddai’r gwariant yn cael ei ystyried yn fanylach ym Mhwyllgor Cyllid mis Medi. Dylid cadw at brotocol o ran uchder a chomisiynu baner Cyngor Tref hefyd.
11. Goleuadau Nadolig: y ddogfen dendro i’w rhannu gyda chynghorwyr
12.2. Murlun: cyfraniad y Cyngor Tref i’w ystyried ymhellach ym Mhwyllgor Cyllid mis Medi |
Matters arising from the minutes
5. War memorial centenary: it was RESOLVED to proceed with the event as planned and to write to the Royal British Legion. The letter to be circulated for approval.
6. Kronberg choir visit: the evening had been a great success and Cllr Lucy Huws and the Events Officer were thanked for their work.
7. Yosano friendship: it was RESOLVED to accept Yosano’s request to be a ‘sister town’. Full twinning status would be discussed further in September.
10. Town Council flags: costs were provided for a second flagpole (pole and base – £655; installation £584). The expenditure would be considered in greater detail in the September Finance Committee. Protocol should be adhered to in terms of height and a Town Council flag should also be commissioned.
11. Christmas lights: the tender document to be shared with councillors
12.2. Mural: the Town Council’s contribution to be considered further at the September Finance Committee
Ymateb Respond Agenda Cyngor Llawn / Full council agenda
Agenda Cyllid Finance agenda
Cylchredeg Circulate
Agenda Cyllid Finance agenda
74 | Cofnodion o’r Pwyllgor Cyllid a Sefydliadau a gynhaliwyd ar nos Fawrth, 18 Gorffennaf 2023
PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y cofnodion a’r argymhellion.
Minutes of the Finance & Establishments Committee held on Tuesday 18 July 2023
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes and recommendations.
75 | Materion yn codi o’r Cofnodion:
5.2: Incwm rhandiroedd: Roedd taliad partneriaeth Arklow wedi’i ddyrannu’n anghywir i’r cod incwm rhandiroedd. Roedd y gwall wedi’i gywiro.
12: Neuadd Gwenfrewi: byddai cynghorwyr yn cael y newyddion diweddaraf am ddatblygiadau yn ystod toriad mis Awst.
Matters arising from the minutes
5.2: Allotment income: An Arklow partnership payment had been wrongly allocated to the allotment income code. The error had been rectified.
12: Neuadd Gwenfrewi: councillors would be updated regarding progress during the August recess.
76 | Ystyried gwariant Mis Gorffennaf
PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r gwariant
Adroddodd y Clerc fod trafodaethau yn cymryd lle gyda Konica ynglyn a’r cytundeb argraffu anfoddhaol. Hefyd roedd arbediad wedi ei drefnu ar gyfer rhentu’r peiriant ffrancio (gostyngiad o £18.78 i £5 y mis) am y 12 mis nesaf.
Diolchodd y Cynghorwyr i John a Hedydd Cunningham am eu gwaith gan nodi eu gwerthfawrogiad o’r oriau a dreuliwyd ar sicrhau gwerth gorau i’r Cyngor nad oeddent wedi codi tâl ar y Cyngor amdanynt.
To consider July expenditure
It was RESOLVED to approve the expenditure.
The Clerk reported that discussions were taking place with Konica regarding the unsatisfactory printing contract. Also a saving had been negotiated for the rental of the franking machine (down from £18.78 to £5 per month) for the next 12 months.
Councillors thanked John and Hedydd Cunningham for their work and noted their appreciation of the hours spent on achieving best value for the Council that they had not charged the Council for.
77 | Cymeradwyo cyfrifon Mis Mehefin
PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r cyfrifon. |
To approve June accounts
It was RESOLVED to approve the accounts.
78 | Taliadau cynghorwyr 2023-24
Atgoffodd y Clerc y cynghorwyr i ddarparu manylion talu er mwyn gallu prosesu’r taliadau drwy’r gyflogres. Dylid anfon llythyr at y Clerc os yn gwrthod y taliad. Y naill ffordd neu’r llall dylai’r rhai nad oedd wedi gwneud hynny eisoes gysylltu â hi cyn gynted â phosibl.
Councillor payments 2023-24
The Clerk reminded councillors to provide payment details to enable the processing of the payments via the payroll. A letter should be sent to the Clerk if refusing the payment. Either way those who had not already done so should contact her as soon as possible.
79 | Cwestiynau sy’n ymwneud â materion tu fewn cylch gorchwyl y Cyngor hwn YN UNIG.
• Cais am ddiweddariad ar y rhaglen glanhau strydoedd. Byddai hwn yn cael ei gyflenwi’n electronig. • Ymholiad i’w anfon at Gyngor Ceredigion ynghylch dyddiad arfaethedig yr ymgynghoriad ar y goleuadau prom newydd. Roedd tynnu’r biniau gyda logo Aberystwyth arnynt hefyd yn cael ei ystyried yn niweidiol i hunaniaeth y dref.
Questions relating ONLY to matters in this Council’s remit
· A request for an update on the street cleaning programme. This would be supplied electronically. · An inquiry to be sent to Ceredigion Council regarding the proposed date of the consultation for the new prom lights. The removal of the bins with the Aberystwyth logo was also seen as detrimental to the town’s identity.
Darparu diweddariad
Provide update |
80 | Ceisiadau cynllunio
Planning applications
80.1 | A230087: Llyfrgell Genedlaethol.
Gadawodd y Cyng Jeff Smith y Siambr a chymerodd y Cyng Dylan Lewis-Rowlands y Gadair.
A230087: Llyfrgell Genedlaethol
Cllr Jeff Smith left the Chamber and Cllr Dylan Lewis-Rowlands took the Chair.
Respond |
80.2 | A230489: 43 Rhyd y Bont, Penparcau
Nid yw’r Cyngor Tref yn cymeradwyo ceisiadau cynllunio ôl-weithredol yn gyffredinol ond nid yw’n GWRTHWYNEBU’r cais cyn belled: • Cymhwysir amod sy’n atal yr eiddo rhag cael ei ddefnyddio fel llety gwyliau • Nid oes unrhyw effaith andwyol ar eiddo cyfagos |
A230489: 43 Rhyd y Bont, Penparcau
The Town Council does not approve of retrospective planning applications generally but does NOT OBJECT to the application as long as: · A condition is applied which prevents the property from being used as a holiday let. · There is no detrimental impact on neighbouring properties
Respond |
81 | Adroddiadau YSGRIFENEDIG gan gynrychiolwyr ar gyrff allanol
Dim |
WRITTEN Reports from representatives on outside bodies
None |
82 | Adroddiadau AR LAFAR gan Gynghorwyr Cyngor Sir Ceredigion ar faterion sydd yn ymwneud â’r cyngor hwn YN UNIG
Cyng Carl Worrall: Roedd caeau Tanybwlch ar werth ac roedd Cyngor Ceredigion yn ystyried eu prynu er mwyn gwella bioamrywiaeth
VERBAL reports from Ceredigion County Councillors on matters ONLY pertaining to this Council
Cllr Carl Worrall: Tanybwlch fields were for sale and Ceredigion Council was considering the purchase to improve biodiversity
83 | TCC ar gyfer parciau a meysydd chwarae
Codwyd amryw gwestiynau ynglŷn â chostau a phenderfynwyd ystyried y mater ymhellach. |
CCTV for parks and playgrounds
Various questions were raised regarding costs and it was decided to consider the matter further.
Investigate |
84 | Cynnig: Polisi enwau lleoedd Cymreig (Cyng Jeff Smith)
PENDERFYNWYD yn unfrydol cymeradwyo’r polisi o ddefnyddio enwau lleoedd a strydoedd Cymraeg mewn testun Saesneg
Motion: Welsh place names policy (Cllr Jeff Smith)
It was unanimously RESOLVED to approve the policy of using Welsh place and street names in English text.
85 | Ariannu ymweliadau ysgolion Aberystwyth – Yosano
PENDERFYNWYD rhoi £4500 i Gymdeithas Aberystwyth – Yosano: £3500 o’r arian i ddod o’r gronfa wrth gefn a £1000 o’r gyllideb gefeillio. Byddai llythyr atodol yn rhoi’r cyd-destun ar gyfer y taliad. |
Funding for Yosano-Aberystwyth school exchanges
It was RESOLVED to provide £4500 to the Aberystwyth – Yosano Society: £3500 from reserves and £1000 from the twinning budget. An accompanying letter would provide the context for the payment.
86 | Gohebiaeth
Dim |
Eitem gaeedig: Ombwdsmon
Nodwyd penderfyniadau’r ombwdsmon ynglŷn â chyn-gynghorydd tref a chynghorydd tref presennol. Mae’r ombwdsmon wedi atal yr olaf am hyd at chwe mis er mwyn galluogi ymchwiliad pellach. |
Closed item: Ombudsman
The ombudsman’s decisions regarding a former town councillor and a current town councillor were noted. The ombudsman has suspended the latter for up to six months to enable further investigation.
88 | Eitem caeedig: Adroddiad y Panel staffio
Roedd y Cyng Emlyn Jones wedi’i ail-ethol yn Gadeirydd Staffio a’r Cyng Talat Chaudhri wedi’i ethol yn Is-Gadeirydd.
Byddai camau amrywiol yn cael eu cymryd ynghylch yr erthygl camarweiniol yn y Cambrian News:
1. Cyflwyno cwyn ffurfiol i grŵp newyddion Tindle ac i Sefydliad Safonau Annibynnol y Wasg 2. Llythyr ymateb yn cael ei ryddhau trwy amrywiol sianeli megis gwefannau, Bro 360, Yr Angor, cyfryngau cymdeithasol ayb 3. Datganiad i’w wneud i’r Cyngor Llawn ar gôd ymddygiad cynghorwyr a chyflwyno cynnig i gychwyn gwaith ar yr Addewid Sifiliaeth a Pharch. 4. Adolygu cyfathrebu i’w gynnwys fel eitem ar agenda Pwyllgor Rheoli Cyffredinol
Roedd paratoadau ar gyfer aelodau newydd o staff ar y gweill ac roedd ymweliad â Chyngor Tref y Drenewydd wedi darparu gwybodaeth ddefnyddiol. |
Closed item: Staffing Panel report
Cllr Emlyn Jones had been re-elected as Chair of Staffing and Cllr Talat Chaudhri elected as Vice Chair.
Various actions would be taken regarding the misleading article in the Cambrian News:
1. A formal complaint to the Tindle news group and to the Independent Press Standards Organisation 2. A response letter released via various channels such as websites, Bro 360, Yr Angor, social media etc 3. A statement to Full Council on the councillor code of conduct and a proposal presented to initiate work on the Civility and Respect Pledge. 4. A review of communications included as an agenda item in the General Management Committee
Preparation for new staff members was underway and a visit to Newtown Town Council had provided useful information.
Agenda RhC
GM agenda |