Full Council

01/02/2021 at 7:00 pm


Cyngor Tref     ABERYSTWYTH   Town Council



Cyfarfod o’r Cyngor Llawn (o bell oherwydd Covid19)

Meeting of Full Council (remote due to Covid19)







220 Yn bresennol:


Cyng. Charlie Kingsbury (Cadeirydd)

Cyng. Alun Williams

Cyng. Endaf Edwards

Cyng. Lucy Huws

Cyng. Mark Strong

Cyng. Mari Turner

Cyng. Dylan Wilson-Lewis

Cyng. Sue Jones-Davies

Cyng. Talat Chaudhri

Cyng. Steve Davies

Cyng. Brendan Somers

Cyng. Nia Edwards-Behi


Yn mynychu:

Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerc)



Cllr. Charlie Kingsbury (Chair)

Cllr. Alun Williams

Cllr. Endaf Edwards

Cllr. Lucy Huws

Cllr. Mark Strong

Cllr. Mari Turner

Cllr. Dylan Wilson-Lewis

Cllr. Sue Jones-Davies

Cllr. Talat Chaudhri

Cllr. Steve Davies

Cllr. Brendan Somers

Cllr. Nia Edwards-Behi


In attendance:

Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerk)

221 Ymddiheuriadau:


Cyng. Alex Mangold

Cyng. Claudine Young

Cyng. David Lees

Cyng. Mair Benjamin




Cllr. Alex Mangold

Cllr. Claudine Young

Cllr. David Lees

Cllr. Mair Benjamin




222 Datgan diddordeb:


  • 2/.3: Ni fyddai’r Cyng. Endaf Edwards yn gwneud sylwadau ar y ceisiadau cynllunio hyn


Declaration of interest:


  • 2/.3: Cllr. Endaf Edwards would not be commenting on these planning applications.




223 Cyfeiriadau personol


Personal references.



224 Ethol Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Cynllunio


Cytunodd y Cynghorydd Lucy Huws i swydd Cadeirydd Dros Dro nes bod cyflenwad llawn o gynghorwyr.

Elect Chair of the Planning Committee


Cllr Lucy Huws agreed to the position of Interim Chair until there was a full complement of councillors.


225 Ethol Is-gadeirydd y Pwyllgor Cynllunio


Cytunodd y Cynghorydd Steve Davies dderbyn swydd yr Is-gadeirydd

Elect Vice-chair of the Planning Committee


Cllr Steve Davies agreed to accept the position of Vice-chair


226 Ceisiadau cynllunio Planning applications
226.1 A201075/77: Pentre Gwylie Aberystwyth, Penparcau.


Mae’r Cyngor eisiau mwy o wybodaeth am statws y tai hyn ac yn benodol pa warantau sydd yn bodoli i sicrhau na fydd y tai yn cael eu defnyddio fel cartrefi gwyliau.

A201075/77: Aberystwyth Holiday Village, Penparcau.

Council wants more information on the status of these houses and in particular what guarantees are in place that they will not be used as holiday homes.

Cysylltu gyda’r Adran Gynllunio

Contact the Planning Department


226.2 A201105: Ceredig, Tan y Cae


DIM GWRTHWYNEBIAD ond mae gan y Cyngor bryderon ynghylch defnyddio y cladin plastig wedi’i ailgylchu. Gan ei fod yn weladwy iawn o’r harbwr, dylid defnyddio deunyddiau traddodiadol megis rendr neu garreg yn unol â thai cyfagos

A201105: Ceredig, South Road

NO OBJECTION but Council has concerns regarding the recycled plastic cladding to be used.  As it is highly visible from the harbour, traditional materials should be used such as render or stone in keeping with neighbouring houses

226.3 A201110: Blaenberllan, Park Avenue

DIM GWRTHWYNEBIAD gan ei fod yn cynrychioli gwelliant

A201110: Blaenberllan, Park Avenue

NO OBJECTION as it represents an improvement


226.4 A201107: 37 Y Stryd Fawr

Mae’r Cyngor yn GWRTHWYNEBU gorddatblygu’r safle a maint yr unedau. Mae ganddo bryderon hefyd ynghylch colli’r llawr cyntaf o ran cyfyngu ar storio ar gyfer y busnes llawr gwaelod.

Mae gan gynghorwyr farn anghyson ar arddull ffenestr y siop gyda rhai yn nodi mai hon oedd y ffenestr Fictoraidd gynnar olaf oedd ar ôl ac eraill yn teimlo y byddai ffenestr fwy yn helpu busnes. Fodd bynnag, cytunodd yr holl gynghorwyr y dylid defnyddio deunyddiau ac arddulliau traddodiadol yn unol â blaenau siopau traddodiadol eraill. Dylai fod yn bleser edrych arni yn esthetig a dylai wella’r stryd fawr.

A201107: 37 Great Darkgate Street

Council OBJECTS to the cramming of accommodation and the over development of the site. It also has concerns over the loss of the first floor in terms of limiting storage for the ground floor business.

Councillors have conflicting views on the style of the shop window with some pointing out it was the last remaining small early Victorian window and  others of the view that a larger traditional looking window could help a business. However all councillors agreed that traditional materials and styles should be used in keeping with other traditional shop fronts. It should be aesthetically pleasing and enhance the high street.

226.5 A210014: 5 Talwrn, Morfa Mawr

DIM GWRTHWYNEBIAD ond dylid cadw rhai o’r nodweddion arbennig fel bwâu brics a ffenestr sash os yn bosibl. Dylid gweithredu rheoliadau ardal gadwraeth.

A210014: 5 Talwrn, Queen’s Road

NO OBJECTION but some of the special features such as brick archways and sash window should be kept if possible. Conservation area regulations should be applied.

227 Cymeradwyo arolwg a phryniant Eglwys Gwenfrewi

Trafodwyd adroddiad yr arolwg yn fanwl. Dylid comisiynu prisiad annibynnol cyn gynted â phosibl i sicrhau fod y  broses yn briodol ac i gefnogi ceisiadau grant am waith adnewyddu. Cynhelir cyfarfod arbennig os bydd angen.

Approve the survey and purchase of St Winefride’s

The survey report was discussed in detail. An independent valuation to be commissioned as soon as possible to ensure due process and to support grant applications for renovation work. A special meeting to be convened if necessary.



228 Gohebiaeth Correspondence
228.1 Cais Radio Aber am arian craidd: roedd ffurflenni cais am grant wedi’u hanfon ynghyd â’u gwahodd i gysylltu â’r Cyngor ym mis Hydref 2021 cyn i’r gyllideb nesaf gael ei phenderfynu Radio Aber request for core funding: grant application forms had been sent as well as inviting them to contact the Council in October 2021 before the next budget was set
228.2 Cwyn gan Gymdeithas y Rhandiroedd: yn gofyn i Gyngor Sir Ceredigion lanhau’r ffosydd i liniaru llifogydd Allotment Association complaint: asking Ceredigion County Council to clean the ditches to alleviate flooding Anfon at y Cyngor Sir

Forward to CCC

228.3 Baw cŵn yn North Road: anfonwyd ymateb i gwyn gan un o’r trigolion lleol yn egluro strategaeth y Cyngor ar gyfer gwella’r parc Dog fouling in North Road: a response had been sent to a complaint from a local resident explaining the Council’s improvement strategy for North Road
228.4 Clwb Bowlio Morfa Mawr: cais yn gofyn am y chwistrellwyr segur. Cytunwyd y gallent eu cael ond dylent gynnig rhywbeth yn ôl Queen’s Road Bowling Club: a request for the disused sprinklers. It was agreed that they could have them but they should offer something in return
228.5 HAHAV: llythyr o ddiolch am y rhodd o’r gronfa argyfwng tuag at offer TG. Dylai rhodd y Cyngor gael cymaint o gyhoeddusrwydd â phosibl. Roedd eisoes wedi’i gynnwys mewn erthygl EGO ddiweddar HAHAV: a letter of thanks for the emergency fund donation towards IT equipment. The Council’s donation should be publicised as much as possible. It had already been included in a recent EGO article


      Cyngor Tref   ABERYSTWYTH   Town Council


11 Stryd y Popty / Baker Street


SY23 2BJ


1.      aberystwyth.gov.uk

01970 624761

                      Maer Aberystwyth Mayor: Y Cyng. / Cllr. Charlie Kingsbury




Annwyl Gynghorydd / Dear Councillor


Fe’ch gelwir i fynychu Cyfarfod o’r CYNGOR LLAWN, i’w gynnal o bell ar Nos Lun, 1 Chwefror 2021 am 6.30pm


You are summoned to attend a Meeting of FULL COUNCIL to be held remotely on Monday 1 February 2021 at 6.30pm





220 Presennol Present


221 Ymddiheuriadau Apologies


222 Datgan diddordeb Declaration of Interest


223 Cyfeiriadau personol Personal references


224 Ethol Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Cynllunio


Elect Chair of Planning Committee
225 Ethol Is-gadeirydd y Pwyllgor Cynllunio Elect Vice-chair of Planning Committee


226 Ceisiadau cynllunio Planning applications


227 Cymeradwyo arolwg a phryniant Eglwys Gwenfrewi Approve the survey and purchase of St Winefride’s


228 Gohebiaeth Correspondence





Gweneira Raw-Rees

Clerc Cyngor Tref  –  Aberystwyth – Town Council Clerk