Full Council

01/06/2020 at 7:00 pm


Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth Town Council

Cyfarfod Blynyddol Cyngor Llawn (o bell)

Annual Meeting of Full Council (remote)







234 Yn bresennol:


Cyng. Mari Turner (Cadeirydd 234-9)

Cyng. Charlie Kingsbury (Cadeirydd 1-16)

Cyng. Talat Chaudhri

Cyng. Brendan Somers

Cyng. Endaf Edwards

Cyng. Lucy Huws

Cyng. Mark Strong

Cyng. Dylan Wilson-Lewis

Cyng. Steve Davies

Cyng. Nia Edwards-Behi

Cyng. Alun Williams

Cyng. Claudine Young

Cyng. Sue Jones-Davies


Yn mynychu:

Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerc)

Emlyn Jones – Gwe Cambrian Web




Cllr. Mari Turner (Chair 234-9)

Cllr. Charlie Kingsbury (Chair 1-16)

Cllr. Talat Chaudhri

Cllr. Brendan Somers

Cllr. Endaf Edwards

Cllr. Lucy Huws

Cllr. Mark Strong

Cllr. Dylan Wilson-Lewis

Cllr. Steve Davies

Cllr. Nia Edwards-Behi

Cllr. Alun Williams

Cllr. Claudine Young

Cllr. Sue Jones-Davies


In attendance:

Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerk)

Emlyn Jones – Gwe Cambrian Web


235 Ymddiheuriadau:


Cyng. Brenda Haines

Cyng. Mair Benjamin

Cyng. Rhodri Francis

Cyng. David Lees

Cyng. Alex Mangold




Cllr. Brenda Haines

Cllr. Mair Benjamin

Cllr. Rhodri Francis

Cllr. David Lees

Cllr. Alex Mangold


236 Datgan Diddordeb:  Dim


Declaration of interest:  None


237 Cyfeiriadau Personol: Dim


Personal References: None




238 Adroddiad y Maer 2019-20:


Darparodd y Maer adroddiad ar lafar ar ei blwyddyn a oedd yn cynnwys cyfeiriadau at: colli pobl creadigol yn y dref, y bygythiad i ddemocratiaeth, Brexit, cynnydd Gwrthryfel Difodiant, safbwynt y Cyngor Tref yn erbyn hiliaeth a chefnogaeth i annibyniaeth Cymru, gwobr cenedlaethol am Barc Kronberg, cefnogaeth y Cyngor Tref i bartneriaethau rhyngwladol, siop newydd i Fwyd Dros Ben Aber, gwaith parhaus Beach Buddies a GAG ac yn ddiweddar y firws Covid19 a chyfarfodydd y Cyngor o bell. Codwyd £800 trwy elusen y Maer at Hafal a ward Gwenllian. Diolchodd i gyd-gynghorwyr a staff am eu cefnogaeth

Mayoral Activity Report 2019-20:


The Mayor provided a verbal report on her year which included references to:  the loss of creative people within the town, the threat to democracy, Brexit, the rise of Extinction Rebellion, the Town Council’s stand against racism and support for Welsh independence, a national award for Parc Kronberg, the Town Council’s support for international partnerships, Aber Food Surplus’ new shop, the continued work of Beach Buddies and GAG and the recent Covid19 virus and remote council meetings. £800 had been raised for the Mayor’s charity supporting Hafal and Gwenllian ward. She thanked fellow councillors and staff for their support.


239 Ethol y Maer


Cynigiodd y Cynghorydd Talat Chaudhri y Cynghorydd Charlie Kingsbury a chanmolodd ei waith caled, ei urddas a’i agwedd drawsbleidiol. Eiliwyd ef gan y Cynghorydd Sue Jones-Davies ac fe’i etholwyd yn Faer yn briodol ar gyfer 2020-21.


Cymrodd y Cynghorydd Charlie Kingsbury y gadair a diolchodd i’r Cynghorydd Mari Turner, ar ran y Cyngor, am ei gwaith rhagorol a’i hymroddiad fel Maer. Diolchodd iddi hefyd am ei chefnogaeth.


Rhoddodd y Cynghorydd Charlie Kingsbury drosolwg byr o’i flaenoriaethau fel Maer a oedd yn cynnwys hyrwyddo a chadw rhyngwladoliaeth. Ei elusen am y flwyddyn fyddai Cymorth i Fenywod Cymru.


Election of Mayor


Cllr Talat Chaudhri proposed Cllr Charlie Kingsbury and praised his hard work, dignity and across-party approach. He was seconded by Cllr Sue Jones-Davies and was duly elected as Mayor for 2020-21.


Cllr Charlie Kingsbury took the chair and thanked Cllr Mari Turner, on behalf of the Council, for her excellent work and dedication as Mayor. He also thanked her for her support.



Cllr Charlie Kingsbury provided a brief overview of his priorities as Mayor which included promoting and preserving internationalism. His charity for the year would be Welsh Women’s Aid.


1 Ethol y Dirprwy Faer


Cynigiodd y Cynghorydd Sue Jones-Davies y Cynghorydd Alun Williams, ac fe’i eiliwyd gan y Cynghorydd Mari Turner. Cafodd ei ethol yn briodol fel Dirprwy Faer ar gyfer 2020-21

Election of Deputy Mayor


Cllr Sue Jones-Davies proposed Cllr Alun Williams, who was seconded by Cllr Mari Turner.  He was duly elected as Deputy Mayor for 2020-21


2 Cofnodion o gyfarfod y Cyngor Llawn a gynhaliwyd nos Fawrth, 26 Mai 2020


PENDERFYNWYD derbyn y cofnodion



Minutes of the meeting of Full Council held on Tuesday, 26 May 2020 to confirm accuracy


It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes


3 Materion yn codi o’r Cofnodion:


  1. Nodwyd y bu problemau gyda dyfrio coed gan Gyngor Ceredigion gyda rhai coed ddim yn cael eu dyfrio.
Matters arising from the Minutes:


  1. It was noted that there had been problems with the tree watering by Ceredigion Council with some trees not being watered.







4 Cofnodion y Pwyllgor Cynllunio a gynhaliwyd nos Lun, 2 Mawrth 2020


PENDERFYNWYD cymweradwyo’r cofnodion


Diolchwyd i’r Cynghorydd Michael Chappell am gadeirio’r Pwyllgor yn effeithiol

Minutes of the Planning Committee held on Monday, 2 March 2020


It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes


Cllr Michael Chappell was thanked for his effective chairing of the Committee







5 Ceisiadau Cynllunio: Dim Planning Applications:  None


6 Apwyntio aelodau ar y Pwyllgor Cynllunio 2020-21


PENDERFYNWYD y dylid cynnig cyfle i gynghorwyr absennol eistedd ar y pwyllgor. Nodwyd yr aelodau canlynol:



Lucy Huws, Endaf Edwards, Mari Turner, Sue Jones-Davies, Claudine Young, Steve Davies, Talat Chaudhri, Nia Edwards-Behi a David Lees a oedd wedi mynegi diddordeb cyn y cyfarfod.



Charlie Kingsbury ac Alun Williams fel aelodau ex-officio.

To appoint members to the Planning Committee 2020-21


It was RESOLVED that absent councillors be offered the opportunity to sit on the committee. The following members were noted:



Lucy Huws, Endaf Edwards, Mari Turner, Sue Jones-Davies, Claudine Young, Steve Davies, Talat Chaudhri, Nia Edwards-Behi and David Lees who had expressed an interest prior to the meeting.


Charlie Kingsbury and Alun Williams as ex-officio members.


7 Apwyntio aelodau ar y Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol 2020-21



PENDERFYNWYD y dylid cynnig cyfle i gynghorwyr absennol eistedd ar y pwyllgor. Nodwyd yr aelodau canlynol:



Mark Strong, Lucy Huws, Steve Davies, Mari Turner, Sue Jones-Davies, Claudine Young, Dylan Wilson-Lewis, Talat Chaudhri, Brendan Somers, Nia Edwards-Behi a David Lees a oedd wedi mynegi diddordeb cyn y cyfarfod.


Charlie Kingsbury ac Alun Williams fel aelodau ex-officio.


To appoint members to the General Management Committee 2020-21



It was RESOLVED that absent councillors be offered the opportunity to sit on the committee. The following members were noted:



Mark Strong, Lucy Huws, Steve Davies, Mari Turner, Sue Jones-Davies, Claudine Young, Dylan Wilson-Lewis, Talat Chaudhri, Brendan Somers, Nia Edwards-Behi and David Lees who had expressed an interest prior to the meeting.


Charlie Kingsbury and Alun Williams as ex-officio members.


8 Apwyntio aelodau ar y Pwyllgor Cyllid 2020-21


PENDERFYNWYD y dylid cynnig cyfle i gynghorwyr absennol eistedd ar y pwyllgor. Nodwyd yr aelodau canlynol:




Endaf Edwards, Mark Strong, Mari Turner, Dylan Wilson-Lewis, Steve Davies, Talat Chaudhri, Nia Edwards-Behi a David Lees a oedd wedi mynegi diddordeb cyn y cyfarfod.


Charlie Kingsbury ac Alun Williams fel aelodau ex-officio.

To appoint members to the Finance Committee 2020-21


It was RESOLVED that absent councillors be offered the opportunity to sit on the committee. The following members were noted:



Endaf Edwards, Mark Strong, Mari Turner, Dylan Wilson-Lewis, Steve Davies, Talat Chaudhri, Nia Edwards-Behi and David Lees who had expressed an interest prior to the meeting


Charlie Kingsbury and Alun Williams as ex-officio members.


9 Apwyntio aelodau ar y Panel Staffio


PENDERFYNWYD y dylid cynnig cyfle i gynghorwyr absennol eistedd ar y pwyllgor. Nodwyd yr aelodau canlynol:



Sue Jones-Davies, Mari Turner, Talat Chaudhri, Brendan Somers; Steve Davies, Nia Edwards-Behi


Charlie Kingsbury ac Alun Williams fel aelodau ex-officio.

To appoint members to the Staffing Panel


It was RESOLVED that absent councillors be offered the opportunity to sit on the committee. The following members were noted:



Sue Jones-Davies, Mari Turner, Talat Chaudhri, Brendan Somers; Steve Davies, Nia Edwards-Behi


Charlie Kingsbury and Alun Williams as ex-officio members


10 Apwyntio cynrychiolwyr ar gyrff allanol 2018-19


To appoint representatives to outside bodies 2018-19
  PENDERFYNWYD penodi’r canlynol (yn amodol ar gadarnhad gan gynghorwyr absennol)



It was RESOLVED to appoint the following (subject to confirmation by absentee councillors).



10.1 Pwyllgor Cyswllt Rheilffyrdd Amwythig i Aber



Shrewsbury to Aber Rail Liaison Committee



Dylan Wilson-Lewis

Alun Williams CCC

10.2 Cymdeithas Teithwyr Rheilffyrdd Amwythig i Aberystwyth Shrewsbury to Aberystwyth Rail Passengers Association SARPA



Dylan Wilson-Lewis

I’w gadarnhau

To be confirmed:

Mair Benjamin Rhodri Francis


10.3 Traws Link Cymru Traws Link Cymru


Dylan Wilson-Lewis
10.4 Efeillio St Brieuc St Brieg PPA



I’w gadarnhau

To be confirmed


10.5 Efeillio Kronberg Aberystwyth Kronberg  Twinning Charlie Kingsbury

I’w gadarnhau

To be confirmed:

Alex Mangold

Brenda Haines


10.6 Cyfeillio Yosano Yosano Friendship Sue Jones-Davies

Talat Chaudhri


10.7 Efeillio Esquel Esquel Twinning Endaf Edwards

Sue Jones-Davies


10.8 Efeillio Arklow Arklow Twinning Steve Davies

Brendan Somers

Dylan Wilson-Lewis


10.9 Un Llais Cymru One Voice Wales I’w gadarnhau

To be confirmed:

David Lees

Mair Benjamin


Steve Davies (back up)


10.10 Menter Aberystwyth Menter Aberystwyth


Mark Strong

Brendan Somers

Sue Jones-Davies


10.11 Llys Prifysgol Aberystwyth Aberystwyth University Court


Dylan Wilson-Lewis

Charlie Kingsbury


10.12 Bwrdd Prosiect yr Hen Goleg Old College Project Board Mari Turner

Brendan Somers

Talat Chaudhri

(wrth gefn/reserve)


10.13 Aberystwyth ar y Blaen Advancing Aberystwyth ar y Blaen Board Mari Turner


10.14 Canolfan y Celfyddydau Aberystwyth Arts Centre


Sue Jones-Davies

Nia Edwards-Behi


10.15 Band Arian Aberystwyth Aberystwyth Silver Band I’w gadarnhau

To be confirmed

Mair Benjamin

Brenda Haines


10.16 Grŵp Gorchwyl Ffoaduriaid Syria Syrian Refugee Task & Finish Group Alun Williams

Talat Chaudhri (wrth gefn/ reserve)


I’w gadarnhau

To be confirmed:

Alex Mangold


10.17 Bwrdd Ymddiriedolwyr Craig Glais Constitution Hill Board of Trustees Mark Strong

Nia Edwards-Behi


10.18 Pwyllgor Defnyddwyr yr Harbwr Harbour Users Committee


Steve Davies

Brendan Somers


10.19 Grŵp Aberystwyth Gwyrddach Greener Aberystwyth Group Claudine Young

Lucy Huws

Sue Jones-Davies


10.20 Biosffer Dyfi Dyfi Biosphere


Claudine Young

Talat Chaudhri


10.21 Parc Natur Penglais Penglais Nature Park Nia Edwards-Behi

Mark Strong (+CCC)

Alun Williams (+CCC)


10.22 Ymddiriedolaeth Cofeb Rhyfel War Memorial Trust Charlie Kingsbury

Endaf Edwards


10.23 Ymddiriedolaeth Cymynrodd Joseph a Jane Downie Joseph and Jane Downie Bequest Trust Talat Chaudhri

I’w gadarnhau

To be confirmed:

David Lees


10.24 Llywodraethwyr Ysgol Padarn Sant St Padarn’s School Governors Lucy Huws


10.25 Llywodraethwyr Ysgol Llwyn yr Eos Llwyn yr Eos School Governors Steve Davies

Dylan Wilson-Lewis


10.26 Llywodraethwyr Ysgol Plascrug Plascrug School Governors Alex Mangold

Talat Chaudhri


10.27 Llywodraethwyr Ysgol Gymraeg Ysgol Gymraeg School Governors Mari Turner


11 Rheolau sefydlog a Chylch Gorchwyl


PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r Rheolau Sefydlog a’r diwygiadau arfaethedig i Gylch Gorchwyl y Pwyllgor a oedd yn cynnwys rhannu cyfrifoldebau Rheolaeth Gyffredinol a Chyllid yn fwy cyfartal.

Standing Orders and Terms of Reference


It was RESOLVED to approve the Standing Orders and the proposed amendments to the Committee Terms of Reference which involved sharing the responsibilities of General Management and Finance in a more balanced way.




12 Cyllid – ystyried gwariant  


PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r gwariant

Finance – to consider the expenditure


It was RESOLVED to approve the expenditure


13 Cytundeb lladd gwair


Roedd yn amser adolygu contractau cynnal a chadw, a PHENDERFYNWYD fynd allan i dendr am ladd gwair a dyfrio coed ym Mharc North Road, rhandiroedd y Bumed Goedlan a Parc Kronberg. Byddai hyn yn cael ei adolygu’r flwyddyn nesaf.

Grass cutting contract


A review of maintenance contracts was due, and it was RESOLVED to go out to tender for grass cutting and tree watering in North Road Park, Fifth Avenue allotments and Parc Kronberg. This would be reviewed next year.


Paratoi dogfen dendro a rhestr o fusnesau garddio lleol


Prepare tender document and list of local gardening businesses


14 Gorchymyn Gwarchod Mannau Cyhoeddus


PENDERFYNWYD cefnogi parhad y Gorchymyn Amddiffyn gan ei fod yn fodd i’r heddlu ddelio ag ymddygiad gwrthgymdeithasol wedi ei achosi gan alcohol.



Public Space Protection Order


It was RESOLVED to support the continuation of the Protection Order as it provided the police with the means of dealing with anti-social behaviour fuelled by alcohol.


Ymateb i’r Cyngor Sir

Respond to CCC

15 Ariannu Tenovus


PENDERFYNWYD ysgrifennu at Tenovus i gael mwy o wybodaeth am eu gweithgareddau yn ardal Aberystwyth ac i gynnwys meini prawf cyllido brys fel eitem ar yr agenda yn y cyfarfod nesaf


Tenovus funding


It was RESOLVED to write to Tenovus for more information about their activities in the Aberystwyth area and to include emergency funding criteria as an agenda item in the next meeting






Eitem agenda

Agenda item

16 Gohebiaeth Correspondence


16.1 Neuadd y Farchnad: PENDERFYNWYD anfon yr e-bost at Gyngor Ceredigion i’w sylw Market Hall: it was RESOLVED to forward the email to Ceredigion Council for their attention




16.2 Trydariad Kirsty Williams ynghylch cap ar fyfyrwyr o Loegr i fynychu prifysgolion yng Nghymru, yr Alban ac Iwerddon. Cynigiwyd anfon llythyr o gefnogaeth at Kirsty Williams a’i anfon hefyd at Ben Lake, Gweinidog y Prifysgolion a’r Prif Weinidog. PENDERFYNWYD ei gynnwys fel eitem ar yr agenda yn y cyfarfod nesaf. Kirsty Williams tweet regarding cap on English students to attend universities in Wales, Scotland and Ireland. It was proposed to send a letter of support to Kirsty Williams and send it also to Ben Lake, the Minister for Universities and the Prime Minister. It was RESOLVED to include as an agenda item at the next meeting.


Eitem agenda

Agenda item

16.3 NALC: llythyr gwerthfawrogiad o waith cynghorwyr a chlercod yn ystod cyfnod Covid19 NALC: letter of appreciation of the work of councillors and clerks during Covid19


16.4 Portreadau Matthews: llythyr o ddiolch gan y teulu am adfer ac arddangos portreadau’r teulu Matthews’ Portraits: a letter of thanks from the family for the restoration and display of the family portraits


16.5 Prifysgol Aberystwyth: hysbysiad o ddychweliad myfyrwyr ym mis Medi a’r camau sy’n cael eu cymryd i’w diogelu. Mynegwyd pryderon a syniadau adeiladol gan gynghorwyr a chytunwyd i wahodd y Brifysgol i siarad â’r Cyngor. Aberystwyth University: notification of the return of students in September and the steps taken to maintain safety.  Councillors voiced concerns and constructive ideas and it was agreed to invite the University to talk to the Council.





Cyngor Tref   ABERYSTWYTH   Town Council


          11 Stryd y Popty / Baker St


SY23 2BJ


1.      aberystwyth.gov.uk

01970 624761

Maer Aberystwyth Mayor: Y Cyng. / Cllr. Mari Turner





Annwyl Gynghorydd / Dear Councillor


Fe’ch gelwir i fynychu Cyfarfod Blynyddol o’r CYNGOR LLAWN, i’w gynnal yn Siambr y Cyngor, 11 Stryd–y-Popty ar Nos Lun, 1 Mehefin 2020 am 6.30 pm.


You are summoned to attend the Annual Meeting of FULL COUNCIL to be held in the Council Chamber, 11 Baker Street on Monday, 1 June 2020 at 6.30 pm.






234 Presennol


235 Ymddiheuriadau


236 Datgan Diddordeb ar faterion sy’n codi o’r Agenda


Declaration of Interest on Matters arising from the Agenda
237 Cyfeiriadau Personol Personal References
238 Adroddiad y Maer 2019-20


Mayoral Report for 2019-20
239 Ethol y Maer Election of Mayor


1 Ethol y Dirprwy Faer Election of Deputy Mayor


2 Cofnodion o’r Cyngor Llawn a gynhaliwyd nos Lun, 26 Mai 2020 i gadarnhau cywirdeb


Minutes of Full Council held on Monday, 26 May 2020 to confirm accuracy
3 Materion sy’n codi o’r Cofnodion


Matters arising from the minutes
4 Cofnodion o’r Pwyllgor Cynllunio a gynhaliwyd nos Lun, 2 Mawrth 2020


Minutes of the Planning Committee held on Monday, 2 March 2020
5 Ceisiadau Cynllunio


Planning Applications
6 Apwyntio aelodau ar y Pwyllgor Cynllunio 2020-21


To appoint members to the Planning Committee 2020-21


7 Apwyntio aelodau ar y Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol 2020-21


To appoint members to the General Management Committee 2020-21


8 Apwyntio aelodau ar y Pwyllgor Cyllid



To appoint members to the Finance Committee 2020-21


9 Apwyntio aelodau ar y Panel Staffio



To appoint members to the Staffing Panel



10 Apwyntio cynrychiolwyr ar gyrff allanol 2020-21


To appoint representatives to outside bodies 2020-21


11 Rheoliadau Sefydlog a Chylch Gorchwyl Standing Orders and Terms of Reference


12 Cyllid – ystyried gwariant


Finance – to consider expenditure
13 Cytundeb lladd gwair Grass cutting contract


14 Gorchymyn Gwarchod Mannau Cyhoeddus Public Space Protection Order


15 Ariannu Tenovus


Tenovus funding
16 Gohebiaeth







Gweneira Raw-Rees