Full Council

01/09/2020 at 7:00 pm


Cyngor Tref     ABERYSTWYTH   Town Council



Cyngor Arbennig o’r Cyngor Llawn

Extraordinary Meeting of Full Council







75 Yn bresennol:


Cyng. Charlie Kingsbury (Cadeirydd)

Cyng. Talat Chaudhri

Cyng. Alun Williams

Cyng. Mark Strong

Cyng. Lucy Huws

Cyng. Endaf Edwards

Cyng. Dylan Wilson-Lewis

Cyng. Nia Edwards-Behi

Cyng Mari Turner

Cyng Alex Mangold


Yn mynychu:

Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerc)

Meinir Jenkins (Dirprwy Glerc)




Cllr. Charlie Kingsbury (Chair)

Cllr. Talat Chaudhri

Cllr. Alun Williams

Cllr. Mark Strong

Cllr. Lucy Huws

Cllr. Endaf Edwards

Cllr. Dylan Wilson-Lewis

Cllr. Nia Edwards-Behi

Cllr. Mari Turner

Cllr. Alex Mangold


In attendance:

Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerk)

Meinir Jenkins (Deputy Clerk)






Cyng. Rhodri Francis

Cyng. Brenda Haines

Cyng. Brendan Somers

Cyng. Steve Davies

Cyng. Sue Jones-Davies




Cllr Rhodri Francis

Cllr. Brenda Haines

Cllr. Brendan Somers

Cllr. Steve Davies

Cllr. Sue Jones-Davies




77 Datgan Diddordeb:  Dim


Declaration of interest:  None  


78 Meysydd Chwarae


Roedd y drafodaeth ar ailagor y meysydd chwarae yn cynnwys yr ystyriaethau a ganlyn:


  1. Roedd arolygiadau ROSPA yn cael eu cynnal ar 2.9.2020 a byddai peth oedi cyn derbyn yr adroddiadau
  2. Nid oedd Cyngor Sir Ceredigion bellach yn darparu gwasanaeth archwilio ac atgyweirio mewn meysydd chwarae felly byddai angen dod o hyd i gontractwr arall i wneud atgyweiriadau a chynnal a chadw o ddydd i ddydd.
  3. Ni fyddai’r contractwr yn dechrau gweithio ym Mhenparcau tan fis Hydref gan fod Cyngor Sir Ceredigion wedi gwrthod mynediad i wneud gwaith ar y safle nôl ym mis Mai.
  4. Byddai gofynion LlC ar gyfer ailagor meysydd chwarae yn cynnwys arwyddion, glanweithdra a monitro.
  5. Roedd ysgolion yn gweithredu pellter cymdeithasol llym felly dylid ymgynghori â hwy ynghylch goblygiadau ailagor y meysydd chwarae o ran trosglwyddo afiechydon. Nodwyd pryderon fferyllydd microbaidd o’r Brifysgol.
  6. Roedd atyniadau eraill mewn mannau eraill yn dal ar gau
  7. Atebolrwydd y Cyngor Tref mewn sefyllfa lle’r oedd y gyfradd ‘r’ yn codi
  8. Gallu’r Cyngor Tref i gyflawni’r mesurau diogelwch sydd eu hangen
  9. Nifer yr ymwelwyr o gwmpas yn ystod gwyliau hanner tymor – a fyddai angen i’r meysydd chwarae gau eto?
  10. Gallai menig, masgiau a cadachau a daflwyd fod yn risg ddifrifol
  11. Pobl ifanc yn eu harddegau yn defnyddio’r meysydd chwarae gyda’r nos.


PENDERFYNWYD ymrwymo i ailagor y meysydd chwarae o ganol mis Medi os yn bosibl. Byddai’r ailagor yn ddibynnol ar yr holl waith diogelwch angenrheidiol yn cael ei wneud (fel y nodwyd yn adroddiadau ROSPA) ac adborth gan y pedair ysgol gynradd leol. Byddai dull graddol yn cael ei fabwysiadu i ailagor gan ddechrau gyda’r parc a oedd â’r risg leiaf.





  • Ysgrifennu datganiad i’r wasg yn hysbysu’r cyhoedd o’r uchod.
  • Comisiynu arwyddion diogelwch priodol (yn seiliedig ar ganllawiau LlC) ar unwaith, o leiaf A1 o ran maint, i gynnwys rhybudd os bydd taflu masgiau ac ati yn digwydd, bydd y parciau yn cael eu cau ar unwaith. Hefyd dod o hyd i arwyddion sy’n briodol i blant ifanc.
  • Ymchwilio a phrynu’r glanweithwyr dwylo mwyaf addas.
  • Dechrau’r broses dendro i ddod o hyd i gontractwr i gynnal archwiliadau ac atgyweiriadau.
  • Galw cyfarfod o’r Cyngor Llawn i drafod meysydd chwarae cyn gynted ag y byddai’r wybodaeth angenrheidiol ac ati wedi’u casglu.

The discussion on reopening the playgrounds included the following considerations:

  1. The ROSPA inspections were taking place on 2.9.2020 and there would be some delay before the reports were received
  2. Ceredigion County Council were no longer providing an inspection and repair service within playgrounds so another contractor would need to be found to carry out day to day repairs and maintenance.
  3. The contractor would not be starting work at Penparcau until October as access to carry out works on the site back in May had been denied by Ceredigion County Council.
  4. WG requirements for reopening playgrounds would involve signage, sanitisation and monitoring.
  5. Schools were implementing strict social distancing so they should be consulted regarding the implications of the reopening of the playgrounds in terms of disease transfer. The concerns of a microbial chemist from the University were noted.
  6. Other attractions elsewhere were still closed
  7. The Town Council’s liability in a situation where the ‘r’ rate was going up
  8. The Town Council’s capacity to deliver on the safety measures needed
  9. Visitor numbers around the half-term holiday – would the playgrounds need to close again?
  10. Discarded gloves, masks and wipes could be a serious risk
  11. Use of playgrounds by older teenagers in the evening


Councillors RESOLVED to commit to reopening the playgrounds from mid September if at all possible. The reopening would be subject to all the necessary safety works being carried out (as identified in the ROSPA reports) and feedback from the four local primary schools. A phased approach would be adopted to reopening beginning with the park that presented the least risk.

It was also RESOLVED to:

  • write a press release informing the public of the above.
  • Commission appropriate safety signage (based on WG guidelines) immediately, at least A1 in size, to include a warning that if littering of masks etc occurs the parks will be closed immediately. Also find signage appropriate for young children.
  • Investigate and purchase the most suitable hand sanitisers.
  • Start the tendering process to find a contractor to carry out inspections and repairs.
  • Convene a meeting of Full Council to discuss playgrounds as soon as the necessary information etc had been gathered.