Full Council

25/10/2021 at 6:30 pm


Cyngor Tref     ABERYSTWYTH   Town Council



Cofnodion DRAFFT Cyfarfod o’r Cyngor Llawn (o bell)

DRAFT Minutes of the Meeting of Full Council (remote)







105 Yn bresennol:


Cyng. Alun Williams (Cadeirydd)

Cyng. Talat Chaudhri

Cyng. Jeff Smith

Cyng. Dylan Wilson-Lewis

Cyng. Endaf Edwards

Cyng. Lucy Huws

Cyng. Mair Benjamin

Cyng. Charlie Kingsbury

Cyng. Mari Turner

Cyng. Danny Ardeshir

Cyng. Mark Strong

Cyng. Sue Jones-Davies

Yn mynychu:


Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerc)

Alex Banfi (Cambrian News)

Will Davies (Profiad gwaith)




Cllr. Alun Williams (Chair)

Cllr. Talat Chaudhri

Cllr. Jeff Smith

Cllr. Dylan Wilson-Lewis

Cllr. Endaf Edwards

Cllr. Lucy Huws

Cllr. Mair Benjamin

Cllr. Charlie Kingsbury

Cllr. Mari Turner

Cllr. Danny Ardeshir

Cllr. Mark Strong

Cllr. Sue Jones-Davies

In attendance:


Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerk)

Alex Banfi (Cambrian News)

Will Davies (work experience)


106 Ymddiheuriadau:


Cyng. Nia Edwards-Behi

Cyng. Kerry Ferguson

Cyng. Alex Mangold

Cyng. Steve Davies

Cyng. Claudine Young




Cllr. Nia Edwards-Behi

Cllr. Kerry Ferguson

Cllr. Alex Mangold

Cllr. Steve Davies

Cllr. Claudine Young




107 Datgan diddordeb:




Declaration of interest:





108 Cyfeiriadau personol:



Personal references




109 Adroddiad ar Weithgareddau’r Maer


Darparodd y Maer adroddiad llafar ar ei bresenoldeb yn:


  • Seremoni Aber Firsts
  • Cyfarfodydd Dinas Llenyddiaeth Aberystwyth
  • Cinio fflatiau Rheidol
  • Diwrnod Sefydlwyr y Brifysgol – seremoni cicio’r bar
Mayoral Activity Report


The Mayor provided a verbal report on his attendance at:


  • Aber Firsts ceremony
  • Aberystwyth City of Literature meetings
  • Rheidol flats lunch
  • University Founders Day – kicking the bar ceremony


110 Cofnodion o Gyfarfod y Cyngor Llawn a gynhaliwyd nos Lun, 27 Medi 2021 i gadarnhau cywirdeb

PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r cofnodion


Minutes of the Meeting of Full Council held on Monday, 27 September 2021 to confirm accuracy


It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes


111 Materion yn codi o’r cofnodion

  • 95: Swyddfa heddlu Penparcau. Cafwyd ymateb gan Neuadd Goffa yn diolch i’r Cyngor Tref am ei gefnogaeth hael dros nifer o flynyddoedd.
  • 101: Gwasanaethau trên Cambrian. Derbyniwyd ymateb gan Drafnidiaeth i Gymru a byddai’n cael ei drafod ymhellach yn agenda nesaf y Pwyllgor Rheoli Cyffredinol
  • 4: pelydr laser y Pier. Dros dro ydoedd ar gyfer Wythnos y Glas ac nid oedd yn mynd yn groes i unrhyw ddeddfau cyfredol ond roedd y gyfraith yn cael ei hadolygu.
Matters arising from the minutes

  • 95: Penparcau police office. A response had been received from Neuadd Goffa thanking the Town Council for its generous support over many years.
  • 101: Cambrian train services. A response had been received from Transport for Wales and it would be discussed further in the next General Management Committee agenda
  • 4: the Pier laser beam was temporary for Fresher’s Week and was not contravening any current laws but the law was being reviewed.
Agenda RhC

GM agenda

112 Cofnodion o’r Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol a gynhaliwyd ar nos Lun 11 Hydref 2021

PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r cofnodion a’r  argymhellion.

Minutes of the General Management Committee held on Monday 11 October 2021

It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes and the recommendations.


113 Materion sy’n codi o’r cofnodion

  • 5: Neuadd Gwenfrewi. Rhoddodd y Cynghorydd Lucy Huws y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am ymweliadau penseiri. Roedd un pensaer wedi cynnig sôn am y prosiect i’r Pwyllgor Treftadaeth Bensaernïol a chytunwyd y byddai hwn yn gam cadarnhaol o ran nodi cyllid. Roedd cyfarfod i gael ei gynnull i edrych ar ddatblygu cynllun busnes a byddai dyddiad yn cael ei gylchredeg. Byddai angen comisiynu arolwg strwythurol hefyd.
  • 2: Goleuadau Nadolig. Ychwanegir at yr agenda Rheolaeth Gyffredinol nesaf
Matters arising from the minutes

  • 5: Neuadd Gwenfrewi. Cllr Lucy Huws provided an update on architect visits. One architect had offered to mention the project to the Architectural Heritage Committee and it was agreed that this would be a positive step in identifying funding. A meeting was to be convened to look at developing a business plan and a date would be circulated. A structural survey would also need to be commissioned.
  • 2Christmas lights to be added to the next General Management agenda
Agenda RhC

GM agenda

114 Cofnodion o Gyfarfod  y Pwyllgor Cyllid a Sefydliadau a gynhaliwyd nos Lun 18 Hydref 2021 i gadarnhau cywirdeb

PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r cofnodion a’r argymhellion.

Minutes of the Finance and Establishments Committee meeting held Monday 18 October 2021 to confirm accuracy

It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes and the recommendations.


115 Materion yn codi o’r cofnodion:


  • 6: Marchnad y Ffermwyr. Ardal cwrt yr Hen Ysgol i gael ei hychwanegu at y dewis o leoliadau posib.
  • 9: Medal Ddinesig. Manylion i’w trafod gan y Pwyllgor Rheoli Cyffredinol.
Matters arising from the minutes:


  • 6: Farmer’s Market. The Yr Hen Ysgol courtyard to be added to the selection of possible locations.
  • 9: Civic Medal. Details to be discussed by the General Management Committee.


Agenda RhC

GM agenda

116 Ystyried cyfrifon Mis Medi


PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r cyfrifon.


Consider September accounts


It was RESOLVED to approve the accounts.




117 Ystyried gwariant Mis Hydref


PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r gwariant.


Darpariaeth dŵr swyddfa i’w adolygu.

Consider October expenditure


It was RESOLVED to approve the expenditure.


Office water provision to be reviewed.




118 Cwestiynau sy’n ymwneud â materion tu fewn cylch gorchwyl y Cyngor hwn YN UNIG



Questions relating ONLY to matters in this Council’s remit






119 Cynnig: Gwella bioamrywiaeth mynwent Cefnllan (Cyng. Lucy Huws)

PENDERFYNWYD pasio’r cynnig a ganlyn: gofyn i Gyngor Ceredigion ganiatáu plannu yn adran Aberystwyth o fynwent Cefn Llan er mwyn annog bioamrywiaeth i gynnal bywyd gwyllt ac i ddarparu cysur i’r rhai mewn profedigaeth.



Motion: Improving the biodiversity of the Aberystwyth section of Cefnllan cemetery (Cllr Lucy Huws)

It was RESOLVED to approve the motion asking Ceredigion Council to allow planting in the Aberystwyth section of Cefn Llan cemetery in order to encourage biodiversity to support wildlife and to provide comfort for the bereaved.


Cysylltu gyda Chyngor Ceredigion

Contact Ceredigion Council

120 Adroddiadau AR LAFAR gan Gynghorwyr Cyngor Sir Ceredigion ar faterion sydd yn ymwneud â’r cyngor hwn YN UNIG

  • Adroddodd y Cynghorydd Alun Williams fod Cronfa Bensiwn Dyfed yn lleihau buddsoddiad mewn tanwydd ffosil.
VERBAL reports from Ceredigion County Councillors on matters ONLY pertaining to this Council


  • Cllr Alun Williams reported that the Dyfed Pension Fund was reducing investment in fossil fuels.


121 Adroddiadau YSGRIFENEDIG gan gynrychiolwyr ar gyrff allanol


WRITTEN Reports from representatives on outside bodies




122 Gohebiaeth Correspondence


122.1 Parêd Gŵyl Dewi: i’w gynnal ddydd Sadwrn 5 Mawrth. Roedd cystadleuaeth ffenestr siop orau a’r wisg orau hefyd yn rhan o’r trefniadau. Parêd Gŵyl Dewi: was to be held on Saturday 5 March. A best dressed shop window and best outfit competition were also planned.


122.2 Cynlluniau Teithio Gweithredol yr Awdurdod Lleol: nodyn atgoffa gan Un Llais Cymru i ymateb i’r ymgynghoriadau sy’n cael eu cynnal ledled Cymru. Byddai’r Cynghorydd Alun Williams yn anfon y dogfennau ymgynghori i’r Clerc eu cylchredeg Local Authority Active Travel Plans: a reminder from One Voice Wales to respond to the consultations taking place across Wales. Cllr Alun Williams would send the consultation documents for the Clerk to circulate


Agenda RhC

GM Agenda

122.3 Cynllunio Strategol Cymraeg mewn Addysg

Dosbarthwyd y ddolen i’r holl gynghorwyr a byddai’n cael ei drafod yn y cyfarfod Rheolaeth Cyffredinol nesaf


Welsh in Education Strategic Planning

The link had been circulated to all councillors and would be discussed at the next General Management meeting

Agenda RhC

GM Agenda



              Cyngor Tref   ABERYSTWYTH   Town Council


11 Stryd y Popty / Baker Street


SY23 2BJ


1.      aberystwyth.gov.uk

01970 624761

                                       Maer Aberystwyth Mayor: Y Cyng. / Cllr. Alun Williams




Annwyl Gynghorydd / Dear Councillor


Fe’ch gelwir i fynychu Cyfarfod o’r CYNGOR LLAWN, i’w gynnal o bell ar Nos Lun, 25 Hydref 2021 am 6.30pm


You are summoned to attend a Meeting of FULL COUNCIL to be held remotely on Monday 25 October 2021 at 6.30pm






104 Presennol


105 Ymddiheuriadau


106 Datgan Diddordeb ar faterion sy’n codi o’r Agenda


Declaration of Interest on Matters arising from the Agenda
107 Cyfeiriadau Personol Personal References
108 Adroddiad ar Weithgareddau’r Maer


Mayoral Activity Report
109 Cofnodion o Gyfarfod y Cyngor Llawn a gynhaliwyd nos Lun, 27 Medi 2021 i gadarnhau cywirdeb


Minutes of the Meeting of Full Council held on Monday, 27 September 2021 to confirm accuracy
110 Materion sy’n codi o’r cofnodion


Matters arising from the minutes
111 Cofnodion o’r Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol a gynhaliwyd ar nos Lun 11 Hydref 2021


Minutes of the General Management Committee held on Monday 11 October 2021


112 Materion sy’n codi o’r cofnodion


Matters arising from the minutes
113 Cofnodion o’r Pwyllgor Cyllid a Sefydliadau a gynhaliwyd ar nos Lun, 18 Hydref 2021


Minutes of the Finance & Establishments Committee held on Monday, 18 October 2021
114 Materion sy’n codi o’r cofnodion


Matters arising from the minutes
115 Ystyried cyfrifon Mis Medi To consider September accounts


116 Ystyried gwariant Mis Hydref


To consider October expenditure
117 Cwestiynau sy’n ymwneud â materion tu fewn cylch gorchwyl y Cyngor hwn YN UNIG


Questions relating ONLY to matters in this Council’s remit
118 Cynnig: Gwella bioamrywiaeth mynwent Cefnllan (Cyng. Lucy Huws)


Motion: Improving the biodiversity of Cefnllan cemetery (Cllr Lucy Huws)


119 Adroddiadau AR LAFAR gan Gynghorwyr Cyngor Sir Ceredigion ar faterion sydd yn ymwneud â’r cyngor hwn YN UNIG


VERBAL reports from Ceredigion County Councillors on matters ONLY pertaining to this Council
120 Adroddiadau YSGRIFENEDIG gan gynrychiolwyr ar gyrff allanol


WRITTEN Reports from representatives on outside bodies
121 Gohebiaeth






Gweneira Raw-Rees

Clerc Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth / Aberystwyth Town Council Clerk