General Management
11/03/2013 at 6:30 pm
Councillor Ceredig Wyn Davies
Councillor Dylan Lewis
Councillor Wendy Morris-Twiddy
Councillor J Aled Davies
Councillor Kevin Price
Councillor Sue Jones-Davies
Councillor Steve Davies
Councillor Endaf Edwards
Councillor Mererid Jones
Councillor Alun Williams
Councillor Mair Benjamin
Councillor Mark Strong
Councillor Jeff Smith
Councillor Martin Shewring
- Declarations of Interest
There were none recorded.
It was noted that Councillor M Strong had been granted a dispensation to speak only in planning applications pertaining to Tai Ceredigion.
- Correspondence
- Bus Shelter- Minyddol.
Confirmation was received from Ceredigion County Council that Aberystwyth Town Council no longer had an interest in taking over the bus shelter.
- Recycling
LAS (Lampeter) responded to a recent enquiry stating that they could not collect waste glass daily in Aberystwyth.
- Bus shelter cleaning
An e mail from a company was received with quotes for shelter cleaning. It was decided to investigate further as well as proceeding with talks with other interested parties.
It was further agreed to place this matter on the next meeting agenda for discussion.
- Report on new council accommodation
The Town Clerk gave a brief update on the accommodation situation and reported that he as instructed had asked for a copy of the draft lease for legal opinion before calling a meeting of the full council for consideration. He intended to ask for legal presence at that meeting to allow members to ask any questions they had regarding the legalities of the situation.
It was noted that there was not a definite date that the Town Council had to vacate the premises if it was not going to occupy, but it would be prudent to expedite the matter in order to alleviate stress and other complications.
- Updates on Resolutions
The list of resolutions had been distributed to all members.
It was generally agreed that the presentation could be more informative and “User Friendly”.
Following discussion it was agreed that Councillor s Mark Strong and Kevin Price would assist the Town Clerk with the construction of a new presentation database to incorporate the design changes as discussed. These would include a brief narrative as to the disposition of the motion and who had instigated the matter. This would be reported on at the next meeting.
The list was progressed through and some were deleted as completed and others were amalgamated into one motion.
It was agreed to write to the Students union to congratulate officers on their recent election and to reinvigorate the town and gown initiative and to see what council and union could do in cooperation.
It was decided to read the de trunking issue to the list despite there being no progress from any party on this issue in recent years.
The meeting ended at 19:25.
Minute 200
Minutes of a Finance Committee meeting held on 18th March 2013.
To add Councillor Carys Morgan’s apologies
2(a)- DELETE- “…..that they re-join but to check what the contact protocols were” and replace with- “Check whether membership was open to all”.
6- Add before last line- of insurance documents would be carried out to clarify if employment dispute insurance was in place.
It was RESOLVED to accept and adopt the minutes as a true record subject to the following amendments:
Councillor Aled Davies asked for standing orders to be suspended to discuss a non agenda’d item at the end of the meeting pertaining to an e mail sent by the Town Clerk to One Voice Wales..