General Management
14/01/2013 at 6:30 pm
Councillor Dylan Lewis
Councillor Wendy Morris-Twiddy
Councillor Brian Davies
Councillor J Aled Davies
Councillor Steve Davies
Councillor Kevin Price
Councillor Mair Benjamin
Councillor Mark Strong
Councillor Jeff Smith
Councillor Mererid Jones
Councillor Martin Shewring
Councillor Chris Griffiths
Councillor Sue Jones-Davies
Councillor Endaf Edwards
Councillor Ceredig Wyn Davies
- Declarations of Interest
There were none recorded.
- Correspondence
a)- CCTV in Aberystwyth
An e mail from Mr Keith Morgan HPW was noted. It referred to a forthcoming meeting of the CCTV forum and was in reply to questions relating to CCTV costs to Aberystwyth Town Council. A copy to be sent to the rep, Councillor M Shewring.
- Report on Christmas Activities arranged by Aberystwyth Town Council
It was reported that the Carol and lights event and he senior citizens luncheon had gone well and financial reports would be forthcoming.
- Report on Recycling Bins in Aberystwyth
The Town Clerk was still awaiting contacts from alternative recycling firms in the locality.
- Report on Senior Citizen Christmas Dinners.
Those who attended said that the event was the best yet and that Lunchtime seemed to be the better option for all concerned.
The singing group Scarmes had been a huge success and much appreciated.
- Report on new council accommodation
The Town Clerk reported that he had sent in a bid to the new property manager based in Derby and to date had not had any response. The bid was based on the costing exercise recently carried out.
- Forthcoming Welsh Guards Parade
The Town Clerk reported that there had been very little information forthcoming from the Welsh Guards themselves and all he knew was that the parade would march behind the regimental band through Aberystwyth on Wednesday 30th January from the TA centre and halt in North Parade at 12 noon to be addressed by the Mayor before marching off again. A meeting with traffic officers from Ceredigion County Council HPW department, Trunk roads officer and the police was organised and that it was a shame that all this had been arranged at the last minute by the Welsh Guards.
It was likely that there would be a small cost implication which at this time was unknown for the town due to road closure notices and the like. It was resolved to pay these costs.
- CCTV in Aberystwyth- Aberystwyth Town Council role.
It was reported that there was to be a meeting soon of the CCTV forum and that Councillor Shewring who was the rep was to ascertain the method of costing transmission costs as it was suggested that these would be much less for Aberystwyth compared to other towns further away and he was to report back to council on how these costs were worked out before consideration of any payments were made.
- Christmas Lights 2013
All lights had been removed and the faulty lights had been labelled. Following discussion it was RESOLVED not to have them repaired. The tree was to removed shortly and planked and the intention was for the planks to be used to construct a crib for public display during future Christmas events.
- Nightime Economy funding / Ceredigion County Council partnership
Councillor J A Davies suggested that funding this item should be cut now that the award had been realised and it was suggested that partnership funding should be considered on a needs basis as and when requested. It was noted that the annual funding of £14,000 was not budgeted for in the draft budget.
- Consideration of items for forthcoming estimates for 2013
It was reported that the final draft of the next budget would be presented to the next Finance committee. There were no additions to the draft suggested.
- Membership of the Cynghrair Cymunedau Cymraeg at the request of Councillor Jeff Smith- No information supplied.
Councillor Jeff Smith made a short presentation on this group and circulated a paper. Following a discussion it was RESOLVED to join the group at no cost to Aberystwyth Town Council and Councillor Jeff Smith was to be the council’s representative.
- Updates on Resolutions
The Chairman was on holiday and this had not been completed.
Minute 153
Minutes of a Finance Committee meeting held on 21st January 2013
It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes as a true record of the meeting held on the 21st January 2013 with the exception of minute 8 (Budget)