General Management
10/10/2022 at 7:00 pm
Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth Town Council
Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol (hybrid)
General Management Committee (hybrid)
1 | Presennol
Cyng. Kerry Ferguson (Cadeirydd)
Cyng. Emlyn Jones Cyng. Maldwyn Pryse Cyng. Lucy Huws Cyng. Mathew Norman Cyng. Brian Davies Cyng. Owain Hughes
Yn mynychu:
Cyng. Alun Williams Cyng. Dylan Lewis-Rowlands Cyng. Carl Worrall Cyng. Connor Edwards
Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerc) Steve Williams (Rheolwr Cyfleusterau ac Asedau) |
Cllr. Kerry Ferguson (Chair) Cllr. Talat Chaudhri
Cllr. Emlyn Jones Cllr. Maldwyn Pryse Cllr. Lucy Huws Cllr. Mathew Norman Cllr. Brian Davies Cllr. Owain Hughes
In attendance:
Cllr. Alun Williams Cllr. Dylan Lewis-Rowlands Cllr. Carl Worrall Cllr. Connor Edwards
Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerk) Steve Williams (Facilities and Assets Manager)
2 | Ymddiheuriadau
Cyng. Sienna Lewis Cyng. Mair Benjamin
Cllr. Sienna Lewis Cllr. Mair Benjamin
3 | Datgan Diddordeb:
Declaration of Interest:
None |
4 | Cyfeiriadau personol:
Dim |
Personal references:
5 | Man pwrpasol i gŵn
Pwyllgor Cyllid i edrych ar gostau darparu rhediad yn Fifth Avenue.
Cysylltu eto gyda’r Adran Ystadau ynglyn â’r tir yn y Castell.
Dog run
Finance Committee to look at the costs of providing a run in Fifth Avenue.
The Estates department to be contacted again regarding the land at the Castle.
Agenda Cyllid
Finance agenda |
6 | Blodau, pamau a mannau gwyrdd y dref – diweddariad
Roedd bylbiau cennin pedr a ffwrwm wedi’u plannu yng ngwelyau’r promenâd gyda gwelyau’r dref i ddilyn. Roedd dwy ar bymtheg o goed yn cynnwys celyn, ynn mynydd a draenen goch wedi’u prynu ar gyfer gwelyau canol y dref
Town Flowers, green spaces and borders – update:
Daffodil and crocus bulbs had been planted in the promenade beds with the town beds to follow.
Seventeen trees consisting of holly, mountain ash and hawthorn had been purchased for the town centre beds
7 | Materion ac atebion ynghylch sbwriel a glanhau trefi
Parhad o wasanaethau’r Cynorthwy-ydd Amgylcheddol y tu hwnt i fis Hydref i’w ystyried gan y Pwyllgor Cyllid.
Roedd y Cyng Maldwyn Pryse wedi cynhyrchu cynllun gweithredu drafft i’w drafod yn y Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol nesaf. Y papur i’w ddosbarthu i gynghorwyr.
Refuse and town cleaning issues and solutions
Continuation of the Environmental Assistant’s services beyond October to be considered by the Finance Committee.
Cllr Maldwyn Pryse had produced a draft action plan to be discussed at the next General Management Committee. The paper to be circulated to councillors.
Agenda Cyllid Finance agenda
Agenda RhC GM agenda
7.1 | Peiriant brwsio a golchi
Pryniant peiriant ail law i’w ystyried gan y Pwyllgor Cyllid. |
Sweeper washer
The purchase of a second hand machine to be considered by the Finance Committee.
Agenda Cyllid
Finance agenda
7.2 | Bagiau atal gwylanod
Roedd y bagiau ar werth am £4 yr un i dalu costau. Cynghorwyr i ddosbarthu taflenni o fewn eu wardiau. |
Gull proof bags
The bags were available for sale at £4 each to cover costs. Councillors to distribute leaflets within their wards.
8 | Meysydd chwarae (diweddariad)
Roedd uned plant bach Penparcau wedi’i osod a’r gwaith sylfaen wedi’i gwblhau.
Byddai cylchfan Plascrug yn cael ei osod yn yr wythnosau nesaf. |
Playgrounds (update)
The toddler unit for Penparcau had been installed and the groundworks completed.
The Plascrug roundabout would be installed in the next few weeks. |
9 | Darpariaeth chwarae meddal
Nid oedd meysydd chwarae’r Cyngor yn darparu ar gyfer y plantos ieuengaf a dyna pam y cyflwynwyd y syniad o ddarpariaeth chwarae meddal am ddim yn y Bandstand i’r Pwyllgor.
Tybiwyd ei fod yn syniad da a’r Pwyllgor Cyllid i edrych ar gostau.
Soft play provision
The Council’s playgrounds did not cater for the youngest toddlers which is why the idea of free soft play provision in the Bandstand was presented to the Committee.
It was thought to be a good idea and the Finance Committee to look at costs.
Agenda Cyllid
Finance agenda
10 | Dathlu Esquel trwy enwi rhan o’r dref
Gan fod gan Kronberg a St Brieuc barc a ffordd wedi’u henwi er anrhydedd iddynt, roedd Partneriaeth Esquel yn awyddus i weld datblygiad tebyg i Esquel. Cyflwynwyd syniadau amrywiol:
Cynghorwyr i feddwl am syniadau erbyn y Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol nesaf |
Celebrate Esquel by naming part of the town
As both Kronberg and St Brieuc had a park and road named in their honour the Esquel Partnership was keen to see a similar development for Esquel. Various ideas were presented:
Councillors to come up with ideas by the next General Management Committee
Agenda RhC
GM agenda
11 | Landlordiaid problemus
Soniodd y Cynghorwyr am arferion gwael honedig gan rai landlordiaid ac ARGYMHELLWYD gwahodd y Cynghorydd Matthew Vaux, yr Aelod Cabinet â chyfrifoldeb dros Dai yng Nghyngor Ceredigion i fynychu cyfarfod o’r Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Gyffredinol.
Byddai’r Cyng Lucy Huws yn drafftio’r llythyr i’r Cyng Alun Williams ei gyflwyno i’r Cyng Vaux. |
Problem landlords
Councillors reported alleged poor practice by some landlords and it was RECOMMENDED that Cllr Matthew Vaux, the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Housing at Ceredigion Council be invited to attend a General Management Committee meeting.
Cllr Lucy Huws would draft the letter for Cllr Alun Williams to present to Cllr Vaux.
Invite |
12 | Jasper House
Gohiriwyd y drafodaeth |
Jasper House
Discussion was postponed
13 | Gohebiaeth
Correspondence | |
13.1 | Prosiect Priffyrdd Draenogod: nodwyd y cynnwys ond roedd galluogi symudiad draenogod eisoes wedi’i ymgorffori ym mannau awyr agored y Cyngor lle bo’n berthnasol.
Hedgehog Highway project: the content was noted but enabling hedgehog movement was already incorporated into the Council’s outdoor spaces where applicable
13.2 | Cyfarfod Bwrdd Atebolrwydd Plismona: 10am 14 Hydref. Cynghorwyr i fynychu os yn bosibl | Policing Accountability Board Meeting: 10am 14 October. Councillors to attend if possible
13.3 | Cyswllt Puducherry: teimlai cynghorwyr y dylid cefnogi cysylltiad rhwng y trefi a’u Prifysgolion priodol. | Puducherry link: councillors felt that a link between the towns and their respective Universities should be supported.
13.4 | Bysgio swnllyd: gofyn am eglurhad ond ystyriwyd ei fod yn fater i’r heddlu. | Loud Busking: clarification to be sought but it was thought to be a police matter.
13.5 | Bwyd Dros Ben Aber: cais am wybodaeth am eiddo mwy o faint | Aber Food Surplus: a request for information on bigger premises
13.6 | Gwrthryfel Difodiant: cais i gysylltu â LlC ynglŷn â Banc Cambria. | Extinction Rebellion: a request to contact WG regarding Banc Cambria.
13.7 | Ben Lake AS: llythyr yn rhoi gwybodaeth am y cymorth ariannol sydd ar gael i drigolion ynghylch biliau tanwydd. I’w ddosbarthu trwy gyfryngau cymdeithasol. | Ben Lake MP: a letter providing information on available funding support for residents regarding fuel bills. To be circulated via social media.
13.8 | Llwybrau Beicio’r Dref: cais am lôn feicio ar Allt Penglais. I’w anfon ymlaen at Swyddog Teithio Llesol Cyngor Ceredigion. | Town Cycle routes: a request for a cycle lane on Penglais Hill. To be forwarded to Ceredigion Council Active Travel Officer.
13.9 | Hen gerdyn post Aberystwyth: dyddiedig 1909, roedd wedi’i roi yn anrheg i’r Cyngor Tref gan ŵr bonheddig o’r Iseldiroedd. | Old Aberystwyth postcard: dated 1909, it had been gifted to the Town Council by a gentleman from the Netherlands.